哥本哈根赛格威之旅 2 小时(含)指导
哥本哈根赛格威之旅 2 小时(含)指导
供应商/业主为:Segway Tours Copenhagen
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
这次哥本哈根 Segway(或电动滑板车,如果选择此选项)之旅将比您步行覆盖更多的区域。即使是初学者或难以长途行走的人也可以在短时间内看到哥本哈根的亮点,导游的讲解将向您介绍这座城市的历史和文化。最多 12 名游客意味着您可以享受亲密的氛围和提问的时间。
年龄限制:10-99,每个团体最多 12 人
用时: 2 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 所有设备和说明都包含在内,为每个人提供安全和舒适
- 储物柜用于在旅行期间存放您的所有贵重物品
- 接收导游的个性化建议
- 提供耳机,以便清晰聆听导游的讲解
- 赛格威
- 头盔
- 无线电接收器在巡演中听取您的导游
- 店内个人储物柜
- 游览后在此地图上提供个性化建议
- 雨衣
未包含内容- 小费/提示
- 在哥本哈根的中心位置与导游和团队会合,您将获得有关 Segway(或电动滑板车,如果选择)的安全和导航的完整概述。戴上带无线耳机的头盔,在旅途中聆听导游的每句话。 亮点包括小美人鱼雕像、阿美琳堡宫和克里斯蒂安堡宫。在经过旧皇家证券交易所、歌剧院、拉丁区和新港街区时了解丹麦政府。 对于初次来访的游客和那些难以长途步行但又不想走旅游巴士路线的人来说,这次旅行是一个很好的介绍。
- 出发地点:
- Nikolaj Plads 34, 1067 København, Denmark我们位于哥本哈根市中心,毗邻圣尼古拉教堂和“Gammel Strand”地铁站。重要的。请集合 15 分钟。开始之前。迟到的客人可能不会去。如遇下雨,行程将无法取消。雨披可免费提供。这次旅行将会很棒——无论晴天还是雨天。
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 靠近公共交通
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:6330P4- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 最低年龄为10岁
- 每次预订最多10人
- 不建议孕妇参加
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 旅行的培训和准备工作将在预定起飞时间前15分钟开始
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 12 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:6330P4
- Nikolaj Plads 34, 1067 København, Denmark我们位于哥本哈根市中心,毗邻圣尼古拉教堂和“Gammel Strand”地铁站。重要的。请集合 15 分钟。开始之前。迟到的客人可能不会去。如遇下雨,行程将无法取消。雨披可免费提供。这次旅行将会很棒——无论晴天还是雨天。
- 1途经StrogetCopenhagen King's New Square
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5途经Kastellet
- 6途经Ofelia PladsRoyal Danish Theatre Play House
- 7途经Copenhagen Stock Exchange
- 8
- 9途经Latin Quarter
- 10
- Sa-C_Sasha0 条分享风雨无阻有趣的体验我和朋友一起参加了这个有趣的Segway tour, 刚好那天就只有我们两人,变成了私人包团😆 导游先于店内的练习位置教我们如何操作segway,操作顺利了再带我们出发。 当天天气不时有狂风大雨,导游为我们准备了防水的雨衣和裤(照片中的就是雨衣和裤),以免打湿着凉。过程十分好玩,虽然中途真的下起狂风大雨来,但完全不减我们的兴致! 完成后我们希望换去雨衣以自己的美美衣服骑上segway拍拍照,导游一口答应了! 最后导游还给我们发了一张証书作纪录品。 如果不想坐巴士(坐巴士很多地点进不了)又不想走太多路(很累),segway是一个不错的选择!既可以走上行人路又可以在马路旁快速行驾,而且比骑单车更轻松,导游还会带你去一些隐藏的美丽景点拍美照,推荐哦!撰写日期:2020年5月6日
- katyerin0 条分享很棒的行程——“2小时哥本哈根骑行之旅”导游Camilla带着我们度过了2小时愉快的骑行之旅。她非常棒,既知识丰富,又风趣幽默。我们的三人小队中,她是调动幽默感和兴趣的大师。这是我们第一次来哥本哈根,行程中有我想了解的一切,还根据我们的个性化需要介绍城市主要景点,了解一些丹麦文化。强烈推荐来这里参加城市骑行,推荐Camila做你的导游(如果可以的话)。撰写日期:2019年9月9日
- Dgiven0 条分享富有趣味性和教育性我们以前从未骑过赛格威,所以非常期待这次旅行,它也没有让我们失望。这种旅行很有趣,也是在短时间内游览城市的好方法。我们的导游棒极了!我的孩子(11岁和13岁)喜欢这种体验,他们通常讨厌有组织的城市旅游。这绝对是我们旅行的亮点之一。撰写日期:2019年8月27日
- 麦兜00680 条分享非常棒的体验赛格威确实是非常合适哥本哈根的出行方式,地势平坦,没有过多的陡坡,也有专门的自行车道。整个城市并不大,所以花两个小时左右使用赛格威游遍全城,欣赏各种景点,加上非常好的英文解说,很美好的下午。撰写日期:2019年8月7日
- mariafb20160 条分享太棒了!非常友好的员工,米格尔和马克。谢谢你们给我这么难忘的经历!!我们花了两个小时游览了大部分主要景点,令人难以置信。我们的导游马克非常好,我们学到了很多关于这座城市和它的历史。非常感谢!撰写日期:2019年7月17日
- Jackfern0 条分享游览哥本哈根的有趣的方式。和这家旅行公司一起体验的segway平衡车哥本哈根旅行非常棒。出发前,我们学习了segway平衡车的要领。我和我的妻子都60多岁了,一个人腿脚灵便,但另一个人行动不便,需要帮助。这是一次很棒的旅行,节奏掌握得很好,用这种方式骑行非常有意思。撰写日期:2019年4月15日
- Storyteller7768590 条分享了解哥本哈根的最好方式我们的导游Lars有趣,知识渊博,极其有耐心。我们团队的人,从10岁到74岁,都玩的很开心,在没有很辛苦的情况下看到了大部分景点,更重要的是,Lars分享了一个当地人对丹麦社会的简短见解。好极了!撰写日期:2019年1月18日
- candiceluis0 条分享一个无意间的发现!(我是)碰巧遇到了这个乘坐赛格威(两轮电动平衡车)游览哥本哈根的地方,预定了,果然也没让我失望,而且我感觉非常幸运,由于我是那天唯一的参与者。因此我就有了一个陪伴我2个小时的私人导游。Victoria,我的导游,她在行程中介绍了非常多的信息,知识丰富。而且她是一个脚踏实地很真诚的人。当我们乘坐赛格威穿过哥本哈根中心区的时候,我很喜欢当时她给我讲那些地方的故事的方式。那天很冷,但天气很不错。我猜我还是挺幸运的,能遇到这样上天赐福般的无意发现。我甚至还得到了一个赛格威的驾照作为一个纪念品。强烈推荐,如果我要再参观一次哥本哈根。我还会选择这种方式,感谢你Victoria,是你让我的旅行精彩而充实!撰写日期:2018年12月16日
- Scott C0 条分享游览哥本哈根的最好方式一直想尝试平衡车,这是认识和探索哥本哈根这个城市的最好方式。领队非常乐于助人,向我们展示了这座城市所有隐藏的瑰宝。好评!撰写日期:2018年11月11日
- Leigh W0 条分享在哥本哈根的Segway之旅Omar是我们Segway之旅的优秀导游。他令人感到放松、有趣、见多识广。这次旅行非常棒,我建议在旅行的第一天去做,因为你可以看到很多东西,如果之后你去徒步旅行的话,内容会重复。撰写日期:2018年10月1日
- ITGeekGal0 条分享目前为止最棒的生日尝试了哥本哈根平衡车之旅来度过我60岁生日。非常有意思!我们团队的导游非常厉害,驾驶平衡车非常简单有趣,而且我们看到的风景比步行或乘公交看到的多得多。撰写日期:2018年8月25日
- Marius S0 条分享乘平衡车逛哥本哈根如果你正在寻找一种很好的游览哥本哈根的方式,可以看到市中心周围各种不同的景点,那么这个行程就是为你准备的!我们可爱迷人的导游Lou带着我们环游这座城市,我们看到的比我所想象的还要多,而且听到了关于不同景点的有趣故事。我当然会推荐这个活动!!撰写日期:2018年7月15日
- Mark H0 条分享非常全面我们刚刚和Lars完成了2个小时的旅行,他很优秀。整个行程安排可能是我参加过的最好的在15种不同的赛格威上旅行。开始的训练都是在室内进行的。Lars给我们混合讲解了许多历史和当地信息。他分享了他对丹麦的观点和他的丹麦式幽默(大多数是针对瑞典),还告知我们要看的地方和如何去那里。天气很糟糕,但这不是他的错,这是我第一次穿防水裤(为了保暖)和羊毛物还有手套。重要提示:不要太大男子气,相反要温和一些。孩子们很喜欢这里,我们也喜欢这里。在Mark终点还有免费的饼干和饮料。撰写日期:2017年12月20日
- Serge D0 条分享很有趣而且很有教育意义骑着这些赛格威的美妙体验。一个带着评论的观光旅游可以让你了解很多关于哥本哈根的事情。这绝对是一项活动。备注:耳机并不是一直在工作。撰写日期:2017年11月17日
- Jenny B0 条分享一个母亲和女儿的活动一个来哥本哈根游玩的好方式。预订2小时的时间 - 真的是值得的。在你想去的前一天预定,因为它是受欢迎的。这里很好玩,信息量大,是游玩哥本哈根的好方法。撰写日期:2017年10月2日
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353 条点评
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4 条分享
Jakob was professional from start to finish, patiently ensuring we were safe to travel (not a mean feat) and telling us the history of the sights of Copenhagen as we visited each. All of us thoroughly enjoyed the whole 2 hours and would highly recommend.
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Hi J Stocks
Great review and recommendation from you. Highly appreciated. Thank you for joining, beeing positive and for your comment on Jakob :-)
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Debbie B
10 条分享
Jonas our guide was great. He was able to integrate facts with a lot of humor. We covered a lot of ground which would have been hard on foot with limited time. The scooter was easy to use
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Hi Debbie
Thank you very much for sharing your experience with us on the E-Scooters from SegwayToursCopenhagen. We are thrilled to learn that you enjoyed the tour with Jonas. Always welcome back. Best Regards
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Harrison C
英国曼彻斯特38 条分享
We love Segway tours and decided to do one for our from the UK to Copenhagen. We booked a morning tour and was thrilled that it was just the two of us, so basically a private tour
Albert was out tour guide and he was really charming and funny and was very well informed about all the sites we saw
We thoroughly enjoyed the experience and gained a lot of knowledge about the beautiful city
We’d highly recommend the tour to anybody wanting an enjoyable and informative experience
Albert was out tour guide and he was really charming and funny and was very well informed about all the sites we saw
We thoroughly enjoyed the experience and gained a lot of knowledge about the beautiful city
We’d highly recommend the tour to anybody wanting an enjoyable and informative experience
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Thank you so much for your fine words We are thrilled to g´hearthat you liked the Private tour with Albert. Great time to go since spring and summer are pscked with guests and visitors. We really appreciate your 5 starr review - Thanx !!
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Sam H
5 条分享
2025年1月 • 独自旅游
I was lucky enough to be the only person on my segway tour - and had an amazing time. Jakob was a brilliant guide, really knowledgable and personable, and had great recommendations. Riding a segway in the city felt very easy, safe and enjoyable. I'd recommend to anyone!
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Dear Sam.
Thank you very much for your kind words, and also thank you for joining the tour. It can get quiet in the off-season, but we always welcome in guests, tp join our tours. We are thrilled to see you enjoyed the tour with your guide Jakob, and we hope it made your stay in Copenhagen worth while!
Best regards
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加拿大枫树岭10 条分享
A great way to get to see a few key tourist points of the city. Fantastic value for 2 hours. Jesper is a good teacher and made it easy to master the Segway in just a few minutes. Loved it!!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Good to have you on the 2nd. Segway group last Sunday. It is such a pleasure to have kind and positve guests on board the tours. Thank you for your fine review.
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15 条分享
2025年1月 • 独自旅游
A fantastic way to see the city. I was the only one who booked the tour and they still ran the time slot as I was on limited time in the city. Thanks to Albert for his great commentary, it was a pleasure seeing the sites of Copenhagen with you!
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Happy New Year, Katrina!!
Fantastic response and thanx for joining us with the good Albert. 10:00 am tour was packed so we are just happy thatn you made it for the 1:00pm tour.
All the best SegwayToursCopenhagen
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1 条分享
2024年12月 • 家庭
A highlight of our Copenhagen-Stockholm-Rovaniemi trip!
Our luggage went missing, so it was cold, but so, so, worth doing this! A huge part of this was our guide, Valde. A University student studying history, he was knowledgable, interested, and interesting. He was also great with instruction on the segways, and our 11 yo daughter never wanted to leave his side. Charming young guy who made everyone feel safe and comfortable.
Doing this helped us to experience the city and learn about the history and culture - in the winter, without a ton of effort. They also had plenty of jackets and gloves to loan out, which we really needed.
(Family of 5 from LA - kids ages 11-14)
Our luggage went missing, so it was cold, but so, so, worth doing this! A huge part of this was our guide, Valde. A University student studying history, he was knowledgable, interested, and interesting. He was also great with instruction on the segways, and our 11 yo daughter never wanted to leave his side. Charming young guy who made everyone feel safe and comfortable.
Doing this helped us to experience the city and learn about the history and culture - in the winter, without a ton of effort. They also had plenty of jackets and gloves to loan out, which we really needed.
(Family of 5 from LA - kids ages 11-14)
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Dear Cary and family from LA.
THANK you for showing up and for participating with such a positive attitude. Wev are very happy to hearbthat you liked the tour. Valdemar and all the other guides are hand picked and well educated doing our tour. They are all local Danish guides with a lot of experience and knowledge. It IS cold in Denmark during December and January + Feb. Great you made it. Happy New Year
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Elodie R
法国巴黎2 条分享
2024年12月 • 家庭
Fun walk with a very nice guide! Teens aged 17 and 13 loved it too. A good time with the family to discover Copenhagen.
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Cher Rouelo
Bonne année et merci beaucoup d'avoir réservé avec nous en cette froide journée d'hiver. Nous apprécions votre avis 5 étoiles.
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46 条分享
2024年12月 • 夫妻情侣
We booked this on our 1st day so that we could see the main sights and plan how we would spend our next few days In the city.
Valdemar was a good guide and gave a good overview at each of the sights we stopped at.
The only thing that stops me giving this 5 stars is the amount of people in the group which meant that we had to keep stopping as group would get separated on road crossings etc.
overall I do recommend as a great way to see the City and get an idea of where things are.
Valdemar was a good guide and gave a good overview at each of the sights we stopped at.
The only thing that stops me giving this 5 stars is the amount of people in the group which meant that we had to keep stopping as group would get separated on road crossings etc.
overall I do recommend as a great way to see the City and get an idea of where things are.
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Dear Carolin. Happy New Year to you.
Thank you for your review. We are happy to have you on the tour on the very day og New Years Evening. Everything in Copenhagen is closed on this day, except for our tours. The tours ARE very popular and many chose to book. The guide will always wait for the group at traffic lights so no one gets lost. It always takes a littlew patience to participate with other people. Great you made it.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Ming Kee Y
5 条分享
Great guide, Valdemer- speaks good English, charming and very helpful. Weather was suboptimal and he made it up with his smile!!
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Dear Ming.
Thank you very much for your nice review. It's always great to see our guests compliment our young guides. We hope your trip to copenhagen was worth it!
Best regards
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Wir würden gerne für Freitag den 21.02 eine Tour buchen. Hier ist alles so toll auf deutsch beschrieben. Ist die Tour dann auch auf deutsch. Die ese Info könnte ich nirgends finden.
LG, Andreas
Hi, is it possible to start this tour from the cruise port please? We did this in France last year and it made life so much easier than having to get the 6 of us into the city centre first and had the advantage of allowing us to get accustomed to riding the Segways in a much quieter area i.e. the harbour before visiting the busier more touristy areas.
No idea but I’m sure they’ll be able to tell you if you contact them direct.
I have an 8 hour layover in Copenhagen. Airport pick up/drop off available?
Wir würden gerne eine Tour für Montag, 30. Juli um 14:00 Uhr mit vier Personen planen. Ist die Reiseleitung in Deutsch?
Mit Dank und freundlichen Gruß Marco Nagetusch
None! That is the beauty of Segways. They teach you on site and within 5 minutes, you are an expert.
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*即将售罄: 根据过去 30 天的 Viator 预订数据和从供应商处获取的信息,此体验很可能会在 Tripadvisor 旗下品牌 Viator 上售罄。