巴兰科德拉斯瓦卡斯 (Barranco de las Vacas)、洞穴和村庄(由 2 位当地导游带领)
巴兰科德拉斯瓦卡斯 (Barranco de las Vacas)、洞穴和村庄(由 2 位当地导游带领)
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄限制:6-99,每个团体最多 6 人
用时: 4 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
现场指南:英语, 西班牙语
- 专业指导
- 空调车
- 当地美食品尝
未包含内容- 小费
- 瓶装水
- 出发地点:多个会面地点选项。
- 选项 1Cruce Faro, Sonnenland, 35100 Maspalomas, Las Palmas, Spain8.05时接机 选择这一点,如果你来自波多黎各/波多黎各德莫甘乘坐公共交通工具(公共巴士: L1)
- 选项 2Estacion Faro De Maspalomas (Anden 1), 35100 Maspalomas, Las Palmas, Spain8点10分接机
- 选项 3Av. T.T. O.O. Neckermann. Campo De Golf 4, 35100 Maspalomas, Las Palmas, Spain8点15分接机 如果您开车前来,请选择此选项(该地区免费停车 ) 。
- 选项 4Servatur Don Miguel Adults Only, Av. de Tirajana, 30, 35100 San Bartolomé de Tirajana, Las Palmas, Spain8时20分接机
- 选项 5Estación Parque Tropical (Andén 1), 35100 Maspalomas, Las Palmas, Spain8点25分接机 选择这一点,如果你是从拉斯帕尔马斯乘坐公共交通工具(公共巴士: L30).
- 选项 6Av. de la Unión Europea, 17, 35100 Maspalomas, Las Palmas, Spain8:30接机 公共汽车站nr 11042
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- Roving094818436260 条分享最好的体验!!!天空滑翔之旅为我们带来了非常惊人和难忘的飞行体验!我和我妹妹都非常享受在这里的每一秒!这是在大加那利岛度假的主要原因——它符合我们的期望,甚至超出了预期!Juan和Ines都充满活力,确保我们度过了最有趣、最激动人心、最安全的飞行。我们还很喜欢看我们的录像带!谢谢你们,天空滑翔之旅!我们和金毛碧眼的海鸥一起在滑翔!撰写日期:2018年11月12日
- daveysmith5540 条分享度假我们参加了天空滑翔之旅,并度过了一段美好的时光,我们和他们一起愉快的飞行,我们还和他们一起进行了环岛游。我会毫不犹豫的向所有人推荐天空滑翔之旅,他们会尽其所能的让你和他们在一起的时光变得很难忘。即使5星好评对这些家伙都不够公正。撰写日期:2018年8月16日
- Dave M0 条分享很棒的旅行我在英国预订了高级天空滑翔之旅,非常物有所值,这是我假期中超棒的亮点,从头到尾的每一分钟我都很享受,这对夫妇真的很好,让我们感到很受欢迎,迫不及待想再来一次。撰写日期:2018年6月18日
- K1977HIcatherine0 条分享奇妙的经历,值得每欧元价值……我送给我丈夫的生日礼物,他绝对喜欢,在那天年轻65岁了!当我在苏格兰安排它的时候,我的任何疑问都消失了,因为整个组织都很专业,而伊内兹和胡安是完美的主人,做事很有效率,但非常友好。生日的飞行飞得很顺利,不幸的是我不能飞,因为已经起风了,所以伊内兹和胡安安排我们可以在第二天早上飞。这完全是难忘的经历,我有点紧张,但感觉非常棒,我强烈推荐任何人。非常感谢伊内兹和胡安,当我们下次到大加那利岛时,我们将再次见到你!撰写日期:2018年1月21日
- annika_fremer0 条分享高度推荐!我带男友来这里度过他的生日。他是在加纳利群岛出生和长大的,所以他从各个角度欣赏过这个岛,但他可没从上面看过!这次旅行中,我们有一个充满激情和欢笑的美好早晨。这对夫妇是如此友好和有趣!他们也非常专业和具备安全意识,我本觉得我可能会非常害怕,但最终我感到非常安全!我甚至可以看见一只乌龟和一条鳐鱼在海里游泳!我向大家推荐这个旅程!抱歉,我花了这么长时间写这篇评论!来自我这个外来者Fiskmås小姐的爱意。撰写日期:2017年12月15日
- jayvara9100 条分享天空滑翔不愧是A++我很开心能在2017年10月8日有一个豪华旅行。尹斯和杰安琼从头到尾都令人惊喜。他们是有礼貌的,守时的,知识渊博的,你们给人感觉很特别。天空滑翔本身就很令人愉快,给我们提供了前所未有的大加那利岛的风景。我强烈推荐他们,在遇见他们的五分钟之内,我知道我是在内行人的手里。如果你像我一样是基于评价过去的,那么我希望这能诱使你,给你信心,如果你正在寻找一个好的专业的和有暖心的人冒险,那么不要再找了。我将永远也不会忘记这次天空滑翔之旅,它将永远在我心里。撰写日期:2017年10月23日
- Daniela V0 条分享我们喜欢它的每一秒钟!这次旅行肯定是最好的选择!飞行和整个体验都像它所承诺的一样,甚至更多 :-) 组织良好,考虑周到,我们在地面上感到被非常好地照顾,在天上很安全:)在他们很贴心地为您拍摄照片和视频,你只需通过自己的眼睛去享受体验,而不是通过你的相机。撰写日期:2017年9月24日
- Igor V0 条分享神奇的时刻这是我假期中最好的经历之一。如此奇妙的飞行,如此有趣的景观! !!我真的很喜欢这些漂亮的人们一起——Ines, Juanjo 和Gavioto。这是每个人都应该必须做的事情! !!谢谢你们,你们是最棒的! !!伊戈尔。撰写日期:2017年8月4日
- Beno K0 条分享如果你想在45分钟内像鸟儿一样飞翔,加入天空滑翔之旅( Sky Rebels)的行列吧!这对我来说是一次很好的经历,因为这是我第一次进行这样的活动。从天上探索大卡纳里亚真是太神奇了!我强烈推荐给任何人!你不会后悔的!Inés和Juanjo 非常友好和专业!撰写日期:2017年5月5日
- Marinka000 条分享有史以来最好的飞行!!!!!我预订了这次体验,作为给我男友的惊喜。这是有史以来最好的惊喜!真的!Juanjo和Ines是非常好的人,充满热情。三十分钟我感觉像一只鸟在广阔的天空中。Juan是一个专业的飞行员,他们是一支很棒的团队。风景让人难以置信又有所不同!之后你收到的视频是一个再次体验它的绝佳方式。这绝对是值得的。参观这座岛屿时,一定要预订这次旅行。谢谢!!撰写日期:2017年4月8日
- zwierzojesz0 条分享美好又安全的飞行体验强烈推荐这家公司,这里有令人难忘的飞行体验——这里非常专业和安全。他们的整个飞行过程中都充满着惊喜;)整个过程会给你拍摄视频,给你一个刻骨的回忆。撰写日期:2017年3月10日
- baldijntje0 条分享和不错而充满激情的夫妇的很棒的经历!我跟Ines及Guan一块在马斯帕洛马斯飞的!整个经历都超级棒!那么令人兴奋和充满激情的人。风景棒极了,我一点都不想错过!你花的钱绝对值!会立即再做一次的!撰写日期:2016年12月23日
- lesleyg3920 条分享美妙的一天,天空滑翔之旅当你来Gran Canaria时,这里必须要做的事情之一。从开始到结束都很有趣。可爱的Ines从酒店接你。然后吃一些点心。然后开始和Juan一起飞翔(很疯狂),但是很安全,他很爱笑,让这段飞行变得很愉快,但是他也很擅长他所做的事情,你和他在一起感觉很安全。飞行本身很棒。你回去后,和Ines和Juan一起还会有很多有趣的事情发生。整个经历很棒,我强烈推荐!撰写日期:2016年10月18日
- Adie3600 条分享非常棒的体验如果你准备去大加那利岛度假的话,一定要将这个添加到你的日程中去。那里有很多的旅程和远足游,但都没有这个好玩。来之前先去网站上预定好,他们的员工团队很棒,非常专业,让你感觉宾至如归。撰写日期:2016年9月22日
- Angie F0 条分享美妙我在假期第一天预定了这个,几天之后他们来我的酒店接我,然而我不确定我能在大风中滑翔,所以我换了一天,不幸的是同样的事情又发生了。但是Ines 和 Juanjo很坚定的帮助我,我很开心在我要离开的前一天我终于进行了这次惊人的滑翔体验,这是最棒的,有非常多的乐趣。Ines 和 Juanjo真的太伟大了。撰写日期:2016年6月24日
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60 条点评
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Obdulia V
12 条分享
2024年12月 • 家庭
This is the first excursion we booked on our vacation with Juanjo and Inés, and we liked it so much that we were hooked to do more!
We're not going to spoil, just: Just do it!
We're not going to spoil, just: Just do it!
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Morgan S
英国斯凯岛21 条分享
The guides, Ins and Juanjo, made this trip very interesting and interactive with the “time travel” concept and stories they would tell you whilst travelling to each location. They were also very helpful in advising me as to my travel to meet them etc, and I’m very grateful for that extra help they gave me.
Timing for visiting each place was impeccable! We visited Barranco De Las Vacas before 9am, and there was nobody there. We had the place to ourselves for half an hour, which was amazing as we seen how quickly it fills up with tourists. Likewise at the secret caves near Aguimes, we were the only ones there for a full hour.
Ins had a lot of information about the culture and geology of each area, and was very good at answering all the questions our group had to ask.
I preferred that this trip was a smaller group of 6, as opposed to the larger group trips I’ve previously been on. It made the trip feel more personal, and created the family feeling that they aimed for.
Overall an amazing trip, and would definitely book another trip with these guides! Thank-you for helping me create lovely memories 🤍
Timing for visiting each place was impeccable! We visited Barranco De Las Vacas before 9am, and there was nobody there. We had the place to ourselves for half an hour, which was amazing as we seen how quickly it fills up with tourists. Likewise at the secret caves near Aguimes, we were the only ones there for a full hour.
Ins had a lot of information about the culture and geology of each area, and was very good at answering all the questions our group had to ask.
I preferred that this trip was a smaller group of 6, as opposed to the larger group trips I’ve previously been on. It made the trip feel more personal, and created the family feeling that they aimed for.
Overall an amazing trip, and would definitely book another trip with these guides! Thank-you for helping me create lovely memories 🤍
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瑞典斯德哥尔摩22 条分享
Great tour - interesting, beautiful, perfect timing for the sights and very engaged, fun and knowledgeable tour guides.
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Anna W
3 条分享
2024年11月 • 夫妻情侣
Overall, the cave trip in Gran Canaria was a good experience, and I’d give it 4 stars. The scenery and the experience of exploring the caves were great, and we enjoyed the outing as a group of three couples aged mid-30s to mid-50s. However, there was one aspect of the trip that felt a bit out of place: the driver’s commentary.
Throughout the trip, the driver spoke in a childish, overly silly voice and used a box they called a “Time Machine.” While this might be entertaining for children, it felt strange and, frankly, irritating for our group of adults. If we’d had younger kids with us, I could understand the approach, but for an audience of adults, it didn’t really fit the tone of the trip.
I was also hoping to learn more about the history of the islands and the lives of the locals, but the focus on the gimmicky “childish” narrative detracted from what could have been a more enriching experience.
Additionally, I’ve read reviews from other visitors who mentioned similar concerns, and I agree with them. I also noticed that the guides responded to that feedback in a rather defensive and dismissive way, even “slagging off” the person who left the review. I think this is a missed opportunity for improvement. Feedback is valuable, and instead of taking it as an offence, the guides could see it as a chance to refine their approach and cater more appropriately to their audience.
Throughout the trip, the driver spoke in a childish, overly silly voice and used a box they called a “Time Machine.” While this might be entertaining for children, it felt strange and, frankly, irritating for our group of adults. If we’d had younger kids with us, I could understand the approach, but for an audience of adults, it didn’t really fit the tone of the trip.
I was also hoping to learn more about the history of the islands and the lives of the locals, but the focus on the gimmicky “childish” narrative detracted from what could have been a more enriching experience.
Additionally, I’ve read reviews from other visitors who mentioned similar concerns, and I agree with them. I also noticed that the guides responded to that feedback in a rather defensive and dismissive way, even “slagging off” the person who left the review. I think this is a missed opportunity for improvement. Feedback is valuable, and instead of taking it as an offence, the guides could see it as a chance to refine their approach and cater more appropriately to their audience.
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Thanks for your comment Anna,
We appreciate your feedback and will take in consideration to improve our experiences.
Inés & Juanjo
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Diane D
Winnipeg16 条分享
The slot canyons and caves were amazing. Really a wonderful experience. What tarnished this experience was the juvenile drama class approach of a talking van, weird voices with time travel, and stupid gags which seemed to minimize the significance of a geological wonder and indigenous authenticity. It seemed demeaning to the beauty we experienced, and we would have valued a more respectful approach. The farm house visit at the end felt intrusive, and it was obvious we were anxious to make the most of our time, as the guide and home owner sat and discussed in Spanish, while the rest of us stood patiently waiting to continue. Vacationers have limited time and this 20 minutes was wasted. The guides never did introduce themselves, and we felt this tour could have been better.
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Good afternoon Diane,
We're going to take a deep breath and count to ten before we respond to the most unfortunate and rude comment we've ever received.
When we read your comment, it seems to us that we live in parallel worlds:
In our world, after the trip, you said goodbye to us with a hug, a big tip (25$!), and begged us to send you a link to write a review.
In your world, it seems from your words that you had the most horrible experience with us (in fact, we don't understand why you rate us with 4 stars).
As a company, we can understand that you didn't like the experience; we assume that not everyone should like us. But your rude language and the fact that you lie when you say that we, the guides, didn't introduce ourselves, totally discredit your words.
What definitely demeaned this experience is that you spent the whole activity chattering, instead of listening, and disturbing, by the way, the rest of the participants.
BUT, WHAT WE WILL NOT TOLERATE, under any circumstances, IS YOU INSULTING A LOCAL PERSON WHO HAS NO CONNECTION TO OUR BUSINESS, who has opened her home to you, has given you the fruit she produces to try, has tried to interact with you (even if it is in Spanish), and has even let you use her bathroom. That is called "kindness" in our country; and your comment about "intrusive" and "20 minutes of wasted time" is a total lack of respect to this person and to the Canarian local way of life. (By the way, in that discussion that bothers you so much, this person was expressing condolences for the recent death of a member of our family).
We demand that you rectify your words immediately.
Inés & Juanjo
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英国贝尔法斯特646 条分享
This was a superb 4 hour tour in a small group bus allowing good interaction with fellow punters as well as the guides. I booked specifically for the first stop at the picturesque rock formations, but the caves were also an unexpected delight. The narrative on the tour really brought the history of the area to life and it was lovely to see the rural village too. Snack lunch is provided which was very welcome. A reasonable level of fitness is required and don’t forget to bring water.
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Thank yo very much Eleanor for your feedback!
We hope to see you back soon!
Lupita, Juanjo and Inés
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Cédric 42
法国Veauchette12 条分享
We had a great time for this excursion away from mass tourist flows. Juanjo, Inès and not to mention Lupita 😉 are really great and make us live the history of the islanders with passion.
I highly recommend if you go to Gran Canaria
I highly recommend if you go to Gran Canaria
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Merci beaucop Cedric, Marilyn et Mathis!
Lupita, Juanjo and Inés
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
英国Bidford-on-Avon15 条分享
Fantastic tour. Deep gratitude to the guides who shared their knowledge of the history of the island. Highly recommend
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Krisje M
比利时Kinrooi3 条分享
2024年9月 • 独自旅游
this excursion was very educational. A little history of this beautiful island. So grateful that these 2 guides have shown these beautiful places. A must to do !!!!!
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Yunuh B
11 条分享
2024年7月 • 夫妻情侣
Nice tour and nice people! Interesting history and beautifull view! Also nice that they bring some gluten free food for my girlfriend :)
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My husband suffers from claustrophobia.Would he have to go through that narrow passageway between 2 walls or is there another way please?🤞🙏
Hello, I'd like to make a reservation for December 19 but I have a problem, that day i will stay in Las Palmas but in the evening I will have to go in Maspalomas. Would it be a problem to take us back to Maspalomas? We have two suitcases of a mazimum of 10 kg and two backpacks
Hello, thanks for your message.
This tour departs feom Maspalomas, not from Las Palmas.
Hi, could we join this tour with a 18 months old baby? I suppose we couldn't bring the stroller, but maybe with a baby carrier? Should we walk a lot?
Thank you
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