供应商/业主为:Paddywagon Tours
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄限制:0-99,每个团体最多 34 人
用时: 2 天
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 在戈尔韦过夜
- 早餐
- 有趣的专业指南
- 空调客车运输
- 我们的大多数教练都提供免费高速无线网络
- 空调车
- 每个座位都有USB接口
- 入场/门票 - Glengowla Mines & Family Farm Experience
- 入场/门票 - Cliffs of Moher
未包含内容- 饮品/食品除非另有说明
- 小费
- 入场/门票 - Bunratty Castle and Folk Park
- 出发地点:
- Paddy's Palace, 5 Beresford Pl, Gardiner Street Lower, Mountjoy, Dublin, Ireland在出发前至少15分钟,我们办公室内的友好Paddywagon团队办理登机手续。 Paddys Palace,下加德纳街,都柏林 - 上午08:00
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 提供婴儿座椅
- 不提供无障碍通道
- 婴儿车可入内
- 靠近公共交通
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:8962P40- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 如果您想预订我们的经济舱,请在预订时或预订后与我们确认您要预订的房型:
- 经济舱选择每次预订至少2人
- 双床间,一间带两张单人床的房间。
- 双人间,一间带一张双人床的房间。
- 三人间,一间客房可预订3名乘客,配有3张单人床。
- 在各种天气条件下操作,请穿着合适
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 通过 Viator 进行的预订将自动注册为预订中指定的接送点和取件时间。
- 如果您希望将预订更改为 Paddywagon Tours 提供的其他接送地点之一,您需要在前一天晚上 17:00 之前通过电话或电子邮件与我们联系,以便我们保证更改。请注意,只有在我们书面确认后才能保证更改。
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 34 人
- 一经售出,恕不退换,如果取消将收取 100% 的手续费。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:8962P40
11 个站点
第 1 天
探索都柏林 - 康尼马拉 - 戈尔韦
第 2 天
探索戈尔韦 - 莫赫悬崖 - 都柏林
- Ryan C0 条分享都柏林出发的西南三日游我参加三日行程,住的是青年旅馆通舖,我们这团只有六个人,在十五人坐小巴显得无比宽敞,司机人很好,团友好相处,西南角的风景绝美,而且爱尔兰物价及餐厅消费都相当合理,即使住的是通舖会有点影响睡眠品质,整体来说仍是一次很棒的旅游!撰写日期:2020年2月13日
- Y4803YQjamesb0 条分享科克的莫赫悬崖旅行中美好的一天,导游做得很好,在我们往返莫赫悬崖的漫长旅程中,他既开车,又告诉了我们很多有关这个国家和它里面各种景点的有趣的信息。沿途有很多站点,有很多机会可以看见各种景点。唯一的缺点是坐在车厢里的休息时间太长了,如果车厢里有另外一个导游的话,那段时间本来可以增加很多互动活动。撰写日期:2019年10月23日
- xiyang_wang0 条分享Cliff of Moher day tripRichard非常搞笑,胖胖的爱尔兰司机/讲解员。讲解得很详细,总是可以让大家捧腹大笑。 去那里的行程大概3个多小时,路上能停几站。觉得有点仓促。不过对于不是自驾游的人来说是个不错的选择。撰写日期:2019年10月9日
- Liv_franks_60 条分享莫赫悬崖——很棒的体验我和朋友来到这座悬崖,这是我在爱尔兰最棒的一次旅行。当我们经过某些地标时,我们的司机对所有的建筑物和历史都非常了解。莫赫悬崖非常漂亮,我绝对会在旅行中再次预定Paddywagon旅行公司的!撰写日期:2019年9月28日
- tappy904x0 条分享莫赫悬崖之旅19/9/27 一定要准时!游览定于八点四十五开始,我们准时到了(充分利用游览时间是一件好事)。我们的司机是杰克,他很好热闹,精力充沛,使这次旅行成为了我们一次很棒的经历。杰克确保我们在所有景点都停留时了尽可能多的时间。他在每个景点也都提供了很好的建议。从都柏林到莫赫悬崖大约3个小时车程,因此他为我们在路途中提供了许多精彩的故事,并指出旅途中所有有趣的景点和地标。撰写日期:2019年9月27日
- patriciarV7243VU0 条分享巨人堤道一日游。超赞!虽然我与公司组织有一些不愉快:我第一天提前5分钟来到集合点,旅游队伍已经走了,我不得不推迟到第二天再去。那天的旅行团还试图帮我转到西班牙旅游,一切终于都解决了,不得不说我真的很推荐这个一日游。我们在一天内游览了北爱尔兰最具旅游特色的热点地区,所以如果你没有太多的时间,那就再好不过了。它很漂亮!多亏了我们的司机罗里,这次旅行更棒了,既有趣又好玩!谢谢罗里,很高兴见到你!来自巴塞罗那的问候:)撰写日期:2019年9月24日
- crobut0 条分享布拉尼城堡/科克之旅我的丈夫比尔和我原定9月12日游览布拉尼城堡,那天会有公主游行表演。在我们出游的那天早上,游轮要求我们在下船前参加一次移民会议。这导致我们没赶上科布港的Paddywagon巴士。然而!一个叫马克的客服工作人员正开着一辆面包车等着我们,他知道我们错过了公共汽车。他立即带我们去赶公共汽车以便追上司机兼导游迈克,迈克像见到久违的孩子一样迎接我们。巴士之旅内容丰富,有旋律优美的音乐,旅程充满历史年代感,也很有趣。马克和迈克把我们第一次访问科克的旅程安排地很棒。强烈推荐,每分钱都很值!撰写日期:2019年9月24日
- Hgilles860 条分享为期4天的南爱尔兰之旅这是我带着父母第一次游玩爱尔兰,他们玩得很开心!布赖恩是我们的导游,他很可爱,为我们讲了不少爱尔兰的历史,一路上逗得我们哈哈大笑。如果你不想太依赖导航和指定旅行计划,就可以看爱尔兰最美丽的风景(丁格尔半岛、莫赫悬崖等),我向你推荐这次观光,这简直是为你量身定做的!行程安排得很好,也很令人愉快。我唯一的建议就是你可以申请一个底层的房间。爬楼梯对我的家人来说很艰难,因为他们在一年内都做了膝盖手术,但我们很好地应对了!从我们的B&B旅馆到基拉尼镇中心的楼梯以及步行距离是唯一的缺点。哦,还有一条忠告,一定要准时!每一次车在等某个人的时候,意味着你可以花在可爱的城镇和令人惊叹的历史遗迹上的时间就会减少。我强烈推荐这次旅行,他们已经运行一段时间了,知道最好的、最快的、最美丽的路线。加油希瑟,大卫和南希。撰写日期:2019年9月22日
- arianapasini0 条分享非常划算,很棒的旅程我参加了巨人堤道巡演。这趟旅行带我去了北爱尔兰,一路上你会参观几个地方。把你的相机/手机准备好,因为那里的景色非常漂亮。我强烈推荐这次旅行,绝对很值得。撰写日期:2019年9月21日
- roguelou180 条分享9天全爱尔兰旅程这趟旅程真的是太棒了。不同年龄、国籍的人到此游览一番,都是能够负担得起的。 对于背包客来说,这趟旅程还有一个酒店的好选择。 我们的旅游团是包括了住宿和早餐的(如果你选择含早餐的住宿套餐体验)。我们的导游格戴尔是很棒的,我们这辆巴士上的人都成为了很棒的朋友,真的是提升了我的出游体验的。 我们在这趟旅程中游览了爱尔兰的许多地方。 如果一个景点对于团队中的某个人是很重要的,导游格戴尔则是会花时间为游人介绍更多的信息的。这真的是一次令人难以置信的、超级难忘的旅游经历。 我真的是非常喜爱的。撰写日期:2019年9月19日
- greenannie90 条分享精彩的旅行!刚从四天的旅行回来,这次体验真的是非常棒。Aaron是我们的司机,他非常出色,总是乐呵呵的,知识很丰富,旅途中给我们分享了很多有关游览地点的小贴士(谢谢AARON!)。行程规划很好,没有出现排队或者等待的情况。车会经常停靠,所以不用担心车上没有厕所的问题。我们入住的宾馆一切都很好,早餐很美味,而且第二天早上不用为了赶路而起得非常早。强烈推荐,这种游览方式非常好,感觉很放松!撰写日期:2019年9月16日
- stevekA3846TI0 条分享很棒的导游!我们去莫赫悬崖旅行的那一天阴雨绵绵。然而,我们的司机帕特里克一路上讲述了很多历史知识。这就让漫长的三个多小时的车程变得更有意义。我们还在途中增加了几个快速停车点。这使得一整天都变得很值得。我知道很难提前选择一个天气会变很好的日子。所以,我们原以为我们一到那里不会看到很多东西了。然而,雾散了,我们能清楚地看到许多悬崖峭壁。我们还拍到了一些很棒的照片。帕特里克在回来的路上也很沉着,没有说太多话。所以,我们大多数人都能睡上一觉。真不敢相信你光是坐着就能变得这么累。撰写日期:2019年9月16日
- HappyGoLucky79670 条分享我们很爱为期6天的全爱尔兰之旅我们最近参加了为期6天的全爱尔兰之旅,以此来庆祝我们的50岁生日。这是第一次来到爱尔兰。我们的导游兼司机布莱恩是导游、历史学家和喜剧演员的完美结合,更不用说他还是一个熟练的司机。每一天都比前一天好,带来了新的冒险、风景、历史和乐趣。我们选择了民宿,对一切都很满意。没有任何投诉!连天气也很配合。非常有价值,就这点费用你完全不可能自己独立安排这一切。这里的旅游者从20多岁到70多岁。强烈推荐那些喜欢轻松,充满乐趣的冒险之旅的人。感谢上帝,像布赖恩这样对自己的国家充满热情的人。来自加拿大西海岸的朋友们!撰写日期:2019年9月16日
- 58randyt0 条分享欣赏布拉尼城堡和金塞尔的最佳方式我们非常喜欢我们的PT一日游。Mike W.告诉了我们有关布拉尼城堡和花园、科克还有金塞尔的所有历史和小提示。必须请一个“本地人”当导游。他已经在这个地方住了一辈子。在回去的路上,他还让我们大家都唱起了爱尔兰民歌。谢谢迈克,我们度过了愉快的一天。撰写日期:2019年9月13日
- Compass7887220 条分享凯利环之旅太棒了,我们参加了凯利环之旅,和我们一起的是帕特里克和爱德华多,帕特里克是个好向导,爱德华多是个好司机,我们度过了美好的一天。感谢Paddywagon!撰写日期:2019年9月12日
这些点评均为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。为符合我们业界领先的信任和安全标准,Tripadvisor 会对点评进行检查。阅读我们的透明度报告,了解更多信息。
16 条点评
laura n
1 条分享
2024年11月 • 家庭
This trip was confusing and of poor quality. The website lists different stops but this was our itinerary:
Day 1. 6 hr drive to Galway with 3 short stops beside a road. We were left in Galway at 2 pm for 20 hours. We were picked up the next day at 1030 am to go to……..Galway for an hour!
Day 2. See the FIRST -and last- place of interest at Cliffs of Moher at 2 pm. Then 4 hrs to Dublin with one stop at a gas station.
To summarize: no Glengowla,no Burren, no Corcomroe Abbey, no Bunratty Castle, and no actual information about anything in two days that we couldn’t have picked up from 4 minutes on the internet.
Day 1. 6 hr drive to Galway with 3 short stops beside a road. We were left in Galway at 2 pm for 20 hours. We were picked up the next day at 1030 am to go to……..Galway for an hour!
Day 2. See the FIRST -and last- place of interest at Cliffs of Moher at 2 pm. Then 4 hrs to Dublin with one stop at a gas station.
To summarize: no Glengowla,no Burren, no Corcomroe Abbey, no Bunratty Castle, and no actual information about anything in two days that we couldn’t have picked up from 4 minutes on the internet.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Stephanie K
8 条分享
I’ve been waiting 10yrs to take this trip and Paddy Wagon Tours and their driver Steven did a fabulous job. From the simplicity of making the booking, to the luxe comfort of the new mini bus we were fortunate to enjoy. Breaks were well spaced out, with ample time available at key sightseeing locations. The B&B accommodation we stayed in overnight was lovely, perfect and 8 minutes walking distance into Galway. Thank you so much for adding to our beautiful family vacation. Memories that we’ll cherish forever. Extremely grateful.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Melton West1 条分享
The 2 day tour gave us a great insight to the west of Ireland! Accomodation was great, but the passion and enthusiasm shown by Danny and Ian will be something we will remember!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
1 条分享
2024年6月 • 家庭
The first day was lovely and the tour group was dropped off in Galway at the accommodations with no issue.
The bus to pick us up on the second day never showed up, stranding the tour group in Galway.
Paddywagon ended up arranging 2 taxis (for a group of 9 and luggage) to have us brought to the Cliffs of Moher to catch up to their tour buses there. We missed out on most of the sites along the way, the narrative of the tour guide and lost significant time at the Cliffs as well. Never mind the stress of the situation.
We found out from the bus driver when we finally arrived that he had never been advised to pick us up and didn’t even have 9 spots on his bus for the whole group had he made it to the pick-up point.
The Company has not responded to emails so far and has refused to address complaints on the phone.
The bus to pick us up on the second day never showed up, stranding the tour group in Galway.
Paddywagon ended up arranging 2 taxis (for a group of 9 and luggage) to have us brought to the Cliffs of Moher to catch up to their tour buses there. We missed out on most of the sites along the way, the narrative of the tour guide and lost significant time at the Cliffs as well. Never mind the stress of the situation.
We found out from the bus driver when we finally arrived that he had never been advised to pick us up and didn’t even have 9 spots on his bus for the whole group had he made it to the pick-up point.
The Company has not responded to emails so far and has refused to address complaints on the phone.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Nicole C
1 条分享
2024年6月 • 夫妻情侣
I reached out to Paddywagon twice via email and once by phone following our trip (as instructed by Paddywagon during the below explained conversations) and have not received any response from them. I am extremely upset and do NOT recommend this group to anyone.
My husband and I booked the 2-Day West Tour from Paddywagon.
After our first day of the itinerary, we were dropped off at a Bed & Breakfast in Galway as per the itinerary listed on the website. Our driver told us that someone from Paddywagon would pick us up at 10:30 the next morning and even confirmed it with the gentleman host checking us in at the B&B. This was already a disappointment as the website when booking says we are to be picked up at 10am, so not as advertised.
The next morning, the group of us that stayed overnight were outside in the car park waiting to be picked up at 10:30am as directed. No one in our group had heard anything from Paddywagon, and no one from the company showed up.
At 11am I called the Paddywagon office number and spoke to a woman who had no idea there was a group left in Galway waiting to be picked up. The girl said she would confirm where the driver was and call me back to figure out when we would be picked up. She returned my call at 11:09, and I was told the driver ran into an issue on the route and that he would be picking us up shortly.
I asked to be more specific as we were already now 30 min behind schedule and she said she couldn't give me anymore information. She said she would call me back if the driver was going to be much later. I again asked her what that meant and she said she needed to get in contact with the driver again to determine a time. I asked her to not hang up with me and she said she needed to in order to speak to the team who was working with the driver.
A few minutes later the woman working at the B&B came out and told us that she had just been in contact with Paddywagon and the bus that was supposed to come get us had broken down and that Paddywagon had told her we would be taking a taxi from Galway to the Cliffs of Moher to meet up with a different tour bus. Notice how those already were two conflicting stories from Paddywagon.
I called the office back and asked if that was the correct information and if we were supposed to pay for the taxi out of pocket and was assured it was taken care of. There were 9 of us with a lot of luggage and only 3 taxis showed up. The taxis had not been paid or told any information other than they needed to pick us up from the B&B
and drive us to the Cliffs. Given the lack of information provided to the taxi drivers, one left as he hadn't been paid yet. That left 2 taxi drivers for 9 people with multiple bags of luggage.
After more than 90 minutes from the original departure time we were finally on our way, only after one of the taxi drivers called the Paddywagon office and spoke with them to try and clear up the confusion. He was given more information than any of us that were actually on the tour which was quite a disappointment. He told us that we were to be driven down to the cliffs and dropped off with another Paddywagon tour, but he didn't know where the bus was, who the new driver was, or how to identify them.
As a result of this taxi ride and severe misstep from Paddywagon we missed an entire scheduled stop on our itinerary.
Once we got to the Cliffs we tried to find the Paddywagon bus, however there were 3 different buses in the car park so we had to walk around with all our luggage until we found the correct one.
Once there the driver told us that he only had room for 8 of us as the bus was already almost full. Mathematically that does not make sense as all 9 of us were supposed to have all been picked up from the B&B together that morning. Our driver also apologized to us and let us know he was unaware that he needed to pick us up until 11:10, which leads me to only believe that it was my phone call that alerted the Paddywagon office to us being left in Galway and the office had not planned to pick the 9 of us up at all. Essentially, Paddywagon left us stranded in Galway.
After finding the correct bus and getting our luggage situated, we were then told we had less than an hour to spend at the cliffs which was an absolute disgrace since this was our first time to the cliffs.
We spent the better part of our second day of this tour stressed out and uninformed which led us to be rushed and anxious for an activity where we paid a lot of money to purposefully have an itinerary and accommodations taken care of for us.
The only saving grace of this tour was that the drivers were fantastic and so kind.
This was an absolute abysmal display of customer service and communication by Paddywagon. I do not recommend them for any tour service.
My husband and I booked the 2-Day West Tour from Paddywagon.
After our first day of the itinerary, we were dropped off at a Bed & Breakfast in Galway as per the itinerary listed on the website. Our driver told us that someone from Paddywagon would pick us up at 10:30 the next morning and even confirmed it with the gentleman host checking us in at the B&B. This was already a disappointment as the website when booking says we are to be picked up at 10am, so not as advertised.
The next morning, the group of us that stayed overnight were outside in the car park waiting to be picked up at 10:30am as directed. No one in our group had heard anything from Paddywagon, and no one from the company showed up.
At 11am I called the Paddywagon office number and spoke to a woman who had no idea there was a group left in Galway waiting to be picked up. The girl said she would confirm where the driver was and call me back to figure out when we would be picked up. She returned my call at 11:09, and I was told the driver ran into an issue on the route and that he would be picking us up shortly.
I asked to be more specific as we were already now 30 min behind schedule and she said she couldn't give me anymore information. She said she would call me back if the driver was going to be much later. I again asked her what that meant and she said she needed to get in contact with the driver again to determine a time. I asked her to not hang up with me and she said she needed to in order to speak to the team who was working with the driver.
A few minutes later the woman working at the B&B came out and told us that she had just been in contact with Paddywagon and the bus that was supposed to come get us had broken down and that Paddywagon had told her we would be taking a taxi from Galway to the Cliffs of Moher to meet up with a different tour bus. Notice how those already were two conflicting stories from Paddywagon.
I called the office back and asked if that was the correct information and if we were supposed to pay for the taxi out of pocket and was assured it was taken care of. There were 9 of us with a lot of luggage and only 3 taxis showed up. The taxis had not been paid or told any information other than they needed to pick us up from the B&B
and drive us to the Cliffs. Given the lack of information provided to the taxi drivers, one left as he hadn't been paid yet. That left 2 taxi drivers for 9 people with multiple bags of luggage.
After more than 90 minutes from the original departure time we were finally on our way, only after one of the taxi drivers called the Paddywagon office and spoke with them to try and clear up the confusion. He was given more information than any of us that were actually on the tour which was quite a disappointment. He told us that we were to be driven down to the cliffs and dropped off with another Paddywagon tour, but he didn't know where the bus was, who the new driver was, or how to identify them.
As a result of this taxi ride and severe misstep from Paddywagon we missed an entire scheduled stop on our itinerary.
Once we got to the Cliffs we tried to find the Paddywagon bus, however there were 3 different buses in the car park so we had to walk around with all our luggage until we found the correct one.
Once there the driver told us that he only had room for 8 of us as the bus was already almost full. Mathematically that does not make sense as all 9 of us were supposed to have all been picked up from the B&B together that morning. Our driver also apologized to us and let us know he was unaware that he needed to pick us up until 11:10, which leads me to only believe that it was my phone call that alerted the Paddywagon office to us being left in Galway and the office had not planned to pick the 9 of us up at all. Essentially, Paddywagon left us stranded in Galway.
After finding the correct bus and getting our luggage situated, we were then told we had less than an hour to spend at the cliffs which was an absolute disgrace since this was our first time to the cliffs.
We spent the better part of our second day of this tour stressed out and uninformed which led us to be rushed and anxious for an activity where we paid a lot of money to purposefully have an itinerary and accommodations taken care of for us.
The only saving grace of this tour was that the drivers were fantastic and so kind.
This was an absolute abysmal display of customer service and communication by Paddywagon. I do not recommend them for any tour service.
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加利福尼亚洛杉矶3 条分享
2024年5月 • 家庭
I will never use this company again and would not recommend to anyone else, especially women and children. Your started off great with a friendly, respectful, informative driver. But a couple of hours later we took a 20 min break at a rest stop. Then we were told we would be switching to another bus coming in and wait another 20 minutes for those riders to have their break. Tom was in charge of the next bus with a new driver. Tom did not provide any information on Ireland and became annoyed and abrasive when asked anything. The overnight stay was ok but standing around in the cold while the bed and breakfast owner tried to figure out rooms was ridiculous. I don’t know who manages these tours but this is the most disorganized and disappointing travel company I have ever experienced. There were many unhappy customers. Tom was so inconsiderate that he twice hurt people outside the bus by opening and closing the door without checking if anyone was in the way. A woman walking in the sidewalk was hit pretty hard and Tom didn’t even apologize.At Cliffs of Moher Tom failed to inform riders that if they opted not to do the ferry, they would actually sit on the bus for two hours doing nothing instead. The tour ended on a worse note when we were again transferred to another bus after a lunch break. Tom had gotten us to lunch hours late and did not tell us or the new driver when to get on the new bus. We quickly ate and got in a bathroom line when suddenly the new driver Alex started arguing with passengers and threatening to leave them, including a mom with two young children. He told my daughter she had an attitude because she asked him to be patient and wait for her mom, he aggressively told her she can take a public bus back to Dublin. Alex was disrespectful and rude because we were ruining his schedule. This was unfair since Tom was the one responsible, but Alex didn’t want to hear it and he left two young women behind. We then had to listen to him mutter to himself and scowl and then had to pull over for 20 minutes while a good samaritan drove the abandoned girls to meet us. Alex then started speeding on narrow windy roads to get us to the next destination for a 10 minute visit and finally off his bus. Ireland is beautiful but this tour left us with horrible memories. My dream to visit Ireland was tainted by this tour’s poorly managed staff and itinerary. Paddy wagon Tours- how would you like to travel to a foreign country and be treated this way? Especially women and children who are more vulnerable to crime. Can you imagine how it feels to be threatened and actually left behind with no idea where to go?
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Katie S
2 条分享
2024年3月 • 家庭
TLDR: Our PaddyWagon tour was not fulfilled as advertised, and their customer service was abysmal. When I contacted PaddyWagon, our concerns were passively dismissed without any attempt to make amends for their inadequate tour. Apparently, this is a common theme. Proceed with caution.
My mom and I were both looking forward to our PaddyWagon experience! However, the tour was sadly not as advertised.
For one, we selected a “double room” for our overnight accommodation. As we were pulling up to the bed & breakfast, our Paddywagon driver informed us (at the last minute) that there was a “miscommunication” and no double rooms were available. We split into separate rooms for the night, which was not our preference as women traveling alone.
Next, our Paddywagon driver told us we would get picked up at 9:00AM. We were a bit confused, since the Paddywagon website initially stated 10:00AM pickup. However, we double-confirmed 9:00AM with the driver, who again said that’s correct. The next morning at 9:00AM, we were packed and waiting for the bus. 30 minutes went by, nothing. An hour, still nothing. 90 minutes later, and we were getting anxious. There was no communication from Paddywagon. Finally, at 11:45AM (after nearly 3 hours of waiting), the Paddywagon bus showed up for Day 2.
We enjoyed the Cliffs of Moher, but we were surprised that the other advertised/promised elements were missing. There were 4 sites mentioned in the itinerary that we booked (see screenshot below). However, our tour did not stop at Burren, Corcomroe Abbey, or Bunratty Castle. We missed out on 3 of the 4 attractions for Day 2.
We did enjoy the parts of the tour that went according to plan. However, the (1) accommodation room failure, (2) botched communication for pickup time, and (3) missing 3 of the 4 stops on Day 2 critically impacted our experience. It was not what we paid for.
My mom and I were both looking forward to our PaddyWagon experience! However, the tour was sadly not as advertised.
For one, we selected a “double room” for our overnight accommodation. As we were pulling up to the bed & breakfast, our Paddywagon driver informed us (at the last minute) that there was a “miscommunication” and no double rooms were available. We split into separate rooms for the night, which was not our preference as women traveling alone.
Next, our Paddywagon driver told us we would get picked up at 9:00AM. We were a bit confused, since the Paddywagon website initially stated 10:00AM pickup. However, we double-confirmed 9:00AM with the driver, who again said that’s correct. The next morning at 9:00AM, we were packed and waiting for the bus. 30 minutes went by, nothing. An hour, still nothing. 90 minutes later, and we were getting anxious. There was no communication from Paddywagon. Finally, at 11:45AM (after nearly 3 hours of waiting), the Paddywagon bus showed up for Day 2.
We enjoyed the Cliffs of Moher, but we were surprised that the other advertised/promised elements were missing. There were 4 sites mentioned in the itinerary that we booked (see screenshot below). However, our tour did not stop at Burren, Corcomroe Abbey, or Bunratty Castle. We missed out on 3 of the 4 attractions for Day 2.
We did enjoy the parts of the tour that went according to plan. However, the (1) accommodation room failure, (2) botched communication for pickup time, and (3) missing 3 of the 4 stops on Day 2 critically impacted our experience. It was not what we paid for.
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Brandan Sweeney
荷兰阿姆斯特丹1 条分享
2023年7月 • 夫妻情侣
Your was fantastic and I must say the driver and your house was very educational and knowledgeable about the history of Ireland. Has an excellent sense of humor too.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
qodBelohnung q
2 条分享
2023年1月 • 好友
It was quite fun and the bus driver was the best comedian i have ever heard before. It was really nice.
One day i will do another Trip.
Nothing to chance. Everything was perfect.
One day i will do another Trip.
Nothing to chance. Everything was perfect.
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爱尔兰都柏林7 条分享
2022年7月 • 夫妻情侣
Frank is the best tour guide ever !
It was my girlfriend's birthday and we decided to go for this tour , spent some quality time exploring and enjoying , we booked the boat tour to see the cliffs from the sea and it was breathtaking! Frank even announced that it was my gf birthday and it was such an amazing gesture and initiative from him
He kept us entertained throughout the journey and even taught us some Irish history.
Highly recommend 👌
It was my girlfriend's birthday and we decided to go for this tour , spent some quality time exploring and enjoying , we booked the boat tour to see the cliffs from the sea and it was breathtaking! Frank even announced that it was my gf birthday and it was such an amazing gesture and initiative from him
He kept us entertained throughout the journey and even taught us some Irish history.
Highly recommend 👌
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
I am booking for my husband and my self. We we have our own room or is it dormitory accomdatons?
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