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单独探索慕尼黑旧城区可能只会让您对其景点和历史有一个粗略的看法。通过这次徒步之旅,您可以深入探索巴伐利亚首都的地标和故事;与指南分享细节,并确保您涵盖亮点。观看必看景点,如玛利亚广场(Marienplatz),阿尔特霍夫(Alter Hof)等;和收集购物和餐厅的提示,以帮助您以后充分享受城市。
年龄限制:0-99,每个团体最多 25 人
用时: 2 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 步行游览深入了解慕尼黑老城区
- 进一步了解景点和城市的历史,而不是单独进行
- 一定要看到从玛利亚广场到Hofbräuhaus啤酒馆的顶级景点
- 获取导游关于餐馆和商店的提示,以获得更多来自城市的信息
- 专业导游
- 当地导游
未包含内容- 小费
- 食物和饮料
- 酒店接送
- 出发地点:
- Dachauer Str. 4, 80335 München, Germany慕尼黑火车总站内(中央火车站),32 号月台对面。请联系我们 Radius Tours 办事处内部的团队办理手续。
返程:- Marienplatz, 80331 München-Altstadt-Lehel, Germany
- 无障碍通道
- 婴儿车可入内
- 允许携带服务型动物
- 靠近公共交通
- 交通工具有无障碍设施
- 表面有无障碍通道
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:2666MUNICH- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此项体验设有最低出行人数限制。 如果行程由于未达到最低出行人数而取消,您可选择改期/不同体验或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 25 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:2666MUNICH
- Dachauer Str. 4, 80335 München, Germany慕尼黑火车总站内(中央火车站),32 号月台对面。请联系我们 Radius Tours 办事处内部的团队办理手续。
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- Marienplatz, 80331 München-Altstadt-Lehel, Germany
- Stay667024258000 条分享新天鹅堡之旅非常闲适美好的旅程,当然爬上坡时也有一定的运动量。巴伐利亚风格的城堡端正庄丽,可以想像当路德维希二世望向窗外的大地湖泊时是怎样的一种心情。撰写日期:2024年8月28日
- Wanderer270367881580 条分享慕尼黑的啤酒之旅🍺特别好的体验我从慕尼黑旅游局官网上找到了radius tours 的旅游链接,强烈推荐慕尼黑啤酒之旅,物美价廉远超预期。 ~65EUR 的费用里包含5杯啤酒与一顿丰盛的晚餐,友善的导游Aileen(一名在慕尼黑从事导游工作8年的英国人)经验丰富,知识渊博,让我度过了一个完美的周五晚上。撰写日期:2024年5月3日
- Experience99760 条分享达豪之旅一个很有教育意义的旅行和一个很好的导游。忙碌的一天,但涵盖了亮点。一个阴沉的主题,但我们的导游很好地诠释了,他似乎对这种主题充满热情。不懂历史的人注定要重蹈覆辙撰写日期:2019年10月26日
- tonyg2260 条分享杰出的导游我们旅行团一行总共有17个人,但这次旅行对于单独出游或是夫妻旅行的人而言都特别合适。公共汽车速度相对来说比较快,而且他们还出售水和啤酒,这让我们的返程之行格外的惬意舒适! 导游见多识广,知识渊博,安排了两个导游带领我们同去,所以我们被分成了两组,每组队伍17 - 20人,便于管理。他们让我们自己选择是走上去还是坐公共汽车。这段路很陡,不过没什么大问题(我妻子因为平时走得不多,所以这次走得有点吃力)。排队游览城堡的时间很充足(请确保你能准时到达)。我们乘马车下了山。强烈向你推荐这些导游!撰写日期:2019年10月21日
- buggy h0 条分享乘车游览新天鹅堡我们乘公共汽车又快又有效率,小组里有34个人,但大家都很准时。我们不需要亲自排队买城堡门票,我们只需要出现在那里就好!我们的导游保罗·里德尔非常幽默,让这次旅行舒适而有趣!一路上我们都非常愉快,那里有好天气、迷人的风景和友善的人们!如果有机会再回到慕尼黑,我一定会再来的。撰写日期:2019年10月20日
- MissPringle270 条分享值得铭记的萨尔茨堡之旅我们参加了一次美妙的旅程,导游名叫Mark,带我们游览了萨尔茨堡,度过了愉快的一天。他很健谈,非常友善,热情地带我们游览了这里。我们推荐这一旅程,因为火车时间不准,我们是自己开车过来的!撰写日期:2019年9月22日
- josht75590 条分享新天鹅堡这次旅行棒极了,我们的导游贾维斯也棒极了。我永远不会忘记的。所以要做好游玩一整天的准备。我们上午9点在火车站出发,下午6点半结束。单程车程大约一个半小时。爬山需要45分钟,但很值得。有很多人,所以准备好迎接人群,特别是在那条可以眺望城堡的桥上。在我的人生中,我已经完成了10次旅行,3次很好,5次还行,2次很差。这次旅行排在第一位。我仍然不能忘记这次城堡之旅!撰写日期:2019年9月14日
- AmandaZ190 条分享啤酒+啤酒厂之旅在晚上的啤酒/啤酒厂/十月啤酒节之旅中,与Dani度过了愉快的时光。她是个学识渊博的人,以寓教于乐的方式让我们了解了很多东西。啤酒很好喝,食物也非常好吃,不过要是能早点吃晚餐就好了,因为到吃饭的那会儿我们已经饥肠辘辘了!非常推荐这趟行程,能了解慕尼黑的历史,还能享用美食和啤酒!撰写日期:2019年9月14日
- brookes6300 条分享新天鹅堡一日游。旅游很棒,组织力很强.很容易找到交接点。Josh and Stevo导游带我们游玩了一整天. Stevo史提夫很有风度,他会花时间和每个人聊天,听取他们的意见和想法,提供适合他们的旅行建议。我们有足够的时间自己四处看看和游玩。Stevo给了我们很好的指导,告诉我们在城堡里要注意什么,在哪里集合,什么时候集合,还提供了一些建议,告诉我们自由活动的时候去看什么,做什么。品质游,推荐给你们. Er ist ein prima Kerl!-给Stevo 谢谢.撰写日期:2019年8月10日
- Zoe_c_030 条分享天鹅堡day tour (English)导游Jova’s解释好详细,时间管理掌握得非常好,仲有5分钟比我地准备入场,新天鹅堡完成英语导赏,就快速前往玛丽恩桥,打卡必去,超多人可以影晒成个城堡添,提提大家有D危机架,要注意安全!为佐可以争取多D时间落山休息选择佐捷径落山,沿途路比较斜同多碎石,要小心D行,好快就落到山!撰写日期:2019年7月25日
- 374_p0 条分享我居然忘记评论了吗?超赞印象中团价包含新天鹅堡入场卷 真心觉得这多余了 天鹅堡内部很普通 外面真的是惊艳 骑着脚踏车在田野上奔驰 远眺新天鹅堡 完美! 中途会去游泳 个人觉得比较普通 当时团员也只有含我的三四个人下湖撰写日期:2019年6月18日
- junegregg0 条分享时间利用得非常差去了纽伦堡,几乎什么也没看见。我们的导游带我们漫步穿过城镇,指出了一些事物但是信息很少。在导游推荐的餐馆吃了顿糟糕的午餐。我们被赶上了去纽伦堡集会场的多哥巴士,那里实际上是两个大型停车场。没时间看文档中心的内容就回到火车站。导游大部分时间都在吸电子烟。撰写日期:2019年4月24日
- brandonolsen19860 条分享三次旅行都很棒!我今天去了两次,都很棒!维丽娜很有趣,知识渊博,自行车旅行很棒,凯的信息丰富,很了解第三帝国步行旅行的事情。还要为杰克的啤酒之旅打call!玩得很开心。撰写日期:2019年4月13日
- standrews470 条分享精彩之旅,包括“火车上的娱乐”Maxine是我们今天的向导,她非常专业地带领了我们这一大群人,尤其是当一位旅客满口脏话时!火车旅程被大量关于我们将要看到的美景和活动的讨论所打破,Maxine非常了解并且完美地组织了这一天。天气也很好,所以集体活动后,我们可以自行去探险活动约3小时,然后再次集合返回慕尼黑。撰写日期:2019年3月21日
- George H0 条分享短时间内学习到很多的好方法我16岁的儿子正在学习纳粹德国,作为英国高中历史的一部分,从阿希姆的纳粹德国旅行非常有趣且信息量丰富。导游的知识丰富,令人印象深刻,真正在你的脑海里画了一幅生动的画来描述当时的生活状况。从柏林中央车站开始,我们花了2个半小时参观了主要景点,非常详尽了讨论来政治和历史,而且英语非常好。旅行是在平地上,大概2英里长。当时是零下4度,但是我们几乎没有感觉到比天气暖和时要长。撰写日期:2019年2月4日
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590 条点评
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Mary F
加拿大多伦多425 条分享
Our tour guide was a native of Munich and gave an amazing tour of the highlights of the Bavarian capital. A must for first visitors! Highly recommend and really appreciate his suggestions for places to eat and shop.
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thank you for leaving a review!
Radius Tours.
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意大利Alice Castello26 条分享
2024年12月 • 家庭
We had Tour of old town in December, it was very nice but also very cold so advice is to dress wih lot of layers of clothes. Local guide Anna was very authentic and shared lot of interesting local stories. In Munich there is strong catholic background present and strong sense of belonging, people are nice.
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thank you for reviewing!
Radius Tours.
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Paul B
Algarve17 条分享
2024年12月 • 好友
I took the old town walking tour with Thomas the guide . The tour was very interesting and informative and certainly showed a few sights that I would not have seen alone. I would recommend this tour for anyone new to Munich.
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thank you for the review and the recommendation :)
Radius Tours.
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Laura R
新泽西Guttenberg399 条分享
2024年12月 • 好友
This tour is a great overview of the city. Our tour guide, Bernard, was amusing and knew much of the city. We saw many highlights, and visited most of the city. He was informative.
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Dear Laura,
thank you for this review!
We hope to see you again:)
Radius Tours.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Luca A
2 条分享
The tour offered exceeded our expectations. In 2 hours we visited the main destinations of Munich, without racing or downtime. The guide, Anna, in addition to being very prepared, shared interesting personal anecdotes making what she told more palpable and close; she spoke clear and simple English in a spontaneous and nice way; she was able to involve the whole group, was interactive and stimulating, attentive not only to make sure that what she explained was clear but also to any requests about topics to deepen / perspectives that affected the group...
Great experience, highly recommend it!
Great experience, highly recommend it!
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Dear Luca,
Grazie mille per questo feedback!
Radius Tours.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
C & K
英国约克47 条分享
Meeting location was in a good place and the tour started on time.
The tour of the old town lasted just over 2hrs and was extremely informative.
Our tour guide Anna was very knowledgeable and was always open to answer questions from the group. Anna was also very friendly, pleasant and approachable which always helps to make a good city tour successful.
We would highly recommend the tour and having Anna as your guide, would be an added bonus.
The tour of the old town lasted just over 2hrs and was extremely informative.
Our tour guide Anna was very knowledgeable and was always open to answer questions from the group. Anna was also very friendly, pleasant and approachable which always helps to make a good city tour successful.
We would highly recommend the tour and having Anna as your guide, would be an added bonus.
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Thank you for the recommendation and we are glad you enjoyed the Munich Old Town Walking Tour with Anna.
Radius Tours
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chris s
1 条分享
2024年12月 • 家庭
There was an accident on my way which made me to show up after my scheduled time. The tour guide had already left with his team and all I was told is to go find them and that was my first time in Munich. I had my family we tried to find them based on the map given but unfortunately we couldn’t find them. I will say if you are not used to cold weather please don’t pay for it wait summer time it will save you money
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We appreciate your honest feedback on this service you had with us. I am afraid we do respect our departure times, as the tour time dedicated from our guests for the tour as their holiday time should not be overstreched.
You arrived 45 min late to the meeting point and we did our very best to give you instructions to find them in the city center, but with that headstart, not an easy task, which we told you also when you arrived at 11 AM for the 10.15 AM departure.
We are sorry that it did not work in your favour, but rating the tour after this feels a bit harsh to us.
Nevertheless, we wish you and your family all the best for the christmas time here in Munich.
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Ally M
爱荷华西得梅因35 条分享
2024年12月 • 独自旅游
Michelle was wonderful. Very knowledgeable with stories that backed significant historical buildings architecture & events. Plenty to learn along with some laughter. Lots of walking.
Finishing at the markets was perfect for more exploring, eating & shopping.
Thx Michelle & Merry Christmas.
Finishing at the markets was perfect for more exploring, eating & shopping.
Thx Michelle & Merry Christmas.
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thank you for writing a review!
We are glad you had a good tour and Michelle was a good fit :)
Radius Tours.
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Molly S
1 条分享
2024年12月 • 家庭
We went on the 3rd Reich Walking Tour. Jake was our guide and did a fantastic job! The weather was less than ideal but he kept us busy and learning the whole time! I would recommend this tour to anyone coming to Munich!
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Thanks so much for the reivew and recommendation of the Third Reich Walking Tour. We appreciate you mentioning Jake by name as well.
Radius Tours
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Elizabeth R
2 条分享
2024年12月 • 家庭
We had a great time learning on this tour! Our tour guide Tom the ginger was great! He was very knowledgeable and having great UK humor. The tour really gave a full overview of all the places to go visit while in Munich with hidden gems of information. Would highly recommend this tour to anyone visiting.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thanks for the recommendation and 5 star review of your tour with Tom and Radius tours.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
I don't see a time when this trip is offered. Is it offered both in a.m. and p.m.
I do not know, we went on a morning tour. Best to contact the company directly. They were very responsive with our questions and even allowed us to switch from a biking tour to a different tour one day.
äya t
I’m thinking to join this walking tour this coming Saturday 14th.
I’ll finish my business meeting at around 3pm.
What time your tour will be start?
If it will start at 4pm around then I would love to join.
Looking forward to hear from you soon.
Many thanks
Not sure you need to contact the tour company. Ours was morning time
The tour starts in Central Station. We took the Metro there from our hotel. We didn’t fly into Munich.
Is there a dress code for the part of the tour that covers St Peter’s Church? I have understood with some other churches that shoulders and knees need to be covered as well as close toe shoes worn.
How many people per group in your Munich Old Town Walking Tour? I am looking at Sat Jul 20/19 (afternoon) and am wondering how big the group will be. Thank you :)
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