Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄限制:0-99,每个团体最多 42 人
用时: 10–12 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
现场指南:中文, 韩文, 英语
- 乘坐空调客车/小型货车
- 有会说英语、中文和韩语的工作人员
- 爱宝乐园 1 日通票
- 入场/门票 - 爱宝乐园
未包含内容- 餐食
- 旅行保险
- 爱宝乐园 Q-Pass
- 酒店接送
- 出发地点:提供多个接送地点。接送服务详情
- 不提供酒店接送服务,仅从以下集合地点出发: 上午 8:20 从弘益大学站 4 号出口出发 上午 9:00 从南山艺场公共停车场出发(距离明洞站 1 号出口步行约 5 分钟) 上午 9:10 从东大门历史文化公园站 10 号出口出发
其他接送选项结账时,您可以从包含的接送点列表中进行选择。- Hongik University Station Exit 4, 167-36 Donggyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, South Korea
- Namsan Yejang Public Parking Lot, Yejang-dong, Jung District, Seoul, South Korea
- Dongdaemun History & Culture Park Station Exit 10, 116 Euljiro 7(chil)-ga, Jung District, Seoul, South Korea
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 婴儿车可入内
- 靠近公共交通
- 婴儿必须坐在成人腿上
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:48881P20- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 提供早退和晚退选项 ,请在预订时留下备注。
- 请注意,根据Everland 度假村度假村的安全指南,景点可能会因维护或极端天气条件(例如,低温、下雨或大风)而关闭。 有关最新更新,请访问埃弗兰官方网站。
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 42 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:48881P20
- Leticia_Chuang0 条分享在自由行中可以放松一天,太棒了!这次的行程是 采草莓 + 甘川洞文化村 + 太宗台, 一开始在担心不知道集合时会不会找不到地方,没想到Ktourstory 在前一天就寄了一份提醒email,再次告知确切的集合地点,还有各种联络方式,让人放心不少。 而在西面站各个导游其实都会很贴心的帮你做确认的动作,不管是不是他带的团员。 导游李英美小姐人超亲切,也都会很主动的关心大家的感受,也很认真的在解说,中文非常棒! 草莓非常的甜, 而且摘整盒回饭店吃实在是太爽了XD 甘川洞文化村留的时间非常刚好, 完全不会有被催促的感觉, 还好当初有加太宗台这个行程, 那里景色太美了, 而且空气很舒服 在自由行的其中一天非常适合参加Ktour的一日游,可以偷懒享受一下撰写日期:2020年2月24日
- faircrea0 条分享小团体的旅行导游Mina人很热心,会真心推荐好跟不好的让我们自己去选择,虽然一开始说好了用英文讲解但她还是都会再用中文重复一次或直接问我们,这次的一日游虽然没看到想像中的积雪但整体来说是个很美好的经验,下次来首尔会再选择其他地方的行程参加。撰写日期:2020年2月18日
- _P1209KI0 条分享非常难忘的一天!导游Shin人非常亲切,中文也很好,在太宗台的时候也跟我们讲解了很多韩国的历史,也告诉我们有什么好吃的,让我们旅途更顺利,去甘川洞文化村也很有耐心的等我们及帮我们拍照,没有时间压力的逛,谢谢他!韩国的风景很漂亮,草莓也很甜很好吃,农场主人也很好,非常难忘且值得的一天~!撰写日期:2020年2月18日
- SukiDai0 条分享【釜山出发】世界遗产安东河回村、 月映桥、晚休亭一日游不会有坐太久车的不适感…Lingling跟Mindy也都讲解的很清楚…也不会有赶时间的感觉… 还去了自己玩不太有办法去到的国道休息站…感觉很有趣撰写日期:2020年2月15日
- ch6261230 条分享不错导游Sun带领去南怡岛和大明维瓦尔第度假村滑雪。南怡岛很美,可以拍下不少美照。去滑雪前会先取滑雪服,到滑雪场会先取装备,会分小组有教练教学,会说中文及英文。撰写日期:2020年2月14日
- iwen08260 条分享导游ERIC滑雪教学细腻有耐心导游ERIC带领实习导游CHEN一起服务,搭车时间略久,到达滑雪场后带领成员领取滑雪用具后随即进行约1小时的教学,解说亲切有耐心,让初学者也敢搭缆车上山体验滑雪的快感!撰写日期:2020年2月10日
- Nomad7689330 条分享抱川艺术谷采草莓香草岛乐园团导游很专业,kkday的团由KTour办理,内容很不错,车是三排座位的大巴士,坐起来舒服,草莓非常甜,也很容易采,抱川艺术谷很壮观,坐电车不费力,香草岛乐园吃晚餐价格合理,开灯照相起来非常漂亮,老人小孩都很开心。撰写日期:2020年2月9日
- Henny P0 条分享非常棒的导游让我们的旅行更美满我们的导游是alvin, 他非常的专业也非常的照顾我们,他带我们去每一个地方之前,会给我们地图说哪一个可以大卡的景点,也会交代的很清楚几点和在哪里集合。他非常的细心会交代我们不要去太暗的地方。他也非常棒,会说英文也会说中文。撰写日期:2020年2月4日
- catherineyusy0 条分享值得参加的一天游参加了雪岳山+洛山寺一日游。Jessie是我们的领队,她的英语和中文非常好,她的解说令我们一家都知道行程是怎么样,例如景点的特色,集合时间等等都十分详尽。 如果有机会,下一次到首尔游玩,都会参加Ktourstory的一天游。撰写日期:2020年2月3日
- ChingYiH90 条分享带着长辈出游,非常方便舒适今天非常谢谢JJ的认真的介绍,深深感受到她对釜山的热爱(这次带爸妈出游,有些地点我自己曾经来过,经过她的介绍,让我对这里有更深入了解)。行程的安排非常顺畅,带着长辈不用赶车,各方面都被照顾到,价格也很实惠,非常推荐带长辈自由行的伙伴可以参加,一天就可以收集到四大景的精华(若仍感不足,再另外找时间去走走;在最后的甘川文化村中,有伙伴决定留下,自行处理回去的交通,也没有问题),总之谢谢JJ,让我爸妈留下很美好的回忆。撰写日期:2020年2月3日
- 761carll0 条分享江村铁路自行车-南怡岛-小法国村一日游购买客路的一日游行程,由韩国当地KTOURSTORY旅行社带团,一早就到明洞3号站出口集合,导游( Yuli)全程英文讲解,集合时间也说明很清楚,在南怡岛也推荐辣炒年糕餐厅,很顺利的走完3个景点并准时回到市区,一个很棒的旅程撰写日期:2020年2月2日
- lovetriptaiwan0 条分享难忘美好的回忆导游Sandra可爱亲切,司机也很有礼貌。南怡岛风景真的不错,怎么拍都好看又美。滑雪场内有分级,教练亲切指导,让第一次滑雪的人也能了解重点与安全。唯独在借雪板与鞋子的服务人员,可能心情不好吧😂,脸臭、装备放的较用力。还有可能是因为雪板是租的,边边不够利,过弯较不顺。不过还是感谢贵公司给我一家人有美好的回忆。谢谢哦!!撰写日期:2020年1月25日
- amandachu0 条分享庆州游非常超值的旅游,导游Lingling非常尽责与客气,人非常好,让我们有快乐的旅程。庆州如果没有巴士这样带,无法那么经济地踩点。下次会再选择ktourstory!撰写日期:2020年1月25日
- 494marschen0 条分享很棒的一次滑雪体验领队们真的很用心、热心的照顾我们每一位,滑雪教学非常的有趣,因为滑雪滑的太开心,弄掉了手机,也很谢谢导游很积极的帮我找回手机,真的很感谢他。 在台湾完全没有滑过雪,这次终于体验到了,还是要非常感谢两位领队的照顾,谢谢。撰写日期:2020年1月20日
- hsiaoyenh0 条分享很棒的体验这次参加KTOURSTOR的伊甸园滑雪一日团,由Leah&Bonnie带领出发;期间2位导游都笑咪咪的,态度很亲切,抵达后也很快速的带领大家去换衣服拿配备;教基础滑雪也很清楚;最后归还衣服时还会帮忙再检查口袋有没有东西忘了拿~Leah真的贴心又尽责~很适合初学者去体验^^撰写日期:2020年1月14日
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42 条点评
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Constance M
2 条分享
2024年10月 • 家庭
David was entertaining and very helpful! Thank you for your good humor!! It was so simple: bus transportation and park admission included, it's the perfect combo! The park is very nice, there are people but it is big! You have to be patient, like in all the theme parks in the world...
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Fernando R
1 条分享
2024年5月 • 好友
The park is asome but the atención is a and it is very expensive in some words it is a im not happy with the atention the guards are not kind
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Yohan F
2 条分享
2023年9月 • 家庭
Aaron was a great guide for our day at Everland. He did a great job getting everyone set up on the Everland app in advance of arrival as well as shared helpful hints on how to best queue up for popular attractions and plan our day. Highly recommended.
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2 条分享
2020年2月 • 家庭
Thank you Bao for the help, joyous and well-organized trip. She really gave us clear instructions, her time management is on point.
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We are very happy to know that the tour went well for you! If you like your experience with us, please
recommend our tours to your family and friends so that more people get to travel with our team. Please
also revisit Korea soon so that we can meet you again!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
哥斯达黎加7 条分享
Ese parque necesita mayor mantenimiento hasta en pintura, no hubo juego de pólvora ni desfiles. No nos gustó mucho no era lo que esperabamos.
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Isabella K
1 条分享
Anson was our guide and he was very friendly and accommodating to us. Our bus driver also drove very safely. We departed from Hongik / Myeongdong promptly, arrived in Everland in less than an hour. Our overall experience was great. We had a great time in Everland.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
It seems like a very fruitful day for you! We hope you had a wonderful time during the tour and will
consider joining us again when you visit Korea in the future. Please also recommend our tours to your
family and friends if you find the experience rewarding. Thank you and we hope to see you again soon!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Tom Slenderina
7 条分享
An enjoyable experience.. makes you feel young again lol A piece of advice though.. come as soon as the park opens :) Lots of areas to cover, activities and sights, awesome rides for the young to the old.
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We are really happy to hear that you had such a wonderful day with our guide! Hopefully you will revisit
Korea soon and travel with us once again. See you next time :)
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
1 条分享
2019年11月 • 家庭
Our tour guide, Anson 채준업 is really nice and accommodating. Hope to join another tour of his again the next time I come back to Korea.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you for your kind words and we are very happy to hear that you had a great time with our tour guide Anson 채준업!
Your positive feedback is very encouraging to us and we will keep doing our best. Please join us again when you visit Korea in the future - we can't wait to meet you once more :)
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
3 条分享
2019年10月 • 好友
Everland was a great experience place, so much joyful, laughter and screaming. Awesome scenery view and great customer services. Everything so well with the aid of our helpful tour guide, Anson. Enjoyed ourselves.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
新加坡新加坡3 条分享
2019年10月 • 夫妻情侣
The Everland tickets we booked from TripAdvisor were cheaper than those offerred on the Everland website. The pickup was near to our hotel. The guide was able to speak English and Mandarin. He was very thorough in his briefing on the 'tour', highlighting everything that we should take note (bus number, return pickup time, Locker services). He even make sure we have his mobile number so that we could contact him if we need help. A few of us took the second return bus at 10pm. He waited and took that return with us. In summary, it was a very fun and enjoyable trip.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hi what time do we depart from everland? Will we be able to catch the fireworks?
Would advise to spend whole day there. There is quite a lot of attraction in the park itself. Even if you go on a weekday, the queue time can be quite long for popular attraction / rides. Plus you would take an hour long to travel from Seoul to Gyeonggi-do and back to Seoul again.
Is the admission ticket already inclusive of the rides/attraction or is it solely for the entrance to the park?
Hi, we'll be staying near Hongik University Station. However, my son can easily get motion-sickness, why we want to minimize the time in the car. I saw that you have pick ups from Hongik Univ station at 8.20 AM, while 9.10 AM from DHCP. Is it the same car, which is picking up both from Hongik Univ station and DHCP, with time of 50 min to get to DHCP with your car from Hongik Univ station? Then we're thinking that we could go subway to DHCP to be picked up there, to save us some time in the car. Looking forward to trip with your company to Everland and your answer! Best regards
Hi. May I know if the lines are long right now? I plan to go to Everland this April 17,2019 (wednesday). How many minutes does it take to ride? Thanks.
Hi, if it is weekday and not a public holiday of Korea, the queue shouldn't be long, except for those famous rides like roller coaster etc.
hi if i booked。isit you help me buy the everlands ticket also ?
No worries, if ever you book, the guide will buy the tickets for you but you will go with a group and when you reach Everland, you can go separate ways inside the park and just send a message to your guide if ever you want to leave. They usually set a time of leaving the park if you avail the ticket with the bus transfer.
Is it possible to arrange a tour from myeongdong to everland and then proceed to incheon airport after tour?how much will it cost for 5 persons?
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