供应商/业主为:Liven Up
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
每名成人 起
年龄限制:0-99,每个团体最多 8 人
用时: 7 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
现场指南:英语, 法语
- 一天之内游览摩纳哥,Eze和La Turbie
- 包括尼斯酒店的往返接送服务
- 当地导游将带路
- 小团体规模使这次旅行保持亲密
- 专业导游
- 酒店接送
- 乘坐豪华空调面包车
- 导游陪同的埃兹小镇香水之旅
- 入场/门票 - 埃兹老城
未包含内容- 小费
- 食物和饮料(除非另有说明)
- 进入王子的宫殿
- 入场/门票 - 王子宫殿
- 入场/门票 - 摩纳哥海洋博物馆
- 出发地点:提供多个接送地点。接送服务详情
- 您的导游将在您的酒店/地址前面的凭证上提到的时间来接您。 我们建议您提前做好准备。该指南将无法与其他客户一起等待。 非常感谢您,我们祝您旅途愉快。
提供酒店接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的酒店列表中进行选择。提供港口接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的港口列表中进行选择。- Nice Port, 1430 Quai Amiral Infernet, 06300 Nice, France
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 提供婴儿座椅
- 不提供无障碍通道
- 婴儿车可入内
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:5419P62- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 每次预订人数至少为 2 人
- 可由多语导游陪同
- 小费不包括在内,但预计
- 进入赌场需要护照
- 此项体验设有最低出行人数限制。 如果行程由于未达到最低出行人数而取消,您可选择改期/不同体验或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 8 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:5419P62
- 1途经La Turbie
- 2
- 3途经Palais de justice de Monaco
- 4
- 5途经Monte-Carlo
- 6
- Vacation586876902780 条分享Lamborghini Trip很棒的行程与导游Paul, 驾驶技术很娴熟,车况也很不错。先简单的做了介绍然后上山路瞭望摩纳哥,最后于Eze小镇结束,除了天气一般外,体验感很棒!撰写日期:2019年12月19日
- Go5470830 条分享在摩洛哥开法拉利在摩纳哥驾驶法拉利的经历非常棒。保罗到达了我们的酒店,在那里他对车做了一个快速的概述,然后让我上车,直接开车,给了我一些关于车和当地的重要信息。带我们离开摩纳哥的主要街道,进入山区,那里的景色令人难以置信,车比景色更好!绝对会推荐保罗和法拉利给任何来摩纳哥的人!撰写日期:2019年10月15日
- annagrace11110 条分享美好的经历!从摩纳哥的30分钟法拉利试驾经历。这是一次超棒的经历,我们都不会忘记,从山上看到的景色令人难以置信,我想不出开这辆车能去什么更好的地方了。我第一次在国外开车很紧张,也不确定是否可以开车,但保罗提议在去之前把车开到远离摩纳哥交通的更安静的地方,以便我可以开车,他的指示使我在车上感到非常舒适,我喜欢每一秒!我和我的伴侣最初预订在法拉利加利福尼亚一起开车1小时(他开车的时间占多数)但是由于技术问题,车不可用,客户服务非常好,我们能够分别组织驾驶Spider车,因为我们无法像计划的那样完成我们的试驾,即我伴侣开车的时候我是乘客。我们得到了很大的折扣,这是超棒的补偿!在行驶中,我们停下来拍摄了很棒的照片,背景中有美丽的景色,在接载点,我们能够和汽车一起拍照。非常感谢Paul给我们带来的精彩的经历,也非常感谢Liven Up的优质服务。我们超级满意撰写日期:2019年9月28日
- X1834MKjamesb0 条分享和Jenna一起观光我们今天和导游Jenna一起度过了很赞的旅途。Jenna是个非常亲切友好的人,而且她对法属里维埃拉历史及各地情况都很了解,谢谢你哦。撰写日期:2019年9月23日
- Tour1711940 条分享Ferrari Monte Carlo体验很棒的车,副驾驶员,对车辆和这地方了解的很彻底。理解了关于车辆和驾驶技巧的信息。隧道里的响声真是太棒了。撰写日期:2019年8月28日
- RJTWT0 条分享小团体一日游从尼斯到摩纳哥蒙特卡罗途经法国里维埃拉我们和另外三个人一起享受了全天旅行。我们那个令人愉快的导游詹娜是一位优秀的司机,她知识渊博,英语说得很好,能解释我们参观过的各个地区的历史和背景。这次旅行非常全面,我们的安排涵盖了许多景点(昂蒂布,戛纳,圣保罗德旺斯,埃泽村,摩纳哥)。我们强烈推荐这部分的旅游,特别是如果你不能在尼斯待很久。撰写日期:2019年8月24日
- kirsty9090 条分享法拉利F430- 30分钟驾驶这是我丈夫40岁生日时买的,他非常喜欢汽车,有过很多驾驶经验,但在摩纳哥驾驶法拉利对他来说是一个巨大的惊喜。奥拉姆是一个很好的顾问,非常有见识,也很友好,他们从车里出来的时候一直都笑着,这是一个很好的现象。他甚至让我的小女孩们坐在法拉利里拍照。推荐奥拉姆和这种体验方式。撰写日期:2019年8月3日
- kaylasL5176EQ0 条分享法国戛纳!最好的旅行体验!!!绝对惊人的旅行!我们的导游玛丽亚棒极了。详细而且非常了解所访问的地方的历史。 她还注意到我们有时很渴,给我们买了点心。非常贴心。会推荐给任何来访的人。撰写日期:2019年7月19日
- Safari5460 条分享这趟旅行及其导游都很棒我们选择了Liven Up旅游团来访问昂蒂布。我们的导游Reno在开始时很快就把我们接到一辆全新的面包车里。我们参观了当地,并驱车穿过了整个戛纳。Reno非常地有礼貌,对非常广泛的地区很了解,并且能轻松地找到让我们感兴趣的事情并制定完美的旅行。我们全家人都认为下午是接触该地区并在短时间内了解丰富信息的好机会。我强烈建议大家预订旅行时让Reno当导游。撰写日期:2019年5月6日
- Destinationheaven10 条分享驾驶兰博基尼之旅我丈夫开了一个小时的兰博基尼。奥拉姆准时从尼斯的酒店里接走了他,他们去了埃兹,沿途经过了里维埃拉。他很喜欢这次的驾驶之旅,喜欢沿途的谈笑风生,当然还喜欢那里的美景。他度过了一段美好的时光……感谢你们!!撰写日期:2019年4月8日
- Mbschell0 条分享在摩纳哥玩了一天泽维尔带我们从尼斯去了摩纳哥。此次旅行我们穿越了埃兹、芬芳的弗拉格纳德,最后到达了摩纳哥。他及时地把我们送到摩纳哥,带我们看警卫换岗,然后开车带我们绕着格拉德普里克斯街转了一圈。泽维尔非常随和,见闻广博,让我们感到惊讶,他回答了我们所有的问题,给了我们足够的时间去体验里维拉的神奇景点。泽维尔真是一个优秀的导游。此次旅游真的很有趣,我还会再来这里旅游的。撰写日期:2019年3月13日
- aysheeee0 条分享法拉利和兰博基尼驾驶体验!!是一次很棒的经历,保罗和罗伯特都很赞。我们选择在摩纳哥开法拉利和兰博基尼,行驶一半两辆车再互换。我们自己先开到第一个景点,在那里拍了一些很美的照片。后来,我们想玩一点刺激的,就请罗伯特和保罗开车到另一个景点,这样我们也可以从乘客的座位上感受一下两辆汽车,也很棒!!!!很快,又由我们开车返回酒店。他俩都非常专业,非常有趣,一路欢声笑语,这次驾车体验因为他们而被牢牢记住。谢谢你们俩。会推荐给去摩纳哥旅行的朋友。撰写日期:2018年7月13日
- Sergio G0 条分享体验了法拉利感谢罗伯特带给我的美好体验。他专业的做法让我第一次开超级跑车时感到很舒服。由于周末有F1的比赛,所以路上很堵。但罗伯特很棒,因为他在交通拥堵时和我们随意闲谈。我一定会推荐这里。撰写日期:2018年5月29日
- FELIX潇0 条分享amazing experienceSteve is really nice and professional,and the car is remarkable!一个小时的旅程可以俯瞰整个摩纳哥并且有时间了解这些超级跑车,很享受这次体验和引擎的声音,希望以后可以再来! Felix撰写日期:2018年5月1日
- Mihir G0 条分享尼斯一日游虽然天气情况很糟,但是我们的旅行经历非常愉快。我们的导游Zara太棒了,她非常注重和我们的互动,带我们游览了尼斯所有的景点,而且详细介绍了尼斯的情况和历史。行程中的亮点是香水工厂和山。谢谢Zara,让我们的旅程变得无比精彩。我们计划带着孩子再来这里。撰写日期:2018年3月3日
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251 条点评
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Tyra K
澳大利亚墨尔本1 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
We had an amazing day out exploring Eze and Monaco. Our highlighted was visiting the Fragonard perfumery. Our tour guide Victor was knowledgeable and prompt. He ensured the ran day on time and loved chatting to our group. We loved this tour and would definitely recommend!
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Samantha V
1 条分享
2024年9月 • 家庭
This tour was amazing. From going to Eze, Monaco, and Monte Carlo I enjoyed it.This tour exceeded my expectations. Our tour guide Rodrigo did a fantastic job informing us about all the history and landmarks that we visited. He knew his information and made it enjoyable and included us in conversations. My parents natives language is Spanish while mine is English. I thought I would of had to be a translator for my parents but Rodrigo spoke Spanish to us. He speaks multiple language which really helped everyone in our tour group. I will definitely be recommending this tour to my friends and family. It was the most beautiful and amazing experience.
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olivia r
1 条分享
2024年8月 • 夫妻情侣
The itinerary is very reasonable, my BF and I enjoyed this trip, and we met new friends through this trip. Thanks to the guide Nicolas, he not only patiently told us the histories, and attractions of every place, but was also very enthusiastic, we could literally feel his warm heart.
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Thank you for taking the time to share your experience on TripAdvisor.
We are glad to to see you enjoyed your tour with your guide.
We will forward your message on to Michael, he'll love it.
This is exactly our goal: to create good memories!
It would be a real pleasure to meet you again!
Have a good day :)
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
密苏里圣路易斯6 条分享
2024年9月 • 家庭
Had a spectacular day with Bello today driving to Eze, Monte Carlo and Monaco. We learned a lot about the area and the history of the region. Our van was comfortable,and when it started to rain Bello brought out the umbrellas for us all.
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Thank you for sharing your experience with us!
Part of our success is due to your involvement and feedback and we are most grateful.
We are really pleased to know that you enjoyed your day, and your words about our beautiful area/region.
Have a good day :)
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
1 条分享
2024年9月 • 好友
Wonderful sightseeing tour with amazing stops for picture taking. Our guide Michael was amazing and so very knowledgeable about the sights and history of the areas. Definitely would recommend him and this tour.
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Your insights and opinion are very valuable to us!
They always make us happy and even more motivated to perfect our services !
Have a good day :)
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Marion R
5 条分享
We had a lovely time on the 7 hour tour which Mr. Julian picked us up at our hotel. The air conditioning in the van was nice since the weather was 87 degrees f / 30 degrees c. We enjoyed Eze Village and learned a lot at the perfume factory. Surprisingly the perfume did not cause any allergies for me. Most likely it was due to better ingredients than we have in the US. Mr. Julian gave us a great tour from Nice to Monte Carlo and stopped along the way to very interesting sites. My husband, son and I had a wonderful time learning about the historical sites and the French culture. Definitely recommend this tour to my friends and family!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you for taking the time to share your experience on TripAdvisor.
We are glad to to see you enjoyed your tour with your guide.
We will forward your message on to Julien, he'll love it.
This is exactly our goal: to create good memories!
We hope to see you again on our tours.
It would be a real pleasure to meet you again!
Have a good day :)
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
3 条分享
2024年8月 • 家庭
We booked a trip in advance looking at the reviews. It was bad decision. Our guide/driver was sweet lady but because they added another big family of 6 with us and picked us up 30 minutes late , we were thrown in the back seats for entire trip. We were not able to hear anything and did not had any view for entire trip.
It is small van. Not professional at all. Absolutely waste of time and money.
It is small van. Not professional at all. Absolutely waste of time and money.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you for your feedback.
We were surprised to read it. The guide has a microphone in the minivan, so you should be able to hear her clearly. Please note that you booked a small, shared group tour, which means there are other people with you. If you wanted a private experience, a private tour would have been the better option.
We will take your feedback into consideration to improve our services.
We wish you all the best!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Ruby R
4 条分享
We had a great time. Our guide knew a lot of “little secrets” to see and places to take pictures. The total group size was only 7 which was wonderful!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
We are really pleased to know that you enjoyed your day, and your words about our beautiful area/region.
Have a good day :)
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Carolina D
意大利Portici20 条分享
2024年8月 • 好友
In the French Riviera I went with the school and visited Nice carcassonne nimes avignone , Monte Carlo was simply fantastic and I stayed in a hotel in Monte Carlo the cuisine and a bit 'special but some things are good like pain au chocolat le croissant the croche monsieur and the croche madame ... absolutely to return...
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colleen l
新泽西Brick32 条分享
We had such a wonderful day. Our tour guide was Sébastien. He was awesome. He explained everything and everywhere perfectly. As we were driving he pointed out all the amazing things that we were passing. His English was great. He even taught us some French. He went above and beyond. He recommended. So many good restaurants for the rest of our stay in Nice. Next time we come back we will definitely book again for another tour and request Sébastien. He was absolutely lovely.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thanks so much for this lovely review !
The satisfaction of our guests is very important for us.
Our commitment: Doing our best for everyone!
We will forward your message on to Sebastien, he'll love it.
It would be a real pleasure to meet you again! :)
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Will there be bathrooms available along the way? We are staying at the Hyatt on Côte d’Azur. What time would pick up and return be?
Is it possible to book this as a private tour with 6 people for Friday August 26th?
Malou J
Bonjour j'aimerais savoir ou le guide viendra nous chercher.Je suis en appartement sur la promenade des anglais.L'immeuble des yucca.?Merci
I'd like to know if the tour on June 2 is in Englsih, Please.
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