涛岛 VIP 浮潜之旅
涛岛 VIP 浮潜之旅
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
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年龄限制:4-99,每个团体最多 12 人
用时: 8 小时
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- 使用浮潜装备
- 午餐
- 新鲜的水果
- 往返住宿
- 全面保险
- 船上洗手间
- 苏打水/汽水
- 救生衣
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- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此项体验设有最低出行人数限制。 如果行程由于未达到最低出行人数而取消,您可选择改期/不同体验或全额退款
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- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:338950P3
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- KathrinMario0 条分享安通国家海洋公园的浮潜活动员工非常不错,很友好热情,提供了很多免费的饮料,食物也非常美味(包括新鲜水果),浮潜设备也非常好。浮潜的时候,我们分成了小组,每组四个人,配一个教练。所以真的是非常特别的体验。基本上就总是我们几个人在浮潜,避开了人多的地方。船上总共就11个人,所以私密性也很好。我们绝对会推荐这趟行程。我们整个行程的花费是一人4,950泰铢。撰写日期:2019年8月23日
- Julie H0 条分享国家海洋公园很棒的旅行极好的旅游,非常小团体,远离人群。他们调整他们的时间表,以确保你不会坐上其他拥挤的船。很好的主意。午餐很棒,团队细心、好玩、有趣、知识渊博。这是岛上最好的公司!撰写日期:2019年7月28日
- Traveler067453255590 条分享私人专属浮潜海滩旅行我和我女朋友选择的去安通国家海洋公园,平常每次6-8个人一艘快艇,配3-4教练。但这次运气非常好,因为有两个客人提前取消,所以这次旅行一共4个客人(还有对英格兰情侣),配3个教练,2个船员,服务很体贴,简直就是私人包船的感觉。早上9点会有车接你去他们的门店,船就在后面的海滩上。到安通一般1小时多的船程,首先是潜水项目,有浮潜也有深浅看个人喜好。随后是附近小岛上的皮划艇项目,是很有趣就是累人。等奋力地划完皮划艇你肯定饥肠辘辘,正好上到吃午饭,口味不错(毕竟饿的不行)。因为是小船,所以下午的行程很灵活,会挑一些人少的景点以及没人的海滩,让你享受私人包岛去体验。总的来说体验极佳,性价比也不错,一人1500人民币,超值!另外教练和服务人员都很热情,英语没有口音,沟通无障碍。撰写日期:2019年6月20日
- Vicstix0 条分享去安通海洋公园的最佳路线我和我的丈夫通过浮潜去往东100度的安通,这次旅行钱花的非常值。一切都进行的很顺利,除了浮潜的能见度不太好,但这也是没办法的事。乘坐独木舟很有趣,午饭也很好吃。然后我们到达了一个地方只有我们自己,只有我们的船,没有别人,周围很平静。我们非常喜欢,下一站是翡翠湖,又是当我们抵达那里,一个人都没有,真是太棒了,非常感谢所有给我们提供帮助的人,让我们度过了极棒的一天。撰写日期:2019年4月6日
- MillaT4060 条分享美好的一天这是我姐姐和我的朋友第一次来泰国,我很高兴带他们出去看看这个漂亮的地方!我们在安通度过了美好的一天:),非常轻松的旅行。谢谢你,Ivan,Michelle还有所有人:)下次见!撰写日期:2019年3月27日
- samuel f0 条分享强烈推荐!!如果你想在苏梅岛乘船观光,选择东方百分百潜水旅行社绝对不会错!我们本来对在苏梅岛选择哪家旅行社有些举棋不定,很幸运的遇见了东方百分百潜水旅行社,非常高兴选择了他们,体验真的很愉快。他们是一家小型的私人旅行社,服务一流!!他们会很好的安排游玩时间让你避开拥挤的人群,尽情的享受每个景点的乐趣。浮潜,皮划艇所有的项目他们都安排的很好,我们一路上看到了风景优美的海滩,导游为我们拍了许多照片。而且他们还会提供美味的午餐和一天游览中所需要的一切,所有的东西都包含在旅费中。我真的非常推荐这家旅行社!真的很不错!撰写日期:2019年2月21日
- mahimj20140 条分享生意做得很棒非常专业的船员。 一切都很完美。 接送是不需操心的。 我们不得不在旅行当天更换酒店。 他们提议从第一家酒店接我们,然后在晚上将我们送到下一家酒店。 节省了我们很多时间。 午餐很美味。 他们拍下了很多照片。 我们留下了一生难忘的回忆。撰写日期:2019年2月11日
- HelenaH15590 条分享苏梅岛之旅的亮点!我和朋友4人在Marine Pakr玩了一天(~小时的船程),玩得很开心。员工和游客的人数比很赞(那天我们有8位游客和6位员工),他们非常专业,也非常友好和令人愉快。Kurt 很有耐心,对这个地区的野生动物和自然很了解。非常感谢和佩服Clay先生,他完全了解人们的需求——他为我们拍了很多很棒的照片,常常甚至都不用我们去问,他也会在一些照片上亲自做艺术指导。我讨厌之前总是让别人在度假的时候给我拍照,这很让人讨厌,所以这个服务很受欢迎,让人惊喜。远离苏梅岛的喧嚣,去看看海洋公园,这样子度过一天的好时光,太棒了。强烈推荐!撰写日期:2019年1月20日
- ipmStudioCity0 条分享旅行亮点我们一家四口刚从苏梅岛玩了七天回来。这里的其中一个真正的亮点是我们在昂坪海岸公园的东方百分百潜水之旅。我们和库尔特一起潜水,然后浮潜,划皮艇。他们真的是一支非常专业的队伍,从头到尾都是。他们提供了一顿非常棒的午餐。我强烈推荐东方百分百,尤其是Kurt,他帮我们复习了潜水技巧。撰写日期:2019年1月6日
- MelissaS60700 条分享安通国家海洋公园潜水之旅强烈推荐在这里进行的体验。潜水、独木舟、徒步、在海边公园安静的海滩上享用美妙的泰式自助餐。这是一次愉快的全家出游!这里的工作人员很优秀,相对于其他观光团来说价格低很多(5-6位员工为12位成年人服务),其中每一位都给我们的体验增加了正面的经历。我们感觉在所有活动中都得到了很好的照料,在这一天要结束的时候有些伤感呢!强烈推荐!撰写日期:2018年10月21日
- Samir K0 条分享神奇的一天!在苏梅岛有一次愉快的海洋公园之旅,包括浮潜和皮划艇。库尔特、克莱、罗宾和队员们确保我们玩得很开心。我们是第一次尝试浮潜和划皮艇,我们不擅长游泳,但我们觉得完全舒适。他们定时提供软饮料、水和水果,确保你感到舒适。最好的是小组活动和时间安排,因为我们大部分的活动都是自己完成的。他们甚至拍了很棒的照片!强烈推荐这个团队。他们关心你,确保你拥有最好的时光。欢呼。撰写日期:2018年9月12日
- kbrrr0 条分享潜水这是我第一次在泰国潜水,我在网上查到了这里,然后我在抵达前一周左右在网上进行了预订。我潜水的时间并不长(这是我第17 /18次潜水),但这里是迄今为止我去过的最好的潜水点,就像在《蓝色星球》里一样!我们早早的就下了海,在这里看到了大群梭鱼和梭鱼以及很多其他有趣的鱼群。第二次潜水时,我们看到了超大型的石斑鱼和鲷鱼,还有烟囱。每次下水,人员配置大概是三名潜水员与两名指导员,本是我的指导员,他非常的专业、博学,也很友好。这里还提供美味的午餐,强烈推荐!!撰写日期:2018年9月2日
- Jason B0 条分享潜水很不错我们今天的潜水体验很棒。员工很赞,服务一流,午餐和点心都很不错,船也很舒服。每个团人都很少,所以体验很赞,员工会尽可能照顾到你的感受。非常值得,高度推荐东方百分百潜水。谢谢你们,让我们度过了愉快的一天,也谢谢这里的厨师,蔬菜咖喱非常美味!撰写日期:2018年8月25日
- Angela S0 条分享当天来回的短途旅行我们昨天和Kurt及Star先生,Jo先生,Michael先生和?先生这些人呆在一起了。这是多么美好的一天啊——从旅馆接起,这一天过得如此顺利。虽然大海有时有点“多浪”。潜泳很有趣,尤其是在洞穴里,青少年们喜欢从船边跳下来!午餐也很美味,有很多蔬菜可供选择。每天都有很多新鲜的水果和饮料供应。那天我个人最重要的活动就是去看环礁湖,那真是太美了。感谢所有照顾我们的人——我们玩得很开心!撰写日期:2018年7月31日
- Peter K0 条分享潜水一日,还背着氧气筒潜水两次最近的评论都集中在这里提供的浮潜服务,但是我想要刺激一点的,所以跟Ben及Maritime Team团队进行了几次很棒的潜水。一切都是非常专业的,安排及支持都非常好。这是一个很棒的潜水基地,我们还会再来。撰写日期:2018年7月27日
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48 条点评
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Nottingham, UK2 条分享
2024年8月 • 家庭
I don't often write reviews but after such an amazing experience I really couldn't let the opportunity pass to share what a great company this is and what a fabulous experience we had. Don't hesitate and book.
We are a family of four (one teen, one 10 year-old) plus my mum - Cara was fantastic from start to finish making sure that my mum (who didn't want to snorkel) was catered for and ensured that she enjoyed the trip regardless of not wanting to get in the water. She even called whilst we were out at Kao Tao to makesure mum was ok - unbelievably kind and really made mum feel special (she was celebrating her 70th birthday). We felt looked after from start to finish, Cara helped us decide which trip was the right one for us and never failed to answer any of my questions (even the silly ones).
From being picked up from the hotel to our return we were so looked after. The team are first class and complete pro's all the way. Big shout out to Ben who managed the whole thing perfectly. All the team were so attentive and skilled at what they do, we really couldn't not have asked for anything else. Whilst in the sea our guide Cola (amazing driver) really did an amazing job and we had the best time ever swimming in the most perfect sea and swimming in what felt like a dream, the colours, the fish completely awesome.
Lunch was so lovely - the setting, the food, everything. Our 10 year old who can be a fussy eater woofed down the chicken and rice and said it was the best meal he had ever had! My only advice would be please make sure that you use suncream on your back and back of your legs/bum or better still cover them up - we were advised - so all our fault - but as first timers we were rather sore from sunburn but it was worth it for one of the best experiences of all time - but if we can pass on anything cover up!
Thank Cara for everything, you and your team really did make this the highlight of our trip to Thailand we cannot thank you enough!
We are a family of four (one teen, one 10 year-old) plus my mum - Cara was fantastic from start to finish making sure that my mum (who didn't want to snorkel) was catered for and ensured that she enjoyed the trip regardless of not wanting to get in the water. She even called whilst we were out at Kao Tao to makesure mum was ok - unbelievably kind and really made mum feel special (she was celebrating her 70th birthday). We felt looked after from start to finish, Cara helped us decide which trip was the right one for us and never failed to answer any of my questions (even the silly ones).
From being picked up from the hotel to our return we were so looked after. The team are first class and complete pro's all the way. Big shout out to Ben who managed the whole thing perfectly. All the team were so attentive and skilled at what they do, we really couldn't not have asked for anything else. Whilst in the sea our guide Cola (amazing driver) really did an amazing job and we had the best time ever swimming in the most perfect sea and swimming in what felt like a dream, the colours, the fish completely awesome.
Lunch was so lovely - the setting, the food, everything. Our 10 year old who can be a fussy eater woofed down the chicken and rice and said it was the best meal he had ever had! My only advice would be please make sure that you use suncream on your back and back of your legs/bum or better still cover them up - we were advised - so all our fault - but as first timers we were rather sore from sunburn but it was worth it for one of the best experiences of all time - but if we can pass on anything cover up!
Thank Cara for everything, you and your team really did make this the highlight of our trip to Thailand we cannot thank you enough!
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Marianne C
4 条分享
2024年8月 • 家庭
Wow what an amazing trip. Everything ran seamlessly from the moment I made contact with Cara to book our trip right through to the end of the day when we were dropped back at our hotel. Every detail had been thought of. The staff on the boat were amazing and looked after us with care and kindness. We had 1 snorkel guide for our family of 5 who made sure we saw as much of the beautiful marine life as possible. We even got to see turtles. The lunch provided was delicious and there was an endless supply of soft drinks throughout the day. We all had the best day. Thank you.
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Kate B
7 条分享
Great instructors they were incredibly kind and helpful.
There were exotic and beautiful fish.
I luckily saw a turtle.
There were exotic and beautiful fish.
I luckily saw a turtle.
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荷兰Alkmaar175 条分享
2024年8月 • 夫妻情侣
This is the best boat tour we have ever been one, many in Thailand and other countries. From the initial contact to the drop off, the team were totally professional. They take care of everything for you: supply a personal water bottle, towels laid out for each guest after snorkeling trip, your shoes laid out on the pier when you step off piers, giving out all sorts of local information, taking pictures for you on your own personal phone and camera, the list goes on and on. The groups are small, max 12 adults and total max 14 and with 6 staff, the level of care and attention is outstanding.
Snorkeling was great and we saw a lot of fishes and sea life. Canoeing was fun, lunch was very tasty with home cooked Thai dishes. I fully recommend this trip and thanks to Ben, Mr T and rest of team for making it a truly spectacular day.
Snorkeling was great and we saw a lot of fishes and sea life. Canoeing was fun, lunch was very tasty with home cooked Thai dishes. I fully recommend this trip and thanks to Ben, Mr T and rest of team for making it a truly spectacular day.
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Katherine C
英国40 条分享
Wonderful day out snorkelling with family friends. We all loved it. Visibility was great and we saw spectacular fish and turtles. The team at 100 degrees East are excellent. Very professional and organised from booking through to the day of the snorkelling. Crew were fantastic; caring, calm and attentive. Food that was provided was delicious. Would highly recommend.
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英国伦敦2 条分享
Had a lovely day snorkelling around Ko Tao. The guide with each group knew exactly where to go for the best snorkelling and took genuine pleasure in showing you the varied fish, coral and turtles. The lunch laid on was also very tasty. All in all, a good day out with a professional company made up of nice people.
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意大利热那亚10 条分享
Excellent organization, extremely competent and friendly staff, wonderful snorkeling with the chance to see three different points of the island. Also very pleasant lunch break on a wonderful beach
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Scott G
30 条分享
2024年7月 • 家庭
VIP Snorkelling Experience....5 stars really...to rate this experience...No Way...I give it 10 stars ***** ***** if I was allowed to select it.
Simply put...BLOODY AMAZING. Cara and the 100 Degrees team were so helpful from first contact from Australia booking the tour before leaving for our Thailand Holiday. Confirming exactly what we needed to bring and not bring on our holiday (provided weight belts and booties for Free Diving) :).
ORGANISATION 10/10 : The whole day out was so well organised from first contact to our departure in the late afternoon.
FRIENDLY CREW 10/10 : A Super friendly crew (Mr Ben was our guide for the America - Aussie Team) and with only 12 guests onboard it was not cramped and really comforting knowing we had really experienced and qualified members guiding us.
THE OCEAN 10/10: The Ocean didn't disappoint.Just like the glossy brochures...Deep, Blue and super clear water to explore.
FOOD / BEVERAGES 10/10: So much Lunch (super yummy Thai) and super cold Water and soft drinks available whenever you wanted to grab a refreshing drink. .
I have spent plenty of time in the ocean and this is the highlight for me. It is SO WORTH the cost and my family and I will be return to repeat the experience.
I also did the Angthong Marine Park VIP Guided Tour with 100 Degrees. Again the crew on this day trip were just as incredible with the captain being very accommodating and excellent guide.
This experience was just as incredible (as was the ride back with my Son on the back of the speed boat during the storm on the way home). If you want to maximise more time in the water I would recommend the VIP Snorkelling.
To Cara and the Team....THANKYOU...THANKYOU....THANKYOU...we will be back. The Gutto's
Simply put...BLOODY AMAZING. Cara and the 100 Degrees team were so helpful from first contact from Australia booking the tour before leaving for our Thailand Holiday. Confirming exactly what we needed to bring and not bring on our holiday (provided weight belts and booties for Free Diving) :).
ORGANISATION 10/10 : The whole day out was so well organised from first contact to our departure in the late afternoon.
FRIENDLY CREW 10/10 : A Super friendly crew (Mr Ben was our guide for the America - Aussie Team) and with only 12 guests onboard it was not cramped and really comforting knowing we had really experienced and qualified members guiding us.
THE OCEAN 10/10: The Ocean didn't disappoint.Just like the glossy brochures...Deep, Blue and super clear water to explore.
FOOD / BEVERAGES 10/10: So much Lunch (super yummy Thai) and super cold Water and soft drinks available whenever you wanted to grab a refreshing drink. .
I have spent plenty of time in the ocean and this is the highlight for me. It is SO WORTH the cost and my family and I will be return to repeat the experience.
I also did the Angthong Marine Park VIP Guided Tour with 100 Degrees. Again the crew on this day trip were just as incredible with the captain being very accommodating and excellent guide.
This experience was just as incredible (as was the ride back with my Son on the back of the speed boat during the storm on the way home). If you want to maximise more time in the water I would recommend the VIP Snorkelling.
To Cara and the Team....THANKYOU...THANKYOU....THANKYOU...we will be back. The Gutto's
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Jade H
18 条分享
Exceptional day for our family !! Thank you 100 degrees East team for an incredible day. Our tour was organized perfectly. The snorkeling gear was awesome. Having a guide swim with our family was so great. While our family are experienced snorkellers; this tour would still be amazing for beginners. The spots we were taken were great too.our guide was great at spotting things we may not have seen. The boat, the team and lunch were all fabulous !! Easily our favorite day on Koh Samui.
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Rodney R
6 条分享
Our family was looking for a more exclusive snorkelling experience that was professional, safe and beautiful and we were not disappointed. Cara and her team were awesome from the start to the end and we would recommend them to anyone coming to the island. This is one activity you cannot miss. We will definately do this again when we come back.
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