供应商/业主为:Ziptrek Ecotours
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄限制:10-99,每个团体最多 10 人
用时: 1 小时 30 分
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 专业的4x4穿梭司机
- 使用头盔和安全带
- 口罩
- Blackcomb缆车(仅在WB工作时间内)
- 多个洗手液站
未包含内容- 小费
- 出发地点:
- 4282 Mountain Square, Whistler, BC V0N 1B4, Canada在滑雪者广场惠斯勒山脚下的 Excalibur 缆车楼梯上寻找 Ziptrek 帐篷。该地点靠近惠斯勒村缆车和 Longhorn Saloon,就在 Dubh Linn Gate Pub 的正对面。
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 靠近公共交通
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:3701P4- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 10-18岁的参与者必须由19岁以上的成人陪同
- 几乎在所有天气条件下都能操作,请穿着得体。如果因天气恶劣而取消预订,将提供替代日期或全额退款
- 不允许携带行李,钱包或吊挂相机
- 如果佩戴在Sasquatch上,必须固定眼镜。供应商不对丢失的物品负责
- 最小重量75磅,最大重量275磅
- 不推荐背部不适的旅行者参加
- 不建议孕妇参加
- 无心脏问题或其他重大疾病
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 最低年龄为 10 岁
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 10 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:3701P4
- meganlouisek0 条分享结束我们对惠斯勒访问的好方式!我和我的男朋友决定参加“鹰” 高空滑索之旅,这次旅行大约花了3个小时,而且当时在下雨,这是我们这次旅行中唯一的项目!(幸运的我们!)通常,旅行非常匆忙,所以我们可以进行一对一的体验感觉非常幸运。 我们的导游绝对很棒!他们对森林有丰富的知识,很有趣,很有趣,并且很高兴与他们一起度过三个小时。如果您想增加肾上腺素,高空滑索真的让人感觉刺激无比,甚至身体会反转过来!他们提供go-pro租赁服务,虽然我们已经有其中一台摄像机了,但他们非常乐意免费提供配件,因此我们可以安全地随身携带go-pro。 这个价格是值得的经验,并会强烈推荐。(我不记得我们导游的名字,但是会在下面晒出图片!)撰写日期:2019年9月19日
- GemmaDV870 条分享乐趣无穷!体验高空滑索让我们感到乐趣无穷。我们预定了当天的第一拨,结果只有我们两个人,这意味着我们被允许体验比原来的熊之旅更长的线路。导游非常酷,对陆地非常了解。我们肯定会再体验一次,并且会选择更长的线路因为我们乐在其中根本停不下来!撰写日期:2019年8月28日
- davidrQ5193IT0 条分享和Richard一起进行树顶探险我最小的儿子不想玩高空滑索,所以我们参加了树顶探险。这有点像伊渥克村的冒险。导游Richie(许多在惠斯勒寻求庇护的澳大利亚人之一)很棒。他很有耐心,很随和,这对年幼的孩子很管用。如果你想了解森林,而你的小孩又有点胆小,那么这个项目就是最佳的选择。撰写日期:2019年8月28日
- NathanCulevski0 条分享最好的!我和我的搭档最近玩过鹰之旅滑索,我会推荐给每个人。这些高空滑索非常刺激。我们也玩了Sasquatch滑索,但是只推荐给超喜欢刺激的人,这是一项刺激到能让人心跳停止的项目。撰写日期:2019年8月23日
- Meijdie0 条分享哇哦,真有趣!我们刚开始的时候出现了点状况,那双鞋子不适合我儿子。但他们后来很好的解决了这个问题。他们把我们换到另一个组。我们真的玩得很开心。在布里埃尔和马迪的带领下,我们在惠斯勒的树林里体验了5条索道。这真的非常有趣!非常感谢!撰写日期:2019年8月8日
- Dave C0 条分享一次愉快的高空滑索经历我和老婆一共体验了5条高空索道,非常刺激。这是我老婆第一次乘坐高空滑索。我们有两位导游,为六名游客服务,他们出色极了,每到一个休息站点,都会给我们介绍该地区的雨林风貌和当地居民的生活习俗。每条索道都棒极了,乐趣十足,我们非常开心,一路上看到了许多美景。其中有几条索道直接横穿菲茨西蒙斯河,令人印象深刻。总之,这里的设备非常安全,工作人员训练有素,我们度过了一段美妙的时光。尽情享受吧!撰写日期:2019年8月6日
- huronbb0 条分享组织有序的公司我们有一个非常愉快的旅行。导游很棒,确保我们的安全以及了解当地情况。另外,我们还得到了许多关于该地区历史和生态的信息。做得很好。撰写日期:2019年7月13日
- salt-life-00 条分享适合每个人的最好玩的滑索项目!我们想找个全家人都能玩的滑索项目,我的两个女儿从没玩过滑索,我有行动障碍。这里的员工为我们打造了最完美的体验,给我们推荐了最合适的旅程(Bear),调整我们一行的人数,来适应我的行走速度,给我们提供了最好的导游。Cian和Ryan非常棒。他们把旅程变得很简单、有趣、享受。如果我们再来惠斯勒的话,我们还会再来玩滑索。超级推荐。谢谢这个景点。撰写日期:2019年6月15日
- awiles890 条分享很棒的景点我们的导游(山姆和安德鲁)超级棒。 您可以通过缆车登上山,每条缆车线路之间都有步道,但乘坐缆车非常值得。 我们选择了老鹰之旅,幸运的是我们3个人在旅行中有额外的自我安排时间,所以我们能够乘坐额外的缆车线路。美的令人无以言表,这次经历绝对令人惊叹。缆车的制动系统是最好的,你不必靠人力支撑自己,如此顺利。 你可以四处走动,看到更多美景,甚至可以倒立! 我建议大家预订这次旅游,并且选择老鹰之旅。快来尝试吧! 惠斯勒最好的缆车旅行,绝对是最棒的。撰写日期:2019年5月29日
- sanitnaj0 条分享熊之旅这是一次了不起的旅行。我们的2个导游都很友好,见多识广。在树荫下漫步的期间,他们向我们介绍了不同的树木和植物以及野生动物。我强烈推荐这次旅行,并会毫不犹豫地再次参加。下次的主题是北美野人!谢谢Jantina。这是一次了不起的旅行。我们的2个导游都很友好,见多识广。在树荫下漫步的期间,他们向我们介绍了不同的树木和植物以及野生动物。我强烈推荐这次旅行,并会毫不犹豫地再次参加。下次的主题是北美野人!谢谢Jantina。撰写日期:2019年5月9日
- Wytrav20120 条分享很美丽,有很多乐趣我们的团队很热闹!我们的导游纳塔莉和娜奥米知识渊博、专业,对这位61岁的第一次来的女人来说最重要的是,他们非常有耐心!我们的四人小组和一个来自多伦多的家庭在一起,这增加了我们的乐趣。谨代表布伦特、凯瑟琳、斯蒂芬和我本人,感谢你们提供的宝贵经历。撰写日期:2019年4月26日
- 345MarkH0 条分享过休息日的好方法感谢我们友好的导游艾瑞克和耐奥米在5条线路的3小时游览过程中给我带来的乐趣和有用的信息。一家人都体会到了乐趣,孩子们甚至还上了一堂自然课! 不要被雨水浇灭了热情(像我们一样) - 下雨给这些美丽的环境增添了气氛。撰写日期:2019年4月18日
- redpaperlanterns0 条分享很棒的经历我们从来没有跟过这个旅游团,也不知道会发生什么,但它比我们想象的要好得多。在菲茨西蒙斯溪的熊之旅有5条线路,绝对是令人震惊的,同时也充满了乐趣。导游提供的信息非常丰富,让整个体验变得更好。绝对推荐你尝试一下!撰写日期:2019年4月2日
- JacquieHundt0 条分享鹰之高空滑索我和我的朋友和导师Helen和Vicky一起做了鹰之旅。 整个旅程绝对令人惊叹。 高空滑索带您穿越令人惊叹的风景,非常有趣和令人振奋。 我们在这次旅行中做了5次滑索。 他们都很长,带你穿过山谷,河流和无尽的雪覆盖的树木。 教练们很可爱,非常乐于助人,并告诉我们一些有关该地区历史的精彩故事。 我喜欢这次旅行的每一个细节,并强烈推荐给任何人。撰写日期:2019年3月16日
- Livestats0 条分享简直棒极了惠斯勒和布莱克科姆山之间的鹰之旅真是太棒了。工作人员才华横溢,知识渊博,富有娱乐精神,但始终关注我们的安全。穿过悬索桥到树梢平台的步行本身就很酷。作为初次体验高空滑索的人(不是最好的高度),第一条2400英尺的滑索是有点吓人,但导游使它成为一个难以置信的经验。这真是一件了不起的事情,而且额外的收获是令人难以置信的景色。非常感谢你们带给我们的最佳体验。撰写日期:2019年2月24日
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222 条点评
Aaron B
1 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
Lots of fun!! My wife and I did the Sasquatch line. Our guide Lucas was very friendly, informative and helpful. The whole experience felt very professional, safe and fun. Will definitely return some day to try some other lines.
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华盛顿西雅图34 条分享
We had such an amazing experience on the Sasquatch Zipline. It was completely thrilling. I was really nervous but their team was so professional and encouraging at every step of the way. Each person showed such great interest in taking care of us, it was a really hospitable experience.
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阿拉巴马费尔霍普13 条分享
2024年9月 • 独自旅游
Amazing views. Such a rush. Was lucky enough to have the same guide we had in June and he was a blast. Will definitely do this one again.
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J Low
11 条分享
2024年8月 • 家庭
When our climbing trip got cancelled due to rain, the kids were keen to try zip lining on our last day in Whistler (after having mountain biked under one of the lower zip lines in the Whistler Bike Park the previous day). When I called to ask what would be the most exciting tour, the lovely Australian answering the phone enthusiastically answered “the Sasquatch!” Boy, was she right! It was the most thrilling experience I’ve had in a long time, right up there with skydiving. The first step off the platform steps into mid-air leading to a steep drop that speeds up to 100-160km/hr in the trees was so exhilarating that I found myself screaming aloud! Once I realized that I was safe and wasn’t going to die, I stopped screaming and was able to appreciate the breathtaking views of the mountains, lakes, and creek meandering between Whistler and Blackcomb from the alpine down to the valley bottom. After the 2.2km zip line, which lasted about two minutes, the Ziptrek guide braked my pulley from the platform with their rope system, giving me a small jerk before smoothly coming to a stop at the platform. Such a rush!!! My 12-year old son and 14-year old daughter had the time of their lives. Thank you, Ziptrek!!!
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28 条分享
The zip line is a great experience although a tad expensive! The zip line is the best zip line I’ve been on for the duration, views and speed. I would say that it would have been nice for the guide (Luke) to interact in the travel up and down, he was actually really knowledgable when we pushed for a question but he spent the time on his phone messaging otherwise.
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Claire K
19 条分享
2024年8月 • 夫妻情侣
Highly recommended, well organised, great guide Luke and the best fun. JUST DO IT!
My legend of a hubby said yes to doing this at the young age of 77, so go for it!
My legend of a hubby said yes to doing this at the young age of 77, so go for it!
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Jemmalyn M
1 条分享
2024年8月 • 夫妻情侣
Do morning ride not to hot..
One of the extreme adventure you will probably won't missed if you go to whistler. As always give you a superman feels like thing😂😂
One of the extreme adventure you will probably won't missed if you go to whistler. As always give you a superman feels like thing😂😂
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Jackie S
6 条分享
2024年8月 • 夫妻情侣
We have done Ziptrek many times, always the best and always a thrill! All the guides were awesome but Sasha our guide throughout the tour was awesome, he has our vote for golden helmet!
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alison b
加拿大多伦多7 条分享
2024年8月 • 好友
The experience would have been phenomenal if my left shoulder strap (which I assumed a critical part of my safety harness...as nobody told me otherwise) didn't fly off me a few seconds after the jump point. I was scared and I yanked it back up with my right hand but it flew down again (you are "flying" in at 150k + speeds but they estimated we were maybe 170 that day). The experience should have been amazing and it took all my courage to do it. But it was ruined for me. The ride lasts less than two minutes so it goes quick re the view and thrill but regardless there's no time to look around and enjoy it if you think you may crash on the landing!
I told the crew at the endpoint and they both said that the strap is in no way critical to rider safety etc. so I didn't "complain" that this was not shared. My friend and me had to decompress and spent some time watching the rest of our groups enthusiasm for their own rides. As we walked down the path to the gondola ride down the rest of the mountain my stomach was knotted and I had a little "release" cry from the scare. I plan on writing the company to let them know that they need to warn guests re the "function" of the shoulder strap being nominal.
I told the crew at the endpoint and they both said that the strap is in no way critical to rider safety etc. so I didn't "complain" that this was not shared. My friend and me had to decompress and spent some time watching the rest of our groups enthusiasm for their own rides. As we walked down the path to the gondola ride down the rest of the mountain my stomach was knotted and I had a little "release" cry from the scare. I plan on writing the company to let them know that they need to warn guests re the "function" of the shoulder strap being nominal.
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俄亥俄佩里斯堡76 条分享
This was a very fast very daring and exciting sport. The jump off was hard but so worth it. I felt very safe the entire time. The staff was very safe and encouraging. Lia helped us and we felt very comfortable with her.
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Just wondering if anyone can recommend whether the Sasquatch or the Eagle tour are best?
With the Sasquatch tour it looks like we would get to ride both the Black comb and Whistler gondolas which I like since the Peak2Peak experience is closed when I’m visiting. Thanks in advance for any advice!
You will go to the info center where you get fitted with your gear
So if u are staying in whistler you can walk otherwise they pick u up after getting fitted for gear at their office in whistler
Very easy
Remember that when you take off you will get turned around so the whole trip is looking backward
Really doesn’t matter as for the first 15 seconds you can’t think straight
I am 71 200 lbs was going about 110 mph
All my family did it was fabulous
Do it!!!!!
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