供应商/业主为:Letusdrive Tours
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年龄 0-100
用时: 8–10 小时
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现场指南:英语, 意大利语, 西班牙语
- 在当地的家庭餐厅享用午餐,欣赏波西塔诺的美景。包括意式烤面包,比萨饼,3种不同的意大利面,水果沙拉,冰淇淋,葡萄酒,水,咖啡和limoncello
- 私人交通
- 空调车
- 入场/门票 - 波西塔诺
- 出发地点:提供多个接送地点。接送服务详情
- 我们可以从任何住宿接你
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- Amalfi Harbor Marina Coppola, Piazzale dei Protontini, 6, 84011 Amalfi SA, Italy
- Porto di Sorrento, Via Marina Piccola, 35, 80067 Sorrento NA, Italy
- Piazzale Molo Carlo Pisacane, 1, 80133 Napoli NA, Italy
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- Kazoofamily0 条分享游览阿马尔菲海岸的最佳方式Vincenzo为我们提供了优质的服务 - 他很早就到了我们指定的见面地点,在安排服务时也很容易沟通,是一个很棒的司机,并且英语非常好。我们雇佣他帮助我们在那不勒斯火车站和阿马尔菲海岸之间转车。此外,他还为我们安排了赫库兰尼姆之旅。我们的导游是Carmine(我相信他通常是Vincenzo的第一选择)。Carmine非常出色——他给了一些如何打发我们时间的选择,而且提供这些选择信息的速度和数量都很完美。我们肯定会推荐Vincenzo和Carmine!撰写日期:2019年7月13日
- Kimberlee W0 条分享阿玛海岸之旅我强烈推荐乐透旅游。文森佐拥有这个地区的优秀资源,也是一名安全的司机,总是彬彬有礼。一路上,他跟我们的谈话都非常有趣,我们都非常享受这一天。非常感谢你,文森佐!撰写日期:2019年3月31日
- meri h0 条分享游览这个地区的绝佳方式我们和文森佐一起度过了一天,去了埃尔库瑞尔和庞培,这是游览这座非凡城市的好方式。他如承诺所说的接到了我们,并开车穿过那不勒斯令人惊异的交通网,安全地把我们送到那里,并在很长一段时间里向我们传授了历史和文化知识。我们肯定会推荐他的服务,回来后会与他联系。谢谢你,文森佐,祝你度过美好的一天!在棕榈泉见?撰写日期:2018年10月20日
- bru_ro_a0 条分享阿马尔菲海岸和那不勒斯之旅文森佐是我们两天的优秀司兼导游。他一直很守时,彬彬有礼,友好。他用我们选择的意大利语或英语与我们交谈。我们参观了阿马尔菲海岸和文森佐的家乡那不勒斯(真是一种享受!)。 Vincenzo驾驶感觉非常舒服。他了解所有的街道以及如何轻松地游览它们。撰写日期:2018年9月22日
- nbushoak0 条分享美妙的一天我们最近体验了Letusdrive之旅,我带着女儿参观了叔叔在拉文纳的联邦战争墓地。这是和弗朗西斯科先生一起度过的美妙一天。我们发现弗朗西斯科先生对我们需要的东西考虑得很周全,而且他是一个非常绅士的人。更不用说他还是一个穿越托斯卡纳山的优秀车手了。我们感到非常受到关心和安全。这绝对是在Letusdrive度过一天的必做选择。我们希望不久后能再预订一次旅行。来自加拿大的Nancy和Carlie。撰写日期:2018年6月3日
- contrabandkarma0 条分享服务很好,故事也很有趣!我雇了文森佐,把我和妻子从那不勒斯带到波西塔诺,后来又让他开车带我们去阿马尔菲海岸的更多地方。我觉得花的钱很值!文森索是一个热情友好的人,他让我们感到很舒适自在,在他开车时和我们分享了许多关于那不勒斯和这个地区的有趣的事情,所以一路上都不无聊。如果你去那不勒斯,我强烈推荐你去找文森佐。撰写日期:2017年12月8日
- Kathy S0 条分享超赞的文森佐!文森佐是我们在阿马菲海岸的司机和导游,他真的很棒!他的机智,幽默,知识和魅力使其成为我们前往意大利的家庭之旅的亮点!他吸引了我们集团所有年龄在11岁至78岁之间的人。他准时到达,是一名出色的驾驶员!值得一提的是,参观阿马菲旅途很艰难。感谢文森佐!斯金纳和斯克母布瑞家族。撰写日期:2017年10月3日
- Dimitris P. S0 条分享超赞的旅程在我们的Ravello-Amalfi-Sorrento之行中,Vincenzo给我们提供了最好的旅行向导,带领我们欣赏到了阿玛菲海岸美丽的风景。他能说一口流利的英语,还是一个出色的司机。他对于当地的景观非常了解而且帮了我们很多,还为我们安排了一家当地的家庭餐厅吃午餐,我们不仅欣赏到了最好的风景,还吃了到最美味的意大利菜。强烈推荐给所有想要体验这样私人旅行的人们,能体验购物以及欣赏阿玛菲海岸和索伦托的美景。干得好Vincenzo。撰写日期:2017年8月22日
- 0 条分享维苏威火山,赫库兰尼姆和庞贝Mario是我们旅行的导游/司机,跟他在一起我们觉得很有安全感,也很有趣…这次那不勒斯之旅对我们而言是最有效率最难忘的。如果没有伟大的Mario我们就不能爬维苏威火山。因为山附近的野火,我们可能是最后去火山的人。Mario决定让我们先去那儿,节省了我们的时间并且让我们能去火山玩。这是我第一次在猫途鹰上写评论,就是为了Mario!下次我们去阿马尔菲,索伦托和拉韦洛的时候还要Mario带我们。谢谢你Mario,你超棒!撰写日期:2017年7月14日
- bkhesch0 条分享很棒的经历!我们非常喜欢和文森佐一起度过的两天行程,文森佐是一位出色的司机,对我们所参观的每一个地方都非常了解。他知道沿路拍照的最佳地点,我们非常感谢他。他还知道一些好的地方让我们上下车,这让我们的一天更加放松!他对我们不断变化的日程非常适应,并确保我们有足够的时间完成我们要求的所有活动。他推荐的午餐棒极了!他非常专业和友好,这使我们的旅行更加愉快!我给文森佐尽可能高的评价,并将把他的旅行社推荐给所有将前往意大利的朋友。当我们将来回到意大利的时候,我们也会再次使用这家旅行社。谢谢文森佐 !撰写日期:2017年3月27日
- Nicholas W0 条分享顶级让人感动的!文森佐绝对是极好的;和他通信时,他非常及时而且专业,这给我留下来及时而积极的印象。他跟随了我的个性化要求,这是让我赞赏的。此外,他执行力:及时、高效、友好、能读懂他的客人;这位绅士绝对是很棒的…而且我是一个旅游经营者,所以当我体验后我知道他是一个很好的导游!!!强烈建议,不要犹豫选择文森佐作为您的本地指南。撰写日期:2017年2月23日
- ct0dd5430 条分享和Vincenzo一起的驾驶我们和Vincenzo一起度过了很棒的一天。这一天是真的愉快,Vincenzo是自在的,小心的会和人群协商的司机,交通和弯曲的道路会使人熟练和放松。这次旅行是观看阿马尔菲海岸的村庄的很好的方式,行程灵活,可以与司机商讨,他关于午餐的建议非常好。饭菜的质量很好,景色也很完美。我高度评价这次旅游,并为Vincenzo使这一天如此享受并使之成为一次很棒的体验而感到欣喜。撰写日期:2016年12月8日
- lgclassique0 条分享文森索和西科恩的letusdrive之旅这是我第二次预订letsdrive的服务游玩阿马尔菲海岸,我对这两次的服务都非常满意。恩佐具备所有对我来说很重要的品质:可靠、安全、称职的司机、出色的英语水平、对该地区的知识以及良好的风度。恩佐带我们(我和我的女儿)来到阿马尔菲海岸下面的帕尔西奥,参观了一个水牛农场,品尝了美味新鲜的马苏里拉奶酪,还参观了佩斯顿的遗址。他知道在哪里停车,在哪里等候,在哪里接你,带你去哪里吃饭——一切都很顺利,所以你所要做的就是坐下来享受旅程和壮丽的景色。我强烈推荐letsdrive旅行社。我等不及回去和他们进行第三次旅行!撰写日期:2016年11月2日
- Avand A0 条分享文森佐让旅途很美好!今年我邀请我的母亲在母亲节时一起参加了阿马尔菲海岸的Letusdrive之旅。 她度过了非常美好的时光。显然,阿马尔菲海岸令人叹为观止,但如果没有文森佐,情况就不一样了。他是一个非常安全的驾驶员,让你在道路上感觉很舒服,否则这旅途会非常痛苦。他很友善、知识渊博,而且很随和。甚至在我们到达意大利之前,他会和我写邮件,找出最佳行程。你根本无法要求一个更好的导游了。撰写日期:2016年8月15日
- mowjoman10 条分享非常轻松方便的旅行方式跟着Vincenzo一起游览那不勒斯和阿马尔菲海岸真的非常方便,他是个专业又见多识广的司机,对当地相当了解。他非常友好谦虚,感觉很值得信赖。车子很舒服,也有充足的空间可以放行李。非常推荐Vincenzo,不管是包车旅游还是交通需要都很适合。撰写日期:2016年4月8日
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19 条点评
1 条分享
2024年6月 • 家庭
What a fantastic day! Vincenzo was a pleasure-providing us with safe travels, interesting information as we toured the coast and a delicious lunch following our olive oil farm tour. Thank you!
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Maribel A
1 条分享
2024年4月 • 家庭
This tour is phenomenal! Vincenzo is very responsive. He provided great recommendations for restaurants in the area. Our tour guide, Giovanni, was also fantastic! He was so knowledgable and he provided an excellent tour of the Amalfi Coast. This group is so friendly and helpful. We highly recommend this tour. It was our best tour in Italy.
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Maryann C
1 条分享
2024年4月 • 家庭
Giovanni was an excellent tour guide. Very knowledgeable, friendly, and patient. He taught us a lot about the area. The Almafi Coast was wonderful and Giovanni took us to the best areas for pictures. He provided recommendations for local places and took us to an excellent location for lemonade slushies and to the most authentic place for limoncello. We are so thankful. We would absolutely recommend this tour guide and take this tour again.
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Manuel T
墨西哥墨西哥城6 条分享
Vinncenzo made an amazing day come true. The best tour guide in Spanish and with kids, who loved him and the whole tour.
He has authentic knowledge of the area, culture, history, food, restaurants, sightseeing, etc.
if you are in Naples do not miss him and his team!
He has authentic knowledge of the area, culture, history, food, restaurants, sightseeing, etc.
if you are in Naples do not miss him and his team!
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新泽西Bayonne143 条分享
I have used Vinnie for several years now as my tour guide. I had him bring me to my families village one year for the day and he was spectacular! I also have used him and his team for transport around Italy instead of dealing with trains crowds etc. this last year I used this company for a tour of The Almalfi Coast and we were all blown away with the tour. He knew exactly where to bring us to make the most out of our experience and time there! I highly recommend this company! Superior service!
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Patty, you are simply the best!!
It's always a pleasure to meet you on your daugther and quality time!
Take care and thank you for posting this
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3 条分享
I was so lucky to find him when my young adult daughter and 5 of her friends visited Naples. I did not know where to start when planning their trip and Vincenzo took care of everything. He sent me suggestions of where he recommended they visit and was very upfront about every detail including cost. We worked back and forth until we had the perfect itinerary for them at which time he emailed me a final itinerary with all of the details. He took care of everything from transportation from the train station, day trips to Pompeii, Positano (even making a dinner reservation for them) and Capri where he arranged a private boat tour. He told me that he would take them "under his wing" and make sure they were safe and he lived up to his promise, even emailing me a few times to know that they were having a good time and being well taken care of. I highly recommend that you contact Vincenzo if you plan to visit the Amalfi Coast--you won't be disappointed!
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Ok, I’m almost crying reading this!!! Thank you soooo much for your contribution share your experience on here. I’m so happy to read how much you appreciated my efforts. It was a truly pleasure for me to make it easier for you and the girls.
I’ll be here when you’ll need me.
Ciao ciao
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澳大利亚悉尼6 条分享
Oh my, what a great day.
Vinnie was awesome, he met my family and I at the Naples cruise terminal as we only had a few hours in port. Our group consisted of my elderly mother all the way down to my 6 year old daughter. Vinnie was able to cater to everyone’s needs.
With the pandemic crippling the tour/travel market we were concerned that the service would be lacking with the focus on just doing tours to get revenue back. In fact it was the opposite, the attention to detail that he displayed was terrific. Our initial plan was to head out to Sorrento but sadly their was a nasty accident on the roads out there that we were stuck in heavy traffic, not wanting us to miss out he came up with a plan B so we headed to Herculaneum and Naples. He also took us to an awesome lunch for Pizza and food from the Naples region, it was terrific.
He treats his tours like he is showing friends and family around town, we certainly felt very comfortable in his hands. Highly recommend you book with him if you are wanting to have an experience and not just a tour.
Vinnie was awesome, he met my family and I at the Naples cruise terminal as we only had a few hours in port. Our group consisted of my elderly mother all the way down to my 6 year old daughter. Vinnie was able to cater to everyone’s needs.
With the pandemic crippling the tour/travel market we were concerned that the service would be lacking with the focus on just doing tours to get revenue back. In fact it was the opposite, the attention to detail that he displayed was terrific. Our initial plan was to head out to Sorrento but sadly their was a nasty accident on the roads out there that we were stuck in heavy traffic, not wanting us to miss out he came up with a plan B so we headed to Herculaneum and Naples. He also took us to an awesome lunch for Pizza and food from the Naples region, it was terrific.
He treats his tours like he is showing friends and family around town, we certainly felt very comfortable in his hands. Highly recommend you book with him if you are wanting to have an experience and not just a tour.
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Tobi…you wanna make me cry? Thank you so much for sharing this. It was great time together and yes m, I love treating my “clients” just as friends visiting! Once again, thank you so much. Take care of you and your beautiful family and hopefully we’ll get to see again for more local experience.
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Miguel M
阿根廷Grand Bourg1 条分享
2020年1月 • 夫妻情侣
Vincenzo es guía, historiador, sabe de arte y los detalles turísticos y costumbristas de la costa amalfitana, respetuoso y como decimos los argentinos, absolutamente macanudo!!!
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1 条分享
Viajé a Napoles con mi familia y queríamos aprovechar al máximo el fin de semana. Gracias a Vincenzo pudimos conocer en el mismo día Pompeya y la Costa Malfitana, a muy buen precio y con unas explicaciones/recomendaciones extraordinarias.
Además, Vincenzo tiene una conducción excelente y mucho que contar para amenizarte el viaje!!
Muchas gracias por un día espectacular conociendo Nápoles y las recomendaciones a posteriori por la ciudad :).
Repetiría y lo recomendaría sin dudar!!
Además, Vincenzo tiene una conducción excelente y mucho que contar para amenizarte el viaje!!
Muchas gracias por un día espectacular conociendo Nápoles y las recomendaciones a posteriori por la ciudad :).
Repetiría y lo recomendaría sin dudar!!
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Alan W
2 条分享
What a trip. Vincenzo picked us up from Naples Train station, took us to Pompeii and organised a three-hour tour. Meaningful he minded our bags for three hours and then picked us up and drove us to Sorrento, After a great weekend, he picked us up AT THE DOOR and took us on a tour of the Amalfi Coast before taking us to Naples airport. What a legend ... what a trip!
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