Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄限制:3-99,每个团体最多 48 人
用时: 16 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 在一天内看到袋鼠岛上的多个顶级野生动物和自然景点
- 很多很棒的拍照机会,包括卓越的岩石
- 无需随身携带食物 - 包括美味的2道菜午餐
- 在饲养员的监督下,与袋鼠和考拉近距离接触
- 2道菜的午餐
- 乘坐空调大巴旅行,并有当地司机/向导的专家评论
- 海豹湾引导海滩漫步
- 弗林德斯追逐国家公园,包括标志性的著名岩石和海军上将拱门
- 参观袋鼠岛野生动物园
- 入场/门票 - Seal Bay Conservation Park
- 入场/门票 - Admirals Arch
- 入场/门票 - Remarkable Rocks
- 入场/门票 - Kangaroo Island Wildlife Park
未包含内容- 小费
- 食品和饮料,除非另有说明
- 出发地点:
- Adelaide Central Bus , Franklin St, 83 Franklin St, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia请于早上 6:30 到达阿德莱德中央巴士站内的巴士站入口处与您的司机会面,地址为阿德莱德富兰克林街 83-85 号
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 允许携带服务型动物
- 靠近公共交通
- 婴儿必须坐在成人腿上
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:5704_KI- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 可以容纳带有可拆卸轮子的可折叠轮椅,前提是乘客可以帮助他们登机和下机
- 请在预订时告知任何特定的饮食要求
- 请穿舒适的步行鞋
- 请带上轻便的夹克和防晒
- 可应要求提供部分阿德莱德市中心酒店的接送服务
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此项体验设有最低出行人数限制。 如果行程由于未达到最低出行人数而取消,您可选择改期/不同体验或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 48 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 接送地点是什么?
- 我们提供大多数酒店的接送服务。在结账时,请告知我们您在“旅行者详细信息”部分的“特殊要求”框中的位置。或者您可以在预订后通过访问“管理我的预订”并通过电子邮件发送给我们来告知我们。已于 2019年7月回答
- 会面点在哪里?
- 这次旅行的交汇点将在阿德莱德中央汽车站(富兰克林街85号)。已于 2019年7月回答
旅行社对客户的问题作了如下回答。- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:5704_KI
- 83 Franklin St, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia请于早上 6:30 到达阿德莱德中央巴士站内的巴士站入口处与您的司机会面,地址为阿德莱德富兰克林街 83-85 号
- 1
- 2途经Cape du Couedic Lighthouse
- 3
- 4
- 5
- Sightsee116640004410 条分享价格虚高,体验一般一天的tour,号称16小时。我们四个人,每人312澳币,还不算抱袋鼠每人30澳币,托鹰照相每人10澳币。 早上6点半集合,要5点多起床,晚上11点才能回来,但居然只包午饭?! 基本行程是炼油厂-午饭-看海狮-看驯鸟-野生动物园,总共16小时来回路上就要8小时左右,如果自驾会快很多。 总的来说令人印象深刻的体验极少,基本就是要另外付钱的抱考拉和鹰。炼油厂就是让你去买纪念品的,除非你真的对炼油很感兴趣。野生动物园不如之前去的门票25的澳洲的其他动物园。 自己算一下,如果自驾,开会船票70一个人,岛上租车50一天,想去的几个地方门票加起来也不超过100。而且,你可以7点多起床,还比这个tour早到岛上,早离开。当然更好的选择可能是自驾在岛上住一晚,慢慢感受岛上的美景和野生动物。撰写日期:2018年12月29日
- lei07090 条分享袋鼠岛一定要去参加一天团,可以用一天时环岛游,欣赏袋鼠岛的美丽著名的景点,不用烦恼车程.旅游公司及司机很有善健谈,安排餐饮及行程也很好。不过用一天时间去玩,车程长是必然,这个要忍耐。撰写日期:2018年1月28日
- priscillag2u0 条分享很有趣的一次旅程SeaLink的速度很快,而且也不拥挤。上船和下船都很容易。袋鼠岛太棒了!海狮很有趣,但从海滩要走很长的路才能看到它们撰写日期:2017年11月17日
- improve100 条分享推荐你们从阿德莱德来这里一日游我和我的丈夫真的很享受这一天到袋鼠岛旅游的经历!这是一场令人难以置信的行程,每天都要进行16小时的旅行,但这是值得的,而且我们非常享受!特别是我们的导游加里(我猜这是他的名字)非常有趣!午餐很好吃,这个活动组织得也很好。强烈推荐这个旅程。绝对值。撰写日期:2017年5月19日
- 0 条分享袋鼠岛野外探险家整个在袋鼠岛的两天旅行内,我们度过了令人惊奇的时刻。海豹湾和汉德森湾的野生动物园保护区特别的好。我们看到了大量的海豹和附近的树袋熊。我们同样去了弗林德斯·蔡斯国家公园,非凡的岩石是令人惊叹的。小撒哈拉沙漠里的滑沙也是很有趣的。什么是真正使我们的旅行变得特别棒?那就是我们杰出的导游凯特!!她很热情,积极乐观而且有趣。她创造了一个很棒的氛围。“我们是一家人”是她的格言。我们拥有了美好的时光!撰写日期:2017年4月26日
- Prest0n260 条分享一帆风顺我们组团去袋鼠岛旅行,并搭乘海上双体船返航。这两次旅行都非常顺利,船上的服务非常好。这是一个很棒的方式去开始并结束一个假期,特别是在美丽的袋鼠岛。撰写日期:2017年3月28日
- Liz9150 条分享价格过高这里除了价格高以外,没什么令人值得注意的。我是花钱乘摆渡,不是这该死的事!如果你容易晕船,坐里面,坐靠后面的边上。这里至少是最坏的地方。撰写日期:2017年3月16日
- Russ M0 条分享海岸公司应该考虑清楚,他们的核心业务是什么在去渡口的路程中,大巴停下来从面包店装载了一些运往渡口贩卖的货物。在过了十六个小时的一天之后,乘客们想要的最后一桩心愿就是能够在返程途中停四次,从而接收一些信件。那天虽然玩得不错,但是这是一桩遗憾。在离开的时候,只有可靠的装备和业务精通的员工而不是游客们会记得这唯一一件事——这趟旅程一共十七个小时。撰写日期:2017年2月24日
- treesding0 条分享袋鼠岛一日游袋鼠岛距离阿德莱德单程大概2小时车程,轮渡大概40分钟,上岛之后各景点之间距离也要1-2小时车程,一日游基本能把主要的景点看完,但时间紧比较辛苦,早上6点出发晚上10点可以回到阿德莱德,旺季轮渡船票需要提前预定,可以查询Sealink官网购买。撰写日期:2017年2月5日
- aandjburns0 条分享一次让人享受的外出旅行我们早上6:30从商业中心打车过来晚上10:30回到这里。教练从岛上接送我们,然后陪同我们一起轮渡,参观岛屿。参观了一些名胜并吃了午饭。他们可以提供大多数午餐种类供你选择。很享受很有趣的一次岛屿探险之旅撰写日期:2017年2月2日
- nancyjblue0 条分享时间花费太长了早上6点,不料我们错过了路过旅馆前的班车,那很可能是最后一班车…后来我们花了一个小时才坐上了车。路上时间花得太多了,中间有太多的短期停顿...有时30分钟,有时15分钟...等我们回来已经晚上10:30了...太累人了...也许少些停顿,多些深入游玩会更好撰写日期:2017年1月12日
- markpeirce0 条分享袋鼠岛一日游——很好但是价格有点贵袋鼠岛一日游是非常好的,但是收费远远超出了大多数人认为的合理价格。经济学家称之为“成本加利润定价法”。如果南澳大利亚旅游业兴旺发达,州政府真的应该把这些人拉进队伍.。撰写日期:2016年12月6日
- Mark W0 条分享最好的来这里和离开这里的方式这是我第四次来这里坐船了。风景非常漂亮,如果你足够幸运的话能够看见海豚在船边游泳。有很多非常棒的拍照和拍视频的机会。有时候会有浪,我只试过一次遇到了大浪。不过这也是一次值得纪念的冒险经历。这是一次仅维持40分钟的旅程,你可以把车带上。惟一一个到袋鼠岛的方式。撰写日期:2016年10月14日
- trnewmo0 条分享天然丰富和SL订了一个去袋鼠岛3天的假期,住在金斯科特。有许多特别的景点可以参观和令人着迷,包括酒厂,蜂蜜农场,羊奶场,野生动物公园,海洋历史遗址,古老的构造(战舰拱门,非凡岩石),活动冒险(四轮越野摩托车,沙滩平底雪橇滑雪等等),还有好多好多。这里绝对是个自然乌托邦!撰写日期:2016年9月22日
- Vicky W0 条分享很棒的一天,做好长途旅行的准备在袋鼠岛很棒的一天,在自然保护区和动物近距离接触是一件很棒的事情。海豹和考拉,太可爱了。导游见识丰富,告诉我们很多关于这个岛屿的知识。除了动物,自然景观也很棒。值得一去,但你要做好从阿德莱德驾车,乘坐约2小时的渡轮的准备,所以很漫长,但很值得。而且袋鼠很害羞,我们看到很多,但都很远。撰写日期:2016年9月18日
这些点评均为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。为符合我们业界领先的信任和安全标准,Tripadvisor 会对点评进行检查。阅读我们的透明度报告,了解更多信息。
147 条点评
Karin W
1 条分享
2024年12月 • 夫妻情侣
The whole island is just amazing. Best 1 day trip ever! Remarkable Rocks and Admiral's Arch were highlights. Loved the whole trip - everything. Well organised and a great driver/tour guide on the island, also great drivers from and to Adelaide. Highly recommend!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you for taking the time to leave us this lovely review, Karin! We're thrilled to hear that you had such a wonderful day on tour with us and especially enjoyed Remarkable Rocks and Admiral's Arch.
Your recommendation is truly appreciated, and we hope to welcome you back to Kangaroo Island soon!
Kind Regards, Holly from SeaLink
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Canada509 条分享
2024年11月 • 夫妻情侣
Due to weather, our original tour was cancelled the day of – that’s fine, these things happen and we were aware of the possibility. However, there were no texts/calls/emails – we were informed by the driver on pick up. This is similar to other reviewers. This is the equivalent of a carrier pigeon – it’s 2024, certainly this could have been handled better.
We had one more day in Adelaide and decided to try again. The next day, we were picked up on time at our hotel. After a few more hotel and bus station pickups we were off on a scenic drive to Cape Jervis. Shortly before arriving, the driver told us the ferry was running late – it turns out that one of the ferries was out of service due to a mechanical issue. We arrived at the ferry terminal at 8:30am for a scheduled ferry at 9am – the next ferry did not arrive until after 10am. There were no display boards in the terminal with arrival/departure status – and the staff there had no idea either. It was like being in a bus station in 1992. Overcrowded and zero information. It ended up being a 2+ hour wait before even boarding the ferry. The unloading and loading was not fast, and this ferry did not leave until nearly 11am, which means we arrived on Kangaroo after 12pm – cutting more than 2 hours off the day. After arriving at Kangaroo Island, all Sealink bus tour passengers had to approach a driver for instructions as to which bus to board – adding more time (surely this could be handled better). Once the very full tour bus finally loaded, we were off.
We were informed due to the late arrival that Sealink would have to adjust the itinerary on the island (again, this was noted in the terms and conditions – fine). What I take issue with is how that schedule was adjusted. We ended up going to Seal Bay conservation park first. There were two options – a guided tour on the beach for those who were physically able, and a self-guided boardwalk tour which was less physical. We opted for the beach tour, which was no problem for us. However, a number of people were not suited to this opted to join (i.e. physically unable due to age, etc. , or those with small children and strollers) which just slowed down the entire stop.
Then it was off to lunch, which was nice but again quite slow due to a number of people who did not inform the tour (despite many, many, many opportunities to do so) regarding dietary restrictions – again this slowed things down.
Due to time, the stop at Kangaroo Island Wildlife park was removed from the schedule. We then travelled to Flinders Chase National Park to see the Admirals Arch and Remarkable rocks. Admirals Arch was loaded with seals again. So despite visiting Kangaroo Island, the only Kangaroos we were able to see were either off in the distance while driving 100km/h on the bus or dead along the side of the road. My preference would have been to scrap the Seal Bay visit in favour of the wildlife park – and at least would been more varied. Sealink certainly would have factored the price of the wildlife park admission into the tour ticket – this represents value not given to the tour purchaser. I say this because at the Seal Bay stop, they had to count the number of passengers to charge accordingly. It’s Kangaroo Island, not Seal Island, this was a poor choice in itinerary change, especially given there are ample opportunities to see seals at the other stops.
Shout out to the driver, Dave, who did an amazing job on a tight schedule. He kept us well informed about the island all through the day. He was a highlight of the tour for sure.
We arrived back to Penneshaw for the 7:30pm return ferry at 7pm. It was also delayed as the ferry that runs at 7:30pm was the one that was out of service (same as the 9am one). Again, stuck waiting for 2.5 hours in the ferry terminal with zero information and not nearly enough seats. Shout out to the lady running the snack bar, she worked her butt off serving a huge crowd for hours and did a great job despite being new.
Once the ferry finally arrived and was ready to leave again it was 10pm – so we didn’t get back to Cape Jervis until 11pm – this meant a 1am drop off at the hotel. It ended up being a 19 hour day, with only 5 hours of that being active on KI. Given that Sealink controls all aspects of this tour, I would have expected better adjusted logistics. Booking with a full service tour was part of the calculus – we could have rented car, taken the ferry, etc. – this was supposed to make my day easier – it was absolutely not. They could have done a later pick up (the ferry mechanical issues were known the day before according to their website) and avoided the long wait in the morning at Cape Jervis. They could adjusted the day better on KI or provided a better dinner option given they knew the ferry would be late to return. Given the high cost of this tour ($373 AUD per person) – I’m not sure this was worth it. Bad weather happens, mechanical issues happen and we understand that – however, the logistics of the adjustments could have been handled much better. Investing in some technology for display screens, text messaging, or even ferry status on the website would be useful. I’m sure this type of thing has happened before, this can’t have been a one off event – there should be a better playbook to handle these types of situations. They also could have informed us ahead of the day that there were be significant delays and a reduced schedule on KI and allowed for cancellations, or frankly they should have just cancelled the tour again. We absolutely regret going and it was a brutally long day for our last day in Adelaide. If I had to do it over again, I would have flown to KI, rented a car myself and stayed overnight.
Full disclosure to others looking to book this tour – you’re likely stuck with many of the same people that board the bus with you at 6am –on the ferry to/from and on the bus tour for the entire day. If some of them are completely intolerable (like some were on our tour), it makes for an extremely long day.
We had one more day in Adelaide and decided to try again. The next day, we were picked up on time at our hotel. After a few more hotel and bus station pickups we were off on a scenic drive to Cape Jervis. Shortly before arriving, the driver told us the ferry was running late – it turns out that one of the ferries was out of service due to a mechanical issue. We arrived at the ferry terminal at 8:30am for a scheduled ferry at 9am – the next ferry did not arrive until after 10am. There were no display boards in the terminal with arrival/departure status – and the staff there had no idea either. It was like being in a bus station in 1992. Overcrowded and zero information. It ended up being a 2+ hour wait before even boarding the ferry. The unloading and loading was not fast, and this ferry did not leave until nearly 11am, which means we arrived on Kangaroo after 12pm – cutting more than 2 hours off the day. After arriving at Kangaroo Island, all Sealink bus tour passengers had to approach a driver for instructions as to which bus to board – adding more time (surely this could be handled better). Once the very full tour bus finally loaded, we were off.
We were informed due to the late arrival that Sealink would have to adjust the itinerary on the island (again, this was noted in the terms and conditions – fine). What I take issue with is how that schedule was adjusted. We ended up going to Seal Bay conservation park first. There were two options – a guided tour on the beach for those who were physically able, and a self-guided boardwalk tour which was less physical. We opted for the beach tour, which was no problem for us. However, a number of people were not suited to this opted to join (i.e. physically unable due to age, etc. , or those with small children and strollers) which just slowed down the entire stop.
Then it was off to lunch, which was nice but again quite slow due to a number of people who did not inform the tour (despite many, many, many opportunities to do so) regarding dietary restrictions – again this slowed things down.
Due to time, the stop at Kangaroo Island Wildlife park was removed from the schedule. We then travelled to Flinders Chase National Park to see the Admirals Arch and Remarkable rocks. Admirals Arch was loaded with seals again. So despite visiting Kangaroo Island, the only Kangaroos we were able to see were either off in the distance while driving 100km/h on the bus or dead along the side of the road. My preference would have been to scrap the Seal Bay visit in favour of the wildlife park – and at least would been more varied. Sealink certainly would have factored the price of the wildlife park admission into the tour ticket – this represents value not given to the tour purchaser. I say this because at the Seal Bay stop, they had to count the number of passengers to charge accordingly. It’s Kangaroo Island, not Seal Island, this was a poor choice in itinerary change, especially given there are ample opportunities to see seals at the other stops.
Shout out to the driver, Dave, who did an amazing job on a tight schedule. He kept us well informed about the island all through the day. He was a highlight of the tour for sure.
We arrived back to Penneshaw for the 7:30pm return ferry at 7pm. It was also delayed as the ferry that runs at 7:30pm was the one that was out of service (same as the 9am one). Again, stuck waiting for 2.5 hours in the ferry terminal with zero information and not nearly enough seats. Shout out to the lady running the snack bar, she worked her butt off serving a huge crowd for hours and did a great job despite being new.
Once the ferry finally arrived and was ready to leave again it was 10pm – so we didn’t get back to Cape Jervis until 11pm – this meant a 1am drop off at the hotel. It ended up being a 19 hour day, with only 5 hours of that being active on KI. Given that Sealink controls all aspects of this tour, I would have expected better adjusted logistics. Booking with a full service tour was part of the calculus – we could have rented car, taken the ferry, etc. – this was supposed to make my day easier – it was absolutely not. They could have done a later pick up (the ferry mechanical issues were known the day before according to their website) and avoided the long wait in the morning at Cape Jervis. They could adjusted the day better on KI or provided a better dinner option given they knew the ferry would be late to return. Given the high cost of this tour ($373 AUD per person) – I’m not sure this was worth it. Bad weather happens, mechanical issues happen and we understand that – however, the logistics of the adjustments could have been handled much better. Investing in some technology for display screens, text messaging, or even ferry status on the website would be useful. I’m sure this type of thing has happened before, this can’t have been a one off event – there should be a better playbook to handle these types of situations. They also could have informed us ahead of the day that there were be significant delays and a reduced schedule on KI and allowed for cancellations, or frankly they should have just cancelled the tour again. We absolutely regret going and it was a brutally long day for our last day in Adelaide. If I had to do it over again, I would have flown to KI, rented a car myself and stayed overnight.
Full disclosure to others looking to book this tour – you’re likely stuck with many of the same people that board the bus with you at 6am –on the ferry to/from and on the bus tour for the entire day. If some of them are completely intolerable (like some were on our tour), it makes for an extremely long day.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Dear Chris, thank you for taking the time to provide such a detailed account of your experience with our One Day Kangaroo Island tour. We are truly sorry to hear that the day did not meet your expectations and for the inconveniences you encountered.
First and foremost, we apologise for the lack of communication regarding the initial cancellation and subsequent delays. Effective communication is critical, and our team made every effort to promptly notify affected passengers about the mechanical issue identified late on Wednesday afternoon. We regret to learn that you did not receive the notification and understand how frustrating it must have been to feel uninformed. We also acknowledge that our communication at the terminal could have been clearer, and we will review how we provide updates to improve flow of information during such disruptions.
The mechanical issue significantly impacted ferry schedules and required us to adjust the day’s itinerary on Kangaroo Island. We understand your disappointment with the removal of the Wildlife Park stop, however Seal Bay was chosen to maintain as much of the planned experience as possible given the time constraints. We carefully evaluated the schedule to ensure the best possible experience for all passengers under the circumstances. These decisions are never easy, and we value your feedback as we review our processes to better handle such situations. We’re thrilled to hear your positive comments about Dave and the snack bar attendant, Sharon, whose dedication and professionalism stood out despite the challenges of the day. We’ll ensure your praise is passed on to them both.
While this was not the experience we hoped to deliver, your feedback helps us identify areas for improvement, and we hope to provide a much better experience should you choose to travel with us again.
Kind Regards, Blaire from SeaLink
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Aarthi S
5 条分享
Although it’s a lot packed in a day it’s the best way to see Kangaroo Island. Bus picks you up, 1.5 hours to the ferry terminal then takes you to kangaroo island where another tour bus is waiting to show you all the sights. Price includes a delicious lunch, ferry tickets and drop off and pick ups from Adelaide. Really worth it. Travelled with my elderly Mum who thoroughly enjoyed it.
Just one pet peeve- please reduce the air conditioning on the bus! Apart from that all tour guides were fantastic!
Just one pet peeve- please reduce the air conditioning on the bus! Apart from that all tour guides were fantastic!
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Thank you so much for your 5-star review, Aarthi! We're thrilled to hear that you and your mum had such a great experience on the tour. It's fantastic to know that you enjoyed all the sights, lunch, and the seamless travel from Adelaide. We're also grateful for your feedback on the air conditioning, and we’ll definitely take it into consideration to ensure the comfort of all our passengers in the future.
We hope to welcome you back for another adventure soon!
Kind Regards, Holly from SeaLink
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Sharon H
英国普利茅斯14 条分享
Lovely day but very long although lovely not to have to drive very good well worth money.The driver was very informative and well organised so we had time to stop and enjoy the views and the island
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Thank you for your wonderful review, Sharon! We are so glad you had a brilliant day on tour with us and you got to enjoy all of the views at each stop.
We hope to welcome you back to Kangaroo Island in the future!
Kind Regards, Holly from SeaLink
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
1 条分享
2024年11月 • 家庭
An amazing (very long) day with many awe-inspiring sights -- from wild koala and sea lions -- and unique sensations such as petting and feeding a live kangaroo and smelling tea-tree-laden sea air! Dave also provided lots of interesting facts about the wildlife, history of the island and the blue gum tree plantations.
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Thank you so much for the 5-stars! We're thrilled you enjoyed the incredible wildlife encounters, unique experiences, and fascinating insights from Dave about Kangaroo Island's history and nature. We hope to welcome you back on another SeaLink tour again one day!
Kind Regards, Blaire from SeaLink
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Annelise B
澳大利亚朗塞斯顿92 条分享
2024年10月 • 夫妻情侣
What a long day but so much packed into it and beautiful scenery.
We were picked up in a bus form a nearby hotel to our accommodation - the bus was only a mini bus so we were very cramped and tight with knees hard against the seat and other having to sit on the wheel hub, so this was not very comfortable at all...
Arrived at the bus depot and then transferred into a larger bus, much more comfortable but there was no toilet on the bus...
Driven to the boat terminal through beautiful Adelaide Hill senary, enough time for a toilet stop before boarding the boat.
A boat ride for 30 + minutes and then on KI and meet with another big bus with no toliet on board.
The driver gave commentary for most of the trip which was very interesting and informative.
First stop was the seals - sold as a walk on the beach with the seals - but could only go with the ranger and it was only a few steps on the beach, so possibly worded wrong and misleading - but still it was good to see them up close.
We then stopped at the Parndana township and the local pub for the meal of fish and chips and strudel which was very nice.
We then boarded the bus and went to the wildlife park - being Australians we didn't think it would be as exciting but pleasantly surprised, what a lot of animals there was .. KI kangaroos, pelicans, koalas, dingos, birds..
We then made our way to Admirals arch, a walk down and steps involved (a workout) but you have 1/2 hour here to explore so no need to rush but well worth that workout. The onto the remarkable rocks, WOW amazing...
Then the trip back to the boat terminal and meet on the other side with the bus and dropped back where out journey started 16 hours before.
There were toilet stops along the way and the driver told us which attraction had toilet stops and which didn't - so no need to worry re that..
I suggest you pack a drink and if inclined some snacks for the bus trip.
An enjoyable day seeing the island animals and scenery
We were picked up in a bus form a nearby hotel to our accommodation - the bus was only a mini bus so we were very cramped and tight with knees hard against the seat and other having to sit on the wheel hub, so this was not very comfortable at all...
Arrived at the bus depot and then transferred into a larger bus, much more comfortable but there was no toilet on the bus...
Driven to the boat terminal through beautiful Adelaide Hill senary, enough time for a toilet stop before boarding the boat.
A boat ride for 30 + minutes and then on KI and meet with another big bus with no toliet on board.
The driver gave commentary for most of the trip which was very interesting and informative.
First stop was the seals - sold as a walk on the beach with the seals - but could only go with the ranger and it was only a few steps on the beach, so possibly worded wrong and misleading - but still it was good to see them up close.
We then stopped at the Parndana township and the local pub for the meal of fish and chips and strudel which was very nice.
We then boarded the bus and went to the wildlife park - being Australians we didn't think it would be as exciting but pleasantly surprised, what a lot of animals there was .. KI kangaroos, pelicans, koalas, dingos, birds..
We then made our way to Admirals arch, a walk down and steps involved (a workout) but you have 1/2 hour here to explore so no need to rush but well worth that workout. The onto the remarkable rocks, WOW amazing...
Then the trip back to the boat terminal and meet on the other side with the bus and dropped back where out journey started 16 hours before.
There were toilet stops along the way and the driver told us which attraction had toilet stops and which didn't - so no need to worry re that..
I suggest you pack a drink and if inclined some snacks for the bus trip.
An enjoyable day seeing the island animals and scenery
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Thank you for sharing your detailed feedback, Annelise! We're thrilled to hear you enjoyed the beautiful scenery and wildlife on Kangaroo Island, as well as the informative commentary from your driver. We appreciate your comments on the bus comfort, and we are always looking for ways to improve our services.
Regarding the Seal Bay walk, we do advertise it on our website as a guided walk with a National Parks Ranger, but please note that the experience can vary depending on the behavior of the seals, as they are wild animals. We're delighted to hear the wildlife park and stops at Admirals Arch and Remarkable Rocks exceeded your expectations.
Thank you again for your valuable feedback!
Kind Regards, Holly from SeaLink
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
30 条分享
Australian island that should not be missed if in Adelaide.. This very long but worth the experience,, Seal bay was one of the highlights as well as wildlife refuge where they have saved so many Koalas and Kangaroos!!
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Thank you for your 5-star review! We're thrilled to hear that you enjoyed the highlights of Kangaroo Island on our day tour, especially Seal Bay and the Wildlife Park - both truly unforgettable experiences!
We hope to see you back on another SeaLink tour again one day!
Kind Regards, Blaire from SeaLink
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英国Dollar23 条分享
It was a long day but so worth it (if you don’t have longer to spend on Kangaroo Island). We saw sea lions and seals in their natural environment which was amazing. Remarkable Rocks were, well named! We also saw other Australian animals up close at the animal sanctuary and a few from the bus too. Lunch was good and it was incredible to see how much nature is recovering after the bush fires in early 2020.
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Thank you for your wonderful review, dbh13! We're delighted to hear you had a memorable day with us on Kangaroo Island and that the wildlife encounters and natural beauty, like the Remarkable Rocks, made the long day worthwhile. We understand it’s a full itinerary, but it’s designed to give a taste of Kangaroo Island’s must-see attractions and is a great option for those with limited time. For guests who can stay a bit longer, we also offer a 2-day tour and self-drive packages to explore the island more deeply at a relaxed pace. Thank you again for joining us, and we hope to welcome you back one day!
Kind Regards, Blaire from SeaLink
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Mary E
10 条分享
A good day at Kangaroo Island. Saw some amazing sights to include Remarkable Rocks and Seal Bay. Spent time with kangaroos and koalas. 2 course lunch was very good. We did pack a lot into the day and felt sometimes a bit rushed. Also group size was quite large but overall would recommend. Might consider a 2 day trip.
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Thank you for your review, Mary! We're thrilled to hear you enjoyed the sights of Kangaroo Island, especially Remarkable Rocks and Seal Bay, and that you had a great lunch with us. We appreciate your feedback about the pace and group size, and we hope you'll consider joining us for an extended adventure on our two-day tour in the future!
Kind Regards, Blaire from SeaLink
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英国Billericay8 条分享
Good day, loved the sea lions and admirals arch but not long enough at the wildlife park. Beach views were lovely and lunch was good
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Thank you for your review, Rachaw25! We're delighted you enjoyed the One Day Kangaroo Island Experience tour, particularly the sea lions, Admiral's Arch, and the beautiful beach views, and we'll certainly consider your suggestion for more time at the wildlife park.
We hope to welcome you back on another SeaLink tour again soon.
Kind Regards, Blaire from SeaLink
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Which are the hotels that have a direct pickup from hotel for this 1 day tour to Kangaroo Island?
You will need to check with the tour group as there are several stops around the city. some are in front of hotels. Ours was 50m away near the old railway station / casino.
The SeaLink organises the bus pickup transfers ferry and Kangaroo Island tours. You have to ring their office during office hours at least 2 days before your trip to ask if they can pickup in your hotel or they will tell you the approximate time to the nearest pickup and drop off point convenient for you. The SeaLink staff are very friendly and helpful and we're very appreciative for the experience that we've had during our tour.
Hi, would this day trip be suitable for a 10yo child with adult? Thanks!
I wouldn’t recommend as it’s about 6am-10pm and a lot of time travelling so I’d think children would get very bored and restless. Might be good to hire a car to do a self driven tour instead.
What’s the Island like post bushfires? Has anyone gone lately and did you still see wildlife?
You can definitely see all of the damage however there is still lots of lush greenery and we saw plenty of wildlife out and about. It really hurt the koala population so only saw them in the wildlife park.
澳大利亚Central Coast
My adult daughter and I will be travelling to Kangaroo Island from 27 November to December 1, 2020. We would love to be able to do a seal discovery tour but it seems they all go from Adelaide. Is there any tour which goes from American River or some other spot on Kangaroo Island?.
We are planning a trip in May 2020. Will the itinerary include the rocks & arch by that time?
My feeling would be that if trips are being run at all after the fires, that the rocks and the arch would be viewable as they are on the coast, away from trees and vegetation and therefore be unlikely to have been affected. I would advice you ask the tour firm in addition
Hi what time is pickup? What time is the tour back? Is there pickup/delivery from Holiday Inn express?
Why 31 days cancellation?
Anders /Sweden
Hi, are there any stops for a quick breakfast on the way from Adelaide and dinner on the return journey to Adelaide? Should we bring our own snacks as well for the long bus ride?
We had a pick up from the hotel. This was the only part that was bad. We were dropped at some bus station and almost froze to death waiting for the main bus to arrive.
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