

供应商/业主为:Timberbush Tours Glasgow - Day Tours
92% 的点评者将此产品评为 4 分或以上。
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年龄限制:4-99,每个团体最多 32 人
用时: 3 天
开始时间: 查看供应情况

  • 2晚住宿(除非选择“不住宿”选项)
  • 空调车
  • 知识丰富的司机兼导游
  • 船上现场解说
  • 食品和饮料 - 除非另有说明
  • 住宿 - 除非选择
  • 景点门票
  • 小费
  • 配有卫生间
  • 入场/门票 - Dunvegan Castle & Gardens
  • 入场/门票 - 艾琳多南堡

  • 19 Killermont St, Glasgow G2 3NX, UK
    它位于苏格兰皇家国家管弦乐团外,布坎南巴士站对面。 格拉斯哥开始时间:上午 10:15
  • Edinburgh Waverley, Edinburgh EH1 3EG, UK

  • 不提供无障碍通道
  • 允许携带服务型动物
  • 靠近公共交通
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:6898P26

  • 您将在预订时收到确认信息
  • 大部分旅行者都可以参加
  • 儿童必须由成人陪同。
  • 最低年龄为 4 岁。
  • 如果乘客有可以帮助他们登机和下机的人陪同,则可以容纳带有可拆卸轮子的折叠轮椅。
  • 在所有天气条件下运行,请穿着得体。
  • 最低数量适用。如果没有足够的乘客满足要求,则有可能在确认后取消。如果发生这种情况,您将获得替代方案或全额退款。
  • 请在您的旅行出发时间前至少 15 分钟到达。
  • 可应要求提供英语、德语、法语、意大利语、葡萄牙语、西班牙语、俄语和普通话的数字翻译。
  • 如果您预订自己的住宿,您必须在波特里镇中心 2 公里范围内预订。
  • 每人仅限携带一件中型行李箱。仅供参考:中型行李箱的高度为 60-69 厘米,宽度约为 45 厘米。
  • 旅程于上午 9 点从爱丁堡出发,并于上午 10 点在格拉斯哥接载乘客。
  • 请注意:艾琳多南城堡将于以下日期关闭:2024 年 11 月 2 日、5 日、6 日、9 日、15 日、16 日和 24 日。我们仍将参观城堡并拍照留念。
  • 此项体验设有最低出行人数限制。 如果行程由于未达到最低出行人数而取消,您可选择改期/不同体验或全额退款
  • 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 32 人

  • 如果您在原定出发日期前至少 7 天取消,则无需支付取消手续费。
  • 如果您在预定出发日期前 3 到 6 天内取消,将收取 50% 的取消费。
  • 如果您在原定出发日期前 2 天内取消,将收取 100%的取消手续费。

如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:6898P26



13 个站点
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  • Timberbush Tours Glasgow - Day Tours
  • Jeff I
    0 条分享
    4.0 分,共 5 分
  • Ivailo I
    0 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
  • Lee G
    0 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
  • FarAway51913610561
    0 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
  • kenfan1990
    0 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
    我爱DOM的英语 - 苏格兰高地、天空岛和尼斯湖三日游
    10月来的苏格兰高地、天空岛和尼斯湖三日游。参加Timberbush的当地团真是能一改你对当地团的刻板印象。如果你打算去苏格兰,强烈推荐Timberbush的当地团,体验太好啦!导游全程服务周到,对当地交通、天气和景点了如指掌。关键是导游人非常nice,那就重点来介绍我们的导游DOM吧~ 1、DOM开车非常稳,即使在高地上开车,也没有很大的颠簸感。高地上的traffic jam是如何造成的?原来是几只肖恩羊缓缓的走过,还会抬头看你一眼……DOM还展示并讲解了苏格兰高地上one-way road的开车礼仪。看到苏格兰人在高地one-way road上自觉主动让路的方式,才感到什么叫作文明啊!还记得DOM在one-way road上用实际行动礼貌地教训了不懂开车礼仪的德国自驾车队,让一排5-6两越野车倒车让路给我们一辆巴士。对苏格兰人民肃然起敬; 2、DOM 还非常knowledgeable,从出发时爱丁堡大学医学院贩卖尸体的故事、到苏格兰贵族麦克白的历史和苏格兰玛丽女王凄惨的命运,再到玫瑰战争、James VI首次统一苏格兰和英格兰。DOM以简单易懂的英语,讲述历史故事,让巴西人听得懂、让中国人听得懂~也不会听得打瞌睡,关键是历史故事讲的vividly,再配合他非常gentle的语调,简直就是坐在车上享受听觉马杀鸡啊!苏格兰人也是有腐国人特有的冷幽默,请提前做好准备…… 3、伴随着高地雄伟的景色,DOM用一个古老的iPod播放着音乐,大多都是苏格兰风笛纯音乐,让人产生一种远离尘嚣的错觉,感觉真的超好。另外,歌单中Sigur Ros也是他的最爱之一。他说他去冰岛看过他们的现场,现场音乐很大声,和录音相差很大。Jose还在冰岛他朋友的一个酒吧驻唱。他问我在中国Sigur Ros 流行吗?我说也是minority吧。DOM说可能他们去中国还要很长的时间要走,在欧洲去看他们的巡演更有可能。(我内心yy:喜欢干涉他国内政的冰岛人应该是进不了中国的……) DOM出生在Yorkshire,自称为Scots。经常看到DOM一边开车、一边讲故事、一边放音乐,然后三者完全互不影响,还能掏出个望远镜给我们找seagull看。苏格兰人表面平静如水,内心粗狂豪放。乘客每次在他放大音乐声音后说道:DOM, whatever it is, please lower the volume,也不会影响DOM 一贯gentle的声音。下一次去的话我要点名DOM做导游,然后晚上一起喝皮鞋油味道的whisky Sorry, I forgot to tip, but I do remember to write a review.
  • Melane Q
    0 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
    我们和司机詹姆斯度过了美妙的时间。 这是一次超赞的旅行,风景美丽,历史悠久。我们的司机詹姆斯提供的历史和幽默感使这次旅行变得更加有趣。 感谢詹姆斯让我们度过了美好的一天。 来自新西兰的Melane&Sharon留言。
  • Martim C
    0 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
    我们和詹姆斯一起游览,他是一位出色的导游兼司机。 我们游览过的所有地方都非常精彩,背后有着非常有趣的历史。 在第二站,我们去了一个城堡,你需要支付8英镑才能进入里面,说实话,这个地方不值。 您只能享受一下花园和城堡的周边。 诚心推荐这个旅行给任何有兴趣看到湖泊和山边景色的人。 我们错过了我们预订的那个尼斯湖之旅,公司让我们加入了这个旅行。
  • Jessica W
    0 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
    洛曼湖, Luss, Highlands, Oban和Glencoe
  • Maxyan55
    0 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
  • Dihizzle
    0 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
    James是最棒的旅行向导!!!他很有趣、消息灵通而且会提供一些额外的东西,它们是你在其他旅行不会得到的!到Glencoe和Loch Ness的一日游非常令人惊喜。这是一个漫长的一天但是我们这钱花的很值!
  • AnaTVCL
    0 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
  • Doina S
    0 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
    大家好,很开心为我和我丈夫在11月14日进行的这个旅行写简短的评论,这个旅行实际上很长,在11月晚上可以进行几个小时的旅行,但是我们从海兰兹看到了很棒的景观。我把这个旅行强烈推荐给其他喜欢自然,理解文化,历史和住在海兰兹的人们。在这个范围内,我们的向导肯尼做得很好。他给我们讲了关于人、历史、自然、音乐和其他许多的东西,还有笑话、传统音乐和有趣的东西。我们非常喜欢这次旅游和导游,会给他们满分。我们想在夏天重复这次旅行!Doina 和 Mihai Serban, Romania
  • yuliang727
    0 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
    导游兼司机Forrest Andrew非常棒!
    这是我第一次在tripadvisor上评论,因为我参加的timberbush天空岛3日行真的太棒了!虽然每天9点出门近7点返回,但因为导游兼司机Forrest Andrew的讲解,路途非常有趣,他幽默风趣的介绍沿途风景,准确的带我们到优美的景点(如果不是他带领,很多景点可能路过时会被忽略),推荐好吃的美食,而且非常的considerate,强烈推荐! 唯一不足的是旅游团给我们订的b&b需要共用厕所,而且觉得老夫妻做的早餐似乎不知道是否卫生达标…
  • mckeownclan
    0 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
    旅游巴士既现代又干净。我们的导游马克真是太棒了。他非常友好,知识渊博。这次旅行超出了我们的预期。有一件令人失望的事,那就是Timberbush在一个叫 Hillfoot b&b的小客栈为我们订了两晚。进入房子后,你可以闻到陈腐的空气和烟草的气味。我们对楼上的房间彻底失望了。它散发着难闻的气味,不近人情。床上的床垫大概已经30多岁了。浴室看起来很好,直到我们注意到水槽上有两个客人的肥皂。两个都被打开并被使用过。最后一根稻草是长满霉菌的窗户。不用说,我们离开了,并自己去找住宿的地方。
  • traveler1747
    0 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
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4.5 分,共 5 分54 条点评

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Judith R
11 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
2024年9月 • 家庭
Great trip! Tour guide Jada who was also driver of the bus was just great!!! Very informative about the history of Scotland and always helpful. We had a wonderful time.👏👏👏👏
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Hi there, Thank you for taking time out of your day to leave us such a kind review. We are sure Jada will be happy to hear that you enjoyed your time on tour with them, they certainly know how to make a tour fun! We will be sure to pass your kind comments onto them. We hope to welcome you back on tour one day soon! Kind regards, Christie
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Maude H
中国3 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
Our tour guide is Karis. She’s really good at multi-tasking. A very skilled driver and a fantastic story teller in a soothing voice who is also very humorous as well. I really enjoy the 3-day tour while making a few lovely friends. Definitely will recommend to my friends.
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Hi Maude, We are happy to hear that you enjoyed your tour, the Isle of Skye is such a special place, we love that we were able to share its magic with you! It's lovely to hear that you felt so comfortable with Karis and were able to just sit back, relax, and enjoy the beauty of Scotland. We are sure Karis will be happy to hear that they made such a positive impact on your tour experience. We will be sure to pass your kind comments onto her. Please don't be a stranger, we hope to welcome you back on tour with us someday soon! Kind regards, Christie
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。

Doug R
弗吉尼亚诺福克22 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
2024年7月 • 夫妻情侣
We spent 2 full weeks in Scotland and had mapped out our own tours of Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stirling, Perth, and Falkirk. With three days left, we decided to book the 3-day tour of Isle of Skye and the Highlands. Allowing somebody else to drive, narrate, and point out the highlights and history of our scenery was AMAZING! Our tour guide, Martin, was great! From pickup to dropoff, we were at ease and comfortable on the bus. He made sure we had opportunities for pictures, snacks, and restrooms. We booked our overnight accommodations through the travel company, and our host home in Portree was just perfect! I would recommend you book reservations for dinner in Portree. During the summer months, every restaurant was fully booked except for Chinese and Indian cuisine. We had delicious Chinese as the result, but definitely try to book ahead of your arrival. The scenery in Portree, in the Quiraing, at Kilt Rock, and at the Old Man of Storr was absolutely stunning! There were times we had to remind ourselves we were in Scotland because the landscapes looked like scenes from Hawaii!! Some of our seemingly impromptu stops seemed to just add to the character of this journey. We have already recommended this tour to several friends that are going to Scotland. This was well worth the money.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hello there, Thank you for sharing your experience! It's great to hear that the 3-day tour of the Isle of Skye and the Highlands was such a highlight of your trip. Martin is indeed skilled at making the journey comfortable and enjoyable, and it's fantastic that he was able to provide excellent opportunities for photos, snacks, and breaks. Booking ahead during peak season can make your visit smoother. The scenery around Skye is truly remarkable, and it's wonderful that you found it so captivating. We appreciate your recommendations and hope your friends have a great time as well. Thank you for choosing our tour! Best wishes, Mark
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5.0 分,共 5 分
2024年7月 • 夫妻情侣
I had an amazing 3 days trip in Isle of Skye and highlands. The minibus was super comfortable and clean. Our tour guide Mr Paul Santa explained the facts about the places in quite detail. Had an amazing experience in his company. Thanks to Timberbush and Mr Paul Santa for this mesmerising experience of 3 days in most beautiful places of Scotland.
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Hello there, Thank you for sharing your review! We're pleased that you enjoyed your three-day trip to the Isle of Skye and the Highlands. It's great to hear that the bus was comfortable and clean and that it provided detailed and engaging information about the places you visited. We hope to see you again for more tours with us in the future! Best wishes, Mark
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Chris S
哥斯达黎加圣何塞7 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
2024年6月 • 家庭
We had the best trip with our guide (Paul B). He was timely and got us where we needed to go safely. He was knowledgeable about the history of the area and played great music. We went to all the highlights on the trip, which were beyond beautiful. Our B&B in Portree (Fuaran) was perfect. Highly recommend this trip!
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Hi there, and thank you for taking the time to leave us a lovely review. We are thrilled that you enjoyed the stops on the tour as well as your accommodation, and that Paul's knowledge, safe driving and great music taste created such a memorable experience for you. We would love to welcome you back on tou again with us in the future. Best Wishes, Hannah
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5.0 分,共 5 分
2024年6月 • 家庭
This tour is well organized and we got to enjoy the amazing Scottish highland. Our guide Scott was really knowledgeable and funny. He told a lot of tales about places we visited. We plan to go back in the future to explore more.
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Sydney5 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
2024年6月 • 夫妻情侣
Wonderful scenic tour. Our guide Phillip was excellent. Very knowledgeable, explained the history of the region well and nothing was too much trouble for him.
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Hi there, Thanks for your review! We're glad to hear you enjoyed your tour with Phillip! He really knows how to make a tour fun - we shall pass along the kind words! We hope to see you again soon. Kind regards, Fatima
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Ruth C
7 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
2024年4月 • 夫妻情侣
Excellent 3 day tour with Lorna who’s wealth of knowledge of Scotland and its history and current events were amazing.
Scenic and breath taking -loved the Faerie Glen and Eileen Doonan castle-both astoundingly beautiful.
Loved our trip!
Ruth and Stuart Chineegadoo
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Good Afternoon Ruth and Stuart! Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review. We are thrilled that you enjoyed your tour with Lorna to the Isle of Skye and found her vast knowledge of Scotland so wonderful. I hope you got lots of lovely pictures of Eilean Donan Castle! We would love to welcome you on tour again in the future! Best Wishes, Hannah
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5.0 分,共 5 分
2024年6月 • 好友
THIS TOUR WAS FABULOUS! Our guide, Stevie (or Steve) was kind, knowledgeable and very funny. He did a fantastic job teaching us about the history, geology, and culture of our surroundings. He did this with contagious humor and interest and showed an evident love of his job. This tour satisfied all our adventurous cravings, we tried local food (as per our guides suggestions) hiked gorgeous mountain trails (my favorite was the fairy pools), and walked around small villages of Portree and St. Augustus. The accommodation was fantastic - lovely, clean, spacious, and had complementary breakfast options. For the three day tour, days 1 and 3 had quite a bit of driving, though it was broken up by scenic stops for photos and food. Be prepared to be sitting for a while admiring the spectacular view of mountains, lakes, streams, cows, farms and more around you. I highly recommend this tour as a great way to explore the Isle of Sky, Highlands, and Loch Ness if you don’t have the time to walk it all yourself!
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Hi there, thank you for taking the time to leave us such a lovely review. We are so happy to hear that you found Stevie's guiding so engaging and humorous. It is wonderful that you got to explore so much of Scotland on your trip, and that the time spent on the bus was still enjoyable despite the length of the journey. We will be sure to pass your positive feedback on, and we would love to welcome you back on tour again in the future. Best Wishes, Hannah
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。

Li Z
英国伦敦4 条分享
5.0 分,共 5 分
2024年3月 • 独自旅游
As an independent solo traveller , this is one of the few tours I have joined since on the road years ago  . It turned out to be a very good experience.

Timberbush tour is a well organized tour company- they keep me informed from hotel booking to the amended departure date. They offered the fair price with many options for the hotel and restaurant recommendations.

Most importantly the tour guide / driver gentleman called Euan is fantastic , Clearly shows that he is well prepared and fulfilled the entire trip with his rich insight knowledge , clear speaking and  enthusiastic polite manner . He shows true caring to us  by playing  the selected folks songs, even the story of the famous myth of  Inverness monster .  I have learnt so much during the 3 days tour . Thank you Euan! 

Highland is an amazing place . I highly recommend it.
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Dear ohmrli, Thank you for your amazing review! We are pleased to hear you had a very good experience on your Isle of Skye, The Highlands and Loch Ness tour with Euan, who was fantastic. The Highlands are very beautiful, so we are glad you enjoyed our itinerary, the accommodation we booked for you, and the amazing scenery. We appreciate you taking the time to write a review and hope to see you again sometime soon! All best, Aleix
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