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- 加拿大历史博物馆入场
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- 入场/门票 - Canadian Children's Museum
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- Milroy2040 条分享像加拿大历史教科书一样令人无聊这家博物馆非常值得参观,可以很好的了解加拿大的历史。大会堂非常漂亮,第一人民会堂也很有趣,十分富有魅力。这里的旅游展览也非常棒,是博物馆里面我们最喜欢的部分。加拿大历史馆倒是非常无聊,不知道是谁这么设计这个老旧展览的,他的初衷可能是想让参观者可以尽情浏览加拿大的历史,于是干脆几乎把一本教科书给印在了墙上。参观者要看的东西实在太多了,根本看不进去,更别提沉浸其中了。如果你只有时间参观一个博物馆的话,那其他地方有比这里更好的多的博物馆。比如加拿大战争博物馆和自然历史博物馆就比这里要有趣很多,规划也更好一些。撰写日期:2019年8月18日
- Holiday-Lady250 条分享很棒的一个博物馆我们在博物馆待了半天,玩得很开心,看了很多东西也了解了很多东西。我觉得来这里必须要参观的就是那个立满图腾柱的大厅。这里有一个很棒的儿童区,有很多体验项目是为他们设计的。这个建筑本身就很漂亮,而且通过水面可以从一个很好的角度看到议会大楼。撰写日期:2019年8月14日
- GlobeTrotterNL10 条分享很不错的博物馆我们很喜欢这个博物馆,这里有一些很有趣的展品。不过,这里并没有像我们去过的很多类似的其他博物馆那样令人惊艳。我们全家都很喜欢多伦多的ROM。儿童博物馆在我看来有些过誉了,而且人太多了。这个博物馆不错,但是不适合我们。我们在这里待了3个小时。下次来附近区域,我们会尝试一些不同的。撰写日期:2019年8月12日
- teresabP956SB0 条分享有你想知道的关于加拿大的一切我们从渥太华乘坐一辆迷人的水上出租车前往加蒂诺,并且参观了这个展品非常全面的博物馆。尼安德特人传递信息的特殊装置以及文物非常有趣。 您可以浏览不列颠哥伦比亚省第一批居民的艺术品和文物。 在博物馆的其他楼层,您会找到优秀的建筑和丰富的加拿大历史时期的信息,包括许多当代议题。 博物馆宽敞通风,但走进去有点让人摸不着头脑。我真的很害怕我会错过某些部分。 然而,我所看到的东西至少可以说是令人印象深刻。 如果你在渥太华,这是一个超级简单的方式说你同时也在魁北克。撰写日期:2019年7月5日
- Richard M0 条分享博物馆礼品店值得一游!我们正在寻找一些土著/第一民族的艺术品,一位朋友告诉我们去博物馆的礼品店试试-这里很值得一游。礼品店很大。它有很多标准的礼品店用品和各种各样的儿童填充动物玩具。这里还收藏了大量的明信片、日历和记事本,其中有来自加拿大各地的优秀本土艺术品。我们很高兴看到他们有很多带有土著艺术品的衣服:衬衫、夹克、帽子等。他们也有许多关于加拿大和加拿大众多土著文化的优秀书籍。如果你想买些很棒的礼物带回家,一定要去这家礼品店看看。你可以直接去参观礼品店,而不用去博物馆也不用支付门票。撰写日期:2019年5月24日
- Ottawan810 条分享曾经是个很棒的博物馆这曾经是个很棒的博物馆。后来他们拆除了加拿大大厅内所有与实物一样大小的建筑物、船只等娱乐设施,并将其替换为展示小饰品的玻璃展示柜(真品,毫无疑问)。你可以在每个箱子旁边看到每个小饰品的详细描述。难以置信的无聊。我带着我的妻子去看这家我年轻时曾经认为会变得优秀的博物馆,坦率地说,我感到很尴尬。真的令人失望。而且价格很贵。不要浪费你的钱。另外,我听说他们对科学技术博物馆(也在渥太华)做了同样的事情。我已经决定不再亲自去确认另一个我心爱的童年目的地是否被破坏了。撰写日期:2019年4月17日
- misa52341230 条分享渥太华的亮点!我很喜欢这个博物馆,每次去渥太华都带朋友来!这是一个相当大的博物馆,有很多很棒的东西可以看,还有很多互动的区域。如果你有孩子,这个博物馆还有一个很棒的儿童区!停车是件麻烦事,所以在去之前一定要检查一下附近哪些街道允许停车!撰写日期:2019年2月25日
- Barry B0 条分享优秀的儿童节游玩这个博物馆是为儿童而建的。这里有一个特殊的儿童区,他们可以在那里拿一本护照小册子,在许多不同的国家参观一些东西,并获得护照的印章。他们可以为玩戏剧而装扮,或者在这个地区做其他活动。孩子们在这里必须有一个成年人陪伴。三楼还有其他活动,如中世纪的拍照和压锡装饰物。在这个特别的展览区,你可以看到1000年前的遗迹,还可以装扮成骑士。剧院里还放映很棒的电影,我们看了Brave。太棒了。撰写日期:2019年1月5日
- ransom0070 条分享渥太华河对岸很棒的历史博物馆博物馆有自己的付费停车场。当你进入博物馆时,在大厅付门票钱。这个博物馆很大,有一系列关于加拿大历史的展品。工作人员友好热心。可以就餐,也有一个很大的礼品店。如果你对加拿大历史感兴趣,去那里参观几个小时非常棒。撰写日期:2018年11月28日
- CliffordM80 条分享我参观过的最好的博物馆之一!我参观过的最好的博物馆之一!奇妙的建筑结构,丰富的空间,展示了整个加拿大的历史,从建国到最近几年,以有趣的方式。我们参加了一个引人入胜的展览时。我们在这里呆了一整天,仍然没能看完一切。失望的是提供咖啡的地方很少(虽然有一家餐馆,如果你想吃饭的话),我们认为博物馆太大了,一圈下来太费力气,但确实是渥太华值得一游的地方。强烈推荐。撰写日期:2018年10月4日
- TickledPinkScotland0 条分享加拿大历史的精彩概述关于下层第一人民的精彩展览,有关于加拿大历史的3部分展览,从史前-今天。精美呈现,对于游客和当地居民来说都很有趣,对所有年龄的人也都很有吸引力。这是一个了解加拿大各个时代的历史的无偏见的好方法。我们喜欢它!撰写日期:2018年9月22日
- Julia A0 条分享和家人在一起的品质时光我们是和小孩子一起去的,要吸引孩子们的注意看展览太难了。对他们来说非常无聊。博物馆的其中一层因为翻修关闭了。不过,我们后来找到了博物馆中的儿童区域,真是拯救了我们的旅程。孩子们参观不同国家展览时,对于收集博物馆护照上的盖章非常投入。博物馆的这一部分配备很好,我们在那里花了很多时间。撰写日期:2018年8月27日
- Jo E0 条分享可以在这里呆上一天这间博物馆非常好。有很多东西可看。这里也有许多活动机会让小朋友们动手探索,所以这里适合各个年龄层的人。特别享受在IMAX馆光看C3视频。撰写日期:2018年8月11日
- rmoley0 条分享儿童博物馆--总是参观到闭馆十多年前与我的两个孩子一起参观过这里,现在又和我那个有小孩子的朋友一起参观这里,仍然很有趣,有很多东西可以看、摸,也有很多事情可以做。不要忘了带你的“通行证”,并且在参观的过程中贴满邮票。撰写日期:2018年6月2日
- kelvinl8110 条分享强烈推荐我们在历史博物馆逛了2个小时。其实还可以逛更久,但我的孩子觉得无聊了。展馆1和展馆2令人印象深刻。我儿子在儿童博物馆玩了2个小时,直到关门,他喜欢这个地方。撰写日期:2018年4月29日
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16 条点评
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Devon S
2 条分享
2024年7月 • 家庭
This museum was a great family experience. We mostly went for the Children's Museum but ended up spending a lot of time walking through the rest of the museum. All the exhibits were really well done, but the highlight was all the exhibits featuring Indigenous perspectives, history, and culture. Our kids (7 and 8) loved it too. Highly recommend.
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Coleen S
3 条分享
2024年6月 • 家庭
Our family of four spent the Canada Day long weekend in Ottawa and we visited the Canadian Children’s Museum on Sunday, June 30. The museum was celebrating their 35th anniversary and ticket prices were set to 1989 prices, so we got a great deal! Our ticket time was at 10 am and they allow you to enter within an hour from your allotted ticket time. So we were able to enter between 10-11 am.
This is the coolest children’s museum. They provide the kids with a family passport which guides them to visit all of the various countries and places that are exhibited. Each exhibit are miniature homes, buildings, vehicles that you can find in countries around the world. For example, there was a traditional Japanese home with a Japanese garden. Children and adults can walk in, take pictures, learn some information about it. There were also activities within the exhibits such as making origami, making a paper marionette doll, playing chess.
Admission includes access to the Museum of History, which has exhibits on the 1st, 3rd and 4th floors - the Children’s Museum is on the 2nd floor. We only made it to the 1st floor which included Native Canadian artifacts and totem poles. This exhibit was breathtaking. The totem poles are beautiful and majestic. We didn’t want to leave!
We had lunch at the My Bistro cafe which was on the first floor. The food was delicious and we sat outside on the patio which had a beautiful view of the Ottawa River and downtown Ottawa.
Overall, I would highly recommend visiting this museum. Our children (ages 11 and 8) enjoyed it very much. We were staying at a hotel in downtown Ottawa and it was only a 5 minute drive to the museum in Gatineau. There is also a water taxi that takes you from downtown Ottawa to Gatineau which we only learned about after, otherwise we definitely would have taken it!
This is the coolest children’s museum. They provide the kids with a family passport which guides them to visit all of the various countries and places that are exhibited. Each exhibit are miniature homes, buildings, vehicles that you can find in countries around the world. For example, there was a traditional Japanese home with a Japanese garden. Children and adults can walk in, take pictures, learn some information about it. There were also activities within the exhibits such as making origami, making a paper marionette doll, playing chess.
Admission includes access to the Museum of History, which has exhibits on the 1st, 3rd and 4th floors - the Children’s Museum is on the 2nd floor. We only made it to the 1st floor which included Native Canadian artifacts and totem poles. This exhibit was breathtaking. The totem poles are beautiful and majestic. We didn’t want to leave!
We had lunch at the My Bistro cafe which was on the first floor. The food was delicious and we sat outside on the patio which had a beautiful view of the Ottawa River and downtown Ottawa.
Overall, I would highly recommend visiting this museum. Our children (ages 11 and 8) enjoyed it very much. We were staying at a hotel in downtown Ottawa and it was only a 5 minute drive to the museum in Gatineau. There is also a water taxi that takes you from downtown Ottawa to Gatineau which we only learned about after, otherwise we definitely would have taken it!
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加拿大埃德蒙顿234 条分享
Great museum. A little pricy (honestly this should be free for Canadian citizens IMO), a little hard / confusing to navigate and and they closed really early, so we never got a chance to see everything we wanted to. Despite all that, it's a great museum and every Canadian should visit it if in the area to learn more about our history.
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Nancy Lemoine
加拿大博普雷4 条分享
2023年3月 • 家庭
Super il faut faire un tour si vous avez de jeunes enfants. La combinaison avec musée de l histoire bien pensé. Par contre prévoir la journée pour tout voir.
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1 条分享
2023年1月 • 家庭
Although we had to pay a premium to buy it online at Tripadvisor.ca, the tickets worked right at the exhibit counter and we didn’t have to wait in line at box office. In addition, the website for the Canadian Children’s Museum is running like it’s from the 1980s with Transfer Control Protocol/Internetwork Protocol (TCP/IP). It rendered so much we had to look at additional options to get the tickets.
Great spot for a few hours of fun with a couple of toddlers!
Great spot for a few hours of fun with a couple of toddlers!
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Kathleen H
Calgary32 条分享
I was a member of this museum back in 2009-2011, and those were the glory days of the museum. I absolutely loved the interactive Canada Hall, with large scale whaling boats, Ukranian store fronts, the Wildcat lounge, and more. However, when the name change from Civilization to History happened, this hall was renovated.
Pros: I really like the emphasis on Indigenous history and marginalized peoples in Canada's history.
Cons: The Interactive components have been removed with the exception of one church. It's now a boring museum, words on the wall to read and that's it. It used to be an experience, and now it's a book. I'm disappointed. The vibrancy is gone, the heart is gone. It's a hollow place that's really boring now and not captivating.
The children's museum is still good, but most of the props and supplies were put away due to COVID. The lower level Indigenous People's Hall remains beautiful and wonderful and I encourage a visit for these two areas.
Pros: I really like the emphasis on Indigenous history and marginalized peoples in Canada's history.
Cons: The Interactive components have been removed with the exception of one church. It's now a boring museum, words on the wall to read and that's it. It used to be an experience, and now it's a book. I'm disappointed. The vibrancy is gone, the heart is gone. It's a hollow place that's really boring now and not captivating.
The children's museum is still good, but most of the props and supplies were put away due to COVID. The lower level Indigenous People's Hall remains beautiful and wonderful and I encourage a visit for these two areas.
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ottawa34 条分享
This was previously a really good museum, however, the decision to change the upper level was a terrible one. The children's museum is excellent (please don't change it) and the bottom level is fine. But the top level use to be so much more interesting. Now it is a bunch of boring, non-interactive exhibits that show absolutely no imagination or creativity. So disappointing.
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Amélie T
加拿大Chambly61 条分享
Super intéressant, du début à la fin. Autant pour les enfants que les adultes. J'y ai été seule avec ma 10 ans et mon 8 ans. Puis ils nous restaient que le 4e à faire, mais par manque de temps nous n'avons pu le faire et mes enfants étaient déçus 😅
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加拿大渥太华105 条分享
Se pueden pasar horas y no se quieren ir. Todo tipo de actividades para que aprendan y disfruten. Para volver
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