供应商/业主为:Big Bus Sydney
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悉尼和邦迪海滩巴士之旅让您享受导游的所有好处——包括无忧的交通和车上语音解说——同时按照自己的节奏探索景点。车票有效期为 24 小时,因此您可以在悉尼港、岩石区、皇家植物园和海德公园等景点上下车,或者只是在敞篷双层巴士上欣赏美景。
年龄 3-99
用时: 1 小时 30 分
开始时间: 查看供应情况
语音导览:德语, 中文, 韩文, 日语, 英语, 意大利语, 法语, 西班牙语
- 在敞篷双层巴士上方便的随上随下交通
- 城市周围的几个站点,包括悉尼港,邦迪海滩和达令港
- 板载音频评论确保您不会错过任何东西
- 沿着两条路线旅行,定期有巴士发车,为您提供方便
- 24 小时或 48 小时随上随下巴士通票
- 预先录制的英语,法语,西班牙语,德语,意大利语,普通话,日语,韩语评论
- 最多 34 站随上随下
- 板载免费 WiFi
- 1 日随上随下库克船长海港探索通票(含精选门票)
- 前往任意一站(见行程)验证您的 24 小时车票,然后登上其中一辆敞篷双层巴士。您的车票可让您乘坐悉尼和邦迪海滩巴士路线,这两条路线在几个站点相连。 您可以在每条线路上随意上下车。也许可以在悉尼港下车,欣赏悉尼海港大桥和悉尼歌剧院的壮丽景色,在海德公园或皇家植物园漫步,或探索唐人街。或者参观悉尼鱼市,观看邦迪海滩的冲浪者,探索岩石区和帕丁顿等街区。 乘车时,别忘了戴上耳机,听听语音解说,语音解说会指出沿途所有主要景点,并提供背景历史和趣闻,帮助您了解有关海港城的更多信息。
- 无障碍通道
- 婴儿车可入内
- 靠近公共交通
- 婴儿必须坐在成人腿上
- 交通工具有无障碍设施
- 表面有无障碍通道
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:5010SYDNEY- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 预订 24 小时通行证时,仅需要主要乘客姓名即可预订。预订时,您只需输入 1 名成人即可完成预订
- 0 至 3 岁的婴儿免费旅行
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:5010SYDNEY
- roy v0 条分享对快速四处转转来说还可以几天前,我们和从加拿大来的朋友一起买了一张大客车的日票。我们在达令港上了公共汽车,过了一会儿,当我们到达环形码头时,我们被告知下车,登上另一辆车,当我们问为什么时,我们只是被告知,“因为旅游从这里开始”,我们觉得有点奇怪。幸运的是,那天天气很好,我们还能在顶层找到好座位。我们游览了整个城市,这很好,在一些非常有趣的景点,注意到他们通过耳机给你的解说有时是错误的,例如,对于你应该看到的东西来说,解说太晚或太早,有几次他们正在讲解的景点是在路的另一边。城市之旅结束后,我们去了邦迪之旅,这很好,但是经过邦迪海滩之后,讲解就完全中断了,所以我们去了像玫瑰湾这样美丽的地方,直到回到中央车站的路上什么讲解也没有,这让人很失望。按每人58美元计算,本应该要更好一些。无论如何,在一个明媚的阳光灿烂的日子里,这是愉快放松的几个小时,我们的朋友们喜欢这景色。撰写日期:2019年10月19日
- fleurbaby0 条分享对价格感到失望巴士运转状况不良,服务很差。温度过高,噪音巨大,但工作人员对此却没有做出解释,乘客们不得不通过无线电收听导游的解说。因为没有地方了,我们只好站了大约一个小时,没法听导游的讲解。之后我们得到了一个座位,但那里的音响坏了。中央车站的工作人员态度粗鲁。我们的行李袋很小,但他们说我们的行李太大,而与此同时背着大行囊的人他们却不管。我们得去车站花26美元把行李存起来,在那里排队浪费了一个小时的时间。这里的上下车管理体系也很糟糕,他们花了很长时间才让人们上车。(也许给乘客发放腕带会更好)。这次体验实在太令人失望了。撰写日期:2019年10月19日
- monimau10 条分享美好体验big bus 观光巴士是游览悉尼市的绝佳方式,车上的音频导览很实用 ,而且提供多语言版本。一切都超出预期。观光游活动,服务,(所碰到的)员工。。。。所有人(司机,相关管理人员、运营商)都很乐于助人。Serena超赞,既专业又体谅人, 她帮我们规划行程,让我们的旅行安排得更周到、更轻松。我们真得很感谢她,她真得非常优秀。再次表示感谢。我们希望不久会可以再度拜访悉尼。撰写日期:2019年9月17日
- Carmy70190 条分享棒极了今天和Adam一起有过最好的经历。谢谢你给与了很大的帮助。你给这群人留下了深刻的印象!我对你的友好和服务评价很高。再次感谢!撰写日期:2019年9月14日
- hele28080 条分享Adam最棒了!司机Adam真的很棒!远远超出了我们预期,客户服务非常好,各方面都非常出色。我们很感谢他今天给予的帮助,他让我们旅行时玩得更开心。再次感谢Adam今天帮助了7位陷入麻烦的女士。非常感谢,亲切的问候。Hele留言撰写日期:2019年9月14日
- Sadie H0 条分享随上随下巴士乘坐悉尼观光巴士是游览悉尼市的好方法。车上语音解说提供信息,帮助读出地方地标。我买了48小时的票,一天走了整个城市路线,第二天又走了整个邦迪海滩路线。我也借助观光巴士作为一种交通工具去其他景点。邦迪海滩路线还提供了悉尼市中心的一些不错景点!我通过追逐蓝宝石奖励活动兑换了信用卡积分。兑换券上有我的二维码。我把代金券打印出来,在公共汽车上兑换了。司机扫描了我的二维码,然后就可以顺利地使用我的车票了。撰写日期:2019年8月2日
- harris Z0 条分享司机态度很差向司机提问票务问题,司机态度很不屑,而且不会回答你的问题,只会说车票标注相关信息你自己去看,我们全家果断在第二站下车,换乘另一班巴士撰写日期:2018年9月3日
- mr_badtzmarux0 条分享游览城市很高兴参加这个梦幻般的旅游,可以乘巴士去游览城市,这次旅行非常有趣,独特,这么多热点!这是一个很棒的旅程!撰写日期:2017年8月17日
- mr_badtzmarux0 条分享巴士游览很高兴参加这个梦幻般的旅游,可以乘巴士去游览城市,它是如此美丽,如此独特,这么多地方去,这是如此热闹! 这是一个很棒的旅程!撰写日期:2017年8月17日
- Pachseven0 条分享我通过萤火虫大巴从墨尔本到悉尼,再以同样的方式从悉尼回到墨尔本这是一次令人满意的大巴之旅。巴士司机非常有礼貌,服务态度很好。中间有两个站点可供休息时间用餐。这里还有电影可供娱乐,消磨那些无聊的时光。公共汽车厕所很干净,并且保持清洁。通过大巴进行过夜旅行也很不错,这里非常舒适。撰写日期:2017年7月11日
- Stacia H0 条分享旅行中一直有讲解,非常开心非常不错的路线,涵盖悉尼周边各种热门景点。我5岁的孩子觉得不是很有趣,但是是非常不错的一天。如果你想逛更多的景点,推荐购买两天的通行证。撰写日期:2017年5月20日
- JohnMac18p0 条分享正如所说如果时间少,或者想看看这个城市独特感,这里很合适。两条路线让你参观悉尼所有的标志性地点,能够了解这里的独特感。他们不能取代交通,但只要你决定了他们就能带你到那儿。我不期望很多,但在一个好天气,戴着耳机,在甲板上晒太阳,能够忘记来自美国的时差。撰写日期:2017年4月29日
- Slow-travel0 条分享如何将一座活力四射的城市变得无比乏味...我们想要乘坐随上随下的巴士,来认识这个城市的面貌、了解这个地方的基本历史。这趟行程里的语音讲解非常匮乏。也没有什么奇闻轶事能让人对不同的历史阶段有所感受,语音讲解停顿的时候,周围有人怀疑他们的语音讲解器是不是坏了。时间卡得不准,所以我们经常根据指示左看右看、但并没有看到喷泉或者语音讲解提到的任何东西。我们终于在行程进行到3/4的时候下车了,再也没有回去。浪费了100澳元。现在我很清楚的知道,将来我要找有真人导览的旅行团。撰写日期:2017年4月6日
- Jenny L0 条分享游览悉尼和邦迪区的好途径这场巴士旅行很适合游览悉尼。我先游览的悉尼,大概花了两个小时,然后坐巴士去邦迪大约花了90分钟。我在悉尼玩了四天,对我而言这里的一切都是新鲜的,能慢慢对悉尼熟悉起来真的很棒。悉尼巴士旅行会经过海港大桥、邦迪海滩,以及几个公园。邦迪巴士旅行则会带你去到邦迪海滩及周边地区。返回悉尼的途中风景很美。如果你有几天空闲时间的话,借此机会开始旅行真的很棒。撰写日期:2017年3月14日
- Roger W0 条分享在不来了这根本不值得所花的钱。很慢,没有宣布停止(我猜是运气好),拥挤得站在原地几个小时不动,很失望。雇一个司机,这样会更便宜,而且可以去看风景。开车的话限制必须要坐观光巴士,沿途刹车。省着你的钱吧。撰写日期:2017年3月3日
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648 条点评
Margueritte K
加拿大安卡斯特2 条分享
2025年1月 • 夫妻情侣
The tour was very good. This being the first time we’ve been in this city, we now have a pretty good idea of what we want to see the
Next time we visit this beautiful city! I want to highly recommend our driver John on the red line. After we left the Star stop, we found a Fanny pack left on the seat by a passenger who had just disembarked the bus. We took it to the driver who made a detour and returned to this stop, and they was the lady anxiously looking to see if the bus would return. Needless to say she was over the moon for being reunited with her valuables! This was a happy ending for all of us thanks to the efforts of the driver who took a few minutes to make a customer forever grateful!
Next time we visit this beautiful city! I want to highly recommend our driver John on the red line. After we left the Star stop, we found a Fanny pack left on the seat by a passenger who had just disembarked the bus. We took it to the driver who made a detour and returned to this stop, and they was the lady anxiously looking to see if the bus would return. Needless to say she was over the moon for being reunited with her valuables! This was a happy ending for all of us thanks to the efforts of the driver who took a few minutes to make a customer forever grateful!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Sheila D
2 条分享
2025年1月 • 好友
We had a fantastic time on Big Bus Sydney thanks to Big John the driver! We were made to feel so welcome and were helped with information throughout the tour. Thank you John
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Alison E
1 条分享
2025年1月 • 家庭
The tour is absolutely worth it. Our relatives struggle with English & were able to listen to the guided tour in German. The bus driver, John, took fabulous care of them & made sure they hopped off at the right stop at the end of their your.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Cambo a
1 条分享
Our Philipino driver James was so professional and welcoming as well as very knowledgeable about Sydney. He treated everyone on board with total respect and dignity. The trip was fantastic and we’ll definitely be back. I’m a bus driver in Brisbane so I know good bus drivers and James was great.
Cameron Auld
Cameron Auld
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Thank you Cameron for taking the time to leave a review. Coming from an experienced bus driver, your opinion is a great compliment to James- one of our longest serving drivers. We are also pleased to hear that you enjoyed the sightseeing tours of Sydney and we will certainly welcome you back, next time you are in town.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Colin N
29 条分享
The bus tour is slow and there’s too much pausing for music. I’m certain there is more to talk about, but the three hosts ramble on with pathetic attempts at humour. There’s background noise which makes it hard to hear the commentary.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
We are sorry to hear that the tours fell short of your expectations. The commentary is available in 8 languages and it is possible to adjust the volume of the sound output of the complimentary earphones. We hope that you enjoyed the rest of your time in Sydney.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Hope T
乔治亚杜鲁斯8 条分享
2025年1月 • 独自旅游
Excellent way to get around the city! This bus has many stops, including a line (the Blue line) that will take you to Bondi Beach. It runs all day and you can get passes for multiple days, plus ferry/cruise rides. Walking around the city is easy and convenient, but this helps you easily navigate places that you likely want to go anyway. Plus, there’s audio recordings that give you a cool history lesson on the places you’re seeing as you’re riding. This is a great experience if you have a free day with no plans and want something to do or if you have lots to do and want a hassle free ride. The drivers and support staff are also really friendly and helpful if you have questions! Highly recommend!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you for your feedback and 5 star rating! Hop-on, hop-off touring is popular in many cities around the world, as a easy way of orientation and transportation. Big Bus Tours now operate in 27 cities globally with Vancouver,Canada being our newest operation. We hope to see you again on another Big Bus Tour.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Zahra D
1 条分享
2025年1月 • 家庭
I am extremely disappointed with the service provided on the hop-on hop-off bus tour on 2/01/2025. Our group boarded the bus around 11:00 AM, but at Circular Quay, we were unexpectedly forced off without completing the tour. The guide claimed it was a “favor” to pick us, which was both unprofessional and unreasonable. We had anticipated the flexibility to hop on and off at designated stops, but instead, we were left with no prior notice or explanation. This caused major disruption to our day, as part of our group only completed one stop, and we couldn’t even finish the Bondi tour.
We were then told to wait in a long queue for the next bus but were not allowed to reboard with no clear justification. To make matters worse, the guide informed us that refunds could only be processed via email, which added to our frustration. Furthermore, when a new bus arrived, we were denied entry, while others were allowed to switch buses without issue.
Despite sending an email requesting a refund, we have yet to receive any response. Given the poor experience and lack of communication, we are requesting a full refund for our group. We hope for a prompt resolution to this matter.
We were then told to wait in a long queue for the next bus but were not allowed to reboard with no clear justification. To make matters worse, the guide informed us that refunds could only be processed via email, which added to our frustration. Furthermore, when a new bus arrived, we were denied entry, while others were allowed to switch buses without issue.
Despite sending an email requesting a refund, we have yet to receive any response. Given the poor experience and lack of communication, we are requesting a full refund for our group. We hope for a prompt resolution to this matter.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hello Zahra. We are very disappointed to hear of your experience with Big Bus tours. I ask that you contact me directly so that I can investigate the details and follow up with your refund request. Please email me pamelas@bigbustours.com
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
澳大利亚墨尔本45 条分享
Today we went on tour with the Big Bus Hop on Hop off in Sydney but things did not go good at all the company lady who sold our tickets at stop 3 told us the last bus will leave stop 30 Bondi Beach at 4.15 someone else ask the driver who dropped us off he said the same time 4.15 we went to stop at 4.10 another couple was there before us and another couple come at 4.15 but the bus had left earlier we tried to call the company no one answered they answered after 4.30 and told us the bus left so we all left behind trying to find some other way to get back to centre Sydney we are very disappointed ☹️☹️☹️☹️
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
We are sorry to hear of your inconvenience Jim. Please contact me to discuss your experience with us.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Simon E
55 条分享
Bought a 2 day ticket and what a waste of money. They suggest that buses run every 30 minutes or so, they do but they are full and you cannot board, yesterday waited 90+ minutes before I could board one. I appreciate it’s a busy time of the year and public holidays but don’t oversell. They kept saying there is an extra special bus coming 10 minutes away, it would show up 30 minutes later and was full. Day two blue route, luckily not as long to wait today about 30 minutes but standing room only so cannot listen to the audio. Be quicker, cheaper and more reliable to get an uber.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Simon, thank you for leaving us feedback. We are disappointed to hear that your experience was not a positive one. Additional buses were put into service to reduce wait times, but during peak periods of the day, queues were inevitable. Please feel free to contact me to further discuss your experience- I am happy to hear your story. pamelas@bigbustours.com
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Bob K
1 条分享
2025年1月 • 家庭
I normally do not write reviews but am doing so in the hopes that I can save someone the trouble and expense of paying for this. I have done hop and off bus rides all over the world. The principle is the same: pay to ride a bus all around a city and get off whenever you want to explore a new area. When you are ready to continue the bus ride, another bus comes by on a fairly frequent basis. This is not the case with the Sydney hop and off bus tour. You have to read the fine print on the website. First, when they sign you up, they state you buying a 24 hour or 48 hour pass. This implies that the buses run all day. That could not be farther from the truth. The buses start at 9 am and depending on your stop it ends at around 3:45 pm. In terms of frequency, they state the buses come every 30 to 45 minutes. In reality it is more like 45 minutes plus. At some of the stop, the wait was so long that people gave up and took public transit or Uber back to their destination. Do not waste your money in Sydney. You are better off riding public transit which is fast, convenient and cheaper.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Bob, it is disappointing for us to hear that your experience fell short of your expectations. A 24 hr/48 hr VALID ticket refers to the hours of operation. This terminology is used across the globe in Hop-on Hop off business. A Day ticket refers to a single calendar day, while a 24 hour ticket enables the customer to purchase a ticket at any time of the day and use it until 24 hours later. For example: purchase a ticket at 3 pm today and use it until 3 pm the following day. This same is true for the 48 hour pass. In Sydney, with two different routes, some passengers will use the ticket to ride the city tour in the afternoon and then use the ticket to take the Bondi trip in the morning. Peak tourist season does create operational challenges, but we do put additional buses into service to help alleviate wait times. City tours operate every 30 minutes and Bondi every 35 min- more often on busier days. We are sorry to hear that you were disappointed with our service, but hope that you enjoyed your visit in Sydney. Feel free to contact me directly should you wish to discuss your experience further: pamelas@bigbustours.com
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Usually in local currency, but you can change your preferences in the app to reflect your own currency if you’d like.
Has the bus been totally full that you can’t get on ? Particularly when the cruise ships come I .
HI our cruise ship will overnight in Sydney 23/24 Dec 23 having flown in from the UK. The 24hr Hop on hop off ticket seems the perfect match. Can you confirm what are the operating/running times for both routes and is there a start and finish point for each.
You can get on and off the bus at any of the stops so you don't have to start at any particular stop. Just buy your tickets in advance online. When we were there the red line through the city ran from 9a to 4p and the blue line to Bondi Beach ran from 9:30a to 3:30p. But I don't know if the hours change during different seasons. You can see the stops and hours at the bigbustours site
I am in Sydney for less than 24 hours. What is the duration of each red and blue line trio from the central station. Assume I am not getting off at all. Thanks.
Hi Aftabfarooqi,
Although Red is the City route it was the longest, I think from memory it took approximately 2 hours to do the full cycle (no hop-off).
Blue is Bondi Beach route and it took approximately 90 minutes in total (although we did hop-off at one stop).
Hope this helps :)
Hi Kevin T,
So sorry for the late reply.
Download the BigBus app and it will give you real time estimates for each stop for both routes (we found this very helpful).
Start time from memory was approximately 9:30am but you can hop onto the nearest stop which is most convenient for you.
If you have any questions the Bus Drivers were very helpful and friendly too.
Hope this wasn’t too late of information 😅
Is the Maritime Museum stop at the Australian National Maritime Museum, Murry St., Darling Harbour
Is the Maritime Museum stop at the Australian National Maritime Museum, Murry St., Darling Harbour
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