供应商/业主为:Vancouver Water Adventures
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄限制:18-99,每个团体最多 12 人
用时: 3 小时 30 分
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 指南
- 使用喷气滑雪
- 使用湿衣和救生衣
- 晚餐和一杯饮料
- 汽油
- 一日船员的执照
未包含内容- 酒店接送服务
- 小费
- 出发地点:
- 1812 Boatlift Ln, Vancouver, BC V6H 3Y2, Canada出发地点:温哥华格兰维尔岛 地址:Granville Island Location (1812 Boatlift Lane, Vancouver, BC) 日期:每天 返程点:返回原出发点
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 无障碍通道
- 婴儿车可入内
- 靠近公共交通
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:6985BOWEN- 价格是每人,基于每个Jet Ski的1或2名车手(取决于所选的选项)
- 必须拥有驾驶Jet Ski的有效驾驶执照
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 12 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:6985BOWEN
- jrk99990 条分享哇,真有趣这是度过3小时的好方式。乘船游览花岗岩瀑布真是太棒了。有很多信息,野生动物,当然还有快艇。感谢我们的导游Alex,祝你的船一切顺利!撰写日期:2019年7月31日
- Eimear F0 条分享棒极了!这趟旅行充满乐趣,你可以借此机会探索海岸区域和周边的岛屿。城市与山脉之间的景色简直是太美了,我们的导游(肖恩)对这一地区了如指掌,还为我们营造出了欢快轻松的氛围。无论是温哥华的居民还是来温哥华旅游的游客,我都向大家推荐这个旅游项目。再次感谢肖恩,让我们度过了愉快的一天。撰写日期:2019年7月2日
- wawajane0 条分享超级棒的独木舟行程由两位独木舟导游在英吉利湾,详尽介绍温哥华市,整整3小时的活动,令人觉得丰富多彩,沿途风景美丽无法以文字表达,后段的行程有点逆风逆流,所以能锻炼身体,谢谢两位年轻导游。撰写日期:2019年6月15日
- Dawn-World0 条分享惊险刺激!这次冒险的精彩程度完全出乎我的意料。或许有些惊险,但确实非常刺激有趣!两名导游给了我们非常明确的安全和驾驶方面的指导,没有人感到仓促或者有压力。他们明确表示,我们来这里是来玩的,并且我们最终玩得很开心!我们看到的风景和经历的冒险比我们所有人预期的都要棒得多,部分原因是天气很好,但也因为我们有一个优秀的导游团队。这是我们经历过的最棒的冒险经历之一。谢谢你们为我留下了这段难忘的回忆!撰写日期:2019年6月9日
- dylanh5330 条分享度過晚上的好方法在我們的日落游的船上和Raphael度過一個美好的光。他對野生動植物和船都非常了解。我們可以看到一些野外生活和漂亮的景色,我們還體驗了一下風馳電掣的感覺,然後卻感受到很安全和有趣。一定會和所有人推薦,脫離人群來這裡享受一下夜晚的新鮮空氣。撰写日期:2019年5月31日
- sheila11240 条分享花岗岩瀑布天呐,这是多么美好的一天!!!Raphael是位很棒的导游,同时他还驾驶了船,也是位优秀的船长!他的操作行云流水,让我们感觉非常安全!当天有雾,虽然天气不够晴朗,但雾中的印地安湾美极了!Water Adventures公司太棒了!真是美妙的一天,感谢Raphael!!!撰写日期:2019年5月2日
- 0 条分享租用桨叶式冲浪板的体验租了这里的桨叶式冲浪板。没想到会有这么多服务,但工作人员真的很好,在让我们自己出去之前,他们向我们介绍了一些安全知识。一开始有很多船。但一旦你经过那里,就会发现那是一个很好的冲浪的地方。这里非常有趣。撰写日期:2018年10月24日
- Sarah N0 条分享令人惊喜与迪伦在花岗岩瀑布的难忘之旅。他充满热情,知识渊博,能够迎合群体的多样性。阳光明媚的日子里,有令人惊叹的风景,这是一次增长见识的旅行。建议你为这次旅行准备全套的衣服,因为在旅途中会变得很冷。西装是有衬垫的,对于身材矮胖的女士来说,这可能有点不切实际,动作幅度也会小一点。在出发之前,有厕所可以使用,知道这一点很有用,因为这是一个3小时的旅程!如果你想确保包包安全的话,船上座位下面有储物的地方。快餐和甜甜圈很好吃,感觉很安全。高质量的旅行,物有所值。撰写日期:2018年10月1日
- Scott H0 条分享非常棒的喷气滑雪之旅这里的人很让人震撼。我儿子和我进行了两个小时的私人喷气式滑雪之旅,享受这里的每一分钟。喷气式滑雪板质量好,性能也非常好。这里的风景令人惊叹 -感觉就像不属于这个世界一样。一定要从水中欣赏温哥华。我们的导游Killian很棒 - 一个真正知识渊博的家伙,确保了让我们完全享受这次滑雪之旅。你在这里花费的每一分钱都是值得的 - 一定要来这里。撰写日期:2018年9月26日
- sharend2120 条分享十二星座游船我们的团队/家庭和朋友参加了十二星座偶穿,Raphael是我们的导游-很赞。我们在温哥华只有36个小时,在一开始参加这样的旅游,游览格兰维尔岛,最终成了很好的主意,我强烈推荐这样的旅行给你。Raphael提供了适量的信息给我们成人,同时又给了我们的儿子们刺激/欢乐。他是绝好的导游,很博学、安全、有趣。这样的旅行真是太棒了。撰写日期:2018年9月15日
- Elena P0 条分享Seadooing的晚餐之旅我们玩得很开心!导游是亚历克斯,他很棒。我们在下水前就进行了全面的安全培训,还学习到一些小贴士和窍门!他也向我们介绍了一些关于温哥华的有趣历史!非常值得!撰写日期:2018年9月5日
- Victor C0 条分享拉斐尔———那个人,那个谜,那个传奇跟我的两个男孩子上周去旅游了。那是我做过的最酷的事之一。似乎拉斐尔唯一不能做的就是从空气中清除烟雾。整个3小时的骑行都很刺激,有教育意义,最总要的是,很有趣。当地的历史,野生动物和令人愉悦的速度感都使得这个旅途变得充满乐趣。甚至我们穿的那个笨拙的,像皮尔斯伯里步兵一样的外套,都在天冷的时候派上了用场。我们看到海豹,一只鹰,还有一些巨大的水母。水温和水深的信息都很棒。我在此提名拉斐尔成为下一个Dos Equis世上最有趣的人。这真的是不能错过啊。撰写日期:2018年8月24日
- Larry R0 条分享日落邮轮在日落邮轮度过了一段美妙的时光,还吃了一顿晚餐。我们的导游迪伦非常了解温哥华及其周边地区的历史,我们去看了海豹的聚居地和名流之家,然后吃了一顿丰盛的晚餐,最后坐飞机回码头,沿途一边享受着明信片上的夕阳,一边吃了几个甜甜圈。A+Larry&Sherry撰写日期:2018年8月18日
- Catherine64900 条分享划船之旅尼克和瑞克真的太友好了,跟他们聊天很愉快。我和朋友是为了晚上的灯光划船来这里,我们的导游懂得很多,了解这个城市的历史真的很有趣。这个地方很棒,水很美。谢谢尼克尔和瑞克对我们的帮助!撰写日期:2018年8月4日
- Deirdre N0 条分享和斯文一起旅行,海洋就属于你我们与来自温哥华的斯文进行了一次精彩的清晨之旅。海洋上的水上冒险就是我们的旅途。我们看到了美丽的温哥华市,海湾中的大船,博文岛,马蹄湾和灯塔岩。我们甚至看到海豹在阳光下晒太阳。斯文是一个很棒的向导,很有趣,很沉着,并且知道该地区很多有趣的信息。喷气滑雪太有趣了,当我们回到家时,我们再次预订了喷气滑雪。期待我们的下一次旅行。撰写日期:2018年7月28日
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15 条点评
Sue A
25 条分享
2024年6月 • 夫妻情侣
Just WOW!! The best experience ever. Worth every penny. Eric was the most amazing guide. Friendly, knowledgeable and totally put us at ease. The ride over to Bowen island and back exceeded our expectations and the food at Tuscany Restaurant was excellent. We just didn’t want the experience to end. Now to look through all of the amazing pictures Eric took for us. This is a must do trip
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amy c
1 条分享
2023年9月 • 夫妻情侣
One of the most amazing experiences of our lives!!
Had a thorough tutorial on the jet skis, safety measures, the do’s and dont’s before heading out from Granville island to Bowen. Rode past freight ships all in English bay, saw so many incredible views of Vancouver from the water. Stopped by to see some seals chilling on the rocks. Before docking at Bowen island for dinner.
After dinner our guide took us to a spot that we could really rip round on the jet skis and have some fun! After this we rode back in the incredible b.c sunset !
Our tour guide Simon was fantastic, stopped at various points along the way, for photo moments and to share some history about the area, took photos and videos for us so we didn’t have to worry about missing the incredible moments! truly an amazing guide. The Best I’ve ever had on any tour !
Can not recommend this tour enough! It’s more than worth it, just incredible!!
Had a thorough tutorial on the jet skis, safety measures, the do’s and dont’s before heading out from Granville island to Bowen. Rode past freight ships all in English bay, saw so many incredible views of Vancouver from the water. Stopped by to see some seals chilling on the rocks. Before docking at Bowen island for dinner.
After dinner our guide took us to a spot that we could really rip round on the jet skis and have some fun! After this we rode back in the incredible b.c sunset !
Our tour guide Simon was fantastic, stopped at various points along the way, for photo moments and to share some history about the area, took photos and videos for us so we didn’t have to worry about missing the incredible moments! truly an amazing guide. The Best I’ve ever had on any tour !
Can not recommend this tour enough! It’s more than worth it, just incredible!!
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1 条分享
2023年7月 • 家庭
My husband, two older teen sons and I explored this tour with Jessie as our guide and we loved it! This was our first trip to Vancouver (from California). What a way to explore the beauty of Howe Sound. Dinner at Tuscany was an adorable setting and the food delightful. We even saw a bald Eagle! Our “boys” loved blazing on the sea doos right behind Jessie. It is not inexpensive but a fabulous way to explore and create memories in a way that our 16 and 18 year old would appreciate.
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Lyndsey F
加拿大Delta6 条分享
2022年7月 • 夫妻情侣
What a great evening! Our guides, Simon and Jessie, were fantastic. Super friendly and great hosts. The views were amazing. Dinner on Bowen island was delicious. We had so much fun. Highly recommend this adventure.
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Thank you for your review Lyndsey. We are glad to know you’ve enjoyed yourselves and hope to see you again.
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4 条分享
The Jetski dinner tour to Bowen Island was an absolute blast. Greg was our fearless tour guide and was simple amazing. Let us have fun and was very informative of the area. You will have a great time on the water and at dinner.
The check in process and departure was a breeze and the staff is super friendly, If you didn't enjoy yourself I think its a YOU thing. I would do this again in a heart beat.
Thank you Greg for the fantastic tour and taking great care of us.
Belinda and Austin
The check in process and departure was a breeze and the staff is super friendly, If you didn't enjoy yourself I think its a YOU thing. I would do this again in a heart beat.
Thank you Greg for the fantastic tour and taking great care of us.
Belinda and Austin
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Thank you very much for choosing us Belinda and Austin! We are glad to know you’ve enjoyed yourselves and hope to see you again soon.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Helena S
加拿大温哥华岛2 条分享
2021年7月 • 好友
This was an unforgettable experience. Despite being city of Vancouver residents we were able to enjoy never before seen views of the city and surrounding sites from the water. It was exhilarating. Simon was the perfect host ensuring we all felt safe while getting used to the high powered jet skis. His stops at points of interest were highly interesting and each of us learned something we didn’t know about our city. Approaching Bowen island by jet ski in the late afternoon was so beautiful and out dinner in snug harbor delicious. The ride back to the city was fun and bittersweet. Just an awesome experience. Thank you so much Simon.
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2 条分享
What a blast! Simon guided us (a group of ladies celebrating a retirement) through English Bay to Bowen Island. He is an enthusiastic guide with lots of interesting local facts. Dinner at the Rustique Bistro on Bowen Island was fantastic. Simon made sure that we caught the sunset and took us around Passage Island. We felt like Charlie's Angels as we flew across the waves! He took lots of photos/video of us which he shared later. We had amazing views of Vancouver on the ride back. I'm definitely sharing this experience with other friends!
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加拿大温哥华11 条分享
Trip was amazing, Greg was great! The ride back from dinner was a highlight for sure! Beautiful sunset, felt like something out of a movie! :) Would recommend for anyone, such a unique experience! Food was delicious at the restaurant too!
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Mario K
加利福尼亚莫罗贝45 条分享
We had a lot of fun on the jetski tour. Tourguide Kevin was awesome! We were a small group of 4 (inlc. Guide) sonit was very private. Jetski are new, modern and fast (up to 80 km per hour). Dinner was delicious. We recommend to wear a wetsuit even on a warm and sunny day!
Thanks Vancouver water adventures and special thanks to Kevin!
Thanks Vancouver water adventures and special thanks to Kevin!
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Stephanie D
13 条分享
2019年7月 • 家庭
My son, Bobby, and I did the Jet Ski and dinner on Bowen Island with Vancouver Water Adventures. Sam, our tour guide, was awesome. Be prepared to get completely drenched but thank goodness for the wetsuits - especially for us Florida people. Water was super cold to us but so worth it seeing the seal pups multiple times. Dinner was awesome too. Would love to go stay on Bowen Island the next visit.
Thanks Sam for showing us all the amazing beauty of English Bay and more! Loved this experience.
Thanks Sam for showing us all the amazing beauty of English Bay and more! Loved this experience.
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