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- 酒店接送
- 私人车辆(空调、无线电设备和暖气)
- 专业多语种司机
- 2 小时步行旅游,由导游带领您穿过阿尔拜辛区
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- 出发地点:提供多个接送地点。
- Plaza del Triunfo, C. Miguel Mañara, Casco Antiguo, 41004 Sevilla, Spain接乘服务仅适用于入住历史中心酒店的客人 请联系我们以了解更多住宿费用
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- fiveinalog0 条分享一定要来这里我参观了巴里奥圣克鲁斯,犹太区。 我的导游丹妮是非常令人惊讶的。 他提供了非常有用和有趣的信息,并且非常愿意回答任何出现的问题。 许多人可以免费参观这里,这里的一切都非常有趣,在这里,我有着一次很棒的体验,这里的氛围非常棒,我很喜欢这里的一切,我强烈推荐这里,以后,我一定会再次光顾这里的。撰写日期:2017年5月19日
- Margaret H0 条分享在白色村庄的美好一天我们联系了旅行社为我们安排了一个英语导游,很快就开车送我们去到景点。他们派了亚伯拉罕司机,他是一个优秀的司机,十分了解当地的景点和历史,并为我们考虑福利。这些城镇没有公共交通,道路十分狭窄,曲折和陡峭。开一辆车是最好的旅游方式。为期一天(10小时)的旅游价格非常合理,强烈推荐。撰写日期:2017年4月28日
- Désireé F0 条分享迷人的旅游我来到这个自由的城市旅游,因为他们和我住的宿舍有了合作关系。这是我去过最棒的游览之一。导游(Chel)棒极了,他让游客一同参与进来,而且他解释这个城市历史的方式很棒。撰写日期:2017年4月7日
- henriquegarbino0 条分享不寻常的导游Chel开始了这次旅程,把自己描述为一个“不寻常的导游”。为了体现他的形象,他在旅程中用热情的方式来描绘历史,当地的传说,神话和弗拉门戈。我推荐这里。撰写日期:2017年3月17日
- Mohita M0 条分享高能量之旅-塞维利亚介绍我知道塞维利亚的布局会引起混乱,所以决定去帮助自己熟悉适应这个城市及其主要景点。这个特别的旅行是自由的,看到Giralda 的时候是在上午11点,它持续了约2个小时,我们从外面参观-大教堂。Giralda,真正的城堡,阿方索十三世酒店。黄金塔(来自距离),西印度群岛大学,最后在西班牙广场结束。我们的导游,Chel,很有活力,很漂亮也很有个性,使旅游趣闻传说很有趣。人们在最后留下小费。我建议在你访问的第一阶段做这个旅行,因为以后你可能已经看见过这个风景。这是一个很好的塞维利亚介绍。撰写日期:2017年2月20日
- jpaulino090 条分享犹太区必做之旅我们在Chel and Guy订了犹太区步行之旅,他们非常好啊。他们真的很博识,而且真得将这座城的历史讲得栩栩如生啊。真得很感谢他们更加关注传达真相,而不是重复在学校书本上所说的东西。高度推荐这个旅途。撰写日期:2017年1月13日
- ohhseungri0 条分享太棒啦!我这次旅行住的这家酒店。当地天气很好,了解当地历史也很有趣!这次塞维利亚之旅令我难忘。谢谢Chel给我提供了很多很好的游玩建议!撰写日期:2016年12月12日
- janetstrong0 条分享两次很棒的徒步旅行我们早晨从塞维利亚大教堂步行游览了两个半小时。导游Chel给我们讲了许多历史事实、传说以及恐怖故事。然后这位导游在下午4点带我们从大教堂出发,愉快地游览了犹太人居住区。撰写日期:2016年10月3日
- Michelle3600 条分享很好的旅行,了解了所有必须知道的东西当我们9月20日旅行时,Mangeles是位很好的导游。她似乎对于她告诉我们的东西非常兴奋,她的英语很容易让人理解(即使她总是说她的英语不标准)。这至少可以让你知道你去参观的是什么地方,了解每个地方的历史。我们计划在旅行期间去马拉加和里斯本。撰写日期:2016年9月21日
- Barbara M0 条分享和Mangel一起进行的老塞维利亚散步之旅多么幸运的一天!我们从旅馆出来并参加了这趟旅程,虽然没有想象中那么的信息量丰富,不过我们的导游Mangel真的很有趣。我们迈着悠闲的步伐,参观了许多的东西,感觉十分惬意,特别是在Mangel的领导下。旅程最后用餐的餐馆也很棒-来自不同行业和国家的人们在Mangel的引导下聚集在了一起!撰写日期:2016年8月1日
- luciafrancesca0 条分享一次很好的旅行但是...我们已经和这个小组一起完成过2次旅行在过去这几天,两次都很好但是会有来自于导游的强烈的逼迫/督促去要求参与者给他们评论5星在猫途鹰网站上。 我不介意任何供应商让人们评价他们但是今天我们被告知“如果你喜欢这次旅程,请给我5星并提及我的名字。如果你不喜欢这次旅行,请不要做任何事。”不太确定关于这里的道德标准 - 要求得到一个评论还可以但是请不要强行规定条件。撰写日期:2016年7月11日
- KurRuta0 条分享超赞的自由之旅!伟大之旅,我们喜欢露西亚的热情,喜欢旅行路上所有的人。他们给我们介绍了圣卢西亚的基本历史信息,以及一些关于塞尔维亚的提示,讲述了这座城市有趣的故事,而且还回答了我们所有的问题。我们喜欢她,愿意把她推荐给任何人,祝你好运。来自立陶宛的鲁塔。撰写日期:2016年6月30日
- Ivan B0 条分享一个了解古老的塞尔维亚的好途径我们的导游自称印第安纳琼斯,而且还穿得和他一样。他带我们游览了Sta Cruz地区,尤其是罗马柱,古代的排水系统和隐藏在一些正在维修的建筑物内的摩尔风格建筑。这次旅行很有趣,加深了我们对目的地的认识。撰写日期:2016年6月5日
- spring92180 条分享Great experience在旅行第一天上午参加这个tour非常有帮助,熟悉了各个景点的位置,了解了Sevilla的历史,导游提供了如何避免排队、restaurant和flamenco的建议,非常有用!值得花3小时体验!撰写日期:2016年5月25日
- Prahlad_Sukhtankar0 条分享是清晨的好去处我妻子和我体验了两次自由行。一次是和一位pancho城堡的深肤色的女孩一起,一次是和卷发的深肤色的男士一起参观城市。这两次旅行我们都很喜欢。最开始,我们想的是步行,但是我们的时间不够,所以那个女孩给我们打了折,我们很喜欢她带领的旅行,所以想以后再来一次。我们很喜欢塞维利亚,已经迫不及待的想和朋友们分享了。撰写日期:2016年5月16日
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8 条点评
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Corona, California64 条分享
2024年5月 • 家庭
I would give a 0 if I could. I booked a private Granada tour from Seville weeks in advance. I was charged right away and was told no changes or cancellations allowed. Just for them to cancel my tour 5 days before the tour with no explanation provided. How is this ethical? This is an extremely unprofessional tour company! I have never given a bad review, but I need to warn others, so their vacation is not ruined. We unfortunately were not able to visit Granada with such short notice since everything was already sold out! They were so quick to take my money though!
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Warisara S
1 条分享
2019年10月 • 好友
We booked Granada day trip. At the day before our trip, the tour informed that they couldn't find the tickets for Alhamba for us. They gave us the choices of refunding the fee or changing to another destination. We have nothing to do on that day so we chose changing to Cordoba. Our driver and tour guide, Gonzalo and Anna were very nice. I appreciated them. But the cost of day trip to Cordoba actually cheaper than to Granada. We should get the compensation by Pancho tour.
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We are very sorry that you had a negative experience and thank you for taking the time to send us a comment.
We appreciate your useful and constructive criticism, which will help us to improve our service in the future.
In this case we will request a partial refund immediately to your account that will be made through the same portal by which you did it.
In case of doubt, please contact directly with our customer service department +34 664 642 904, we will be pleased to help you and to be able to offer you more help in what you need.
Receive a greeting,
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澳大利亚珀斯6 条分享
We were told if you do not take the walking tour you will be dropped off in Granada centre to spend a couple of hours but they drop you off away from the centre and after walking the whole of Alhambra it made it hard t walk in the heat and find a decent restaurant for lunch many were closed in the afternoon too.
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北京市10 条分享
2019年4月 • 家庭
Visited Seville during the busiest season (Santa Semana) and realized on the day of arrival that I cannot get into the most popular group tour offered on tripadvisor for Granada day tour. As such, only this Pantho Tour product is available for the date we chose. Booked online and for a group of 3 (a couple and a 5 year old boy) the total price was about EUR130 more expensive than the group grou, but given it offers a private car and a private tour guide, think it will be worth it. But it turned out that i was wrong.
After booking and payment of this high price, until 8am on the date of travel (designated departure time), no one ever called or contacted me for confirmation of booking though i did get an email confirmation and a one liner email asking which hotel we are staying.
On the morning of the travel, i was really worried that maybe no one will turn up. I waited at the hotel entrance starting 7:50 (designated departure time is 8am) and no one turned up. At around 8:08, a small Opel car showed up and there was our "guide" Anthony, or Tony as he prefers.
On the first communication, i start to realize that he has very strong accent and is not fluent in English. What makes it worse is that he doesn't have any passion or commitment to engage in any meaningful conversation. What makes it worse is that he is very inexperience and unfamiliar with the area and he doesn't know how to be a "tour guide" in addition to a "driver."
We were let into the car and name was confirmed. Nothing else, no introduction of the day, no planning, no timing arrangment, nothing. He was just driving.
I asked if he would offer some introduction to Alhambra and the old town of Granada on the road as we were indeed borne out. Tony said, "yes i can give you some information if you need them."
THe first stop is the "guided tour" in the albaicin old town area. Tony parked the car outside the old town area and we immediately started the random walk which turned out (as we figured out on google map) to be farther and farther from the histortic center of albaicin. We showed him where we were walking towards is actually Sarcromonte which we have zero interest in, that's when he realized and started to say that it is supposed to be a free walk and he will just accompany us. We end up relying on google map ourselves to locate some of the points of interest and all Tony can introduce is like this is a famous church and this is the place to take pictures of Alhambra etc.
We found no fun at all and thus decided to call off the "walking tour" early so we can use the time for our "self-guided" tour in Alhambra. This is the other downside of this tour - they don't offer Alhambra walking tour. It is self-guided. Fine, to be honest, if we were to be in there with Tony, it could be worse. We hired the audio guide and it turned out to be pretty good.
After around 3 hours in Alhambra, we met Tony at the designated place (with a less than 10 min walk as he cannot park near the entrance).
Anyway, if you cannot find any ticket for Alhambra and you have no choice but to use them - most of the group tours are organized by the same company (at least based on dates availalbe, it seems that once the biggest offerer becomes unavailable for a certain date, others become unavailalbe immediately). This is when you will have to resort to smaller companies.
After booking and payment of this high price, until 8am on the date of travel (designated departure time), no one ever called or contacted me for confirmation of booking though i did get an email confirmation and a one liner email asking which hotel we are staying.
On the morning of the travel, i was really worried that maybe no one will turn up. I waited at the hotel entrance starting 7:50 (designated departure time is 8am) and no one turned up. At around 8:08, a small Opel car showed up and there was our "guide" Anthony, or Tony as he prefers.
On the first communication, i start to realize that he has very strong accent and is not fluent in English. What makes it worse is that he doesn't have any passion or commitment to engage in any meaningful conversation. What makes it worse is that he is very inexperience and unfamiliar with the area and he doesn't know how to be a "tour guide" in addition to a "driver."
We were let into the car and name was confirmed. Nothing else, no introduction of the day, no planning, no timing arrangment, nothing. He was just driving.
I asked if he would offer some introduction to Alhambra and the old town of Granada on the road as we were indeed borne out. Tony said, "yes i can give you some information if you need them."
THe first stop is the "guided tour" in the albaicin old town area. Tony parked the car outside the old town area and we immediately started the random walk which turned out (as we figured out on google map) to be farther and farther from the histortic center of albaicin. We showed him where we were walking towards is actually Sarcromonte which we have zero interest in, that's when he realized and started to say that it is supposed to be a free walk and he will just accompany us. We end up relying on google map ourselves to locate some of the points of interest and all Tony can introduce is like this is a famous church and this is the place to take pictures of Alhambra etc.
We found no fun at all and thus decided to call off the "walking tour" early so we can use the time for our "self-guided" tour in Alhambra. This is the other downside of this tour - they don't offer Alhambra walking tour. It is self-guided. Fine, to be honest, if we were to be in there with Tony, it could be worse. We hired the audio guide and it turned out to be pretty good.
After around 3 hours in Alhambra, we met Tony at the designated place (with a less than 10 min walk as he cannot park near the entrance).
Anyway, if you cannot find any ticket for Alhambra and you have no choice but to use them - most of the group tours are organized by the same company (at least based on dates availalbe, it seems that once the biggest offerer becomes unavailable for a certain date, others become unavailalbe immediately). This is when you will have to resort to smaller companies.
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Kankakee, IL104 条分享
With only 10 days in Spain, we knew we could not see and do it all. With a great place to stay in Seville, it worked well for us to have this trip. We took a short walk to the office of our travel company at 6 am, then the bus picked up others in the hotel district. Then took a trip though the region. We stopped at a rest stop/gas station/ fast food for a quick stop. When we arrived at the Alhambra, our tour guide was waiting for us. It is an amazing place. Then we had the afternoon in the old town. We had signed up for a walking tour of the town. One of our groups was 30 minutes late coming back to the bus, so we did not have time for the walking tour. We were let off the bus to purchase a late lunch and go to the scenic overlook of the Alhambra with the mountains if the background. We were given our money back with no problems for missing the walking tour.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Oak Park, CA43 条分享
2017年12月 • 家庭
We used the services of Pancho Tours for our recent trip to Granada. Pablo Garcia Simarro was our tour guide.
We had an amazing experience and are very satisfied with both Pablo and Pancho Tours. We highly recommend them because:
1. Comfortable experience with professional service: Pablo arrived early and had a clear plan of action for the day. The vehicle was comfortable. In Granada, Pablo selected suitable spots to park the car and where it made sense, he hired a local taxi for us. We were clear about what to do during the tour inside the Al Hambra thanks to Pablo.
2. The walking tour on the hill facing the Al Hambra: This was a unique way to walk around in Granada, see and learn about Granada and Al Hambra. We got interesting insights into the architecture, the local people, their customs, etc. The stop in front of Flamenco legend Enrique Morente's house was cool. The walk ended in a plaza that had a good restaurant where we enjoyed good Alhambra brewed beer and tasty Paella.
3. More than just an introduction to Al Hambra: Pablo is very knowledgeable and was keen to share with us interesting insights into Andalucian culture, history, etc. Thanks to him, we got to learn about the greats of Flamenco - Camaron De La Isla, Paco De Lucia and Enrique Morente. The Spring Festival in Seville. The local sherry drink Manzanilla. And, many more nuggets of interesting information about Spain in general and Andalucia in particular. Finally, an awesome restaurant in Seville (Bar Pelayo).
We recommend to our friends visiting that region to consider using the services of Pancho Tours and if they do, to ask for Pablo to be their tour guide.
We had an amazing experience and are very satisfied with both Pablo and Pancho Tours. We highly recommend them because:
1. Comfortable experience with professional service: Pablo arrived early and had a clear plan of action for the day. The vehicle was comfortable. In Granada, Pablo selected suitable spots to park the car and where it made sense, he hired a local taxi for us. We were clear about what to do during the tour inside the Al Hambra thanks to Pablo.
2. The walking tour on the hill facing the Al Hambra: This was a unique way to walk around in Granada, see and learn about Granada and Al Hambra. We got interesting insights into the architecture, the local people, their customs, etc. The stop in front of Flamenco legend Enrique Morente's house was cool. The walk ended in a plaza that had a good restaurant where we enjoyed good Alhambra brewed beer and tasty Paella.
3. More than just an introduction to Al Hambra: Pablo is very knowledgeable and was keen to share with us interesting insights into Andalucian culture, history, etc. Thanks to him, we got to learn about the greats of Flamenco - Camaron De La Isla, Paco De Lucia and Enrique Morente. The Spring Festival in Seville. The local sherry drink Manzanilla. And, many more nuggets of interesting information about Spain in general and Andalucia in particular. Finally, an awesome restaurant in Seville (Bar Pelayo).
We recommend to our friends visiting that region to consider using the services of Pancho Tours and if they do, to ask for Pablo to be their tour guide.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you for the review! Pablo would be happy to hear about this. I am thrilled to hear you had a great time there!!
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Marcos D
阿根廷科尔多瓦7 条分享
2017年11月 • 好友
realizamos un paseo espectacular de un guía muy amable como es Fran. paseamos por toda la Alhambra y el Barrio del Albacín un Lugar para explorar y viajar a través del tiempo de manera relajada y amena.
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¡Hola Marcos!
Muchas gracias por su comentario. We are happy to see that you liked the tour so much. Hopefully you also learned a lot during the tour with Pancho!
We hope to see you again soon.
Kind regards,
Pancho Tours Team
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
What time do we start off , how long are we in the Alhambra and what time do we get back to Seville ?
显示第 1 至 1 页的结果,共 1 页
*即将售罄: 根据过去 30 天的 Viator 预订数据和从供应商处获取的信息,此体验很可能会在 Tripadvisor 旗下品牌 Viator 上售罄。