供应商/业主为:Gray Line Münchener Stadtrundfahrten
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄限制:0-99,每个团体最多 78 人
用时: 8 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
现场指南:德语, 英语
- Zugspitze门票包括缆车和火车
- 从德国最高峰欣赏全景
- 空闲时间徒步,放松或享用午餐(自费)
- 从慕尼黑市中心方便的往返交通
- 缆车和齿轮火车乘坐
- 空调车
- 专业指导
- 入场/门票 - 楚格峰
未包含内容- 小费
- 食品和饮料,除非另有说明
- 酒店接送服务
- 出发地点:
- Karlsplatz (Stachus), 80335 Munich, Germany在 Karlsplatz 21/ Sonnenst 前面。角落拜耳斯特。从地下室走“G”或“F”出口。 GMaps+:4HQ7+GQ München 请在出发前 20 分钟到达出发点。
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 婴儿车可入内
- 靠近公共交通
- 婴儿必须坐在成人腿上
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- 不建议孕妇参加
- 无心脏问题或其他重大疾病
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 此项体验设有最低出行人数限制。 如果行程由于未达到最低出行人数而取消,您可选择改期/不同体验或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 78 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:285014
- 80335 Munich, Germany在 Karlsplatz 21/ Sonnenst 前面。角落拜耳斯特。从地下室走“G”或“F”出口。 GMaps+:4HQ7+GQ München 请在出发前 20 分钟到达出发点。
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- 2
- Papagei1480 条分享Gut优点:导游可以帮我们买新天鹅堡团体票,官网没买到票也不用担心;大巴车比国内高级很多;导游伊丽莎白挺专业的,一路上和我们讲路德维希二十世的故事 美中不足:时间紧凑,有个无关紧要的购物点"oberammergau"撰写日期:2021年12月25日
- yihanhsu0 条分享导游非常贴心参加新天鹅堡一日团,导游很贴心,很亲切,讲解很详细。司机开车也很平稳。行程很顺利也很准时。很推荐!!撰写日期:2018年10月7日
- manting5160 条分享导游十分专业于3月31日参加了salzburg and lake district一日游。导游十分专业,于前往salzburg途中不断讲解,十分有趣。可惜时间没有很充足,到达salzburg跟导游走了一次必看景点后, 只有大约2个半小时便要出发去另一个景点。有小小走马看花的感觉。因天气不是很好,所以游湖时,风景不是十分完美。适合夏天再热一点!撰写日期:2018年4月6日
- DG28020 条分享参加了这个一天团, 行程安排不错参加了这个一天团, 参观linderhof, 新天鹅堡, 和壁画小镇, 行程安排不错, 唯一美中不足的是可廷长在壁画小镇逗留的时间, 但参观两个皇宫的时间刚好, 导游更加预先安排定门票, 不用等候, 也揩团友预定午餐餐厅, 总算不错撰写日期:2016年8月15日
- AlphPup0 条分享游览新天鹅堡的优质旅程旅程很棒,我要感谢乌苏拉,导游工作做得很好。我喜欢豪华巴士,我们是个小团。旅程包括了所有门票费,还安排了车让我们可以到山顶看城堡。过程很顺利,也没什么麻烦,另外乐趣多多,真的很值!撰写日期:2015年10月21日
- Kevin M0 条分享千万不要来这里!这次旅行我们两个人花了84欧元,我感到我们完全被欺骗了,而且进去以后发现这些钱还没有包括去城堡的门票。他们会这样跟你说,但是不会告诉你事实,通过一些点击量来掩盖真实的信息。我怀疑很多像我这样的人都是付款之后才发现这一点。这次旅行基本上是以搭乘很贵的火车和巴士而告终的——一共花了42欧元,真是不可思议!撰写日期:2015年10月3日
- AL3280 条分享很棒的旅游我们参加的是新天鹅堡和林德霍夫城堡的小型高端旅游团,随团乘坐的豪华巴士。物有所值。服务和设施都很棒,导游讲解很详细。唯一的槽点是林德霍夫城堡的游览有匆忙,因为我们预留的游览时间只有一个小时,这包含半小时的导游时间。游览结束的时候,我们是冲到巴士上的,根本没有足够的时间去参观花园和庭院。撰写日期:2015年9月17日
- 8Swimmer670 条分享贝希特斯加登和鹰巢今天坐上灰线巴士游览。绝对是极好的体验,我玩得很开心,我们的导游(Katarhina)懂的知识很多而且在去程和返程都一直逗得大家很开心。司机(没有问名字)一路上工作出色,干得很好。喜欢游览鹰巢的顶点,还有贝希特斯加登城镇可爱又别致。唯一的问题就是当时天气太多云了,也就是说能见度非常低(但是不能将天气的原因怪罪于灰线巴士呀!)我十分地推荐。感谢。撰写日期:2015年9月4日
- lovetravel19960 条分享这是全面涵盖慕尼黑景点的游览,适合时间有限的人这是个品味一下慕尼黑所有景点的好方式,早点到达就可以参加比较大的游览线路(我相信这个是豪华版),包括宁芬堡宫、宝马世界和博物馆、奥林匹克公园。每20分钟就从慕尼黑老城区发团,这里的导游见闻广博,但讲解器有时不够用,讲解器中观于所参观景点的信息也很有限。今年夏天太热,坐在巴士上层不舒服,不然的话,坐在上层看到的风景非常美。撰写日期:2015年8月27日
- Deanna H0 条分享慕尼黑仓促的一游如果你时间有限,这将是一个非常不错的景点让你感受到当地的特色。这里的司机都会讲英语,如果公交车上有导游,他们也都会讲一口流利的英语并且非常的了解他们的城市。每隔一定的距离都会设有公交车站点,并且提供一个可利用的48小时选项。撰写日期:2015年8月24日
- gbwy20010 条分享最爱之一尽管这条旅行线路我去过的次数已经多到数不过来了。我喜欢的旅途中的一切,和我一同去过的学生和朋友也都非常喜爱这条路线。尽管上山的那段路有些吃力,但是从山顶鸟瞰的绝美景色一定会让你觉得不虚此行。千万不要错过。撰写日期:2015年8月20日
- Ims P0 条分享在你死去之前,一定要来趟新天鹅堡和林德霍夫城堡当你准备去参观新天鹅堡的时候,一定要这么安排:做穿梭巴士到桥上,那里的景色最好。然后游览城堡里面。游览后下来去停车场。新天鹅堡是外面最漂亮,林德霍夫城堡里面非常漂亮。当然两个城堡都能去那是最好的了。撰写日期:2015年8月1日
- Ethel E0 条分享不怎么样,换一个方式游览吧!我们乘坐这个巴士游览在市中心停了六站。总共花费50分钟,在短时间里看了最重要的景点,这也是我们本来的意图。我们是酒店推荐才决定参加这次游览的。导游英文很差,所以我们基本上都没听懂讲解信息。另外巴士很脏,仿佛从来没有清理过一样。你以为每个人花17欧元就能有一个干净的乘船环境?太傻太天真。总的来说,换一个旅行社!撰写日期:2015年8月1日
- maddie10640 条分享见证城市的最佳方式非常干净的公交车,工作人员见多识广。我们花了两个半小时来这里旅行,这段时间足够我们来看整个城市。不管你对这里的兴趣有多大,你都可以收获很多。我们喜欢坐大巴,然后去探索我们的城镇。慕尼黑是一个非常干净的城市,历史悠久,有许多建筑,也有许多饭店。它是德国最富裕的城市----居住成本很贵-----文化内涵很丰富。撰写日期:2015年7月16日
- Nicky C0 条分享一天内游览了Salzberg和湖区今天过得实在太愉快了。Grayline在Munich的巴士工作人员非常的管理有序、守时、高效。巴士非常的舒适,司机也特别棒。我们的向导Elisabeth非常的可爱,她知识渊博,富有帮助,令人愉快。这趟旅行非常的值——从Munich到Slazberg沿线的风景简直像明信片一样美,而Slazberg又有种童话故事的风格,唯一不好的地方是我们的时间不足以细细的观赏和体验这座小城的内涵。但就在我要抱怨这点的时候,我们接着就被带到了湖区内的Wolfgangsee湖。这里景色实在是太美了,要是我们在Slazberg花了太多时间的话我们就看不到这里美丽的风景了,生活就是有得有失。总之非常推荐这个旅行项目和这家公司。撰写日期:2015年6月24日
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91 条点评
kiana j
1 条分享
2024年10月 • 家庭
amazing views, very friendly tour guide and very informative! food on top of the mountains and able to go down the hill on sleds too
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donald M
48 条分享
2024年3月 • 好友
Come have a Beer on the highest point in Bavaria. Beautiful view of the lake below near Garmisch and see across the top of the Alps. Truly a breathtaking view. Take the cable car up and then the mountain train down from the ski lifts. Nice in the spring but magnificent in the winter!
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Thanks for sharing your great feedback with us. We are glad you had a wonderful experience.
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nikhil o
2 条分享
2024年10月 • 独自旅游
It was one of my most neatly done trips. Right from the quality of the bus and our very very well managed and behaved guide sven and luckily the weather , all went well . Thank you sven , I highly recommend!!
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Thanks for sharing your great feedback with us. We are glad you had a wonderful experience.
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Nicholas T
2 条分享
2024年10月 • 家庭
Tour guide was talkative and very knowledgeable and the views at Zugspitze were breathtaking and we had perfect weather too!
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Thanks for sharing your great feedback with us. We are glad you had a wonderful experience.
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3 条分享
2024年9月 • 好友
Sven was our tour guide-very personable and knowledgeable!! We had such a great day with spectacular views and even did a little sledding! Depending on the time you come, be sure to bring warm clothes! It’s chilly up there, but there is plenty of space to hang in the heat as well.
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Thanks for sharing your great feedback with us. We are glad you had a wonderful experience.
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Ashleigh M
1 条分享
2024年9月 • 家庭
What a great day! First proper time seeing snow and what a day to do it, we were lucky that there was fresh snow (surprising for September). Sven gave lots of information on the bus ride to and from, he was awesome! Also shoutout to driver Marco😁 such a beautiful spot to visit, definitely recommend!
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Thanks for sharing your great feedback with us. We are glad you had a wonderful experience.
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Michelle Q
6 条分享
2024年9月 • 家庭
This was a great tour during our stay in Munich. The bus was clean, the driver was friendly and the tour guide was informative. It was nice to see the countryside during the drive to the mountain, the lift to the top had 360 degree views and the top of the mountain had wonderful views. At the top, you could walk around to different views, eat at several dining options and tour the souvenir shop. Another lift takes you down to a different location to catch the train down the mountain. More views, food and shops.
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Thanks for sharing your great feedback with us. We are glad you had a wonderful experience.
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Jiamin T
1 条分享
2024年9月 • 独自旅游
It was a fantastic trip. Absolutely worth it. We were blessed with sunshine and perfect weather. Was - 5°c on the top of mountain but the views are amazing. The tour lead by Elisabeth and Marios were enjoyable. All instructions were really clear and we had enough time to explore around. Very knowledgeable guide and kept us well entertained for the whole trip. Would definitely book with the same company for a return trip!
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Thanks for sharing your great feedback with us. We are glad you had a wonderful experience.
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Lillia A
1 条分享
2024年9月 • 家庭
It was an amazing experience! We enjoyed breathtaking views and we definitely learned a lot of interesting things thanks to our amazing tour guide Elisabeth!
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Thanks for sharing your great feedback with us. We are glad you had a wonderful experience.
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Chris D
11 条分享
2024年9月 • 好友
Sven was friendly and knowledgeable about the area and was happy to answer any questions.
Our driver Smiley was able to bypass construction traffic to get us to our destination early.
Our driver Smiley was able to bypass construction traffic to get us to our destination early.
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Thanks for sharing your great feedback with us. We are glad you had a wonderful experience.
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is it a location for snowboarding and is it an option even in August?
hi! i’m planning to purchase this tour with a friend. may i know if you’re given time around Eibsee? just want to take nice photos there. thanks!
Is it possible to take the cog railroad both ways and avoid the cable car?
Is it possible to take the cog railroad both ways and avoid the cable car?
Is it possible to organise trip to Zugspitze for 26 people ? We stay in hotel outside Munich and we try to find someone who can help us.
I would like to know if it's available for September 12th from Munich for a party of 2. Do you pick us up at the hotel
Hello we are planning a trip to Munich and would like to take this tour. Can you tell me at around what time we will be back to Munich? We plan to take a train thst night to Florence and need to know if we are able to go on this tour. Thank you
Hi we got back to Munich around 7:30 you get dropped off right outside the main railway station.
Is there a lot of walking and uphill? Asking as wonder if I can take my 90 year old parents.
Hi. So this tour does not operate during December it seems. Is that right?
Hi, we didn't use a tour as such, and you don't have to. Just go to the Hauptbahnhof, The Main Train Station, in Munich and purchase a full ticket/s to the Zugspitze. You will travel to Garmish,from there, change to the smaller train, very close by, to take you to the base, and then travel via gondola to the top. Its the cheapest and best way to go. You will lave about 9 in the morning and get back about 6 pm.
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