Xplor Park 门票(含午餐和饮品)*官方产品*
Xplor Park 门票(含午餐和饮品)*官方产品*
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄 0-99
用时: 6 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
现场指南:英语, 西班牙语
- 地下河通道是可以乘坐木筏游览的线路,可以用手划桨。
- 可通过14条高空滑索进入两条赛道
- 两栖车辆穿越丛林、桥梁和被水淹没的洞穴。
- 自助午餐和无限量饮料(咖啡,热巧克力和多味水。我们不提供酒精饮料)
- Toboganxote,一个五合一的巨型滑梯,末端是一个波浪池
- 吊床飞溅
- 在地下洞穴中行走,进行 740 米的洞穴探险。
- 双人储物柜、休息区、更衣室和卫生间。
- 在遍布钟乳石和石笋的河流中游泳。
- 令人惊叹且有趣的拍照地点。
- 入场/门票 - 普拉亚德尔卡曼
未包含内容- 纪念品(可购买)
- 酒店接送服务
- 相片
- 不提供无障碍通道
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:6140P19- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 不建议孕妇参加
- 无心脏问题或其他重大疾病
- 不推荐背部不适的旅行者参加
- 作为一项预防措施,在登上巴士或进入公园之前,将通过数字远程设备对每位访客、客人或工作人员进行温度扫描。
- 建议的最低年龄为 5 岁。 5至11岁儿童支付成人票的一半(必须在售票处出示身份证件)
- 超过 55 英寸但未满 12 岁的儿童必须出示身份证明以确认其年龄。儿童必须由成人陪同。
- 携带不含以下化学物质的驱虫剂在公园内使用:二苯甲酮、Etilhexila、Homosalate、Octyl Methoxycinnamate、Octyl Ssalicylate、Octinoxate、Oxybenzone、Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane
- 带上现金购买令人难以置信的纪念品。
- 公园全天候开放,请穿着舒适的衣服和水鞋。建议带换衣服。
- 滑索要求:最低身高/体重为 4.5 英尺(137 厘米)或 88 磅(40 公斤);最大重量为 300 磅(136 公斤);最大腰宽为 51 英寸(130 厘米),腿宽 25 英寸(65 厘米)
- 您可以使用当地的交通系统“Colectivo”或乘坐出租车前往公园。
- 旅行者应该具备正常的身体素质
- 不能在您访问的同一天更改日期
- 如果出现咳嗽、喉咙痛、流鼻涕和/或眼睛发红等症状并且温度超过 100.4 F (38 C),我们的员工保留拒绝登上我们的交通工具或进入我们的设施的权利。
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:6140P19
- 1Xplor探索冒险乐园的大小及其自然美景:飞越空中,沿着高度为26至148英尺(8至45米)的高空滑索,然后降落在水晶般清澈的水域中,在那里你可以爬上吊桥。 通过丛林小径和迷人的洞穴驾驶全地形两栖车辆,您将惊叹于非凡的岩层。通过水下洞穴划桨,发现迷人的洞穴。在这个壮观的地下世界中,沿着河流在钟乳石和石笋之间游泳。训练有素的工作人员随时为您提供安全保障,并且包括所有设备(包括救生衣和头盔)。 您的入场费包括无限量自助餐(白天可以多吃几次),无限量的水果味饮料以及离开两条河流的热巧克力。
- ChengJuLee0 条分享非常适合年轻朋友来游玩因为住在Hotel Xcaret所以不用特别买门票,建议可以依照自己要去几个其他的游乐园来买相机套票,如此一来就不用在园区还要带着相机拍照又怕搞丢或损坏相机。非常推荐这边的Zip line,不怕高的话一定会玩得非常开心,不过要有做好用湿的心理准备,建议穿水鞋以及可以快干的衣服。饭店(Hotel Xcaret)到这个公园的接驳巴士班次很多且开到晚上十一点,不用怕往返的交通。撰写日期:2020年1月14日
- sonia56460 条分享玩得很尽兴这个公园太棒了!我们很享受里面所有的活动!工作人员非常友好,乐于助人,总是询问我们一切还好吗,所有的一切都很好。Zipline非常棒,但是它是要步行上下的,所以要做好准备走很多路。我们喜欢在洞穴里游泳,很放松。撰写日期:2019年9月27日
- zanacoultas0 条分享一次美妙的旅行经历!最近,在墨西哥旅行期间,我们参观了西普洛公园。在开启旅行之前,我们先在网上了解了一些有关这座公园的情况,所以对它满怀期待。幸运的是,当时伊施卡瑞特旅行公司正在搞活动,预订这次的旅行,可以享受优惠。我们两个人选择了一份双日游套餐,花了450英镑。价格听起来似乎很贵,但绝对物有所值。这笔费用包括了旅行、用餐和娱乐活动在内的全部花销。因此,这趟旅行没有任何令人感到遗憾的地方。我们从坎昆酒店出发,用了45分钟,便来到了这座公园。从购票到入内游玩,一切都很顺畅,非常高效。园内提供了储物柜和游玩设备。我建议大家最好穿一双防水鞋。在公园里,我们多次参加了各种游乐项目,例如索道、水上木筏和水陆两栖车。这一天真是太刺激了,充满了乐趣。所有的项目参加起来都很方便,无需排队。而且,这里还有许多餐厅,游客可以自由选择,也很便利。如果你厌倦了整天晒太阳,可以到餐厅里乘凉休息!!撰写日期:2019年9月26日
- lauraaW160 条分享美好的一天!我们去墨西哥度假时在这里进行了一日游,真的令人难忘。我们在看了各种评论后,购买了这里的摄影套餐,它是如此的值得。我们在这里拍了很多照片,很开心。而且在第二天,他们就将照片发给了我们。这是非常方便的。现场的自助餐很棒,选择很多,食物也很好。我们参加了所有的活动(驾车、游泳、木筏游、荡秋千等),因为这里很安静,没有很多人排队。我最喜欢的是在河里游泳,我们游了两次,两次都游了较长的路线。这里是如此美丽,而且还有许多的照片来记住我们的经历。感谢所有在这里努力工作的员工。撰写日期:2019年9月24日
- Helen G0 条分享非常精彩的一天!在最近的一次假期里,我和我的男朋友来这里进行了一次一日游,离开了我的舒适区,在这里度过了非常棒的一天!这是一个很大的公园,有很多可以步行的地方。这里的邮政编码非常有趣,景色也非常壮观。当你穿越丛林时,你可以看到几英里远的地方!我不喜欢水,划船是一项艰苦的工作,桨很难控制。游过洞穴的河流非常有趣,但我勇敢地游了很长时间,我很高兴这个决定,因为洞穴很神奇。自动相机拍下了很多有趣的照片。公园有很多自助午餐,种类丰富,非常丰盛。所有的食物都很好吃。你可以在公园里的小酒吧里买到冰沙和奶昔,很好喝!我们拍了很多照片,公园周围很漂亮。强烈推荐这次旅行,下次我在墨西哥一定会再来的。撰写日期:2019年9月23日
- LouSoutham0 条分享喔!!多么神奇的旅行啊...索道很神奇...这是我们在这里体验的第一件事,我很高兴我们尝试了,因为它是一个艰苦的行程,一步一步走向每一个索道停留的地方...公园本身非常干净整洁,食物非常棒,有很多食物可以选择。意大利面,薯条,汉堡,沙拉等。公园整天都会提供免费无限的饮料。日子过得飞快,我们玩得很开心。我买了一套我认为物有所值的照片,我绝对推荐你来这里玩一玩!撰写日期:2019年9月17日
- Slimmingworldmom0 条分享太棒了!我们通过Thomas Cook旅行公司,预订了这一次的旅行。我们一行四人,一共花了134.99美元。一定要尝试一次这里的夜间之旅,真的太棒了。在下午3点40的时候,旅行公司把我们接走,并在途中接待了另外一些游客。在长途汽车上,你将会得到一个腕带,还需要购买一些环保驱蚊喷雾和防湿鞋。一路上,我们跟旅行社的销售人员相谈甚欢,他从没有向我们强行推销商品。之后 ,我们在公园的正门下车。所有旅客的汇合时间是一致的,如果你错过了返程班车,它不会因此而在中途停留,因此一定要准时。否则,你也可以乘坐出租车,但价格十分昂贵。进入公园内,你将会免费得到一把储物柜钥匙和一顶防护帽。在公园里,各个地方都有工作人员,他们非常乐于助人。公园里有很多厕所、盥洗室和淋浴间。我们参加了所有的娱乐项目,包括吉普车、木筏、索道等等。里面有一家餐厅,食物包括在门票内,不需额外付款。食物非常美味,绝对物有所值。提醒一下,公园里禁止携带和饮用酒精饮料。这里还有一家可爱的礼品店。值得一提的是索道项目,非常刺激,惊心动魄。一旦你走进塔楼,便无法回头,必须把9座高塔走完,才能走出来。这个项目大约要花费一个小时左右,所以各位女士请注意,一定要提前去洗手间!最后一座塔建在一片水域里,大家一定要留心身上携带的贵重物品。整座公园都是以此为核心,所有的项目都是从这个地方出发。在游玩期间,园内会进行拍照,你可以自行购买。如果你是一个追求刺激的人,喜欢锻炼身体,我强烈推荐你来参加这个活动。每一分钱都花得很值!如果你预订了夜游,一定要在返程之前换好衣服,旅行的时间非常漫长,回到长途汽车上的时候,气温会变得很低,所以要提前做好保暖措施。当然,这样的旅行也会非常疲劳。回来的时候,车上的每一个人都睡着了。我们还会再来吗?当然了!这真是一个美妙的夜晚!撰写日期:2019年9月15日
- Patrice N0 条分享很好的公园这个公园很棒,门票包括了所有东西,除了照片包,两个人要65美元。交通是单次的,所有的活动都很有趣,我们去的时候没有排长队。食物很好,还包括饮料。这是一天游,你可以吃自助餐。要记住的关键是带着水鞋和毛巾,公园里的要40美元。另外带着防水手机套,因为它们大概要35美元。撰写日期:2019年9月15日
- derekt5850 条分享太棒了刚刚结束在墨西哥Riviera Maya为期两周的精彩旅程,我们还去Xplor玩了一天。不得不说,这一天我们玩的太开心了,在地下河游泳,吊床跳水,驾驶吉普穿越洞窟,雨林,越野,最后爬上树冠结束我们的拉练课程。现场的咖啡馆和餐厅都很好,食物很好吃!建议带一双可以涉水的鞋子,因为有的地方有些硌脚。我们穿的都是人字拖,虽然在水下不能穿,但是还好。我们还带了照片包,事实证明它物有所值!强烈推荐这趟旅行!!撰写日期:2019年9月12日
- SanDiegoChris20190 条分享惊奇探险如果你和你的家人想尝新,或者爱冒险,Xplor最适合不过了。员工都很友好,而安全绝对是最重要的。你可以在树顶玩滑索,在地下洞穴游泳,或者驾驶ATV. 我有两个儿子,一个7岁一个11岁,他们都玩得很开心。考虑到这是游客去的地方,自助餐很棒。当然了,我是吃货啊哈哈。我和我的家人来这里游玩的记忆真是永远难忘!撰写日期:2019年8月29日
- C5683ODamyw0 条分享嘉年华邮轮旅行我们在最后一分钟预订了这次短途旅行,当时我们正在游轮上狂欢。完全值得!卡拉做得很好,确保我们能够体验整个公园。她让我们按时完成任务,甚至还根据排队的人调整了我们的活动顺序。公园很棒!一定要穿防水鞋,并带一套换洗的衣服,以备探险后穿。我建议你买他们提供的图片套餐。物有所值!撰写日期:2019年8月19日
- Heather H0 条分享了不起!我们夜游了这个公园,太棒了!晚上,高空滑索飞驰穿过树林,吊床在水上摆动,真是太棒了。如果你有一群爱冒险的人,必须来这里看看。公园里到处都是摄像机,捕捉一切。每个人都喜欢这个公园!撰写日期:2019年7月18日
- llizzyd0 条分享又是美好的一天!我们在2011年首次访问了Xplor,并很高兴今年回到Playa Del Carmen。如果你觉得整天在酒店游泳池里闲逛很无聊,那么这是一次很值得的旅行,而且是非常物有所值的。事实再次证明,Ziplines是我们的最爱,尽管最初排了一点队,我们很快就进入了一个平稳的环节,几乎没有悬挂(没有双关语的意图!)xplor的地理和地质非常美丽:即使穿过表壳从一个地方到另一个地方也是一种难忘的体验,景点也被精心的融入周围的环境中。我们是作为一对夫妇去了,但会向所有人推荐这个公园,尤其是有较大孩子或青少年的家庭。撰写日期:2019年5月6日
- Kiren19890 条分享非常棒的公园我们在早上8点左右被接上车,公园刚开放不久我们就到了。这样的时间安排真是太完美了,因为所有地方都没有人在排队,所以我们能够轻松快速地去所有的游乐设施。我建议首先去玩索道滑行,因为这里通常是人最多的。自助餐的食物很好吃。你想吃多少就吃多少,想喝多少就喝多少。照片上的这些食物价格约为80美元,但作为套餐的一部分,整个公园还提供大量的摄影机会。储物柜是供你在淋浴时储存物品用的。这里是一个游玩的好去处。撰写日期:2019年4月27日
- Ashley R0 条分享有趣!这是一个有趣的公园,我们利用了所提供的一切。我们玩了高空滑索,ATV赛车,划着船穿过一条地下河,和在洞穴里游泳。高空滑索是我最喜欢的。有很多不同的滑索,划得很快。 你可以和别人在一起,或者单干。ATV赛车也很有趣,全程3英里,我们不是很喜欢洞穴游泳或者洞穴划船。水很凉,救生衣也不是很合身。我们最后意识到,他们确实有不同的尺寸可供选择,但是当我们下水时,一名员工给了我们相同的尺寸。自助午餐有很多选择,实际上非常好。我很高兴有这样的经历,但我不打算再去。撰写日期:2019年4月7日
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784 条点评
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Dale P
新泽西Bayville186 条分享
This was the best day of our vacation!! This park was absolutely phenomenal!!
The park was extremely clean and they took safety very seriously!
The least favorite was the Raft ride.
This was a bit of an uncoordinated mess. The line to get to the raft took longer than any other ride. The ride itself was a mess. It was like driving on the garden State Parkway during rush-hour. It’s amazing how many people do not know how to paddle a boat.
The first thing we did was the zip lines. We did the longer of the two options. this was probably one of the best Zipline courses we have ever done. My boys work a zip line course for their job and they actually did it twice! They loved it!
Then we did the waterslide. This was probably one of the most extreme waterslides we have ever been on. It was a lot of fun!
After that, we did the underground adventure and the river swim. at first we did the short swim. My boys did not want to do the long one. My wife and I went back later and did the long one when they went back to do the zip lines.
after that, we did the vehicles. They were basically off-road tractors! Lol this was so much fun a 3 mile track of lots of bumps and caves through the wilderness.
The hammock swing was also a lot of fun! We did that twice back to back.
They have a great assortment of non-alcoholic drinks. The food in their buffet was amazing! Much better than the resort we stayed at. You could have as much food and drink as you wanted it was all included!
If I could afford it, I would love to stay at the XCARET resort. If the way they ran this park and prepared their food is any indication of what the resort is like then it’s probably worth the money!!
if we ever come back, I definitely want to try other parks. This was so much fun!
A few notes I need to make… If you are not somewhat physically fit, you probably should not go to this park. There is a tremendous amount of walking and swimming.
good water shoes are a must here!
The park was extremely clean and they took safety very seriously!
The least favorite was the Raft ride.
This was a bit of an uncoordinated mess. The line to get to the raft took longer than any other ride. The ride itself was a mess. It was like driving on the garden State Parkway during rush-hour. It’s amazing how many people do not know how to paddle a boat.
The first thing we did was the zip lines. We did the longer of the two options. this was probably one of the best Zipline courses we have ever done. My boys work a zip line course for their job and they actually did it twice! They loved it!
Then we did the waterslide. This was probably one of the most extreme waterslides we have ever been on. It was a lot of fun!
After that, we did the underground adventure and the river swim. at first we did the short swim. My boys did not want to do the long one. My wife and I went back later and did the long one when they went back to do the zip lines.
after that, we did the vehicles. They were basically off-road tractors! Lol this was so much fun a 3 mile track of lots of bumps and caves through the wilderness.
The hammock swing was also a lot of fun! We did that twice back to back.
They have a great assortment of non-alcoholic drinks. The food in their buffet was amazing! Much better than the resort we stayed at. You could have as much food and drink as you wanted it was all included!
If I could afford it, I would love to stay at the XCARET resort. If the way they ran this park and prepared their food is any indication of what the resort is like then it’s probably worth the money!!
if we ever come back, I definitely want to try other parks. This was so much fun!
A few notes I need to make… If you are not somewhat physically fit, you probably should not go to this park. There is a tremendous amount of walking and swimming.
good water shoes are a must here!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Dear Dale.
Thank you so much for visiting Xplor!
We are so glad to read that your visit to our adventure park was the best day of your vacation. It's also thrilled to hear that you had fun with the zip line, the Toboganxote, the underground expedition, and the amphibious vehicles. Your comments motivate us to keep providing fun experiences to all our explorers.
We look forward to welcoming you back in the future. We also invite you to visit our other Grupo Xcaret parks or tours such as Xenses, Xoximilco, and Xenotes. There is a park for every different taste, which can be adapted to your preferences. You can visit our official website for more information.
Kind regards.
Brenda H.
Grupo Xcaret – Customer Service.
+52 (998) 883-3143 - US 855-326-0682
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Jess R
巴哈马62 条分享
2024年8月 • 家庭
We purchased this excursion through Carnival Horizon for a family of 3 (My husband, daughter and I) Our tour date was August 29, 2024. Once we arrived in Cozumel we had to take a 30 minutes boat ride to mainland Mexico, there we met our tour guide Javier and the bus driver. The bus ride to Xplor park took approx. 20 minutes. Javier shared a lot of info about Mexico etc. He was really helpful and did a great job at keeping everyone on the tour together and checking on us. Let me tell you, this tour exceeded our expectations. Hear me when I say we had the time of our lives. We did 7 zip-lines (beware, there’s a lot of walking up the stairs/steps from one zip-line point to the next, a sure workout) lol, but it’s worth it! Oh we got the unlimited digital photo package for $65 I think (that’s a deal) After the zip-line Javier guided us to the amphibious vehicle which my husband did all the driving omg fun overload. It started to rain but we were having so much fun it didn’t matter. After the buggy ride Javier led us to the buffet which was included with the excursion. There were so much food options, I ate a lot of food. I love spicy food and boy did they have some spicy dishes (did not disappoint). After we ate we did the underground river swim. There is a short route (10mins) or a longer route (30mins) because we were pressed for time we did the short route. The experience was amazing. I could go on and on about this excursion, that’s how fun-filled this tour was.
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Dear Jess.
Thank you so much for visiting Xplor!
We truly appreciate the time you took to leave us such an amazing review, and we are so glad to read that you enjoyed your experience with the zip lines, the amphibious vehicle, the underground river, and the delicious buffet. We appreciate your kind comments, which motivate us to continue providing unique and unforgettable experiences to each of our visitors.
We hope to have you back in this or at any other Grupo Xcaret parks and tours such as Xenses, Xel-Há, or Xavage in the Riviera Maya. We invite you to visit our official website and app, for more information.
Kind regards.
Brenda H.
Grupo Xcaret – Customer Service.
Mex: + 52 (998) 883-3143 - US: 855-326-0682
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Nallely H
1 条分享
2024年9月 • 家庭
Luis Felipe from balsas was rude and sent us all the way back to the line because we changed our mind last minute that we wanted to use the double balsa, I get that it may be the rule but I’m talking about the way he told us, very impolite 👎
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Dear Nallely,
We appreciate the time you took to share your experience with us.
For Group Xcaret all our visitors are very important. The situation reported in your review surprised us. We are very sorry that your perception of some members of our staff attitude hasn't been the best on your last visit. As a company, we work with all the personnel with high customer service skills.
One of our main values is always serving with great happiness and leaving a positive mark on the people who visit us. What you've mentioned is far from our service and quality standards which define Group Xcaret. To better address your message, we've sent your comments to the corresponding department and you can rest assured that we'll take all the necessary measures to strengthen our customer service skills with all the staff.
Kinds regards.
Brenda H.
Grupo Xcaret – Customer Service.
Mex: + 52 (998) 883-3143 - US: 855-326-0682
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
智利圣地亚哥13 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
Beautiful park for those who enjoy adventure tourism more, very well thought out as virtually all the spaces between attractions were underground (beautiful and cool caves through which you walk) which avoided excessive exposure to the sun and helped to keep you cool.
I would recommend that they put up friendly signs that call to keep quiet or at least request not to shout at the attractions of “Swim in underground cavern” since it is a place that should call a little more to relax and that, being an enclosed space there is a lot of echo and we were unlucky to meet some people shouting inside which was very annoying.
Ziplines very entertaining but not very fast, anyway enjoy a lot the views.
By far one of the best attractions is the “Toboganxote”.
Finally, I recommend scheduling a visit at a time when it hasn’t rained recently as we couldn’t get into the Raft Attraction because the water level in those caverns was very high since it had rained the day before (and it wasn’t even heavy or extensive rain).
The buffet was delicious and varied, the bad thing is that the coffee was instantaneous (despite being machine).
I would recommend that they put up friendly signs that call to keep quiet or at least request not to shout at the attractions of “Swim in underground cavern” since it is a place that should call a little more to relax and that, being an enclosed space there is a lot of echo and we were unlucky to meet some people shouting inside which was very annoying.
Ziplines very entertaining but not very fast, anyway enjoy a lot the views.
By far one of the best attractions is the “Toboganxote”.
Finally, I recommend scheduling a visit at a time when it hasn’t rained recently as we couldn’t get into the Raft Attraction because the water level in those caverns was very high since it had rained the day before (and it wasn’t even heavy or extensive rain).
The buffet was delicious and varied, the bad thing is that the coffee was instantaneous (despite being machine).
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Apreciable Leila,
¡Muchas gracias por visitar Xplor!
Nos llena de alegría saber que considere hermoso nuestro divertido parque de aventura y haya disfrutado del buffet, así como del Toboganxote. Apreciamos el detalle de su reseña y adicionalmente nos gustaría compartir que en Grupo Xcaret la seguridad de cada uno de nuestros visitantes es muy importante, ya que damos prioridad a la integridad y el bienestar de todos. Por ello, algunas actividades al aire libre son pausadas momentáneamente cuando hay mal tiempo. En caso de que el clima esté en mejor condición las actividades vuelven a la operación regular.
Cabe destacar que al comprar directamente con nosotros, su cupón tiene validez por 1 año y garantía contra mal clima, el cual puede hacerse válido con 24 horas de anticipación siempre y cuando la reservación no haya sido operada.
En relación con sus comentarios sobre la actividad de expedición subterránea, tenga por seguro que enviaremos su reporte al departamento correspondiente para buscar y atender cualquier posible área de oportunidad. Esperamos tenerle de vuelta muy pronto en éste o en cualquier otro parque de Grupo Xcaret como Xavage y Xenotes en Cancún. Xcaret, Xel-Há y Xenses en la Riviera Maya, el cual se puede adaptar a sus preferencias. Para mayor información, contacte nuestro centro de atención telefónica.
Brenda H.
Grupo Xcaret – Servicio al Cliente.
+ 52 (998) 883-3143 - US 855-326-0682
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Toni B
英国海斯2 条分享
2024年9月 • 家庭
Great day out with my family, would highly recommend. Full of fun and thrills and the food was fantastic too at the all inclusive buffet restaurant.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Dear Toni,
Thank you so much for visiting Xplor!
We are glad to read that you had a fun day with your family at our park. It's also great to hear you were delighted with our restaurant's food. We are thrilled to know that your visit met your expectations.
We would love to have you back soon, and we invite you to visit us at any other Grupo Xcaret parks and tours such as Xavage and Xenotes which include more adventure activities surrounded by nature. You can visit our official website for more information.
Brenda H.
Grupo Xcaret – Customer Service.
+ 52 (998) 883-3143 - US 855-326-0682
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Citlalli E
墨西哥墨西哥城66 条分享
The place is beautiful, the facilities well preserved and cared for, every amazing experience and very safe. We recommend purchasing the photo package, as for the same activity it is not possible to bring phone or go pro camera in all experiences. Amazing food, as well as the energizing drinks kiosk that really is an oasis. Very attentive staff at all times, as well as excellent organization and control with the traffic light experiences. We missed the flying day, we did all the activities, we were very happy!!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Apreciable Citlalli,
¡Muchas gracias por visitar Xplor!
Es un verdadero gusto leer que haya tenido una increíble experiencia en nuestro divertido parque de aventura, además de haberse deleitado con la deliciosa comida en el buffet. Asimismo, es gratificante saber que el servicio de nuestro atento personal destacó. En Grupo Xcaret nos esmeramos en brindar un servicio de excelencia y dejar una huella positiva a todos nuestros exploradores.
Esperamos tenerle de vuelta muy pronto en éste o en cualquier otro parque de Grupo Xcaret como Xavage y Xenotes en Cancún. Xcaret, Xel-Há y Xenses en la Riviera Maya, el cual se puede adaptar a sus preferencias. Para mayor información, contacte nuestro centro de atención telefónica.
Brenda H.
Grupo Xcaret – Servicio al Cliente.
+ 52 (998) 883-3143 - US 855-326-0682
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Guillermo D
墨西哥瓜达拉哈拉6 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
The rules of no video cameras recording in slide are excessive and unclear, they tell you that in the helmet yes, but it has to be with a harness that they say, although it is safe the user and the camera, try that you do not shoot much to sell the package of photos if or if.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Estimado Guillermo,
¡Muchas gracias por visitar Xplor!
Apreciamos el tiempo que se tomó para compartirnos una excelente evaluación con nosotros. Nos gustaría mencionar que en Grupo Xcaret, siempre hemos sido sinónimo de seguridad y calidad donde priorizamos la integridad y el bienestar de nuestros visitantes, huéspedes y socios. Es por ello que, para disfrutar de algunas actividades en Xplor de manera segura, no está permitido participar con accesorios, cámaras, celulares, selfie sticks o cualquier objeto suelto que pueda impactar a otros visitantes. Es importante tomar en cuenta que, el Toboganxote cuenta con una altura de 41 m donde combina cuatro distintos tipos de descensos.
No obstante, invitamos a nuestros exploradores adquirir nuestro parque de fotos para capturar momentos inolvidables y llevarse a casa grandes recuerdos de nuestro parque de aventuras. Lamentamos que nuestro protocolo de seguridad no haya cumplido con sus expectativas. Tenga por seguro que tomaremos en consideración sus comentarios para seguir mejorando.
Esperamos contar con su visita en éste o cualquier otro parque temático de Grupo Xcaret como Xoximilco, Xavage y Xenotes en Cancún, el cual se puede adaptar a sus preferencias. Para mayor información, contacte nuestro centro de atención telefónica.
Saludos cordiales
Brenda H.
Grupo Xcaret – Servicio al Cliente.
+52 (998) 883-3143 - US 855-326-0682
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Jaime B
智利圣地亚哥14 条分享
A wonderful park, very entertaining, the caves are impressive. Maybe swim through the caves and the zip lines. The slide is very good too. Well worth going to this park
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Estimado Jaime.
¡Muchas gracias por visitar Xplor!
Verdaderamente apreciamos el tiempo que se tomó para compartir su excelente evaluación con nosotros y nos alegra saber que disfrutó nuestras divertidas actividades de aventura como el nado en cavernas y las tirolesas. Sus amables comentarios nos motivan a seguir brindando experiencias inolvidables a cada visitante.
Será un placer volver a contar con su visita en éste o cualquier otro parque temático de Grupo Xcaret como Xoximilco, Xavage y Xenotes en Cancún. Xcaret, Xel-Há, Xenses en la Riviera Maya, el cual se puede adaptar a sus preferencias. Para mayor información, contacte nuestro centro de atención telefónica.
Saludos cordiales.
Brenda H.
Grupo Xcaret – Servicio al Cliente.
+52 (998) 883-3143 - US 855-326-0682
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Stephane / Joseanne
加拿大Shawinigan82 条分享
This is the second time always fun first time with family with 7 and 13 year olds. They loved their experience. The second time with a friend always so fun. But this year more disappointed with the buffet. Last year was better quality!!!! But that is my review!!!!! Don't miss the WoW slides!!!!! A good walk but very fun!!!!!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Dear Stephane.
Thank you so much for visiting Xplor!
It's truly great to read you had fun with your family in our adventure park. Regarding your comment about the buffet we are sorry to hear that our food didn't meet your expectations. Rest assured that we will send your comments to our Food and Beverage department to keep improving.
We hope to have you soon, and we invite you to keep visiting our other theme parks such as Xenses, Xel-Há, or Xavage in the Riviera Maya. There is a park for every different taste, which can be adapted to your preferences. You can visit our official website for more information.
Kind regards.
Brenda H.
Grupo Xcaret – Customer Service.
Mex: + 52 (998) 883-3143 - US: 855-326-0682
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Maria Soberanis
墨西哥坎佩切州18 条分享
2024年9月 • 家庭
We celebrate my son's 18th birthday in xplor, it was an experience that we certainly have to repeat, all but all the attractions are wonderful but the slide ... It is of extreme adrenaline, the park demands physical condition to be toured, if you do not get used to exercise the visit to the park can be somewhat more difficult.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Apreciable Maria,
¡Muchas gracias por visitar Xplor!
Estamos muy contentos de leer que haya tenido una experiencia única con las actividades de nuestro parque como lo fue el Toboganxote, el único tobogán 5 en 1 en el mundo que combina cuatro tipos de descenso a bordo de una balsa para cuatro personas que termina en una divertida alberca de olas. Estamos encantados de saber que su visita cumplió con sus expectativas.
Nos encantaría tenerle de vuelta muy pronto en éste o en cualquier otro parque de Grupo Xcaret en el futuro. Contamos con una amplia variedad de parques temáticos para todos los gustos. Recomendamos visitar nuestros parques Xavage y Xenotes, donde ofrecemos más actividades de aventura rodeadas de naturaleza.
José P.
Grupo Xcaret – Servicio al Cliente.
+ 52 (998) 883-3143 - US 855-326-0682
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Is there a ferry that can get us there from Cozumel? We are arriving via RC but would like time info on ferry and taxi and also recommended return time.
Which day would be the quietest to visit, or does it vary week to week?
Hola, intente' llamar para saber si manana estas abierto y se puede venir. Me puedes decir algo haci que reservo por favor. Solos 2 personas
It depends on the local holidays and if it is high season for tourism. If they are not on holidays in Mexico and it is low season I would say Tuesday or Wednesday.
We are at a resort not too far away from Xplor(Bahia Principe Grand Tulum). We are thinking of just grabbing a taxi and going there but don’t know if that’s a good idea. Is it better to get transportation included?
I actually think that it is better to have your transportation arranged. I didn't see many taxis in the area.
How strict is the lower weight limit?
The website says "Zip-lines the minimum height required is 3.6 ft. The minimum weight required is 88 lbs and a maximum of 300 lbs. The circumference capacity of the harness belt is 47 in (120 cm) and 25 in (65 cm) for the legs. In the case of children, the harness must fit properly and have a minimum height of 3.6 ft (1.10 m). If it doesn't, for their own safety, they won't be able to perform the activity."
Other parts say 4 ft 5 or 88 lb.
My daughter is 4 ft 8in and 68lb
From what I saw they were quite strict on bight limitations with the water parks. But not too sure about zip lines ect. I did see they had plenty of harnesses for smaller people though. Hope this helps
Can I opt to only do the last water/hammock zipline and not the others (medical reasons)?
For instance if i met up with the rest of the family at the last zip line? Is this possible?
Also im a non-swimmer, is that an issue anywhere in the park? (Don’t like deep water past my chest haha, makes me panic!)
They will provide you with a life jacket, no need to worry about deep water, all of it you can stand in. Yes you could meet up at the last zipline with your party.
Does anyone know if it’s less money to purchase the photo package in advance on the website then purchasing once we arrive for the day?
Website price for the 4 of us all inclusive is showing $86?
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