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年龄限制:10-100,每个团体最多 5 人
用时: 11 小时
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- 享用澳大利亚早晨和下午茶,包括新鲜的时令水果,各种茶和咖啡以及澳大利亚饼干供您品尝。在您的车上我们有小吃和水。
- 入场/门票 - Blue Mountains National Park Glenbrook
未包含内容- 午餐时间,我们在美丽而历史悠久的Leura镇停留,这里有各种各样的咖啡馆和餐厅,以满足各种口味和预算。
- 出发地点:提供多个接送地点。接送服务详情
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- 提供婴儿座椅
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:115065P1- 不推荐背部不适的旅行者参加
- 不建议孕妇参加
- 无心脏问题或其他重大疾病
- 旅行者应该具备正常的身体素质
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 5 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:115065P1
- 1远离人群和旅游巴士,欣赏蓝山国家公园的真正美景。
- Dirk H0 条分享至今最好的导游!想要用一个词来描述蓝山生态旅程简直是不可能的。像“棒极了”、“与众不同”这样的词语仍然会贬低从保罗先生接你到把你带回家的那一刻所创造的体验。他会带你去到蓝山那些从未有人涉足过的地方。只有当你跟随导游走在小径上时,你才会知道你不是第一个到达那里的人。所有这一切的结果是形成了没有被成群游客破坏的景观。你周围的寂静会让你感觉和理解到微风似乎在你的耳朵里低语:蓝山的真实故事。如果需要的话,保罗会把这个故事翻译成人类的语言。他具有广博的知识——不是关于山脉的——每一次与他的交流都让你越来越尊重澳大利亚的自然、文化和居民。客户中心”和“客户体验”不仅仅是保罗的口号!撰写日期:2019年10月13日
- Cosmosvisit0 条分享游览了蓝山所有峡谷的完美一天雨,阳光,彩虹和袋鼠。保罗开着他那辆漂亮、功能齐全的路虎带我们看到了这一切。保罗对这个地区了如指掌。我知道我们有机会去了更多的峡谷。这是一次全天的旅行。我们甚至喝了早茶和下午日落时我们享受了茶,水果,葡萄酒和奶酪。午餐肉饼也让我们在澳大利亚的户外探险更加完整。回到悉尼后,保罗对餐馆和酒吧也很了解。他也了解这里的植物和野生动物。有趣的一天。撰写日期:2019年5月10日
- weidemad0 条分享量身定制的蓝山之旅如果你想感受远离大量游客的蓝山,那么Blue Mountains Eco Tours(蓝山生态之旅)就是你的最佳选择。导游Paul的路虎车最多可以带5个人,他会带你了解这里的生态环境!这是一次令人愉快的旅行,尽管那天是复活节星期六,但全程几乎只有我们一队游客,而在那些"常规的景点",则人满为患。这是一次澳洲生活与激动人心的大自然的综合体验。我们真诚的推荐这里。Paul,谢谢你!撰写日期:2019年4月25日
- S6137VIhelenm0 条分享非常好的旅行很遗憾,我们的蓝山之旅当天早晨遇到了低气压,天气预报说之后有可能会下雨。珍妮和保罗给我们预测了我们可能会看到的景象……基本上看不到任何景色,甚至拍三姐妹山的摄像头都完全被蒙上了阴影。但员工非常乐于助人,他们提出继续按计划进行,或者重新安排另一个日期。我们都同意,我们不太可能在这样的天气条件下享受这一天,所以取消了它,但遗憾的是,我们没有任何日子可以重新安排。珍妮真的很好,希望我们能有机会和她一起去旅行,但我们非常感谢这次旅行和蒂姆为我们准备的礼物!!!!如果我们再去悉尼,蓝山野生动物之旅一定会在我们的列表上!!!!撰写日期:2019年2月13日
- ptur2810 条分享我们度过多么美好的一天呀。我们同蓝山生态游公司的一天真的是非常棒。没有拥挤的人群,几乎是纯私人团。山上的景色很棒,有关于大自然,野生动物还有山上历史的讲解,参观袋鼠,甚至同我5岁的儿子一起建一个小篝火。这里全都有。感谢保罗带给我们这么棒的一天我们不会忘记的。撰写日期:2018年11月10日
- Alex H0 条分享很棒我们的导游Paul带我们参观了蓝山各处的景点。这里游客很少,有一种独处的感觉。Paul很了解这里的自然风光和历史文化,这真的让人惊喜。他甚至知道植物和鸟儿的种类,这样有意思的小细节很多。他的越野车可以带我们到其他车辆无法到达的地方。我们坐在悬崖边,一边饮茶,一边俯瞰山谷美景。真的很赞!撰写日期:2018年5月16日
- Dutchie20 条分享美好的一天!我们和Paul一起旅行,旅行过程很棒。他在酒店接我们,然后带着我们去了很多蓝山有趣的景点,有些地方是自己一个人绝对不会来的。他还带了饮料,咖啡和小食品。我们在Leura吃了午餐,还品尝了酒。这些都是一天之内发生的事情。与此同时Paul还是一个非常有趣的东道主,人非常好。能够度过这样值得纪念的一天,夫复何求呢?撰写日期:2018年2月17日
- lovestotravel20180 条分享在蓝山度过了愉快的一天!如果你想去山上看看澳大利亚的风景的话,就选择这个行程吧!我们跟保罗待在一起非常开心,我们这个旅游团人不多(我们很幸运,只有我们两个人,不过路虎反正只能坐5个游客)。保罗非常友好,很熟蓝山。他带我们去徒步,还因为天热,让我们走有树荫的步道,靠近瀑布,远离那些旅游大巴。我们太喜欢了!撰写日期:2018年1月17日
- Kevin W0 条分享蓝山暮光之城野生动物之旅我们和保罗一起度过了最好的时光,他是一位知识渊博的导游,特别了解蓝山的野生动植物。但最重要的是,他热情的性格和随和的天性使一整天都是充满了激情。我们永远不会忘记这美妙的一天。千里与萨拉.伍兹撰写日期:2017年10月29日
- Milinda L0 条分享旅程物有所值我们很开心选择了Paul作为我们蓝山一日游的导游。Paul就专门做我们一家四口(孩子一个十几岁、一个二十几岁)的导游。可以走进国家公园的各个角落真的感觉很特别(这个许可证不好拿,要申请许可证的企业要花上一大笔钱)我们最开心的就是在午饭后徒步去到Pulpit Point,那里十分安静,景色壮观。我们女儿们很爱喝早茶和下午茶,现在她们已经完全爱上了Anzac饼干和TimTams饼干。Paul也是一位很出色的主人。这天的最后,我们看了野生环境中的袋鼠和袋鼠宝宝。早些时候甚至还看到了一只袋熊!我们非常推荐参加蓝山Eco Tours的旅行。撰写日期:2017年10月6日
- texasnanc0 条分享生态旅游这是我们最喜欢的一趟旅程。保罗非常了解澳大利亚,是个很专业的导游。我们很喜欢这里的瀑布。早餐和下午茶也很美味。我们还看到了袋鼠、小袋鼠、环尾负鼠以及野生的袋熊。强烈推荐!撰写日期:2017年5月7日
- Nicola B0 条分享基于我们真正需要什么的特殊日子保罗带我们去一些很棒的、我们自己绝对找不到的地方。黄油箱景点真是壮观,我们觉得能够体验它非常爽了,一次只能3人使它更加特别。路虎揽胜车非常舒服、干净,野餐也很棒超出我们的预期。在野外看到袋鼠和小袋鼠和其他(短暂的一瞥)负鼠是亮点,保罗是一个知识渊博、有趣而又很有帮助的导游。一个聪明的方式来了解真实的,未受破坏的蓝色山脉,这段回忆将永远珍惜,谢谢保罗!撰写日期:2017年4月29日
- Nick W0 条分享超赞的短暂团体旅行我们在其他大型旅行团中选择了这个,而且我们没有失望。旅行团最多容纳五名客人,这样保罗才能够提供一个非常个性化的服务。我们在蓝山参观了几个地点,进行徒步旅行并拥有非常棒的景色。保罗很友好,知识很渊博。撰写日期:2017年3月23日
- pacemsi0 条分享亲密的蓝山之旅!在去悉尼旅游的时候,我们和保罗一起在蓝山生态旅游区进行了一次私人旅游。这绝对是神圣的。这次私人驾驶旅游超出了我们的预期。保罗如此了解植物,动物,环境,地质和该地区的历史,以至于使我们觉得是一位知识渊博的老师在给我们上课,太令人难以置信了。生态旅游给我们提供了一个俯瞰蓝山山脉的绝佳视角,还有各种各样美味的食物。徒步参观美丽的公园,是十分具有可行性的。多功能的罗孚汽车十分方便,而且行驶在山路上十分顺畅。午餐,我们是在卢拉小镇吃的当地“锅派”小吃,这是个明智的选择。生态旅游使得摄影者的摄影梦成为可能。我们强烈推荐这个公司,如果和生态旅游公司的珍妮交流这个想法时,她绝对会感到高兴的。撰写日期:2017年2月24日
- Bjarte0070 条分享蓝山暮光之旅-记忆之旅我们是一个6人家庭,加入保罗和詹妮,在2017年1月22日乘坐两辆车进行私人黄昏游览。我们已经阅读了一些其他客人的评价,并可能赞同所有评论。由两个非常友好和高度熟练的导游带队,在普通旅游区之外做一些游览是非常美妙轻松的。实现了我们的所有期望。撰写日期:2017年2月1日
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11 条点评
澳大利亚6 条分享
We did a private twilight tour with Paul. Everything was perfect. Comfortable car, plenty of stops off the beaten tracks with lovely views and picnics. Lunch in an adorable town and then off to the Grand Canyon hike which was pure magic. A lot of stairs involved so be prepared. Then the sunset in a field with 20 some kangaroos and another fabulous view of the blue mountains. Paul is incredibly knowledgeable about the environment plants and animals. Highly recommend this truly unique adventure.
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Berlin6 条分享
Paul hat uns heute Morgen am Hotel abgeholt. Da klar war, dass das Wetter nicht so berauschend werden wird, hat er uns die Entscheidung überlassen, ob wir starten möchten, oder nicht. Für uns war klar, wir starten. Darüber hat sich Paul sehr gefreut. Nachdem wir noch Paar aus Deutschland abgeholt hatten ging es los. Paul hat die ganze Zeit danach Ausschau gehalten, wo wir die beste Aussicht haben könnten und nicht nur Wolken sehen. Und er hat es tatsächlich geschafft, auch wenn es einige Umwege gebraucht hat. Uns haben die Blue Mountains, gerade mit den Wolkenschleiern, besonders gut gefallen. Es war ein erhebender Moment, wenn sich der Nebel lichtet und man die Three Sisters sehen kann, um sie wenige Momente später wieder im Nebel verschwinden zu sehen. Herrlich. Als krönenden Abschluss hatten wir dann noch ein kleines Picknick auf einer fern abgelegenen Wiese. Dabei konnten wir Kängurus und Wallabys beobachten.
Paul ist ein wunderbarer Unterhalter und er gibt sich auch sehr viel Mühe, verständlich zu reden, auch wenn man der englischen Sprache nicht so mächtig ist.
Für uns war es ein wunderbarer Abschluss unserer Australienreise.
Wir können die Tour und vor allem Paul, nur wärmstens empfehlen.
Paul ist ein wunderbarer Unterhalter und er gibt sich auch sehr viel Mühe, verständlich zu reden, auch wenn man der englischen Sprache nicht so mächtig ist.
Für uns war es ein wunderbarer Abschluss unserer Australienreise.
Wir können die Tour und vor allem Paul, nur wärmstens empfehlen.
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Thank you so much for your kind words and for choosing to explore the Blue Mountains with us. We're thrilled to hear that you enjoyed the ever-changing beauty of the Mountains and loved seeing our native Kangaroos and Wallabies in their natural habitat. All the best from us both, Jenny and Paul
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Michael M
1 条分享
2022年9月 • 夫妻情侣
If you are looking for a personalized experience in a fantastic area, that is not far from Sydney at all, then Paul Hartmann is the way to go. A very personable guide who knows everything you want to know. An absolute recommendation.
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Thank you so much for your kind words and wonderful recommendation for our tour of the Blue Mountains! It was our pleasure to have you on board and share this incredible area with you. All the best from us both, Jenny and Paul
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2 条分享
We booked a tour with Paul and Jenny due to the excellent reviews we read. I can honestly say that if I could leave more than five stars I would have. The tour was Originally booked for a Monday and due to a conflict it was not possible. Jenny and Paul created a whole new unscheduled tour for us on Tuesday. They went above and beyond making it the best tour we have ever experienced. Not only did we have an awesome time ; we gained new friends in Paul & Jenny. They are passionate about their tours and truly great people . The tour was so much more than we anticipated. Thank you Paul & Jenny!!!
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Thank you so much for your kind words regarding your tour with us, it really means a lot to both Paul and i to hear that you had such a great time. We just loved having you on board our tour of the Blue Mountains and we are thrilled to have gained new friends in you as well. Thank you again for choosing to travel with us and if your ever back in Sydney, Australia, please let me know! Jenny and Paul
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Hans van Dijk
荷兰海牙4 条分享
This tour of the Blue Mountains was centainly a highlight of our trip through Australia! Guided by our great guide Paul we visited places where a bus tour would not be able to bring you. During the hikes Paul shared his vast knowledge of the Blue Mountains which made the trip very interesting. We highly recommend this tour!
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Hi there, thanks for the great review and recommendation! So happy to hear that you enjoyed your time with us, it was our pleasure to have you all on board our Private Tour of the Blue Mountains. Best of wishes. Jenny and Paul
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Tim L
5 条分享
Da das Wetter am Nachmittag schlecher werden sollte, hat uns Paul auf unseren Wunsch hin 2 Stunden früher abgeholt. Zusammen mit einem Pärchen aus Kalifornien/USA haben wir einen absolut tollen Tag in den Blue Mountains verbracht. Paul kennt wunderschöne Aussichtspunkte abseits des Massentourisus, hat ein grosses Wissen über Flora und Fauna, und ist darüber hinaus ein sehr guter Erzähler und Zuhörer. Es war sehr schön und angenehm, dass wir bei unseren Stopps Getränke und kleine Snacks gereicht bekamen, aber ganz besonders gefallen hat mir der kleine Ex-Kurs , wie man Timtam’s denn richtig isst. Paul, auch wenn Du mit dem Kopf geschüttelt hast, die Rotwein-Variante war köstlich :-))).
Die Tour ist 100%ig zu empfehlen, gerne wieder!
Die Tour ist 100%ig zu empfehlen, gerne wieder!
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This was truly a wonderful day! Thank you so much for your detailed review and recommendation, it really means alot to us both. Take care, Paul and Jenny
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Arnaud Tarantola
法国巴黎9 条分享
2019年6月 • 家庭
In French then in English, but a real evaluation by a real client ...
Nous sommes allés visiter les Blue Mountains en famille (4 personnes) avec Paul. Juste excellent ! Il est venu nous chercher à l'heure dans notre logement de Sydney, le véhicule était très confortable, la conversation (en Anglais) aisée et agréable. Paul est un guide expérimenté et riche de connaissances de la faune et la flore et du site. Il nous a amené sur des spots hors des sentiers battus (et de la foule), pour finir au coucher du soleil avec un verre de bon vin en regardant les kangourous sauvages dans un endroit non fréquenté. C'est un investissement significatif (on peut payer par carte), mais les autres modes de transport on un coût une journée véritablement inoubliable malgré le ciel couvert (prévoyez une petite laine!). Nous recommandons fortement +++, avec nos remerciements chaleureux à cette petite équipe.
We visited the Blue Mountains as a family (4 persons) with Paul. It was simply excellent! Paul picked us up at our Sydney address on time, the car was very comfortable, the conversation easy and pleasant. Paul is an experienced guide and rich with knowledge of flora, fauna and the sites visited. He took us to out-of-the-way spots which we (or the madding crowd) would not have reached by ourselves, to end the day with a glass of good wine while watching wild kangaroos in an isolated site at sunset. It was a bit of a financial investment for us (credit cards accepted), but other means of transportation have a cost and we spent a truly unforgettable day despite the cloudy skies (bring a jumper or three). We strongly recommend this tour, with our warm thanks for a lovely day to this small team.
Nous sommes allés visiter les Blue Mountains en famille (4 personnes) avec Paul. Juste excellent ! Il est venu nous chercher à l'heure dans notre logement de Sydney, le véhicule était très confortable, la conversation (en Anglais) aisée et agréable. Paul est un guide expérimenté et riche de connaissances de la faune et la flore et du site. Il nous a amené sur des spots hors des sentiers battus (et de la foule), pour finir au coucher du soleil avec un verre de bon vin en regardant les kangourous sauvages dans un endroit non fréquenté. C'est un investissement significatif (on peut payer par carte), mais les autres modes de transport on un coût une journée véritablement inoubliable malgré le ciel couvert (prévoyez une petite laine!). Nous recommandons fortement +++, avec nos remerciements chaleureux à cette petite équipe.
We visited the Blue Mountains as a family (4 persons) with Paul. It was simply excellent! Paul picked us up at our Sydney address on time, the car was very comfortable, the conversation easy and pleasant. Paul is an experienced guide and rich with knowledge of flora, fauna and the sites visited. He took us to out-of-the-way spots which we (or the madding crowd) would not have reached by ourselves, to end the day with a glass of good wine while watching wild kangaroos in an isolated site at sunset. It was a bit of a financial investment for us (credit cards accepted), but other means of transportation have a cost and we spent a truly unforgettable day despite the cloudy skies (bring a jumper or three). We strongly recommend this tour, with our warm thanks for a lovely day to this small team.
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Wow! Thank you so very much for taking the time to write this wonderful and detailed review of your tour with us. We are so glad to hear that you enjoyed the day, it was our pleasure to meet you and be able to show you some of the most beautiful places in the Blue Mountains. Best of wishes to you all, and thank you again. Paul and Jenny
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纽约州纽约市159 条分享
2019年5月 • 夫妻情侣
We booked a private one day tour of the Blue Mountains for two. Jenny and Paul are extremely professional and there is no guessing that they love what they do. From the beginning they are very responsive by email when booking, as I booked probably 3 or 4 months in advance. Jenny also emailed me the night before the tour to alert me that the day was going to be colder than originally expected and be sure to bring more layers. We really appreciated the heads up.
We met Paul at our hotel, he was early so we were all in agreement to set out on the day. My husband really likes to know the names of fauna and wildlife and Paul did not disappoint. He really knew his stuff and made it interesting to learn about. Paul assessed the main points we wanted to see and tailored the day around the best way to achieve this.
His 4x4 Land Rover was extremely comfortable and allowed him to really take us places buses can't go, we drove on a back dirt road that only a 4x4 could take and we had morning coffee and his famous "Tim Tam Slam" at Kings Tableland. He then took on us on a walk on part of the National Pass trail in Wentworth Falls. We continued on to see Three Sisters, Echo Point in Katoomba, Landslide Lookout near Katoomba. We had lunch at the Bakehouse in Blackheath, which we highly recommend, I had the lamb and garlic pie and my husband had the Kangaroo pie. Delish. We finished the day with seeing Anvil Rock, 4WD track to Twin Falls lookout and continued along the Govetts Leap to Pulpit Rock where we had a little afternoon tea.
This was truly an amazing day and really glad we found Jenny and Pauls Eco Tour.
We met Paul at our hotel, he was early so we were all in agreement to set out on the day. My husband really likes to know the names of fauna and wildlife and Paul did not disappoint. He really knew his stuff and made it interesting to learn about. Paul assessed the main points we wanted to see and tailored the day around the best way to achieve this.
His 4x4 Land Rover was extremely comfortable and allowed him to really take us places buses can't go, we drove on a back dirt road that only a 4x4 could take and we had morning coffee and his famous "Tim Tam Slam" at Kings Tableland. He then took on us on a walk on part of the National Pass trail in Wentworth Falls. We continued on to see Three Sisters, Echo Point in Katoomba, Landslide Lookout near Katoomba. We had lunch at the Bakehouse in Blackheath, which we highly recommend, I had the lamb and garlic pie and my husband had the Kangaroo pie. Delish. We finished the day with seeing Anvil Rock, 4WD track to Twin Falls lookout and continued along the Govetts Leap to Pulpit Rock where we had a little afternoon tea.
This was truly an amazing day and really glad we found Jenny and Pauls Eco Tour.
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Thank you so much for your kind words, and detailed review. It really does mean so much to Jenny and i, and it also gives any new potentail guests a real insight into where we go and what we see. It was a pleasure to meet you, and thank you again for this amazing review. Best of wishes, Paul and Jenny
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Randy M
binghamton new york88 条分享
2019年4月 • 夫妻情侣
I can not recommend this enough, we had a great time. Paul picked us up at our hotel and took us to some remote areas of the Blue Mountains. We went to a couple out of the way places for morning and afternoon tea and in between we went to a couple different areas via hiking. We also went to see the Three Sisters as well as a stop for meat pies for lunch. This was a very personal trip with just one other couple along for the ride. When seeing the various tour buses with 100 + people on them I realized how lucky we were that we were not on one of those buses. Thanks Paul for the unforgettable memories!
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加利福尼亚Citrus Heights22 条分享
2019年3月 • 夫妻情侣
Thanks Paul for a wonderful experience in the Blue Mountains. Although the weather looked iffy, it seemed like every stop the clouds just went away.
We were always ahead of any crowd and a lot of the trip was off the beaten path away from all the big tours. A four wheel trip with only 1 other couple was great.
If you’re looking at Blue Mountains tours you can’t possibly beat this company. Every detail including morning and afternoon tea were great. By the way, it was also afternoon wine too!
We were always ahead of any crowd and a lot of the trip was off the beaten path away from all the big tours. A four wheel trip with only 1 other couple was great.
If you’re looking at Blue Mountains tours you can’t possibly beat this company. Every detail including morning and afternoon tea were great. By the way, it was also afternoon wine too!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
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