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参加从都柏林出发的小团体全日游,充分利用您在爱尔兰的时间,游览博因河谷的一系列历史景点。亮点包括被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产的纽格莱奇和诺斯遗址;游览博因河 1690 年的战场;以及圣布伊特修道院。
每名成人 起
年龄限制:5-99,每个团体最多 16 人
用时: 8 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 一天之内可以走很远的地方
- 聆听导游的精彩评论
- 参加这次全面的旅游,省去自驾的麻烦
- 小团体意味着个性化的体验
- 小型巴士运输
- 合格友好的导游
- 进入纽格莱奇和布鲁纳博因的入场费
- 入场/门票 - Newgrange
未包含内容- 食品和饮料
- 酒店接送
- 出发地点:
- Molly Malone Statue, Suffolk St, Dublin 2, D02 KX03, Ireland上车地点是萨福克街的 Molly Malone 雕像,时间为上午 9:00。 请提前 10 分钟到达。寻找印有“Hilltoptreks”字样的白色巴士。
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 靠近公共交通
- 提供婴儿座椅
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- 如果天气恶劣,建议携带雨具
- 携带物品:相机
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此项体验设有最低出行人数限制。 如果行程由于未达到最低出行人数而取消,您可选择改期/不同体验或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 16 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:24779P3
- Suffolk St, Dublin 2, D02 KX03, Ireland上车地点是萨福克街的 Molly Malone 雕像,时间为上午 9:00。 请提前 10 分钟到达。寻找印有“Hilltoptreks”字样的白色巴士。
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- Sing Chyuan L0 条分享太好,太美,太值!區區一個小小的費用,就能享受全程導遊帶到我們去wicklow山區.參觀很大間的別墅,到glendalough 看古迹,及wicklow山区的美景. 短短一日游能有如此丰富的收获. 超值!撰写日期:2016年1月8日
- ihussain0 条分享完美的旅行,物有所值我和一个朋友一起预定了恩尼斯凯远足旅行,恩尼斯凯是我爱你的电影的拍摄地。我们看到了势花园,格兰达洛,莎莉峡和山顶的吉尼斯湖。(维京人海岛的电影就在这边拍摄)我们乘坐的迷你巴士可以容纳18个人,我们一天中在美丽的乡村中行走。我们的导游罗伯特知识渊博,平易近人,非常搞笑。他给我们推荐了很棒的冰淇淋以及午餐,而且旅行期间,他一直在给我们讲一些有趣的事情。我们觉得这一天的旅行非常的棒,而且价格实惠,只需要25欧元。非常的物有所值。强烈推荐。撰写日期:2015年10月20日
- Tamara G0 条分享在一匹黑马上冒险这次的旅游非常棒。我是唯一一个选择骑马的游客,旅游团非常人性化。我选择了一匹非常可爱的马,这次骑行非常安全但也很刺激。我们的导游也非常好。这次的旅游很赞!撰写日期:2015年9月17日
- Julia A0 条分享一定会再去参加山顶跋涉的我希望我们再多一点时间停留一下,看看地标建筑,但你花的钱所得到的价值弥补了这小小的匆忙。我参加的还包含了一次骑马,人和马都非常稳定、友好,两个小时的路途风景非常优美。导游Johny见识广博又很直率,让我们在旅行中,拥有了一段超棒、有趣又长见识的时光!我们一直在笑。所有旅程当中,吉尼斯湖的旅行是锦上添花的一个,电视节目《维京传奇》里看到的很美。小小的迷你巴士,私人入口,会向朋友推荐山顶游,会和他们再来一次的!撰写日期:2015年8月31日
- Kylie E0 条分享在爱尔兰乡村玩了一整天我们参加了Gray Line的行程,去威克洛山脉玩了愉快的一整天。行程性价比很高(在网上订票只需25欧元,可以省几欧元)。司机(里奇)很热情,让我们的旅途很开心。你要记得带雨衣,因为山里会下雨。我们没准备雨衣,结果有一段去湖边的路我们就没走,而是呆在咖啡馆取暖。参加这个行程,可以让你看到爱尔兰的美好乡村风光,让你在这一天可以远离城市的喧嚣,享受放松。撰写日期:2015年8月24日
- Veronica A0 条分享不错的旅程,一流的导游景色漂亮,这方面无需多言。宝尔势格庄园真的十分迷人,我大力推荐大家过来游览。我们的导游很友善,对我们看到的一切进行了出色的讲解。我本以为我们会徒步旅行很长距离,但实际上并不是。不过总体上这次体验很愉快,我大力推荐。撰写日期:2015年8月24日
- AnaGrifus0 条分享经历过的最棒的旅行我最爱这里了!马戏团太令人惊叹了,我们的导游john介绍给我们的故事都很有趣很好玩。john还对我接下来的旅行给了我一些小贴士,谢谢你,太棒了!撰写日期:2015年8月13日
- Jerry P0 条分享美妙的一天我们在都柏林待了两天,在游览完这座城市后我们想要看一看它周边的区域,于是选择了威克洛和鲍尔斯格。约翰非常准时的接到了我们,他的货车里虽然还有足够的空间装下除了我们四个人之外的其他人,但是我还是很高兴只装了我们四个。我们沿着海岸边愉快地到了山里,风景真的是相当的壮观。接着我们在一家超棒的餐厅吃了午饭,之后参观了鲍尔斯格,那里的景色实在是太让人惊叹了。约翰十分的博学而且时间安排的非常好,我们一点儿也没有感觉到很匆忙。总而言之真的是美妙的一天。公司的老板特里兰博通过邮件对整个预约的过程一直尽心尽力,非常的负责任。真心推荐!!!撰写日期:2015年8月11日
- Sybil P0 条分享在威克洛令人惊艳的一天威克洛之旅是我们待在都柏林日子里的亮点。爱尔兰美丽的绿色风景一直让我十分向往,这也是我这次一日游所感受到的。虽然那天天气不是很好,但它依然十分美丽。所以即使你担心爱尔兰的坏天气,也不要再纠结要不要去啦。司机约翰和他独特的幽默让这次旅行充满乐趣。他讲了很多奇闻轶事。唯一让我有点遗憾的是我们没有去格兰达洛上湖游玩。我们只有时间抵达下湖,下湖那里当然也很美。只是我希望我们能够欣赏到更大的湖的风景,因为那儿看起来十分令人惊艳。虽然如此,我依然极力推荐这次旅行!撰写日期:2015年8月2日
- demck56960 条分享我在欧洲最开心的一天之一我和朋友想去乡村看看,但又担心莫赫悬崖太远了--我们只在都柏林待几天。 我很高兴我们选择了参观格兰达洛风景区(Glendalough)作为替代。我们从都柏林坐着14座的面包车去的,我们也非常高兴认识在面包车与我们同行的其他年轻人。我们的导游, Johnny,是最好的最搞笑的爱尔兰人。我们团被分成了骑马群和走路群,所以大概有5个人跟Johnny一起徒步旅行。他做得很棒,给了我们关于爱尔兰以及乡村的有趣知识,在他有些了解我们之后为我们定制了行程。我们度过了一个享受爱尔兰乡村的美景的最美好的时光。撰写日期:2015年7月19日
- Erin N0 条分享游玩威克洛很开心的一天!在威克洛游玩得很开心!我们的导游Johnny是最棒的!他知道很多当地的事情,还很有幽默感。骑马很好玩,马场在我们出发前确认我们是否都坐得舒服。我向那些想出城走走,想看看爱尔兰美丽风景的人强烈推荐这个旅程。撰写日期:2015年7月7日
- RLPrather0 条分享这是我们经历过的最棒的旅游之一!威克洛山区旅游(Wicklow mountain)非常棒!约翰非常博学,不仅知道地形和植物生命还知道爱尔兰人民的历史,他还能沿路补充有趣的流行文化史。当我在探索这个漂亮的建筑的时候我学到了很多。我极力向你推荐与 Hilltop Treks开启旅途。撰写日期:2015年6月24日
- Brian D0 条分享报了Hill Top Treks的跟团游我已经参加过好几次Hill Top Treks的一日游了。它们都非常有趣,而且组织的很好。我向所有人推荐他们。我想让所有没参加过徒步游的人去尝试一下,感受一下这样的活动。Brian D。撰写日期:2015年6月24日
- Megan101130 条分享威克洛一条非常棒的路线!我强烈推荐这条路线!路上看到的景色非常棒,导游也非常棒。威克洛是个非常漂亮的地方,这条路线也能够让我们看到最宝贵的地方!撰写日期:2015年6月11日
- Kristen M0 条分享令人惊叹啊!收获历史的一天!我、我的未婚夫、我的朋友还有我们的导游John,参加了一个美妙的从都柏林到威克洛郡的一天游。他为我们提供了丰富的信息,并且还告诉我们从没听过的大量历史知识。在去探索都柏林的几天后,导游让我们拼凑都柏林的全貌,我们在离开爱尔兰之前受到了彻底的教育,谢谢你们!撰写日期:2015年6月10日
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131 条点评
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加利福尼亚奥克兰2 条分享
2024年8月 • 夫妻情侣
This was a terrific day trip. Our driver and guide, Matt, was outstanding and passionate about Irish history and culture, so we learned much more subject matter than what was covered specific to our stops. This is also an outing which is less dependent on good weather than other countryside adventures. Highly recommend!
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Thank you Lisa for the excellent review.
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Eric L
1 条分享
2024年8月 • 独自旅游
Very good visit, interesting and competent Guide. Excellent beef stew in the cafeteria. Relatively small group (20) which means that the Guide does not have to stray to make himself understood.
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hank you very much for the excellent review.
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马萨诸塞波士顿98 条分享
2024年8月 • 独自旅游
Really well run tours! Matt was our tour guide and bus driver. Really interesting guide with tons of knowledge. The tour at Newgrange and Knowth was amazing! The day could have ended after this tour and gone back to Dublin and I would have happily paid the same amount of money.
The abbey and monastic site were interesting, too, but after lunch (and the bus seats are made for people with very short legs) I was ready to head back to Dublin. Just prepare for a long day--bring water and snacks, and prepare for a variety of weather -- we went from rain to wind to bright sun over the course of the day.
Highly recommend! I just wish more companies offered half day tours.
The abbey and monastic site were interesting, too, but after lunch (and the bus seats are made for people with very short legs) I was ready to head back to Dublin. Just prepare for a long day--bring water and snacks, and prepare for a variety of weather -- we went from rain to wind to bright sun over the course of the day.
Highly recommend! I just wish more companies offered half day tours.
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Thank you Elle, maybe we will look into offering half day tours.
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Margaret W
5 条分享
2024年8月 • 好友
This was a well organized tour with just the right amount of time at each locale. Knowledgeable driver/ guide and local guides at the sites. The sites were amazing and the history fascinating. Highly recommend !!
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Thank you very much Matgaret for the excellent review.
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加利福尼亚奥克兰409 条分享
2024年8月 • 独自旅游
The tour had 24 people on it, despite the website saying there would only be 16 max. The coach was small, but comfortable with USB chargers (but no wifi). The guide, Matt, was awesome -- super nice & entertaining & informative.
We spent almost the entire time at Brú na Bóinne and while there we did the tours of Knowth and Newgrange, plus had time for lunch and shopping in the gift shop, as well as looking at this little displays/museum in the visitor center. The 2 sites were amazing and super interesting, lunch was fine, and the displays were pretty meh.
We also stopped at Monasterboice and Mainistir Bhuithe which were cool old sites as well.
We spent almost the entire time at Brú na Bóinne and while there we did the tours of Knowth and Newgrange, plus had time for lunch and shopping in the gift shop, as well as looking at this little displays/museum in the visitor center. The 2 sites were amazing and super interesting, lunch was fine, and the displays were pretty meh.
We also stopped at Monasterboice and Mainistir Bhuithe which were cool old sites as well.
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Thank you for your very positive feedback.
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Jennifer D
2 条分享
2024年8月 • 好友
Kevin is an excellent guide - tour great value, highly recommend, a well timed tour
Thanks Kevin👍 very informative without being over the top.
Thanks Kevin👍 very informative without being over the top.
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Thank you very much for the excellent review.
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Clinton S
华盛顿瓦拉瓦拉26 条分享
2024年8月 • 家庭
Day tour on a small bus, 23 people. Our driver and guide was Matt. He was born in Ireland and he knows Irish and English history. He was full of interesting stories of the long history of Ireland. Matt was the best tour guide I have met in a long time. We got far more than our money's worth with Matt as our guide. I would book another tour with him without a second thought.
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Thank you very much for the wonderful of our tour and your Guide Matt, I'll pass along your kind words.
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Kate F
华盛顿普尔曼5 条分享
2024年8月 • 家庭
Matt, our tour guide, was outstanding, excellent, full of Irish history and a very interesting speaker. Excellent. Highly Recommend.
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Thank you very much for the excellent review.
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Mary S
俄亥俄克利夫兰160 条分享
2024年6月 • 家庭
Our guide Matt made the experience fantastic. The amount of history and knowledge that he shared during our tour helped make the tour great. The tour gave you just the right amount of time at each location and Newgrange should be a must do on everyone's list.
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Thank you very much Seide and Im delighted that you enjoyed your tour of Newgrange and teh Boyne Valley with Matt.
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1 条分享
Great sites to visit in one day. The driver/guide was very knowledgeable, but could have shortened the infomation download.
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Thank you for the excellent review
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
how long is the tour from start to finish? And does it generally run on time?
Is there a tour of Newgrange that is a half day? We are available only in the afternoon.
Is this tour running in June 2022? It says that Newgrange is closed due to Covid but it is open according to it's own site! How can I book a seat?
Hi--you are posting this, yet it is not possible to book thru the system. Is it possible that these tours are not running?
Damien P
For the locations where admission is not included should we order the tickets online now or wait till the day of and get them through you or at the location? Thank you.
Newgrange is the only site that you are required to pay and you get the ticket upon arrival with the tour no need to buy the ticket online beforehand. but please remember also to enter the grounds of Trim castle to walk around it and stand beside it is totally free but to enter the castle keep is 2 euro which for the price a roughly 40-minute tour is provided ( great value ) in my opinion but just check with your driver the tour bus driver allowed us 45 minutes at trim castle plenty of time for photographs but it cuts it short time-wise if you take the guided tour of Trim Castle
Hello, this day tour says "Newgrange is one of Ireland’s most impressive ancient monuments in Ireland and is an UNESCO World Heritage Site, We do try to get you into this site." Do all of the day tours always include actually going into the site or are there times when the tour does not include going into the site? I wanted clarification for going versus "trying"? Thanks, this was not clear. We are looking at the 10/10/19 tour.
The Newgrange site was a feature of our tour. The rain was pouring! My husband was unable to do the hike to the top because of steep, slippery climb. I wish I had taken hiking boots. I just looked at the online pictures. The site does not look that well kept.
I looked at the website on Newgrange and it looks like it is doing major renovation. Are you able to go inside the newgrange during construction?
The visitor center is closed, but you can definitely go into the monument with the same guided tour as usual. They also have quite nice toilet facilities and tea and coffee set up at the carpark. Worth going.
Does the tour include entrance into newgrange tombs? Doesn’t sound like it
SLANE castle is this a tour of the inside or just outside
We did get into Newgrange, but not to Slane castle . Newgrange took up too much time.
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