Paronella Park门票
Paronella Park门票
供应商/业主为:Paronella Park
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄限制:0-99,每个团体最多 86 人
用时: 10 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
现场指南:中文, 日语, 英语
书面指南:德语, 中文, 俄文, 瑞典语, 韩文, 日语, 英语, 意大利语, 法语, 丹麦文, 荷兰语, 西班牙语
- 梦想继续导游
- 黑暗瀑布导游
- 植物指南
- 入场/门票 - Paronella Park
未包含内容- 食品和饮料
- 酒店接送服务
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- 旅行者应该具备正常的身体素质
- 儿童必须由成人陪同
- Paronella Park酒店适合轮椅使用者入住,但是可以为参观地点的不平坦表面做好准备,对于行走障碍或使用轮椅的人来说可能很难
- 请注意,Paronella Park酒店位于Innisfail以南12.5英里(20公里)和凯恩斯以南75英里(120公里)的Mena Creek附近。
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 86 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:41603P1
- 192jennys0 条分享帕罗尼拉公园——一定要去看看不可错过。荷西·帕罗尼拉的梦想实现了。日游和夜游都是一定要去的,当然最后的音乐体验也是必须的。我的建议是买一本关于荷西生平的书——一本引人入胜的书。撰写日期:2019年8月27日
- LFSingapore0 条分享超出我们的预期Paronella Park不像其他任何一个旅游景点。首先,在老板马克·埃文斯的指导下,公司组织良好,有着优秀的员工提供优质的客户服务。马克和他的团队带给FNQ的东西可以被看到和体验。这不是一个俗气的旅游目的地,这是我们都可以共享我们梦想的地方。在这花费了两天时间游览。第一天是历史之旅和夜间之旅,第二天则是几个小时的漫游闲逛,呼吸着新鲜空气。也许你还可以再来一次旅行,看看你错过了什么。这是一个美丽和宁静的绿洲,周围有很多座位供你冥想或只是坐下来静静享受周围的环境。停下来享受午餐,吃个新鲜的三明治,或者去咖啡馆吃个套餐,或者喝杯奶昔或咖啡。他们甚至提供德文郡茶!酒店还提供房车/露营车/房车露营。我们非常幸运在这里呆了两天,晚上的巡演也来了两次,我们有最好的机会欣赏弦乐家族的音乐才华。以帕罗内拉为背景的表演真是太神奇了!非常感谢所有参与其中的人,这是我们40周年纪念日的一大亮点。Leone和John Fabre。撰写日期:2019年8月12日
- cartermadeline0 条分享不一样的导游帕罗尼拉很漂亮,在这个美丽的地方,每一口呼吸的空气都是新鲜的。我带着我妈妈和我三岁的儿子一起去的,他有些孤僻,我们的导游Amanda非常体贴,照顾着我儿子的需要。她和我说"有什么我可以帮助你儿子的吗?让他更开心享受这个旅程,我不想他感觉无聊"Amanda非常的善解人意,但是我从来没有这么照顾我的儿子。谢谢Amanda给了我们一个不一样的旅游体验撰写日期:2019年8月6日
- Climber324860636170 条分享Amazing world白天的时候跟着cairnschartertours的导游游览了一遍景区,在车上已经详细的讲述了Jose的故事,非常感人。晚上听景区的中文导游边游览边再次听这个故事,能感受到建筑物每一处的用心良苦。最后听演奏,到最后一首为paronella park作的曲子,联系对这个公园过去的想象,是一次非常物超所值的体验撰写日期:2019年7月2日
- nicocogod0 条分享A place about dream!十分漂亮的西班牙风格花园,虽然离内地市区有一点远,需要大约1.5小时的车程,但是十分开心,导游Charlotte 知识丰富,十分热情!撰写日期:2019年2月21日
- 馨怡 王0 条分享价格太高,名不副实。如果逛完了凯恩斯所有的景点,还意犹未尽,那也许可以尝试一下这里。地方很小,跟着导游边走边停,二十五分钟走完。晚上拿着手电筒看夜行动物,我只看到了一只蜘蛛。 总之,二星级公园收的是五星级门票的价格。撰写日期:2018年12月5日
- 7ristaC0 条分享深受感动!很希望会再次到来!2018年7月11日在这里游玩。 这里有导游为大家介绍,建筑的由来、每一假建筑的意义所在。 起初觉得是普通的“导赏”,最后却被导游的讲解深深感动。 最初的园主因为一个梦想,自始至终都在坚持于是有了这个地方;对某样事物的喜爱,也一直坚守。如导游说的“人要有梦想,万一实现了呢”。 相信导游是真的很喜爱这地方以及背后的故事和精神,故深深地感染了我,提醒了我应该坚持。 P.s 导游叫yawei。 第一次点评旅游景点。撰写日期:2018年7月28日
- Sharon H0 条分享一定会再来!和妈妈一起来的,第二次来,还回来第三次。这里的工作人员超级友好,我在凯恩斯本地旅游业工作,帕罗那拉公园的工作人员绝对是最好的之一,这次是Janet带的我们!每次来都会有新感受,都会激起对生活的斗志。游览结束去对面的pub吃早餐,完美!(不知道这小姐姐怎么把我和我妈拍成的大长腿哈哈)撰写日期:2018年7月13日
- Terry0070080 条分享美丽的地方这地是比较远,但真是拍照的好地方,一齐一齐都好漂亮,还有亲切的导览员带你游遍整个花园,细说今年的故事,令你有亲历其境的感觉。撰写日期:2018年3月4日
- GKsmithnorman0 条分享骑摩托的欢乐四天有趣的旅程。从预定到办理退房十分简单。我们经历一天的旅行,然后漫步穿过花园,然后安顿在我们的船舱。在Mena Creek酒吧的一场精彩的晚宴。所有的员工都是绝佳的,彬彬有礼,信息丰富,乐于助人。这是澳大利亚人在远北昆士兰(ENQ)的热情好客的见证。撰写日期:2017年8月12日
- FNQquirky0 条分享很值得一去一个美丽的地方,花一些时间学习该地区的历史,允许大约2小时充分享受,自我驱动,你可能不会得到足够的时间搭乘巴士前往,其他地方访问当天(可能会让你很赶时间)他们可能会冲你昂贵的报名费为你买的东西(导游30分钟),但我们有一个很好的指导德文。当地人会在接下来的两年里得到一张免费的卡片,这是一个额外的奖励。咖啡店里有各种各样的食物的或者路边的酒吧也有很棒的食物。撰写日期:2017年7月20日
- barcelonaAustralia0 条分享非常普通对于40美元的入场费,我觉得有些不值。他们谈论在这里城堡的建构,但一些房间都已经成废墟了。就历史而言,这里非常有意思,但是40美元就不值得了!入场费包括2年内的免费回程参观,但实际上参观一次就够了。也许在将来什么时候,这里完全修复了,那么这里会变的更有意思,但目前而言,来这里就只是在雨林中自由地行走。撰写日期:2017年6月30日
- Tom L0 条分享Cairns一定要做的事情我们预订了一次旅行,他们带我们到了约瑟芬瀑布,热带树顶走道和Paronella公园。包括下午/晚上的旅行,让我们在白天和巴黎夜间旅行中感受了Paronella公园的氛围。强烈推荐这里。撰写日期:2017年6月20日
- Graeme B0 条分享令人惊叹超级棒的地方,看到某人的梦想变成现实,然后堕入毁灭简直太奇妙了。然后有人来想要恢复这个梦想,并使这里再次像梦一样。如果你来附近游览,我认为一定要来这里,你一定要参加旅行,了解这个地方的历史。曼迪,我们的导游很棒,她真的是一个很棒的讲故事者,在我们独自去探索之前,花45分钟去了解这个地方真是太好了。我不知道怎么会有人抱怨这里的门票,因为几乎所有的东西都包括在内。如果你走这条路,一定要来这里看看,我们甚至不介意从凯恩斯市驱车85公里来到这个地方游览。这是超级值得的。撰写日期:2017年6月6日
- Dianne R0 条分享魔力再现非常喜欢帕罗尼拉公园。何塞会为这里的员工和老板而自豪的,因为他们实现了自己的梦想。我们到了CV公园。这次的旅行团很棒,特别是午夜游。我们在天空之城漫步很有趣,能够欣赏到何塞对我们的特别介绍,包括很多地方和云(不知道是不是这个字)更有趣。他是我们团的导游,还给我们关于钓鱼的许多意见。我能说的就是快来吧。撰写日期:2017年4月28日
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538 条点评
Lisa J
澳大利亚汤斯维尔90 条分享
Hubby and I camped at Paronella Park for 2 nights and also took the opportunity to visit the park. I would absolutely recommend the night tour it was lovely being in the park at night, and the show was great. Our guides Meghan and Jana we fantastic. We went back for a day tour and Jana was very knowledgeable and a great guide. Photos don't do it justice you have to see it for yourself. Camping amenities are clean and well maintained. Campsites are shady and some have concrete slabs. I look forward to going back at camping at The Paddock. Amenities and camp kitchen are very modern and clean. So many good things to say, the history is amazing. Recommend a visit or overnight stay.
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Nick L
5 条分享
Bill was a great tour guide, the tours are 35 mins long and give you a good overview of the park and the story of Paronella Park. I would recommend doing a tour first and then you can explore the park after knowing some of the history!!
It’s very beautiful. We were able to feed fish and turtles as well as seeing many plant species.
The cafe is excellent with fresh baking and the best iced coffee (with ice-cream) I have had !
It’s very beautiful. We were able to feed fish and turtles as well as seeing many plant species.
The cafe is excellent with fresh baking and the best iced coffee (with ice-cream) I have had !
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Holly W
12 条分享
2025年1月 • 夫妻情侣
Me and my partner bought a day ticket, which gave us a full day to explore the park, do the evening tour and a free night at the campsite!
A truly magical place and a great piece of history you can really feel Jose’s dream come to life. Our tour guide in the day was Bill, he was absolutely amazing and helped make the park come alive with his informative tour and definitely made us want to come back with his enthusiasm! Les and Diane were a great help and provided a very interesting night tour of the park. The park is a whole different experience at night and the light and music show was fantastic.
I would recommend anyone to come here and visit in the day and night and if you’re travelling 100% use the free night at the campsite with your ticket admission. Thanks to all the staff at Paronella Park!
Also we saw lots of wild snapping turtles at the park which was a true wonder to see!
A truly magical place and a great piece of history you can really feel Jose’s dream come to life. Our tour guide in the day was Bill, he was absolutely amazing and helped make the park come alive with his informative tour and definitely made us want to come back with his enthusiasm! Les and Diane were a great help and provided a very interesting night tour of the park. The park is a whole different experience at night and the light and music show was fantastic.
I would recommend anyone to come here and visit in the day and night and if you’re travelling 100% use the free night at the campsite with your ticket admission. Thanks to all the staff at Paronella Park!
Also we saw lots of wild snapping turtles at the park which was a true wonder to see!
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澳大利亚布里斯班92 条分享
This is such a beautiful preserved piece of history with such a great story. The park and the surrounds are well maintained and magical to wander. You can see the owners are very passionate and proactive about helping the community and natural environment. We felt very lucky to have the chance to visit and be apart of it. Our tour guide Vicky was great at what she does, made our tour very engaging. And the ticket is such a great deal with the chance to return back for a period of time and do the night tour as well. We did return and do the night tour. Which we highly recommend! It was excellent.
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澳大利亚堤维德岬18 条分享
2024年12月 • 夫妻情侣
It was a great experience to see what one man’s vision can accomplish. It would have been a labour of love cause it’s pretty humid in that hollow.
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Nina J
1 条分享
2024年12月 • 夫妻情侣
Carolina and Les were both amazing and informative tour guides. Must do both tours Day & Night to get the full experience, ambiance and stunning surroundings of Paronella Park. Day tour gives you the history and the night tour gives you the beauty. Mark Evans (the owner) meets and greets you in the car park. He is a very lovely man with many brilliant ideas just like Jose. The stay in the cabins was very comfortable, simple but inviting. Will definitely return to this beautiful part of history at Mena Creek.
Thank You Mark and wonderful Staff from Nina and Jacky.
Thank You Mark and wonderful Staff from Nina and Jacky.
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6 条分享
Great day out with my family.
Lunch was awesome at cafe salad rolls were the best we have had in a long while.
The tour guide named Bill was awesome
Lunch was awesome at cafe salad rolls were the best we have had in a long while.
The tour guide named Bill was awesome
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Kykie D
2 条分享
2024年11月 • 家庭
Paronella park was amazing, such a beautiful place to visit with an equally beautiful history behind it. Built by a man & his family on dreams of giving people an amazing place to relax & enjoy lush green surroundings. Our tour guide Carolina was full of knowledge & the history of Paronella, very lovely lady. So foe a “small fee” 🤭 I highly recommend a visit to this beautiful park.
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Lucas H
4 条分享
Possible the most underrated place in Queensland or even Australian
The only thing more beautiful then this place is the story behind it
Vicky our tour guide was absolutely incredible
The only thing more beautiful then this place is the story behind it
Vicky our tour guide was absolutely incredible
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6 条分享
Carolina took us on the day tour and evening tour - gave us all the history of the amazing grounds with a good few dad jokes thrown in. This place is like nothing we’ve seen before. We got a bonus sunset tour with our Tropic Tours guide Simon - seeing Paronella park in 3 different lights was a unique experience.
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Day tours normally run every 30 minutes, though sometimes they only run them every 1hr with day tours being from 9.30AM to 4.30PM.
Night tours run at 6.30Pm, 7.15PM and 8PM

1 条分享
Yes you can Robyn, but you'll still need to pay the admission fee.
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