供应商/业主为:Milford Sound Experience by Altitude Tours
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用时: 10 小时
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- 知识渊博且友好的当地司机/导游
- 米尔福德峡湾 2 小时自然巡游
- 从米尔福德峡湾到皇后镇的惊险固定翼观光飞行
- 配有 WiFi
- 皇后镇周边便利的接送地点
- 小团游帮助您逃离人群
- 有很多停留点和拍照机会
- 入场/门票 - 皇后镇
未包含内容- 额外的零食
- 为了减少一次性塑料制品,我们不提供水瓶。我们建议任何前往新西兰旅行的人都拥有自己的可重复使用的水瓶。白天有几个地点可以补充能量。
- 出发地点:提供多个接送地点。接送服务详情
- 请注意,您选择的接送地点可能不准确;我们将在您要求的地点或附近接您。您预订后,我们的团队将与您联系,提供您准确的接送地点详细信息。如果您不确定最佳接送地点,请告知活动提供商您的住宿,我们将建议最合适的接送地点。 出发时间适用于皇后镇市中心的接客服务,但时间可能会有所不同,具体取决于您所在的位置。
提供酒店接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的酒店列表中进行选择。其他接送选项结账时,您可以从包含的接送点列表中进行选择。- Upper Stanley St, Queenstown 9300, New Zealand
- Hensman Road / Oaks Shores, Queenstown 9300, New Zealand
- Sherwood Manor and Gold Ridge Hotels, Queenstown 9300, New Zealand
- Battery Hill, Queenstown 9300, New Zealand
- Perkins Road, Frankton, Queenstown 9300, New Zealand
- Marina Drive, Frankton, Queenstown 9300, New Zealand
- Marmolada Cafe, 43 Camp Street, Queenstown 9300, New Zealand
- Frankton Terminus, Frankton, Queenstown 9300, New Zealand
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:3287P7- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 可以容纳带有可拆卸轮子的可折叠轮椅,前提是乘客可以帮助他们登机和下机
- 请携带步行鞋、保暖衣物和雨衣。
- 返回的航班取决于天气情况,如果航班因天气原因取消,您将乘坐面包车返回皇后镇,并获得机票中的航班部分退款。
- 您可以选择包含外带野餐午餐。如果您选择添加此选项,则默认选择是鸡肉,但您可以在前一天下午 5 点之前要求提供素食午餐。
- 请在游览时携带可重复使用的水瓶。白天有多个地点可以补充。
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 16 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:3287P7
- 途经Lake Wakatipu
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7途经Queenstown
- TimmiandChris0 条分享很棒,艳阳高照我们在4月7日去旅游。旅游团规模不大,总共16人,使这次旅行比其他的要好得多。我们的导游是克里斯。这是我们在新西兰的第一天。在去米尔福德的路上,我们在很多地方停下来拍照。克里斯甚至还多停留了几个地方,因为我们接下来可以全速前进。这个峡谷真是让人叹为观止。克里斯很风趣,真的想尽办法和每个人互动。更小的船也更令人愉快,因为这意味着在取景拍照的时候会有更少的人参与。在去米尔福德克的路上,里斯安排了许多人坐飞机飞回去。克里斯和这个小旅行团让我们在开车和停车的时候认识了很多自己团里其他的游客。我们强烈推荐烧烤巴士之旅。撰写日期:2019年4月13日
- Vicky0470 条分享跟超棒公司的一次超棒的旅行昨天是超棒的一天,也是超棒的一次旅行。导游很棒,让每个人都很舒服,而且他竭尽所能地让每个人都很开心。午餐很棒,在一个风景如画的地方。然后回来也很不错。超棒的公司。强烈推荐。撰写日期:2019年2月22日
- himalheidi10 条分享美好的一天我们预定的是米尔福德湾烧烤巴士之旅,这就不会被大型旅游巴士团队团团围住。这个团一行15人,部分客人从皇后镇出发,另一些(如我们)在Te Anau上车。我们的导游Nigel太赞了,他幽默且博学,对我们团里面的每个团员都照顾得到。路上在不同的地方都有停下来给我们介绍那里的动植物,而且中途也有一些自由活动的时间,让我们周围溜达溜达。我们在上船前吃了猕猴桃烧烤午餐(与一些船只相比,这船有点小),沿途看到了海豚和海豹。这非常适合那些不想参加大型团队旅行的人,我强烈推荐!撰写日期:2019年2月13日
- SNDCA0 条分享烧烤巴士米尔福德峡湾一日游很棒的一天!Nigel消息灵通,对新西兰无所不知。他让我们的一日游充满乐趣,因为他非常幽默,风度翩翩。他带我们到了美丽的瞭望台,又使我们能够按时乘船游览。从酒店接我们去美味的烧烤午餐又把我们送回酒店,一切都进展地十分顺利,强烈推荐这里!撰写日期:2019年1月26日
- cadelman0 条分享米尔福德湾烧烤巴士和从皇后镇出发的全天旅行我们昨天参与了这次旅行,感到非常喜欢。我们的导游/司机奈杰尔先生非常棒。他很快就用问题、故事和一些昆斯敦和新西兰的历史吸引了所有乘客。这趟旅行包括几站,包括食物、厕所、午餐餐馆和景点。米尔福德海峡之旅太棒了!我唯一的抱怨是回去的路上在特阿纳瓦的停留,那让我们想要快速离开。我们停下来的地方真的很糟糕,因为可供选择的食物太少了。我认为在特阿纳瓦有很多其他的选择,那可能会更好。撰写日期:2019年1月11日
- pyunhannah110 条分享给我们留下美好的回忆!Nigel是一位幽默有趣的导游,总是面带笑容,慷慨地向我们分享他的非常棒的观点以及给我们这次全面精彩的体验。特别感谢Nigel花时间在这样的下雨天来确保我们每个人没有淋湿和保持舒适。这次旅程车程很长,但一路上我们享受了美丽的风景并共同欢笑!烧烤很美味,再次感谢Nigel带给我们这次精彩的体验!撰写日期:2019年1月5日
- mickangi20 条分享烧烤车美食之旅!我们博学多识、幽默的司机Chris使漫长的旅程成为非常有趣、有教育意义,又很放松的探险。他甚至帮我们找到一只食肉鹦鹉、一些拍照片的机会,还在船上做了一顿美味料足的美味烧烤…天气很好(但这不能保证),车上和船上的服务都很棒。带着一个纪录片顺利的旅行归来,我们最喜欢的“寻找野人”是旅行中的亮点,让我们的旅行非常难忘。撰写日期:2018年12月30日
- TiffMillPicc0 条分享导游很棒的小团旅行如果你想预定去米尔福德湾的旅程,这是一个途径。我们的司机太棒了,他对路了如指掌,我和他在一起感到很安全。他机智、博学、善解人意。因为巴士上只有16个人,所以我们可以在不同的车站停下来拍美丽的照片——一个40多人的大客车是不可能做到这一点的。我们在有洗手间的站停了两站。回家路上只停一站上厕所。食物很好——两份凉拌色拉,羊肉串,鸡肉串,面包和水以及果汁。撰写日期:2018年12月8日
- PicnicMan10 条分享完美的小团队旅行,出色的导游和领队。强烈推荐这家公司!强烈推荐这个去往米尔福德峡湾小型的私人导游团,团队有专用的露营车。导游和司机是David,Marty是领队,他知道哪里会有最好的风景,而且避开大型的旅游巴观光团。早上大概7:30,他们来昆士城接我们,晚上大概8点回来。Marty分享了很多个人在新西兰的经历,中午给我们提供美味的午餐,烤鸡肉,羊肉,香肠,还有素食和配菜。食物丰富,行程悠闲,没有拥挤的大巴车。还有米尔福德峡湾的船也比一般的观光船小,船长可以跟我们每个人打招呼和聊天,非常优秀的团队。如果你喜欢小团出行,强烈推荐你选择这个团队。撰写日期:2018年12月1日
- lindamZ2903BR0 条分享了不起的旅行我们参加了这个Te Anau的旅行团,受到了我们的旅游顾问Graham的热烈欢迎。虽然这是一个雨天,但是Graham以其关于Milford Sound的广博知识和他个人强大的人格魅力确保我们都度过了美好的一天。雨水的加成意味着我们沿途见识了美丽的瀑布。撰写日期:2018年11月17日
- Lior B0 条分享很棒的景色,与内格尔的愉快旅行我们乘坐烧烤巴士游览了一整天。我们的导游内格尔见多识广,很有趣。在公共汽车上坐了很长一段路,沿途有几站美丽的风景,然后乘船在米克福德海峡游玩,还享用了美味的烧烤午餐。一个12人的小旅行团撰写日期:2018年9月25日
- traywashere0 条分享魔法我们很幸运能在一个美丽晴朗的日子里继续这次旅行,尽管我在雨中也听到了它的美妙。我们的导游罗布很棒,我们觉得跟着他很安全,绝对建议从皇后镇开始这次旅行,而不是自己开车,因为这是一个重要的日子。前往米尔福德峡湾(Milford Sound)的车程与实际乘船游览一样愉快。Rob在路上的几个地方停了下来,很棒的拍照机会!船太棒了,船长把我们带到了瀑布下,很美丽。因为这只是一辆小巴士,所以它比大型旅游巴士更加个性化。这是必须要体验的!!撰写日期:2018年8月18日
- Nel29060 条分享多棒的一天啊!我强烈推荐这个烧烤巴士。我们的司机是格雷厄姆,我们度过了最美妙的一天。我们乘坐不同的车到达米尔福德峡湾,但空气中仍然弥漫着烧烤的味道。格雷厄姆非常乐于助人,最重要的是,他还是一个兼备娱乐性和安全性的司机。在游轮上,我们经历了所有的天气,从小雨到大雪,最后还有冰雹。烧烤午餐很棒。我们很享受这次舒适的长途旅行,感谢酒店的接送服务。如果你正在考虑去米尔福德峡湾旅行的话,好好犒劳你自己吧,一定要带上这些。撰写日期:2018年7月29日
- base7d0 条分享烧烤是必须的在烧烤巴士上度过了一段愉快的时光,旅途非常好,我们的司机也是一流水平。我们是和8个人一起去的,而不是一大群人。司机知道很多消息和故事,他把我们所有人都安排上巴士,司机也是船上的厨师,负责食物和饮料,船行驶的声音也很好听,除此之外你找不到比这个旅行、导游、午餐和气氛更好的旅游了。不要预订一大群人的旅行,参与这个烧烤巴士,相信你不会后悔的,记得提前预订。撰写日期:2018年5月8日
- Oxana I0 条分享去米尔福德最好的一个旅游团感谢你让我们度过了美好的一天,尤其是我们的司机奈杰尔,他对这个地区非常了解,而且他也很风趣幽默。团队很小,只有15人,坐车很方便,乘小船也很方便 – 这里很漂亮也很安静,没有拥堵。午餐也非常美味,整天都很完美,我强烈推荐这家旅游公司!撰写日期:2018年4月14日
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139 条点评
Mo J
1 条分享
2024年11月 • 家庭
Great time Bus drove from Queenstown to Milford Sound thru the mountains, boated around the magnificent fiords then flew over the mountains lakes and beautiful scenery Jono our guide was exceptional. Knew facts about almost everything and loved his job which really showed.
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1 条分享
2024年10月 • 家庭
We had the good fortune of traveling with Do (pronounced with a long “o”), on our trip to Milford Sound. The Mercedes van had a capacity of 16 people, so the group size is limited to a manageable size.
Do was friendly, knowledgeable, and efficient. Everything you could possibly hope for in a guide. The trip was definitely enhanced by her professionalism.
The drive from Queenstown to Milford sound could take up to 4 hours, and if you elect to do this on your own, you’ll likely miss out on the sites and commentary that make this a relaxing trip.
Unfortunately, our flight back had been grounded due to the weather conditions, but if you plan this trip, there is a helicopter return flight that would be worth looking into.
Do was friendly, knowledgeable, and efficient. Everything you could possibly hope for in a guide. The trip was definitely enhanced by her professionalism.
The drive from Queenstown to Milford sound could take up to 4 hours, and if you elect to do this on your own, you’ll likely miss out on the sites and commentary that make this a relaxing trip.
Unfortunately, our flight back had been grounded due to the weather conditions, but if you plan this trip, there is a helicopter return flight that would be worth looking into.
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Thank you for sharing your experience! It's great to hear you had a fantastic time with Do on your Milford Sound Tour. Thank you for choosing Altitude Tours!
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Elaine B
13 条分享
The bus was on time and Shelley, who was driving us made the bus trip feel so much shorter with her interesting information, stories and myths. No question went unanswered. She was inclusive and allowed all her passengers to know each other a bit, which as a solo traveller was wonderful. There were plenty of stops for coffee, food, photo opportunities and toilet breaks.
Shelley was brilliant as was the scenery.
The boat trip was awesome. The scenery stunning and we were lucky enough to see dolphins, penguins and seals. Together with the bright sunny day and the waterfalls I feel we were lucky. The boat was large enough and not huge which suited me and the captain kept us informed of all there was to know.
Being sunny we were lucky enough to be able to fly back over the mountain tops. What views. Sometimes it felt like we could practically touch the
mountains. The views were again stunning, mountains, valleys
and lakes. The pilot steered a very steady flight and again gave us a commentary on the interesting parts whilst we looked on in amazement.
The trip with Altitude was a fabulous day to remember.
The boat tri
Shelley was brilliant as was the scenery.
The boat trip was awesome. The scenery stunning and we were lucky enough to see dolphins, penguins and seals. Together with the bright sunny day and the waterfalls I feel we were lucky. The boat was large enough and not huge which suited me and the captain kept us informed of all there was to know.
Being sunny we were lucky enough to be able to fly back over the mountain tops. What views. Sometimes it felt like we could practically touch the
mountains. The views were again stunning, mountains, valleys
and lakes. The pilot steered a very steady flight and again gave us a commentary on the interesting parts whilst we looked on in amazement.
The trip with Altitude was a fabulous day to remember.
The boat tri
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德克萨斯州休斯顿1 条分享
2024年10月 • 家庭
Excellent tour with an excellent tour guide, Tommy. The group was the right size and the van was comfortable. Tommy provided the guest with interesting facts about the area. The tour of the sound was spectacular with stunning views. I highly recommend Altitude Tours. If you are smart, you will request Tommy as your tour guide.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you for joining our Milford Sound tour! We're so glad you enjoyed the comfortable ride, Tommy’s guiding, and the stunning views. We appreciate the high recommendation thanks for travelling with Altitude.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
1 条分享
2024年10月 • 家庭
Once in a lifetime experience, words can not describe, a must have experience. Our guide, Sinchan, made the experience memorable and informative. Thank you so much.
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It's wonderful to hear you had a great experience hosted by Sinchan. Thanks for choosing Altitude Tours.
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Craig F
8 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
End to end this was a long day, but it was absolutely amazing! Travelling with Altitude Tours was highly recommended, and our driver / tour guide for the day was warm, friendly and above all else, very knowledgeable. His descriptions and explanations of the culture and environment were frequent, informative and at times entertaining.
The scenery throughout the day was magnificent, culminating with the 1.5 - 2 hour boat tour with Mitre Peak Cruises.
I recommend this tour and thank James for making the day so special for us.
The scenery throughout the day was magnificent, culminating with the 1.5 - 2 hour boat tour with Mitre Peak Cruises.
I recommend this tour and thank James for making the day so special for us.
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Thank you for your kind words and high recommendation. We're pleased you had a great day hosted by James. Thanks for travelling with us.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
1 条分享
2024年9月 • 家庭
Sinchan was an amazing, full of energy and full of knowledgeable, great guide!!! We were luck to have him. His information was good and the music was good also.
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It's wonderful to hear you had a great tour hosted by Sinchan! Thanks for choosing Altitude Tours
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1 条分享
2024年9月 • 好友
Ashley was amazing showing us around the place journeying to the Milford Sound. Absolute stunning snow capped mountain views with waterfalls. Sunny day going into sounds and snowfalls coming back. Epic trip!
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Thank you for your fantastic review! We're so glad you had an epic experience with Ashley and enjoyed the beautiful mix of sunny skies, snow-capped mountains. Thanks for choosing Altitude Tours
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Joylene Mc
澳大利亚墨尔本2 条分享
2024年8月 • 独自旅游
My trip to Milford Sound was amazing I absolutely loved it. It was wet and cold but we saw so many waterfalls along the way. Nev our driver and guide was great nothing was too much trouble and he pointed out so many things that I would have missed.
The boat on the sound was rough but at the same time exciting, the waterfalls were spectacular, this trip will be something I remember for ever.
I’m so glad I took the tour rather than tackle the drive myself.
The boat on the sound was rough but at the same time exciting, the waterfalls were spectacular, this trip will be something I remember for ever.
I’m so glad I took the tour rather than tackle the drive myself.
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Thanks for your great review. We are thrilled you had an Amazing trip hosted by Nev and enjoyed Milford sound in the rain with all the wonderful waterfalls.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Cherie e
澳大利亚布里斯班13 条分享
Amazing day trip. Our tour guide, Graeme, was very knowledgeable, funny, and lovely man. Beautiful scenery. Loved mirror lake. ***** all the way
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Thank you for the great review! We're delighted to hear that Graeme made your day trip amazing and that you enjoyed the stunning scenery and Mirror Lake.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
If both land and land/flight tour are both 13 hours what is the advantage of flying back to Queenstown. Flying should shorten duration of tour???
What time does the tour leave? and why is it longer than other fly back tours?
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