供应商/业主为:Best of Britain - Yorkshire Day Tours
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从约克(York)出发的轻松全日游,欣赏英格兰北部最美丽的城镇和乡村。参观迷人的城镇,例如赫顿勒霍尔(Hutton-le-Hole)和惠特比(Whitby),欣赏中世纪的建筑和北约克郡高沼国家公园(North York Moors National Park)充满风的自然风光。在惠特比(Whitby)花费一些空闲时间自己探索。白天,在吸引人的地点还将有许多照相停留。
每名成人 起
年龄限制:5-99,每个团体最多 16 人
用时: 8 小时 15 分
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 在小团体旅游中获得个性化关注
- 从导游的现场评论中了解该地区
- 在一天中定期停车,这样你就不会在公共汽车上瘫痪
- 一些英格兰最具吸引力的城镇和乡村给人留下了深刻的印象
- 轻松友好的小团体旅游
- 舒适的16座小型客车,配有空调和WIFI
- 司机/向导,提供实时评论
- 定期拍照,休息和上厕所
- 在约克大教堂附近的中央集合点接送
未包含内容- 可选景点的入场费,包括约克郡蒸汽铁路选项
- 食品和饮料
- 小费
- 入场/门票 - North Yorkshire Moors Railway (nymr)
- 出发地点:
- Duncombe Place, Duncombe Pl, York YO1, UK我们在约克邓康比广场的 Dean Court 酒店对面集合(约克大教堂附近) 所有行程均于上午 9 点准时出发,因此请不要迟到,因为接送点的停车限制使我们无法等待迟到者!
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 婴儿车可入内
- 靠近公共交通
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:7217P1- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 儿童必须由成人陪同
- 最低年龄为 5 岁
- 5 岁以下儿童可乘机,但需提前安排,且严格条件是乘客必须携带合适的儿童汽车安全座椅,并为儿童购买机票
- 可以容纳可折叠轮椅,前提是乘客可以协助他们上下车
- 在各种天气条件下操作,请穿着合适
- 服务性动物仅可事先安排
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 16 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:7217P1
- Duncombe Pl, York YO1, UK我们在约克邓康比广场的 Dean Court 酒店对面集合(约克大教堂附近) 所有行程均于上午 9 点准时出发,因此请不要迟到,因为接送点的停车限制使我们无法等待迟到者!
- 1途经North York Moors National Park
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5途经Castle Howard
- 98qiy0 条分享不虚此行愉快的一天是从见到我们的司机兼导游马克的那一刻开始的。马克是一位优秀敬业的导游,听着他在旅途中用舒缓的嗓音娓娓讲述山谷的人文、历史和风光着实是一种意外的享受。一天的行程内容充实、节奏合适,我们不仅欣赏了众多约克山谷旖旎的风光,还品尝到当地食材新鲜美食,是一次满意的游览。撰写日期:2023年5月22日
- _B5621IW0 条分享司机和导游介绍的方式非常棒路线是非常棒的,虽然是下雨天,但我还是玩的很开心。 司机讲话语速很合适。 总之我很推荐,还会选择这个公司。撰写日期:2022年7月30日
- Margaret J0 条分享最愉快的一日游之旅我非常享受Haworth和约克郡山谷的一日游。我们的司机Chris非常棒,知识渊博并且乐于助人。参观勃朗特牧师博物馆令人感到非常有趣和感动。约克郡山谷的景色很美,尤其是在阳光下,那时候是最美的。撰写日期:2019年8月22日
- patsJ6134XQ0 条分享愉快的一日游一次非常特别的山谷之旅。小客车上只有我们4个人,Mark是完美的东道主。天气很糟糕,但Mark把我们所有人都照顾得很好,确保尽可能的干燥。Mark的解说很不错,很容易听懂他的意思。撰写日期:2019年5月13日
- Pinkbaglady550 条分享精彩的一天!我们和马克一起穿越北约克郡荒原去了惠特比。他是个很棒的司机,待人友好,对我们所经过的地方很了解。非常舒适,也停下来拍了很多照片。强烈推荐。谢谢马克,今天过得很愉快。撰写日期:2019年3月13日
- J_Quah0 条分享非常愉快的惠特比一日游总的来说,北约克和惠特比的旅程玩得很开心,真棒。Mark个性随和,让人感觉非常放松愉悦,而且他丰富的旅游经历也丰富了我们这次的旅程,使我们整个旅途更加地难忘呢。唯一有点不好的点就是WiFi不稳定,甚至是在城镇地区也这样,在农村这样的话还是可以预料的,但是不管怎样,还是非常地想向大家推荐这里。撰写日期:2018年11月18日
- pacol520 条分享游览约克镇的好方式我们在约克镇呆了一周,这家公司的三个行程我们都玩了。其中一趟的导游是Chris,其余两趟是Mark。他们两个都很专业、彬彬有礼、为我们打造了舒适、愉快的一天。如果不是参加了这些行程,我觉得恐怕没有办法尽享这个国家的风光。即使参加了这些行程,如果没有碰到这么好的导游,旅途中可能也会理解困难,或是没有这么有趣。他们真的很棒。撰写日期:2018年8月21日
- Edward M0 条分享开心地玩了一天我们去了北约克高沼区和惠特比,开心地与约克郡的当地人克里斯一起进行了一日游。提供的面包车带空调,非常舒适。克里斯对这一片区和历史都有着很深的了解。偶尔也会停下来带我们拍拍照,喝喝咖啡。在惠特比甚至有足够的时间,还能选择北约克高沼区铁路上的蒸汽机车。在去往最后一站霍华德城堡前,我们还参观了更令人愉快的村庄。我们希望返回时,还能选择旅行社提供的其他旅行路线。撰写日期:2018年7月14日
- jazzmom570 条分享一次愉快的一天游在我们到北约克摩尔公园和惠特比的旅途中,Mark 是一个非常棒的向导和司机。在长途车上,我们过得非常舒适,中途多次下车放松,购买食物饮料和拍照。谢谢你,BOBH。撰写日期:2017年12月6日
- B5513ERstephenl0 条分享完整的出门的一天:乐趣,有趣和良好的价值一整天游览北部约克荒原, 以各种各样的地形和活动。我们10岁的小孩特别喜欢参观Goatland车站及其历史悠久的铁路。我们有充裕的时间在Whitby, 这简直是一天中的精华部分。我们的司机和导游, Mark,非常友好和称职的, 并提出了良好的建议关于我们应该如何利用我们的时间远离面包车。撰写日期:2017年10月29日
- bradfordc2240 条分享美丽的旅程克里斯安排了一场很不错的小团体旅游。给我们介绍了一些美丽的风景,风景如画的小镇,和小镇历史。还给我们介绍了这个地方有趣的地貌特征。他还为我们安排了蒸汽列车,对小组中非英语国家的人很有耐心。撰写日期:2017年10月2日
- 762liamd0 条分享很棒的外出日很棒的外出日。这段旅行进行的很好,公共汽车很舒适,站点也都合理的规划出来,有很多时间可以到处看看。我们的导游Mark非常友好,并且知识渊博。I总体来说我对这次一日游很满意,很开心,而且也推荐这里给别人.....物有所值。撰写日期:2017年8月14日
- 0 条分享绝佳的旅行!在我们预约这次旅程之前,我们在网上搜索了资料,来了之后果然没有失望。在我们三周的英国之旅中,我最喜欢的就是这次跟团旅行。路上景色非常迷人,拍出来的照片也很好看。马克是一位出色的导游,一路上向我们介绍了很多有趣的事情。作为旅程的伴侣,他们值得我们的高度评价。撰写日期:2017年7月10日
- Erica H0 条分享精彩的一日游我周末去了约克郡谷地/惠特比(和马克)和霍沃斯/博尔顿修道院(和克里斯)。这两趟行程都提供了尽可能多的时间来观光和拍照,以及一个非常舒适的客车。马克给了一个有见识的连续的评述,克里斯是令人惊讶的——他分享了很多我不知道的细节,同时也给了我们一些安静的自己的时间。他甚至还把我的iPad送到了我的酒店,因为我在旅行结束时把它弄丢了。撰写日期:2017年5月29日
- cheaptravel_100 条分享绝对喜欢我们的旅行!我并不是一个喜欢旅行的人,更喜欢开车,看看事物,但是上周我的姐姐和我预订了约尔夏摩斯和惠特比的旅行。我们从头到尾都很开心。首先在我们离开美国之前,我们的问题会很快的在线解答了。旅行导游Mark真的很专业,能快速的让人领悟,便于了解。我学到了很多关于这里的知识,这点对我的旅行来说很重要。我们还去几个地方购物了,这是我姐姐的重要目的。即使在交通堵塞的时候,Mark也能找个捷径,让我们准时返回。我真的希望你们能参加这个有趣的,美丽的,开心的旅行。撰写日期:2017年4月18日
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173 条点评
Martin P
1 条分享
2024年7月 • 家庭
I had an amazing day trip exploring the Moors, Whitby, and the Yorkshire Steam Railway! The scenery in the Moors was absolutely breathtaking, with rolling hills and stunning landscapes that felt like stepping into another world. Whitby was a charming coastal town with its historic streets and picturesque harbor. I loved visiting the iconic Whitby Abbey and tasting some of the best fish and chips I've ever had. The Yorkshire Steam Railway ride was a true highlight, offering a nostalgic journey through the countryside in a vintage train carriage.
A special shoutout goes to our tour guide, Mark, who was genuinely the best and most courteous guide I've ever had. His knowledge of the area was impressive, and he had a way of sharing stories and facts that made everything come alive. Mark was friendly, accommodating, and went out of his way to ensure everyone had a fantastic experience. His passion for Yorkshire really shone through and made the trip unforgettable. I highly recommend this tour to anyone looking to experience the beauty and heritage of Yorkshire!
A special shoutout goes to our tour guide, Mark, who was genuinely the best and most courteous guide I've ever had. His knowledge of the area was impressive, and he had a way of sharing stories and facts that made everything come alive. Mark was friendly, accommodating, and went out of his way to ensure everyone had a fantastic experience. His passion for Yorkshire really shone through and made the trip unforgettable. I highly recommend this tour to anyone looking to experience the beauty and heritage of Yorkshire!
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Nancy Walker
爱达荷默里迪恩4 条分享
2023年5月 • 好友
Our guide, Mark, was fantastic! He was interesting and knew quite a bit about the area. We packed a lot into what really wasn’t a lot of time and thoroughly enjoyed our day. Highly recommend doing this tour!
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Philip V
6 条分享
2024年8月 • 家庭
An extraordinary day made all the better by tour guide Mark and the multinational group of travelers in the van. We 14 were from the U.S., UK, Mexico, India, Brazil and China! Wow, the wonders of the internet.
It turned out Mark was a world traveler himself. Perhaps that is why he was a gregarious, knowledgeable guide and a photographer too. He took many photos of all of the passengers at various stops along the way. Gorgeous moor landscapes and the interesting city of Whitby were all worth visiting. Having great weather also helped!
Upon arriving at Whitby, he took us to the Capt. Cook landmark, gave us restaurant tips for lunch and later met us at the train station with our tickets in hand.
We took the train from Whitby to Goathland and while the steam train was only offered for part of the journey. Mark had us all sorted and later met us at the Goathland station advising where to stand for best shots of the steam engine leaving the station. This station has been featured in many films and shows including the Harry Potter Hogsworth Express station.
The beautiful Moors, the Whitby experience, our guide and fellow passengers made it a wonderful day out.
I give this a five star experience and highly recommend.
It turned out Mark was a world traveler himself. Perhaps that is why he was a gregarious, knowledgeable guide and a photographer too. He took many photos of all of the passengers at various stops along the way. Gorgeous moor landscapes and the interesting city of Whitby were all worth visiting. Having great weather also helped!
Upon arriving at Whitby, he took us to the Capt. Cook landmark, gave us restaurant tips for lunch and later met us at the train station with our tickets in hand.
We took the train from Whitby to Goathland and while the steam train was only offered for part of the journey. Mark had us all sorted and later met us at the Goathland station advising where to stand for best shots of the steam engine leaving the station. This station has been featured in many films and shows including the Harry Potter Hogsworth Express station.
The beautiful Moors, the Whitby experience, our guide and fellow passengers made it a wonderful day out.
I give this a five star experience and highly recommend.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
加利福尼亚334 条分享
2024年7月 • 好友
This tour is a great way to see a lot of the area. The small bus is comfortable and the speaker uses a mic so it's easy to hear. Mark, our tour guide/driver is especially adept at pointing out what is coming up allowing us to see it instead of learning about it as we whiz by. Plenty of stops along the way for drinks/restroom etc. We opted for the steam train ride and he arranged buying the tickets and securing our place to sit. We learned a lot about Yorkshire and its various communities as well as the North York Moors National Park. In Whitby we investigated the Captain Cook Museum. An excellent start to our vacation!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Jim B
Scotland9 条分享
2024年7月 • 夫妻情侣
A great day from start to finish.Mark,our guide,was fantastic and so knowledgeable.He covered so many topics throughout the day and also his own travel experiences allowed him to interact with the other travellers on our 16 seater bus.Whitby was nice,train journey excellent( despite steam train being unavailable).Thank you so much.This is the second trip we have taken with this company and it was also excellent .Highly recommended for a day out when visiting York.
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英国约克3 条分享
2024年7月 • 夫妻情侣
It was a wonderful journey that I took. I Went with my girlfriend and she loved it too. So much to do and see but for us the highlight of the tour was the guide- our guides name was Mark specifically. He was very friendly and lively but also very informative!
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Tammie Q
3 条分享
This was a great day with Mark our guide! This was a small mini bus tour with 13 people. The company is actually one bus and 4 people that run the company so they are very focused on a good experience. Mark was absolutely fantastic in his narrative across the trip with some one hour rides from place to place and he told us so many interesting things (like how much houses costs in areas) as well as detailed long ago century commentary. His coordination of the steam train experience was amazing. Essentially you ride two stops about 45 minutes leaving from Whitby to Goathland and those wanting to ride the train he gets you situated and those that done drive to the next two stops. He took care of all the details to include getting tickets, getting our seats and meeting us exactly at the train station pick up point and made sure he took photos for all of us along the way limited need for selfies! He stopped the bus in the Moors for us to get a lovely photo of the purple heather. He made sure we got afternoon tea in Goathland. Whitby was crowded but Mark suggested a fabulous restaurant that we ate at.
This tour is fairly relaxed and you need to enjoy the scenery and history and enjoy the guide.
While there was time driving, he made it a fabulous day and I wound recommend this for travelers interested in getting out of cities and seeing the sheep and landscapes.
This tour is fairly relaxed and you need to enjoy the scenery and history and enjoy the guide.
While there was time driving, he made it a fabulous day and I wound recommend this for travelers interested in getting out of cities and seeing the sheep and landscapes.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you Tammie for taking the time to write such a wonderful and comprehensive 5* review. It means the world to our small business!
We are delighted to hear how much you enjoyed your day on our Moors, Whitby & The Yorkshire Steam Railway Day Trip from York with Driver Tour Guide Mark. You are exactly right Yorkshire is our passion and we are dedicated to giving our guests the best experience possible. We are beyond proud to hear that this is reflected by our wonderful guides.
We really hope to welcome you back very soon.
Many thanks,
Best of Britain – Yorkshire Day Tours
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Guy S
11 条分享
This was a really well organised trip, conducted well with skill, knowledge and a friendly manner by Mark. We hit all the sites on time and with Mark’s excellent advice, hints and information to hand.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you Guy for your wonderful 5* review. We are thrilled to hear how much you enjoyed your day trip with us to Moors, Whitby & The Yorkshire Steam Railway. It also means the world to hear how much you appreciated all the hard work that goes into making our trips what they are. We really hope to welcome you back very soon.
Many thanks,
Best of Britain – Yorkshire Day Tours
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Buenos Aires, Argentina8 条分享
It was a great experience: John S was a great host, an excellent driver and a first class guide. The weather was not great but still my wife and I enjoyed this day thoroughly. We learned a lot about North Yorkshire, the land and its history.
I recommend it highly to all visitors to York who would like to have a broader picture of this important English region
I recommend it highly to all visitors to York who would like to have a broader picture of this important English region
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you Marco for taking the time to write a review, however we believe your kind words are meant for another tour company. We are sure they would love to hear how much you enjoyed their day trip. :)
Best Wishes
Best of Britain – Yorkshire Day Tours
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Hi - I would like to book for 2 persons for the above trip for October - will the Steam Train still be operating during October or is it seasonal? Also, what would the extra cost be for the Steam Train as that is not included in the Tour price? Thanks
This trip runs to end October, so assume this will include the steam train as well. It is only £10pp and well worth it
When we travelled in May the train was the old carriages but powered by a locomotive, owing to the dry weather the risk of embers over the national park was high, don't think this will be the case in October !
Enjoy. The scenery and the trip was to behold.
Hi I’m going to Whitby with my partner arriving on Friday 16th of July we would like to go on the steam train from Whitby to Goathland where the series heartbeat was filmed could you give me times this train leaves Whitby and how much will this be for two adults
HI, i would like to book a day trip from york to whitby and go on steam train, can you help please? wan to go 4th August 2021.
Viator do a day long trip from york to Whitby going over the moors to Whitby they do include a steam train ride from Whitby to I think grosmont ( where heartbeat tv series is set) Covid restriction on the railway stop us from doing this part of the trip so make sure it includes this you will have to pay the train ride seperately .
Hi, yes the train travels from widby to (I forgot the name of the end station) you can buy a ticket and board the train anywhere you want.
For those who choose to take the steam train, how long roughly can you spend in Whitby before leaving?
We had about 2 hours in Whitby before getting the train. Time to walk around the abbey, walk down to the city, and have lunch. As I remember, Those who didn’t take the train had about 15 minutes more in Whitby.
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