来自巴黎的枫丹白露和 Vaux-Le-Vicomte 城堡小团体一日游
来自巴黎的枫丹白露和 Vaux-Le-Vicomte 城堡小团体一日游
供应商/业主为:Blue Fox Travel - Blue Bike Tours
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每名成人 起
年龄限制:7-99,每个团体最多 8 人
用时: 10 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 小团体游最多8人
- 保证跳过长队
- 乘坐有空调的小型货车运输
- 司机/导游
- 博物馆入口
- 入场/门票 - 维孔宫城堡
- 入场/门票 - 维孔宫城堡
- 入场/门票 - 枫丹白露宫
- 保证免排队
未包含内容- 餐饮
- 小费
- 入场/门票 - Château de Blandy-les-Tours
- 出发地点:
- La Flamme, 6 Av. de Wagram, 75008 Paris, France请至少在正式出发时间前15分钟到达! 一家名为“La Flamme”的咖啡馆就位于此地址。 您的司机兼导游将在预定出发时间前 10 分钟乘坐灰色小巴抵达。
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
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如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:7249P14- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 小团体游最多8人
- 在各种天气条件下操作,请穿着合适
- 最低年龄为7岁
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 8 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:7249P14
- 6 Av. de Wagram, 75008 Paris, France请至少在正式出发时间前15分钟到达! 一家名为“La Flamme”的咖啡馆就位于此地址。 您的司机兼导游将在预定出发时间前 10 分钟乘坐灰色小巴抵达。
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- Navigate049228938140 条分享Very excellent experience这是我们第一次预定出行,一切完全符合我们的期待。非常好的旅行,我和家人十分享受这次莫奈花园的旅程。导游为人友善热情,我非常推荐!撰写日期:2024年7月20日
- xiaowei_010 条分享专业的巴黎周边游服务很好,车辆也干净。从接头、导游到各个站点接送,流程清晰高效。Guillaume很专业、热情,还会穿插很多故事和八卦,非常有趣。下次巴黎周边游,肯定还会选这家。撰写日期:2021年9月26日
- donnahB3298HS0 条分享我们的旅游很愉快参加了Blue Fox Bike Tour来看看凡尔赛是不是真的有趣,我们喜欢市场和可爱的导游Robin,她告诉了我们许多法国历史,非常推荐这个自行车之旅。撰写日期:2019年9月29日
- Allison D0 条分享参观凡尔赛宫的最佳方式这是一种极好的游览方式,我们的导游提供了大量信息。整个行程非常有节奏,组织得非常好,一直到我们遇到倾盆大雨时才穿上雨披。尽管天气不好,但这仍然是一次很棒的经历。我强烈推荐!撰写日期:2019年9月27日
- VancouverElaine0 条分享这是巴黎一个很棒的私人家庭自行车之旅!带着我们三岁和八岁大的女儿,还有我七十多岁的父母,我们参加了Blue Fox旅游公司这个超棒的私人自行车旅行团。我的大女儿超爱Amazing Race(一档美国经典真人秀)这个节目,所以我们知道她一定会在这场旅途中玩得很愉快的。当然了,参加这种私人旅行团要比普通旅行团贵多了,但如果你们中有才骑车新手,骑自行车或者到新环境(比如我妈!)会不太舒适的话,那这私人旅行团还是很值得参加的。我们的导游Robin很出色,她非常有耐心,而且充满热情,虽然她有点古怪,天气也很热,但我们还是玩得很开心。我们看到了巴黎许多美景,虽然我们在这么热的天里汗流浃背的,但骑自行车要比走路好多了。我们还在路上学到了些超酷的知识,我女儿到现在都还记得,而且想到还会笑出来,我们一路上还体验了些有趣的挑战。我那大点的女儿有自己的自行车,然后小女儿就坐在自行车座椅上由人载着走。这旅行团真是太有意思了!!撰写日期:2019年9月24日
- Judyfmtraveler0 条分享巴黎自行车之旅-秘密蓝狐自行车旅行社的塞西莉亚是一位优秀的导游!她很有趣,对巴黎的秘密历史了如指掌,而且很有风度。她确保所有的参与者都充分体验了这次冒险,并使旅行变得令人兴奋、放松。我强烈推荐蓝狐自行车旅行社的塞西莉亚!撰写日期:2019年9月24日
- Jen C0 条分享值得花时间和金钱!我们晚上参加了blue fox tours的自行车之旅和河上巡游,非常棒。这是我们在巴黎最后的活动之一了,没有让人失望。我们的导游莉娜友好、博学、冷静,但同时又很好地控制着节奏。她立刻就让我们感到很舒服。这是一种游览城市的奇妙方式,不管你是一开始就将自己融入了这座城市,还是在最后,它让你更加地热爱巴黎了。有几次,她停下来拍照,太阳就要落山了,光线非常好。这个旅行非常值得你花时间和金钱。撰写日期:2019年8月11日
- Barbara A0 条分享吉维尼(Giverny)的超棒一天我真的很喜欢这次的旅行。妮娜(Nina)很博学很风趣。这次旅行组织的也很好。它比我所期待的更棒。我一定还会再预定一次Blue Fox tour的旅行的。我希望你们可以增加更多的目的地选择!撰写日期:2019年5月14日
- CaliGal060 条分享很棒的旅行!这次旅行让我对莫奈和他的作品有了全新的认识。我们的导游伊莱亚斯很了解他所掌握的东西,并以一种非常有趣和吸引人的方式与我们分享他的知识。我强烈推荐这次旅行。时间和金钱花得都很值!撰写日期:2019年5月6日
- 775mingz0 条分享更好地了解巴黎的最好方法之一如果你厌倦了一次又一次地去看埃菲尔铁塔和圣母院,我认为这趟自行车之旅可以改变旅行体验。我们的导游非常令人愉快,准备了许多图片和故事与我们分享。路线规划得很好,会停很多站,你会发现4个小时很快就过去了。撰写日期:2019年5月3日
- Raf2130 条分享吉维尼旅行我们和导游汉娜在吉维尼旅行非常愉快。早上出发,我们一行6人,汉娜给我们进行了详细的关于莫奈的讲解,还给我们充足的时间参观花园和室内。我们还参观了莫奈的墓地,在一个美丽的旧教堂边上。我们学习了很多并且玩的很愉快。汉娜很有激情,很友好,并且很有见识。撰写日期:2019年4月10日
- polocoach0 条分享史上最好的历史课我们的导游塞西莉亚真是既有趣又博学。骑自行车很容易,有很多站,我们可以在那里了解巴黎。让这次旅行与众不同的是她的个性,我们在不同的地方停留,她给我们讲了一个关于她为什么喜欢这一站或她在那里做了什么的精彩故事。在这么短的时间里,我对巴黎和法国了解了很多。这趟旅行似乎过得很快。这是我们在巴黎最棒的旅行之一。再次感谢塞西莉亚。撰写日期:2019年2月27日
- Rajeev K0 条分享Cecilia你真棒我们玩得很开心。我儿子非常喜欢这次经历。适合小孩子。最棒的部分是导游Cecilia。她很棒,而且很幽默。和我们说的信息很有趣,而且Cecilia的幽默使这次经历更加愉快。100%推荐。我们一定会再来的。小贴士:如果你带了婴儿车,你可以把它储存起来,让团队了解这个情况就行。撰写日期:2018年12月10日
- mrmrnd770 条分享极好的自行车旅行这次旅行超出我的预期。组织的非常好,很有意思。Robin是我们的导游,她非常开朗,有趣,懂得很多。她甚至带我们去看了超出这次行程的其他必看的地方。撰写日期:2018年10月10日
- Art C0 条分享诺曼底在一个下着雨的夏天,我们从巴黎到诺曼底进行了一天的旅行。小型车厢乘坐的非常舒服,我们的导游见多识广并使大家在旅途中都很放松。这是我们跟蓝狐旅游社的第二次旅游,我强力推荐这个公司。撰写日期:2018年9月22日
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60 条点评
Teresa O
12 条分享
2024年9月 • 独自旅游
Three castles in one day (our guide added a quick drive-by stop at the nearby medieval castle of Blandy des tours, three is better than two for good luck, she said) and they were all great. Friendly, funny and knowledgeable guide who is a native to the region. Both the larger castles were stunning; Fontainebleau contains many gorgeous paintings, statues and objects from the Napoleon era. Vaux-le-Vicomte had a particularly good audio guide: I don’t usually like recorded audio guides very much but this one was like an entertaining play performed by voice actors, really well done. Five visitors in our group, a nice size group for plenty of good conversation on the ride and attention to personal needs throughout the day. We got tasty lunch sandwiches to go from a boulangerie just across the street from Fontainebleau, and picnicked on the grounds of the palace. (One person in our group was gluten-free; she didn’t have a lot of options but was able to find a small salad.) The weather in early September was ideal. Including travel time to and from my hotel, I started the day about 7:30 and ended about 18:00 (6:00 pm). A full and fun day but not exhausting; one person in our group used a cane and she seemed to tolerate the activity level with no problems.
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Leah W.
4 条分享
2024年8月 • 独自旅游
Both castles are stunning and we had ample time to explore them inside and out. Valeria was a fantastic guide, telling us the stories of the castles and answering questions about life in Paris during the drives. She took lots of photos of us and knew all the best spot for our own photographs. I had a great time, definitely a great value and wonderful memories!
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Leah C
4 条分享
2024年7月 • 家庭
Amazing & personable tour guides! It was nice because everyone could at their own pace & we had a teenager so this worked out well. The guides were great! Highly recommend!
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Hello chasecD3039JD,
We were happy to host you at our Fontainebleau, we are happy that you are impressed with the beautiful castels!
Thank you for appreciating our service and for your kind recommendations.
Kind regards,
- Alice
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Jody P
7 条分享
2024年7月 • 家庭
5 SPARKING STARS - We loved this tour. Our guide/driver was excellent, knowledgeble, charming and treated us like royalty. Fountainbleu and Vaux la Vicomte are so historical and amazing to see - they both have great stories behind them. We chose this tour over Versailles and so glad we did. If you are looking for an amazing experience away from the crowds, this is it. Recommend renting a golf cart to drive around the gardens at Vaux la Vicomte - so much fun. Highly recommend this tour
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Hello 807jodyp,
We are glad you have enjoyed our chateau adventure.
We are proud that French castles charmed you, and we hope that you will take home only wonderful memories.
Thank you for taking the time to give us feedback and recommend our services to others.
Have a good time in France!
- Alice
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Trish M
1 条分享
2024年6月 • 独自旅游
I loved the contrast between the two castles, one owned by many monarchs and emperors and sumptuously decorated, the other with a more personal story. Our guide Sara was very friendly, inclusive and informative. A great way to spend a day just outside Paris, and see some countryside too.
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Hello trishmX2494CJ,
Thank you for your positive review!
Glad to see you sharing your reflections on the castles with us, we're glad you found the tour interesting :)
Kind regards,
- Alice
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科罗拉多Pueblo West2 条分享
Clem was excellent. Very knowledgeable and personable. Also respectful of our time. She made our day of touring seem effortless.
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Hi kjstevertrip,
Thank you for your review and great note :)
Kind regards,
- Tony
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Marina M
加利福尼亚蒙罗维亚28 条分享
2024年5月 • 家庭
This was a WONDERFUL tour. We were met on time by our driver and tour guide, Ollie. He is knowledgeable, informative, personable and friendly. The tour is paced well. We spent a part of our time at Chateaux de Fontainebleau and the last part at Vaux Le Vicomte Palace. Both locations had very interesting back stories. We saw beautiful scenery in between these locations. Ollie made several suggestions for lunch & we chose an outdoor restaurant where we received excellent service & delicious food - lasagna with a side salad and wine.
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Domingo C
1 条分享
2024年5月 • 夫妻情侣
Great tour , private no hassle vip type of tour instead of a bus packed with 150 people from Paris , we were only 5 and it was excellent, make sure you tell your guide to spend time in the gardens if you don’t do the gardens don’t even bother to go , it is of utmost importance as much as the chateaus wich you can pin point the important rooms and skip the rest in my opinion giving you time to explore outside the majestic gardens and the breathtaking architecture of the palaces. This tour is worth the extra charge making it a much more enjoyable experience, our guide clementine went her way out for us and giving us plenty of time on each place to wander through inside and outside, I would recommend this tour even would do it again in our next visit .
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Hello domingoc2017,
Thank you for your feedback, you sound like a true nature lover :)
Thank you for deciding to visit Monet's Gardens with us.
Best regards,
- Alice
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1 条分享
2024年5月 • 独自旅游
Drive to the countryside was refreshing and visiting both chateaus informative. After experiencing the jostling crowds at Versailles, being able to leisurely stroll through these properties and gardens was so much better.
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Hello GrandTour63298995675,
Versailles has always been a retreat from the crowded Paris even for kings!
We are glad that you have chosen us to breathe its air and discover its wonderful royal properties :)
Thank you for your review.
Best regards,
- Alice
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Bill Bartelt
纽约州纽约市60 条分享
2024年4月 • 独自旅游
The trip was amazing! Brunhilde is a wonderful guide, so kind and knowledgeable. She arrived a bit early and got us checked in and on the road early.
I highly recommend this trip, especially for history buffs like me. I'll definitely book with Get Your Guide/Blue Fox again.
I highly recommend this trip, especially for history buffs like me. I'll definitely book with Get Your Guide/Blue Fox again.
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Hi BillBar513,
Thank you for your review and recommendations.
Best regards,
- Alice
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
We will be in Paris from 12/19-26. Would you still recommend visiting Vaux-Le-Vicomte castle during the winter?
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