达特河 Funyak 皮划艇和喷气快艇观光游(皇后镇出发)
达特河 Funyak 皮划艇和喷气快艇观光游(皇后镇出发)
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在阿斯帕林山国家公园内,搭乘 funyak (充气式划艇)和喷气快艇体验一整天的达特河之旅。 行程开始时,乘坐喷气快艇在达特河快速航行,接着换乘易于操作的划艇,继续在暗流、石滩和峡谷间漂流探险。 相对于仅乘坐喷气快艇的行程,您将有更多时间体验达特河的自然美景和野生动物,其中还包括在阿斯帕林山国家公园内的自助午餐。
年龄限制:5-99,每个团体最多 16 人
用时: 8 小时 15 分
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 乘坐令人兴奋的高速喷射船前往达特河(Dart River)
- 在funyak探索河流中经常被忽视的角落和缝隙
- 在阿斯帕林山国家公园的壮丽环境中享用野餐午餐
- 皇后镇精选酒店提供便利的接送服务
- 皇后镇往返交通(从皇后镇选项中选择)
- 喷射快艇
- 独木舟之旅
- 使用设备:救生衣,潜水衣和短靴,摇粒绒,干燥袋
- 野餐午餐
- 软饮料,茶和咖啡
- 专业指导
未包含内容- 小费
- 司机将游客从昆斯敦酒店送至格伦诺基镇,然后准备好救生衣,带有短靴的雨衣,抓绒衣和防水袋,即可开始达特河喷气快艇之旅。 在达特河弯曲的河面上航行时,请抓紧坐稳,同时在导游的讲解下观赏阿斯帕林山国家公园的标志性景观。 抵达公园野外的更深处之后,喷气快艇换为充气式划艇,最多可乘 2 或 3 人。 在喷气快艇无法通行处,换乘划艇可进入狭窄的潜水河道,继续在隐蔽河面和细流中探索达特河的独特美景。 停靠河边,在空旷草地上品尝美味的自助午餐,然后继续在风景如画的山流中划行,观赏水岸两边的鸟类和动物。 达特河行程包含返回初始出发点的接送服务。
- 出发地点:提供旅行者接送服务。
- Dart River Adventures, 45 Mull Street, Glenorchy 9372, New Zealand如果您自行前往格伦诺基的达特河基地,请在出发时间前 15 分钟(上午 9.15 点)向我们的团队办理报到
接送服务详情- 包括回程交通:请在预订时间(上午 8.15 点)前 1 小时 15 分钟在皇后镇车站大楼内办理登机手续
其他接送选项结账时,您可以从包含的接送点列表中进行选择。- The Station Building Duke Street, Queenstown 9300, New Zealand
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:5627FUNYAK- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 最小高度为3.3英尺(1米)
- 最低年龄为5岁
- 请穿着合适:带泳装,毛巾和保暖衣服
- 请携带防晒霜和驱蚊剂
- 不推荐背部不适的旅行者参加
- 不建议孕妇参加
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 16 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:5627FUNYAK
- 958jinc0 条分享千万不要报中文团!报了中文团,在出发时候才告知因为今天水位上涨所以森林徒步取消,但延长喷射快艇时间,说这样更好玩,还催促出发,不然取消退钱。也没有给考虑时间,我也来不及再订别的活动,就想着只是少了森林徒步而已。可其实却是只坐了快一小时快艇,根本没有了四驱巴士去天堂镇指环王电影取景地的项目和森林徒步,然后就只有一个牧场喂几匹马而已,也根本不需要啥中文讲解。实在是觉得被骗了,跟宣传的完全不一样。应该直接取消行程,不应该只是延长快艇时间,无法代替取消的活动,而且价钱还是269纽币没有因此有任何补偿。太失望。如果不是万不得已千万不要报中文团!撰写日期:2019年12月3日
- adiscerningtrvlr0 条分享个性化的服务,精致的细节作为热衷于户外运动的旅行者,这是我去过的任何地方中收到的最好的服务,细节也是最精致的。我去了皇后镇待了几天,一直在徒步旅行。公交车在我的旅馆对面接我,一路平安,到了位于格伦诺基的艾斯派林山国家公园的深处。工作人员井然有序,很热情,很有条理,也很友好很随和。我们的领队是Finn,Amber和Toby。他们说明了过程,分发了必要的快艇装备,然后出发去了Funyak。我们小组的组长是Amber,她很有耐性,负责解释,并确保每个人都得到了照顾,不会落下任何一个人。太有耐心了!她经验老到,善于向我们说明一路上可能会出现的危险。从任何方面来说,她都是一位很专业的人士,以实事求是的态度引导了整个过程。如此热情的服务方式,保持了极高的责任感。我们看到了令人惊叹的景点,体验了刺激和惊险的角落,那里有清澈的水从原始的裂缝中流淌出来。这次旅行,以及旅行用品商自始至终提供的服务使新西兰更加的脱颖而出。非常感谢Amber在昨天照顾我们的团队。撰写日期:2019年9月19日
- Emma21212180 条分享很棒的皮划艇之旅旅行是在James和Ed的带领下,组织得非常好,而且有趣。James非常有耐心,尽管我们缺乏划皮划艇的技能,但我们玩得很开心。绝对推荐!这是一种独特的体验新西兰高山和原始海域的美好方式!撰写日期:2019年8月14日
- Voyager360539364920 条分享好玩,景色超美一个大晴天去的,一整天的行程,有点晒,但是景色很美,先喷射艇进到国家公园里再做独木舟,第一次玩儿,水不深,很安全,洞穴那块儿水深,但是很蓝。因为我自己一人,和教练的独木舟绑在一起。他们提供全套装备,包餐撰写日期:2019年7月30日
- Wanderer355371699480 条分享绝美的景色 热情周到的导游时长1个小时的马背骑行体验很棒。周围的景色非常美,导游都很热情,服务周到。我强烈推荐这趟旅行。撰写日期:2019年7月3日
- Ashley V0 条分享强烈推荐!这里非常有趣!我们入住的当地B&B的旅馆主人向我们推荐了达特河喷射艇,这是必须要尝试的一个活动,不会令你失望的!很多地方都提供这种喷射艇旅行,但每次我们告诉人们我们在达特河参加了喷射艇旅行,他们都说我们参加的旅行是最好的!我建议在坐喷射艇前带上驱虫喷雾(我甚至建议穿裤子,即使外面有点暖和)。当我们停下来的时候,身上有些地方被蚊子之类的小虫子叮咬过——我们痒了好几个星期!哈哈,总的来说,这是一段美好的时光,将会永远记住它!撰写日期:2019年5月16日
- joaniebinedinburgh0 条分享有趣的漂流我丈夫带着13岁的儿子在这里尝试了漂流/喷气式划艇和皮艇的组合体验。儿子对自己做午饭这个事情很兴奋——顺便说一句,这主意不错。我还拿了免费的领带和帽子(有点小)。丈夫对导游提供的所有信息都很满意。这是一次昂贵的旅行,但很让我们满意。撰写日期:2019年4月16日
- Ken and Pat M0 条分享超有趣!!我们被推荐溯达特河而上旅行,它没有让我们失望!沿河而上的旅程很有趣,我们的司机埃德也很棒。真正令人惊叹的是来回的长途汽车之旅。我们的司机谢莉从两个方面带给我们精彩的讲解。她讲解了大量的当地历史,并停下来给我们展示了《指环王》的取景风光!!撰写日期:2019年4月4日
- jrgilley0 条分享皇后镇最受欢迎的两项活动我和我的妻子预订了这次喷射艇探险之旅,作为米尔福德峡湾航行和游轮的一部分。在这两个岛上,乘坐喷气式飞机的体验无疑是最好的体验之一。(可以欣赏)湖、河、山的壮丽景色。如果你喜欢速度,水和令人难以置信的山景,这是一个必须(经历)的体验!撰写日期:2019年3月30日
- sattsmo0 条分享达特河冒险非常有趣达特河Funyak漂流&喷射艇之旅是我体验过的最棒的旅行项目之一!这里的所有工作人员都很棒,导游也非常优秀!强烈推荐所有来皇后镇旅行的游客都来体验一次这个项目!😁撰写日期:2019年2月12日
- mnewman7190 条分享漂亮!虽然去格伦诺希需要坐很久的长途汽车,但这条路真是风景如画。你会发现28座的长途客运汽车都坐满了人。先在森林中步行40分钟,然后就看到喷射艇在达特河上(每艘船40分钟,14人)。他们给你一个雨衣和救生衣。当你滑过美丽山脉和瀑布环绕的冰川水时,你会发现这是多么的美丽。虽然速度很快,做了一些360度旋转的动作,我不会认为这是非常艰巨的。真的很漂亮很值得!撰写日期:2019年1月24日
- alex l0 条分享有趣的旅程,周到的服务我们体验了喷射艇和funyak漂流,这是是游览达特河谷景色的一种奇妙方式。一路乐趣多多,导游们都很棒。那一天,午餐很丰盛,还有休息时间。希望下次再来。撰写日期:2019年1月2日
- Navigate549444553730 条分享很棒的骑行旅程!谢谢这家公司给我们安排了这么棒的旅程!我们选了两个小时的骑行之旅,很完美(非常顺利、顺畅),因为我们不常玩这个。这家公司慢慢的为我们四个挑选了最适合我们的马匹,我们的导游对新西兰非常了解,在很多话题上都能逗乐我们。她让我们的旅程更棒了!我们超级推荐这个旅程。撰写日期:2018年12月19日
- nipandtuck0 条分享玩得很尽兴!这是个非常精彩的半日游之旅。首先是驾车环湖游,景色一流。然后徒步穿越森林,来到电影《魔戒》的拍摄地欣赏风景,接下来就是最棒的漂流环节了。漂流之旅惊险又刺激,周边的景色也非常有趣,一路上我们玩得很开心。快递司机的技术简直令人惊叹。参加这个旅游团是观赏皇后镇山水绝色美景的最佳方式,真的特别酷撰写日期:2018年11月29日
- LauraN1350 条分享Funyaks游览时间很长但是很值得。天气很好,体验简直不能更好了。旅行一开始是由喷气艇带你在河里穿梭,很刺激。然后再是坐着漂流筏子沿着河而下。真的超棒,景色很美。撰写日期:2018年11月13日
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217 条点评
Kellie R
澳大利亚Greater Sydney280 条分享
The whole day was incredible, from je boating to boarding our FUNYAKS our guides gave us lots of information to help us get the most of our day! We had so much fun in the FUNYAKS, paddling downstream and along with the rapids in parts! The chasm was a highlight for me it was spectacular! Lunch was amazing and all the gear provided to us kept us warm!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
加拿大多伦多70 条分享
2025年1月 • 家庭
It was exciting, action-packed, and the staff very helpful. Beautiful scenery. Braided rivers like this one are shallow in January, so a few times we had to get out and drag the funyaks several metres, but not a problem. Lunch was tasty. One minor complaint - the lunch was at 2pm. That is late, since everyone has to eat an early breakfast to arrive in time. Bring bug spray because there are sand flies at the lunch spot (didn’t notice them at any other time on the trip).
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Lynn C
43 条分享
2025年1月 • 家庭
I was apprehensive as a grandmother about the Funyaks - I had done ghe jet boat trip before and loved it- I have to say it was spectacular and with such helpful guides and my son I was able to party and loved it- the scenery was more than I imagined! 110/100
The guides were amazing Erin, James and Matt.
I’d thoroughly recommend doing the double trip if you can.
The guides were amazing Erin, James and Matt.
I’d thoroughly recommend doing the double trip if you can.
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gumbo3913 条分享
2024年11月 • 独自旅游
Our jetboat pilot John was genial and informative and gave us a thrilling fun ride. From start to finish, the staff including the drivers and outfitters staff were all helpful and kind.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Nic W
2 条分享
2024年11月 • 家庭
The whole trip from start to finish was spectacular. The jet boat ride was so much fun and the funyaks allowed us to get into the beautiful gorge. The staff were all very experienced and friendly. Highly recommend this big day out!
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加拿大渥太华5 条分享
The provided outdoor clothing kept us warm on a cool 12C day as the Jetboat roared upriver at 80 km/h. The Funyaks coming back down river were the best part and our talented guide, Michelle, kept us safe as we fooled around in the steady but gentle rapids. Would do this again!
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加利福尼亚圣克莱蒙顿34 条分享
The scenery was breathtaking. The paddling was challenging and not for the faint of heart but the rewards were well worth the effort. The guides were knowledgeable and experienced, and helpful every step of the way. What an exceptionally perfect day
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Rodney W
肯塔基列克星敦1 条分享
2024年11月 • 家庭
Family started getting sick several days ago and tried to call to cancel, but no answer. Day of trip fresh snow on the mountains but the trip must go on according to them. They refused to refund so we paid $2,000 for a trip that would have been miserable. Do not book ahead, who would have thought of fresh snow and insistance on proceeding.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Regan S
3 条分享
2024年11月 • 独自旅游
The people were amazing! Unfortunately the funyak part of my tour was canceled due to weather but the guides still worked with me to make sure I was able to do the jet boat part of my tour. The drive out to the area was beautiful and everyone was super welcoming! Pedro was my boat guide and he was great! He cracked jokes and continually checked to make sure everyone was doing well. They didn’t let the weather stop them from giving us a great day.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Mel C
6 条分享
2024年4月 • 好友
I loved every minute of this trip. If you love the outdoors and want to immerse yourself in the beauty that is the Dart River then this is a must do.
The scenery is stunning combined with the adventure of the funyak being guided down the river offers a full day of fun in nature.
Highly recommend.
The scenery is stunning combined with the adventure of the funyak being guided down the river offers a full day of fun in nature.
Highly recommend.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Kia Ora,
Thank you for the fantastic review! We’re thrilled to hear you loved every minute of your Funyaking adventure. It’s wonderful to know you enjoyed immersing yourself in the stunning beauty of the Dart River while experiencing the thrill of navigating it in a Funyak. We’re glad you had a full day of fun in nature and appreciate your high recommendation. We hope to see you back for another incredible outdoor experience soon!
Nga Mihi
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
The whole trip from Queenstown roughly for 8 hours. 1 hr go, 1 hr return , 2 hr for jet boat, 1-2 hr for lunch at national park , other time for canoe, am I right ?
Jet boat was less than that. More time on the funyak depending on flow. There is also time learning the rules/process, getting outfitted with wet suit before jet boat and after.
My wife and me have no expeirence on Canoe , is there any minimum experience require ?
There were some obvious beginners in our group but it helps to have some notion of how to paddle as the current at times could be nudging the funyak to a shallow side of the river and you don't want to get grounded!
I've heard the road to Glenorchy is on of the most beautiful drives in the South Island. Do we drive the same road?
As you leave Queenstown to head to Glenorchy the view of the Lake is amazing. It is a perfectly timed trip not to long and yes you get to stop and take in the views. Must do this adventure it is amazing
Cindy A
What time is pick up and drop off? Are there half day (afternoon) adventures?
This was a whole day event for us. However, if you contact the company, they can give you more information about timing and length of tours, etc.
My trip was cancelled on the same morning due to bad weather conditions, how do I make sure I get a full refund???
Call who you booked through and ask if card was run thorough, if so ask for receipt of credit to account. Because there are many cancellations for weather on this and other trips like Milton Sound in many cases they do not run charges through until confirmation trip will take place.
I cannot take the cold well. May I know what is the temperature of the river water in December?
Absolutely fantastic experience. The Dart River Crew will make sure you are appropriately attired for the trip.
My daughter is 4.5 yrs old but she is taller than 1m. Can she join the tour? Thanks.
You'd definitely need to ask the organisers. We were in two person Funyaks which meant both people had to steer and row. There's always the chance of someone falling into the river which can be quite treacherous. We had some adult "non swimmers" in our group who didn't speak English. I don't think it would have been easy for anyone if they had fallen into the water. I'm a school teacher and I definitely wouldn't take a child on the Funyak part of the trip.
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