经典赏鲸活动 | 从雷克雅未克出发

经典赏鲸活动 | 从雷克雅未克出发

供应商/业主为:Elding Whale Watching
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年龄限制:0-99,每个团体最多 196 人
用时: 3 小时
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前往雷克雅未克旧港,然后登上赏鲸船在法赫萨湾航游。 在法赫萨湾航游期间,您将看到埃斯加山、Akrafjall 和其他地标建筑美景,另外,训练有素的导游会指引您观察野生动物,并帮助您识别看到的野生动物。其中最常见的物种有座头鲸、小须鲸、鼠海豚和白喙斑纹海豚,而且一些幸运的游客甚至可以看到世界上最大的动物之一蓝鲸。 航游旨在减少对环境的影响、污染以及对动物栖息地的破坏,因此您的赏鲸体验不会损害冰岛壮观的海岸生态系统。在 90% 以上的夏季旅游和 80% 的冬季旅游中都能看到鲸鱼或海豚。如果您没有看到鲸鱼或海豚,您将获得第二次旅行的免费门票。 注意:为了确保在雷克雅未克的海况恶劣(尤其是在冬季)时获得最佳的赏鲸机会,可能会从其他港口出发,例如 Grindavík、Keflavík、Sandgerði,或 Hafnarfjörður。

  • Elding Whale Watching, Ægisgarður 5c, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland
    在位于雷克雅未克老港区 Ægisgarður 5c 的 ELDING 售票处与我们会面。到达码头后,只需跟随红色即可找到我们!请务必至少提前 15 分钟到达。出发前确保有足够的时间办理登机手续和登船。

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    • 欢迎轮椅使用者携带轻便的椅子登上我们的大型船只。 如果可能,请提前通知我们您的到来,因为可能需要协助办理登机手续。
    • 如果雷克雅未克的条件不利,可以取消旅行,或者从其他港口出发,这样可能会延长1-2个小时。
    • 你的旅行团里没有发现鲸鱼或海豚? 再次免费加入我们新的一天!
    • 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
    • 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 196 人

    • 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。

    如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:7090P9



    • Elding Whale Watching
    • R5800MKamyz
      0 条分享
      5.0 分,共 5 分
      我们订了当天最早的那个行程 虽然只有两个人 天气也不好下着小雨刮着狂风 还是照样开船了非常开心能看到puffin 幸好导游小姐姐拍了清晰的照片发给我。船上会提供望远镜 还有一只可爱的puffin标本名叫 Bruce。
    • ellensU639QY
      0 条分享
      5.0 分,共 5 分
    • Hezzamezza
      0 条分享
      5.0 分,共 5 分
    • Kevin J
      0 条分享
      3.0 分,共 5 分
    • 401tanvis
      0 条分享
      5.0 分,共 5 分
    • 900LouiseC
      0 条分享
      5.0 分,共 5 分
    • Sherazade4
      0 条分享
      5.0 分,共 5 分
    • goiceland12
      0 条分享
      5.0 分,共 5 分
    • WebGuide T
      0 条分享
      5.0 分,共 5 分
    • traveller_justsara
      0 条分享
      4.0 分,共 5 分
      我们预约了观鲸和北极光。第一段的旅程很好玩,我们非常幸运发现了一头座头鲸然后跟着她玩了个把小时。我们发现这条船比我们预想的有点挤但对所有家庭来说这仍是一个很棒的经历。如果需要他们会提供防水服跟晕船药等。 关于北极光,我们下午收到一条短信:如果天气状况不好北极光活动可能会取消。今天下雨且是个阴天,所以我认为不会有意外的惊喜。 总的来说,这次旅行是一个很好的度过一个下午的方法,对我们超级棒的导游致以特别的感谢。然而,希望你不要对看鲸鱼或者是北极光寄予太高希望,因为也有可能落空。就放轻松享受这次经历吧!
    • BrazilACA
      0 条分享
      4.0 分,共 5 分
    • John E
      0 条分享
      5.0 分,共 5 分
    • atravelingbug
      0 条分享
      5.0 分,共 5 分
    • 230gareths
      0 条分享
      1.0 分,共 5 分
      我对这次行程的评分为1只是因为我们没有看到北极光,的确,极光是一种自然现象,但事实就是我们没有得到我们想要的东西,不过这也不是公司的错误,事实如此。 对我来说,一个恼人的点就是那个在船上咖啡馆吧台后服务的男人,六个人站在柜台前要点热饮等,他却一直在玩手机至少五分钟没理我们一行人,总体也让人很讨厌。
    • ananjand
      0 条分享
      4.0 分,共 5 分
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    4.5 分,共 5 分1,367 条点评

    英国伦敦50 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
    Great experience.
    Good communication and well organised. We were on a boat that had plenty of room to move around and see the whales. With inside and outside areas. You can buy snacks and refreshments from the bar. We were lucky enough to see humpback whales and even a seal. The guide was very informative and gave a great talk about whale behaviour.
    The guides also take their own photographs that they will send to you for free.
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    13 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
    2025年2月 • 家庭
    We had a very windy day for our pre-booked tour so I was expecting it would be cancelled. The communication in the morning came through that the trip was going ahead, really good customer care.
    The boat itself was very warm and cosy with areas up and downstairs to view. Plenty extra waterproofs should you need them and the offer of nausea medicine.
    My children aged 5 and 9 were provided with life jackets, felt very safe.

    Couldn't believe our luck when the humpback whales were spotted having their breakfast! An absolutely magical experience that we won't forget!
    The tour guide was very knowledgeable and the boat was moved in a way that all could view the whales without getting too close- however they moved toward the boat at one point and we got a great view!

    They also offered to send us photos via Email which I was very grateful for as they were much better than mine!
    Highly recommend this tour!
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    7 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
    2025年2月 • 家庭
    The trip was amazing. Very simple to book and everything was prompt and worked well. There were warm overalls available for extra protection and the guide was a marine biologist who gave us an excellent commentary on the whales we saw. We were incredibly lucky to see humpback whales up close but at a respectful distance from them for their safety.
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    英国28 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
    2025年2月 • 夫妻情侣
    Such an amazing trip and a real dream come true. We saw so many humpback whales on our morning trip amd watched them for around 45 mins. They were coming very close to the boat so we got a really good view and it was very exciting. The boat was very comfortable and had clean toilet facilities and a cafe to get coffees and drinks. Overall a really fantastic trip and I would definitely recommend. Highlight of our trip and an unforgettable experience.
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    Paul C
    英国Emsworth10 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
    We had quite a rough day, the wind and sea swell was strong but the boat was very secure and we felt comfortable on deck on the viewing platform. We saw a humpback whale in a nearby harbour and stayed with it for about 30 minutes watching it feed along with numerous sea birds before heading back. In all we had a 3 hour trip and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
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    英国Ashby de la Zouch1 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
    2025年2月 • 夫妻情侣
    Loved it! We were very lucky to see white beaked dolphin which hadn't been seen in the area for some time. An hour and half in, and we started heading back, and thought that would be it, but then heard the call that humpback whale has been spotted! It was feeding, so tail flukes, close surfacing, and blow hole blasts. Gannets were dive bombing for fish around it, and a seal kept popping up too!
    Ont top of this, The marine biologist on board kept us updated throughout the trip. We were provided with sea sickness tablets and waterproof overalls which kept us snug on top deck in the cold. There was ample room inside and out, and even when the whale was spotted and everyone rushed to top deck up front, everyone was able to see. There was also information on the ship and in the small museum back on land, about the whales and dolphins, as well as conservation efforts and sustainability issues, including information about Iceland's relatively recent history of whaling and what tourists can do about it :( I was interested to read about the contribution Elding have made to marine research with Iceland University,
    Thoroughly recommend!
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    Jim F
    3 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
    Fantastic opportunity to see these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat. Saw lots of tail flips as the humpbac dived!
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    Dear Jim F, We appreciate you taking the time to leave a review! Seeing these magnificent animals in their natural environment is always a special experience, and we’re delighted that you got to witness some fantastic tail dives from the humpbacks. All the best, The Elding team
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    Penny J
    10 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
    2025年1月 • 夫妻情侣
    This trip was so beautiful (despite the not so beautiful weather!) we saw humpback whales and that’s all that matters. It was so lovely to see them in the wild, we loved it. The crew were so nice and the boat was comfortable and had everything we needed to keep warm. Plus we were told and had access to so much information about the whales, it was fantastic
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    Dear PennyJ188, We really appreciate your kind words! Even with less-than-ideal weather, it’s wonderful to hear that seeing humpback whales made the experience worthwhile. We’re glad you loved the trip and felt comfortable on board. All the best, The Elding team
    此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。

    英国曼彻斯特61 条分享
    2.0 分,共 5 分
    2025年1月 • 家庭
    Left feeling a little disappointed. I know the whales cannot be guaranteed but I feel the tour operators could have been a little more observant in regards to everyone getting a good view of the whale yes the one whale. It was a pretty cold day with a weather front moving in. We arrived at the terminal early and checked in at the Elding office to get our tickets. We then made our way up the pier to the boat. While waiting all children were given life vests to wear, while adults were not compulsory. When we were eventually allowed on board most people went inside until the boat was underway. You could get drinks etc, although my wife commented the hot drink she had was in a very small cup and not worth the money. Toilets were available as well. We did not travel too far before the captain started to look for signs of whales. By this time the weather was getting worse with a brisk wind with rain intermixed. Lots of people made use of the overhauls that were available. These seemed to provide good protection and were provided as part of the fare. Eventually a single Humpback was sighted. It would pop up for a few seconds then submerge. The frequency it returned to the surface was all over the place from a minute to several minutes at a time. Apparently they can submerge for up to 30 minutes !. Everyone was pointing camaras hoping to get a shot but to be honest it was difficult. The main problem was the boat itself. As soon as there was sighting the captain would point the bow towards it. The tour guide was sat in an elevated position and would advise of any sightings by using the clock system. 12 o'clock was the Bow , 6 o'clock stern etc. There was only room was around 8 people at the front of the boat and everyone else trying to get a view had to stand behind them as more of the sightings were in front of the boat as the captain would point the boat that way. Off course people worked this out and would not move from the front. Every now and then the whale would pop up maybe a few hundred yards away at the side but then the boat would then move to face that position. In the end I felt like giving up as there was little chance of getting a decent view.
    There were 3 boats on the water all trying to get sight of the one whale. After a while the boat turned and headed back to the harbour without any announcement that we were doing so. Considering the trip cost £237 for 3 of us and you had to make your way to the harbour, I consider it poor value for money. Yes Whales are unpredictable but the frustration I felt with the layout of the boat made it feel like a poor experience.
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    Dear lawtonw2, Thank you for taking the time to share your experience. We understand that wildlife tours can sometimes be unpredictable, and while we always do our best to provide the best possible viewing opportunities, we’re sorry that you found the layout of the boat frustrating. While our crew aim to provide equal viewing opportunities, while respecting the unpredictable wildlife, positioning can sometimes be challenging. We appreciate your feedback and will take it into account for future improvements. All the best, The Elding team
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    49 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
    A truly magical day, we set off promptly and were made to feel welcome on the boat, below the ship their is warm all in one coats available I definitely advise wearing one they certainly keep you warm while out on the Atlantic.
    The boat provides unlimited sick bags and anti sickness tablets free of charge for those more sensitive travellers, there are two toilets on board and a bar for refreshment’s.
    The guide was so informative giving lots of information around conservation and daily life of the whales. We were lucky to see two juveniles whales together and it was truly an amazing sight that we got to share with our 4 year old ! it is very cold on the water so wrap up and grab a hot drink but worth every penny !
    Thank you to the whole team ❤️
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    Dear janicesmith63, We’re delighted to hear you had such a fantastic birthday out on the water! Thank you for your kind words about our team and the overall experience. We would love to welcome you back for another trip in the future. All the best, The Elding team
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    经典赏鲸活动 | 从雷克雅未克出发
