Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄限制:4-99,每个团体最多 1,000 人
用时: 5 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
现场指南:德语, 英语, 意大利语, 西班牙语
- 知识渊博的指南处理黑暗中的导航
- 摄影师主导的巡演增加了你拍摄帧照片的机会
- 捆绑提供的热冒险装备
- 客人可以使用传统的圆锥形帐篷,温暖的火炉和小吃
- 运输
- 冬季冒险装备
- 指导服务
- 小吃
- 咖啡/饮料
- 组织者的责任保险
- 瓶装水
- 咖啡和/或茶
- 入场/门票 - 热情拉普兰探索之旅
未包含内容- 私人旅游需额外收费
- 开始您的夜间旅行与酒店接送和放松,而其他人处理穿越黑暗的北极夜晚导航。在旅游办公室停留以适应提供的热量装备,确保您在元素期间保持温暖和舒适。接下来,您的导游带您到远离光源的地方,这样您就可以获得北极光的最佳照片。 围绕一个圆锥形帐篷收集指导,了解如何设置相机,了解北极光神话,拉普兰萨满教以及关于引人注目的自然现象的科学事实。然后,花点时间尝试拍摄完美的照片。在寒冷的北极空气中放松,享用热饮和烧烤。
- 出发地点:提供多个接送地点。
- Lapland Welcome, Rovakatu 26, 96200 Rovaniemi, Finland拉普兰欢迎罗瓦涅米野生动物园办公室(Rovakatu 26,2nd floor,96200罗瓦涅米)
接送服务详情- 我们将在预订时确认确切的接载时间。 在拉普兰欢迎野生动物园办公室(Rovakatu 26,2楼,96200罗瓦涅米)的开会时间比野生动物园的开始时间早15分钟。
提供酒店接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的酒店列表中进行选择。返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 无障碍通道
- 提供婴儿座椅
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:57914P1- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 酒店提供素食选择,如果需要,请在预订时告知
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 如果您希望获得其他语言的指南,请与我们联系
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 1,000 人
- 一经售出,恕不退换,如果取消将收取 100% 的手续费。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:57914P1
- 1拉普兰欢迎野生动物园办公室。在这里您将为旅行做好准备:我们将为您提供包含在价格中的冬季装备。
- Jerry L0 条分享Nice guide这是一次蛮有意思的旅行!导游人很好也很专业,会趁人少的时候提前到吃饭的地方帮我们准备食物。烧烤技术也很好,挖矿的时候也会跟我们一起,还会给我们提建议。撰写日期:2022年12月27日
- Vivien L0 条分享观赏北极光的好地方,公司也很灵活变通我是被朋友推荐去的热情拉普兰探索之旅。我太高兴自己真的选择了它。我向好几家不同的公司预订了一些北极光之旅(以防我当晚看不到极光),热情拉普兰探索之旅带我们去的地方是一个开放空间,在这里如果有极光的话(我不太走运) 它不会被树木遮挡。另外,他们的计划安排也非常灵活。第一天晚上我病得很厉害,因此我无法参加那天的行程,但是他们想办法将我们重新安排到了另一天,也没有造成太多的麻烦。撰写日期:2019年3月28日
- Gianpietro15770 条分享超赞我们预定了这间公司3次的ivalo之旅,有哈士奇雪橇犬、驯鹿和雪地摩托,此次美好的行程组织得很完美,特别感谢Laura的陪伴和慰问,感谢Giacomo用专业的方式指导我们驾驶雪地摩托,让我们拥有了难忘的野外体验。谢谢你们!撰写日期:2019年3月10日
- Aliza L0 条分享很棒的导游我们预定了北极光旅途,不幸的是我们没有想象中那么多的极光,但是那和运气和、天气有关。让我很惊讶的是导游。Nicoli和Antony.他们帮助我们拍照,让我们可以抓拍到极光,他们讲解的时候也非常的幽默。撰写日期:2019年2月8日
- krislb10 条分享真心不推荐参加这里的驯鹿哈士奇之旅我们来之前看了这么多好评,即使我们住在圣诞老人村,驯鹿哈士奇就在村的马路对面。我们还是来这家公司报名参加了一天的驯鹿和哈士奇之旅,结果却令人大失所望。 首先这里提供的户外服装有点破破烂烂,这都是其次。我们在约定时间来公司集合,公司先用车把你送到一个集合点,然后换乘雪地摩托拉的雪橇,6个人乘坐的敞篷摩托雪橇,敞篷!!零下10多度乘坐这个雪橇近50分钟到达驯鹿公园,然后驯鹿拉着你走一圈活动结束。紧接着又是1个多小时的敞篷雪橇去哈士奇公园,中途会徒步一段去一个帐篷吃点简单的烧烤食物,你可以想象一下坐了一个小时的敞篷雪橇再下来徒步是个什么感觉。再接着坐敞篷雪橇,一路上又冷又颠,到了哈士奇公园后只想快点结束这一天的活动,一天大部分时间都在极其不舒适和寒冷的雪橇上,当然你可以选择自己骑一台雪地摩托,这比坐那个敞篷雪橇要好受得多!可是我们事先并不知道需要在冰天雪地行驶这么长时间,总之这段体验很糟糕!撰写日期:2019年1月26日
- AnnieKH920 条分享越野滑雪和峡谷徒步旅行和这些人一起旅行过几次。2个小时的越野滑雪旅行是对越野滑雪运动的绝佳介绍,我们的导游超级热心很体贴。我走得很慢。我们的导游来自斯洛文尼亚的特恩·大卫(德),穿着雪地靴,在我们看见了3条瀑布的大峡谷徒步!他是一个非常好的导游,很热情,学识渊博!这次徒步也非常棒,我们看见了3条瀑布,特恩用明火煮了一顿午餐给我们吃!多么神奇的一天!撰写日期:2018年12月13日
- Shell_Louie0 条分享极光-坐汽车加步行来一场北极光之旅几天前我参加了这次旅行,由于云层的遮挡,看不到北极光让我很失望,但我仍然度过了一个美好的夜晚,工作人员竭尽全力确保我们仍然有一个独特的体验。住宿地点很棒,那里有漂亮的圆锥形帐篷,在里面很暖和,可以好好休息会儿。很推荐这次旅行。撰写日期:2018年12月6日
- EYWT0 条分享这趟旅游很有意义安东尼是我们的导游,他对北极光非常的了解,懂得也很多。当我们出发时,天空还是一片漆黑,阴云密布,但安东尼说,这时出发离午夜会更近,他告诉我们,我们可能会在那里待很长时间。我们一行只有6个人,在山顶上等了很长一段时间。将近一个小时后,天空逐渐变得清晰起来,最后我们看到了绿色的灯光,虽说不是很强烈。但我们已经很满意了,真是有趣的夜晚撰写日期:2018年3月15日
- Edward G0 条分享北极光之旅他们到酒店把我接到他们位于市区中心的办公室。给我准备了靴子和防寒服,然后我们坐上了游览车。旅行非常受欢迎...游览车都坐满了人。我们朝着目的地前进,但路上导游给我们指出窗外的北极光,我们靠边停了车。我们架起相机并拍摄了令人一生难忘的照片。然后我们继续前往山上的旅行,在山上我们吃了香肠,聊了文化。大约中午12点30左右,我们回到市区。导游Jay和Anthony非常好!撰写日期:2018年2月26日
- th23450 条分享非常好的nothern light safari向导专业,衣服保暖。观测极光的地点在远离城镇的山上。开车过去要用30分钟,期间导游两次下车检查天气情况。虽然天气不好,但是最后在回程的路上看到了极光,导游停车让我们下车拍照,十分激动。最后回酒店已经晚上两点了。强烈推荐。撰写日期:2018年2月22日
- wuibin0 条分享我的第一次极光体验我预定了几个热情拉普兰探索之旅的活动,其中一个是去看奥罗拉灯。这里的工作人员都很友好,乐于助人。这是一个大队伍(大巴里面满载着参加的旅客),所以我很高兴能和几个团队的工作人员同行。他们帮忙点燃篝火,提供热饮和食物。导游也为我们分享故事,一起玩了一些游戏。总的来说,这次经历真的很棒。撰写日期:2018年1月21日
- LynseyUK550 条分享超赞的公司!!!我们通过这家公司来了趟北极光旅行,我们的英文导游非常见博识广,可惜我们没能看到他们。然而,这是一个在荒野中的美好的夜晚,如果冷的话就进帐篷里。你自己在火上煮食物是可以的。第二次旅行我们是坐机动雪橇,去驯鹿公园和赫斯基公园,超级棒,乐趣多多。导游又是英国人。我们完全享受了这两次旅行,两次都是一个物有所值,因为我在去之前做了很多调查。强烈推荐!!!!撰写日期:2018年1月14日
- Carylaikw0 条分享第一次北极光之旅我们在旅行的第一天就参加了北极光之旅。虽然我们开始的时候有点误会,但是我们的团队很及时地提供了第二辆车来接我们加入大队伍。上山以后我们到自己喜欢的景点去看北极光真是太棒了。虽然那天晚上KP没有那么强,但是我们仍然能够拍出一些令人惊叹的照片。总的来说,这是一次很棒的旅行!撰写日期:2017年12月22日
- Vanessa A0 条分享极光摄影之旅尽管没有看到极光,安东尼和皮埃尔却给了我们一个最难忘的夜晚。以他们对风景和芬兰文化的了解,安东尼对极光的热爱和知识为我们提供了对极光的认识。我对不止5颗恒星极光展示他们自己有了认识。Roviameni的首选旅行社。撰写日期:2017年11月29日
- joshsmyth0 条分享极光巡回旅行我最近去了一个公司提供的极光巡回旅行,我超级满意。工作人员很乐观,并给我们提供专业指导方便我们在最佳时间看到极光。我们很幸运能看到了!我推荐这家公司,因为这家公司比其他公司专业,提供了5小时的旅行,大多数公司只有2-3个小时。这额外的两个小时是不一样的,因为你可能就在后面的两个小时看到极光,没有这两个小时,我们可能已经早早地躺在床上了,。撰写日期:2017年11月1日
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60 条点评
此服务可能包含由谷歌提供的译文。 谷歌不会以明示或默示的形式对译文作出任何保证,其范围包括译文的准确性与可靠性,也不会以默示形式担保其适销性、特定用途的适用性及非侵权性。
Riyan A
14 条分享
2024年3月 • 好友
This company and owner are FRAUDS.
It’s more than a month since we took this tour and are back to Dubai also. I have been following up since 11th March every single day since two weeks asking them to share the pictures that were taken on their DSLR. 1st they said that the pictures have come blurry. Then they share some of their existing pictures which are already posted on Instagram. Then the they sent some other groups pictures. Trip advisor has awarded them some most photogenic award. I think you should review it and take back the award. ITS the WORST Tour company in Roveniemi
LAP - T64275081
It’s more than a month since we took this tour and are back to Dubai also. I have been following up since 11th March every single day since two weeks asking them to share the pictures that were taken on their DSLR. 1st they said that the pictures have come blurry. Then they share some of their existing pictures which are already posted on Instagram. Then the they sent some other groups pictures. Trip advisor has awarded them some most photogenic award. I think you should review it and take back the award. ITS the WORST Tour company in Roveniemi
LAP - T64275081
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Javeria Parwani
英国威根1 条分享
2024年3月 • 夫妻情侣
I wish I had read all the reviews before making this booking. All the bad reviews are true . They are not worth it . They will say it’s a small tour but in actual they will stuff a lot of people on 2 buses and take you a lane owned by company . Which is bit further away from North hence reduced the chance of seeing lights . . Made no effort whatsoever to chase the lights or to time it properly . There were brilliant lights around that time and all other tours saw them and we were unlucky and got stuck with them .
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Michele M
72 条分享
I decide to book this excursion highly recommended by Lonely Planet. We meet at the meeting place (their headquarters) to equip ourselves and set off on the "search for the Northern Lights". Loaded into a 9-seater van, a journey of about 45 minutes awaits us with 2 short stops in between to look at the sky for a few seconds and leave again disconsolate but still full of energy. We reach the refuge, walk on foot for a few minutes and camp in a tent with a fire lit. Nothing at all about the Northern Lights. In the camp they offer us frankfurters, chicken nuggets and grilled kebabs to eat; cranberry juice to drink. After dinner we settle outside and the guide starts taking photos of each of us with the Northern Lights created with the flash of his iPhone in the background. Annoyed by the unproductive evening, we decide to go home but there is no room in the van for everyone and we have to wait for a taxi to come and pick up 2 people who would otherwise be on foot.
Alas, there are a few things to review.
Alas, there are a few things to review.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Renata F
2 条分享
2024年2月 • 家庭
We booked this activity ad hoc as we wanted to take advantage of the good weather and hoped to see aurora. Our guide Kamila met us in the office and took care of us as well as other participants. She then drove us to quite remote place outside Rovaniemi, making a few stops on the way and checking for auroras. we then arrived to a place with tepee where Kamila made fire and we were had some barbeque (vegetarian option was available for us). We loved hot blueberry juice. Unfortunately we were not lucky to see aurora but Kamila looked after us very well and did everything to make our time as pleasant as possible.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
爱尔兰都柏林48 条分享
My friend and I joined this Aurora-Northern Lighs Trip Photographing Tour on 17th February 2024.
We were so lucky we were able to see and witness the spectacular and magical Aurora Borealis! Thank you very much!
Our tour guide Aneeq was very nice and accommodating. He made sure that we keep warm and provided our snacks. We had the best hot blueberry juice ever! He’s also very knowledgeable, gave us infos about the tour.
If ever we’d come back to Rovaniemi, I’d definitely book tours with you again! I even told my friends about Lapland Welcome, if they would go to Rovaniemi.
We were so lucky we were able to see and witness the spectacular and magical Aurora Borealis! Thank you very much!
Our tour guide Aneeq was very nice and accommodating. He made sure that we keep warm and provided our snacks. We had the best hot blueberry juice ever! He’s also very knowledgeable, gave us infos about the tour.
If ever we’d come back to Rovaniemi, I’d definitely book tours with you again! I even told my friends about Lapland Welcome, if they would go to Rovaniemi.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
1 条分享
2024年2月 • 夫妻情侣
What an adventure. This tourist trap is all talk but no results. People have seen more Northern light in the santa clause village that day than your poorly situated location. Winning an award 4 years ago doesnt mean anything today… your standards you are claiming to be the best didn’t show itself on our journey.
These people claim to be professionals who also claims that they would explain anything about the stars and other topics that are related to the northern lights. However, all we got is a little explanation of reindeers and ear cut markings and how happy the Finnish people are in this country. What a complete joke this organisation. We understand that the Aurora is a natural phenomenon but we were suppose to go hunting for it and move up North? We went more south straying away from the light, going to a place that is owned by the company. How is this “chasing” and “hunting” the light? Complete scam I would say. Also, the guide we got assigned to was also a mute and stayed complete silent about the trip. He didn’t state what the plan was and suddenly we were in the middle of nowhere telling us to get out. We had the impressing that he was about to do something to us. No actual storytelling or explanation. We had to ask what the actual plan was.
In the end, we wasted 100 euros no refund for some cheap chicken nuggets - hotdogs, blue berry syrop juice and 5 hours of our time. These so called professionals should atleast have some forecast and add a partial refund or anything. We also got a “professional” photoshoot with no aurora in the back, making it seem like this is some sort of consolation price. So sad.
These people claim to be professionals who also claims that they would explain anything about the stars and other topics that are related to the northern lights. However, all we got is a little explanation of reindeers and ear cut markings and how happy the Finnish people are in this country. What a complete joke this organisation. We understand that the Aurora is a natural phenomenon but we were suppose to go hunting for it and move up North? We went more south straying away from the light, going to a place that is owned by the company. How is this “chasing” and “hunting” the light? Complete scam I would say. Also, the guide we got assigned to was also a mute and stayed complete silent about the trip. He didn’t state what the plan was and suddenly we were in the middle of nowhere telling us to get out. We had the impressing that he was about to do something to us. No actual storytelling or explanation. We had to ask what the actual plan was.
In the end, we wasted 100 euros no refund for some cheap chicken nuggets - hotdogs, blue berry syrop juice and 5 hours of our time. These so called professionals should atleast have some forecast and add a partial refund or anything. We also got a “professional” photoshoot with no aurora in the back, making it seem like this is some sort of consolation price. So sad.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Saskia M
13 条分享
We booked the tour in the morning, full of anticipation. Unfortunately, we were a bit pressed for time, so we didn't use the pick-up service and showed up at the office at the agreed time in the evening. At first it seemed as if they didn't know what to do with us, and after I was asked for my name a second time, we were told to sit down and wait... We did that, for a full 30 minutes and nobody felt responsible for us... then we finally got our thermal suits and got into the van that was supposed to take us to the Northern Lights. We already got a queasy feeling when we drove off with the high beams on, because the low beams didn't work. When the engine control light, cooling system and countless other lights came on, the anticipation evaporated...
You were only worried about whether you would even arrive alive. In total we drove for about 50 minutes (including a short stop at a parking lot where we saw the only northern lights) until we arrived at a hotel. From there we walked about 200m to an open space at the edge of the forest where the hut was where we ate (freshly grilled food, including vegetarian options, hot drinks like tea and coffee). Unfortunately there were no northern lights visible there, but that's not the organizer's fault. We didn't go up the mountain that was advertised, as written in other reviews, because our group (about 15 people) was too big and there were too many children, according to our driver. Since we had booked the tour in German, we were very disappointed that only one guide spoke a little German, but that wasn't enough for more detailed explanations. Overall the tour was quite nice, but our expectations were far from fulfilled due to the poor organization, the language barrier (unfortunately my companion couldn't speak any English) and the constant fear of breaking down with the van.
You were only worried about whether you would even arrive alive. In total we drove for about 50 minutes (including a short stop at a parking lot where we saw the only northern lights) until we arrived at a hotel. From there we walked about 200m to an open space at the edge of the forest where the hut was where we ate (freshly grilled food, including vegetarian options, hot drinks like tea and coffee). Unfortunately there were no northern lights visible there, but that's not the organizer's fault. We didn't go up the mountain that was advertised, as written in other reviews, because our group (about 15 people) was too big and there were too many children, according to our driver. Since we had booked the tour in German, we were very disappointed that only one guide spoke a little German, but that wasn't enough for more detailed explanations. Overall the tour was quite nice, but our expectations were far from fulfilled due to the poor organization, the language barrier (unfortunately my companion couldn't speak any English) and the constant fear of breaking down with the van.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Elena T
4 条分享
La nostra esperienza non è stata affatto positiva.
Abbiamo prenotato l'escursione a caccia dell'aurora boreale consapevoli che non fosse garantito vederla, è cosi purtroppo è stato. Ma la cosa peggiore è stata la completa disorganizzazione ed inesperienza della guida, la quale non ci ha spiegato nulla, non sapeva rispondere praticamente a nessuna nostra domanda e ci ha coinvolti pochissimo nelle cose che faceva. Di per sé, pur non riuscendo a vedere l'aurora, ci si ritrova immersi in un paesaggio molto suggestivo, in mezzo alla neve, attorno ad un fuoco, tutti con il naso all'insù: non sono riusciti a trasmetterci nessuna magia e ad un certo punto hanno deciso che non c'erano più speranze, hanno sbaraccato tutto e ce ne siamo andati. Senza dire una sola parola. Per loro è abitudine, ma per il turista è pur sempre la prima volta e ci si poteva relazionare in modo diverso (soprattutto perché non è gratis...).
Inoltre, con noi c'era una signora anziana che non riusciva a camminare che è stata "dimenticata" indietro e considerata solo da alcuni membri del gruppo, poiché la guida non ha mai rallentato il passo né fatto un controllo per assicurarci ci fossimo tutti.
Assolutamente sconsigliata come agenzia, per quanto ci riguarda.
Abbiamo prenotato l'escursione a caccia dell'aurora boreale consapevoli che non fosse garantito vederla, è cosi purtroppo è stato. Ma la cosa peggiore è stata la completa disorganizzazione ed inesperienza della guida, la quale non ci ha spiegato nulla, non sapeva rispondere praticamente a nessuna nostra domanda e ci ha coinvolti pochissimo nelle cose che faceva. Di per sé, pur non riuscendo a vedere l'aurora, ci si ritrova immersi in un paesaggio molto suggestivo, in mezzo alla neve, attorno ad un fuoco, tutti con il naso all'insù: non sono riusciti a trasmetterci nessuna magia e ad un certo punto hanno deciso che non c'erano più speranze, hanno sbaraccato tutto e ce ne siamo andati. Senza dire una sola parola. Per loro è abitudine, ma per il turista è pur sempre la prima volta e ci si poteva relazionare in modo diverso (soprattutto perché non è gratis...).
Inoltre, con noi c'era una signora anziana che non riusciva a camminare che è stata "dimenticata" indietro e considerata solo da alcuni membri del gruppo, poiché la guida non ha mai rallentato il passo né fatto un controllo per assicurarci ci fossimo tutti.
Assolutamente sconsigliata come agenzia, per quanto ci riguarda.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Please check pictures from our northern lights tours on our web pages www.laplandwelcome.fi on the main page you will find our blog . We send daily pictures to the participants!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
爱尔兰都柏林38 条分享
The guide was excellent and very good but they appear to go to the same place on this tour as that is where they have their tepee unlike other tours where we were chasing the NL. so if the NL aren't visible from that location then that's it for the night. As the guide was on his own he had to spend the time lighting the fire and preparing the food while we were outside trying to see if there was any activity so not ideal. I don't blame the guide in any way as he was very nice and helpful. I think the company are happy to take your money even if there is no chance of seeing the NL.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
We have 5 check points on our northern lights tour of which the 3rd one is the best site in Rovaniemi area (only one on the mountain) for following the northern lights. Seeing northern lights is up to luck but this tour is the best chance to see the lights in Rovaniemi, and in very impressive surroundings far from city lights.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
1 条分享
2022年12月 • 夫妻情侣
Not very friendly in the office, bad recommendations about the northern lights forecast, guide too positive about tour especially without seeing northern lights.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Northern Lights are out of human control but we have got the best site for following them. The micro climate on our site is exceptional, we have seen northern lights hundreds of times in cloudy nights while it is fully cloudy elsewhere. The fact that the sky opens easily on our location comes from the geography of the area. The highest peaks of southern Lapland are nearby and it affects to the cloudness a lot. There is almost always a chance to see northern lights but indeed, it is out of control. It is worth trying once you are here!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Hay we have the Problem that we have no Camera is it possible to get photos from the guide?
I am staying in Rovaniemi from 28th December till 30th December. Can you please let me know which is the best day to make a booking for this tour considering the best prediction for Northern lights.
Thanks ,
Hello, is it still possible for 2 to join tonight 1 Dec? Tonight is our last night in rovaniemi
I would like to contact the company to see if its possible to book in another day, is there any number I can call?? Thanks
Me gustaria saber si todavía hay nieve en Rovaniemi durante el mes de abril entre el 10 y el 20 aproximadamente
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