供应商/业主为:Cooking Lisbon
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年龄限制:0-90,每个团体最多 14 人
用时: 3 小时 30 分
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- 15人或以下的葡萄牙烹饪经验
- 准备和享用3道菜的葡萄牙经典美食
- 在品尝葡萄酒和橄榄油的同时,了解葡萄牙美食的历史
- 获得厨师和掌握技巧的实践经验
- 动手葡萄牙烹饪课动手
- 膳食
- 包括饮料(葡萄酒,水,果汁,啤酒,可乐,咖啡)
- 食谱经过PDF文件后发送的食谱
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未包含内容- 接送服务
- 前往烹饪学校,与您的老师和同学们见面,然后再深入学习葡萄牙菜肴的烹饪课程。 准备一份三道菜的饭菜,包括鱼菜,肉菜和甜点,当然,这道菜不适合素食主义者或素食者。学习基本的烹饪技巧,并在老师的指导下准备新鲜的当地食材。在学习葡萄牙美食的历史的同时,品尝当地的葡萄酒和橄榄油。 宴席准备好后,坐下来与您的美食家一起吃面包。带着知识,离开课程,可以在家准备饭菜,并充满食物和回忆。
- 出发地点:
- R. Bernardim Ribeiro 9, 1150-071 Lisboa, Portugal
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 无障碍通道
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- 酒店不会向17岁以下的儿童提供酒精饮品。在这种情况下,我们提供水或果汁。
- 17岁以下的儿童(包括在内)必须由一名成年人陪同参加活动。
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 14 人
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- Linda K0 条分享甚至让我丈夫对烹饪很感兴趣和我们里斯本的烹饪老师度过了多么美好的一天,我们在市场中穿梭采购材料,这是一次很棒的经历,在英国这种可爱的购物方式很少,市场很有趣,令我印象最为深刻的是老师的果断与精力充沛。在那一刻,我们要烹饪什么食物取决于他所看到的食材的质量,然后我们学了四门烹饪课程,学会了很多烹饪技能,鼓励我们建立信心,大胆往前走,我们喝了点酒,气氛很轻松活跃,在里斯本度过了非常棒的一天,非常感谢。撰写日期:2015年12月11日
- marthasleelanautable0 条分享一个在晚上和朋友一起共度美好时光的好去处!我的儿子,马特,在网上发现了这个地方,他说我们应该来这儿。我们正在葡萄牙和几个朋友一起旅游,我们周日的晚上没事。我在网上安排了这次行程,非常方便。最后有20个人参加这次烹饪课,课程进行的很顺利。佩德罗,萨拉,菲利普和菲利帕让这堂烹饪课变得与众不同。食物很棒,葡萄酒也很醇厚,我们度过了一个有趣的夜晚。我们很享受和里斯本烹饪课的员工在一起的时光,非常感谢你们。撰写日期:2015年11月15日
- Sweetgrocery0 条分享很棒的葡萄牙美食體驗,舒適自在的地方,職員和主廚親切,能跟其他國家的旅客交流。來到 Cooking Lisbon 學作菜是個很棒的體驗,這裡以中島廚房教學,老師和學員們能一起交流、分工合作,且人手一杯白酒,與其說是來上課,更像是與新朋友們的聚會,氣氛輕鬆愜意。 Cooking Lisbon 教的都是道地葡萄牙菜,有家喻戶曉的「Bacalhau à bras」,就是先把切碎的大蒜、洋蔥以中火炒香後,再將泡水軟化的鹽漬鱈魚切絲放入,之後再加入炸到金黃的馬鈴薯絲和蛋,並用少許鹽巴和胡椒調味,呈盤時再綴以橄欖和香菜,色、香、味俱全 ! 其他還有葡萄牙很常見的家常菜--豌豆培根水煮蛋,甜點是加了點波特酒的美味的杏仁蛋糕,有個有趣的名字「Toucinho do Céu」,意思是 : 從天堂來的培根。 這裡是以英文教學,但我覺得只需要有一般對話的程度的英文即可,因為主廚會示範、也會幫你,所以有時聽不很懂也無妨。這裡氣氛很輕鬆,記不得作菜的步驟也沒關係,來這裡享受美食,然後可以跟其他國家的學員交流閒聊,不是那種作完菜就急著收攤下課,而是可以邊喝白酒邊聊到多晚他們都不會介意,是很舒服自在的葡萄牙美食體驗,非常推荐。撰写日期:2015年11月12日
- Dan B0 条分享美味的食物,好老师,美好的夜晚,高度推荐!我和我的女朋友在这周早些时候去了烹饪课堂,并且我们很幸运的成为预订那晚课程的仅有的两人。我们的老师,Perdro,从开始就让我们感觉很受欢迎和放松,并且我们在晚上全程都有专家指导。食物和红酒真的都很棒,气氛也非常好。我们推荐会再去的,并推荐其他人一定要试一下!撰写日期:2015年10月24日
- faerie_queene870 条分享喜欢!我跟着市场旅行团上了葡萄牙厨艺课,很开心。很有意思,有很多动手做的事情,厨师很友好。现在我很积极在柏林我住的地方找葡萄牙商店,找葡萄牙辣香肠和辣椒酱。如果我再到里斯本,我肯定还会再参加一次课。这里的厨艺课不像其他地方为游客准备的,这里的菜单多样化,还可以根据参与者不能吃的特定食物来变化。当然还有个糕点课不能错过,我在这个国家短期呆的这段时间里,有机会吃了大量的糕点。撰写日期:2015年9月22日
- Cara L0 条分享好菜好酒好伙伴这是一个了解葡萄牙文化和烹饪方法的非常棒的方式,美餐一顿而且结识很多新朋友。我们的主厨很放松,技艺高超,让我们每个人都参与到了做饭的过程中。在课程中我们有红酒,橄榄油和面包可以品尝,在甜点过后再来一两杯波尔图酒。我们会向每个来里斯本旅游的人推荐这个课程!撰写日期:2015年9月19日
- lauehorn0 条分享很不错的烹饪课,风趣的大厨我真的很享受在cooking Lisbon的经历。大厨很风趣,知识渊博,食物也真的很好。其他的同学人都很好,我们一起参观,吃零食,烹饪,然后一起晚餐,过的非常开心。我会向所有人推荐这个很有趣的活动场所-无论是情侣,朋友,独自旅行的人或者是有年长一些孩子的家庭(孩子年纪不要太小)。撰写日期:2015年9月17日
- suzanne_steijleman0 条分享非常棒的餐厅专业旅行,气氛很好,菜单非常有趣,充满互动性。厨房装修的很好。酒店地理位置很棒。烧菜时间和用餐时间之间的平衡把握得很好。我们收到我们自己点的菜的菜谱,所以回家后也能照着烧,非常好玩儿。撰写日期:2015年8月19日
- Sophie B0 条分享顶尖!喜欢这种有始有终,无微不至的体验!那儿的工作人员是如此的友好和关照。他们还和我分享交流葡萄牙烹饪还有文化和传统。对于这种活动你会期待的活动这里都有。必须要来!撰写日期:2015年8月11日
- Daffy7770 条分享吃货的最佳生日礼物!真是游览里斯本的最佳方式!想像一下去当地的市场,与商家讨价还价,买一些鱼调料,再回去和一些新朋友享用一顿新鲜准备的午餐,实在是太棒了。虽然这不是深度的烹饪课程,但是我们真正喜欢的是那种随意自如的感觉。他们的指导非常专业,还配有许多可口的葡萄牙红酒,简直是太难忘了。如果你想稍微了解一下葡萄牙美食,也想玩得开心的话,推荐你去这里!撰写日期:2015年8月2日
- snowmanlau0 条分享Great experience!为了让旅程有更多不同的体验,我们选择了去学制作葡挞(custards)。制作班有五人参与,导师指导每人负责不同的制作步骤。整个制作过程历时一小时左右,然后大家坐下来一起享用自己制作食物,分享不同的文化和旅游经验,十分难得的经验。 感谢Luís 的旅游行程推介!^_^撰写日期:2015年7月29日
- hmoats0 条分享有趣的课程!烹调小贴士很棒!我和未婚夫在最后一刻发现了这个课堂并在前晚预订了课程。课堂合伙人回复的也很快!我们享受了做厨师的兼容并蓄,并帮每个人准食物。小小的团队和学习到的大量烹饪小贴士都是我的爱。料理时周围会有大量葡萄酒和零食供应,这让做饭变得更加有趣!我唯一要给这次体验补充的是各道菜的历史。因为我们做的是传统葡萄牙菜,应该可以很简洁地就能理解为何它是葡传统菜以及如何在文化里衍生出来的。总之,很美妙的一段时光,我一定还会来参加的。撰写日期:2015年7月22日
- rross85730 条分享超棒的课程我和我女儿刚从欧洲三国之旅回来,然后预约了一个课程学做去过的国家的菜。我一定要说这个课程是目前最好也是最便宜的。Luis 很有耐心教授技巧的时候非常透彻。他还花了很多时间讲解传统的葡萄牙菜和菜的顺序。他还教了我们一些葡萄牙酒和橄榄油的东西。我等不及要去做这些好吃的菜还有回Lisbon上其他的课。撰写日期:2015年7月20日
- Cloë R0 条分享当你来里斯本时,这是必做的事情我们参加了糕点课程,制作了自己的葡式蛋挞和辛特拉馅饼。课程很好,烹饪很棒,非常有趣。我们自己做的糕点非常美味。这是了解葡萄牙文化的非常有趣的方式。撰写日期:2015年7月15日
- Frances C0 条分享里斯本的超棒体验我们参加了集市游览和烹饪课,真的是非常有趣的体验!我们的导览员/主厨对食物和烹饪真的是非常有激情。我们做了几道经典的葡萄牙菜,然后边吃边分享了很多有趣的事。这绝对是我们在里斯本之行中最大的亮点!撰写日期:2015年7月4日
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109 条点评
7 条分享
2024年9月 • 好友
One of the highlights of our recent trip was a cooking class in Lisbon at Cooking Lisbon! With our amazing chef Roberta, we created a wonderful authentic Portuguese meal.
Our experience beginning with our personalized group booking with Filipe to eating our freshly made dinner with Roberta was exceptional.
A great venue with lots of good food, good wine and wonderful friends, can’t ask for anything more!
Our experience beginning with our personalized group booking with Filipe to eating our freshly made dinner with Roberta was exceptional.
A great venue with lots of good food, good wine and wonderful friends, can’t ask for anything more!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Annemiek K
2 条分享
Dear Guy and Alberta, thank you for the wonderful experience of learning the basics of Portugese cooking . We very much enjoyed your in-depth knowledge on both the (cultural) history of the dishes (I will always remember where tempura comes from) as well as the techniques on preparing successful Portugese dishes .
Best regards Johanna and Harm
Best regards Johanna and Harm
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佛罗里达坦帕279 条分享
2024年6月 • 好友
As part of our group tour, we did a cooking class/dinner at Cooking Lisbon. Everyone in the group loved it and the food was delicious to boot. This isn't a quick, fly through class. The chefs give you detailed instructions, allow you to get hands on for your meal and then you get to eat up all of this deliciousness. In addition to the food, the wine will be flowing too. This is a great experience while in Lisboa and you shouldn't miss it.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
19 条分享
2024年4月 • 独自旅游
I love to cook. I attended many cooking class and I was recommended this one by my client. They were a big group and had a lot of dishes.
I read that the class is not recommend for vegetarians. I believe we always find sth to eat. Our group was very small and I believe that is the reason why there were less dishes. To my surprise there were 2 chicken dishes. I left hungry even though there was an aperitif in the begining which I liked. Our chef Felipa was super friendly I just felt I did not learn really any cooking hacks. The kitchen was amazing. I hope everyone washed their hands before class…
I would skip this since I left hungry and really did not learn sth exciting.
I read that the class is not recommend for vegetarians. I believe we always find sth to eat. Our group was very small and I believe that is the reason why there were less dishes. To my surprise there were 2 chicken dishes. I left hungry even though there was an aperitif in the begining which I liked. Our chef Felipa was super friendly I just felt I did not learn really any cooking hacks. The kitchen was amazing. I hope everyone washed their hands before class…
I would skip this since I left hungry and really did not learn sth exciting.
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佛蒙特蒙彼利埃2 条分享
Pedro was an excellent chef to work with. We loved our experience and would highly recommend. One of the highlights of our trip to Lisbon. Wine selection is also delicious!
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Lana H
科罗拉多利特尔顿24 条分享
We love doing cooking classes when we travel and this was another great experience. Pedro was wonderful and the food was delicious. We were a bit skeptical when we heard the menu, but every dish was delicious and we loved meeting other guests and cooking together. Highly recommend!
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卡罗莱纳州Denver15 条分享
This was the second time we booked this. My husband and I loved it so much last time we were in Lisbon, we decided to experience it again. The atmosphere and food are really fun. Would highly recommend to couples or friends looking for a fun night!
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Norman F
42 条分享
2024年3月 • 夫妻情侣
We enjoyed this experience and the food was delicious. However, we would suggest focusing on 1 or 2, at most 3 dishes so that the group can learn how to make the dishes. The group was stationed doing certain tasks for 5 or 6 dishes and we didn't feel like we learned how to make any particular dish. That being said, our instructor did a great job of balancing everything and making sure the meal turned out nice. We did enjoy the food, the wine and the snacks pre cooking.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Alex M
佛罗里达迈阿密16 条分享
2024年1月 • 家庭
We had so much fun! Chef Ana was very personable and passionate about connecting with her clients. She even shared a link to all her recipes. Everyone pitched in and got to know each other. She served appetizers and white wine throughout the experience. Definitely recommend to anyone that’s new to Portugal.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Doug S
3 条分享
2023年12月 • 夫妻情侣
This Portuguese cooking class experience was excellent! I highly recommend it. Chef Paulo and assistant Fernanda are amazing. Paulo is a great teacher, and he's funny too! Wine and appetizers are provided throughout, in addition to the amazing meal we all helped create - many delicious dishes!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
My husband is allergic to onions, chives, shallots, leeks, and onion powder.
Garlic is OK.
Can you accommodate his allergies in your class?
Do you have openings this week?
Thank you.
I have seafood allergies and they were completely accommodating! Just make sure to let them know. It was a great experience
Is there a morning or early afternoon market/cooking class. I will be in Lisbon November 13 & 14. This is exactly the kind of class I am looking to take. Thank you for the help. Shelley
Our market tour started in the morning and we bought the ingredients then made a delicious lunch. We were done around 3 pm I think.
Marine H
hi, i’ll book the class in July . Should i know if the class is for lunch or dinner time ? Thank you ,
Olá! We have a fellow traveller who is allergic to seafood. Is this a deal-breaker for taking this class?
Ola Claudia! No the chef will ask if people are allergic or dont eat certain foods .. The chef told us that they use fresh fish in morning class but in the evening they don't do dishes with fresh fish.. We did made a bacalhau dish but also other dishes. I think they will take into considerations with people that are allergic, our chef Miguel was really nice and helpfull .. I hope my answer will help you and your friend out! :)
Olá! We have a fellow traveller who is allergic to seafood. Is this a deal-breaker for taking this class?
I believe their classes are for six people, so you would be working alongside four strangers...but it's a good way to meet other travelers with similar interests!
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