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- BingxinZ50 条分享难忘的一次旅游很好的一次旅游,而且是超出我想象的旅游! 导游伴随我们由始至终,包括浮潜。他非常认真非常细心!大家非常满意。 我们这次是6人小团,非常温馨。 以后还要从Tripadvisor订旅游!撰写日期:2025年1月7日
- yuwenkeke0 条分享非常好的小团队领队非常nice,一直照顾我家娃。还给大家准备了遮阳伞非常贴心。小团队合作非常好,主攻浮潜项目,非常专业,游泳菜鸡也能在浮潜项目里得到很好的体验。照相技术一流,拍的照片打包55美元真的性价比很高,之前在Xcaret跟海豚游泳10张照片收了我160多美元。撰写日期:2023年4月21日
- Jeremy A0 条分享很棒的旅游活动,非常有趣。在导游的带领下,我们一家人度过了美好的时光。你需要注意防晒,因为天气炎热。而且如果有孩子们进行潜水的话,一定要注意海浪的情况。我们6岁的孩子刚刚在这里学会了潜水。真是美好的回忆,感谢这次活动!撰写日期:2019年8月26日
- Charlotte L0 条分享非常棒的经历 :)全家人都很喜欢这次的观鲸鲨之旅,简直是整个假期中最棒的一天,也是坎昆最的必去景点。不推荐去参加女人岛的浮潜,体验一般,而且大部分时间都在海滩上。最后为向导Nora疯狂打call,超可爱而且很热情。撰写日期:2019年7月21日
- travelinput0 条分享三合一的组合旅游很棒我和我的丈夫在这次旅行中玩得很开心,包括参观了Tulum遗址,在海里潜水,吃午饭,散步,游泳穿过一个天然井。我们的导游 Luis很棒。在去旅游之前,预订,与公司沟通都是很容易的。我们觉得我们得到了很好的帮助,度过了一段美好的时光。撰写日期:2019年4月2日
- PJH1234710 条分享很棒的冒险之旅!!在我们的海龟浮潜和水洞之旅中度过了一段美好的时光。Elisa的旅游指南超棒,Lucho拍了一些美好又特别的照片。我们一行8个人一起去的,这是我们假期中最棒的活动。物超所值。你的家人/朋友不会对这次冒险之旅失望的!撰写日期:2019年3月25日
- notKHinC0 条分享美好的一天我们去了沼穴,和海龟一起潜水,今天真是太棒了!我们的导游玛丽亚知识渊博,友好,是个潜水专家——我们被照顾得很好。要在下面的活动中挑出一个亮点有点难-在海龟附近游泳,在沼穴中间游泳,看蝙蝠,或者只是看看全家人是多么投入!每个人都度过了美好的一天——感谢玛丽亚和整个团队!撰写日期:2019年1月3日
- dayancastaneda0 条分享太棒了!我和我的两个女性朋友去坎昆旅行,预订了这个活动。到目前为止,这是我们最喜欢做的!我们在海龟旁边游泳,这是最棒的体验之一。我们还去了一个美丽的沼穴。一整天都令人难忘。导游和整个团队是如此的不可思议,我们度过了如此美妙的时光!强烈推荐给任何人,特别是那些热爱冒险和喜欢自然的人。撰写日期:2018年12月27日
- CChiu0 条分享海龟和沼穴感谢来自西班牙的Esther,来自阿根廷的摄影师,以及我们的司机。在独一无二的沼穴浮潜是非常独特的一个体验,参观干涸的沼穴也是一个非常特别和具有教育价值的活动,这些都是我们旅行的一部分,我和我的妻子、孩子都非常期待和海龟一起游泳,真是一个超棒的体验,感谢海洋观鲨鲸的所有人。撰写日期:2018年12月18日
- Gracemtran0 条分享特别棒的小团队体验我们和Jorge进行了图卢姆、浮潜还有划艇的三合一之旅。Gorge,David(司机),还有Carla(摄影师)人都很不错。我们这一组只有6个人,这很好。旅行进程效率很高,Jorge对我们所在地的生态系统和环境都很了解。Jorge也在不专横的前提下确保我们每个人的人身安全。最后,我们非常感谢他们没有在纪念品店停留,也没有强迫我们买任何花哨的东西!在洞穴里游泳是我们旅行途中的一大亮点(除了蝙蝠)。撰写日期:2018年12月7日
- FancyFel0 条分享超出预期,物有所值三合一之旅非常棒。是的,漫长的一天,但是很好地利用了时间。路易斯真的很棒! !所有的导游都很有经验。我不是一擅长游泳的人,但是路易斯在浮潜的时候很照顾我。我们看到一只乌龟和黄貂鱼!洞穴太神奇了,路易斯介绍了许多关于Myan的历史。不要犹豫。赶紧预订吧。撰写日期:2018年11月21日
- Michael P0 条分享很棒的观鲸鲨的体验太棒了,在鲸鱼季的时候千万别错过这场活动。工作人员很准时地来我们下榻的地中海俱乐部度假村接我们。他们都很优秀,很友好。特别感谢我们的导游Jorge Arias。乘船去观鲸鲨的地方比较久,要45到60分钟。所有游船公司的所有船只之间都是有通讯的,因此只有有人发现了鲨鱼,所有船就会聚集到一起来观看。即便有很多船在一起,这个体验还是很棒的。之后再女人岛上停留了一下吃午餐也很不错。我一定还会再次参加这个活动的!撰写日期:2018年11月6日
- Mike S0 条分享观赏海龟与石灰岩坑之旅我们在阿库玛尔进行了一次海洋探险之旅,与海龟一同游泳,随后还去丛林深处看到了两个石灰岩坑!Vanessa是一位特别出色的导游,博学多识、活力充沛,而且风趣幽默!我们在这里度过了很快乐的时光,看到了很多奇妙的景象!我们的摄影师Toni拍摄了200多张照片,有风景照、造型照、情侣照,还有各种合影,是一份可以带回家的难忘回忆。还有我们的司机Pepe,包括我们游泳和徒步的时候都把我们照料得无微不至,再次感谢你们所做的一切,真是一次值得回味的旅程!撰写日期:2018年10月18日
- Gośka L0 条分享霍尔布什岛-天堂!!!我们在海洋观鲸鲨之旅度过了美妙的旅程。我们看到了3个美丽的岛屿 - 帕哈罗斯岛、巴厘岛和最神奇的霍尔布什岛。我们永远不会忘记,我们肯定会再回到墨西哥,再去海洋观鲸鲨之旅!撰写日期:2018年9月26日
- Rose T0 条分享海洋观鲸鲨之旅这次海洋观鲸鲨之旅真是很棒,真是一辈子都难忘记的体验。工作人员储备了丰富的有关海洋区域和海洋动物的知识。我们的导游Nina会说两门语言,Nina热爱她的工作,工作有热情。船长和潜水员让我度过了很充实的一天,晚餐也很好吃。谢谢你们为我提供了那么难忘的活动。撰写日期:2018年9月15日
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13 条点评
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Vanessa Q
11 条分享
2025年1月 • 好友
A beautiful day filled with beautiful discoveries. Coba, Cenote, Villadonid
Our guide HAMLET accompanied us, his knowledge taught us a lot, his kindness a real pleasure.we recommend it
Our guide HAMLET accompanied us, his knowledge taught us a lot, his kindness a real pleasure.we recommend it
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Bonjour ,
Merci beaucoup pour votre commentaire chaleureux ! 🌟 Nous sommes ravis que vous ayez passé une journée magnifique pleine de découvertes à Coba, au cenote et à Punta Laguna. Hamlet sera touché de savoir que ses connaissances et sa gentillesse ont enrichi votre expérience – il est vraiment un guide exceptionnel !
Nous apprécions votre recommandation et espérons vous accueillir à nouveau pour d’autres aventures mémorables dans la région.
Laura Ocean Tours Mexico
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Dominique P
6 条分享
Our Guide, Hamlet, delighted us on this visit. Passionate Guide with a lot of humor and attention. Thanks.
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Merci beaucoup, Dominique, pour ce merveilleux retour sur notre excursion privée à Coba et au Sanctuaire des Singes de Punta Laguna !
Nous sommes ravis d’apprendre que Hamlet a su vous transmettre sa passion tout en ajoutant une touche d'humour et d’attention à votre visite. Il sera ravi de savoir que vous avez apprécié son accompagnement.
Merci encore d'avoir choisi Ocean Tours pour votre aventure en pleine jungle, et nous espérons vous revoir bientôt pour d'autres découvertes !
Laura'Ocean Tours
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Emmalouise P
Amsterdam17 条分享
2024年10月 • 好友
We did this tour as a private group of 4, with our tour guide Miguel.
Miguel had all the knowledge and passion for the experiences throughout the day to make our day unforgettable!
This tour is very rustic, which was perfect for what we wanted. But if you are looking for artificial tourist attractions, this is not for you.
We rode bikes in the pouring rain through Coba, with Miguel stopping and sharing his excellent knowledge throughout.
We then had lunch and headed to Punta Laguna. This is a quiet out of the way jungle experience which we wish we could have done everyday- it was by far our best experience from our time in Mexico.
The Mayan people who run the village welcomed us warmly and gave us the time and skill they had to help us find monkeys, granted there was only a few- but we went with an open mind that you sometimes cannot see any- after all this is the wild!
We cannot thank Miguel, the driver and the people of Punta laguna enough for our once in a lifetime experience.
Miguel had all the knowledge and passion for the experiences throughout the day to make our day unforgettable!
This tour is very rustic, which was perfect for what we wanted. But if you are looking for artificial tourist attractions, this is not for you.
We rode bikes in the pouring rain through Coba, with Miguel stopping and sharing his excellent knowledge throughout.
We then had lunch and headed to Punta Laguna. This is a quiet out of the way jungle experience which we wish we could have done everyday- it was by far our best experience from our time in Mexico.
The Mayan people who run the village welcomed us warmly and gave us the time and skill they had to help us find monkeys, granted there was only a few- but we went with an open mind that you sometimes cannot see any- after all this is the wild!
We cannot thank Miguel, the driver and the people of Punta laguna enough for our once in a lifetime experience.
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Thank you so much,, for sharing your fantastic experience on the Coba & Monkey Sanctuary Punta Laguna Private Tour!
It’s wonderful to hear how much you enjoyed the adventure, from biking through Coba in the rain to immersing yourself in the tranquility of Punta Laguna. Miguel will be thrilled to know his passion and knowledge helped make your day so memorable. We agree that connecting with the Mayan community and observing the wildlife in their natural habitat is truly unique, especially with the respect and open-mindedness you brought with you.
Thank you for choosing Ocean Tours, and we hope to welcome you back for more adventures in the future!
Warm regards,
Laura Ocean Tours Team
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sandrine d
1 条分享
2024年5月 • 好友
Cesar salad 🥗 everything was perfect Cesar translated very well (French for us) the excursion was very, very nice, well organized, the driver and the guide were great 👍 thank you. Sandrine I love Mexico 🇲🇽
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Bonjour Sandrined
Nous sommes très heureux que vous ayez apprécié l'expérience ! Il semblerait que César ait fait un excellent travail tant sur la salade que sur la traduction. C'est formidable de savoir que la visite était bien organisée et que le chauffeur et le guide étaient fantastiques. Merci pour le partage de votre expérience et pour votre amour pour le Mexique, Sandrine !
Ocean tours team
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德国佛莱堡15 条分享
Best tour in Mexico! The perfect match out of knowledge, energy, relaxing & wellbeing with our guides Ruben & Cesar. Definitely a must do in Yucatan.
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It sounds like you had an amazing experience in Yucatan with Ruben and Cesar as your guides! Yucatan offers a plethora of attractions ranging from ancient Mayan ruins to stunning beaches and natural wonders.
Best regards
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Kate M
荷兰哈勒姆1 条分享
2023年12月 • 夫妻情侣
We just wanted to say thank you to Tlal, Stephan, Susanne and all captain and crew. Great Overall experience.
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You're very welcome! It sounds like you had a fantastic experience with Tlal, Stephan, Susanne, and the entire captain and crew. I'm glad to hear that your overall experience was great.
Best regards
Laura Ocean Tours
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Emil W
亚美尼亚2 条分享
2023年12月 • 家庭
What an amazing experience. The two guides Susanna and Steffan do everything to make the day unforgettable. It couldn't be better.
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Es ist fantastisch zu hören, dass du ein "hammergeiles" Erlebnis hattest! Es scheint, als hätten Susanna und Steffan als Guides eine herausragende Arbeit geleistet, um sicherzustellen, dass dein Tag unvergesslich wurde. Ihr Engagement und ihre Bemühungen haben offensichtlich einen bleibenden Eindruck hinterlassen.
Laura Ocean Tours
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Christopher M
8 条分享
2023年11月 • 夫妻情侣
We took the private tour of coba and Punta laguna with ocean tours Mexico and had the most amazing day. Our guide Ismael, photographer Danny and driver Enrique arrived early for our pickup and were waiting by the lobby when we went down. During the hour long drive to Coba Ismael explained the agenda for the day and went over some of the various wildlife we might see on the tour. Coba was beautiful and we saw many different ruins and animals while biking around. Ismael was extremely knowledgeable and fun to tour around with. He took care of everything for us along the way. It was very nice to have our own personal photographer so we could just enjoy the tour and know the whole day would be documented. We had the best Mexican food of our entire trip for lunch at the little buffet just outside the archeological site.
After Coba it was a short drive down the road to Punta Laguna where we started things with a traditional Mayan ceremony with the shaman. We were then lead into the jungle by a member of the Mayan community to find some monkeys. He was making monkey calls and it did not take him long to find several spider monkeys for us. We found one more group of monkeys on our way to the zip line over the lake. The lake is beautiful and the canoe ride back across it was very nice. Then it was time for the cenote. They hook your harness from the zip line to a rope and pully and lower you down through a fairly small hole in the ground. Once through the hole the earth opens up into a large dome full of water that you get to swim around in. There are a bunch of bats that fly around a bit down there and we even saw a fish swimming around. After climbing the rope ladder out of the cenote we got changed and went back down to the dock where I proposed to my girlfriend as the sun was preparing to set. She said yes and it was extremely helpful again to have our personal photographer Danny around to take professional photos of the moment for us. On our way back to the van we saw one more spider monkey with a baby on her back. After an amazing day full of adventures Enrique drove us back to our resort.
We are extremely happy we chose Ocean Tours for our special day in Mexico. The tour exceeded my expectations. I was not expecting to have 3 people doing the tour and the unexpected photographer worked our perfectly with my proposal. I was emailing with the company for over a month before we went trying to plan the best day possible and they are extremely flexible with everything and had no problem with me changing my plan several times. I could not have asked for a better experience and would highly recommend ocean tours for all your Mexican adventures. If you are lucky enough to get Ismael, Danny and Enrique I know it will be the highlight of your trip as well.
Thanks guys for an amazing day!
After Coba it was a short drive down the road to Punta Laguna where we started things with a traditional Mayan ceremony with the shaman. We were then lead into the jungle by a member of the Mayan community to find some monkeys. He was making monkey calls and it did not take him long to find several spider monkeys for us. We found one more group of monkeys on our way to the zip line over the lake. The lake is beautiful and the canoe ride back across it was very nice. Then it was time for the cenote. They hook your harness from the zip line to a rope and pully and lower you down through a fairly small hole in the ground. Once through the hole the earth opens up into a large dome full of water that you get to swim around in. There are a bunch of bats that fly around a bit down there and we even saw a fish swimming around. After climbing the rope ladder out of the cenote we got changed and went back down to the dock where I proposed to my girlfriend as the sun was preparing to set. She said yes and it was extremely helpful again to have our personal photographer Danny around to take professional photos of the moment for us. On our way back to the van we saw one more spider monkey with a baby on her back. After an amazing day full of adventures Enrique drove us back to our resort.
We are extremely happy we chose Ocean Tours for our special day in Mexico. The tour exceeded my expectations. I was not expecting to have 3 people doing the tour and the unexpected photographer worked our perfectly with my proposal. I was emailing with the company for over a month before we went trying to plan the best day possible and they are extremely flexible with everything and had no problem with me changing my plan several times. I could not have asked for a better experience and would highly recommend ocean tours for all your Mexican adventures. If you are lucky enough to get Ismael, Danny and Enrique I know it will be the highlight of your trip as well.
Thanks guys for an amazing day!
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hello Chris!
I was wondering how it all went on your special day! lovely to hear that you had a wonderful time, made extra special by everyone in Ocean Tours and that you had the best scenario for such a special moment for you!
see you on your honeymoon!
Mariana - Ocean Tours
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Rick J
1 条分享
2023年8月 • 家庭
Totally gotta spill the beans on this epic whale shark tour I went on in Cancun! It was like, outta this world, seriously! So, like, this awesome guy named Steffan schooled us on all things whale shark before we set sail. He knew his stuff, man, like a marine encyclopedia or something. Super cool, right?
Then, our boat trip was all guided by this rad dude named Tlal. He's, like, the captain of the high seas or whatever. Tlal knew all the secret spots to find these gentle giants, and he made sure we got, like, primo views of the action. Plus, he's all about keeping those whale sharks safe and sound, which is, like, mega important.
Both Steffan and Tlal, they were total marine fanatics. They made learning about these fishy dudes fun and exciting. Swimming next to those whale sharks? It was, like, the ultimate bucket-list moment. Seriously, I left with this huge appreciation for these majestic creatures and our planet's oceans.
If you're ever in Cancun and you're into marine life (or even if you're not, but you wanna be), you gotta hit up this tour. Steffan and Tlal will show you the time of your life. It's, like, one for the record books, no joke!
Then, our boat trip was all guided by this rad dude named Tlal. He's, like, the captain of the high seas or whatever. Tlal knew all the secret spots to find these gentle giants, and he made sure we got, like, primo views of the action. Plus, he's all about keeping those whale sharks safe and sound, which is, like, mega important.
Both Steffan and Tlal, they were total marine fanatics. They made learning about these fishy dudes fun and exciting. Swimming next to those whale sharks? It was, like, the ultimate bucket-list moment. Seriously, I left with this huge appreciation for these majestic creatures and our planet's oceans.
If you're ever in Cancun and you're into marine life (or even if you're not, but you wanna be), you gotta hit up this tour. Steffan and Tlal will show you the time of your life. It's, like, one for the record books, no joke!
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thank you for such a fun to read review! you made us feel we were there with you as well! our guides are the best and we know it! glad that you enjoyed your time with us and we hope we can host you again soon!
Mariana - Ocean Tours
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Jason R
伊利诺伊州Libertyville73 条分享
We had a fantastic day visiting Coba and the Monkey Sanctuary. Our driver Juan Luis was great and super helpful and can’t say enough good things about Cristina. She was delightful and super knowledgeable and made the day super fun. The monkey sanctuary with the zip line, the canoe across the water and then the swim in the Cenote was excellent!!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
We are very happy to hear that you enjoyed your experience with us, alongside Juan and Cristina. We hope to see you again in the future.
Dario, Ocean Tours Mexico
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