供应商/业主为:Bali SUN Tours
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年龄限制:15-60,每个团体最多 70 人
用时: 10 小时
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- 两次潜入世界上最具标志性的沉船潜水之一的USS Liberty
- 看到颜色鲜艳的鱼在垂钓船内学习和喂食
- 在提供装备的情况下安全地冒险,并且手头有一名教练或潜水长
- 包括巴厘岛精选酒店的接送服务
- 酒店接送服务
- 瓶装水
- 潜水大师/讲师
- 使用水肺潜水装备
- 在Tulamben潜水2次
- 午餐
- 淋浴设施
未包含内容- 纪念照片(可购买)
- 出发地点:提供多个接送地点。接送服务详情
- 下列酒店提供免费酒店接送服务: 丹戎贝诺瓦, 努沙杜瓦, 金巴兰, 图班, 库塔, 勒吉安, 水明漾, 登巴萨, 沙努尔, 八丹拜, 念珠菌, 艾湄湾, 图兰本。 请在预订时或旅行日期之前告知我们您的位置!
提供酒店接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的酒店列表中进行选择。返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 婴儿必须坐在成人腿上
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:7516P19- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 不建议孕妇参加
- 不推荐背部不适的旅行者参加
- 无心脏问题或其他重大疾病
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 请注意您预订时脚蹼的尺寸
- 此活动仅对有潜水经验的人士开放。
- 乘飞机前至少需要24小时
- 旅行的持续时间约为10小时(从接送到下降)
- 请在预订时提及您的住宿详情
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 70 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:7516P19
- 844yant0 条分享巴厘岛乌布之旅这两天的巴厘岛之行很愉快,刺激的漂流,美丽的海滩…太多好玩的好吃的地方了。 我们的司机Lila很尽心尽责,带我们去了很多地方。我一点英语都不会,司机一直通过翻译软件与我交流,很好。 期待下次再来这个美丽的地方撰写日期:2023年7月31日
- Getaway045939315050 条分享必玩项目ATV这个必须预定,虽然是雨天,但跟晴天绝对是不一样的体验,接送我们的司机ADY非常的好,人很热心,给我们推荐了很多好吃的好玩的! 主要是车技很好! 还祝我们旅途愉快!撰写日期:2022年10月24日
- StaceyL15930 条分享热爱秋千的民族认识各种峇里岛的手工艺和传统寺庙,以及好喝的咖啡和享受自然的秋千XDDD 感谢Astika先生又开车又兼导游。他解惑了我们一路上许多的问题,非常的热情😄😄撰写日期:2020年2月11日
- robin w0 条分享行程很棒putu astika是我们这次的导游,他稍微调整了一下行程,让整个行程比较顺,而且他对行程中所有古迹的了解很多,可以从他的介绍了解非常深入,另外梯田也很棒,湖神庙也很值得一看,最后的海神庙也很美,中间餐厅的安排也很好,强烈推荐要参加旅程的人可以参考putu astika!撰写日期:2020年2月7日
- n6963950 条分享Good trip in Bali行程安排流畅,司机兼导游PUTU ASTIKA,讲解认真,每到一个地方会详细介绍当地风土民情,我们中途增加了一个景点,Putu也非常愿意配合,开车技术很好,推荐给大家。撰写日期:2020年1月27日
- WesleyLin0 条分享非常棒的一日游行程我们订了巴厘岛世界遗产一日游,司机兼导游Astika 先生非常帮忙,整个行程都很顺利,天气也非常棒,一天的4个行程,意犹未尽!撰写日期:2020年1月12日
- elisemomo0 条分享非常棒的一次旅行!我和父母一行三人,从Jimbaran出发去浮潜。路程稍微有点长,但是我们的司机OKTA全程非常的耐心,活泼和热情。一路上都在给我们介绍巴厘岛。水下非常多的鱼,水也比较清澈,就是水温有点凉。浮潜的时候,没有提供毛巾,需要给老板说才会给拿。总体来说,非常不错的一段旅程!撰写日期:2019年12月15日
- jesschihchih0 条分享Thanks suparta超级好的司机suparta, 在峇里岛介绍我们很多好玩的好吃的,专业导游,下次来还要给他服务,人超棒超和善,来峇里岛一定要选他撰写日期:2019年11月23日
- alice08100 条分享Thanks suparta第一次来玩,帅哥司机很热情带我们在Bali 到处走走玩 ,人很好、亲切、健谈我们玩得很高兴,希望下次还能在来这里玩。撰写日期:2019年11月23日
- sendmethatstuff0 条分享从机场接机从何说起呢!Troy带着灿烂的笑容出现在机场,巴厘岛的所有人都面带微笑,但他的笑容却像太阳一样灿烂。总是乐于帮我们把行李送到车上,我们以前已经去过巴厘岛了,所以这次只想休息一下吃个午饭,但他还是建议我们去一个地方,我们丝毫没有失望,司机也非常安全,对巴厘岛的生活方式了解很多。我们很乐意去了以后再打电话联系他,也愿意把他推荐给其他人。谢谢你Troy,这是我们的荣幸。有缘再会。撰写日期:2019年10月31日
- bungeejon0 条分享悬崖跳跃和知识渊博的导游!我和我的两个女性朋友去了阿林加林瀑布,我们非常喜欢那里的瀑布和附近的悬崖。导游们很随和,救生衣质量也很好。景点并不拥挤,这使得整个旅程更加愉快。虽然我们没有勇气在10米和15米的悬崖上纵身一跃,但看着其他胆大的人冒险尝试还是很令人兴奋的。特别想大声告诉我们的私人司机潘杜,他很有礼貌,对巴厘岛及其所有的历史和景点都很了解。非常感谢您回答我们所有的问题!撰写日期:2019年10月29日
- JoanneB15520 条分享在乌布的私人旅行刚刚从一个很有爱(很热)的地方回来,准备要去游览乌布附近的一些地方,来一场自然、文化和历史遗迹之旅。通过发信息线下沟通的巴厘岛的阳光之旅太棒了,我们的司机朋友Juna来接我的时候给我打了电话,人很好很专业,他根据我的需求调整行程,省去了很多费劲的沟通。特别感谢他想的这么周到。谢谢你Juna。他给我讲了很多有关巴厘岛的习俗、信仰等等,我感觉和他一起很有安全感。他真的很照顾我,但是又不会妨碍我。很聪明。巴厘岛和我24年前来的时候变化很大。但是当地人对我们的友好和尊重始终如一。我太爱这里了。撰写日期:2019年10月27日
- Hsiang Ting F0 条分享准时,良善,服务好搭机场- 库塔HTL,库塔的道路是单形道,司机开过头。过头后,要绕一圈多花上15-20分,才会到达目的地。 司机原本要我们用走的,说约9分钟可以到,和他沟通,请他帮忙,司机人很好,还是遶一圈到达饭店。撰写日期:2019年10月22日
- mmirn4150 条分享巴厘岛最好的旅行和最好的司机!我和我的朋友选择了巴厘岛阳光之旅作为乌布一日游,我们对自己的选择很满意。我们的司机June Tatto对我们的照顾无微不至,和他在一起我们总是感到很安心。 June的英语很好,所以和他交流很顺畅。他熟悉巴厘岛的情况,和他搭档很愉快。他还帮我们买了到德拉娜安岛的船票,并开车送我们到巴八丹拜码头。我们还让他带我们去了东巴厘岛的天空之门和蒂尔塔冈加。巴厘岛的美丽和巴厘岛人的热情好客让我想再去一次巴厘岛!巴厘岛阳光之旅确实值得推荐。谢谢你June。😍撰写日期:2019年10月20日
- 380alisone0 条分享这是度过充满冒险的一天的好方法多棒的一日游啊!我们预定了一个白浪漂流和骑四轮沙滩车穿越Viator的套餐,一切都很顺利。从酒店把我们接上,开车到中心,全程都享受到一流的服务。漂流非常有趣,对任何年龄段的人来说都很安全。但你需要相对健康的身体才能下去,然后爬到河流流经的山谷。在中心吃了一顿美味的午餐后,我们骑着四轮沙滩车,穿过美丽的稻田和更远的地方。如果你想在泥泞中加速爬上斜坡,我建议你骑在后面。回到中心,洗了个澡(只有冷水),然后跳上我们的面包车回酒店。虽然后来有点累,但还是很有趣的。阳光旅行社组织得很好,经验丰富的员工做每件事都很安全,但仍然很有趣。强烈推荐! !撰写日期:2019年10月18日
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43 条点评
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9 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
The underwater world on these metal reefs is fabulous. It is also suitable for ever-driving divers. We were even lucky to have seen a green sea turtle. The guide was very experienced and pointed out special features underwater.
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Shannon H
1 条分享
2024年2月 • 好友
The diving experience was really great and the diving school team was very well organized, friendly and accommodating. Unfortunately, Bali SUN Tours itself was responsible for the bad rating as the organizing intermediary. The evening before we were supposed to set off, I was left to organize the journey at the last minute because Bali SUN Tours suddenly couldn't provide a driver. The communication was poor and unreliable, which really spoiled my evening. When I asked for a partial refund of the travel costs included in the package price for my troubles, I was first put off and then completely ignored, so I had to file a complaint through Klook.
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Dear Awesome Client,
Luminous Greetings from Bali Sun Tours.
We would like to thanks for taking your time to share your experienced with us here. We will always strive to provide the best service for all of you. Look forward to catch up for another awesome trip soon.
Best Regards,
Max | Bali SUN Tours
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
香港2 条分享
The dive master is toxicated you can smell alcohol from his breath, so irresponsible. He would ignore the diver’s level and insist to go further out of the sea
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Dear Awesome Client,
Luminous Greetings from Bali Sun Tours.
We would like to thanks for taking your time to share your experienced with us here. We will always strive to provide the best service for all of you. Look forward to catch up for another awesome trip soon.
Best Regards,
Max | Bali SUN Tours
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Rachael N
爱达荷科达伦8 条分享
Fun experience, about 2.5 hour drive from Ubud, but overall had a great time. Private instructor for the two of us. Felt comfortable and had a practice dive prior to the “big” dive. Suitable for beginners!
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Lily Donnell
科罗拉多博尔德8 条分享
Amazing!! They were so helpful! We had never been scuba diving before and there were no issues. Our driver was by our side the entire time making sure everything was going smoothly. Seeing the fish and the ship wreck was the coolest experience! We got to see a lot of the natural islands on the way over. Great thing to do to not be in an area swamping with other tourists.
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Nathalie D
3 条分享
super plongée avec une guide superbe et tres professionnelle explique parfaitement les gestes a faire tres belle plongée parmis de tres beaux poissons et l epave et superbe aussi recommande tres favorablement baliberty chauffeur super
recommande et a faire
recommande et a faire
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Dear Awesome Client,
Luminous Greetings from Bali Sun Tours.
We would like to thanks for taking your time to share your experienced with us here. We will always strive to provide the best service for all of you. Look forward to catch up for another awesome trip soon.
Best Regards,
Max | Bali SUN Tours
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Lorene S
11 条分享
AmazIng experience! Definitely worth the 3 hour drive from Seminyak. Truly the highlight of my trip!! Made was an awesome dive guide! Took excellent care of me as a solo female traveler. I felt totally safe and he knows the terrain well. He was nice enough to stop and purchase some street food on the way there when I mentioned I liked Indonesian food and even arranged to rent an underwater camera for my dive when he learned I forgot mine. Very cool! The visibility was so good - crystal clear water. The current is strong in some places but not worrisome. A great location to dive for both experienced and new divers. The drive there and back was also a nice opportunity to see more of Bali including jungle, rice terraces, the Mt. Agung volcano, and monkeys! This really is a can’t miss opportunity if you’re in Bali. So worth the small price paid. A definite 10/10!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Oana H
阿联酋阿布扎比24 条分享
It was the best experience of my life.it was my first time diving and i was a bit apprehensive at first but do to our diving instructor i learned very quickly how to relax and enjoy everything about the dive.i felt very safe and well taken care of.madi our instructor deserves all the praises for taking us under this magical place that is created on the shipwreck.because of him i will go diving again.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Daniel B
3 条分享
It was an amazing day with driver gilang , We were located in Uluwatu and got picked up early and on time , He hard really comfortable car , Diving sport Tulamben was wonderful and amazing lot of variaty fish and coral was amazing . thank you bali sun tours and gilang . Recommended
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Dear Awesome Client,
Luminous Greetings from Bali Sun Tours.
We would like to thanks for taking your time to share your experienced with us here. We will always strive to provide the best service for all of you. Look forward to catch up for another awesome trip soon.
Best Regards,
Max | Bali SUN Tours
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
新加坡新加坡2 条分享
2020年2月 • 独自旅游
Its was amazing trip. Before, i didnt have dive experience. But, the service provided is very good, because dive master have so profesional skills, and management was at a very high level. Location for dive is interesting, its not just ship... Its big undewater world!
Also, i want to say big thanks for my driver (Satria), which nice arranger and manage my time, and my adventure was profesional with fun of sense and exitment!
Also, i want to say big thanks for my driver (Satria), which nice arranger and manage my time, and my adventure was profesional with fun of sense and exitment!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hello, we are a group of 4 people. Please share your email and WhatsApp number
Hi! Is it possible to do it at the beginning of november? Because it is not available on the site. Thank you.
Hello, we are a group of 4. I have two questions:
1) can i book this trip if i dont know swimming and i have never done scuba before?
2) pick up and drop from Seminyak is included in the price?
When you book, the website will ask for your hotel location and it is required to put in the correct hotel name. As for swimming, all divers and instructor will tell you : diving and swimming is not related. This diving programme is shore dive, so swimming knowledge should not be required, unlike a boat dive.
Confirming pick up time at the Legian Club in Seminyak for our booking tomorrow. Thank you!
Hi there, I would really love to do this tour but my partner is terrified of water. Is there a way we’re my partner can still come on the tour but not do the suba diving part and how much would this cost be to come but not participate.
Charlotte G
My name Charlotte and I have a question about the duration of the tour. It says that it will take 10 hours,, but what makes the tour this amount of hours? I'll be staying in the east of Bali and therefore will I be pretty close to the diving spot. Will this also take 10 hours then?
I hope to hear from you!
Hallo Charlotte, Ik verbleef in Sanur en dook met duikcentrum " Joe's Gone Diving". Men kwam me rond 8u ophalen voor trip van +- 1u15 rijden tot Tulamben. Daar maakten we twee heel fijne duiken op het wrak USAT Liberty, met een heerlijke maaltijd. Daarna terug naar Sanur. Rond 16u30 terug in het duikcentrum. Als je in oost Bali verblijft ( bv Amed, ...) zit je natuurlijk heel kort bij Tulamben en hoeft je geen transport tijd.
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