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- Aneal K0 条分享很棒的南海岸之旅我已经在他们告诉我们GeoIceland会带我们去的前一天晚上在另一家公司预订了这次旅行。(旅行的)结果很好,因为我们在另一家公司的体验不是很好。我们的导游Dagur很友好,乐于助人。这辆巴士很现代化,而且很舒适,有无线网络和可以为手机充电的插座。我们参观了南海岸许多美丽的地方。这是我们冰岛之行的一大亮点。撰写日期:2019年9月15日
- VAP16110 条分享与冰岛地质公司一起进行的三个旅程2019年8月期间参观了冰岛,我预订了冰岛地质公司的三个不同的一日游-黄金圈,斯奈山半岛和南海岸。每个行程我都很喜欢,它们组合在一起很好地介绍了冰岛的地理,地质,历史和文化。黄金圈之旅包括一些最著名的景点,比如克里火山口,辛格韦德利国家公园,古尔佛斯瀑布和间歇喷泉区。这些景点的美丽和令人敬畏证明了为什么它们总是出现在冰岛宣传资料中。亲眼看到这些景点更加令人敬仰和振奋。大卫既是司机又是导游,在提供关于每个自然景点的当地信息方面做得非常出色。他很易于交谈,可以看出他对冰岛爱得深沉。在我进行的冰岛地质公司第二次旅行中,从雷克雅未克驱车而来的感觉真是棒极了,而斯奈山半岛简直超凡脱俗 -- 真是无与伦比。在这次行程中,整天都下着雨,这使得当时的火山黑土和绿色苔藓形成了鲜明的对比。达古尔也是个出色的司机和导游。冰岛地质公司在南海岸之旅中达成游览三连胜,参观了Reynisfjara黑沙滩,索尔黑马冰川,斯科加瀑布和塞里雅兰瀑布。鲍尔温像其他人一样,是一个很棒的导游。我被公司网站上显眼的“小团体旅游保证”标识所吸引,毕竟没有什么比和无趣的向导以及无聊的游客一起呆在大型旅游巴士上更令人痛苦——而冰岛地质公司一点也没令人失望。我的三次旅程中平均有8至12名同行者。交通工具是较新的梅赛德斯迷你巴士,配备单双人座构造,有wifi和USB充电插座。任何打算预订旅行团的人都应牢记几件事。首先,始终要做好防风防雨的准备,带上雨衣和雨裤。其次,带上午餐和零食。停下来用餐和吃零食的机会很少。最后,冰岛地质公司的员工都很出色。我喜欢在冰岛的愉快时光。撰写日期:2019年9月14日
- Mimi M0 条分享雷克雅未克一日游GeoIceland Day Tours是一个很好的合作伙伴。我们在他们那订了雷克雅未克两天游的旅行团。我们当时乘坐的是荷兰-美国的邮轮,导游在港口迎接我们,并及时把我们送回船上。价格很好(比乘船游览要好得多),我们甚至每趟都有10%的折扣。我们是16人一组的小团体,而不是40人一组的大客车,这使得我们可以更有效率地游览景点。我们有足够的时间游览行程中的每一个地方--甚至更多!导游知道大型旅游车的路线,所以他们特意调整了我们的行程,尽可能避开大型旅游车。我们在雷克雅未克、古德尼和奥丁的导游都很棒。(他们也开着车)他们给我们提供了关于这个国家和我们要游览的特定景点的适当数量的背景信息。他们对国家的热爱给我们留下了深刻的印象。撰写日期:2019年9月10日
- Tfelty0 条分享美好的一日游这次旅游从上午9点持续到下午5点,能带你游览黄金旅游圈的所有主要景点。这是度过一天的极好方式,尤其是如果你没有一辆自己的车能带自己到处走走。导游人很好,但如果我们在旅游期间能听到更多关于冰岛地区和历史的故事以及信息,那就更好了。公交车上的Wifi和非常舒适的小公共汽车使得车程感觉很舒服。撰写日期:2019年8月28日
- KBWrldtraveler0 条分享很棒的一日游我订过这家公司的很多旅程,体验都很好。一日游组织的井井有条,非常愉快,带我们的导游很棒,我们的旅程比期待中还要精彩!撰写日期:2019年7月14日
- islandreams0 条分享节奏不错的小组游我们和GeoIceland进行了两次小组旅游——黄金圈和南海岸。很喜欢干净的迷你巴士,不是很拥挤,我们的旅程只有8或者9个人。司机/导游非常棒-知识丰富,友好,专业。节奏感很棒的旅行。我们只有一个小问题-我们的南海岸之旅在没有任何解释的情况下取消了,就在按原计划应该出行的前一天。我们重新订了后面一天的行程,幸运的是我们还能把新时间合理安排到整体行程之中。然而预定的确认回复迟到了,这引起了我们的一些担心,不确定在我们旅程的最后一天是不是还能赶上南海岸之旅,还是我们不得不需要另找一家公司。好在最后结果是好的,我们在实际出行那天享受到了更好的天气。撰写日期:2019年6月16日
- Passenger622377335950 条分享一起去看极光的很棒的夜晚这里的夜间之旅组织的很好,这是我第一次参观北极光博物馆,然后我们一起在雷克雅未克海湾寻找极光。我们很幸运地发现了。我们的导游非常友好,他尽了最大的努力把我们带到最好的观景地。撰写日期:2019年5月28日
- Chutha19480 条分享8天冬游来这里参观了八天,真的太值得了。在这里的7个晚上的住宿也很好。导游兼司机奥瑞待人友好,乐于助人,对自己的职责也很了解。我们参观的所有地方都是惊人的和精彩的。导游推荐的活动也很精彩。其他的游客也很友好。对于那些自然爱好者来说,冰岛是最适合你们的国家,这个旅游团可以带领你参观全国各地。撰写日期:2019年4月26日
- MTVillianous0 条分享完美的南部之旅这是冰岛南部所提供的完美景观。 每个站点都有充足的停留时间。很喜欢音乐的选择!我甚至希望那里能买到音乐的选辑。我们听到了个人和当地的有趣故事。 每个地方都很漂亮。很多可拍照的和可逛的。 绝对会再次预订这家公司的旅行。撰写日期:2019年4月17日
- Daydream649309031420 条分享有史以来最棒的旅行!如果你要去冰岛,想要做一些一天的旅行,我完全推荐冰岛地质一日游。小团体是一种很好的出行方式。导游很出色,很有风度,知识渊博。在旅游公司我从未有过更好经历。我们和他们单独旅行了三次,每一次都很精彩。撰写日期:2019年4月4日
- Madhawk0 条分享南部海岸天气无常我们参加了由GeoIceland组织的GEO207南部海岸小团旅游,玩得很开心。我们原计划参加另外一个,但被取消了,所以我们找到了这次旅行来代替它。在这么小的一个地区,天气变化无常,这是最奇怪的事情之一了。在冰川阳光明媚,在瀑布虽然阴沉沉的但是天气很好,在Black Shore下着狂风暴雨-自己去体验吧!除了这些,我们乘坐一辆干净漂亮的小巴士,还有一个很棒的导游,我们还有机会参观了冰岛的精彩部分。我推荐GeoIceland一日游!撰写日期:2019年3月9日
- StephenM5550 条分享我们这次旅行的亮点。我们和托尔一起进行了这次黄金圈旅行。当时的天气很好,这对我们很有帮助,上下车很顺利,托尔很有趣,也很细心。这次旅行我们去参观了蓝色的泻湖和北极光。间歇泉是我最喜欢的景点之一。撰写日期:2019年2月15日
- FarAway642589211630 条分享棒极了!我们预订了这场一日旅行,我们的导游是鲍德温,他是我们所遇到的有史以来最为有趣、最富有见识的导游之一。我们欣赏到了动人心魄的风景,度过了非常棒的一天,瀑布和间歇泉超出了此世间的美丽,这是我们第一次去冰岛旅行,但绝对不会是最后一次。撰写日期:2019年2月1日
- Netamat0 条分享冰岛地质之旅多么美好的一天。我们的导游鲍德温很聪明。他见多识广,风趣而宽容。所有的演讲都是用很棒的英语,充满智慧和魅力。他在大雪纷飞的恶劣条件下驾驶,他很有判断力和安全意识。那里的风景非常棒,花了一天的时间欣赏这里的景色,感觉这是一个正确的决定。我们兴高采烈地返回了。撰写日期:2019年1月22日
- 646nigelh0 条分享很棒的旅程一次优秀的旅行。有很多值得一看的地方,还有一个很棒的导游,他分享了很多有趣的信息,不仅是关于旅游的各个站点,还有冰岛的其他背景信息。绝对值得注意的是关于黑海滩上的秘密海浪的警告撰写日期:2019年1月8日
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6 条点评
Jacqueline E
449 条分享
Booked this tour because I have mobility problems and find climbing onto big coaches very difficult. No problems on this trip.
We were collected from our hotel, for our tour to the south coast, and our guide was friendly and knowledgeable about the geography, history and folklore of the area as we drove along.
The scenery is incredible, very photogenic and atmospheric, waterfalls, mountains, glaciers and coastline no wonder so many of the local population believe in trolls and elves.
Our guide could not have been more considerate,and friendly and her dog, Luna , made the day even more special.
Thank you so much.
We were collected from our hotel, for our tour to the south coast, and our guide was friendly and knowledgeable about the geography, history and folklore of the area as we drove along.
The scenery is incredible, very photogenic and atmospheric, waterfalls, mountains, glaciers and coastline no wonder so many of the local population believe in trolls and elves.
Our guide could not have been more considerate,and friendly and her dog, Luna , made the day even more special.
Thank you so much.
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卡罗莱纳州罗利174 条分享
This trip was a surprise present from my husband and family for a combined birthday/anniversary present, so they really wanted it to be amazing! Upon arrival, we met Berglind, who was to be our tour guide for the whole week. We were very happy about that from a continuity perspective. And, as soon as we found out she loves dogs as much as we do, we knew we could fill up a weeks worth of conversation with just that :)
Berglind was a WEALTH of information. Any minuscule detail you might want to know about Iceland, from History the Vikings to Heavy Metal Icelandic Bands- Berglind knew the answer. We were doing a tour of the South Coast, and there is so much to learn!!! We were beyond impressed with this tour. We went from the airport right to The Blue Lagoon, because it was so early. It may be touristy, but there is nothing like this that I know of in the U.S. It is truly an extraordinary experience. We were there when it was still dark, and enjoyed the very magical feeling of the sun rising through the clouds in the horizon as well as the steam throughout the lagoon. I would highly recommend this time of day. From the Lagoon we went to Reykjavik. Berglind took us all around the area to show us unique spots, and explained local folklore...her sense of humor and pride in her country come through in every conversation!
From Reykavik, we went to such stunning sights as the Kerid Crater...but what made our time with Berglind way better than your average tour, is that she wants you to see the REAL Iceland...ALL the places you would miss on a regular cookie cutter tour. She took us to the Fridheimer Farm and restaurant which is beautifully set inside a geothermal greenhouse. I don't want to give too much detail away, but it's not like anything you've ever seen. We continued to the Efstidalur Farm, which was high on hill and incredibly bucolic. You are met by the most beautiful dog who just wants you to throw a rock to her over and over. They are a hotel as well, and are famous for their ice cream. Again, these are the places Berglind could take us that we would never experience on another kind of tour. We went to Laugarvatn which is not only Berglind's hometown, but it is home to one of the most historic hot springs called Vigdalaug which dates back to the year 1000. We learned how the local residents bake rye bread right in the ground by the ocean because of the geothermal pits, and were able to meet and break bread with Berglind's Mom!!
You tour all the great, famous waterfalls, the black beach, the basalt columns, the legendary volcanos, the bridge between the continents... all the wonderful tour book highlights! But it is when you get to visit a beautiful local yarn shop (Pingborg), have the most delicious bowl of fish soup at a hidden harbor side gem (Bryggjan) or hear a legend about why the Reykjanes Peninsula is haunted by a ghost named Gunna that this tour shines the brightest. You'll find out the secret Icelandic celebratory drink which is a marriage of Egils Malt Extrakt and Egils Appelsin and maybe be able to snack on some carefully sourced Laufabraud!!
Again, all of these unique, special details were due to the one on one experience with our amazing guide. We can't wait to go back, and you can bet we will make sure to check when Berglind is available before we make any plans!! Our thanks to Geo Tours Iceland, and Berglind for the most magical trip ever!!
P.S. Petta Reddast!!!
Berglind was a WEALTH of information. Any minuscule detail you might want to know about Iceland, from History the Vikings to Heavy Metal Icelandic Bands- Berglind knew the answer. We were doing a tour of the South Coast, and there is so much to learn!!! We were beyond impressed with this tour. We went from the airport right to The Blue Lagoon, because it was so early. It may be touristy, but there is nothing like this that I know of in the U.S. It is truly an extraordinary experience. We were there when it was still dark, and enjoyed the very magical feeling of the sun rising through the clouds in the horizon as well as the steam throughout the lagoon. I would highly recommend this time of day. From the Lagoon we went to Reykjavik. Berglind took us all around the area to show us unique spots, and explained local folklore...her sense of humor and pride in her country come through in every conversation!
From Reykavik, we went to such stunning sights as the Kerid Crater...but what made our time with Berglind way better than your average tour, is that she wants you to see the REAL Iceland...ALL the places you would miss on a regular cookie cutter tour. She took us to the Fridheimer Farm and restaurant which is beautifully set inside a geothermal greenhouse. I don't want to give too much detail away, but it's not like anything you've ever seen. We continued to the Efstidalur Farm, which was high on hill and incredibly bucolic. You are met by the most beautiful dog who just wants you to throw a rock to her over and over. They are a hotel as well, and are famous for their ice cream. Again, these are the places Berglind could take us that we would never experience on another kind of tour. We went to Laugarvatn which is not only Berglind's hometown, but it is home to one of the most historic hot springs called Vigdalaug which dates back to the year 1000. We learned how the local residents bake rye bread right in the ground by the ocean because of the geothermal pits, and were able to meet and break bread with Berglind's Mom!!
You tour all the great, famous waterfalls, the black beach, the basalt columns, the legendary volcanos, the bridge between the continents... all the wonderful tour book highlights! But it is when you get to visit a beautiful local yarn shop (Pingborg), have the most delicious bowl of fish soup at a hidden harbor side gem (Bryggjan) or hear a legend about why the Reykjanes Peninsula is haunted by a ghost named Gunna that this tour shines the brightest. You'll find out the secret Icelandic celebratory drink which is a marriage of Egils Malt Extrakt and Egils Appelsin and maybe be able to snack on some carefully sourced Laufabraud!!
Again, all of these unique, special details were due to the one on one experience with our amazing guide. We can't wait to go back, and you can bet we will make sure to check when Berglind is available before we make any plans!! Our thanks to Geo Tours Iceland, and Berglind for the most magical trip ever!!
P.S. Petta Reddast!!!
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德国科隆272 条分享
Eine persönliche -oder besser gesagt - kleine Gruppe für diese Tour ist unbedingt anzuraten. Die Wasserfälle Selja und Skoga sowie Vik und der Black Beach sind ein Highlight
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加拿大温哥华5 条分享
2018年10月 • 夫妻情侣
We did two back to back tours with Oskar - one to the Golden Circle and one to the South Coast. We saw so many beautiful places and learned so much about Iceland from him. We experienced gusting winds in the south and Oskar drove very carefully. He tailored the itinerary according to weather conditions and when we didn't have our bathing suits for a dip in the secret lagoon he was ready with an alternative visit to the volcano crater Kerid, which we really enjoyed, especially as we had already been to the Blue Lagoon and were happy to see something a little different. By the end of our two tours we considered Oskar a special friend, and he even came and drove our family to the airport at the end of our stay. I cannot recommend his tours enough. Oskar went above and beyond to make our visit to Iceland memorable.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hi Susanna and thank you so much for the review.
It make a big difference for us when our guests give them selves the time to write us a review.
Oskar is a great guide like all our other guides, but we are truly happy you managed to bond a little
and have a friend in Iceland now. We will make sure Oskar will get the compliment from you.
Best regards and hopefully we will see you again.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Elaina H
英国Crowthorne7 条分享
2017年12月 • 家庭
Snorreid was our guide. Very knowledgeable and looks after the visitors very well. Thank you for a lovely time
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Erin B
1 条分享
2017年11月 • 夫妻情侣
We went on the southern coast tour - we had looked at a bunch of tours online and this was one of the best reviewed so we went for it. We weren't disappointed. Our Icelandic tour guide was great (he went by the English name Simon, not sure how to spell his Icelandic name). During the drive, he gave us great info about Iceland's history, geology, and culture. The pickup / dropoff went quickly and smoothly. The bus was, I think, 20 people or so max - so it was nice not to be on a HUGE bus rolling into our destinations. Simon timed it well so we seemed to arrive and leave just before the big buses with loads of people. Highly recommended!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Can you not take a party of 2 on June 18th? Saying only 1 person opening but it’s a private tour??
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