伦敦 O2 攀登体验导览游,欣赏全景
伦敦 O2 攀登体验导览游,欣赏全景
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄限制:8-99,每个团体最多 8 人
用时: 1 小时 30 分
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 在这次全景探险之旅中登上伦敦O2的顶峰
- 在泰晤士河两岸欣赏伦敦最美的景色
- 在经验丰富的向导的陪同下远足170英尺(52米)的建筑物
- 佩戴正确的装备(包括靴子和安全带)以确保安全
- 指南
- 所有安全设备
- 入场/门票 - O2高空漫步体验活动
未包含内容- 纪念照片(可购买)
- 纪念品(可购买)
- 一杯香槟(可以购买)
- 出发地点:
- Up at The O2, Peninsula Square, London SE10 0DX, UK在O2竞技场入口处的O2大本营登记入住
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 靠近公共交通
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:12109P3- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 最低年龄:8岁。
- 最小高度:3.9英尺(1.2米)
- 最大重量:不超过21石/ 130公斤/ 286磅
- 最大尺寸:最大腰围尺寸125cm,最大上半身尺寸75cm
- 18 岁以下儿童必须由成人按以下比例陪同:1 名成人至 5 名儿童
- 不建议孕妇参加
- 无心脏问题或其他重大疾病
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 8 人
- 一经售出,恕不退换,如果取消将收取 100% 的手续费。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:12109P3
- Peninsula Square, London SE10 0DX, UK在O2竞技场入口处的O2大本营登记入住
- 1在O2,行动不仅发生在舞台上,它也发生在屋顶上。 O2是一个90分钟的体验,你不会忘记。拉上你的攀岩服。穿上你的靴子。勾起你的安全带。然后沿着伦敦天际线中最引人注目的建筑之一的南面前行。领先的方式将是我们友好的攀登指南之一。他们了解有关O2的各种有趣事实,从其独特的建筑到着名的游客。所以当你攀爬时随意提问。 在山顶,您将站在传奇竞技场上方52米处,在伦敦泰晤士河旁边的这个历史悠久的地区享有360度全景。 准备好体验一些与众不同的东西?
- Curiosity179579174840 条分享有趣的攀登之旅这是一次有挑战的攀登之旅,过程很刺激,当你攀登到O2时,很有成就感的,同时感谢导游的耐心和专业。对啦,顺便给大家推荐我在英国时使用的交通,我在英国半个月都是坐火车,真的很方便,而且在Trainpal上购买railcard还有8折优惠,大家可以去试试哦,输入RC777F就可以领取啦撰写日期:2024年8月1日
- victoria198910 条分享你好今天下午我来这里体验了高空漫步,以此作为30岁生日的生日礼物!真是太棒了!我推荐给所有人,也推荐给我的家人和朋友!在这里可以欣赏伦敦的美景,还能遇到很棒的伙伴!导游弗兰非常友好,乐于助人,而且很健谈!旅程很棒!撰写日期:2019年10月13日
- GeoRog70 条分享生日活动一个全方面完美的体验!我的女朋友带我来这里庆祝我的生日,我玩得非常开心!我们所在的小组似乎有点拥挤,有很多孩子,这减慢了我们的攀登时间,我们只有8分钟在顶部拍照,而我听说正常情况下平均每人有20分钟!我认为应该采取一些措施来确保每次攀爬团队中的孩子上限!除此之外,我们度过了一段美妙的时光,弗兰教练是个很棒的教练,卡拉一般。撰写日期:2019年9月28日
- thefrenchfancy0 条分享在高空中结束了一周!有一天我和两个朋友决定自发的预定了这次旅行,当然没有让我们失望。如果要是有的话,那就是超出了我们的预期。这一切都让人觉得组织的很好,考虑到也很周到,这样的可不是你在这种旅行中能经常经历的事情啊。这次的攀岩很相当容易,但是比我们预想的要困难些。在攀登过程中有一些我们没想到的陡峭部分。我们的小组是由Ellie照顾的。她真的是非常棒啊,而且真的让我们增加了很多经验!说她精力充沛,这真的并不过分。这就像是有人把你带到了氧气瓶里一样!我们没有遇到什么大麻烦,谢谢Ellie!我唯一的有建设性的反馈就拍些专业的照片,可采取的,只有数码版的。我们也不想购买25英镑的纸质版的,但是我们很乐意为数码版付费。令人遗憾的是这项25英镑的额外追加销售是活得数码(在线)照片的唯一途径了。尽管有些不是很好的照片,我也要给它任何都是满分的评价。撰写日期:2019年9月21日
- MrsBeex0 条分享令人激动的体验!为了庆祝我的生日,我的朋友买了2张票,带我来这里玩。我非常紧张,我们的导游Keelan 人很好,他让我放轻松,全程一直和我交流,陪我一起走,一直支持我。我非常感谢他。第一部分很艰难,我的小腿肚一直发抖,心都要跳到嗓子眼了。不过Keelan一直鼓励我,我最终登上了顶峰。这里的日落非常美丽,Keelan为我们讲述了关于这里景观的有趣故事。原路返回时,我决定打头阵,我做到了!我像飞毛腿冈萨雷斯那样,迅速下降,当我到达地面时,我激动地眼含泪水。礼品店的sarah将我们旅程中的照片卖给了我们,她很善良,非常友好。总体而言,这是一次愉快的旅程,如果你还没有玩过,来这里体验一次吧!撰写日期:2019年9月19日
- Marky2643210 条分享组织的很好,有趣的活动!在九月十四号的时候在O2玩得很开心!从我们来参加安全简报的那一刻起,Zack和Wendy(不是James和Beatrice!)真的很热情,很投入,确保每个人都玩得很开心。Zack特别擅长让人们感到放松,在我们一起的时候开了不少玩笑,这真的很好,因为小组里有几个感到紧张的人。一旦我们被绑上绳子,就不能回头,我很惊讶我们爬的不是一个坚固的建筑——就像在蹦床上爬上山!从山顶上看风景很好,我们那天天气很好,使一切更加愉快。你甚至可以在上面喝一杯香槟!总而言之,是Zack and Wendy让这一次伟大的经历的一切变得更好!谢谢你们!撰写日期:2019年9月18日
- EmmieLouH0 条分享非常棒的体验。这是一次非常棒的经历。是的,它不便宜(一个四口之家120英镑),但这什么关系呢?包括安全介绍在内,一共90分钟让人觉得物有所值。我们看到了美妙的景色(我们可以看到温布利的景色,距离这里17英里远),训练有素的导游(格雷格);甚至连拍照和礼品店的价格都不贵!我强烈推荐这次活动,我还想再回来,不过是在我把长发剪短的时候。这里提供你所需要的一切设施,能让你尽情的享受在高空的乐趣!对几乎所有人来说,你都不用担心安全或者健康这方面的问题,即使你有点恐高也不影响,尽情享受吧!撰写日期:2019年9月15日
- stuartladd0 条分享精彩的体验O2高空漫步体验活动棒极了!我为我的朋友预定了这个项目作为我们在8月的银行假日周末去伦敦的惊喜!那天的天气很好,这让我们的旅行更愉快,从山顶看伦敦的景色也很壮观,试一下吧。🙂撰写日期:2019年9月13日
- careynoble0 条分享美妙的日落攀登这是我在O2上完成的第二次攀登,这次是日落攀登,我喜欢过程中的每一分钟。攀登向导(George)专业而且知识渊博。他的个性使这次攀登...非常值得推荐。撰写日期:2019年8月29日
- Jo R0 条分享在伦敦做的一件很棒的事情!我丈夫和我这周在O2高空漫步体验活动开始了我们的结婚纪念日。可以向所有人推荐这个,尽管如此你还是需要身体相对健全。确实,它像泰晤士河沿岸有着美丽景色的房子一样安全。我们的向导乔治超级开朗,友好,从一开始就鼓舞了信心。撰写日期:2019年8月6日
- Dimples6780 条分享风景很赞这里棒极了!你看到的图片无法公正地体现出这里的美好。攀登过程轻而易举!我们选择了晚上8点15分的时段,这样就能看到夕阳了。天空的颜色美得令人窒息,天气十分完美。我一定还会再来一次,不过要冬天来,看看不同的景象,而且还有部分原因是到那时我就可以穿连体工装了!我们的导游是凯伦和卡拉,她们都很热情,亲切友好。我会强烈推荐这个景点。这里有各个年龄层的游客,他们看上去都很喜欢这里!撰写日期:2019年7月21日
- Anne S0 条分享愉快的外出观看了网球决赛。即使我们当时很兴奋,但仍然能看得很清楚。问题是所有的饭店如果不进去吃,只有买到热狗和汉堡包——哎。比赛到很晚才结束,所有的餐馆都关门了。我们饿得要死,但是在伦敦什么都吃不到……?撰写日期:2019年7月12日
- jellymum400 条分享生日庆典一个值得记住的地方,足够的努力让人很有成就感。Elle是我们的向导,她让我们的儿子感到非常的特别,因为这是他的生日。让他来领导这个聚会,大家都对他的一天很感兴趣。所有的工作人员都很可爱,帮助我们找到了一双留在大本营的鞋子。撰写日期:2019年6月24日
- 55skippy950 条分享生日冒险很喜欢这里!活动组织得很好,也许价格有点贵,特别是香槟量很少,也许你可以在上面多呆10分钟。我真的很享受整个体验,而且我们很幸运,那天的天气很好。非常容易就能到达该景点,乘坐朱比利线(Jubilee)地铁在北格林威治(North Greenwich)站下车就到了。撰写日期:2019年5月14日
- Guy20040 条分享这样开始的生日真的是太棒了这是我亲爱的妻子送给我的一份很棒的礼物,她给了我和我们已经长大成人的孩子以及女婿一个独特的生日体验。我们的导游艾莉才华横溢,让大家在这边玩得超级开心。当你不知道给你爱的人送什么生日礼物时,过来这边体验一下吧,这是一个超棒的礼物!撰写日期:2019年4月20日
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2,194 条点评
13 条分享
2024年10月 • 家庭
Climb was AWESOME 😎 I have a back condition, been given permission to climb, but Karl the Instructor was amazing. Waited to make sure I was ok before chatting to others. So patient. Def recommend. 5*
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Lesley W
69 条分享
2024年8月 • 独自旅游
An absolutely amazing experience for anyone looking for something a bit different. The views were incredible and the guide was knowledgeable and friendly. There was the option to order drinks to have on top of the o2 and to purchase photos of yourself in the shop. I will say that the climb was harder work than I expected, as you're constantly having to move your carabiner along the rail, and it's quite a steep incline. We went down backwards, which was easier but slightly scary! You're not in any kind of danger, though, as you're strapped into a harness that the guide checks before the climb and tethered to the central rail. Great fun.
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Hi Lesley, thank you so much for sharing this lovely review! We're glad you enjoyed your time and well done for conquering the iconic O2 Arena! Please do tag us in your awesome summit selfies - #UpAtTheO2, and you're welcome to join us for another climb soon.
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英国法恩伯勒20 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
Really enjoyed this experience. Very well organised and all the staff were friendly and helpful. Our guided for our climb were Karl & Rebecca. The views were amazing & Karl was very knowledgeable at the top pointing out land marks and interesting facts about the O2. From start to finish very enjoyable- thanks.
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Hi Diana, thank you so much for sharing this lovely review! We're glad you enjoyed your time. Please do tag us in your awesome summit selfies - #UpAtTheO2, and you're welcome to join us for another climb soon. I'll pass your kind words over to Karl and Rebecca.
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英国阿什福德2 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
Went for my 50 th birthday amazing and the guide jack look after us all and made sure I was ok as not keen on height will defiantly recommend this to friends
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Hi Emma, happy birthday from the whole team! We are delighted you chose to spend it with us! We hope that you felt on top of the world for your birthday whilst on top of the Summit of London. Don’t forget to tag your summit selfies #upattheo2 on Facebook and Instagram. I'll be sure to pass your kind words over to Jack.
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英国亨廷顿576 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
This is not something I would have chosen to do myself, but when the opportunity was give to me as a Christmas present I was quite enthused. I hadn’t been to the 02 for many years, so that alone was quite thrilling.
The arrangements for booking and making the walk over the top are quite well organised. They say it is important that you arrive on time and I can see why. There is a lot of prep to be done before you step onto the walkway, for obvious reasons. The safety arrangements are such that it is impossible to fall over the edge, even though your head may be saying otherwise.
The climb is steep, but probably not much more so than some roads in the Lake District for example. I found coming down the other side to be more strenuous.
The adrenaline junkies might think it is a bit tame, but there is not much that compares with standing on the roof of the 02 and watching life going on at ground level. What I would add though is that you need to pick a sunny day. It might be a little uncomfortable up there on a wet and windy day!
The arrangements for booking and making the walk over the top are quite well organised. They say it is important that you arrive on time and I can see why. There is a lot of prep to be done before you step onto the walkway, for obvious reasons. The safety arrangements are such that it is impossible to fall over the edge, even though your head may be saying otherwise.
The climb is steep, but probably not much more so than some roads in the Lake District for example. I found coming down the other side to be more strenuous.
The adrenaline junkies might think it is a bit tame, but there is not much that compares with standing on the roof of the 02 and watching life going on at ground level. What I would add though is that you need to pick a sunny day. It might be a little uncomfortable up there on a wet and windy day!
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Hi Bonnie, thank you for climbing with us and leaving such a thorough review! We're glad you enjoyed your time on top of the iconic O2 Arena! You're welcome back any time.
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Emma W
1 条分享
2024年9月 • 好友
Amazing experience and great views from the top. Max our guide was very knowledgable and patient. He made the whole group feel comfortable the entire way. Would definitely recommend!
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Hi Emma, thank you for climbing with us and leaving such a positive review! Feel free to come back for a sunset or twilight climb, or maybe something special throughout December! I'll let Max know you had a great time.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
34 条分享
My husband and I were lucky to be pn our own with our lovely guide Cheryl. She was super friendly and helpful, very chatty and patient, even carrying my coat and taking pics at the top. Despite the gloomy muggy weather it was a great 3xperience. Safety is taken very seriously too. Thanks Cheryl for a lovely time ;)
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Hi Alison, thank you so much for climbing with us and sharing this lovely review! We're glad you enjoyed. I'll gladly pass your kind words over to Cheryl. Do tag us in any photos you share, we'd love to see: #UpAtTheO2
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Aldo G
华盛顿塞奎姆166 条分享
2023年10月 • 家庭
This was a nice acitivity to do as it was fun climbing up the 02 building , the instructor and guide made it easy to learn what we needed to do. The views once to the top were amazing .
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Hi, thank you for sharing this review! We're glad you enjoyed your climb, and well done for conquering the iconic O2 Arena. We look forward to seeing you again soon.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
1 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
Fantastic experience. Shout out to our guide Joey who made the whole experience really fun. He was really funny and interacted with all participants. Would definitely recommend.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hi, thank you so much for sharing this review! We're glad you enjoyed the climb, and I'll be sure to pass your comments over to Joey! Feel free to come back for a sunset or a twilight climb one day, and maybe something special throughout December.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Swansea15 条分享
2024年8月 • 好友
Everything went smoothly and we climbed 15 minutes earlier than our booking as there was space. We climbed on Saturday morning at 11:30am. The weather was good and and we had brilliant views throughout the climb.
So glad we went on the 11:30 climb as the guide was superb. Rebecca gave clear instruction throughout the briefing and was bubbly and enthusiastic throughout. A Credit to the business!!
So glad we went on the 11:30 climb as the guide was superb. Rebecca gave clear instruction throughout the briefing and was bubbly and enthusiastic throughout. A Credit to the business!!
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Hi there, thank you so much for sharing this review! We're glad you had a great time and I'll be sure to pass your kind words over to Rebecca! Don't forget to tag us in any photos, #UpAtTheO2
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
We are thinking of booking on our back to or from london city airport. Is there somewhere we could put our bags? It would just be cabin bags
There is a large indoor sitting area , I am sure if you asking they would allow you access. There is plenty of outdoor seating and eateries etc …
I’m not entirely sure about this, but we did the 11am tour. It was quite windy but pleasant enough to not be too cold or too hot. My opinion is to do this early so you have time to add other things to your day and so as to not be too hot. But either way you can’t go wrong. It’s a fun time. Have fun!
Yes. The first boy is the toughest and whilst I didn’t find it hard, it’s probably like going up a few flights of steep stairs
俄克拉何马州Broken Arrow
We are 71 & 72 years old but are active people. Is this attraction recommended for our age?
The climb can be done from age 12 upwards, it can put a strain on your knees and back, but I would say if you don't have any medical/health problems it's probably ok. But as I don't know you it's really difficult to say.
We have pre-purchased the London Pass from GoCity. However, I am unable to figure out how to make a reservation for the climb using our voucher/ pass number. Booking the Shard was easy, as there was a field specifically for each of the ticket numbers, just don’t see that as an option when do a reservation on the Up at the O2 site. Thank you!
I would go straight to the “climb the O2 “ people they are very helpful
Do you have to pay congestion charge or anything to get to the climb up the o2
Sorry for the late reply. Not too sure if you have to pay congestion charge, but we travelled by tube which I would recommend
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