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年龄限制:12-99,每个团体最多 8 人
用时: 8 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
现场指南:瑞典语, 英语, 法语, 荷兰语
- 所有装备(雪鞋,登山杖,背包)
- 当地向导
- 斯德哥尔摩最好的冬季自然风光
- 午餐
- 瑞典语“ fika”
- 小巴往返接送点
未包含内容- 小费
- 你自己的衣服
- 出发地点:
- Tideliusgatan 62, 118 69 Stockholm, Sweden我们从Södermalm的“城市大本营”开始旅程。
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 靠近公共交通
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:8319P4- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 这是一次活跃的旅行,所以不要穿得太暖和,但要在站立时多带一层!最好让衣服快干,所以如果可能的话,避免穿棉布!羊毛和聚酯纤维(通常在运动服装中很常见)是最好的。建议多穿一层,而不要穿一层厚衣服。这样可以提供更好的绝缘性,当您太热时更容易脱掉一层。
- 请记住,天气情况超出了我们的控制范围,因此无法保证降雪。但是,在去年冬季(2020年1月-2020年3月),我们只有一次无雪游览。
- 这是冬天的远足旅行。如果降雪量要求使用雪鞋,我们将使用它们。否则,我们会在靴子底下使用冰夹板。
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 穿合适的鞋。高运动鞋,登山靴还可以
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 8 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:8319P4
- chrys860 条分享跟The Green Trails一起在斯德哥尔群岛间航行!我非常喜欢跟The Green Trails一起在斯德哥尔群岛间的一日航行之旅。我们的船长Clair太棒了!他学识渊博,待人友好,使得加洛到奥尔诺的旅行充满了乐趣。我非常享受能够驾驶这艘船,并学习如何正确地调向。我觉得这不仅是一个观赏群岛的好方式,也是体验真正航海的好方法。提供的午餐和午餐时间也都很好。跟着The Green Trails去冒险花的每一分钱都很值。撰写日期:2019年9月9日
- Rayneypie0 条分享在群岛上航行(一天)我们非常享受这一天和绿色航迹旅行社一起体验的旅行。这是一次令人兴奋的航行,旅行社的员工向我们展示了斯德哥尔摩群岛的美丽。我们的船长皮埃尔非常友好,是个出色的向导。他对航海的热情令人阵风。当天的天气相当多风,我们在水上度过了令人愉快的时光。对于那些想要冒险的人来说,来这里是很完美的。我们极力推荐这趟旅行,我们很想再来一次。 Emma & Tom留言。撰写日期:2019年9月8日
- 776tomj0 条分享从斯科尔斯科根国家公园出发非常友好,服务周到的员工。他们载我们从公园到公共汽车站。安全出行。撰写日期:2019年8月15日
- Charliebe10 条分享在斯德哥尔摩南边航行这是游览斯德哥尔摩的另一种方式。我们这天和强风来了一场冒险之旅。我们经过一些岛屿,停了一会了。但是有些人在这里喝上了咖啡,吃上了蛋糕。我们很享受健康的午餐,我相信我儿子一定不会忘记从岩石上向海边跳的经历。我们有个很好的船长,他叫Pierr,是他让这次旅程充满回忆。希望下次再来滑雪。来自比利时的Belis-Vercauteren家族撰写日期:2019年8月2日
- kathaa20190 条分享超赞的冬日远足我在斯德哥尔摩附近的一个森林进行了一次冬日远足。我在如画的景色中度过了超赞的一天,享受了这里的宁静,学会了如何使用指南针,在篝火旁吃了一顿愉悦的午餐...亮点是穿过冰冻的湖面!我为自己下决心做这次探险感到超级开心。我们是个三人成行的小组,还有一个导游。Pierre是一位经验丰富,友好又有趣的导游。遗憾的是我们没有看见任何动物,不过这一天还是很完美。我强烈推荐。来自德国的Katharina撰写日期:2019年3月16日
- Georgia J0 条分享超棒的北欧滑冰之旅在我们为斯德哥尔摩游订旅行计划时,无意中发现了The Green Trails。我们是从伦敦来的,这样的滑冰运动真的从来没体验过。我们的导游皮埃尔很棒,非常热情,乐于助人,而且会真心的听取我们的需求。感谢皮埃尔让我们在斯德哥尔摩的旅行时光如此的美妙,留下了如此美好的回忆,强烈推荐这里和导游皮埃尔!撰写日期:2019年2月2日
- Ayleen S0 条分享很棒的航行之旅这是一趟很棒的航行之旅,我们四个成人+1个小孩+船长能有机会享受航行的乐趣,吃了美味的午餐(熏三文鱼沙拉),还有Fika(还有肉桂包),我们的船长Pierre超级友好。整个体验非常棒,绝对是游览群岛的一种好方式。我非常推荐,物有所值!撰写日期:2018年8月24日
- Laratravels20140 条分享出色的服务质量在斯德哥尔摩逗留的期间,我非常兴奋地预订了一次航海旅行。我向他们提了有无数个关于这次航行的问题——从过夜到一天的航行、人数、浴室、天气等等。他们时地回答了我的每一个问题,最后我预定了这次旅行。不幸的是,因为一些事我不得不在最后一分钟取消了这次预定,但公司立即退还了我的钱,并按照他们在网站上说的那样处理了后续事务。他们非常专业,我期待着能尽快再次预定他们的航程。来自纽约的旅客撰写日期:2018年7月3日
- Elisabeth V0 条分享和Manne一起,超级有趣的2天皮划艇露营之旅我们订了一个2天的私人团的皮划艇露营之旅。我们有3个成年人和4个孩子(8岁到14岁)。The green trails 有你所需要的一切,所以你唯一要带的就是备用的衣服和防晒霜。食物很好,设备很干净而且状况良好。我们在森林露营,看着水面上的风景,生了一场篝火。完美的适合儿童的探险,成年人也和孩子一样喜欢。撰写日期:2018年5月31日
- steven m0 条分享斯德哥尔摩滑雪场美好的一天我们和The Green Trails度过了美好的一天。 我们最开始计划一整天都去滑冰,但是冰不太好,所以我们去越野滑雪。 导游彼得人很好,他尽全力让我们玩的开心。 午餐和装备也非常好,所以强烈推荐!撰写日期:2018年3月10日
- Sheridan L0 条分享一个新的观赏角度-航行穿越斯德哥尔摩群岛这是神奇的一天,我们看到了大多数来斯德哥尔摩的游客都会错过的风景。真是太棒的一段体验了。斯德哥尔摩群岛真是我游览过的最美丽的地点之一,而一天的绿色小径航行路线是游玩群岛最完美的方案了。这条路线足够个性化、又对游客足够友好,同时兼具了独特性和令人惊喜的特点,绝对是一条适合那些期待去认识游览群岛的任何游客的路线。我们这次出行主要是进行一场摄影之旅,而这一方案简直好到不能再好了。一路上我们被带领穿过森林去到小艇船坞,从那里我们航行经过美丽的群岛到达一个与世隔绝的被大一片丛林包围的海湾。在那里,我们进行了一段短途的徒步旅行,采到了浆果,伴着阳光在船上吃了午餐,然后航行返回我们的家。撰写日期:2017年9月15日
- dschuli_ana0 条分享非常有趣的徒步旅行我和朋友订了徒步旅行,目的是为了游览斯德哥尔摩附近的一些自然风光。我们真的很喜欢这次旅行,我肯定会推荐它!导游(我忘了他的名字)很友好,很有趣,给了我们很多关于森林和当地野生动物的信息。这次旅行最好的一件事是我们可以不沿着路徒步,所以我们没有遇到其他人,能真正享受到“未接触”的自然。我们的午餐(我吃了奶油鲑鱼意大利面)真的很好,令人满意,很饱。我们没有喝咖啡或茶,而是“Kex”,一种来自瑞典的典型甜味小吃,味道很好。就像我之前说的——我真的推荐徒步旅行!撰写日期:2017年8月21日
- TashMayTrencher0 条分享令人惊叹的动物观测点/跟踪经验上个星期一晚上,我和男友去了自然之旅,真是棒极了。我们的向导非常友好,乐于助人,晚上的活动非常愉快。在徒步和开车出发去观察一些野生动物之前,旅游公司提供了一些真正健康有益的素食食品让我们组的每一个人了解。我们有一次超级棒的旅行,看到野猪、狍和驼鹿。我们很幸运看到了驼鹿和她的幼崽。我们的导游真的是知识渊博。撰写日期:2017年7月9日
- Catherine17120 条分享超棒的滑雪之旅这次滑雪之旅很棒。皮瑞是个很棒的指导,非常友好周到。他确保每个成员都能够满意,并且午餐的时候还帮我们生火。这真的很适合喜欢户外运动和冒险的人。这里的午餐也很美味,我们都很喜欢这里的热茶,喝了和暖和!这里的景色很美,另外你也会完全和当地人融为一体,他们会和家人朋友在冰上聚会。总之超棒,一定要来体验一下。撰写日期:2017年2月16日
- Susan C0 条分享超棒的体验我们和我们的导游皮埃尔一小队人花费了一天的时间越野滑雪,玩得很愉快。导游人很好,很平易近人,懂很多东西也很有耐心。这一天中我们队里所有人的需要都得到了满足,能力也得到了激发,简直就是为我们量身打造的活动。我们在森林里一片美丽的雪中开始了一天磨练我们意志的仪式活动。午餐很好吃,是在午后跋涉的期间在冰冻的湖边解决的。我强烈推荐这里,可以作为斯德哥尔摩之旅的一部分活动,还可以看到瑞典的自然风光,体悟体育的一部分文化。撰写日期:2017年1月14日
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18 条点评
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Kamal K
弗吉尼亚维也纳19 条分享
Very scenic hiking tour. Walked on a frozen lake and got a lot of amazing views of the winter landscape. The soup lunch was very good as well. Great full day experience. Highly recommend.
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Didier R
1 条分享
2024年1月 • 夫妻情侣
amazing day
Many thanks to our guide for this hike in Paradiset.
Snow, snowshoes, orientation, picnic crossing the frozen lake and even a little sun
magnificent day
Many thanks to our guide for this hike in Paradiset.
Snow, snowshoes, orientation, picnic crossing the frozen lake and even a little sun
magnificent day
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Sandra F
荷兰阿姆斯特丹6 条分享
2023年2月 • 独自旅游
What a great winter hike! I decided to come to Sweden for a winter nature experience and I'm very happy I went with Green Trails. They bring everything you need for a perfect hike in the snow, tasty hot food and pastries, hot chocolate and lots of supplies to keep ourselves warm and have a great outdoor experience in the snowy forest. The hike was beautiful, with breathtaking views, and George was great providing us with lots of information about animals and the nature in Sweden. He definitely knows how to survive in the wild! I had so much fun, and now I treasure some amazing memories. Thanks a lot!
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Anna Y
7 条分享
While the weather did not cooperate for snowshoeing, our small group still enjoyed a fantastic day hiking with our guide, Patrick! He took us to a beautiful national park outside Stockholm where we trekked across lesser travelled paths and across a massive frozen lake. We capped off the hike with a welcomed warm fire and hot delicious drinks and food. I loved every part and will definitely be rebooking another trip with Green Trails in the future!
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Matilda B
3 条分享
2022年1月 • 好友
We had the most amazing day with our guide Patrick! Definitely should be done in Stockholm! Loved it
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卢森堡卢森堡城23 条分享
2020年12月 • 好友
Our winter hiking tour with Eric was really great. We had a lot of fun hiking off the track. Our guide Eric is very knowledgeable and taught us a lot about nature and how to make fire☺️We’ll be back for a longer trip to Sweden and for some other tours with these guys. We loved it! Thank you Eric and The Green Trails!
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Lisette v
1 条分享
2019年1月 • 独自旅游
Wonderful nature, highly experienced and friendly guide, excellent equipment. The guide took us off trail and taught us how to use the compass. We saw many animal tracks (no real animals unfortunately) and crossed two frozen lakes. Cosy campfire with great food from the restaurant where we met in the morning. An amazing experience to be the first to step on the untouched snow on the lake. Overall a great day in nature that we will never forget. Therefore highly recommended!
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Lee B
英国多肯7 条分享
2019年1月 • 夫妻情侣
Lucy and I did a mini break in Stockholm for 3 nights/4 days. As well as the City and the museums (Vasa, Nobel, ABBA, etc) we wanted to take in some Swedish culture, food AND nature! Given the Tyresta National Park is less than 30 mins away by car - it seemed obvious.
So, we had a full day of hiking, trekking on trails, off piste and on frozen lakes. It was a small group of 4, including Eric, our guide. I can only repeat what has been said before - Eric is a funny guy - loads of jokes, witty stories and interesting facts about the area - which he clearly knows inside out.
We made a fire and had the most amazing lunch ever (it is supplied by Green Trails).
The best day we had in Stockholm. If you are in any doubt - book it and enjoy a proper day with this amazing nature :)
So, we had a full day of hiking, trekking on trails, off piste and on frozen lakes. It was a small group of 4, including Eric, our guide. I can only repeat what has been said before - Eric is a funny guy - loads of jokes, witty stories and interesting facts about the area - which he clearly knows inside out.
We made a fire and had the most amazing lunch ever (it is supplied by Green Trails).
The best day we had in Stockholm. If you are in any doubt - book it and enjoy a proper day with this amazing nature :)
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Achamma T
2 条分享
2019年1月 • 独自旅游
Wonderful first time experience in a snowy landscape. Our guide Eric was very professional. He had clear instructions with some (a lot of) humor thrown in. They actually provide us with our own backpacks in which we carry our lunch , our personal stuff as well as emergency gear.
It was a winter wonderland though there was some ice as it had rained before it snowed. That made for some slippery sections and an awkward tumble or two. But walking over the frozen lakes, watching a fire built and chatting with my fellow travelers about their lives and perspectives, having Eric make dessert over the fire and just leaning into nature was wonderful even if my feet froze. I would definitely recommend the tour and thoroughly enjoyed the company of my fellow travelers and Eric on my first winter hike.
Thank you.
I am still practicing my Dad Joke without much success!
It was a winter wonderland though there was some ice as it had rained before it snowed. That made for some slippery sections and an awkward tumble or two. But walking over the frozen lakes, watching a fire built and chatting with my fellow travelers about their lives and perspectives, having Eric make dessert over the fire and just leaning into nature was wonderful even if my feet froze. I would definitely recommend the tour and thoroughly enjoyed the company of my fellow travelers and Eric on my first winter hike.
Thank you.
I am still practicing my Dad Joke without much success!
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Evelyn J
4 条分享
2019年1月 • 好友
My friend and I joined the snow shoe hiking trip this week. Eric is a very resourceful guide. He showed us ways to identify animals with their footprints, taught us some surviving skills and outdoor cooking skills. We were lucky as it snowed a lot the previous day. It was really peaceful at the national park, the trails were covered with snow, we walked across two frozen lakes and made our way back when the sun was about to set. The view for the entire hike was picturesque, but that moment, the scenery surrounding us was just magical! It was a great day (with plenty of free jokes included). The tour is very well-organized and I would highly-recommend them to my friends when they visit.
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*即将售罄: 根据过去 30 天的 Viator 预订数据和从供应商处获取的信息,此体验很可能会在 Tripadvisor 旗下品牌 Viator 上售罄。