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位于澳大利亚圣灵群岛海岸外的 Reefworld 浮桥为大堡礁提供了壮观的观赏机会。在这个全日游中,您可以在色彩缤纷的珊瑚中游泳和浮潜,从水下观测站观察海洋生物,并享用美味的自助午餐。可选活动包括水肺潜水游览、半潜船游览和直升机飞行。
年龄限制:0-99,每个团体最多 250 人
用时: 10 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 令人难以置信的大堡礁和圣灵群岛的景色
- 恒星观景视频:浮潜,潜水艇,水下天文台
- 适合家庭旅行:适合所有年龄和能力的可选活动
- 包括早茶、自助午餐和下午茶
- 在浮桥上停留长达 4 小时
- 半潜式珊瑚观赏与礁石欣赏谈话
- 进入水下观测站
- 早茶、午餐、下午茶
- 使用提供的所有装备进行浮潜,包括潜水服和毒刺服
- 环境管理费(礁税)
- 穿越圣灵群岛到外礁的风景优美的返程巡游
未包含内容- Reef Interpreters带导游的徒步旅行团(直接付款)
- 介绍或认证潜水(直接付款)
- 风景秀丽的直升机飞越世界着名的心礁(直接付款)
- 日常活动的摄影,录像或DVD(直接付款)
- 酒店接送(直接付款)
- 自行前往艾尔利海滩或圣灵群岛的港口。乘坐高速双体船,航行穿过珊瑚海,沿途欣赏圣灵群岛和被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产的大堡礁的壮丽景色。 抵达停泊在哈迪礁沿岸的 Reefworld 浮桥,您将有四个小时的闲暇时间。潜入水中游泳和浮潜,乘坐半潜式潜艇游览珊瑚花园,或从水下观测站观察热带鱼和海洋生物。还包括早茶和下午茶以及美味的自助午餐。 为了获得更难忘的体验,您可以报名参加众多可选活动之一,例如带导游的浮潜或水肺潜水之旅、惊险刺激的珊瑚礁直升机飞行,甚至放松身心的按摩(均需额外付费) 在探索珊瑚礁一天后,您的旅程将回到最初的出发点。
- 出发地点:多个会面地点选项。
- 选项 124 The Cv Rd, Airlie Beach QLD 4802, Australia24 The Cove Road, 艾尔利海滩(艾尔利港) 昆士兰州 4802
- 选项 28 Front St, Whitsundays QLD 4802, Australia汉密尔顿岛码头
- 选项 3Daydream Island, Whitsundays QLD, Australia白日梦岛码头
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 提供婴儿座椅
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:3987REEFWORLD- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 旅行者应该具备正常的身体素质
- 所有潜水活动均允许16岁及以上的成人入住。
- 最近的机场:飞往普罗瑟派恩机场,也被称为圣灵海岸机场(距离艾尔利海滩40英里)或飞往汉密尔顿岛机场
- 请在凉爽的月份带上泳衣,毛巾,防晒衣,包括帽子和防晒霜,轻便夹克或毛衣,可选购买的钱或信用卡,相机和乐趣!
- 请于出发时间前30分钟抵达
- 请告知饮食要求
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 250 人
- 一经售出,恕不退换,如果取消将收取 100% 的手续费。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:3987REEFWORLD
- troppom0 条分享度假每年,我们都要搭乘游船,到降灵岛游玩三到四次。工作人员棒极了,都是出色的水手,航海技术高超,游船维护得非常好。撰写日期:2019年9月27日
- coe2820 条分享很棒的旅行——海滩太棒了我们参加了卡米拉航海探险之旅。工作人员很棒,目的地也很棒。我们潜航了大约一个小时(这绝对足够了),在怀特黑文海滩有大约2.5小时属于我们自己的时间。在75名乘客中,我们只占了55人。因此,这条船可能没有夏季那么拥挤。有更多的座位可供选择(即使好位置被很快地占据了),而运送人的船只能坐20人(18位客人+ 2名船员),因此需要多走几趟。如果船上坐满了人,我想这次旅行会很不一样。我们被告知要在14点15分准备好从海滩接车,但我们仍然在集合点一直等到14点40分才离开,这可能是海滩时间。我想这是需要改进的地方。如果你不介意一个更大的团队的话,一切都很好。有人告诉我们准备在14:15从海滩出发,但还是在集合点等到了14:40,然后才出发,他们的时间可能不准。:-)我想这是有待改进的地方。总的来说,如果您不介意人多的话,那还是很好的。撰写日期:2019年9月18日
- 837cherif0 条分享哇!超棒的一天!不要错过这个机会,乘船前往圣灵群岛,探索大堡礁的浮潜、潜水或乘坐潜水船。这里的景色很美,有着充满活力的五颜六色的珊瑚礁,以及异国情调的海洋生物。我们在浮筒船上度过了愉快的一天,吃了一顿丰盛的晚餐和小吃。整个服务团队太棒了,非常有趣。不要错过这个参观世界七大奇迹之一的机会!太棒了。撰写日期:2019年9月18日
- guiviola0 条分享不错的体验我刚从卡米拉船回来,不得不说这一切都很好,但它有两个缺点:船速较慢以及浮潜地点的能见度较低。你可以看到许多小鱼和正常大小的珊瑚礁。如果你确实感到无聊/疲倦/不舒服,只要向船员挥手,他们就会(几乎立即)带你回到船上。除此之外,一切都很好。工作人员精力充沛——总是尽最大努力为船上的每个人提供服务,并照顾好乘客的安全。在潜水之前,我已经吃了早餐——水果、饼干、茶、咖啡、牛奶——还有零食。下午3点左右开始供应午餐。有汉堡、鸡肉、香肠、鱼、沙拉、意大利面、面包、豆类……旅行结束时,还可以品尝一块蛋糕。潜水结束后,酒吧开放了,白葡萄酒、啤酒和苹果酒随处可见。整个旅途中饮料和水总是冰冷的。总之……如果你不是一个特别挑剔的人,这是个不错的选择。撰写日期:2019年9月17日
- Chappy5720140 条分享很好的一日巡游我们前往了白日梦岛,汉密尔顿岛和白天堂海滩,并且这里也属于海龟俱乐部,由于我们住在圣灵群岛地区,所以我们的州际朋友也可享受优惠的折扣。撰写日期:2019年7月22日
- 779nidhig0 条分享通往大不列颠的超赞乘船旅行降灵岛游团队提供的服务很出色。我和伙伴在6月8日要乘船前往大不列颠。我们与船队的经历十分美妙。每个人都十分友好。我和伙伴第一次斯库巴潜水,对他们处理一切的方式感到满意。斯库巴潜水队十分主动帮忙解答我们的问题,而且一直跟我们保证潜水的全过程都会好好照顾我们。我们对潜水感到十分舒适。月亮池对于想要熟悉环境的新潜水人来说是个再合适不过的地方。食物在平均水平之下。但是服务真的太棒了!我肯定还会再来,下一次试试Reefsleep。谢谢你们的友好和帮助,降灵岛游到不列颠-Hardy Pontoon团队。撰写日期:2019年7月2日
- atuckw0 条分享有一股通勤船的味道我不知道这些船多久清洗一次,但在前往汉密尔顿岛的船上有几张破椅子,上面散发出强烈的臭味。我们乘坐的前往Whitehaven的船的座位上有很多沙子,这使它们坐起来很不舒服。大多数员工都比较友好,像其他地方一样。撰写日期:2019年5月7日
- Study190 条分享棒极了去怀特黑文玩了半天。海滩很棒,工作人员和船/乘船旅行让这一天变得很愉快。回来的路上被照顾得很好!一路上都能看到美丽的风景。行程很顺利,准时。很棒的一天!撰写日期:2019年4月12日
- Karen B0 条分享卡米拉美妙的一天我们在紫色卡米拉度过了愉快的一天,旅行团队非常专业,和他们在一起很有趣。我们的导游Redman非常渊博,一路给我们介绍希尔湾。午餐烧烤非常棒,Kat还带着我们去安全潜水,给了很多专业的建议。这是我们在澳大利亚经历的最棒的探险,我一定会推荐给其他人的。撰写日期:2019年3月19日
- Livesfun0 条分享海上冲刺之旅这是一家相对较新的邮轮公司,出发前往白天堂沙滩,并包含一些其他活动,如潜水,单桨冲浪。这个团队非常专业,而且知识渊博。大卫队长非常棒。查德非常友好,也很有趣,并且消息灵通。船上供应有午餐和饮料。而且也会照顾到特殊的需求,如无麸质饮食和糖尿病。这次旅行是与Gsl航空公司合作推出的包含飞机和邮轮的高级套餐。真是段美好的时光!撰写日期:2019年3月2日
- Tinawestwood0 条分享大堡礁必去之旅如果你去了艾尔利滩,必须得去大堡礁——那是一定一定的。这次旅行组织得很好,食物也很好,这是我们假期的一个亮点。撰写日期:2019年2月8日
- NadiaR11110 条分享降灵群岛——2018年11月我们的家人(我、丈夫和我们的5个孩子,17-29岁)非常享受我们在Camira的一日游。在我们为期4周的澳大利亚/新西兰之旅中,Whitehaven Beach的旅行体验无疑是最快乐的。我们受到船员们的欢迎和照顾,有很多美味的食物(包括提供给素食者和麸质敏感者的食物),葡萄酒和啤酒非常丰富。:)打鼾活动很有趣!总之,花一天时间来参观这个很棒的地方是一个非常好的选择。谢谢!撰写日期:2019年1月15日
- harveyra0 条分享大堡礁+圣灵岛冒险–白天堂&卡米拉航行之旅我们玩得很高兴。员工很帮得上忙。大堡礁浮台真的是很棒的体验。卡米拉号游船上船员的热情也让我们觉得圣灵岛潮湿的周天没那么糟糕了。我和朋友们都一致推荐这家旅游公司给来圣灵岛玩的游客。撰写日期:2018年12月15日
- pmaloney80 条分享很棒的经历!这是一次奇妙的经历,从预订到登陆阿利港。整个船员,服务,提供的食物和选择都很棒!当然,那里有礁石,非常壮观。 暗礁之眠真的是一种独特的经历!撰写日期:2018年10月7日
- Sarah B0 条分享对我们家庭来说是很好的体验我们非常享受从汉密尔顿岛到白天堂海滩的半天旅程。工作人员很出色。他们很吸引人,很友好,想尽一切办法来让我们的经历变得难忘,尤其是我的妈妈来这里庆祝她的71岁生日。特别要感谢Michelle和我们年幼的女儿们一起玩耍。女孩们喜欢玩游戏,建造沙堡,也喜欢和你一起喂鱼。感谢摄影师Bec,谢谢你热情地抓拍我们的一天。和你聊天很愉快。非常感谢你们大家。Sarah撰写日期:2018年9月21日
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356 条点评
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1 条分享
2024年8月 • 家庭
with my family we did three excursions starting from Hamilton Island and we had a great time. I went on a dive in the coral reef with Vivien, in 35 years of diving I have never had such a professional guide! After the dive he also spent a lot of time explaining all the species we had seen... sincerely many thanks! However, all the staff and equipment are of a high standard! I hope to return to you soon!
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Thank you for your review! The Reef Safari Dive team are absolutely amazing, we are so lucky to have them join us at the Reef each day. I have passed along your kind words to the team.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
1 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
Honestly very dissapointed. I did alot of research about which company to go with and I have used cruise whitsundays before and had pleasant experience. Firstly , you spend approx 4 hours travelling , waste so much time I understand airlie isnt close but so unnecessary going to hamilton island on the way and on the way back , perhaps you could do airlie first on the way back to make it fairer as hamilton guests spend way less time on the boat and essentially use it just as a taxi . We had a “ mechanical engine issue “ about half way out to the reef. Do you think they told us anything ? NO. My partner was sea sick and freezing cold wanting to move to sit elsewhere and we were told as if we were children that the seat belt sign was on and we couldn’t move , ridiculous as we were stuck NOT MOVING . We weren’t told anything about what was going on other than one announcement saying they had issues , as such we were delayed and instead of arriving at 11 we arrived at 12 although the staff said we were only 20 mins behind , don’t know where they got that math from !! We were treated like school children not being able to move I understand if it was a safety thing but be kind to your guests ! Particularly if they were unwell and freezing whilst being told to sit . Secondly Elise my goodness as the cruise “ officer” she was appalling . I have never met someone so rude when looking after guests she clearly was stressed but being kind and reassuring would’ve gone a long way considering the issues had with the engine. Do not book with this company waste of time , they try and upsell you everything !! $30 for one single photo , $70 for “ guided snorkelling “ when we already paid $300 and they ran out of morning tea but kept rushing us to queue but when we got to the front they had run out ..
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1 条分享
Genial. Very well organized with cordial timing. Boat crew and very friendly staff. Beautiful views of the whitsand islands and seen many beautiful fish
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Thank you so much for your amazing review!
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英国东萨西克斯郡28 条分享
This was a fabulous day out! I ended up going solo as husband not well, so treated myself to the 10 min helicopter ride over Heart Reef - do staggeringly beautiful it made me cry!
Initially 4 hours seemed a long time to be out there, but in the end I didn’t have time for the submersible! Not a confident snorkeller so signed up for the ‘guided safari’ and Amber was terrific, giving us almost an hour of fascinating snorkelling! Met some lovely friendly folk too. Thoroughly recommend.
Initially 4 hours seemed a long time to be out there, but in the end I didn’t have time for the submersible! Not a confident snorkeller so signed up for the ‘guided safari’ and Amber was terrific, giving us almost an hour of fascinating snorkelling! Met some lovely friendly folk too. Thoroughly recommend.
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Wow - this is such an amazing review. Thank you so much for sharing your experience!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Johan R
瑞典斯德哥尔摩52 条分享
Amazing experience to explore The Great Barrier Reef under the surface. The hotel pickup worked great with really friendly and professional drivers. The boat is big and stable so it handled even big waves quite smoothly. The Captain and the rest of the crew were skillful, helpful, knowledgeable and very friendly. The facilities on the boat as well as the Reef World platform were great. Wet suits, fins etc all well organized by sizes from where everyone could pickup the ones that fitted. We started by taking the semi-sub boat to explore the reef via the glass bottom of the boat. Already from there we could see many colorful fishes and the beautiful reef edge and got even more excited to go snorkeling 😉. After lunch, which was delicious, we jumped into the water for snorkeling🤿 . Such an underwater beauty all over the Hardy Reef and especially by the reef edge where the parrotfishes were eating corals🪸 so that you even could hear it 😉. Excellent snorkeling 👌We did two rounds of snorkeling, which was just about right timing, in my view. The boat ride home was also a smooth ride and when exiting the boat the whole crew were standing in a line, on shore, and greeting everybody. Excellent experience! Thank you! 🐟🐠🪸🎉
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Wow, thank you so much for such an awesome review! 😊
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澳大利亚悉尼1 条分享
2024年7月 • 好友
Very very sales focused. Food was good. The pontoon was floating over lots of bleached and damaged coral. I did the certified dive and one of the worst dives I've ever done. Given more weights than requested. All we saw was dead and broken coral and exact same as you would see when snorkelling. I don't recommend these certified dives off this pontoon. The entire cruise was spent trying to sell things and make money. Not as enjoyable as I would have hoped
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We are sincerely sorry that you were left disappointed in your diving experience. Our dive team have many years of experience and use their knowledge of the reef system to endeavour to provide the best guest experience possible. We’re saddened to read that you felt that you only saw dead and broken coral, as I can assure you that the reef is very much alive with an abundance of marine life and a variety of coral. The Hardy Reef system is made up of staghorn coral. Whilst there are areas of the reef where this has broken away due to several weather events that we have experienced in the area, there is still a significant amount untouched, along with many soft corals, brain corals, giant clams and hundreds of varieties of fish and many turtles that call the surrounds to Reefworld home. We apologise that it felt like the journey out was sell, sell, sell. That is not our focus at all; the plan is just to give you as much information as possible to try and plan your day at the pontoon to get the most out of your experience.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
2 条分享
2024年5月 • 家庭
Barrier Reef Day Tour with Cruise Whitsundays
We were reduced the already very short calculated time for 2 dives due to a technical defect on the boat. The dives were less than 30min.
The operator is of the opinion that 30min is a normal length for a dive. I've never seen anything like this in the whole world.
It was all very hectic and the condition of the equipment left much to be desired.
The reef at the Pantoon has already suffered a lot.
The whole thing at an excessive price. This tour was a real nuisance and not worth it.
From Cairns with "diverse den" we then had, compared to half price, a super great day tour with 2 fantastic dives at the Barrier Reef. Highly recommended.
We were reduced the already very short calculated time for 2 dives due to a technical defect on the boat. The dives were less than 30min.
The operator is of the opinion that 30min is a normal length for a dive. I've never seen anything like this in the whole world.
It was all very hectic and the condition of the equipment left much to be desired.
The reef at the Pantoon has already suffered a lot.
The whole thing at an excessive price. This tour was a real nuisance and not worth it.
From Cairns with "diverse den" we then had, compared to half price, a super great day tour with 2 fantastic dives at the Barrier Reef. Highly recommended.
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We are sorry that you were disappointed in your Great Barrier Reef experience. The dives on the vessel are advertised as 30 – 45 minute experiences which is advised at the time of booking. We are sorry to read that you felt that the experience was hectic and shortened due to a technical fault on the vessel, I do hope that you discussed this with our team on the day so they were aware of your disappointment or alternatively, we can investigate further by emailing us at info@cruisewhitsundays.com .
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
12 条分享
2024年6月 • 家庭
Great day out but too much selling of extras during boat ride. Spend some more time on education and information about the reef, perhaps play a 20 minute video about the reef and its marine life rather than constant selling photos, helicopter rides, dives, snorkelling tours.... it was tiresome. Ran out of choc chip cookies. Staff member said they always run out. So stock more?? Some people lined up and missed out by the time they reached front of line.
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We do apologise that the focus did seem to be upselling rather than providing information on the reef. The purpose of this to ensure that our guests can coordinate their day perfectly to complete all the activities they want to complete in the short 4 hours that they are at the pontoon. For many guests this is this only opportunity to visit the Great Barrier Reef and they want to do all of the activities. I have raised the cookies to our Guest Experience Manager, there is no way we should ever run out of cookies, this is extremely disappointing.
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Chris B
英国约维尔768 条分享
Thoroughly enjoyed my experience at the Great Barrier Reef. Started the day being picked up at Airlie Beach. Our route took us to Hamilton Island for a second pickup before we were whisked away to the pontoon at Hardy Reef. Along the way we got some great views of the Whitsunday Islands and were even lucky to see some Whales. On the reef I took a whizz around the reef in the glass bottom boat (free) before doing my main activity which was a guided snorkel of the reef wall (about 89 AUD). The guide (Sunny) was very knowledgeable and informative about the reef and it was a great experience. I didn't opt to try the free snorkel area so can't comment. As an overall review, the activities were fun, food provided was good, it was a real experience. Downsides were it is a lot of sailing time (circa 3 hours out to the reef, 4 hours play time and 3 hours back) and the underwater photos, whilst good, were a bit expensive. I paid 91 AUD for 5 photos. They do offer a Go Pro that you can hire for the day and take as many pictures as you like for 80 AUD, this may have been a better option. Also should say as a first time snorkeller felt safe and taken care of throughout
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Thanks so much for providing valuable feedback - this will be passed along to our team. We are very happy to hear that, overall, you enjoyed your experience with us.
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Lisa H
6 条分享
2024年3月 • 好友
Amazing experience - do it! Best activity over the course of our 21-day vacation in Australia/New Zealand. They had so many ways to experience the Reef, plus they fed us lunch.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
We are booked in for this tour in a month or so. Do we need to bring our own waterproof camera, or can we hire one on board? Thanks for any help anyone can give us 😊
There were children of that age on the same trip with us. If the children love the water then they’ll prob love it. Close to the pontoon they have set out grids where those that are not as confident can snorkel. So that is a good place to snorkel for young kids with their adult supervisor. There is also an underwater submarine that travels a small portion of the reef that they will probably enjoy. We had a 3 year old seated beside us with her parents who was very excited to be in the submerged vessel. The boat also remains docked to the pontoon so your little ones can have somewhere to nap or if you’ve brought some toys, activities they can play with those on the boat. You also have lunch on the boat as well. Hope that helps
Hello! Id like to book this tour and was wondering if anyone has booked the additional guided snorkelling safari and whether or not they thought it was worth it or not?
Sorry if late, but yes, it is worthy. You can still enjoy by yourself but it is way better when someone expert explains to you what you are looking at! If you can, go for it!
My partner and I are keen to book this tour with you. We have either Wednesday or Thursday to do it. Would you have any recommendations based upon the weather this week?
Thank you
Hi you need to contact the tour operator directly. I only reviewed them.
Is there a place to lock up your belongings while snorkeling?
Hi iam working for a documentary about nature art. If I would book this tour, is there a possibility for me to fly with my drone about the reef world?
best Timm
I know this for certain that you cannot fly your drone over the Reef as it’s a “no fly zone”. There are helicopters constantly flying around and landing on decks especially close to the Reef Pontoon and also there a numerous seaplanes that fly over the Reef. Flying a drone over the Reef or around there poses a hazard. There are also signs that say “drone free zone”. However in saying that, if you hold a CASA approved drone license, you might need to inquire with CASA if you can fly your drone for commercial purposes.
If you download the app “OpenAir” you will be able to see areas that you can and cannot fly the drone. Hope that helps.
If we were to book via Trip Advisor and due to bad weather the cruise needs to be postponed. Who do we arrange that through? TripAdvisor or with you Cruise Whitsundays Directly?
Also if we were to need to cancel for whatever reason, would we contact them or Trip Advisor
Kind regards
we booked through a third party and had to change a day trip for a reason and just phoned cruise Whitsunday and they were very helpful and just changed it for us free of charge , the actual day we did the trip it was extremely windy and we still sailed although it was not a pleasant trip once we left the shelter of the islands , but still had an amazing day out .
Arriving in Airlie Beach on a Celebrity cruise ship. Is the Reefworld dock in same vicinity. Arriving 7 am in port.
I think Reefworld will pick up passengers @ Airlie Beach, where exactly I'm not sure. Your best option is to contact them directly and ask them.
I definitely wouldn't. There were some very small babies on our cruise and I know that at least two of them were crying and vomiting. they are too young for Travacalm so I wouldnt risk it
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