Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄限制:13-99,每个团体最多 18 人
用时: 1 小时 30 分
开始时间: 查看供应情况
现场指南:英语, 法语
- 至少4个马卡龙当场吃或与朋友分享。
- 2 份食谱带回家
未包含内容- 个人支出
- 出发地点:
- Galeries Lafayette Haussmann, 40 Bd Haussmann, 75009 Paris, France在主店“La Coupole”三楼的“Appartement Lafayette”集合,靠近 (Re)Store 区域,靠近礼宾部。
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- 最低年龄为 13 岁
- 班级语言 英语和法语
- 如果未达到最低 4 名参加者人数,老佛爷百货公司保留取消课程的权利。在这种情况下,我们将全额退款。
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- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:14906P4
- YueXinF0 条分享爱购物者的天堂,经典建筑与市景这里绝对是充满难忘的购物经验,一开始借婴儿推车的时候就碰到电梯卡住,还好服务人员很快的请维修人员处理,让我们尽快脱离困境,整个拉法叶百货/老佛爷百货整体就是个艺术品,我一边逛一边觉得赞叹,里头也充满着我们台湾常见的知名品牌,LV、GUCCI、PRADA、Longchamp,专柜化妆品也是一应俱全,像是我本次的目标CHANEL、YSL、GA都有,最棒的是还不用担心自己不会法文,有专业的中文人士可以协助我们购物,这边也可以直接办理退税服务,走到顶楼还可以俯瞰巴黎的市景跟艾菲尔铁塔的容貌,可惜我本次没有买到甜点,留下下一次再造访的理由XDD,不过真的是觉得来再多次都值得哦!撰写日期:2020年9月28日
- huichingh70 条分享购物兼顶楼俯瞰市景老佛爷百货主要是买名牌,有新款及时尚的。不买的话可以逛逛,到顶楼的天台俯瞰巴黎市景及拍照。我到的时候刚好是圣诞节前,老佛爷里的圣诞树高高挂著,很有气派。撰写日期:2019年12月26日
- 11420190 条分享著名百货公司在老佛爷百货公司,除了购物,买名牌,也是一个值得一游的旅游景点,金碧辉煌的装修,大圆顶有色彩缤纷的琉璃瓦,最近发现加建的玻璃天桥供游客拍照撰写日期:2019年10月26日
- TysonCat20180 条分享巴黎著名的百货公司巴黎著名的百货公司,有各类服装店、手袋店、各式食肆、甜品店、超市等,是一个购物和买手信的好地方。注意在这里购物价钱可能较高。撰写日期:2019年10月2日
- Kelly25090 条分享有趣的马卡龙课程我们在巴黎度假期间,和孩子们一起做了很多有趣的活动。我们在一节精心设计的课上,向以为厨师学习了如何做马卡龙,这大约花了我们1.5小时。最后我们完成了两种,我们玩得很开心。撰写日期:2019年8月23日
- Taughboyne0 条分享视觉盛宴; 复杂的布局如果你想要在一个壮观的地方购物,但是不要期待能够讨价还价,来这里就没错了。这里有好多很多小巧的精品壁龛,特别是在阳台上,可以购买基本的服装和高级时装。人们走走看看,特别是那些在玻璃地板投影平台上寻找角度自拍的人,这个投影会显示在中庭空洞上,令人愉悦。自助餐厅里有很多不错的美食,可以在两个主要商店建筑之间寻找空中桥梁。如果您正在游览巴黎,把这里当做一个打卡地,或者有心来购物,还是值得来一看的。撰写日期:2019年7月19日
- GoAlong20 条分享非凡的购物体验如果只是为了看到覆盖中庭的彩色玻璃圆顶,这个大型百货商店也值得一游。我没有过多关注在各个楼层和橱窗展示出售的商品,但似乎那有各种各样的奢侈品、服装和珠宝。撰写日期:2019年7月12日
- AudreyChen_8290 条分享马卡龙制作马卡龙是我最喜欢的甜点,马卡龙是用蛋白、杏仁粉、白砂糖和糖霜所做成的法式甜点,通常中间会加甜蜜蜜的水果酱或奶油的内馅,是一个圆型小巧,更有丰富的口味。每当出现在我面前都会让我食指大动,一口接着一口,吃完了,还意犹未尽呢撰写日期:2019年7月5日
- suplee0 条分享中国人太多了从来没见过生意这么好的百货商店而且像是给中国人开的店。其中华裔营业员比例非常高。感觉有一半,奢侈品牌众多衣服背包首饰玩具化妆品都有。有免费wifi和厕所。装饰非常华丽的地方。撰写日期:2019年5月7日
- Katymc2260 条分享超棒的地方一进门和其他百货公司别无二致,但是转过一个弯后,你会发出“哇”的感叹。这儿不像我们以前见过的任何地方。3楼有一个玻璃底部的观景台,非常适合拍照。楼层下面有一个蹦床横跨整个购物中心。这是一个非常独特,非常适合雨天来的地方。撰写日期:2019年4月25日
- njXyp0 条分享中国游客云集的购物天堂法国巴黎的老佛爷,是购物的天堂。 好多的中文导购,据说这个店里的客人主要是游客,而且是中国游客。 没错,我们是来看这个穹顶的。撰写日期:2019年4月18日
- stanksh4food0 条分享朝拜老佛爷《Galeries Lafayette》的总馆,位置就在 Boulevard Haussmann 上,离百货公司最接近的地铁站是 Chaussée d'Antin La Fayette ,同铜锣湾的 Sogo 一样,《Lafayette》地库层有一个出口是直接连接地铁站的,于是,我们的《老佛爷》游历,就由地库的一层开始。 大家的目的,不是 shopping 而是参观,所以没有用心去慢慢逛了,在地库层的我们,立即就被古老的升降机吸引了,为了上地面的一层,就没有去逛店了,入升降机感受一下古老,再上去地面层,看看五光十色的《Lafayette》主馆。 《Lafayette》主馆,最吸引人的地方就是这一个中央的圆顶大 hall。来时时正圣诞及新年的假期,令店布的布置充满了节日的色彩。单是一个以气球砌成,楼高4、5层的圣诞树装饰,周围都是色彩缤纷的气球,很美丽,也很童话。 巴黎,始终是一个旅游城市,而《Lafayette》亦真是一个重要的景点。店内的游客多,中国游客更多,我们得要走出来,才可以吸到一口空气。一出那十字街头,我们才知道,《Lafayette》分了三个馆。 在街上,我们看见一个有桥连接的地方,也看到有人聚集在天台层。于是,我们又入返去《Galeries Lafayette》了。天桥,分了两层,有盖的,就是单纯连接两个馆的天桥。我们行走的桥顶,就是在上一层,折了玻璃、折了墙再打通的一层,给旅客用作观光的地方。在这儿,望望下面车水马龙的街道及人群,感受到巴黎的繁荣一面。 之后的一站,就是登上《老佛爷》的楼顶。可能不是太多人知道有这样的一个楼顶层,上到来,感觉很空旷,虽然都是充满了拍照同望风景的人,但没有百姓内同店前街道的那一个一令人恐惧的密集感。 这儿的吸引力,就是一个 360度的巴黎景色。晚上用强灯光照明了巴黎铁塔及其实地标性建筑,一览无遗。我们也可以说是选中了时候上来。因为灯光的效果,各个地标都好明显。幸好,最近的 Opéra de Paris 就没有强灯光,不然,就光污染了楼顶的整个巴黎美景。 集购物、观光及饮食在一身。《Galeries Lafayette》的主馆,不只是一个购物热点,而是一个旅游胜地,巴黎地标。每一次来巴黎,这老佛爷百货公司,都是我一定会踏足的好地方。可是,近些年,游客太多了。撰写日期:2019年4月2日
- Inspiration264080 条分享Fiona的精彩课堂这堂课太精彩了。Fiona完成了制作法式马卡龙的所有步骤。我们有机会亲身体验-将配方的不同部分混合在一起。我推荐这个课程给任何想学做马卡龙的人。撰写日期:2019年2月18日
- wenchinwang0 条分享漂亮的老佛爷百货有三个管区 本馆卖女性 及两个别馆分别卖男性及居家用品 在本馆别忘了抬头看美丽的穹顶 在楼上还有一个地方可排队拍清楚的天花板 位在星巴克旁 而顶楼更有天台可眺望艾菲尔铁塔撰写日期:2019年2月13日
- Paradise7658250 条分享彩绘玻璃穹顶只能说,我们不是购物咖。 入宝山,空手而回。 百货大楼,从1楼逛到顶楼,连一个东西都没买。 真是肉脚啊! 不过,来这里除了要好好欣赏彩绘玻璃穹顶,更千万不可错过古老电梯。 是目前巴黎最知名、规模也最大的百货公司!撰写日期:2019年1月8日
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99 条点评
弗吉尼亚威廉斯堡8 条分享
2025年1月 • 家庭
My husband and I really enjoyed the Macaron Bakery Class at Galeries Lafayette. We took the adult class in English and met other folks from the US and around the world. The instructor was knowledgeable and very entertaining. Because it would take 5 hours to make macarons from start to finish, this class was part demonstration and part hands-on. The instructor demonstrated the technique to make the macarons themselves, and patiently stopped for questions along the way. We then each had a chance to try our hand piping the meringue onto a baking sheet to get the feel for how to handle the mixture. At this point, the macarons need to set for an hour prior to baking, so the instructor switched them out with a batch that had been pre-baked for the class. We then returned from the demonstration table to our seats, where we had the tools and ingredients to individually prepare chocolate ganache and pistachio filling and pipe them onto the pre-baked macarons. Typically you would want to refrigerate them for 3 hours before eating, but warm chocolate ganache is pretty good, too! We were given little pastry boxes to take our macarons with us as well as recipe cards. Everyone made 4 macarons. I've taken many cooking classes, and enjoyed this one thoroughly. Can't wait to try out the techniques at home.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
新西兰陶兰加3 条分享
2024年12月 • 家庭
Totally overpriced. NOTE: You do not get to bake the macarons! We only got to make the ganache and stick them together. You get given a recipe for the macarons. That's it.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Isabelle H
3 条分享
Average at best . Please save your money and watch a YouTube video it is cheaper and the YouTube instructor will be more enthusiastic. Plus you will be able to eat more than 4 macarons. It is not a cooking class it is a demonstration so if you want to watch someone cook go there but it is not a cooking macarons class it is a stirring butter and pipping class.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Diana D
4 条分享
2024年8月 • 好友
We loved Marie and this class! She was kind, talented, and funny! The place is so clean and makes you feel fancy. They do a great job of having everything set up for you before the class starts. Together, we watched Marie make the shells of the macaroon, she allowed us to pipe them onto the tray, and then you individually make the ganache. You leave with 4 of your own to eat. My friends and I had a great time and felt very comfortable and confident (although none of us are cooks, and we felt a little nervous going in). There was a range of ages, including two younger kids, great for everyone! We're excited to make these for Thanksgiving!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Renee S
威斯康星Hartland204 条分享
2024年6月 • 家庭
This was our first cooking class of our Europe vacation so we were not sure what to expect. It was a little chaotic getting set up as people were not willing to move to allow families to sit all together and the instructor didn't help. We ended up moving one of our party members to a corner so he could sit with the rest of us and they had to move bowls and utensils as we made things. It felt like our instructor was not really thrilled to be there. By the end of the class, I wished we had chosen a more hands-on workshop like making croissants.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Lisa C
8 条分享
2024年7月 • 家庭
The person who did the class was super nice and knowledgeable. My family and I were disappointed that we didn’t do any actual baking; mixing chocolate with butter in a bowl is not baking. We stood around and watched the instructor talk through the steps, and then we assembled 4 macarons. For $65/ per person to just assemble 4 macarons and whisk chocolate I won’t recommend this class. My teens were expecting to wear aprons (it even said it in the description), measure flour, use a mixer. If there wasn’t enough time for macrons to cook or cool then extend the total class to allow for that baking time. From the pictures I uploaded you can see only one mixer, and bowels and whisks for the rest of us. We each piped two macaron halves.
Save your money, find another place that lets you do actual baking, not paying to watch. I wish I could get a refund.
Save your money, find another place that lets you do actual baking, not paying to watch. I wish I could get a refund.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Carmen C
1 条分享
2024年7月 • 好友
Save your money! You won’t get to bake macaroons. If you ever FIND the place (we wandered the area for 30 minutes before finding it and we weren’t even the latest attendees because everyone got lost), you will watch the instructor make the batter, and then each person can pipe 2 cookies. For the fillings, all you do is mix the pre-measured ingredients. There is no opportunity for personal creativity or flare. Additionally, the instructor we had was not very enthusiastic or nice. You pay $65 to eat 4 macaroons you did not create and take home two recipes you could have found online for free.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
加拿大多伦多213 条分享
2024年6月 • 家庭
The class and room were well organized and the instructor was great. She gave us clear instructions (in English) and many tips as well as recipes to take home. We were a little disappointed because we thought we would be involved in baking the macarons from start to finish, but this was not the case. Because the shells need to dry before baking them, there was not enough time in the class for us to bake shells. Instead, the first part involved us gathered around the instructor's work bench while she walked us through making the shell dough and gave us tips.
We each then got to pipe 2 macarons onto a baking sheet with a pastry bag. While those dried and then baked, we went to our work stations and made two types of ganache fillings. We used these to fill 4 shells that had been baked before the class. By the end of the class, the shells that our instructor demoed were done baking, so we could see what they were supposed to look like when done. The class was enjoyable, but not what we thought it would be. Although they were the best macaron shells I have ever tasted, we ate fewer macarons than expected (4 each) and did not get to participate as much as we had hoped
We each then got to pipe 2 macarons onto a baking sheet with a pastry bag. While those dried and then baked, we went to our work stations and made two types of ganache fillings. We used these to fill 4 shells that had been baked before the class. By the end of the class, the shells that our instructor demoed were done baking, so we could see what they were supposed to look like when done. The class was enjoyable, but not what we thought it would be. Although they were the best macaron shells I have ever tasted, we ate fewer macarons than expected (4 each) and did not get to participate as much as we had hoped
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
新泽西切里希尔17 条分享
2024年5月 • 家庭
Went with my family of four, myself, husband, and two teen boys. We spent the afternoon browsing the mall, going on the glasswalk and to the rooftop for the view. We had lunch at an adorable cafe and then headed to our macaron class. Our teacher was very knowledgeable, and she showed us how to make the shells. We did not make our own shells, but each person got a turn to pipe a few out on the baking sheet. After that, we made the filling --- one pistachio and one chocolate and she gave us the shells to use to make 2 of each flavor. We could take them home or eat on the spot. The class was fun & informative and we left with the confidence and recipes to try to make our own macarons at home.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
I am interested in taking this class, but aren’t able to locate exact times of the class on the website. Could you please let me know so that I may book this class around my schedule for that day? Thank you😊
We took the "family experience" class because we had an 11 year old with us. It was at 10:30 am. It looks like the adult class is at 2:00 pm. On the website if you click on "Reserve" it will give you dates and times to choose from.
My husband and I would like to attend this class with our boys aged 7 and 11 - do you have age restrictions?
Thanks so much for your reply and information. We have already booked to go to Disneyland on the Wednesday so we might have to look elsewhere- just difficult trying to find classes accomodating our boys ages, I think that they would absolutely love it!
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