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- 推荐 6+ 4 岁以下儿童不得入场,每位顾客必须拥有自己的门票。为了确保每个人都喜欢这个节目,小孩子们需要能够在没有任何帮助的情况下坐在自己的座位上。
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- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:3517MATILDA
- Curiosity116673808870 条分享第一次看音乐剧,被深深吸引很棒,适合所有人.场面很宏大,华丽,有创意. 小时候看过狮子王,这次把故事具象化了.而且音乐特别棒,尤其是开场那个女士,难得一见的优秀演唱表演.而各种动物的装扮也十分有创意,并没有强求像动物,但抓到了很多特征.撰写日期:2024年1月29日
- Les S0 条分享伦敦桥塔桥是一个不可错过的短途旅行,在这里可以欣赏到城市和泰晤士河的美景,还可以从玻璃板俯视着桥的底部。在游览中,也可以看到操作桥梁升降的操作室。撰写日期:2019年9月30日
- mumtravelswithkids0 条分享伦敦塔哇,这么丰富的历史。要确保你进行了30分钟的游览,这对一天来说是一个很好的定位。我们和孩子们一起度过5个小时,他们很喜欢这次活动。撰写日期:2019年9月27日
- Stephen B0 条分享英国工程技艺的象征这是一次非常精彩的工程之旅,也是一堂“跳出思维定式”的实践课。撰写日期:2019年9月25日
- onthegobabe0 条分享塔桥开放了很高兴看到这座桥再次开放。玻璃走道非常漂亮,从桥上俯瞰脚下的风景真是太棒了。撰写日期:2019年9月21日
- ggsimm10 条分享独特的视角我和女儿一直都喜欢从外面看塔桥,所以我们决定通过这次旅行来更深入地了解一下塔桥。当我们开始进入塔桥的时候,那里相当忙碌,这使得这里有点忙乱,但是所有的工作人员都很友好,乐于助人。对了,那里有很多楼梯,但是一旦你征服了这些楼梯,到达山顶,你就可以感觉到它的壮观,那里有一个休息的地方,可以了解更多关于这座桥的信息。除非你的孩子们对历史特别感兴趣,否则你可能会发现他们不太愿意多听多读——墙上的照片下面有很多东西可以阅读。走在玻璃栈桥部分,向下俯瞰真是太酷了!桥下面,桥的端部有漂亮的礼品店!整个经历绝对是值得的。撰写日期:2019年8月8日
- Neil P0 条分享伦敦塔桥之旅我非常享受这趟旅程,它非常物有所值。排队乘电梯的队伍有点长,因此我们选择爬楼梯。虽然能看到维多利亚时代的工程成就也不错,但我还是推荐乘电梯。玻璃走道和镜面天花板都很让人着迷,如果你不恐高的话。别忘了去维多利亚时代的轮机舱里看看,现在已经不再使用了。可惜的是,我们在那儿的时候,大桥没有被吊起来,但有时候你可以在网站上看到,这样也不错。总的来说,这非常物有所值撰写日期:2019年8月7日
- Summmer960 条分享必看第一次去的时候,我只是在附近闲逛,拍了照片,太美了。我第二次去的时候,我和我男朋友一起去旅游的!看到里面真是太神奇了。风景是如此美丽,他们内部保存得很完整,历史是令人惊讶、富有魅力的。甚至关于它的事迹也很有趣。它还有一个可以俯瞰大桥的玻璃地板。这对我来说并不可怕,因为我去过加拿大国家电视塔,它非常非常高,有一个玻璃地板可以看到外面。老实说,这是一件非常有趣的事情,可以让你更多地了解这座美丽的城市。撰写日期:2019年8月5日
- qwerty3270 条分享很棒的活动如果你有一个小时的空闲时间去欣赏美丽的风景,敢于在玻璃地板上散步,这是一个很棒的活动。价格也很合理。非常推荐。撰写日期:2019年7月28日
- John J0 条分享塔桥即使您有门票,您也必须与买票的游客们一起排队。纪念碑距离塔桥仅几步之遥。我喜欢塔桥的历史气息,记得听音频导览的解说,可以获得很多信息。撰写日期:2019年7月17日
- Andrew M0 条分享安排组织得很好这是次非常成功的旅行,入口处的工作人员友善可亲,把我们的参观当做头等大事对待。毫无疑问,玻璃栈道是这次超棒旅行的亮眼之处。撰写日期:2019年7月16日
- ccsnix0 条分享伦敦塔桥——景点很棒,对伦敦而言性价比很高2019年7月12日星期五游览了伦敦塔桥。上午大约11点到达。我们是在网上预订的,但是只收到一张兑换券,还要在桥北侧的入口(伦敦塔一侧)换门票。这有点蠢,因为换票和买票是在同一个柜台——不管怎么样,拿到票后就坐上电梯,被运到被塔顶上。电梯的服务员提供了塔的很多信息,以及游览的最佳方式。简单明了。到达北塔顶上后,另一位服务员接待你,他概括介绍桥的历史,展示了关于桥的历史图片的一段非常短的视频。走过东侧步道来到南塔,可以看墙上和屏幕上的信息。深吸一口气,然后走上玻璃步道,看33米之下的公路和河。步道有能拉开的观景窗,可以给河拍照。在南塔,仰头看看屋梁上大桥建筑工人建设中的画像。然后走过西步道,再次欣赏河景,通过开着窗户拍照,这样就不会有玻璃反光。到达时查一查大桥升起的时间是个好主意,然后掐着时间走到西步道的玻璃地板上。桥面升起和船穿过的景色非常棒。桥开启之前和期间,导游进行了一番妙趣横生、信息丰富的讲话。走过西步道后,必须返回南塔,然后坐电梯或走楼梯到下层,然后坐电梯去看机房。下电梯后,沿着人行道上的蓝线走,会把你带到机房展览室兼商店。如果你的时间合适的话,出了机房就走到南岸,上贝尔法斯特号巡洋舰,从不同角度看大桥升起,这样你的游览才完整。总而言之,这是消磨几小时的绝佳方式,每人花费不到10英镑——对伦敦而言不算多。撰写日期:2019年7月13日
- Sightsee7579790 条分享一场鼓舞人心、开阔眼界、内容丰富的展览我们是被建议组团来游览这个标志性的地标的,到达之后,我们被带到桥上一条走道旁的展览馆,在通过观看视频片段了解了桥的历史之后,我们穿过过道,被带回了伦敦塔桥的创始、建造阶段,以及开通的那天。除了图片和文字,还有信息图表和其他有趣的琐事,介绍关于英国和世界各地的桥梁,从长桥到高桥。在参观完伦敦塔桥展览之后,你将被引导到泵房,泵房里有很多的设备和信息,如桥梁的操作和管理、巨大的气泵以及当天使用的煤量,事实上,有很多人在为这座建筑和管理在负责。这是一个非常令人愉快和信息丰富的博物馆,它提供了来自伦敦西部和东部的景观,可以欣赏其他地标和名胜古迹。来这里的体验为我们在伦敦的一日游加分。撰写日期:2019年6月4日
- Mary S0 条分享伦敦之旅必须体验的景点!非常有趣而开心,玻璃栈道和塔桥展览馆是探索伦敦地标最好的方式。我们没有时间去参观火灾纪念馆,但是门票仍是物有所值。撰写日期:2019年5月28日
- SerabiV0 条分享棒极了!这次旅行很棒!我们爬上楼梯到达塔顶(如果你愿意的话,可以搭乘电梯),然后从一个塔楼走到另一个塔楼,沿途欣赏风景和展览。这次旅行是按你自己的步调进行的,如果需要,还有地方可以坐。然后我们爬下塔楼,走了一小段路,到了引擎室,在那里你可以看到旧的燃煤蒸汽机,用来驱动桥梁。很有趣,也很有教育意义!撰写日期:2019年5月6日
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21 条点评
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Paris, France65 条分享
2024年4月 • 家庭
Unforgettable! Those kid actors (adults too!) were just incredible. We sat in the Dress Circle, which was great if you were tall, but unfortunately that day, my kids had to sit behind two very tall individuals and were only allowed one booster (one of my kids is tiny), so had to lean onto the aisle for the entire performance. If I could have, I would have splurged for slightly closer tickets, but still it was definitely worth seeing. My kids read the book, so it was wonderful for them to see it play out in musical theater style.
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Luigi L
2 条分享
2024年1月 • 家庭
My family and I went to see the play Matilda. The play was very good but we had to leave during the break. At the beginning of the rush we saw rats on the ground.
The girl at the theater used the excuse “the theater is old, that’s just how it is”.
We pass half of the piece with the feet up. Before leaving we talked to a guy who sat next to us. He himself said he saw 4 rats walking around.
The girl at the theater used the excuse “the theater is old, that’s just how it is”.
We pass half of the piece with the feet up. Before leaving we talked to a guy who sat next to us. He himself said he saw 4 rats walking around.
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2 条分享
2023年11月 • 家庭
Artists were amazing but felt the film was much better. The theatre is a big big letdown. The seats hardly slope and are not staggered so if you pay over 100 pounds for a seat, you’ll only see 50% of the stage if a person your height or taller sits in front. Doesn’t matter where you sit. I recommend first row on the floor above. It really is a poor poor theatre for a musical.
The show itself was good.
The show itself was good.
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英国金斯林51 条分享
This was fantastic and is a must see.
Cast were amazing very immersive. Great for all ages. Be wary that drinks and snacks are very expensive .
Cast were amazing very immersive. Great for all ages. Be wary that drinks and snacks are very expensive .
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Kiana Kittelson
3 条分享
2022年6月 • 独自旅游
Great theater to visit! Lots of snacks, great seats, and amazing production! One of the best shows I’ve seen for not originally being a musical!
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Sarah D
4 条分享
2022年6月 • 好友
Firstly I will start by saying I thoroughly enjoyed it and would see it again. The dancing was incredible from the young children
The trunchbull absolutely brilliant. The stage and props were brilliant, I loved the dancing and stunts etc I was front row so I can't comment on the sound quality but 2 big things were missing for me please DON'T read any further if you don't want spoilers.
Parts kept
Amanda thripp being spun by pig tails - fantastic scene.
Bruce bog trotter eating cake - although he was a slim child lol
The newt scene.
The peroxide/hat
Parts missing
No reference to matildas red ribbon. This to me is a huge part of her identity.
No scenes at trunchbulls house
No Hortensia.
The part when her dad asks Michael for the answer on his paper and she gives the answer
No blowing up the TV. I felt this could have been done very simply
NO CHOKEY. It was talked about and the children were supposedly put in it but it was a few laser beam lights really quite random.
And most importantly NO magic. There was 2 scenes of a cup that wobbled and fell over. And the last scene of when magnus writes on the black board (as someone that's watched the movie about 50 times that scene annoyed me as they wrote it wrong)
I feel that lavender could have easily floated up in the air (especially after Amanda thripp) the TV could have blown up some stuff could have moved about..
Michael was completely removed as a character pretty much. He was there but no lines with matilda.
The adaptations I enjoyed
I liked the new Mrs Phelps
I enjoyed the physical education part
I enjoyed British Harry and zinnia wormwood although they had 3 members of their marriage haha
I loved miss trunchbull being played by a man
The trunchbull absolutely brilliant. The stage and props were brilliant, I loved the dancing and stunts etc I was front row so I can't comment on the sound quality but 2 big things were missing for me please DON'T read any further if you don't want spoilers.
Parts kept
Amanda thripp being spun by pig tails - fantastic scene.
Bruce bog trotter eating cake - although he was a slim child lol
The newt scene.
The peroxide/hat
Parts missing
No reference to matildas red ribbon. This to me is a huge part of her identity.
No scenes at trunchbulls house
No Hortensia.
The part when her dad asks Michael for the answer on his paper and she gives the answer
No blowing up the TV. I felt this could have been done very simply
NO CHOKEY. It was talked about and the children were supposedly put in it but it was a few laser beam lights really quite random.
And most importantly NO magic. There was 2 scenes of a cup that wobbled and fell over. And the last scene of when magnus writes on the black board (as someone that's watched the movie about 50 times that scene annoyed me as they wrote it wrong)
I feel that lavender could have easily floated up in the air (especially after Amanda thripp) the TV could have blown up some stuff could have moved about..
Michael was completely removed as a character pretty much. He was there but no lines with matilda.
The adaptations I enjoyed
I liked the new Mrs Phelps
I enjoyed the physical education part
I enjoyed British Harry and zinnia wormwood although they had 3 members of their marriage haha
I loved miss trunchbull being played by a man
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Barry S
英国伦敦342 条分享
2022年5月 • 夫妻情侣
Absolutely fantastic show. The actors were excellent, choreography was great and songs were fab especially “when I grow up” and “revolting children”.
Highly recommend going to watch this musical
Highly recommend going to watch this musical
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Jim D
210 条分享
The show is absolutely fantastic. All the performers delivered great performances, and this is even more impressive, when you consider the young age profile of the performers.
We had seats quite near the front of the theatre.
We had seats quite near the front of the theatre.
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英国Heathfield13,431 条分享
Well what can I say. It was absolutely amazing.
We were in awe of having 11 child actors on stage. The sheer talent was so evident to see and you had to pinch yourself and remind yourself, these are children. All have very bright futures in show business.
I felt the adaptation from book, film to stage was done wonderfully.
The vocals, choreography was brilliant. Can you tell I enjoyed it.
Whether you are 6 or 96 you will love this show.
Would I go again, yes in a heartbeat
We were in awe of having 11 child actors on stage. The sheer talent was so evident to see and you had to pinch yourself and remind yourself, these are children. All have very bright futures in show business.
I felt the adaptation from book, film to stage was done wonderfully.
The vocals, choreography was brilliant. Can you tell I enjoyed it.
Whether you are 6 or 96 you will love this show.
Would I go again, yes in a heartbeat
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Gavin B
法国马塞岩66 条分享
A bit disappointing as I had hoped for more magic from Matilda. A wobbly glass and blackboard writing doesn’t do Ronald Dahl’s story justice. But the main problem was we couldn’t hear any of the lyrics and half of the dialogue. We were in the Upper Circle and admittedly we are both over 70 but we have never had this problem before. Bad acoustics or trouble with the sound system?
Maybe older people should be advised not to book too far back.
Maybe older people should be advised not to book too far back.
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Could anyone recommend a restaurant nearby for dinner with children? Thanks
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