Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
这艘通往Ang Thong Marine Park海洋公园的精品酒店可让您在宽敞的泰式游艇上度过一天。个性化服务包括清淡的早餐,新鲜水果和自助午餐; PADI认证的浮潜指南;船用小艇转移;和苏梅岛的酒店接送服务。浸泡在热水浴缸中,漫步到翡翠湖(Talay Nai),探索偏远的泻湖。
年龄限制:0-99,每个团体最多 28 人
用时: 8 小时 30 分
开始时间: 查看供应情况
书面指南:德语, 英语
- 前往Ang Thong海洋公园的全日游艇游船以日落结束
- 您可以使用浮动休息室和浮潜装备
- 包括Wi-Fi,保险,交通和餐饮
- 苏梅岛的理想一日游包括Secret Lagoon
- 往返酒店接送
- 全面的保险
- 咖啡和/或茶
- 船上美味新鲜烹制
- 苏打水/汽水
- 早餐
- 瓶装水
- 使用浮潜装备
- 救生衣
- 毛巾
- 配有 WiFi
- 配有卫生间
- 私人交通
- 网状木筏的使用
未包含内容- 海洋公园门票目前成人 300 泰铢,儿童 150 泰铢,不包括在内
- 可选的海上皮划艇租赁费,每人250泰铢。
- 如果您想自备饮品,则每人收取300泰铢的开瓶费。
- 入场/门票 - Blue Lagoon (Emerald Lake)
- 出发地点:提供旅行者接送服务。接送服务详情
- 收到您的预订后,我们将为您提供准确的接机时间。 如果您在苏梅岛的住所位于陡峭的山坡上,我们无法安全地用我们的小型货车接您,您将需要安排在其他地点与我们的团队会面。 请注意,地址不足以在苏梅岛找到房产。 如果您住在 Airbnb 等私人住宿,请尽快联系我们并提供该物业的联系信息,以便我们获得驾驶说明。一旦我们找到了酒店,我们将告知您接机安排。 或者,您可以在当地地标或酒店与我们的团队会面,并要求在该地点接您。
提供机场接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的机场列表中进行选择。- Koh Samui Airport, Thailand
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 婴儿车可入内
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:32915P1- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 半私人旅游提供个性化服务,蓝龙(68 英尺)游艇最多可容纳 14 位客人,红龙(78 英尺)游艇最多可容纳 28 位客人
- 船的选择取决于客人的总数。
- 所有客人在登上游艇时都必须脱鞋。
- 行程可能会因气候条件而有所变化。
- 无心脏问题或其他重大疾病
- 旅行者应该具备正常的身体素质
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此项体验设有最低出行人数限制。 如果行程由于未达到最低出行人数而取消,您可选择改期/不同体验或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 28 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:32915P1
- 途经Ko Thalu
- 1途经Ko Wao Noi
- 2途经Ko Lao YuKoh Thong ThaengKo Wa NoiKo Sam Sao
- 3
- 4途经Ko Wua Ta Lap IslandKo Phaluai
- SMEBOND0 条分享即使下雨,仍是美好的一天这是非常棒的一天,所有人都享受着这壮观的风景,老板非常棒!划独木舟很有趣,他们甚至为我准备了一个生日蛋糕。谢谢你们!撰写日期:2019年9月12日
- Emily l0 条分享红龙海洋公园这是一次精彩的旅行。我强烈推荐!导游Ra和Nut讲解详尽,而且很风趣。不可错过划皮划艇去隐秘的泻湖,主泻湖非常漂亮。我们在泰国乘船旅行吃过的食物中,数这次最好。撰写日期:2019年8月24日
- Venice9990 条分享精彩的一天!经典之旅,精彩的一天,一切都很顺利。会去酒店接客人,在每个景点都停留了足够的时间。风景棒极了,饭菜很赞,一天的行程虽然很紧凑,但节奏令人放松。Ra和Nutt两位导游很棒,确保每位游客都明白自己在做什么,为什么这样做。强烈推荐这样的一日游!撰写日期:2019年8月7日
- mohamedi5290 条分享令人难忘的旅行红龙船真是太棒了。我们与优秀的导游进行了一整天的旅行,品尝了美食,享受了美好的时光。 感谢Roland和团队撰写日期:2019年7月15日
- Rob T0 条分享令人惊叹之地的美妙旅行船上美好的一天!员工很棒,食物很可口,位置也很漂亮。你不会失望的。这一天有点贵,但值得额外的钱。船上有豆袋椅可以放松。这里并不拥挤,人们只是一个小团体。我们吃了美味丰富的开胃菜,然后是更好的自助午餐。撰写日期:2019年6月24日
- 308kennethc0 条分享很棒的旅行!美好的旅行,很有趣,看到了无与伦比的风景。为我们的导游York和Rah点赞,但是所有的工作人员都非常友好和乐于助人。食物也是我们乘船旅行中吃过的最好的!撰写日期:2019年5月24日
- Asher T0 条分享美妙的旅行,有趣的向导船上的向导和助手都热心友好。尽管一路上波涛汹涌,但是整个旅程还是很愉快的。虽然浮潜时的能见度不是很好,却也无伤大雅。皮划艇真是太有趣了,强烈推荐。撰写日期:2019年3月16日
- lyndseylou19700 条分享因为天气原因取消了行程,但是他们却拒绝回复我的退款请求预订很简单,初期的处理也很愉快。但是,由于天气非常恶劣,我取消了行程。此后,该公司拒绝接听我的电话和电子邮件。现在我有170英镑的现款没有退款,非常失望。撰写日期:2019年3月4日
- masondm10 条分享很棒的乘船之旅这是一次非常棒的乘船之旅。 时长完美地控制在5小时。食物非常美味,量很足,无限量提供软饮和水,工作人员非常友好。导游经验丰富,浮潜和皮划艇组织得很好。 我强烈推荐这次旅行。撰写日期:2019年2月20日
- Wai070 条分享我人生中体验过的最棒的游船之旅!我以前体验过很多次游船之旅。这一次是最棒的。服务和食物都很好!!对我来说,最后的香蕉船体验是这次旅行中最精彩的部分。如果你有孩子,这次旅行会很棒。提醒孩子们提前带上自己的救生衣。撰写日期:2019年2月2日
- jenzle240 条分享很棒的旅行体验如果你有计划来这里旅行,不用犹豫了,赶紧出发吧!旅行的行程安排的非常好,从接机开始到结束,一切都是一流的。我们的导游约克很棒,非常友好,有趣,知识渊博,而且不会让你觉得烦。我们的旅行团有16个游客,坐船出海真的非常舒服和放松,船上现场新鲜烹制的食物非常美味,我们在船上吃了美味的早餐和午餐!浮潜棒极了,我们去了一片非常安静的海域浮潜,我们是那里唯一的一艘船和旅行团。要知道有些地方会同时有几百个游客一起潜水,简直就难以想象,我对这次旅行非常满意!撰写日期:2019年1月17日
- vinikaushik0 条分享推荐大家来苏梅岛的时候到这个景点玩一玩这里非常值得大家来。当船在海上航行的时候,你可以躺在甲板上,一点都不会感觉到颠簸。你可以把你的脚泡在浴缸里面,再来一杯红酒,好不惬意。这里的员工也非常的热情,总是准备好来帮助你。景点提供的食物也很棒,这样实惠的价钱却能够买到如此豪华的食品,真的是非常值得的。对于不会游泳的人来说,你们也可以选择使用通气管潜水,很适合像我们这样的客人。撰写日期:2018年12月24日
- CharityA320 条分享安通之旅这是我们第二次来安通玩。它是一条很漂亮的船,员工很不错而且船上还有免费的网络。午餐的吃食没什么可回忆的。我们有到一个潜浮站不过水里都是淤泥而且没什么鱼。我们呆在了潜浮艇上还参加了皮艇运动。我们爬上了翡翠湖很值得不过对于那些恐高的人来可能不适合,因为台阶很窄有时候有要挪一挪侧着走。总来的说这一天很不错,不过非常长。员工准时来接我们,总体来说我们玩的不错。撰写日期:2018年10月2日
- DaisieBooMeakins0 条分享家庭户外日我们在船上度过了美好的一天,没有太多人而且船很舒服。很高兴我们在一支旅行团的后面,所以我们去的每一处地方都只有我们,我们觉得很私秘。喜欢划皮艇和浮潜,非常好的停下来。食物很棒,工作人员非常细心和博学。很乐意再订一次-我和孩子们都很喜欢。撰写日期:2018年8月22日
- 0 条分享昂通国家公园一日游导游非常有帮助,提供的食物很好,从早上的小吃、午餐到下午的水果,各式各样。更棒的是,在回苏梅岛的途中,我们还吃到了美味的香蕉片冰淇淋。一天充实的活动后,冰水和冰汽水可以让你大大解渴。活动包括1.潜水,观赏各种海洋生物,包括鱼类、珊瑚、海胆、海参等2.划独木舟,适合那些想要近距离观察石灰岩的岩层,同时用桨与波浪和水流抗衡的刺激和冒险狂热者。3.绿色泻湖,爬120多级台阶后俯瞰泻湖美景,记得带一瓶冰水,以熄灭登顶时的敬畏和美丽。撰写日期:2018年8月6日
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432 条点评
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Simon S
13 条分享
A big thank you to the crew of the Blue Dragon. The service and efforts of the crew are great. Fine food, friendly and entertaining. However, what there is to complain about is the boat. The boat has hardly any draft and is a found food for waves in rough seas. We had arrived safely at the pier due to a storm for over seven hours and only late in the evening in darkness. I ask the operator to check the weather conditions better before leaving. I am aware that weather conditions can also change, but as a seafarer you should keep an eye on this constantly.
The activities on the tour, such as kayaking, snorkeling and a short walk (10min) to a viewing platform were ok. However, since it is associated with a very long journey time, it can be argued whether it is worth it.
All in all, it was an experience and an experience. As a Recommendation to the tourists, I pass on that you check the weather situation yourself before the trip is over, to be sure that you do not get caught in a storm. The guys ride it almost in all weathers - but this is not always very relaxing.
The activities on the tour, such as kayaking, snorkeling and a short walk (10min) to a viewing platform were ok. However, since it is associated with a very long journey time, it can be argued whether it is worth it.
All in all, it was an experience and an experience. As a Recommendation to the tourists, I pass on that you check the weather situation yourself before the trip is over, to be sure that you do not get caught in a storm. The guys ride it almost in all weathers - but this is not always very relaxing.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you Simon for taking the time to write a review following your Angthong Marine Park Semi-Private Sunset Tour.
First of all, I happy you enjoy our crew hospitality, activities, views and dining. I would like to apologize for your experience on our tour with inclement weather. Unfortunately, we had no way to know that the weather would turn inclement as we return from the park.
We always attempt to run tours only when weather conditions are nice. That said, as there is no 100% accurate weather for Koh Samui's nearby islands, as each island has its localized weather system, we don’t only rely on the forecast, but also check the condition at our destination and view real-time weather radar in the morning of the tour which looks fine.
If weather conditions change later in the day as can be the case in tropical weather, we adjust the trip to have the best experience possible without compromising safety given the conditions developed.
Believe me, we have no interest in running trips when the weather is not good as the damage to our reputation, boats, and equipment exceeds any financial gain we may get.
Concerning the Blue Dragon, please note that the boat was commissioned by a retired high-ranking German captain and have deeper then customary. But with wind direction of 90% from our destination we had to slow down and take a longer route to assure the safety and comfort. On the same day two other large boats had to transfer customer to the mainland with a ferry to get the guests back to Koh Samui resulting in 4 hours delay.
We hope to see you again on another sunny day.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
David H
24 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
Amazing experience!!! Would definitely recommend this to anyone visiting Koh Samui. Relaxing trip on the Red Dragon boat with beautiful scenery to look at. If you are able to opt for the kayak, you will not regret it.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you Davidh for taking the time to write a review following your Angthong Marine Park Semi-Private Sunset Tour.
Our tours are unique among Koh Samui’s offerings and we believe all guests should experience delicious food, fun activities, and friendly interaction from our crew.
We have designed our boats and facilities to provide our guests with plenty of room and optional activities while sailing such as soaking in the jacuzzi, dining, listening to your playlist, having drinks, playing games, and watching the sunset so you can enjoy the journey ready to explore the destination and activities.
We thank you again for your recommendation and hope to see you again on another sunny day.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Chantal Blumink
荷兰海姆斯凯尔克17 条分享
Wow what a great day we had today! Left on the red dragon this morning with 26 people on board. There's plenty of room to sit and lie down. In the sun or in the shade, whatever you want. Both the Owner and the entire crew is amazing! Everyone is so helpful and sweet. At sea kayaking you really have to serve, very nice and not difficult. The snorkeling was cool and lastly we visited the island. Great food for lunch! If you are in Koh Samui, be sure to book this tour.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you Chantal for taking the time to write a review following your Angthong Marine Park Semi-Private Sunset Tour.
I am happy to hear that you have enjoyed your journey aboard our Red Dragon Yacht, entirely built from teak wood with a traditional sail, features a generous sun deck, a fully furnished lounge and dining area, an onboard jacuzzi, giving her rare charm and character.
Our crew including the so-called owner has had many years of experience working with visitors to Koh Samui. We train our crew to understand the importance of customer care, and the importance of safety in and out of the water.
We pay great attention to dining during our tours and our chefs prepare all of the food during the tour from scratch, sourcing from local ingredients to provide our guests with fresh and delicious food and cater to our guest's tastes and any dietary restrictions.
We thank you again for your recommendation and hope to see you again on another sunny day.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Chett H
14 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
Fantastic experience if you are wanting to get off the island and spend a full day on the water. I liked that the tour is semi private, only 28 people can fit on the boat. We went kayaking to explore a couple of lagoons and an area where the water level is low enough that we could get out of the kayaks and swim or walk around in thigh high water and take in the beautiful scenery. You don’t have to be fit to enjoy this adventure. Then we went to another spot to go snorkeling. The final destination was an island where you can climb some stairs for a beautiful spot to take pictures, it’s also where the movie “The Beach” shot some scenes. I have been on other boat tours where the food wasn’t very good but they did a great job in this area as well. Also, they provide plenty of drinks so you don’t need to bring water. They have a cooler stocked with water, sodas, and flavored teas. This is an all day trip, we were picked up at 8:10 am and dropped off at around 7:00 pm. I’d suggest bringing an extra tshirt to change into if you use a rash guard but you don’t need water shoes.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you Chetth for taking the time to write a review following your Angthong Marine Park Semi-Private Sunset Tour.
On our tours, superb hospitality is assured by having a maximum of 14 guests on the Blue Dragon or 28 on the Red Dragon Classic Thai Yacht (licensed for 74 plus crew). When we have more than 20 guests on the Red Dragon Yacht, two guides will lead the activities to provide more personal service.
Our trips visit the Marine Park's best attraction when no one is around! Exclusive to our tours, Kayaking at the secret lagoon makes for a fabulous kayaking experience. Located at the most remote corner of the park we explore the island by kayaks we carry onboard and follow the action from our tender. We snorkel at islands located 20 minutes' sail away from the park as visibility at the park is very limited.
Snorkeling at Koh Wao is a unique experience with us as we are the sole non-speedboat vessel reaching this destination, we have the privilege of selecting the best site for you from the available ones, depending on the conditions of the day. We do provide professional snorkeling sets that are disinfected and maintained daily.
We pay great attention to dining during our tours and our chefs prepare all of the food during the tour from scratch, sourcing from local ingredients to provide our guests with fresh and delicious food and cater to our guest's tastes and any dietary restrictions.
We thank you again for your recommendation and hope to see you again on another sunny day.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Lorraine D
澳大利亚悉尼1 条分享
The boat tour was great crew were fantastic and food was the best we've had in Koh Sumai the Chef was amazing! We got picked up on time transferred to boat perfectly - the boat is very clean and in great condition- it is a long day but we saw so much the islands we went to were fantastic- first we did a hike up to a mountain and saw a beautiful lagoon had a swim then onto another place for kayaking - we kayaked into a lagoon with amazing rock formations then we went to another place for snorkelling but didn't see much- it was a really windy day and very cloudy - it was a great day and fun!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you Lorraine for taking the time to write a review following your Angthong Marine Park Semi-Private Sunset Tour.
Our team is dedicated to delivering an amazing experience that will meet or beat your expectations. From the moment you contact us until you are back at your accommodation, we endeavour to deliver the best experience you have ever had on a tour. We view our employees as the most valuable assets our company possesses.
We offer amazing dining prepared onboard by our 5-star chef, which has been noted on many occasions to be as high as eating at a high-end restaurant. We firmly believe that food & drinks on tour are very important to provide an all-around outstanding experience.
Although we do our best to select the nicest site for snorkeling from the sites we can visit, sometimes conditions are not great. We encourage our guests to consider the possibility of limited visibility such as the conditions on the day of your tour with a visibility of about 2 meters, as snorkeling is an outdoor activity where we have no control over visibility.
We thank you again for your recommendation and hope to see you again on another sunny day.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
1 条分享
Phenomenal day. Everything was great: the boat itself has every comfort, the food and snacks are very tasty and provided all day, the kayaking to the hidden lagoon was incredible, the jacuzzi was a plus, … The staff takes very good care of you, always with a smile.
Thanks Monkey man & the rest of the staff for the wonderfull day. You were the best!
Thanks Monkey man & the rest of the staff for the wonderfull day. You were the best!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you for taking the time to write a review following your Angthong Marine Park Semi-Private Sunset Tour.
Our tours are unique among Koh Samui’s offerings and we believe all guests should experience luxurious sailing, delicious food, fun activities, and friendly interaction from our crew.
Our team is dedicated to delivering an amazing experience that will meet or beat your expectations. From the moment you contact us until you are back at your accommodation, we endeavor to deliver the best experience you have ever had on a tour.
Our company's motto is to offer Thai hospitality in the European standard of boating offering comfortable yet fast cruising speeds while providing lots of room and onboard dining, activities, and bathroom facilities, so our guests are at ease while traveling, up and ready to enjoy the destinations!
We thank you again for your recommendation and hope to see you again on another sunny day.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
英国伦敦618 条分享
Was on the 26/08/24 red dragon tour. Staff on board all excellent and knowledgeable. Transfer smooth. Soft drinks and snacks readily available throughout the tour along with 2 meals. Activities good however note that you probably won’t see anything snorkelling. Also note if not wanting to use the kayaks you still get to get off the boat to go to the swim spot which is good. I would bring trainers the stairs in the hike are very steep and definately not flip flop appropriate. I do recommend the tour however was a very long day and boat does get very full with little seats in the sun.
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Thank you Alexandra for taking the time to write a review following your Angthong Marine Park Semi-Private Sunset Tour.
Our crew is dedicated to delivering an amazing experience that will meet or beat your expectations. From the moment you contact us until you are back at your accommodation, we endeavour to deliver the best experience you have ever had on a tour!
On our tours, superb hospitality is assured by having a maximum of 14 guests on the Blue Dragon or 28 on the Red Dragon Classic Thai Yacht (licensed for 74 plus crew). When we have more than 20 guests on the Red Dragon Yacht, two guides will lead the activities to provide more personal service.
Although we do our best to select the nicest site for snorkeling from the sites we can visit, sometimes conditions are not great. We encourage our guests to consider the possibility of limited visibility such as the conditions on the day of your tour with a visibility of about 2 meters, as snorkeling is an outdoor activity where we have no control over visibility.
We thank you again for your recommendation and hope to see you again on another sunny day.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Fiona N
澳大利亚墨尔本25 条分享
We wanted some fun activities and this trip delivered what it says. Kayaking, snorkelling and a steep climb to a viewpoint. Everything was well-organised and safe. The guides were knowledgeable and the whole crew friendly and efficient. All food was fresh and delicious and they catered to vegetarian very well. We highly recommend.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you Fiona for taking the time to write a review following your Angthong Marine Park Semi-Private Sunset Tour.
Our crew has had many years of experience working with visitors to Koh Samui. We train our crew to understand the importance of customer care, and the importance of safety in and out of the water. We view our employees as the most valuable assets our company possesses.
We pay great attention to dining during our tours and our chefs prepare all of the food during the tour from scratch, sourcing from local ingredients to provide our guests with fresh and delicious food and cater to our guest's tastes and any dietary restrictions.
We thank you again for your recommendation and hope to see you again on another sunny day.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Kate L
1 条分享
We enjoyed every moment of our Tour! The communication was great in organising our pick up, the boat itself was comfortable and well equipped. Breakfast & lunch were delicious. The timings were well thought out and we had enough time at each beautiful stopping point. Kayaking was a highlight, snorkelling was stunning and the steps to see the lagoon were well worth it. What made the trip even more special were the amazing staff. They were so thoughtful, informative & fun. Thank you!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you Kate for taking the time to write a review following your Angthong National Marine Park Sunset tour.
Our crew is dedicated to delivering an amazing experience that will meet or beat your expectations. From the moment you contact us until you are back at your accommodation, we endeavor to deliver the best experience you have ever had on a tour!
We have designed our boats and facilities to provide our guests with plenty of room and optional activities while sailing such as soaking in the jacuzzi, dining, listening to your playlist, having drinks, playing games, and watching the sunset so you can enjoy the journey ready to explore the destination and activities
You will visit the Marine Park's best attraction when no one is around! Our entire crew is dedicated to delivering an amazing experience that will meet or beat your expectations. From the moment you contact us until you are back at your accommodation, we endeavor to deliver the best experience you have ever had on a tour!
We thank you again for your recommendation and hope to see you again on another sunny day.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
pierre b
1 条分享
2024年7月 • 家庭
we had a great dat kayaking and snorkeling. On board everything was great so that we felt confortable with our 20 month kid
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you Pierre for taking the time to write a review following your Angthong National Marine Park Sunset tour.
We have designed our boats and facilities to provide our guests with plenty of room and optional activities while sailing such as soaking in the jacuzzi, dining, listening to your playlist, having drinks, playing games, and watching the sunset so you enjoy the journey ready to explorer the destination and activities. Our boats, facilities, and activities are designed to accommodate, be fun, and be safe for travelers from all walks of life, couples, families with young children, or seniors.
Angthong National Marine Park is most definitely an awesome destination to explore with the Semi-Private Yacht Sunset Cruise. A mix of activities and sightseeing makes for a fun-packed adventure. The kayaking is unique to our tour, no other tour explores the Secret Lagoon.
Thank you again
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
We are at Sasitara Thai Villas... do you pick up from here? If not then where would we meet?
What is the weather like start of December usually? Should the water be calm or rough?
I am very interested in this Tour for Saturday 15th July. 7-8am appointment. How works pickup from mimosa resort bantai beach?? Could come with scooter as well +491775706487 WhatsApp. Sven
I’m probably too late to answer but they pick you up from your hotel. Make sure this is confirmed as you boo. And that you don’t have to meet elsewhere.
Hello, we are 2 adults traveling with a baby (5 months) and a toddler (2 years).
We will need to take turns in the water for the snorkeling part (one goes in the water, one stays on board with the kids and change halftime), is that possible given that it is described as a guided session ?
Do you have a trip scheduled for Feb 21,2023 that we two could join that would pick us up from the cruise ship Nautica in port from 9:00am to 5:00pm
in Ko Samui?
Thank you for your response
Marcia Diekmann
Bonjour. Nous sommes combien de personnes sur le bateau ? Combien coûterait une privatisation du bateau ? Merci
Hi is it possible to pick us up in our hotel in kho phangan for the cruise?
Thank you
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