Brigit 在伦敦的下午茶巴士
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄限制:5-100,每个团体最多 44 人
用时: 1 小时 25 分
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 下午茶包括各种美味的三明治和美味的蛋糕和糕点。
- 在“特殊要求”部分预先预订您的饮食选择。可用选项有传统、素食、鱼素、素食和无麸质。我们不接待坚果过敏者。
未包含内容- 不保证顶层甲板座位。
- 我们在游览期间不会停留。
- 船上没有厕所
- 出发地点:多个会面地点选项。
- 选项 1Victoria Coach Station, 164 Buckingham Palace Rd, London SW1W 9TP, UK仅限 12:00、14:30 和 17:00。 距维多利亚站仅 10 分钟步行路程。 维多利亚长途汽车站位于白金汉宫路与伊丽莎白桥的交界处。巴士之旅从长途汽车站内的 0 号门出发。巴士从同一地点出发和返回。
- 选项 28 Northumberland Avenue, 8 Northumberland Ave, London WC2N 5BY, UK仅限 12:30 和 15:00 出发的航班。巴士将停在 Grand Hotel 外、Sherlock Holmes Pub 对面的巴士站。附近没有公共厕所,巴士上也没有厕所。 巴士将从同一地点出发和返回。
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 允许携带服务型动物
- 靠近公共交通
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:195781P1- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 1 号巴士可容纳 32 名乘客,2 号巴士可容纳 44 名乘客
- 出于安全考虑,5 岁以下儿童不得入内
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 44 人
- 一经售出,恕不退换,如果取消将收取 100% 的手续费。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:195781P1
- 途经Big BenHarrodsMarble ArchTrafalgar Square
- 966edwini0 条分享一家人共度美好时光友好,可爱的工作人员,美味的食物和可口的饮料。 我们和家人一起度过了一段美好的时光,这将成为我们的美好回忆。 我有一个十几岁的女儿,那时她还没什么记忆,什么都不知道。撰写日期:2019年5月28日
- ashleigh r0 条分享开启我们度假的完美方式我们去度假前在伦敦呆了一天。我们提前预定了巴士之旅,还带了一些普罗塞克葡萄酒。店主罗杰很聪明,他主动为每个人拍照,并确保每个人都玩得很开心。三明治和美味的松饼都很好吃,所有的蛋糕最后都要加上烤饼、奶油和果酱。这是开始我们假期的完美方式。我们会再回来的。撰写日期:2019年5月7日
- Charlotte L0 条分享超棒的下午茶我们很喜欢这次旅途中的每一分钟。我是跟我妈妈一同乘坐公交车到的这里,因为我们都很喜欢下午茶。公交车装饰得很漂亮,这里的蛋糕/三明治也很完美。工作人员很出色,也很体贴。玛丽-卢(Marie-Lou )和埃利亚斯(Elias)总是随时在身边,为你指出这里的地标,同时为你补充饮品,并向你解释在伦敦市中心来来往往发生的事情。即便是在如此繁忙的伦敦街道上,司机开车都开的很棒。强烈推荐这个地方。撰写日期:2019年4月12日
- RudiBor0 条分享完美的旅行我是和女朋友在一月底来这里体验的,这里一切都很棒!我们就住在伦敦,但是在这里能坐在观光大巴上边吃着美味的蛋糕边以一个全新的视角体验这座城市。我们很高兴认识了的安吉尔和戈博,他们是我们的导游,他们人很有趣很友善而且都很可爱。我们肯定会和朋友们一起再回来体验这趟旅程的!相信很快会再见到安吉尔和戈博,感谢他们带给我们的完美体验!撰写日期:2019年2月8日
- 70tasham0 条分享超赞!这次旅行是和我74岁的母亲以及16岁和12岁的两个孩子一起进行的。我们都喜欢它!伦敦的介绍很好。相比预先录制的音频,我们更喜欢现场引导的音频,因为录制的并不总是与我们所经过的同步。如果你坐在朝后的座位上,你会错过一点。整体的体验是很棒的,食物也很好!撰写日期:2018年10月10日
- steelerspensfan0 条分享下午茶╱观光是的,是的,是的,如果你有机会,你一定要这样做。这是一辆老式的双层巴士,经过伦敦所有的大型景点,还提供非常好的下午茶!那还有什么理由不把两者结合在一起呢?我和我丈夫在到伦敦的第一天就这么做了,我们真的很喜欢。如果你也喜欢他们的食物,他们还有几家实体店。撰写日期:2018年9月20日
- traceysargent1230 条分享太棒了和我闺蜜Ann一起度过的一个非常棒的生日。我们非常享受我们的下午茶,当然还有普罗塞克酒!Samia,你做得很好,没有把一滴洒出来。坐在一辆双层大巴上环游伦敦是个很了不起的事。谢谢Samia,Laura和Remy让我们拥有这段美好的时光,很高兴我们坐上了你的车,你们让这趟旅行变得很特别。这真是一个很棒的主意,有一个与众不同的体验同时还能享用新鲜的食物和美味的蛋糕。我绝对推荐BB烘焙。再次谢谢你们。撰写日期:2018年7月22日
- Ian B0 条分享有金酒有蛋糕。夫复何求!我们一行四人是搭上了Hugh跟他那神奇团队的5.30金酒巴士之旅。鸡尾酒棒,食物赞,有很多东西吃。很值,还是一趟美妙都市的超棒之旅!!!撰写日期:2018年6月30日
- sharonteed30 条分享超棒的下午茶我们仨在一起为了庆祝其中两个人的生日, 我们12点从维多利亚站出发到下车前,整个旅程都过的很愉快。Rémy和Leontine的服务都非常棒,对我们也很友善,整个过程中都没出现什么问题。小食和甜点有很多选择,而且好吃还很新鲜,像面包卷、三明治和小蛋糕等。 整个环伦敦的旅程都有解说,还会有音乐伴随着。 我们都超喜欢这个旅程,而且强烈推荐撰写日期:2018年6月9日
- muggle m0 条分享非常愉快我来这是为了参加女生单身派对。能在这儿体会伦敦的风土人情感觉很开心、很棒。食物非常好。司康饼可能略微大一些,三口才能吃完而不是两口。我穿英码20的衣服,如果你像我一样稍微有点胖,座位可能有一点点挤,如果你穿26码的衣服,那么你可能就会感到别扭了。撰写日期:2018年5月20日
- Afrosa A0 条分享总体来说很棒,但有些方面有点骗人这次旅行是一个很棒的母亲节礼物。巴士非常漂亮,食物摆盘也很好,视觉上很享受。导游解说很全面详实,坐在上层车厢上看到的伦敦景观非常棒。员工方面做得相当出色,很有礼貌,服务也很周到。但是,我们之所报这个团是因为他们宣传说可供清真食物,然而我们实际只拿到了素食菜单。我觉得这有点欺骗消费者,他们就应该说他们不提供清真食物。另外,旅游地图上说我们会去看白金汉宫,然而并没有。如果他们没有误导我们的话,我肯定就会给他们打五颗星。撰写日期:2018年3月11日
- petin220 条分享很棒的体验买了这个下午茶巴士之旅作为礼物,让大家都很愉快。在旅途中受到了可爱的工作人员的欢迎,一路上他们都很友好,没有什么麻烦。食物很好吃,甚至给了我们小盒子把剩下的食物带回家。非常喜欢鸡尾酒。肯定会推荐。撰写日期:2018年2月21日
- hechanamanda0 条分享非常有趣的体验坐着巴士喝着下午茶 吃著美味的甜点 看看阳光下的伦敦 一路经过伦敦市中心 还看到了kingsman的店 这感觉真棒!waiters都很棒很有趣 服务也很好 杯子作为纪念品 很喜欢 一段很棒的体验撰写日期:2018年1月28日
- carberry10 条分享极好的当我们的朋友庆祝“盛大的”生日时,我们决定带她坐巴士旅行。多么奇妙的经历。食物好极了,我们的导游Antoine(我认为)非常棒,我们享受每一秒。因为在牛津广场发生的事故,我们的旅行路线必须调整,但这是没有办法的,也没有影响到我们的享受。我们对这次旅游高度赞赏,强烈推荐它。谢谢你们。撰写日期:2017年11月26日
- pricey8780 条分享超乎想象的40岁生日礼物为了庆祝未婚妻40岁的生日,我预订了这个地方。不得不说,这儿非常的棒。工作人员友好能干(留意了我预先提及过的对食物的要求)。我们到的时候餐点已经陈列在餐桌上了,食材新鲜。你刚看到的时候,还不会觉得怎么样,但离开的时候已经满怀欣喜了,因为全都很美味。不同于一般的旅游观光,它的路线不落俗套,但说实话,最吸引我们的还是巴士本身与它的食物。高度推荐!撰写日期:2017年11月10日
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1,561 条点评
2 条分享
2025年1月 • 家庭
Une super expérience ! J’avais un peu peur d’être déçue et de ne pas avoir grand-chose à manger. Au final nous avons passé un moment génial: la table était très jolie, nous avions à disposition Couture dont nous n’avons pas vraiment eu besoin et l’installation était très confortable. Les sandwichs et les pâtisseries étaient DE-LI-CIEUX, l’ambiance dans le bus et la musique très sympa, la vue incroyable, et nous sommes même reparties avec quelques pâtisseries que nous n’avons pas pu terminer dans deux petites boîtes en carton, parfaitement adaptées 😊 Toutes les boissons étaient à volonté (thé, café, chocolat) et nous avons été servies trois fois. Des bouteilles d’eau sont également fournies gracieusement. En prime, nous avons même pu garder les tasses/gobelets!!
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Luke W
英国Plumstead21 条分享
2025年1月 • 家庭
We had the best time on the Monopoly bus tour. The host Matt was really engaging and interactive which set a great sense of fun during the bus tour. The games were really fun and my family and I thoroughly enjoyed the games played along the way. The monopoly game was a great format with both digital and personal interaction with Matt the tour guide.
I would highly recommend this tour as it’s fun for all ages. you get to see all parts of London whilst partaking in the fun on the bus and we went in the late afternoon so London at night is much more enjoyable.
The quality of food and cakes was perfect and the service from Katie was great and really attentive.
Really great experience and value for money and would definitely ride the bus again.
I would highly recommend this tour as it’s fun for all ages. you get to see all parts of London whilst partaking in the fun on the bus and we went in the late afternoon so London at night is much more enjoyable.
The quality of food and cakes was perfect and the service from Katie was great and really attentive.
Really great experience and value for money and would definitely ride the bus again.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Katie P
1 条分享
2025年1月 • 夫妻情侣
The tour left a little late and we could have had a warmer welcome initially but once onboard, this was really excellent. We didn't have to share a table and Daisy and Jerome were both so friendly and positive, taking photos for customers and providing prompt efficient service. The food was lovely and there were ample options for different diets. Its not the best way to see London, but is a really enjoyable way to spend a couple of hours. Would highly recommend.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Laura T
10 条分享
Peppa pig bus experience- we booked it for our Non verbal autistic son who turned 7. He absolutely loved the bus the food was ok but could have been more sweet treats aimed at children. The staff were incredible, very helpful and kind. I think I read a review of peppa pig being there at the end of the bus tour, that would of been amazing so a shame that they don’t offer this service, I would of paid extra for a picture of peppa an my son. ( might be something they could offer in the future)
For a child this is a fantastic experience, adults aren’t ever going to view it from a child’s point of view. However I will say if your child is a fan, it’s definitely worth booking. Pricing is fair like any other afternoon tea.
Thank you to Ane, Doras and Amir for making my son’s experience fun!! This team deserves so much more that credit that they get!!!! They went above and beyond beyond to cater to my son’s needs. This speaks volumes as not everywhere we go we are treated as well as we was.
For a child this is a fantastic experience, adults aren’t ever going to view it from a child’s point of view. However I will say if your child is a fan, it’s definitely worth booking. Pricing is fair like any other afternoon tea.
Thank you to Ane, Doras and Amir for making my son’s experience fun!! This team deserves so much more that credit that they get!!!! They went above and beyond beyond to cater to my son’s needs. This speaks volumes as not everywhere we go we are treated as well as we was.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
35 条分享
We booked our tea bus tour for when relatives were visiting from abroad. Sadly my sister took ill and couldn’t make the tour so I rang giving 4 days notice in the hope of a refund. However I was told no refund was possible. (Can’t really understand that as not one sandwich was cut or tea made) they offered me to take her tea home in a box instead. So for £77 I had no choice but to accept. On the day sadly another of our party took ill this left four of us. The tour was nice, with a recorded guide which was hard to hear and despite hitting a bump in the road, a plate smashing and the champagne I bought spilling on us, we understood it happens and mostly enjoyed the tour. I had reminded the staff when getting on the bus that x2 of our party teas would be taken away however when leaving no packages were ready. The ladies hastily put together the teas in small boxes. I had 9 small boxes (which included our leftovers) to carry in central London; they had no bag to put them in! Ridiculous. I had to buy a carrier bag from Greggs inside the coach station.
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Charlotte L
1 条分享
2025年1月 • 家庭
Took my nephew on this as we’re massive Grinch fans. Staff we’re absolutely hand down amazing, especially Matt (Who la roux) and Fabio.
However, we were expecting so much more Grinch-wise.
Drinks cups that we got we’re just the standard Bridget bakery ones, however in other reviews they have grinch cups.
The souvineer book is again standard would be nice if it was just the grinch inspired.
I also feel like the bus inside could be decorated more to match Whovilles eccentricity, as well as staff being dressed up.
We did enjoy it but for the price I just think it could have been so much more. Also a shame that there isn’t an onboard shop to buy merchandise.
I think the little extra details would make such a difference.
However, we were expecting so much more Grinch-wise.
Drinks cups that we got we’re just the standard Bridget bakery ones, however in other reviews they have grinch cups.
The souvineer book is again standard would be nice if it was just the grinch inspired.
I also feel like the bus inside could be decorated more to match Whovilles eccentricity, as well as staff being dressed up.
We did enjoy it but for the price I just think it could have been so much more. Also a shame that there isn’t an onboard shop to buy merchandise.
I think the little extra details would make such a difference.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Carrie H
8 条分享
2025年1月 • 家庭
Went on the Grinchmas tour today (11.1.2025). Fabio, Anna, Phoenix and Matt all made the experience seamlessly smooth and immensely fun. The food was beautiful, perfectly themed/designed and delicious. I am now looking for another excuse to book again.
We paid slightly more to be at the top and at the front - we were not disappointed.
We paid slightly more to be at the top and at the front - we were not disappointed.
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Lily K
32 条分享
If you’re looking for a magical, Christmassy experience in London, the Grinch-themed afternoon tea bus tour is an absolute must! From start to finish, it was a captivating journey filled with festive cheer, delicious treats, and thoughtful touches that made it unforgettable.
The bus itself was beautifully decorated with Grinch-themed flair and festive details. Driving through London’s streets, we were treated to breathtaking views of the city’s iconic Christmas lights. It was the perfect way to soak in the holiday spirit while staying cozy and warm. Speaking of comfort, the fluffy seats and provided blankets were such a sweet touch, ensuring a snug ride throughout.
The food was plentiful and well-curated, offering a delightful mix of sweet and savory bites. There was something to suit every palate, and the presentation added to the overall charm. The multiple drink refills were a welcome bonus, keeping us refreshed as we indulged in the festive feast.
This experience truly felt like a treat for all the senses—perfect for families, friends, or even a romantic Christmassy date. Whether you’re a local or visiting London for the holidays, this tour is a cute, whimsical way to celebrate the season. Highly recommended for anyone who loves good food, festive vibes, and a touch of Grinchy fun!
Special mention to all the attentive and welcoming staff Paris, Dorcas, Hana and Anne on board our journey😊🎄💚
The bus itself was beautifully decorated with Grinch-themed flair and festive details. Driving through London’s streets, we were treated to breathtaking views of the city’s iconic Christmas lights. It was the perfect way to soak in the holiday spirit while staying cozy and warm. Speaking of comfort, the fluffy seats and provided blankets were such a sweet touch, ensuring a snug ride throughout.
The food was plentiful and well-curated, offering a delightful mix of sweet and savory bites. There was something to suit every palate, and the presentation added to the overall charm. The multiple drink refills were a welcome bonus, keeping us refreshed as we indulged in the festive feast.
This experience truly felt like a treat for all the senses—perfect for families, friends, or even a romantic Christmassy date. Whether you’re a local or visiting London for the holidays, this tour is a cute, whimsical way to celebrate the season. Highly recommended for anyone who loves good food, festive vibes, and a touch of Grinchy fun!
Special mention to all the attentive and welcoming staff Paris, Dorcas, Hana and Anne on board our journey😊🎄💚
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Mehran S
3 条分享
2025年1月 • 家庭
Went on the new Monopoly Tea Bus and it was a blast. The Monopoly game is played on a tablet and you are up against the surroundings tables, so there is a fun and competitive atmosphere on the bus. The entertainer was fantastic and funny. The staff know board were attentive and the bus was pretty cool. The food was delicious and filled us up. This would make a great afternoon out for the family. Highly recommended!!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Renata B
1 条分享
Had an amazing experience on the Brigit’s afternoon tea bus! The atmosphere was delightful, with delicious food and stunning views of the city.
Cristian and Nella were amazing—so friendly and helpful. They made the experience even better. Highly recommend!
Cristian and Nella were amazing—so friendly and helpful. They made the experience even better. Highly recommend!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
I just booked an Afternoon Tea for my daughter's birthday. I was really hoping for the top deck, but it was not available. Is the lower deck still going to have good views of the sights? Thank you.
Hello, is there a better side of the bus to sit on the top deck for the views?
No not really as sights can be seen from either side of the bus - if going in cold weather I would avoid the vip seats at the front of the bus, as the windows steam up constantly, and you may struggle to reach them over the table, to wipe the condensation, which massively impacts the ability to see any sites.
If going in nice weather, I’m sure the experience would be much better .
华盛顿Black Diamond
Can toddlers/babies go on this?? I have a 2 year old and my friend has a 5 month old
There are age limits which are shown on the website when booking.
Paddington bear was from 5years old
Peppa Pig was from 4 years old
Not sure why the age difference though ?
i would like to buy for my friends' xmas gift but i don't know when the exact date for them to go on. is it possible to purchase an open ticket?
i am profoundly deaf myself so prefer to be in touch through emails please?
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