Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄 0-99
用时: 9 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
现场指南:英语, 意大利语
- 英语口语司机
- 梵蒂冈博物馆免排队门票
- 空调车
- 瓶装水
- 配有 WiFi
- 入场/门票 - 梵蒂冈博物馆
- 入场/门票 - 西斯廷教堂
未包含内容- 食品和饮料
- 小费
- 入场/门票 - 斗兽场
- 入场/门票 - 万神殿
- 出发地点:提供旅行者接送服务。接送服务详情
- 接机就在您的船舷梯旁。我们的司机会举着写有您名字的牌子。
提供港口接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的港口列表中进行选择。- Civitavecchia Port, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, 19, 00053 Civitavecchia RM, Italy
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 允许携带服务型动物
- 提供婴儿座椅
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- 旅行者应该具备正常的身体素质
- 礼拜场所和精选博物馆都有着装要求。不允许穿短裤或无袖上衣。膝盖和肩膀必须覆盖男性和女性。如果您不遵守这些着装要求,您可能会被拒绝入境
- 部分轮椅无障碍通道,如果需要轮椅协助,请在预订时告知
- 由于大庆,一些古迹可能正在修复。 敬请关注我们可能发送的任何有关潜在变更的消息。
- 这是一项私人游览/活动。 只有您的团队能够参加
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:70754P2
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- franklinb1250 条分享6小时市中心之旅我们在这个美妙的城市中进行了一次奇妙的旅行体验。 我们的司机(恩里科)是超级完美的! ! 他是一位知识渊博、风度翩翩、专业且准时的人! ! 我们四个人对我们这次的旅行体验都是感到非常满意的,是再好不过的了! 恩里科是一个在罗马周围走动的专家,对罗马和周边地区是充满了知识和历史信息的。 他也使我们的旅行变得非常愉快和令人难忘。 在我看来,坐在豪华轿车里游览罗马,是观赏罗马景点的唯一美好途径。 你做得超级棒,恩里科!希望继续努力! ! 谢谢你!撰写日期:2019年10月27日
- Sheila W0 条分享意大利之旅我们从罗马、庞贝、托斯卡纳、阿西西、西耶纳、威尼斯和佛罗伦萨开始了为期10天的意大利之旅。我知道一路上还有几站。导游棒极了,组织得很好,一点问题都没有。他们额外的短途旅行真是太棒了。下次旅行我肯定会选择特拉法尔加,我还会给我的导游马可发电子邮件,因为他是最了不起的人,非常善良、聪明、有趣。谢谢你给我这个机会。令人高兴的是,当我们进入任何特别的景点时,我们都不必排队等候。我们直接进去了。撰写日期:2019年10月20日
- RomanceWritr0 条分享和Eugenio和Enrico的定制2天游去年,我和丈夫与Eugenio和Enrico度过了两天愉快的时光,因此,我们很高兴今年回到罗马时能再次预订他们的服务。当我试着去描述我们和这两位先生的旅程时,我只能想到一个词,“不可思议”。整整两天,从9点到6点,我们大笑、了解知识、品尝美食,就像是在好朋友的陪伴下一样,因为这就是我们如何看待Eugenio和Enrico的。离开这座给我们带来非常多乐趣的城市,我们感到很难过,这在很大程度上要归功于我们的导游Eugenio和司机Enrico。我们非常推荐轿车游罗马之旅,尤其是Jany、Eugenio和Enrico。和他们一起旅行是让人愉快的投资。撰写日期:2019年10月19日
- Roger T0 条分享定制化的罗马之旅,往返于Civitavecchia这是我们的一次很棒的经历。 司机很专业,很有个性。 我们是12人旅行的旅行团,三代人,他们能够容纳我们所有的行李。 他们给我们带来了一次很棒的城市旅行,他们甚至可以包容并接载另外两个与我们一起旅行的人。 他们推荐了一个很棒的午餐,让我们在紧迫的时光里享受了美好的食物。 从奇维塔韦基亚返回机场的交通,一切进展顺利。 很高兴我使用了这家旅行公司,并强烈推荐给大家。撰写日期:2019年10月13日
- Max G0 条分享很棒的公司。你可以让迪亚哥来服务你,他是最棒的如果你寻找一日游的话,那就不用找了,轿车游罗马之旅的员工真的很棒。每位员工都知道不同城市的路和历史,他们带我们去一个可以俯瞰阿玛尔菲海岸的超棒的意大利餐厅。这个视野是我们见过最好的。你在这里也能拍到很多好的照片,让你难以忘记。我们的机场接送也是找的这家公司,一直都很准时,也很好相处。你们也别忘记品尝当地的柠檬酒。撰写日期:2019年8月11日
- melindas3220 条分享超棒的旅行罗马一日游。司机很准时,乐于助人。把我们送到离所有景点都很近的地方让我们下车,然后在下车的原地点接我们。给了我们很多对于罗马这个城市以及所有景点的很棒的信息。尽管天气酷热,人很多,但我们收获满满,度过了超棒的一天。很开心我们订了一个私人旅行团。撰写日期:2019年7月24日
- Hadet250 条分享佛罗伦萨和圣吉米尼亚诺一日游我们从利沃诺港出发,进行了一次私人旅行。我们参观了佛罗伦萨和圣吉米尼亚诺。我们的司机西蒙娜再好不过了。她是最有经验的司机。她把我们带到佛罗伦萨的市中心。她给了我们信息和地图。在我们去圣吉米尼亚诺的旅途中,她避免让我们卷入一辆在错误车道逆向行驶的货车。再次感谢你,西蒙娜,没有什么能够难倒她的。我强烈推荐轿车游罗马之旅。撰写日期:2019年6月30日
- N9713MPlaurens0 条分享隐藏的罗马之旅我们和Luca度过了愉快的一天!他带我们去了很多我想去的地方,带我们去了一个吃午餐的好地方,还请我们吃了早餐!他很友好,将我们照料的很好,谢谢你Luca!撰写日期:2019年5月31日
- avery19070 条分享我参加过最好的葡萄酒之旅…这是我参加过的最棒的品酒之旅。这是一次徒步旅行,我们喝了很多很棒的酒,吃了很多食物...导游简直是太棒了。我强烈推荐…绝对是值得的。撰写日期:2019年1月15日
- JerriAnnD0 条分享第二次甚至比第一次更好!我在2017年11月和十几岁的孙子孙女一起旅行时,使用了这个服务进行了为期3天的罗马之旅。它是如此的高效和专业,以至于我再次预定了和老公去罗马的行程。第一天,我们请马西莫参加我们的梵蒂冈导游之旅。他非常博学、幽默,认识梵蒂冈的每一个工作人员。我想不出比他更好的导游了。第二天,恩里科开车到我们住的旅馆接我们去了庞培和索伦托。第二天,恩里科是我们去罗马观光的司机;他不仅仅是一个司机…懂得很多,很有帮助和洞察力。这项服务将把你带到罗马必做清单上的每一个地方。毫不犹豫地预定一辆罗马豪华轿车,向他预订恩里科。你会很开心的。撰写日期:2018年12月9日
- Voyager1112190 条分享非常好的服务,难忘的回忆尼克,是我们8人游览罗马当天的司机。他很早就从罗马机场希尔顿酒店接到我们,然后带我们去罗马的各个景点。他为我们的一日游提供了非常丰富的信息和乐趣。他还给我们推荐了一家餐馆吃午饭。很遗憾没有记住餐厅的名字,但是这家餐厅的食物非常好吃,我们都在那里度过非常愉快的时光。罗马景点很多,不可能在一天内参观所有的景点。第二天早上是omeinlimo来接我们,把我们8人和行李安全送到奇维塔韦基亚港。等游轮观光结束后,他们再来带我们去了机场。整个行程因为他们的完美服务感到非常非常开心。撰写日期:2018年10月10日
- KEITH100 条分享Roe的精彩之旅我们参观了罗马,非常出色。这次旅行叫“隐藏的罗马”,我们的导游是恩里科。他真的很出色。我们从他那里了解了很多关于罗马历史和文化的知识,也学到了很多关于意大利的知识。他学识渊博,精通英语,风度翩翩,彬彬有礼,是位出色的导游。这次旅行太棒了。我们今天所见过的罗马多次让我们看到了以前从未见过的地方,包括地下墓穴。我强烈推荐这次旅行。轿车游罗马之旅和恩里科一样出色。谢谢你!撰写日期:2018年9月21日
- baambaam0 条分享服务很棒!Alex是在机场接我们的司机,他不仅非常友好而且对于罗马的历史了如指掌,在去我们酒店的路上为我们指点出所有的著名景点。撰写日期:2018年7月1日
- Paulette D0 条分享游览罗马的Tivoli和城市景点轿车游罗马之旅再次出色地组织了在意大利最好的旅游行程。我们的司机在机场和我们碰头,然后带我们参观了我们5年前来旅行的时候错过的一些景点。接下来的一天我们是在市区外的Tivoli度过的。那一天有一场自行车比赛,我们避开了混乱,享受了令人陶醉的美景。Stephano用他的幽默和勤劳确保我们度过了快乐的时光!!!好样的!撰写日期:2018年6月10日
- slaugh20010 条分享很棒,信息量大我的朋友向我推荐了这里,和这家公司相处非常开心,在旅途前尽力满足我们的需求,我们的导游亚历山大和弗兰克特别人性化,知识丰富,让我们感觉很舒服,能够跟随专家探访这样一座历史名城恰恰是我们所期待的,他们做到了,个性化的关照以及有问必答让体验更加难忘,如果你来意大利旅游,强烈推荐这里。撰写日期:2018年4月29日
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102 条点评
Lindsay O
3 条分享
2024年8月 • 家庭
We had the best day with Livio showing us the beauty of Rome!!! We fit so many beautiful sites in, including a few extras that we had time for which ended up being the highlights of our day! We can't wait to visit Italy again and book more tours with Livio. It was like spending the day with an old friend making us feel so comfortable in an unfamiliar place. He was great with all of us, including our kids! Thank you, Livio!
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Thank you for taking the time out of your day to post your comment, I'm glad to know that you had a great time with us! Our goal is to provide excellent services for our clients, it is rewarding to see our efforts recognized in your review. Hope to see you back soon!
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加利福尼亚橘子郡473 条分享
We had a group of 12 so they brought 2 vans that met us at the cruise ship. Drivers were knowledgeable fun and did an awesome job in the tours. Had ample time when they dropped us off at certain locations. Did not feel rushed.
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Thank you for taking the time out of your day to post your comment, I'm glad to know that you had a great time with us! Our goal is to provide excellent services for our clients, it is rewarding to see our efforts recognized in your review. Hope to see you back soon!
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bigredbuck62 条分享
2024年8月 • 家庭
We used this incredible tour company for our tour in Rome. From the first email to the last port drop off it was a great experience. Jany was incredible to work with and helped in every aspect. Our tour in Rome was August 21 and it was perfect. There is no other company I would use while in Italy.
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Thank you for taking the time out of your day to post your comment, I'm glad to know that you had a great time with us! Our goal is to provide excellent services for our clients, it is rewarding to see our efforts recognized in your review. Hope to see you back soon!
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宾夕法尼亚North Wales194 条分享
We decided to use Rome in Limo for our day in Rome via Cruise ship. Claudio picked us up at the Port of Civinncittici Italy. He was waiting outside our ship holding our name. He took us to his car and in the ride spoke about the Port and cool Roman facts and history. My husband and I have been to Rome a few times and know you need lots of time to explore and appreciate Rome but this was going to be a quick day trip to show our kids (9,13)the highlights. He took us to the Cat Sanctuary bc we have talked about it with kids and they wanted to see it. Claudio wanted to share the history and how it was location of Cesar's Death. Our next stop was new for all of us and was a cool experience. We went to see Knights of Malta keyhole. Totally cool experience for all of us👍 I loved how Claudio pointed out things we hadn't seen prior and some older Movie connections. He was amazing buzzing us around to visit sites. Dropped us off at Colosseum for our timed entry. Was a quick walk around after we made through security. We needed our US Passport to enter with our tickets we bought ahead of time. We got to see part of the Forumn, Spanish Steps, Trevi Fountain. Dropped as near a great pizza stop and gave us a hack I'm definitely remembering for our next trip. Get the local pizza and take it next door to sit down at bar to have a table and order our drinks 👍. After we ate we were off to pick up our tour guide Irene for Vactican Museum. Having a tour guide is really needed with help getting into the Vatican Museum. With a tour guide you get in a lot quicker than the long que. Irene was great and very engaging and knowledgeable and did her best to engage our young kids whom were both hot and tired. I have been in the Vatican Museum 1 time before and w/o guide and knew one was necessary and especially with our kids to see highlights quickly. Our 13 yo loves art and was already writing in school essays about what she saw and experienced in the Vatican Museum. Priceless ❤️ We walked through a special corridor to get to St. Peter's . We picked up ear pieces so we could all hear her point out different PCs of Art. We made our way out to the front of Basilica and walked to meet up with Claudio waiting for us. We said our good byes to Irene and were not off to meet our ship. Amazing day and would highly recommend this service. It's more personal than a big bus tour and loved all the stories Claudio told us while driving around❤️ Definitely would use again when we return to Rome👍
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Thank you for taking the time out of your day to post your comment, I'm glad to know that you had a great time with us! Our goal is to provide excellent services for our clients, it is rewarding to see our efforts recognized in your review. Hope to see you back soon!
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马萨诸塞Tyngsboro7 条分享
2024年6月 • 夫妻情侣
We booked RomeInLimo as a transfer after our cruise in Citavecchia to Rome and then to tour the city for the day before we left to go back to the US the next day. Pietro/Peter was our driver. We got picked up in a beautiful van for our transfer from the ship. Once in Rome, Peter took us to all of the sites. His knowledge and love of the city was wonderful. He showed us so much and gave us not just the sight of what we wanted to see, but all of the history behind it. He brought us to this little church to see a sculpture of Moses by Michelangelo, which was the absolute highlight of our tour. His lunch recommendation was excellent. And right before he dropped us at the airport we stopped for gelato, which was the best of our trip. Request Peter/Pietro. He was amazing!
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Thank you for taking the time out of your day to post your comment, I'm glad to know that you had a great time with us! Our goal is to provide excellent services for our clients, it is rewarding to see our efforts recognized in your review. Hope to see you back soon!
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Lupe M
德克萨斯州朗德罗克1 条分享
2024年6月 • 家庭
Our guide was amazing in having facts history. We got to see more than we expected or thought we wanted to see. He opened our eyes to what Rome had more of. We were all glad we did this tour and will do it again and hope we can get Peter for our guide again. He also took us to lunch where very little tourists were and it was amazing. We spent the whole day and learned a lot.
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Thank you for taking the time out of your day to post your comment, I'm glad to know that you had a great time with us! Our goal is to provide excellent services for our clients, it is rewarding to see our efforts recognized in your review. Hope to see you back soon!
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Melissa K
宾夕法尼亚Harmony29 条分享
2024年5月 • 家庭
We used Rome in Limo for 2 tours on our recent cruise vacation around Italy. This day we disembarked from our Ship in Civitavecchia, our lovely driver, Giuliano, picked us up with our luggage directly off the ship. We hopped in the lovely Mercedes van and started our journey to Rome!
We could never have seen all the sites we saw without having such a great driver. We visited The Colosseum (we chose to not get tickets to go inside,) the Forum, Circus Maximus, the Pantheon, the Spanish Steps, the Trevi fountain and MORE - all before our lovely lunch at a place Giuliano recommended near the vatican, were we were having a 1:30 private tour. This is a great way to get an overview of the city, and you can always return for a more in depth visit at any site if you days allow.
Our lunch restaurant was Osteria dei Pontefici - which was delightful and we're so pleased we chose the menu of the day where we were served beautiful Antipasti before pasta and pizza!
We used Rome In Limo to book our Vatican/Sistine Chapel private guide, and were ABSOLUTELY delighted with our guide, Patricia. She was funny and smart and made our visit so special. If you like to have fun while on a tour, request Patricia!
Giuliano made sure we met her at the right time, and was waiting for us when the tour was over - it was all so simple and stress-free. He was so thoughtful and made everything easy!
After a couple more stops for beautiful vistas of the city, Giuliano delivered us safely to our hotel. What a great first day!!
We could never have seen all the sites we saw without having such a great driver. We visited The Colosseum (we chose to not get tickets to go inside,) the Forum, Circus Maximus, the Pantheon, the Spanish Steps, the Trevi fountain and MORE - all before our lovely lunch at a place Giuliano recommended near the vatican, were we were having a 1:30 private tour. This is a great way to get an overview of the city, and you can always return for a more in depth visit at any site if you days allow.
Our lunch restaurant was Osteria dei Pontefici - which was delightful and we're so pleased we chose the menu of the day where we were served beautiful Antipasti before pasta and pizza!
We used Rome In Limo to book our Vatican/Sistine Chapel private guide, and were ABSOLUTELY delighted with our guide, Patricia. She was funny and smart and made our visit so special. If you like to have fun while on a tour, request Patricia!
Giuliano made sure we met her at the right time, and was waiting for us when the tour was over - it was all so simple and stress-free. He was so thoughtful and made everything easy!
After a couple more stops for beautiful vistas of the city, Giuliano delivered us safely to our hotel. What a great first day!!
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Harley K
亚利桑那凤凰城37 条分享
Great trip from hotel to cruise port. Went to Catacombs, Appian Way, Aqueduct and other sites. Then to Cruise Port. Michael was our driver. Great trip
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Thank you for taking the time out of your day to post your comment, I'm glad to know that you had a great time with us! Our goal is to provide excellent services for our clients, it is rewarding to see our efforts recognized in your review. Hope to see you back soon!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Jennifer S
3 条分享
Our family had a fabulous experience with Rome in Limo and we especially loved our driver Alfredo. He made our day smooth and enjoyable. He knew Rome like the back of his hand and had my husband and 3 daughters (8, 12, 14) all over Rome to see as many sites as possible while in town on a cruise. We saw and did so much in a short amount of time. So worth every penny. Thank you Alfredo and Rome in Limo for making our Rome visit unforgettable!
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Thank you for taking the time out of your day to post your comment, I'm glad to know that you had a great time with us! Our goal is to provide excellent services for our clients, it is rewarding to see our efforts recognized in your review. Hope to see you back soon!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
伊利诺伊州Crystal Lake172 条分享
My family and I (husband and two college-age boys) booked Rome in Limo for 3 port tours (Florence/Pisa, Rome and Positano/Sorrento/Pompeii) for our recent Mediterranean cruise. What can I say that has not already been said in all of their 5-star reviews? The drivers were all prompt, professional and friendly. The Mercedes van was impeccably clean and the air conditioning was cold (if you are in Europe in the summer, you will really appreciate this!).
From the planning with Jany (who is AMAZING with her communication, instructions for reserving advance tickets (necessary!) and follow-up) to our experiences with the drivers, every tour went smoothly and we were returned to the ship happy with our experience and with plenty of time to spare.
I'd like to give special thanks to Michael in Rome. We saw everything we wanted to see during our day of "hitting the highlights". There is absolutely no way we could have seen even half of the highlights without him driving us around on a private tour.
I'd also like to give special thanks to Alex in Naples. He was extremely friendly and a pro at driving us to Positano, Sorrento and Pompeii. We got off of the ship first thing and headed to Positano first, thus avoiding the insane traffic building up later in the morning. We had a very full day without any waiting and had plenty of time in Sorrento for a sit-down lunch. Alex gifted us a bottle of Limoncello at the end of the tour, which was such a kind and unexpected surprise!
We had an amazing time and I would not hesitate to book with Rome in Limo for our next vacation! Worth every penny!! Highly recommend!
From the planning with Jany (who is AMAZING with her communication, instructions for reserving advance tickets (necessary!) and follow-up) to our experiences with the drivers, every tour went smoothly and we were returned to the ship happy with our experience and with plenty of time to spare.
I'd like to give special thanks to Michael in Rome. We saw everything we wanted to see during our day of "hitting the highlights". There is absolutely no way we could have seen even half of the highlights without him driving us around on a private tour.
I'd also like to give special thanks to Alex in Naples. He was extremely friendly and a pro at driving us to Positano, Sorrento and Pompeii. We got off of the ship first thing and headed to Positano first, thus avoiding the insane traffic building up later in the morning. We had a very full day without any waiting and had plenty of time in Sorrento for a sit-down lunch. Alex gifted us a bottle of Limoncello at the end of the tour, which was such a kind and unexpected surprise!
We had an amazing time and I would not hesitate to book with Rome in Limo for our next vacation! Worth every penny!! Highly recommend!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you for taking the time out of your day to post your comment, I'm glad to know that you had a great time with us! Our goal is to provide excellent services for our clients, it is rewarding to see our efforts recognized in your review. Hope to see you back soon!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
What if we are delayed getting off the cruise? From what I understand, disembarkation times can vary. How flexible is the pickup time for this tour and what do we do if the time needs to change?
How rigid is the pickup time from port? I have no idea when our cruise will let us off and from what I understand it can be a little unpredictable.
Can you give me a tour of Rome cost for 2 adults and. 2 children arriving in Citivechia on the 24th July children’s ages 16 and 13
Private car for 4 was 550€. We also added a tour guide for the Vatican which was 150€ additional. Great value for the service.
Would it be possible to pick up 4adults and luggage from port then a day tour of Rome
We would then be dropped off at airport. We will be cruising in October 2019 on emerald princess
Thank you.
Can we organize tours with you for Florence and the Amalfi coast from ship then back to ship
These trips would be 4 adults also.
Yes it would be possible. I saw some families doing this when our cruise ship was in port for the day in Rome. As we were leaving the ship to meet our driver, they were leaving with their luggage.
As flexible as I found RomeInLimo to be, they should be able to easily handle that request - contact Jany and he will work it out for you.
Does the tour include skip the line feature for vatican museum or how much more is that
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