供应商/业主为:Portugal Magik Private Tours
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
离开里斯本的喧嚣,探索辛特拉和卡斯卡伊斯的美丽小镇。沿着葡萄牙里维埃拉(Costa Riviera)经过迷人的海滩小镇,如卡斯卡伊斯(Cascais),Guincho海滩和罗卡角(Cabo da Roca),然后前往山上,欣赏被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产的辛特拉(Sintra)镇及其奢华的宫殿。在您的私人导游的全日游中创建自己的行程。
年龄 1-99
用时: 7–8 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 在这个私人全日游中探索辛特拉和卡斯卡伊斯镇
- 参观佩纳宫和被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产的辛特拉村等地标
- 穿过葡萄牙里维埃拉,参观Cabo da Roca和Cascais
- 在这次私人旅行中享受定制的行程和个性化服务
- 早上 8 点从您在里斯本、卡斯卡伊斯或辛特拉的酒店/住宿处私人接客
- 私人导游(英语演讲)
- 梅赛德斯 - 奔驰私人交通
- 燃料,通行费和停车费
未包含内容- 入场费和入学费(约17欧元)
- 膳食,饮料和个人开支。
- 小费
- 入场/门票 - 辛特拉
- 入场/门票 - 佩纳宫
- 在您的里斯本酒店前面与您的私人向导会面,然后前往葡萄牙里维埃拉开始您的游览。前往美丽的山坡小镇辛特拉时,欣赏美丽的海岸线。 漫步在奢华的佩纳宫(自费入场)和郁郁葱葱的花园中,同时聆听该地区迷人的历史。前往历史悠久的市中心,一边欣赏美丽的建筑,一边花时间漫步。 从辛特拉出发,前往迷人的海滨村庄卡斯卡伊斯(Cascais)和Guincho海滩,在这里您可以在沙滩上放松一下或沿着木板路漫步。经过一整天的探索,结束您在里斯本酒店的旅程。
- 出发地点:提供旅行者接送服务。接送服务详情
- 我们会在早上 8 点从您位于里斯本市中心、辛特拉或卡斯卡伊斯的酒店/住宿处提供个性化接客服务。
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 提供婴儿座椅
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:6883GOLDENTRIANGLE- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 如果有残疾人士或行走有限,请在预订时告知我们,以便我们调整行程
- 旅行者应该具备正常的身体素质
- 这是一项私人游览/活动。 只有您的团队能够参加
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:6883GOLDENTRIANGLE
- 途经Portugal Magik Private ToursNational Palace of Queluz
- 1
- 2途经Castelo dos MourosSintra National PalaceMoorish FountainParque e Palacio de MonserrateBoca do Inferno
- 3
- 4
- 5途经Guincho BeachMarina de CascaisSantiniSantiniSanta Marta BeachCasino Estoril
- letsgolook0 条分享从卡斯卡伊斯到辛特拉的私人游我非常享受和John一起游览辛特拉,他对这里非常了解,对宫殿和里面的家具都很熟悉。John也很贴心。很高兴能和他逛一整天。撰写日期:2019年8月7日
- George H0 条分享两天的全天游览我们强烈推荐Sintra Magic的Joao (John)担任导游。他既博学又灵活(如果旅行者有任何特殊需求,他也乐于助人)。他确实加强了我们对葡萄牙的旅行。我们能够在人群前参观了佩纳宫;而且参观了法蒂玛、巴塔尔哈和奥比杜斯,度过了美妙的一天。撰写日期:2019年5月16日
- The350Zman0 条分享和Sintra Magik私人旅游公司的弗朗西斯科导游的旅行精彩的一日游,Sintra (佩纳皇宫& 雷加莱拉庄园),卡角,和卡斯卡伊斯市。弗朗西斯科学识渊博,很乐意为我们量身定做参观行程。我们的旅行持续了大约8个小时,乘坐着一辆宽敞的奔驰车非常舒服。撰写日期:2019年4月23日
- 9Stafford0 条分享法蒂玛、纳扎雷和奥比杜斯一日游由迪奥戈带领,我们去了三个不同的地方。每个地方都非常不一样,我们收获了很多。除了非常有趣的景点,这次旅行的亮点是非常有帮助的导游,迪奥戈见多识广。他全面地讲解了大量信息,耐心回答了我们的许多问题。他让我们对葡萄牙的历史和文化有了深刻的了解,而且非常关心我们的需要。我强烈推荐辛特拉小镇。而且,他们提供的设备非常现代化,而且非常干净。撰写日期:2019年1月10日
- Enrico C0 条分享葡萄牙访问(Fatima)这是一次难忘的经历,我们很感激他们提供的一流服务。感谢Joao (John)对我们的照顾,特别是我的岳母,她在我们旅行期间庆祝了她的70岁生日。一切都很棒!撰写日期:2018年10月6日
- Arlene H0 条分享很棒的里斯本之旅我们在里斯本的逗留时间只有3天,我们想尽可能多地体验。Doogo(安迪)真是太棒了。他知识渊博,非常有个性。我们非常喜欢他,我们问他是否可以第二天为我们服务。他甚至为我们定制了旅程,这样,在旅程快结束时,我们还玩了立桨冲浪。下次再见,我的朋友!撰写日期:2018年8月9日
- suppa40 条分享法蒂玛之旅我们法蒂玛和度过了难忘的一天。我们的私人司机约翰(Joao)是一个令人惊叹并且随和的人,我会向任何人推荐他,他很有见识,能够回答我们所有的问题。谢谢约翰让我们的旅行如此特别和难忘。撰写日期:2018年7月13日
- Joachim O0 条分享国王夏天的住处辛特拉城堡是葡萄牙的主要景点之一。由于它不是一次性建造的,而是经过多次修整和扩展的,所以它是一个有趣的各种风格的混合物。只不过,它似乎是一个非常和谐的复合体。在参观完城堡以后,你一定要参观一下城堡隔壁的小镇。撰写日期:2018年6月3日
- Teri E0 条分享安迪太棒了我们和我们最喜欢的导游安迪在这里度过了令人愉快的一天。安迪知识渊博。我丈夫和我都很喜欢并很享受这段经历。我们期待着再次访问,还会再请Sintra Magik和Andy当导游。撰写日期:2018年4月9日
- Courtney L0 条分享导游人很好,经历很是多姿多彩这是我们第一次到里斯本旅行,Ruis(又名“Roy”)是我们的搭档。他对葡萄牙的历史有着深入的了解,无论是购物、做的事情、去处、美味佳肴以及等等,他都给我们留下了深刻的印象,很快我们就让辛特拉(Sintra)和Ruis来作为我们的向导开启了另一趟旅程。这家伙真的帅毙了!!!他是个很踏实的人,很风趣,而且知道那些时髦的去处。我们不仅参观了Belem,还欣赏了里斯本最好的街头艺术表演,他还带我们来到了Pena Palace,沿着海岸线,我们欣赏了一段风景优美的旅程,在这样一个美丽迷人的地方,真的很赞!强烈推荐,感谢你们,让我们的生活变得如此多姿多彩撰写日期:2017年12月19日
- mmeves0 条分享私人旅行我无法描述我们有多么享受我们的旅行,只希望我之前预订的天数再更多一些。我们的导游米格尔他太棒了。 我推荐指定他作为导游。 下一次的时候我会花更多时间在私人旅行上,同样让米格尔作为我的指导。 我感觉好像和家人在一起,谢谢米格尔。 这是最棒的地方,尤其是与米格尔在一起。撰写日期:2017年11月17日
- NewYorkWendy0 条分享物有所值Miguel是一个很不错的向导,见多识广,风趣幽默。在里斯本旅游需要有一个详尽的规划,如果想去佩纳宫最好赶早,否则人头攒动。如果你喜欢冰淇淋,可以让Miguel带你去圣蒂尼。撰写日期:2017年8月19日
- KLFCornwall0 条分享很棒的导游,在辛特拉很棒的一天一次强烈推荐的旅行-Diogo非常见多识广,乐于助人很友善,确保这一天从开始到结束都是一次巨大的成就。他的体验是无价的-确保他很容易适应我们12人组的需要和要求。迷你巴士和司机也是一流的。撰写日期:2017年8月12日
- Emily K0 条分享令人难以置信的旅游与优秀的导游 - 我们都喜欢它!我们和安迪一起度过了一天,安迪是我们的导游,来到辛特拉和卡斯卡伊斯。他做了一个特别棒的辛特拉和佩纳宫(以及竭尽全力)的旅程,完全可以控制的。他的历史知识很丰富,又使人着迷,他能够回答我们关于各种主题的问题。我们品尝了奶酪和波特酒,他考虑到我们的口味,带我们在当地享用了一顿非常特别的午餐。 我们一路走访了一系列其他美丽有趣的地方,对这次体验非常高兴。强烈推荐。撰写日期:2017年7月19日
- Lynn C0 条分享美丽的辛特拉!在导游Diogo引导下,我们非常享受我们在辛特拉的私人旅程。他知道辛特拉最好的地方和秘密路线!我们和他在Palacio Nacional da Pena, CaboDa Roca, & Cascais餐厅享受了一顿非常美味经典的葡萄牙午餐。和他一起非常有趣,因此我们第二天早上再次预订他作为导游参观了里斯本的城市的景点!我非常推荐我们的导游Diogo!他对葡萄牙历史充分了解,并且能以有趣的方式告诉我们!撰写日期:2017年5月31日
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187 条点评
阿肯色州小石城128 条分享
Diego Vasco was our tour guide for 3 days. He was always on time, speaks perfect English, and attentive to needs of clients. I traveled with my husband and adult son. He was informative, fun and knows great places to eat. My husband is disabled and vasco was attuned to making things as easy as possible for him. Always getting him close to destinations to minimize walking. We rented a w/c. Diego picked it up and returned it for us. He was knowledgeable about all the sites we visited and included history and art since we included that in our interest’s. Diego is an Excellent driver. I lost my hairclip and asked him to ask his daughter for a store recommendation to find one. The next morning instead of an address he arrived with a beautiful hair clip just like I wanted. So kind and considerate. Always upbeat and positive. Ask for Diego you will be very happy.
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Michael R
4 条分享
We had a wonderful time on our tour. We learned a lot about Portugal and saw the beauty of the area.
Sintra was magical. Seeing the palace, gardens and town was fantastic.
Sintra was magical. Seeing the palace, gardens and town was fantastic.
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俄亥俄14 条分享
Excellent experience. Joao (John) was the perfect guide for our families. Lunch recommendation was perfect. Event stayed with us to go shopping! HIGHLY recommend this company and Joao!
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Thank you for your review, our team was very happy to read it.
It was our pleasure having you all here with us.
We hope to see you, your family, and your friends in the future.
Kind regards
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Deolinda C
3 条分享
2024年7月 • 家庭
We absolutely loved this trip. We were a family of 5 and this was my family’s first trip to Portugal. I wanted them to experience some of the beauty and history of this country and this trip certainly accomplished that.
Peña Palace in Sintra, with its mix of awesome architectural styles, was amazing. The city of Sintra was quaint and lovely with many good cafes and craft shops.
We then went on to Cabo da Roca which had spectacular views of the Atlantic along with being the western most point in continental Europe.
We followed the beautiful coastline to Cascais, stopping in Guincho at a beautiful waterfront restaurant for an authentic Portuguese meal.
Our tour guide, Victor, was invaluable in recommending places to us. He was very personable and knowledgeable. Portugal Magik was an excellent and professional company to deal with. Would recommend them without hesitation.
Peña Palace in Sintra, with its mix of awesome architectural styles, was amazing. The city of Sintra was quaint and lovely with many good cafes and craft shops.
We then went on to Cabo da Roca which had spectacular views of the Atlantic along with being the western most point in continental Europe.
We followed the beautiful coastline to Cascais, stopping in Guincho at a beautiful waterfront restaurant for an authentic Portuguese meal.
Our tour guide, Victor, was invaluable in recommending places to us. He was very personable and knowledgeable. Portugal Magik was an excellent and professional company to deal with. Would recommend them without hesitation.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
科罗拉多Lyons27 条分享
We spent two days with Victor and our family of four with two young kids (7 and 4). We only had two day (really only a day and a half) in Lisbon and Victor really helped us maximize our time in the city. He was so great especially with the kids and tailoring the tour to them. I especially loved how by the end my 4 year old was asking victor tons of questions about how old everything was. One great memory was we were just casually talking about cork and trees and he just pulled over and brought us to a cork tree to feel it and then showed us another that had been harvested - felt like a great mix of a tour with a nice bit of improvisation.
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Doug M
加拿大穆迪港166 条分享
2024年5月 • 家庭
Wonderful tour to Pena Palace, Sintra, Cascais, and Cabo de Roca with Jose Barreiro. Joe was an extremely knowledgeable tour guide who provided tons of information. He also guided us on a tour to Fatima the day before. Planning was spot-on and we arrived at Pena Palace at the right time. We stopped for a nice lunch on the ocean on our way to Cabo de Roca and Cascais. Would highly recommend this company.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Sandra B
加利福尼亚旧金山11 条分享
2024年4月 • 家庭
Our family is lucky enough to visit Portugal on a semi-regular basis and we have booked seven tours with Portugal Magik in Lisbon and Porto. They are always phenomenal guides who love their country and want to share it with you. Just a delight! Very prompt and wonderful people with whom it is a joy to share the day. This tour is especially memorable - Sintra is one of our favorite places on earth! Very special and well worth a visit.
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6 条分享
2024年3月 • 夫妻情侣
Amazing service and a great value for the cost. Our tour fell on a rainy day in March but our guide Andre still managed to make it a memorable experience. He was fantastic, we enjoyed the conversation and on top of touring the area he took us for wine and local food tasting and shared a lot of information and tips about other local sites. I would never believe that such a rainy day could turn out to be one of the best days of our vacation. Highly recommend!!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
janet d
1 条分享
2024年2月 • 夫妻情侣
We had a fantastic experience with this tour company. The vehicle was so clean and the guide was extremely knowledgeable, professional and quite fun. It was an amazing time and I would highly recommend using them on your next trip.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Rick W
8 条分享
Francisco did a great tour. He provided the history of the various locations as well as other insights. His suggestions for food were amazing and we enjoyed everything we tasted. Would strongly recommend this tour.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
We would like to do a customized private tour for two on September 6. It would include Palacio da Pena, Montserrate Palace, Sintra city for lunch, Cabo da Roca, then Cascais where you we would take public transportation back to Lisbon after spending a few hours. How much would this cost and are you available?
When I check availability, it doesn't allow me to check for two adults, the minimum for this tour appears to be three. Are we unable to book this tour for two people?
I would send the owner an email… it’s a small company that is very customer oriented Good luck
We are two ladies who would like to do this tour, but we would like to make a stop to see Queluz Palace. That would add 1 1/2 hr or so to the trip. Can you do that and how much would the cost be for the extra time?
I am very interested is your tour. The price jumps to $213.00 per ticket from the advertised price. Could you please explain that?
Thanks very much.
Hi. I "suspect" this is due to date/time. I believe the listed price is the standard price, but pricing really varies by demand. Some dates/times are in much higher demand (as with any travel item - hotels, rental cars, etc). Once you select the tour and provide your date/time it adjust the rate for that specific time. My wife and i just got back from our trip and almost every tour i booked adjusted the fee after the date and time were provided.
My husband & myself are very interested in this tour. I, however, have questions about the price. It states that the price is $113. per adult, so the price should be a little over $226.00 for both of us. However, when I added our tours to the cart, the price was well over $400 plus. Can anyone please explain this? I’m going to try to also ask Trip Advisor if they have a phone number listed.
Thank you very much!! We are hoping to go tomorrow, April 15th or Tuesday, April 16th, 2018
Beth Huxley 😉😊
Contact the company via email. We had a small group and adjusted the itinerary, which impacted our price. Since this is Sunday and also a holiday week, I am not sure you’ll have an answer before tomorrow.
Hi, We are coming in a a cruise ship. Could you pick us up from the dock and return us to the dock in time to return to the cruise?
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