供应商/业主为:Casa Del Buceo
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄限制:5-100,每个团体最多 8 人
用时: 1 小时 15 分
开始时间: 查看供应情况
现场指南:英语, 西班牙语
- 使用浮潜装备
- 饮用水
- 出发地点:
- Casa del Buceo, Calle Pescadores S/N atrás de la, C. Secundaria Técnica, Electricistas - Supmza. 003, 77400 Isla Mujeres, Q.R., MexicoMujeres岛上的Secundaria Tecnica Benito Juarez后面,距轮渡码头5分钟车程。
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
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- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 8 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:206288P1
- KEOlms0 条分享潜水探险之旅首先我想说的是,这是我和我15岁儿子的第一次潜水经历,对于整个潜水体验,我感到非常的有个性并且非常专业。 如果您想如果你想远离市中心的游客聚集区,并获得一对一的专业服务,请到这里来。 恩里克(Enrique)是潜水大师并且是我们的教练。他带我们去了他最喜欢的地方并且用我们的新GoPro相机拍了照片。 我敢肯定,他拍摄的照片和视频会比我们自己拍摄的要好得多。我们第二天早上在市中心的另一家公司预约了鲸鲨之旅,由于无法取消不得不又去了这家公司,为此我感到一点沮丧。 说真的,不能说太多关于他们的好话了。 如果我们再来,他们将成为我们的首选公司。 谢谢帕勃罗和恩里克撰写日期:2019年8月4日
- Shellie D0 条分享超赞!Enrique真是太惊人了!我们体验了鲸鲨游和浮潜。他们非常友好,技艺高超,尤其是对我这样的新手来说!其实我在5年前就曾去过那里。当我们向他询问要怎么打开我们找到的椰子,他说这个椰子太老了,得找个绿色的。然后他就爬上树摘了几个椰子,然后跳下来,把这几个椰子打开,让我们喝椰汁吃椰肉!认真的吗???谁这样做?Enrique,就是他!我真想立刻再预定一次跟他们一起玩!撰写日期:2019年4月8日
- blanco000 条分享探险潜水最安全和特别的潜水,我们超级喜欢,在海里看到了章鱼,鳐鱼,石鱼,龙虾,螃蟹,真的超级棒。我们的潜水指导恩里克是个非常棒的人,时刻保持对你的关注,并确保你享受其中。我们连续潜了3天水,真的很美,我们会尽快带着孩子来的...感谢Pablo和La Casa del Buceo撰写日期:2018年11月26日
- LAmanda122450 条分享超赞的鲸鲨浮潜!坦白说,我真的不知道应该期待什么,但是我非常欣慰我们能看到大约200头鲸鲨!Enrique和Jesus是最棒的!我很容易晕船,而那天一点问题都没有!他们给你提供非常特别的指导,而且还会拍大量的照片!如果你是在鲸鲨季节来游玩,这将是一次不可思议的体验。跌天我们在礁石处进行了水肺潜水和浮潜,而去博物馆也是一段非常美好的时光。--Amanda撰写日期:2018年7月4日
- Jen D0 条分享一流的服务,超棒的浮潜之旅我丈夫和我预定了一次私人的浮潜旅行,那里没有任何其他顾客。我们被带到了三个不同的地方,我们的向导确保我们整个时间都过得舒适愉快。船很干净,有卫生间和淋浴,可以进行之后的清洁。我绝对推荐Casa Del Buceo景点撰写日期:2017年9月27日
- 15bubbles0 条分享鲸鲨和潜水由于我没有在Isle Mujeres潜水的经验,没有其他的评论根据,所以我对这个小组做了一些保留意见。从9月3日到8日我都在那里。我度过了愉快的一个星期。我们很幸运,天气都很好。潜水非常棒,因为有一个很棒的DM和其他工作人员,他们花时间向我展示了所有我喜欢看的生物。鲸鲨没有让我们失望,我们游泳游得十分尽兴。我喜欢我能把我的装备留在那里,而不是每天都把它拖回酒店,每次潜水之后,他们就把装备冲洗干净了。这次我是独自一人出来旅行,他们真的很棒。强烈推荐他们。撰写日期:2017年9月17日
- brookost0 条分享跳水和浮潜难以置信,我们和鲨鲸一起浮潜。这一定要去做!他们还带我们去看了大型蝠鲼,我们看到一些蝠鲼跃出水面,我们还跟着他们一起游。我们还跟这家店定了两次跳水之旅,所有的一切都棒极了!设备很安全,向导非常好且擅于观察。店主Pablo非常友好,且乐于助人。Enrique使旅途好玩有趣。这是我们目前最好玩的一次跳水之旅,选址(可以看到铰口鲨、各种不同类型的光线、鳗鱼、海龟、河豚鱼、狮子鱼、龙虾、蜘蛛蟹、贝壳……)和总体验(他们拍了好多很棒的照片)都很不错。撰写日期:2017年8月15日
- Francisca S0 条分享鲸鲨我们订的Casa del buceo为鲸鲨游。从开始,它是有组织的,工作人员是友好的,积极响应电子邮件,所有工作整齐有序。我们的导游宙斯路易斯和若泽以及船长耶稣(神奇的播放列表)都很棒!我们在离开的1.25小时内发现了鲸鲨,而且到处都是!他们善于发现他们从哪里来,所以你会发现总有一个或两个游过你身旁!午餐也很好!我的朋友喜欢鱼,对我来说我喜欢这里的果酱,真的是首屈一指的。这是一次难以置信的旅程,在接下来的旅程中很难有这么美好的回忆了。极力跟大家推荐这里撰写日期:2017年7月11日
- Texasnance0 条分享这些人们很棒!我们和这些朋友们一起潜水过几次,他们真的很棒!他们非常乐于助人,而且还通情达理!同时,他们带给我们很多的乐趣,也很有安全意识。有一次,我落下了蛙鞋,不得不赶第二天早上5:30的渡船然后坐飞机。因为我在前一天晚上九点半回到店里取回。上次去的时候,他们还把我们送到了我们住的地方。他们真的很棒,强烈推荐!谢谢你们,我等不及下次了!撰写日期:2017年5月4日
- ectsalik0 条分享很棒的导游我们预订了两站/点的浮潜之旅。我们的孩子是13,10&6岁。在第一站时我最小的孩子面罩遇到了麻烦,耶稣和豪爵他俩都很耐心,很棒。当我们到了第二个地方时,我感到想呕吐,所以他们把我放在一个较浅的地方,我游到一个有大量鱼的暗礁的地方去看了看。总体上对于每个人来说,在很大程度上由于耶稣和豪爵的缘故,这是一个美好的经历。撰写日期:2017年4月14日
- Diane R0 条分享自由行潜水之旅在2017年2月26日我们开启了自由行的潜水之旅。多么美好的时光!我们看到了如此神奇的水生生物,不必非得同一大群人相遇。当我们结束,一大群游客到我们潜过的区域潜水。这是我们过去采取的一种旅游方式,相比之后我们很开心自由行有多好!感谢为我们安排的最后一分钟要求的旅行---去杂货店,骑回渡轮!撰写日期:2017年3月9日
- Ray R0 条分享浮潜之旅我们是在上午8点和恩里克一起出去,我们看到了整个珊瑚礁! 很高兴我们去的是Casa Del Buceo。工作人员向我们解释了一切,而且这里有一个非常专业的商店。非常棒的设备,非常棒的的船只,恩里克是一个优秀和有趣的主人。我们会再来的!撰写日期:2017年1月18日
- jayclue0 条分享太棒了!这些家伙太棒了。我住的地方离梅耶斯岛不远,我在科苏梅尔岛当水肺潜水的教练。我个人从梅耶斯岛去参加鲸鱼之旅、任何类型的潜水或浮潜相关活动时都会选择这家Casa del Buceo公司。当我们在科苏梅尔的客户想来这里,我经常会向他们推荐这些旅行产品。他们的团队知识渊博、安全可靠、充满乐趣,在你第一天见到他们的时候,你就会觉得自己是这个家庭的一部分。老实说,我真的高度推荐他们。优秀的家伙,出色的团队。撰写日期:2016年8月26日
- Christina A0 条分享安全和知识丰富是Casa Del Buceo的关键我们在Casa Del Buceo 潜水商店有很棒的经历,并且我们已经和他们一起浮潜超过8次了。我们一般和Enrique一起游泳,但是今年他和他的队长被别人预定了,因此我们和Robert一起去的。我非常高兴,因为Robert和他的队长非常让人惊叹,他一直确保我们的安全并给我们指出海里可以看到的一起很酷的事物。当我们和鲸鲨一起游时,导游指出我不还不够强壮来跟上他,同时他也帮助我掌控我的手以确保我没有害怕,并能欣赏到美丽的鲨鱼。Casa Del Buceo比较小且品貌兼优。对于想要在岛上浮潜,潜水或者任何事情的人们我绝对推荐这家潜水商店。他们真的太棒了!撰写日期:2016年7月17日
- eyaledri0 条分享不如照片上看起来的那么好(浮潜)我在浮潜(非潜水)的时候从顶部看了一下这个博物馆。这个地方从照片上看非常的不错,还有很多的雕塑,但是事实上,这里的雕塑很少,也没有太多的礁石和鱼,就凭这一点,我就不会再来了。撰写日期:2016年7月1日
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22 条点评
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荷兰Mariahoop38 条分享
Best place to do the whale shark tour! They start early at 7:00, and that's a good thing. We got to the whale sharks, and only the six of us from the boat were in the water. No other boats or people, and more than 10 whale sharks. It was amazing, and we even saw some dolphins.
The early start was worth it. At the end, we had some sandwiches, fruit, and beers and soft drinks. Highly recommend Casa del Buceo!
We also did two dives, saw amazing sea life, and some nice coral reefs. Lovely place and very nice people work here!
The early start was worth it. At the end, we had some sandwiches, fruit, and beers and soft drinks. Highly recommend Casa del Buceo!
We also did two dives, saw amazing sea life, and some nice coral reefs. Lovely place and very nice people work here!
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Hilary N
6 条分享
We used Casa Del Buceo for a whale shark snorkeling tour, and then the next day a two tank dive. We got excellent service both days! For the whale sharks, we were able to get in the water with them way more than other boats and companies I saw there. For the scuba diving we actually ended up having a private tour and we’re very well taken care of. I would definitely use this company again! Thanks, especially to Quique for making it so special!
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Valerie S
1 条分享
2024年4月 • 夫妻情侣
We did 2 spots for 900 pesos each. José the captain even came to pick us up in the morning near the ferry.
Luis was very kind and guided us well.
A lot of fish. Super clean equipment. Pablo welcoming and puts no pressure. We went around 7am and were alone on the boat. Highly recommend this company :)
Luis was very kind and guided us well.
A lot of fish. Super clean equipment. Pablo welcoming and puts no pressure. We went around 7am and were alone on the boat. Highly recommend this company :)
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密歇根特拉弗斯城9 条分享
From start to finish our party of 9, six adults and thee kids (ages7, 10, and 14) were extremely satisfied. Making a reservation was very easy. We had our own private boat with three guides, a captain, and snorkeling guide and a scuba diver guide. The group did two snorkeling adventures while I did two deep water dives. Snorkeling guide George provided extra care and attention to the youngest in our group. The captain insured that the boat was always near our group while we were in the water. Kile, scuba guide, took me to colorful reefs, underwater statues and the opportunity to view vast amount of sea life. There were no extra hidden costs, the price was very fair and competitive. A wonderful adventure had by all .
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Kalmi P
1 条分享
2024年1月 • 夫妻情侣
I booked the group short snorkeling tour about a week in advance on WhatsApp. Casa Del Buceo was very responsive to my questions before I booked. On the day of the tour, we took the ferry from Puerto Juarez, and one of the salespeople at the ferry told me that all snorkeling tours were canceled due to the wind conditions. I immediately contacted Casa Del Buceo and they messaged me back right away telling me that the harbor was definitely open. They offered to take us earlier in the day than we had booked. Once we got to their location, they made us feel welcome right away and got us fitted with our gear. Turns out we were the only people on the tour, so we got very personalized service! Luis was our guide; he was phenomenal and helped me get comfortable and feel safe in water that had a strong current. I saw SO many different fish! There was a school of sergeant fish around me constantly. Luis was amazing at swimming with me and making sure I saw everything there was to see: starfish, barracudas, fish hidden inside coral, etc. He even went down toward the ocean floor at one point to wake up a fish that was sleeping! Juan, our captain, took us wherever we wanted to go. This tour was well worth the money and the experience.
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德克萨斯州奥斯丁55 条分享
2023年12月 • 好友
Hands down Casa Del Buceo is the BEST place to get PADI Open Water Scuba Dive certified, scuba diving, snorkeling, local & deep sea fishing on Isla Muneres!!! Casa Del Buceo also offers additional advanced PADI certification trainings. Just ask for Pablo! He will schedule & set up anything you need!! Pablo & his team will make sure you have fun but are also safe in every thing you do. My friend & I got our PADI Open Water Scuba Dive certification here at Casa Del Buceo because the scuba dive center in Austin, Texas USA just wanted to take our money and did NOT have good instructors. Carlos Gutierrez V was our instructor at Casa Del Buceo and he is excellent!! Carlos is a patient, knowledgeable PADI instructor with over 40 years experience!!! Carlos makes sure you understand how to perform each Open Water skill outside the water before you enter the ocean water at the confined & open water dives in order to safely & confidently obtain your PADI Open Water Scuba Dive Certification. All equipment is provided for you for any training certifications, scuba dive & snorkeling excursions. Following our PADI Open Water certification, my best friend & I did five additional dives with Divemaster Enrique “Kiké” E. Torres Cruz. Kiké is also a great instructor and guide helping us perfect our buoyancy & trim while having fun each dive! We even did a night dive with Kiké which was n amazing experience!! We are so grateful our Airbnb superhost recommended us to go to Pablo’s dive shop at Casa Del Buceo!! Pablo goes above & beyond to help any of his customers with anything they need. During this vacation my group stayed at 2 different Airbnbs because the first one was booked for the dates I wanted. My group included my best friend & my elderly grandmother. Pablo’s team helped her in & off the boat so she could watch us snorkel & go deep sea fishing with the Lalos and also kept her company at the marina while we did our scuba dive training. My group had A LOT of luggage. Pablo had his nephews take his truck to help load & unload our luggage when we switched airbnbs and then again when we switched to a hotel when my group extended our vacation for one additional week so we could continue diving with Pablo’s team at Casa Del Buceo!! :) Pablo even helped us search for a 3rd Airbnb when we decided to extended our vacation. Finally, my group decided to book an all-inclusive stay at Hotel Beló (which is a great hotel) so my elderly grandma could feel comfortable while my friend & I continued to do additional dives at Casa Del Buceo. Pablo, himself, came to the hotel with his truck to take our luggage from the hotel to the ferry when my group left the island. I know for a fact no other person would have done this for my group!! It was such a great blessing to meet Pablo & his team at Casa Del Buceo to get PADI Open Water certified, scuba dive day & night, snorkel, & go deep sea fishing!!! Pablo & his team took great care of me, my best friend, & my elderly grandmother. We will be returning soon to Casa Del Buceo on Isla Mujeres to continue our scuba dive adventures!! I highly recommend you contact Pablo at Casa Del Buceo to schedule your underwater adventures on Isla Mujeres!!! Casa Del Buceo is a MUST experience!!!
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俄亥俄12 条分享
2023年6月 • 夫妻情侣
We got to see an abundance of fish, including barracuda! And sea turtles and small sting rays!
Felt safe and guides were helpful and knowledgeable! Would definitely do again and again! Can’t wait to learn to scuba! Thank you
Felt safe and guides were helpful and knowledgeable! Would definitely do again and again! Can’t wait to learn to scuba! Thank you
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219 条分享
2023年5月 • 独自旅游
This Scuba Company is 5 Star.
Look for Enrique, he's a long time friend. My wife and I went diving with him a few times and we even did the Whale 🐋 Shark Excursion with Enrique.
This time I visited solo. I had a great time and the two dive locations were excellent.
I plan on going back this week for 2 to 4 more dives with Enrique. Don't miss out while visiting Isla Mujeres.
Look for Enrique, he's a long time friend. My wife and I went diving with him a few times and we even did the Whale 🐋 Shark Excursion with Enrique.
This time I visited solo. I had a great time and the two dive locations were excellent.
I plan on going back this week for 2 to 4 more dives with Enrique. Don't miss out while visiting Isla Mujeres.
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佛罗里达开普科勒尔24 条分享
What a dream! We came across this place when exploring the island and spoke with Enrique - after speaking with him a few minutes we could tell he was the real deal! So we booked for the next day. My husband and I snorkeled with Enrique in 3 different spots and it was amazing! We saw sea turtles, eagle rays, all sorts of fish, star fish, etc. It was an incredible experience. Enrique was hilarious and overall such an amazing guy! We started as strangers but left as great friends. We got to see amazing underwater statues too and explore so much all while he was documenting on his GoPro! I wish I would have brought more pesos with me to give him a bigger tip. He was incredible! The only thing I didn’t like is when it was time to pay the owner tried to charge us about $60USD more than the sign advertised but thankfully when I pointed it out he honored the sign. Other than that everything was wonderful and we will definitely be back!
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Arianna R
2 条分享
Highly recommend! We did the sunrise snorkel at two locations (the lighthouse and the the museum). We were in the water for 1.5 hours. We went at sunrise and the water was completely clear and we had a beautiful view of the sunrise. The people who work here is what makes the difference. They offer a lot of options in terms of snorkeling, diving, time to go on the water, locations to visit. I would not recommend the museum as the figures are man-placed, 30 feet deep, and there isn't much sea life around as it is in the open water and no coral. You do not have to book in advance as you can do a walk up or the day before. If you plan on snorkeling or diving, I would recommend this place!
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Are there any restrictions for pregnant people? What is the boat ride like?
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