供应商/业主为:ECHO Trails
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年龄 6-85
用时: 9 小时
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- 私人导游
- 从卢塞恩乘火车和巴士往返交通
未包含内容- 野餐食品和饮料
- 小费
- 酒店接送服务
- 出发地点:提供多个接送地点。
- Torbogen Luzern, Bahnhofpl., 6003 Luzern, Switzerland您的导游将于早上 7:45 在您位于卢塞恩的酒店接您。如果您不住在卢塞恩,您将在卢塞恩托尔博根 (Lucerne Torbogen) 与他们会面
接送服务详情- 您的导游将于早上 7:45 在您位于卢塞恩的酒店接您。如果您不住在卢塞恩,您将在卢塞恩托尔博根 (Lucerne Torbogen) 与他们会面。
提供酒店接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的酒店列表中进行选择。返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
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- 可预订2至8人的团体
- 最低年龄为10岁但请注意,不建议不适合长途步行的儿童参观。所有儿童必须由一名对孩子负全部责任的成年人陪同
- 由于表面不平整和路径的性质,不建议步行残疾人士或恐高症患者参观
- 仅限有利的天气条件;如果因恶劣天气而取消,您可以选择其他日期或全额退款
- 不推荐背部不适的旅行者参加
- 不建议孕妇参加
- 无心脏问题或其他重大疾病
- 旅行者应该具备正常的身体素质
- 这是一项私人游览/活动。 只有您的团队能够参加
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:47173P4
- Mary P0 条分享私人的皮拉图斯山之旅和徒步旅行活动-太棒了安德烈是一个很棒的导游——因为我们可以定制我们的旅行——并真正了解该地区。我们可以选择我们徒步旅行的难度级别,体验平底雪橇之旅。我们坐缆车,还在湖上玩了一趟。那天天气确实有变化——从晴朗阳光变成了乌云密布的雨——但这并没有阻止我们。这是一次美妙的经历,安德烈干得非常出色。这是一个了解卢塞恩的好方法,并且可以做你想做的活动!撰写日期:2019年10月19日
- knott-craig0 条分享皮拉图斯山徒步之旅我们和导游一起玩的很愉快。Madeleine!她乐意接受我们疲惫的/不情愿的九岁女儿,还完美的帮我克服了在山顶的恐高情绪。这是在瑞士阿尔卑斯山徒步和欣赏皮拉图斯的最好方式!仅供参考-沿途的休息室/茶水室周一关闭,谢谢,好运。撰写日期:2019年7月7日
- Ava C0 条分享我向来很中意这地方远足的时候你会感到整个心情都是升华的,精力也很充沛。每次远足都能看到瑞士完全不同的一面。Renee Welt非常好客,而且他知道怎样带你到处游玩。有一次在山上,他正好趁这机会把我们带去了山上的一个偏僻小咖啡馆,然后我们就吃到了美味的乳蛋饼。撰写日期:2019年1月8日
- LanceFordGuy0 条分享10天火车游览瑞士的Alpenwild之旅我们一行10人的导游Rene和Suzanne很棒……6个家庭和4个其它成员在旅行开始前都不认识。团队大小合适。酒店、食物和阿尔卑斯山体验都很棒。如果我们自己策划肯定没法做到这么好。感谢导游带领我们看到瑞士这么美丽的区域。撰写日期:2017年10月3日
- 84jimd0 条分享通过瑞士的10天阿尔卑斯山脉铁路之旅雷内和苏珊娜都是出色的导游。雷内对这个国家非常了解,帮助我们导航交通系统,以到达所有的名胜风景区。他的语言能力也很有帮助。而且他们在旅途期间很风趣。我会推荐给任何人。撰写日期:2017年9月7日
- Jeffrey S0 条分享富有魅力,见多识广David很有魅力, 见多识广,而且非常的友善,热情。 我们先按计划参加了我们想要参加的活动,然后David根据我们的兴趣,带我们又去参加了一些额外的活动项目。 他对该地区以及整个瑞士都非常了解。撰写日期:2017年7月7日
- Joseph J0 条分享有趣,整天混合着让人爽快、放松的活动我参加了瑞士军刀山谷自行车之旅,这是一个为期半天的自行车和游船活动,包括在餐馆和一个瑞士军事刀零售店休息。这里的风景是毋庸置疑是美丽,混合着城市和农村的景致,而且导游(Pete)很友好,知识很渊博。在游船上,在船上的餐厅里,听着船桨的声音,喝一杯热咖啡,是个受欢迎的活动,是个放松的好方式。强烈推荐!撰写日期:2016年10月13日
- IJN7770 条分享从卢塞恩徒步的愉快一天!我们在卢塞恩中央步道站遇到了导游(彼得)。我们坐了大约30分钟的火车到附近的齿轨铁路。齿轨火车把我们带到山顶,我们在那儿喝了啤酒(清晨——我们在度假;)然后继续往下走。去了一家正在营业的乳品店(很酷),途中在其他有趣的地方停了下来。最大的加分是下山时可以绕道去温泉或水疗。好主意,绝妙的绕道。坐缆车回去(给那些恐高的人留个言?不要往下看!)和在湖边喝饮料……总的来说?很棒的一天。会想要再来一次徒步旅行(一次又一次……)撰写日期:2016年9月18日
- Mike B0 条分享精彩的体验!!!在里吉山的徒步旅行简直太棒了。Rene是我身边最棒的向导。他知道的很多,带给我们一生只有一次的体验。会向任何人推荐!!!撰写日期:2016年9月15日
- Randy S0 条分享专业又灵活ECHO的主人Rene,带领我们在卢塞恩郊外的瑞士阿尔卑斯山进行了一次美丽的徒步旅行。我们都60多岁了,所以我们要求徒步旅行能够轻松一些,他还为我们提供了住宿。我们先乘坐火车,然后坐公共汽车,最后沿着铺好的小路走到一条美丽的森林小径,这条小路把我们带到一个可以俯瞰卢塞恩湖和群山的高地。在这壮丽的地方,我们享受了一顿简单又美味的午餐,包括烤香肠和当地奶酪、面包和西红柿。Rene在加州兼职,英语说得很好,但因为他是瑞士人,所以很了解瑞士从古至今的历史故事。导游很棒,旅行很棒,体验也很棒。这是我们为期三周欧洲之旅的亮点!撰写日期:2016年9月13日
- Kamo P0 条分享太赞了我们在火车上旅行。攀登很奇妙。两边是高山、树木、瀑布、峡谷、湖泊。这是惊人的。你必须看到这些。它是很难描述的气氛,它是值得观看和欣赏。撰写日期:2016年7月8日
- EMDiazJr0 条分享美好,灵活的一天这一天开始的时候天气并不好,但是RENE给我们提供了很多选择,可以让我们度过愉快的一天。我们强烈推荐你们预约他,让他知道你喜爱什么。他会计划好一天。他对当地很了解。我们一定会再预订的。撰写日期:2016年5月31日
- kan k0 条分享瑞吉山的高山景象我们和我们很棒的导游伊芙和大卫哈普在瑞吉山度过了绝妙的一天。那天天气不像我们计划的那样好,第二天的时候也是。他们非常灵活,对孩子很友好,非常合作。事实证明这真的是很棒的一天,有着这样的天气和美丽的景色。我们同样还学到了关于当地文化的知识,体验了部分瑞士的特色。只在一天中,这趟旅程包括了小山上的火车开到瑞吉山上,山顶上美丽的全景视野,坐缆车的下山远足,以及坐船回卢塞恩。我们很乐意再去一次,因为我们带回了美好的记忆。撰写日期:2016年2月21日
- edenwjn0 条分享Found the local expert in Lucerne (想了解地道的卢塞恩找RENE就对了)Rene是一位在Palo Alto长大的瑞士人,他对于瑞士的每个角落都非常熟悉。我在卢塞恩选择了Rene作为向导,在Rigi山徒步了一天。老爷爷非常细心,会根据我的喜好和实际情况设计路线,他对瑞士的每一座山都非常熟悉。一路上会细心解释每个大小景点,他甚至记得每个转角的牌子讲的内容。所有有关瑞士的民风或者习俗,他都能耐心讲解。除了卢塞恩,他还为我设计了我之后在St. Moritz的路线,给了我很多建议,并且联系了我在St. Moritz的酒店,酒店老板是他的朋友,还为我升级了房间。 老爷爷非常可爱,他穿着他公司的红色衣服,搭配了红色帽子,非常幽默且平易近人。在Rigi的一路上有好多人认识他,他常在瑞吉山做志愿者。Rene带我去了很地道的农户人家,还去了会有瑞士人远从别的城市来买起司的店家。他也很耐心地跟我聊天,分享彼此的经历,还跟我聊了他自己创办ECHO的经历。他形容自己还是个孩子,所以很有很多事情要做。 如果你可以用英文基本沟通,我认为Rene就可以为你服务。甚至他还是个中国通,你可以和他聊任何话题,他也非常愿意学习和倾听新鲜的事物。整个旅途他会把你当朋友,一起吃吃喝喝,无论是哪条线路,他都能非常细心地为你向导。撰写日期:2015年10月15日
- Lfirst11850 条分享瑞吉山徒步旅行的背包客们我们做了一日徒步行的背包客,还度过了一段令人惊喜的时间!我们的导游Pete知识渊博而且还很有趣!没有犯一点错——这次远足是艰苦的,你得有相当好的身体状况才可以报名参加!!景色非常迷人。当你逗留在Lucerne的时候,如果你想要做一些积极的事情,这会是一个很好的活动。撰写日期:2015年9月8日
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10 条点评
亚利桑那凤凰城13 条分享
This was the second day hike of the week with EchoTrails. Our guide Thomas Mosier met us at the Lucern train station on time and off we went. This is a strenuous hike down one side and up the other but the views of the lake and the area are spectacular. Can’t say enough about the guides and routes we enjoyed. We enjoyed lunch at the top afterward
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Thank you for your wonderful review! We're thrilled to hear that you enjoyed your second hike with us. It’s great that Thomas provided excellent guidance and that you were able to take in those spectacular views. We're glad you had a rewarding experience, especially with a nice lunch at the top! We hope to see you again for more adventures!
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Ann M
3 条分享
2023年6月 • 家庭
My daughter and I did the Mt Pilatus hike tour and we thoroughly enjoyed it. Our guide Ezra was fantastic. He was informative and had a great knowledge of the mountain and surrounding area. It was a pleasure spending the day with him. Thank you.
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Thank you for sharing your Mt. Pilatus Day tour; it's a pleasure to know you enjoyed your day.
Wishing you continued wonderful Adventure experiences.
With best,
René Welti
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David Y
3 条分享
Echo trails helped make our experience of the Swiss Alps truly special. My wife and I are fairly self-sufficient, but we had never hiked in the Alps before, so we chose the 8 day semi-guided tour and inn-to-inn hike. The itinerary was planned out very thoughtfully and thoroughly, with the first day guided. It included amazing hikes with spectacular views, and trips to the best destinations like Jungfraujoch. The hotels are booked at each point, with luggage transported and waiting for us after each hike Leo our guide was amazing. He was patient with us, showed us the important apps, signs, maps, and how to use the half-pass while traveling the Swiss Alps, and gave us a rich background on Swiss culture and history during our first hike. We felt completely comfortable navigating the Swiss Alps when it was time for us to hike to our next hotel.
Whether you like big solo inn-to-inn hikes, or prefer to experience natural splendor in groups, we highly recommend Echo Trails!
Whether you like big solo inn-to-inn hikes, or prefer to experience natural splendor in groups, we highly recommend Echo Trails!
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Many thanks for sharing your 8-Day Swiss Alps hike experiences.
Wishing you many more wonderful adventures.
With best,
René Welti
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Chee l
1 条分享
2022年7月 • 独自旅游
The scenery is too beautiful and the Andrea is really experience tour guide who can share a lots of information during the trip... Andrea also is a very nice guy to make sure I'm safe and enjoy the trip. Thank to him, I really have a great first hike in Lucerne
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Thank you for sharing your experiences on your Lucerne hike and for the kind Andrea moments.
Wishing you many more memorable safe adventures.
With best,
René Welti
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Dianne G
弗吉尼亚Mechanicsville12 条分享
What an amazing day! We ended our 12 day vacation (river cruise) with this private hike. Our guide, Andrea delivered everything as described. After meeting at our hotel in Lucerne, we took a train, bus, funicular and chairlift to get to the top of the peak. All were on time and fun in their own way (especially the newly built funicular, an engineering wonder). Once atop the peak, we hiked for 3.5 hours along the ridge to fronalpstock peak. Words cannot describe the beauty we saw. We were blessed with a beautiful day so short sleeves and shorts or pants were perfect. I recommend hiking boots, or even hiking shoes, and not sneakers. 2 of us found hiking poles useful, one pair was provided by Andrea upon request. There were 7 adults, most between 57-60, moderately fit. It was more difficult for some than others but Andrea stayed with those who lagged behind encouraging us along the way. We were never made to feel like we had to rush. Once at the 2nd peak we had a delicious meal, cafeteria style. We chose to hike 1/2 way down instead of taking the first of 2 descending chairlifts and by doing so we stopped at a farm and purchased fresh mountain cheese. Our trip back to Lucerne was reversed with the funicular, bus and train. In the end, it was an 11 hour day and we enjoyed every single moment. We couldn't have had a better guide, Andrea was sooo nice, so patient and so helpful. He even helped us navigate the purchase of our own train tickets for our train ride the next day. I highly, highly recommend this tour. It is 1 week later and I am still on a "high". Warning, we had a lot of muscle soreness in the 2 days following the hike but it was well worth it. I look forward to returning to Europe and hiring Andrea again!
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Hi Dianne,
How great to hear your ECHO Trails - Peak to Peak tour one of the best in your 12-day Europe vacation. The Lake Lucerne region scenery from your vantage is really one of the best.
Also thanks for your cudo's about Andrea, your guide. Yes, Andrea very well versed how to make sure everyone is having a good time and no one is rushed.
Hoping now your muscles all back to normal and yet hope you always able to keep your "High" experience in your mental vision so you can easily retrieve when you want.
Wishing you many more such wonderful experiences and please come back to us in Switzerland soon again.
With best,
René Welti
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Mark B
肯塔基路易斯维尔93 条分享
My wife and I, with another couple, booked a private tour to explore Mt Pileatus. The tour included a bus ride onto the foothills, a hike to the summit, a train ride down to the bottom, and a boat ride back to Lucerne. If you like mountains, Pileatus is for you. The views are breathtaking and that doesn’t do it justice. Every experience this day was top notch. Echo was exceptional. The guides were knowledgeable, friendly, competent and made this day one of our absolute favorites in Switzerland. If I ever visit again, Echo will definitely be a part of my vacation.
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Thank you for sharing your ECHO Trails Mt. Pilatus hike & tour.
We will pass on the comments to Andrea & Glenn, your guides.
Wishing you many more outdoor wonderful experiences and we look forward to seeing you again with us.
With best,
René Welti
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阿联酋迪拜11 条分享
2019年6月 • 独自旅游
I only had 4 days to hike the area and Andrea organised it perfectly - he asked me all the right questions and sent me the most detailed 15 page itinerary i could possibly imagine. It had all the directions for the self-guided portion of the hike, as well as anecdotes and the history of the interesting little towns like Brunnen. The luggage transfer was impeccable and the choice of hotels was great. I feel lucky to have found Andrea and have no doubt that I will plan many more trips through him.
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Thank you for sharing your Lake Lucerne Semi-guided Hike experience and for Andrea’s cudos.
Wishing you many more wonderful travel adventure experiences.
Rene Welti, Owner
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Scott C
加利福尼亚旧金山2 条分享
2018年7月 • 家庭
We did several private guided hikes thru Echo Trails guided by Rene Welti in our time in Switzerland. It was a once in a lifetime type experience. It was our first time in Switzerland and it made is so much easier to have someone who knew how to get around, what hikes were the best and where to stay. We also have a 10 and 7 year old and Rene did a great job finding a hike that fit our whole family. I would highly recommend Echo Trails to get the true Swiss experience. We will never forget it.
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Hi Scott,
Many thanks for sharing your Swiss Alps ECHO Trails hiking experiences. Your kids are great hiking "troopers".
Wishing you and your family many more "lifetime type" trips.
With best,
René Welti
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夏威夷瓦西瓦10 条分享
Highly recommend booking with Echo Trails for a guided hike while in Lucerne. We booked an alpine ridge to ridge hike with Rene and Andrea for four adults. It was the highlight of our trip! Rene took care of all the logistics in advanced: Public transport from Lucerne to Stoos and back, funicular tickets, guidance throughout the hike, where to stop for food, and all weather concerns. He emailed me a few days prior to our scheduled trip with simple details and instructions. All we had to do was show up. Because of that convenience, we could really focus on the experience and breathtaking views this hike offered.
The hike itself was moderately challenging. Decent hiking shoes and even walking sticks are good to bring. There are some steeper inclines in a few spots, and you are on a ridge the entire hike. We had some rain the day before and light rain throughout that added to the difficulty. The weather was perfectly suited to our group, though, as it was cool enough to hike all day comfortably, and the low clouds added a nice depth to the scenery. We just wore layers and brought small hiking packs. It was seriously beyond beautiful when the sky parted for us to witness Lake Lucerne from above. You feel like you’re on top of the world there.
We were a little hesitant at first to book this trip because of the price, but were so glad we did. It included all transportation costs to and from the mountain (which add up on their own); really though, the convenience of having Rene and Andrea maintain our schedule, provide local insights, and keep us on the right path the entire time was nearly priceless. They were both so friendly and made our trip incredibly enjoyable. We will definitely reach out to them again for another tour the next time we are in Switzerland!
The hike itself was moderately challenging. Decent hiking shoes and even walking sticks are good to bring. There are some steeper inclines in a few spots, and you are on a ridge the entire hike. We had some rain the day before and light rain throughout that added to the difficulty. The weather was perfectly suited to our group, though, as it was cool enough to hike all day comfortably, and the low clouds added a nice depth to the scenery. We just wore layers and brought small hiking packs. It was seriously beyond beautiful when the sky parted for us to witness Lake Lucerne from above. You feel like you’re on top of the world there.
We were a little hesitant at first to book this trip because of the price, but were so glad we did. It included all transportation costs to and from the mountain (which add up on their own); really though, the convenience of having Rene and Andrea maintain our schedule, provide local insights, and keep us on the right path the entire time was nearly priceless. They were both so friendly and made our trip incredibly enjoyable. We will definitely reach out to them again for another tour the next time we are in Switzerland!
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Thank you for being great sports & having such a gung-ho attitude during our ridge to ridge hike. Please contact me and let me know when you're interested in another one of our ECHO Trails tours in Switzerland.
Wishing you many more happy trails,
René Welti, Owner
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27 条分享
2017年9月 • 夫妻情侣
One of the best days of a great trip and one of the best days of our life. Echo Trails tour guide Peter made our day a real delight. While studying hike tours from Lucerne this tour stood out with a spa visit at a building designed by world-famous architect Mario Botta. We took a swift train from Lucerne at 8:00 am after meeting with Peter beneath the historic train station arches. (I liked that he had sent me a confirming message in advance by a week.) We transferred to a cogwheel train at the base of Mt. Rigi and enjoyed the ride up to the near-summit. Great views! The hike around the top and then down was so great. Stopped at a small Alpine farm for a sandwich, fondue and a beer, and we toured the small cheese-making operation, then another hike through the woods with great distant vistas. Peter explained a lot and spoke perfect English, which was natural since he's British. He also new the local dialect and helped us us learn how to greet others.
The weather was perfect. The spa was amazing. Then the gondola ride and boat ride back to Lucerne capped it. We were absolutely impressed in every way, and we spent 90 minutes in the spa pools and steam room! We have a lot of photos and treasure them from this tour. Thank you Peter and Echo Trails.
The weather was perfect. The spa was amazing. Then the gondola ride and boat ride back to Lucerne capped it. We were absolutely impressed in every way, and we spent 90 minutes in the spa pools and steam room! We have a lot of photos and treasure them from this tour. Thank you Peter and Echo Trails.
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