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年龄限制:0-99,每个团体最多 10 人
用时: 12 小时
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现场指南:中文, 英语
- 公吨。富士和御殿场Premium Outlets组合游
- 按照您的导游,欣赏标志性山脉的最佳景观
- 您可以前往Gotemba Premium Outlets购物中心游览
- 了解山富士和在河口湖享受时间
- 专业指导
未包含内容- 酒店接送服务
- 午餐
- 公吨。富士山被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产,数百年来一直激发着诗人,艺术家和旅行者的灵感,赢得了全球文化偶像的地位。在这个有趣而轻松的自然之旅中,与东京的人群告别,并欣赏这座活火山的宏伟山脉。 离开东京市中心,乘车前往富士山。富士,而旅行组织者则负责所有后勤工作。您的私人导游知道去哪里捕捉世界著名峰会的明信片完美快照。亲眼目睹山坡时,了解这座崇山峻岭的文化和历史。 欣赏山脚下的河口湖的景色。然后,搭起御殿场名牌折扣店,在富士山的阴影下浏览高端商店。富士被运回东京之前。
- 出发地点:
- Tokyo Bunka Kaikan, 5-45 Uenokōen, Taito City, Tokyo 110-8716, Japan早上7:30 JR上野站东京文化会馆馆前公园出口
返程:- Shinjuku Station, 3-chōme-38-1 Shinjuku, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0022, Japan
- 不提供无障碍通道
- 婴儿车可入内
- 靠近公共交通
- 婴儿必须坐在成人腿上
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:2142TYO_BUSS10- 请注意,行程顺序,到达时间和指定时间可能会不可避免地根据路况和目的地的拥堵而改变。对于周末和节假日出发的旅游,由于东名高速公路在回程时会很拥挤,因此到达时间可能会大大延迟。万一山。无法到达富士第五车站,此行程将参观北口本宫富士浅间神社。请注意,根据路况,也可能会省略其他路线。
- 由于天气条件,山。即使从底部看,富士也可能看不见。但是,由于这个原因,旅行不会被取消,并且不会退款。
- 对于希望中途离开旅行团的参与者,请在旅行当天填写旅行离开表。当天,领队将提供同意书。
- 3岁以下的儿童可以免费参加,但不会为他们提供巴士座位。如果3岁以下的儿童需要自己的巴士座位,请按照儿童价预订。
- 对于想要携带行李(大行李箱)的客户,请确保在预订时在备注栏中输入行李的数量
- 旅行者应该具备正常的身体素质
- 请注意,如果您在会议时间之前迟到5分钟或更长时间到达,则您的预订将被取消,将被视为“没有出现”,并且您将需要支付旅游费的100%。
- 本课程不包括膳食,因此请自行购买。尽管参与者可以在川口湖地区自由享用午餐,但由于交通拥堵,行程可能会有所变化,因此在休息区附近可能没有咖啡馆,餐馆或其他地方可以享用午餐。感谢您的理解。
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 10 人
- 一经售出,恕不退换,如果取消将收取 100% 的手续费。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:2142TYO_BUSS10
- 5-45 Uenokōen, Taito City, Tokyo 110-8716, Japan早上7:30 JR上野站东京文化会馆馆前公园出口
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 3-chōme-38-1 Shinjuku, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0022, Japan
- Wander643455257290 条分享盛名之下其实难副这个被炒到有点火,其实有点小,如果是原价买票进来还可以,但是klook已经炒到几百块一张票,不太值得。不是铁粉其实看不出什么特别,纪念品商店里的东西都有点粗糙。唯一印象深刻的是里面可以看一场15分钟的电影,那个电影还不错。附近的井之头公园还不错,二月开满了梅花,不过我们去的那天下雨没怎么逛。出门搭车的地方有一间lawson,里面也有一些纪念品卖,但是价钱便宜很多了。撰写日期:2024年2月27日
- adyword0 条分享回到江户时代很有趣的地方,看到很多小孩装扮成忍者或穿和服,真的很可爱~ 园区人员跟游客有时空错乱,回到过去的感觉,很有趣! 园区蛮大的,可惜遇到下雨又遇日本假期,回程只剩5点有车位,无法玩透透,跟团有约好下次住鬼怒川温泉,就近玩得更尽兴!撰写日期:2019年9月2日
- Craig B0 条分享很高兴我们有事情可以做行程很长。Yoshi,我们的导游十分疲惫。他给我们提供了一些信息但是我们更希望可以在路上听到更多的关于这里的历史。这里的店铺一般般,乘船旅行有点吓人。这里的船成对的排列着,如果这里刮起大风的话,我甚至怀疑这些船会翻过来。有轨汽车的体验也不是很好-特别是还要为了这个项目专门等40分钟。我们在参观过富士山后乘坐巴士去往乘坐子弹列车的路程很长。。。相当漫长!总的来说,我对这里没什么深刻的印象,但是既然离开家了,这样打发下时间也好吧。撰写日期:2019年8月27日
- Kiran_Chalam0 条分享要是天气晴朗一些就好了这次旅游组织得很有序,唯一的遗憾就是参观每个景点的时间都太短了,没办法欣赏完全部的美景,其他方面都是很不错的。我们离开东京得时候是坐班车走的,其实班车也算是挺舒适的。还有一点比较遗憾的是富士山的美景被云层遮住了,只能透过云层的缝隙才能看清,没法看见雄伟的山峰还是很遗憾的。值得一提的是,日式传统午餐还是非常好吃的。之后我们在Ashi 湖游玩,从那里到坐缆车的地方也只有十五分钟的路程,缆车可以一路把你送到山顶,但山顶还是有一些凉,记得带一些保暖的衣服。最后我们是乘坐新干线回到东京的,这个体验还是让我很惊讶的,因为你甚至感觉不到它在以三百多公里每小时的速度前进,我永远都不会忘记这次经历的。如果你来到东京的话,一定要体验一次这样的旅程。撰写日期:2019年8月26日
- cristalce000 条分享太神奇了最好的体验之一!我们花的每一分钱都值。我们每一个人都玩得很开心,午餐很不错。撰写日期:2019年8月26日
- AGBparis0 条分享很愉快,但是遇到了恶劣的暴风雨天气。旅行进行得很顺利,但大雾天气使我们不能更好地享受旅行。乘坐缆车穿越梅石湖特别凉爽。撰写日期:2019年8月25日
- Knaggs f0 条分享天气糟旅行组织的很好,员工也很守时(我对游客的守时感到有点意外)当我们到达富士山时,天气糟透了——大雨倾盆,刮着台风。雾太浓了,什么景色也看不到。午餐很不错,由于天气原因,游轮被换到了另一个地方。幸运的是,太阳出来了,但仍然没有看到富士山。由于天气原因,缆车也被取消了,我们改去了水族馆(非常糟糕)。幸运的是,我们在旅行的最后乘坐了新干线特快列车,速度很快很舒适。导游给了我们很多帮助——他自始至终都对当天的情况感到很抱歉。如果天气好,这将是美好的一天!撰写日期:2019年8月25日
- rskempo0 条分享很一般我们的导游棒极了。8月1日至24日都有巴士。他乐于助人,懂的也很多。1)我们去的那天是一个星期六-交通太拥挤了。我们一整天都在晚点。也许以后要避免周六旅游吧。也许星期天来更好!周日的东京周围的交通显然比较平静。2)夏天富士山不下雪。所以和照片相比,它真的没有什么让人惊叹的地方。3)还是不要吃午餐套餐了,除非你喜欢吃鱼和生鱼。4)由于雾很大,阿什湖和索道玩的并不开心。我知道天气是无法控制的。但是如果天气好,这次旅行便是很值得的。但是因为天气不好,所以玩的也不怎么好。这算是一个不可控因素吧。撰写日期:2019年8月25日
- Alicia D0 条分享风景如画欣赏着美景,度过了美好的一天,令人身心放松。除了那餐饭比较差,其他的都可以给5颗星。撰写日期:2019年8月23日
- jeffreylreinier10 条分享混乱很不幸,这次旅行并没有给人留下什么深刻的印象,天气只是增加了旅行的体验。导游人很好,但出现了很多次麻烦,活动整体很混乱,缺乏协调。沿途的风景很美,但是没有机会停下来体验一下。撰写日期:2019年8月19日
- 46rosemarya0 条分享在熙熙攘攘的东京城外的美好一天完全改变城市的节奏!!但是要做好准备,因为你可能看不到富士山,这太依赖于天气了。不过我们的导游很可爱并且知识渊博,告诉了我们日本的文化和大体信息,让乘坐巴士也变得很有趣。如果你有时间离开东京玩一天,我推荐这个富士山、芦之湖高速列车一日游。撰写日期:2019年8月18日
- Tim A0 条分享史上最槽糕的一次旅行请注意,即使你坐高速列车回来,这次旅行也要坐6个多小时的巴士。当我们离开巴士终点站后,我们被告知索道(缆车)和湖上的游船由于大风天气(风并不是那么大)而无法运行。一直没有看到富士山因为有云(导游告诉我们这种情况经常发生,有80%左右的概率)。我们有一个可以上10分钟厕所的时间(2位客人因迟到2分钟而受到公开的批评),然后在上午11点15分吃了午饭。太早了!我们没有乘坐缆车和在湖上游船,而是在某个武士历史遗址度过了极其短暂的15分钟(绝对是浪费时间),然后在一个破旧的水族馆度过了30分钟,那里的水箱小得可怜,对于鱼来说太小了。真是浪费了一天。如果天气好,可能是一个很棒的旅行,但买家要小心!撰写日期:2019年8月17日
- AMSreviewers0 条分享一场灾难作为游客,我们非常理解这次的行程可能无法看到富士山的景色,但对于一位常年在此奔波的司机来说,这种行为简直就是诈骗,他带着我们在这片景区随便游览了15分钟,真是太糟糕了。这个所谓的“高速列车一日游”就是骗人的,他们给了我们一张地图,然后站在列车上,没有座位,让我们匆匆一览,便把我们送回了原来的地址。一路上,我们不得不一直站着,什么景点都没有看到。希望大家千万不要参加这样的旅游活动,绝对会令你后悔的。我要把这趟旅行的具体情况告诉每个人,它真是太令人失望了。撰写日期:2019年8月16日
- leahsschaefer0 条分享富士山,芦之湖高速列车-一日游对于这次旅行很失望。确实,我没有很专注于旅行但是我丈夫认为这次旅行和我们多年前的那次一样……区别就是这次巡游坐的是渡轮而不是之前我们坐的很棒的“海盗船”。对此我们很失望因为这次我们带着儿子一起来,他很期待跟上次一样的经历。导游还可以,仅仅是可以。他分享的信息和历史故事都与旅游地点无关。不会再来这个旅游路线了,下次也会更加小心并阅读旅游细节。撰写日期:2019年8月16日
- NorthStar190993981860 条分享因为天气原因,我们没法从箱根这儿看到富士山的景色因为天气原因,我们没法从箱根这儿看到富士山的景色。我把我的伞落在了13号巴士10D座位的后面了,麻烦你们看到评论后帮我找回来。撰写日期:2019年8月16日
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18 条点评
Vhalerie Lee
新加坡新加坡263 条分享
Fujisan's view is so majestic and up close at Gotemba premium outlet (in good weather). Best time to come here is during winter where there's 30% more chance of seeing Fujisan.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you for joining JTB Sunrise Tours from Tokyo. Yes, as you stated, Fujisan (Mt. Fuji) is also completely worth visiting site in Japan during the winter season and visible even from far away thanks to the dry air. At the same time, you can visit sacred Mt. Fuji to see magnificent views, climb and photograph throughout the year. Meantime, The Gotemba Premium Outlets is located in Gotemba city near Mt.Fuji and offers a wide range of services for visitors so you can enjoy here. Thank you so much.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Clare M
2 条分享
We had a good day, saw everything promised and learnt loads. Great thanks to Sho who led us around the sights. Plenty of time for shopping too.
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Barbara K
1 条分享
2019年12月 • 好友
The itinerary was well planned. There was a little bit confusion at the beginning since the actual meeting point was in a different part of the hotel then in the description, but the additional information was provided.
Ms Yuki, our guide, was great. Very nice, organised and helped us keep to the plan.
The onsen and the restaurant for lunch were great. The chicken sukiyaki was very tasty. The onsen clean, with a lot of options to choose from while bathing, all with view of Fuji-san.
The lake view walk could be a bit longer (maybe half an hour instead of 20min). The outlets were also very good, although huge, so you need to plan well.
Ms Yuki, our guide, was great. Very nice, organised and helped us keep to the plan.
The onsen and the restaurant for lunch were great. The chicken sukiyaki was very tasty. The onsen clean, with a lot of options to choose from while bathing, all with view of Fuji-san.
The lake view walk could be a bit longer (maybe half an hour instead of 20min). The outlets were also very good, although huge, so you need to plan well.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
8 条分享
Prices were actually outlet mall prices (as compared to the states), and even picked up some nice whiskey at a small store by Mt. Fuji lake stop. Highly recommend if you don't feel like putting your own experience together.
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Chris S
加拿大卡尔加里52 条分享
Good tour. Loved that we had the opportunity to see Mt Fuji very clearly and blue skies. We were warned that spring and summer are not usually good viewing times of year. Best is Autumn. And it was great that we had other stops to take pictures of it as well. I have tattoos, so I was able to rent a private onsen at my own cost w a spectacular view of Mt Fuji. The guide called ahead to ensure a room was available. I think that was the best part of the trip. The lake was picturesque and interesting. But the outlet shopping mall was a complete waste of time. As a tourist, most will have these stores at home.
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Christine A
英国伯恩茅斯3 条分享
2019年5月 • 好友
Really enjoyed the trip to Mount Fuji I went with my sister, son and granddaughter, our ages ranged from 79 years young to 21 years old. Everyone thought the Mt Fuji station 5 stop was enjoyable although it was a cloudy day and the view wasn’t as good as a clear day but none of us can control the weather. The stop by the lakeside was lovely we would have preferred a longer time there, a hour would have been perfect. The Onsen was great, such a interesting experience, although we were chickens and paid an extra charge to go in a private bath, it wasn’t expensive.
We all thought the outlet shopping was a waste of time and those two hours could have extended our experience at the earlier locations.
We all thought the outlet shopping was a waste of time and those two hours could have extended our experience at the earlier locations.
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Latisha D
卡罗莱纳州罗利11 条分享
2019年4月 • 好友
Our tour guide was really rude and overbearing. The best part of the experience was the Onsen stop. Unfortunately, we did not get to see Mt Fuji due to weather, and the outlets were the same as in the US (nothing unique).
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Amari P
7 条分享
2019年4月 • 独自旅游
Was very lucky to have done this tour when it was completely clear so I got a full view of Mt Fuji which was just magnificent! Made it to the 4th station which was a beautiful view. The lunch was okay but not great. The onsen was the best part for me. Beautiful views of Mt Fuji, tons of different pools to relax in, just perfect. Only thing was that we only had like an hour there which was frustrating. I could have spent at least 2 hours there because it was so amazing. It was annoying that most of the time (2 full hours!) went to the shopping outlets which were really just all high-end stores that were still super expensive. I ended up just skipping this and booking my own bus ticket back to Tokyo on my own. I wish they replaced this part with more time in the onsen or the opportunity to visit a local village. Honestly, if it was not a clear day, i do not think this trip would have been worth it because the best part of the trip was getting to see Mt Fuji, so definitely book closer to the date so you can check the weather.
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3 条分享
2018年12月 • 好友
Did this tour with my boyfriend and had a wonderful time. Our tour guide, Nao, was very knowledgable about the area and spent the whole bus ride giving us fun facts and pointing out when we had nice photo opportunities of the mountain. She even went out of her way to find us another view that the tour doesn't normally see. The views were very clear the day we went. Lunch was wonderful, on a beautiful lake in a restaurant with a gift shop. Going to the onsen was a very calming experience. Spent about 45 minutes soaking (I'd recommend one of the baths outside, as Nao did. Warm water and cool air.) and then got dry and headed back to the bus. The onsen are completely nude and separated by sex. If you don't wish to participate, there is a cafe inside that you can wait in. The outlets were fine, but nothing special. I'd have been equally happy skipping them altogether. All in all, the tour was very nice. We had a great time
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Tanisha S
109 条分享
As other people have said more time at MT. Fuji and the Onsen would have made the trip better. At Mt. Fuji you have to wait in line to take pictures with the signs as well as the usual gift shop lines. At the onsen i couldn’t really relax because one eye was always on the clock. Way too much time at the shopping mall.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
How much time each stop is allowed? Also, is there a choice of language to chose for tour guide?
What is the name of the onsen resort? Does it have private rooms for couples? Thanks
Buy skin stickers and put them on your tattoos and never worry again, or just sneak in and if they catch you, just say you didn’t know, lol
Usually they don’t complain in private places like this, only if another “bothered” costumer complains...
Can we stay in the Onsen and skip the outlet shopping?
I have small tattoos which can be covered by plasters. Can we ask in advance what is the name of the Onsen and ask them if they will allow me to just plaster my tattoos?
You would have to pay for transportation home, but I don't see why you couldn't stay behind
Reading the reviews and most mentioned wish that there was more time to spend in the Onsen rather than the outlet shopping. My questions are how much time we can spend soaking in the Onsen and if it is separated by female and male for the Onsen?
Thank you and hope to hear back soon as to we are planning our trip there to arrive in 2 weeks.
Arisse D
Hello, I would like to confirm my booking for tomorrow, Nov. 15, 2018, for 2 adults. Ive already paid this booking and the viator sent the voucher already. We are stsying in Asakusa, pld guve us instructions. Thanks.
How long is the bus ride each way? and how much time you get to spend at the outlet?
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