Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄限制:0-99,每个团体最多 48 人
用时: 3 小时 45 分
开始时间: 查看供应情况
现场指南:英语, 西班牙语
- 从苏黎世市中心或机场到莱茵瀑布的早间快速旅行
- 途中可观赏该地区的其他地标,如劳芬城堡和米诺城堡
- 在莱茵瀑布拍照并在此进行自由探索
- 在前往莱茵瀑布时,了解此瀑布
- 带空调的舒适客车交通
- 地导
- 参观莱茵瀑布
- 进入劳芬城堡,Historama
- 经 myclimate 认证的碳平衡运营
- 入场/门票 - Rhine Falls
未包含内容- 酒店接送
- 莱茵瀑布乘船之旅(每位成人收费约 10.00 瑞士法郎,每位儿童约 5.00 瑞士法郎;仅限六月至八月)
- 食物和饮料
- 小费
- 从苏黎世 Sihlquai 汽车总站或机场接到您后,您将乘坐游览车穿过瑞士北部的乡村和村庄。当您聆听导游对该地区的解说时,您可以眺望窗外的葡萄园,欣赏它们沿着德国边境延伸的绵延景象。 在几个世纪以前的劳芬城堡停留拍照,这个城堡建在一块岩石的悬崖上,然后在莱茵瀑布附近享受一个小时的自由时间。在观景平台水花四溅的背景下拍摄照片,如果您在夏季游览,您甚至可以额外支付少许费用,到瀑布中央欣赏无与伦比的美景。 在既定时间返回苏黎世,途中经过沙夫豪森的米诺城堡。最后,您将被送至苏黎世机场,或者下午尽早被送到公共汽车总站。
- 出发地点:
- Best of Switzerland Tours AG, Sihlquai Coach Parking, Limmatstrasse 4, 8005 Zürich, Switzerland从苏黎世出发的所有旅程官方出发点都在 Sihlquai 中央长途汽车站停车场(即客运总站),靠近苏黎世火车总站(苏黎世 HB)。请至少提前 15 分钟到出发点办理登记手续,出发点就在白色的售票处,标注有“瑞士最佳旅游路线”或“城市旅游和游览”字样。
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 无障碍通道
- 婴儿车可入内
- 允许携带服务型动物
- 靠近公共交通
- 提供婴儿座椅
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:3885SW302BS- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 旅行当天需要携带当前有效护照
- 旅行者应该具备正常的身体素质
- 可选乘船游览:每位成人 10 瑞士法郎/每位儿童 5 瑞士法郎(视供应情况而定,需在现场支付)
- 乘船游览不适合行动不便和推婴儿车的客人
- 此项体验设有最低出行人数限制。 如果行程由于未达到最低出行人数而取消,您可选择改期/不同体验或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 48 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:3885SW302BS
低至 US$67.02
- Sihlquai Coach Parking, Limmatstrasse 4, 8005 Zürich, Switzerland从苏黎世出发的所有旅程官方出发点都在 Sihlquai 中央长途汽车站停车场(即客运总站),靠近苏黎世火车总站(苏黎世 HB)。请至少提前 15 分钟到出发点办理登记手续,出发点就在白色的售票处,标注有“瑞士最佳旅游路线”或“城市旅游和游览”字样。
- 途经Zurich
- 1您将在中世纪劳芬城堡停留拍照留念。 到达莱茵瀑布——欧洲最大的瀑布,宽 450 英尺(约150 米),高 75 英尺(约 23 米)。享受一个小时的自由时间拍摄照片,从不同的角度欣赏瀑布。在莱茵河畔您可以选择乘坐游船,从正面欣赏瀑布(仅限六月至八月,不包含在价格中)。 在您历时 3.5 小时的莱茵瀑布之旅中,导游将为您提供更多关于瑞士北部景点、历史和文化的讲解。途经Zurich
- Sophia L0 条分享很好的旅行体验非常负责的中文导游,热情又可爱!一路上对我们的每个问题都细心回答,结束了还根据我们的需要推荐餐厅,帮我们安排后边的行程。weili真的很好撰写日期:2023年8月15日
- M5850DKcathyl0 条分享少女峰此次的少女峰之行非常满意,景色太漂亮了。时间安排也很紧凑,早上出发到因特拉肯,坐缆车及火车,上少女峰。少女峰太美了。导游DAN和Ersilia两人非常nice,介绍景点及注意事项,有他们两个行程很放心。以后推荐朋友再来撰写日期:2023年8月13日
- bol5660 条分享整体很好很值得的一日游导游人很好,介绍的很全面,景点路线整体很好,只是有一段十五分钟购物时间,不过没有强制,上个厕所休息下就过去了,少女峰里面除了六号景点区就是比较远的室外那个点去不了(时间不够)外其他都可以看到,很好看。撰写日期:2022年8月28日
- 857tingtingz0 条分享完美的旅行昨天去了瑞士少女峰一日游,这家旅行社的服务非常赞!旅行社的Isa帮我们订票,提供了很多有帮助的信息和本地资讯。去少女峰当天,天气虽然不太理想,到时两位导游Ping和Gallus尽心尽力,全程负责,注意每一位游客的安全,而且Ping还提供中文讲解服务,让我们受益良多。总之,昨天一天的旅行很美好!撰写日期:2022年4月9日
- 917Johnny0 条分享欧洲之巅去年带家人前往瑞士旅游, 我自己已经来过几次, 但是这次我瑞士朋友, 帮我们报名了 少女峰, JUNGFRAUJOCH, The Top of Europe, 一日游. 搭上专用的巴士, 一路上都可以欣赏到, 瑞士的美丽风景, 山与湖之间的交会, 最为漂亮, 瑞士郊区(山间)的空气非常的干净. 从 Zurich (苏黎世), 搭了快2个小时的巴士, 抵达 少女峰山脚下的车站, 再换搭山间火车抵达山腰, 然后还要再换搭 可以到山顶的高山火车到少女峰 . 我们是7月份到瑞士, 但是这里是全欧洲的最高点, 终年积雪, 我们到达时, 温度是零下5度, 而且正在下雪, 7月份看到下雪, 对于我这个每年出国10次的人, 还是第一次看到, 感到很新鲜. 里面有冰宫, 有很多冰雕, 值得一看, 我们还在最高点用午餐, 往外看, 就是 阿尔卑诗山 的山峰, 皑皑白雪, 餐厅很温暖, 别有一番风味. 回程虽然有点累了, 但是眼睛又一直欣赏延徒的美丽风景, 心想下次还要再来一次.撰写日期:2020年3月22日
- tristachanyw0 条分享登上欧洲之巅 阿尔卑斯山 少女峰 一日游到了瑞士必做的事一定包括登上全欧洲最高的火车站--阿尔卑斯山 少女峰 站。除了自行乘车之外,比较多人选择参加一日团,由苏黎世、琉森或因特拉肯出发均可。全程专车接送,还有专人讲解,只需带相机和足够上山的衣物就可以,相当方便~ 由苏黎世(起始站)乘坐专车,到达茵特拉肯后,会有一个多小时的自由活动时间,车程大约2小时30分钟。到达后可以去吃点热的东西,暖暖身体。随便走入了一家泰国面馆,卫生比较差,但食物质素不错。 然后乘坐30分钟专车后,到格林德瓦转乘齿轨列车,需转乘两次,途中在小夏戴克站、冰海站转乘,最后才到达少女峰。乘坐齿轨列车也是欣赏风景的好机会,其中几卡车还有比较大的玻璃窗,拍照打卡一流,如置身童话之中。 终于到达少女峰站,从苏黎世出发的话足足花了5小时才到达。 进入车站后,会有大约2小时30分钟的自由活动时间,当然要拿出在小火车收到的「少女峰护照」打个卡! 然后就沿着交游路线,登上斯芬克斯观景台、普拉特展望台,一览欧洲最长的阿莱奇冰河。 基本上除了觉得超级壮观和漂亮,就真的只有好冷了!速速拍过几张照片,要先进入室内回一回气,再出去拍照~少女峰站内还有一个少女峰冰宫,算是颇有趣的行程。 站内还有餐厅,可以边观看冰川美景边品尝瑞士必吃芝士火锅。临走除了逛纪念品店,还有瑞士朱古力品牌Lindt的专门店,可以买到特别版少女峰朱古力,价格也比市区的便宜一点。 完成整个行程后,乘坐小火车,再转乘专车旅游巴回去,有其他瑞士的问题也可以问导游呢。撰写日期:2020年1月22日
- Jiaying Y0 条分享行程安排的不太合理,令人失望不要被标题诱导了,虽然写着少女峰,但是上车后导游会告诉你,如果需要登少女峰,需要支付150法郎。整个旅行团是分成两对的,支付了的去少女峰,没有的就在格林德瓦自由行。然后乘火车去因特拉肯,再坐大巴回卢塞恩。但是导游却并没有清晰交待汇合的地点,导致最后只有自己买火车票从因特拉肯回来。大部分时间(几乎三四个小时在格林德瓦,并没有合理安排行程)总之,不是很值。撰写日期:2020年1月14日
- VanceT250 条分享非常享受的我们在苏黎世呆了几天,决定参加这次游览(城市,旧城区,湖上巡游以及参观Lindt工厂)。通常上我不预订这些类型的旅行,但真的很高兴这次预订了!导游Anna Liese很棒!她知识渊博,以很好的速度带队前进!这次旅行非常有价值,这是参观苏黎世的好方法!撰写日期:2019年9月17日
- hlt6950 条分享少女峰之旅经过一段长途跋涉才能到达山上。祈求阳光灿烂的日子吧,那会有更好的景色。我的建议是每个人往上爬的过程中都慢慢行走。总体而言,这是一次很棒的体验 - 冰宫殿和雪的体验。撰写日期:2017年11月9日
- DonSchilling0 条分享很棒的旅行这次旅行很棒。一共有12人,中途时间很充足,可以在各个景点停车。导游很棒,善解人意。因为还有两个75岁以上的老人,所以一切都是慢慢来,没有人催促我们。每一站都很棒。我向大家推荐这样的旅行。撰写日期:2017年10月29日
- gabrielw8000 条分享超赞的导游10月13日,我们前往因特拉肯/ Jongfrouyouc旅行,幸运的是,我们有安特耶作为我们的导游。她一直都是一个笑脸,经常和我们分享流利的英语、德语和西班牙语的兴趣和后勤。在到达目的地的途中,她几乎没有休息。太令人惊讶了!她做什么工作都很出色。遗憾的是她在旅行结束时失去了声音。这表明她是一个负责任的导游,确保每个人都能得到很好的照顾。我们很高兴参加了她的旅行。当然,司机,菲利普,在整个旅程中确保安全平稳的旅程也做得很好。撰写日期:2017年10月14日
- mirzaasmara0 条分享一次旅行体验我很喜欢这一次的旅行,Monika是一个很棒的导游,她给我们展示了很多乡村的东西,让我们对瑞士保持好奇。只有一个缺点,就是导游该等上所有人,这样就能让你我们一起听到那么精彩的话语。我很推荐这一次的旅行。撰写日期:2017年9月20日
- SDMB870 条分享棒极了我们选择了这家旅行社的苏黎世城之旅,莱茵瀑布之旅和阿尔卑斯山之旅,这三次旅行都很棒,导游非常友好,信息丰富。我必须特别提到陪同我们游览阿尔卑斯山的安德烈亚斯先生,他是非常出色的一个人!强烈推荐这家旅游公司。撰写日期:2017年9月1日
- Esimay A0 条分享超赞!我们在不同的时间里参加了二个旅程(一次是登山/巧克力和芝士之旅,一次是莱茵河瀑布之旅,旅行社安排的很赞,提供各种信息,旅程非常开心。特别是第一趟关于瑞士传统的旅程,导游Beat超赞。价格很贵,但是感觉非常值得。撰写日期:2017年8月7日
- Otugcu0 条分享山奶酪和巧克力塔我们带着五个朋友参加了这次旅行,并且非常喜欢,我们预定了6个人的旅行团,我们的司机thomas demuth 很好,并且告诉了我们很多关于瑞士有趣的东西,我们非常享受这次的旅行,并且肯定会尝试这个旅行社的其他线路。撰写日期:2017年7月19日
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56 条点评
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Irene F
1 条分享
2024年5月 • 好友
My friend and I booked a tour via Viator to visit Reins Falls in Switzerland on May 31, 2024. During the tour, and after we visited the falls, we could not get back on the tour bus because at first, the driver was missing- turned out he was peacefully sipping his tea, and he forgot about time. And then he broke the bus door, after which we could not go to our next destination. To get on the bus, we had to wait around 25 minutes in the rain and cold. Once he was able to open the door and we were in the bus, we sat on a bus for about 45 minutes and instead of sending another bus asap, the tour guide directed us to back to Zurich (which is where our trip originated) on the train. She said that the company will pay for the train tickets as courtesy since our trip was cut short and due to inconvenience. She also said that we will be refunded for the tour, as it did not go as planned (we were supposed to go to another place, on German border after the Reins Falls). When we got to the train station, the group of us got on the train, but for whatever reason the tour guide - with all the tickets that she purchased (on her phone), did not get on the train. We almost got fined due to riding without a ticket. The train conductor was understanding, thankfully, as he saw that a lot of people from our tour group were on the train, under the same circumstances. Instead of fining us, he let us purchase tickets on the train. The total price for two of us was 58.40 franks. We made it back to Zurich safely, and when we approached our tour company there, we were told that Viator needs to issue all refunds and reimbursements. We made a claim received $60 back (about 1/3 of the final price for the whole experience ), and on top of it Viator refused to reimburse us for the train tickets, which was unreasonable and not fair. We understand that problems happen, and the tour guide did the best she could, but since it was her job to buy tickets and get on the train with us, which she failed to do, then Viator should be responsible for the full refund of the train tickets at least, not to say refund the cost of the trip after putting us through all this trouble.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Dear Irene,
Thank you very much for joining our Rhine Falls tour with your friend and for taking the time to write this detailed feedback.
We sincerely apologize for the delay caused by the driver. He was on a scheduled break, and while it’s unfortunate that time slipped away from him, we’re sorry this impacted your experience. We strive to ensure everything runs smoothly, and we regret this oversight.
Regarding the bus door issue, it was indeed a technical problem and not the driver's fault. We understand waiting 25 minutes in the cold and rain must have been frustrating, and we’re grateful for your patience. Our team worked hard to find the quickest solution under the circumstances. We agree that sending another bus would have been ideal. However, during high season, buses and drivers are not always available on short notice. Given the situation, using Switzerland’s excellent public transport was the fastest and most reliable option.
We also apologize for the confusion at the train station. Our guide, Ersilia, had planned to purchase tickets on board but was unable to find the ticket inspector in time. She then stopped at a station to buy tickets, which unfortunately caused the group to separate. We’re sorry this led to such an inconvenience.
We understand that you were expecting a larger refund, but we believe that offering 50% of the booking is fair, considering that guests were able to enjoy the visit to Rhine Falls and the castle. The only disruption occurred on the journey back. Additionally, we would like to note that the train fare from Rhine Falls to Zurich is 17.80 CHF per person.
We sincerely hope this experience doesn’t discourage you from exploring more with us in the future, and that you still hold fond memories of your time in Switzerland.
Best regards,
Magdalena from Best of Switzerland Tours
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Rodalita B
墨西哥Francisco I. Madero Municipality3,482 条分享
Rhine Falls MorningTrip with Entry ticket Surich . Switzerland..Best waterfalls at Switzerland by . The place you visit from zurich was perfect..for everyone who want ti see one of the largest waterfalls in Europe ...15 minute tour us very short time you can add another 15 minute to spend time at Rhinefalls..to close up the roaring of the thunder waterfalls ..tour guided. Was very intelligent . Eligeble for guiding around the trip...excellent and helpful for taking you a photos and explore the trips...Optional boat ride ( CHF 10 per adult and CHF 5 per child) tolkepaid on site...they are enjoring thier rides at the boat ride tour..and also a guided walking tour at old - tain in Stien am Rhienfall Supposed to be zurich bus station to Schaffausen . Station twice daily to operate .love the beautiful views at Switzerland...
Rhine Falls MorningTrip with Entry ticket Surich . Switzerland..Best waterfalls at Switzerland by . The place you visit from zurich was perfect..for everyone who want ti see one of the largest waterfalls in Europe ...15 minute tour us very short time you can add another 15 minute to spend time at Rhinefalls..to close up the roaring of the thunder waterfalls ..tour guided. Was very intelligent . Eligeble for guiding around the trip...excellent and helpful for taking you a photos and explore the trips...Optional boat ride ( CHF 10 per adult and CHF 5 per child) tolkepaid on site...they are enjoring thier rides at the boat ride tour..and also a guided walking tour at old - tain in Stien am Rhienfall Supposed to be zurich bus station to Schaffausen . Station twice daily to operate .love the beautiful views at Switzerland...
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
佛罗里达Ponce Inlet76 条分享
2024年7月 • 夫妻情侣
Fun trip to the Falls. Bus ride was good and we had an excellent guide She gave a lot of information. Falls are beautiful and the boat ride was exciting. Not quite Niagara Falls but a good tour. Our guide even helped us get beyond train station so we could walk back to our hotel.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Senior Travel Adventures
加利福尼亚弗雷斯诺13 条分享
2024年5月 • 独自旅游
Rhine Falls is the largest waterfall in Europe. It is a breathtaking natural wonder that offers a spectacular display of power and beauty and it did not disappoint ! I enjoyed it all, the driver of the bus was nice, and the tour guide, Manuel was good. I think there was enough time during the tour there to enjoy your visit.
As a travel blogger for Senior Travel Adventures - I would like to mention that for people with ambulatory challenges I think more information should have been provided in the description of the tour, there were uneven stairs, the access to the optional boat tour was not easy, and they should mention you might get wet on the boat. However, keeping that in mind, I would still highly recommend this tour!
As a travel blogger for Senior Travel Adventures - I would like to mention that for people with ambulatory challenges I think more information should have been provided in the description of the tour, there were uneven stairs, the access to the optional boat tour was not easy, and they should mention you might get wet on the boat. However, keeping that in mind, I would still highly recommend this tour!
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Mel T
9 条分享
2024年5月 • 好友
Our guide, Giada, was great. Very thoughtful and informative. The falls were amazing, I highly recommend the boat ride at 15 minutes, not really enough time for 30 minutes plus walking the platforms. Great trip!
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Kt.Bern35 条分享
2024年5月 • 家庭
If you are nearby, you should definitely visit. Entry is cheap. When there is a lot of water, it is very spectacular. Laufen Castle is very beautiful and everything is clean and well-kept. There are also picnic areas and various food options. I can recommend it.
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瑞士楚格4 条分享
2023年10月 • 夫妻情侣
A visit to the waterfall is definitely worthwhile. Switzerland's most beautiful waterfall is beautiful to look at and you can also get close to it by boat.
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Sheila M
4 条分享
What a wonderful tour with #bestofswitzerlandtours! It was a lovely bus ride to the falls, and then a great boat ride up close to the falls! What fun! Marcela was our guide and absolutely the best guide I’ve ever had on a tour, very knowledgeable, but knew when to quietly let us enjoy the scenery as we drove to the falls. She was cheerful, direct, and funny without wanting to be the center of attention as some guides tend to do. Excellent experience that I highly recommend! And take the 15 minute boat ride, it’s worth it!
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Emma J
1 条分享
2023年7月 • 好友
My group was looking forward to this tour and had high hopes, however the directions and meet up spot were unclear. I called the number associated with the organization and nobody answered. We clicked the exact address as stated in our confirmation email and were taken to the wrong spot. They then refused to give us a refund. We ended up taking a train to the waterfall and had more time to swim and walk around. Highly recommend doing Rhine falls on your own time and doing a 30 minute boat tour up to the waterfall once you get there rather than with this company.
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Dear emmajQ8949SL,
Thank you very much for joining our Rhine Falls tour and taking the time to write this review.
We are very sorry to hear that you were disappointed with our services and that you had difficulties finding our meeting point. As soon as someone makes a booking, they receive a voucher with all the information regarding the departure location. The address is also stated in the tour description in Viator. We fully understand that most of our guests that come to Switzerland are unfamiliar with the city, therefore we request them to be at the meeting point 15 minutes prior to the departure to avoid these situations. We are surprised to hear that nobody answered the phone as our telephone line and email service are always available from 7:00h to 22:00h and we are continuously in contact with our guests and tour guides.
Our policy states that amendments and cancellations can only be done 24 hours prior to departure, therefore a refund could not be processed. In this case, the bus waited for you 5 minutes, but afterwards it had to continue with the journey as we have a tight schedule to follow and the rest of the guests, who made an effort to arrive on time, deserve a punctual departure.
While it is possible to travel to the Rhine Falls using public transportation, most of the guests find value in having a tour guide who acts as a facilitator and a readily available point of contact for any inquiries that may arise. Furthermore, the primary reason our guests choose our tour over an individual visit is the opportunity to hear the tour guide's personal anecdotes and receive insightful information about Switzerland's history and culture.
We are sorry to read that you could not make it to the meeting point on time and hope that you still enjoyed the rest of your stay in Switzerland.
Best regards,
Magdalena from Best of Switzerland Tours
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Rashida L
加利福尼亚雷德伍德城101 条分享
Great way to see the Rhein Falls and get some local history. Roberto was a great tour guide. We were short on time and wanted to see the falls in the one day we had in Zurich so this was a great way to fit it all in. We spent a good amount of time exploring the falls, with an optional (additional charge) boat ride, which I recommend as they take you quite close to the falls and it's fun! Absolutely recommend this tour!
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I would like to do this tour during my layover, my flight departs at 13:10. Would we return to the airport in time? Thank you.
The tour is half day so approx 4 hours and started at 8 or 9 am so I don't think you'd manage it if the flight is 1pm but you can look at taking public transport there and t touring the falls as that may work
We have 3 large peices of luggage and our hand luggage. Do you have room for that on this tour. We have to catch a flight at 3:30 PM
Es seguro que puedo subir con mi equipaje y podré bajarme en el aeropuerto?Salgo a las 19 hs
Hola los billetes del barco se compran allí mismo en las cataratas? O hay algún sitio ?
I am landing at Zurich Airport on 14th July @ 07:50 Zurich (ZRH).. do you think it is possible to ctah your bus at 9.15? Also, i assume that i can go down the bus at Zurich HB one the way back right? Kindly let me know.
Are we able to start our tour at the airport but finish at the Sihlquai Bus Terminal?
not sure. But most of these tours start from Sihlqui bus terminal.
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