Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄限制:0-99,每个团体最多 50 人
用时: 14 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
现场指南:英语, 西班牙语
- 一日之内威尼斯之最,提供直接交通和带导游的游览
- 沿着圣马可广场和大运河欣赏顶级景点
- 参观玻璃制作车间,观看传统工匠的作品
- 有空余时间乘坐缆车(自费)或独立观光
- 空调车
- 专业导游
- 游船巡航
- 导游陪同的威尼斯徒步旅行
未包含内容- 酒店接送
- 食物和饮料
- 凤尾船 (Gondola) 之旅
- 小费
- 出发地点:提供多个接送地点。
- Milan Visitor Center - Zani Viaggi, Largo Cairoli, 18, 20121 Milano MI, Italy请在旅程开始前 15 分钟在会面地点做好准备。
接送服务详情- 我们的接机服务在米兰市中心进行(如果选择了选项) 巴士大约需要一小时才能接载所有乘客,具体取决于交通状况和为该特定旅行预订的乘客人数。 因此,接载时间显示为间隔“从 6:00 开始”表示我们将在 6:00 或之后到您的酒店接您,以便赶上行程开始。
提供酒店接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的酒店列表中进行选择。返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 允许携带服务型动物
- 靠近公共交通
- 婴儿必须坐在成人腿上
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:2872ZV12- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 不推荐背部不适的旅行者参加
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 请注意:此行程不包括乘坐缆车
- 请于出发时间前15分钟抵达集合地点
- 始终保证英语游览
- 不保证每天都能讲西班牙语
- 此项体验设有最低出行人数限制。 如果行程由于未达到最低出行人数而取消,您可选择改期/不同体验或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 50 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:2872ZV12
- 途经Canal Grande
- 1参加两小时导游陪同的徒步旅行,您将参观最重要的建筑和纪念碑,穿梭于迷宫般的运河和狭窄的小巷,直至抵达宏伟的圣马可广场。途经Ponte di Rialto
- Busialaconner0 条分享愤怒,震惊和这次巡游的其他很多人一样,我们没有及时地预订去看“最后的晚餐”。但我们预订了这趟旅行,所以真是浪费钱了。首先,在这次可怕的旅行中花了将近200美元之后,他们拒绝让我们使用办公室里的洗手间。他们对此的态度也不怎么样。然后就是空间大小!整整60个人,都能装满两个公立学校的教室了。你以为多两个人你就会多得薪水吗?导游的技能也不是很好,他继续带领我们前往其他房间,然后讲解他们,就正如我们在刚才的地方一样。我们甚至都没有进去看看。在公共汽车上,我们听不到他的声音,因为他使用了麦克风并且没有将麦克风靠近他的嘴。当他使用麦克风时,他也没有告诉人们摘芽。他从没看过我们是否和他在一起,我们也确实没有。我们大多数人报名去看了“最后的晚餐”,然后我们也去看了,关键是在这个过程中,还增加了2个人。真是太贪婪了。我不明白的是,为什么这个旅游公司不培训下导游。对于一个更好的旅游公司来说,建立更好的经营是容易的。让我发疯的是这样的旅游公司购买了很多的景点,还让我们受他们的摆布。更令我困惑的是,他们没有正确地训练他们的导游。真是太贪婪了。(在这每张照片中,房间前面的那个就是导游)撰写日期:2019年10月30日
- HBD480 条分享有晕车问题的朋友,记得准备晕车药。2019年7月11日透过KLOOK预定这个行程,是由义大利当地的zani viaggi营运。相较于五渔村,这个点比较冷门,不意外地豪华大巴包含我们只有七名旅客。巴士非常的宽敞舒适,还有USB充电孔。导游是个年轻的米兰姑娘,英语说得很快腔调又重,但笑容诚恳讲解努力。 这趟旅程拉车不会太远,风景很美,值得一游。由米兰到热内亚的路上会经过一个美丽的山谷村落,因此去程有点小晕车,有晕车问题的朋友,记得准备晕车药。撰写日期:2019年8月22日
- Scheherazade_TW0 条分享巴士附厕所,非常安心参加当地行程,由米兰出发,搭乘巴士至瑞义边境小镇蒂拉诺(Tirano),转搭跨越阿尔卑斯山,海拔最高且连接欧洲北部和南部的伯尔尼纳特快列车(Bernina Express),体验阿尔卑斯山区的自然美景。 本次行程终点为知名的高山度假圣地圣莫里兹,之后搭巴士返回米兰。圣莫里兹已是德语区,很明显地,除了精品店的专员之外,不论咖啡店的服务人员或是走在路上的行人,笑容都少了许多。咖啡也比义大利贵,两杯拿铁10瑞士法郎。 今天的行程是米兰Zani Viaggi旅行社规划,英/西双语双导游服务,讲解认真服务亲切。比较意外的是报名人数众多,双层巴士载客满满,还附厕所,非常安心!撰写日期:2018年8月11日
- Budapestguide0 条分享和专业的城市之旅探索米兰如果你想去参观“Cenacolo”di Leonardo da Vinci,跳过米兰穹顶的线路,直接参观La Scala歌剧院博物馆(包括所有的),预订一个很有必要的3小时巴士和徒步旅行。撰写日期:2017年10月31日
- daisypat10 条分享在米兰的半日行程(包括《最后的晚餐》)被取消了!我们在六月时通过Viator预订了这次旅行。就在我们出发前往米兰的前两天,这家旅行公司告知我们下午的行程被取消了。他们只向我们提供早上的旅游行程,然而,我们当天早上才到达,我们不能接受这样子。这令我们感到很失望,也无法被弥补。我们一到达米兰,就试图找其他的方法去看《最后的晚餐》,但门票是首先需要的。尽管我们的钱被及时退还,但这对于我们不能看到世界上最伟大的艺术作品没有一点儿帮助,我们可能永远不会再回米兰来看它了。撰写日期:2017年10月10日
- travelagain20 条分享从米兰出发维罗纳和加尔达一日游这是一次很好的旅行,我肯定不能独自游玩。维罗纳是一座令人赏心悦目的古城,有教堂、宫殿、广场和鹅卵石铺就的街道。当地的导游知识丰富。了解很多关于这座城市的悠久历史和它著名的竞技场(至今仍在那里举办音乐会)。这个小镇被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产名录。加达湖的部分是这次旅行的一大亮点,因为我们可以在湖上乘船游览。旅游导游Salvatore是专业的,非常博学的!撰写日期:2017年9月18日
- mrsdj0 条分享半天米兰之行-值得我们预定了半天游览了米兰,包括大教堂、斯卡拉和最后的晚餐。集合点很容易到达,那里的工作人员一点也不用帮忙。旅游本身是有趣的,导游是个知识渊博的,我们也走过商业街廊。大教堂是壮观的,尽管你会在欧洲参观许多教堂但这却是不可错过的。最后的晚餐是令人惊异的,是一个定时访问,你只有15分钟在房间里,你可以拍照。然后公共汽车在集合点让你下车。和大多数旅行一样,你跳过了队列!记住,男人和女人都要把肩膀和膝盖盖起来。撰写日期:2017年9月1日
- GeorginaPatrick0 条分享专业我是在车站偶遇这位向导的,向导人非常好,谢天谢地好在这里有台给力的空调。刚开始在购买车票的时候,我遇到了问题,好在最后顺利解决了。这里的工作人员热情友善,乐于助人,认真回答每位旅客的问题,服务一流,另外,他们还会提供很多旅游的信息,真是棒极了。我认为在扎尼市游玩,向导是很重要的,强烈推荐给大家!撰写日期:2017年8月12日
- Bmx N0 条分享米兰市中心的巴士站巨难找这边很难找巴士站。在塞拉瓦莱,扎尼市有一个集合点在Gallia酒店那。我们从8:45站到9:30,只看到Autostradalle巴士停下过,而且是同一个方向。票据上的地图只是很模糊的标出了巴士点。事实上,集合点在地铁站对面。路上没有巴士站,也没有标示出巴士站。等我们终于找到巴士站,他们居然多收了我们两个人10欧,因为我们没有及时赶到!!然后让我们上了下一趟巴士。巴士上没有空调!!而且大中午的人很多,当时还35度。撰写日期:2017年7月12日
- daveW6414PP0 条分享米兰之旅这次旅行很好,但少点人的小群体出发会更好,我们没能和导游一起看“最后的晚餐”,她和第一组人一起去了。当我们队去看“最后的晚餐”时,她在锁紧的门后面。我们的旅行结束得很晚,但我已经安排了2小时赶火车出城…我们用了15分钟的时间……撰写日期:2017年6月28日
- carvas30 条分享在米兰外的购物之旅我想远离旅游景点去购物,我发现了这个去米兰商店的班车。他们组织的非常好并且接近预期的时间。他们也等其他晚来到汇合点的人。这个公司车上还提供免费的无线但是却没有给手机充电的地方。因此带上你的充电宝给手机充电。旅途没有很多,但是你可以参照其他组的游客按时到达汇合点。FYI:如果你去顾客服务站,你可以在参与商店得到10%的优惠!撰写日期:2017年6月5日
- gfyraw0 条分享半天跳过旅行线路简直可怕在解释不同的景点时,双语导游是很糟糕的。我们不明白他说的一半是什么,旅游小组太大太难以至于没有办法去完成这个旅行。这可能是在整个意大利里最糟糕的旅行。撰写日期:2017年5月12日
- Timeout20 条分享糟糕,避免使用我们在米兰预定了一趟行程。因为航班延误而错过了。提前数个小时打电话与其联系,被告知不用担心他们可以重新安排。但这并不是真的,尽管我们从两个人的旅行变成了一个人,他们仍然想让我为重新安排支付更多的费用。真的太可笑了。而且也不告诉我们通往办公室的路线。避免使用这个吧,使用其他的旅游网站。撰写日期:2017年4月27日
- Mayi M0 条分享自助游这是个很有意思的包价旅游产品。我们被免了汽车票和船票,但这些我们自己就能搞定。导游让我们在游船码头下了船,给了两个小时在科摩的自由活动时间。然后坐2个小时的船。然后在百乐宫自由活动2小时。然后再坐1.5小时的公交车回米兰。陪同人员人很不错,但是根本没有导游,除了在一个教堂稍作停留的时候。也许下次我们不会选它了。撰写日期:2017年4月15日
- JoshDad0 条分享你可以看到最后的晚餐画当窗户打开时,我们没有买最后的晚餐票。我们的酒店礼宾部Zani Viaggi建议早上或中午游玩。我们晚上的旅行,看了最后的晚餐。这幅画令人惊叹,我们此行的亮点之一。除此之外没有太多。我们开车到城堡,去教堂,斯卡拉歌剧院然后画画。老妇人在舒适的公共汽车。导游会英语和西班牙语,但没有说西班牙语的人出现。她确实很好地解释了这幅画。除非你错过了买最后的晚餐票,旅游是不需要的。你可以轻松地自己做所有的事。撰写日期:2017年3月29日
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28 条点评
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Martha B
1 条分享
2024年7月 • 好友
Nine hours on the bus for four hours in Venice. Guided walking tour was impossible to hear and understand. Take the train and DIY. Big positive was guide Lorenzo. He was great.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Lawrence L
8 条分享
2024年4月 • 夫妻情侣
We booked another company's Venice trip through TripAdvisor. But when that tour was cancelled due to guide being ill, we booked Zani Viaggi tour through their website. It was easy to book, and bonus- cost less than other tour. Having done the other tour through other company previously here is what we noticed.
Zani Viaggi used a big tour bus which was a little more comfortable, but meant more people on tour and bus driving time took even longer. The local tour guide Marco in Venice was wonderful- very humorous and knowledgeable. It was an extremely crowded weekend day in Venice- making navigating harder. Tour was shorter than tour we had with other company previously. That is both bad and good. Tour was in San Marco square only, then to a location nearby to see the glass making. We were allowed to skip that and go on to our free time. (Too hot for us to stay in that crowded hot room to see the glass making) The great thing about this tour was MORE FREE TIME! We really liked that. Read What to Expect- you will not see Rialto Bridge with the guide, but are free to do that on your own. Our guide with us on our bus and during the tour was Monica. She was wonderful keeping us all informed and together. Our bus drivers were also very good. Would we recommend- Yes! What to expec (not just this tour company, but any one from Milan to Venice tour)t: LONG LONG DAY (14+ hours), crowded, hectic! Bus trips take a long time to Venice- but you just ride and the guides take care of other details like the boat ride to Venice. Be prepared on this or any other tour to Venice by bringing water, Euros for the pay toilets, and come armed with your own maps so that you can find where you want to go. We did not do the gondola ride- but that is offered to you as an option. This is a taste of Venice- you will not be disappointed. You will be enchanted! We are grateful to have had the chance to return to Venice when last minute our other tour was cancelled and we scrambled and our hotel suggested Zani Viaggi. Thank you Zani Viaggi for making our dream of returning to Venice possible!
Zani Viaggi used a big tour bus which was a little more comfortable, but meant more people on tour and bus driving time took even longer. The local tour guide Marco in Venice was wonderful- very humorous and knowledgeable. It was an extremely crowded weekend day in Venice- making navigating harder. Tour was shorter than tour we had with other company previously. That is both bad and good. Tour was in San Marco square only, then to a location nearby to see the glass making. We were allowed to skip that and go on to our free time. (Too hot for us to stay in that crowded hot room to see the glass making) The great thing about this tour was MORE FREE TIME! We really liked that. Read What to Expect- you will not see Rialto Bridge with the guide, but are free to do that on your own. Our guide with us on our bus and during the tour was Monica. She was wonderful keeping us all informed and together. Our bus drivers were also very good. Would we recommend- Yes! What to expec (not just this tour company, but any one from Milan to Venice tour)t: LONG LONG DAY (14+ hours), crowded, hectic! Bus trips take a long time to Venice- but you just ride and the guides take care of other details like the boat ride to Venice. Be prepared on this or any other tour to Venice by bringing water, Euros for the pay toilets, and come armed with your own maps so that you can find where you want to go. We did not do the gondola ride- but that is offered to you as an option. This is a taste of Venice- you will not be disappointed. You will be enchanted! We are grateful to have had the chance to return to Venice when last minute our other tour was cancelled and we scrambled and our hotel suggested Zani Viaggi. Thank you Zani Viaggi for making our dream of returning to Venice possible!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you for your review we really appreciate it
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Njiri D
2 条分享
2023年11月 • 好友
Unbelievable once-in-a-lifetime experience! We really enjoyed the tour which included bus, boat rides, and an awesome tour guide.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Deema B
3 条分享
2023年10月 • 家庭
Amazing trip.
Our tour guide was Najma. She was organized , gave clear instructions, caring and so helpful .
Time was managed smartly as its a long trip we tried to cover the most important things in Venice.
Amazing management and beautiful city indeed.
Worth staying there for 1 night at least
Our tour guide was Najma. She was organized , gave clear instructions, caring and so helpful .
Time was managed smartly as its a long trip we tried to cover the most important things in Venice.
Amazing management and beautiful city indeed.
Worth staying there for 1 night at least
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Bill M
亚利桑那301 条分享
2023年9月 • 夫妻情侣
We took the HSR from and to Milan. (~ 150 Euro for two, round trip) The trip takes about 2+ hours each way. In Venice we took the water taxi from the Santa Lucia Train station to the Rialto Bridge boat terminal and then walked to the Piazza San Marco where we joined our tour. (7,5 Euro each for the water taxi round trip)
We met our guide and toured the Doge's Palace, and Saint Marks. Lots of stairs and up and down climbing. The tour was interesting and we were glad we did it, but we should have stayed overnight in Venice; and visited the islands and more of their attractions.
We met our guide and toured the Doge's Palace, and Saint Marks. Lots of stairs and up and down climbing. The tour was interesting and we were glad we did it, but we should have stayed overnight in Venice; and visited the islands and more of their attractions.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Mohammad R
1 条分享
Excellent visit. smooth nice driving by Mr marko. Well informed organized helpful and cooperative guide by Mr Salvatore
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
1 条分享
2023年9月 • 夫妻情侣
Dear all, for being the first time, thanks!
However, the guide was very stressed and made it difficult to follow some elderly people with some mobility difficulties due to being obese or not walking at a fast pace.
I emphasize that the guide did not observe these group conditions.
At times he was rude to people.
However, the guide was very stressed and made it difficult to follow some elderly people with some mobility difficulties due to being obese or not walking at a fast pace.
I emphasize that the guide did not observe these group conditions.
At times he was rude to people.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
James D
1 条分享
The time in Venice was way too short. Should have done free time during the trip instead of the walking tour. The bus ride was really long, maybe instead of a bus we go by train.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Jorge F
10 条分享
TAO TRAVEL cancelled the trip due to “COVID” issue. See previous reviews, not the first time they use this lame excuse. Worst part, other alternatives are fully booked and we don’t have any extra days to try to go into it another day!! This is a nightmare! If you don’t want to risk being a victim of irresponsible TAO TRaVEL LAST MINUTE cancellation, do not book anything with them, they don’t care who they have to cancel using a ridiculous excuse of a “COVID@ issue to make it sound like a legitimate excuse. See other reviews, not the first time they cancel on people at the last minute when there are no other options.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Sonia M
加利福尼亚圣地亚哥7 条分享
Accident that added 2-3 hours to the drive. We then only had a short time to explore Venice. Tour guide was informative and great energy. Decided to take the train back instead of returning with the group. Still wasn’t enough time.
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In would like to know what time in the morning we arrive at venice
how much free time we get to walk around and take water taxies
do we have time to v isit the jewish getto would we have time to visit Lido
what time does the bus return to Milan
We started our short walking tour just before 12 (so we must have arrived around 11.45). After the walking tour we went to the glass factory/shop - this was only a brief (but interesting) stop then we had our free time. Might have been around 1-1.30. We had chosen to take a gondola ride which the tour guides arranged for us - and told us to come to a meeting point for this by 3- 3.30. The gondola ride was about 25mins. The time to meet up for leaving Venice was around 4.30. Think we returned to Milan at around 7-8 (cant remember).
It was quite a short visit but I still enjoyed it!
Desde Milán , para visitar Venecia qué medio de transporte conviene? Viajo con mi pareja y no queremos tour de mucha gente.Vamos la última semana de mayo.
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