Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄限制:3-99,每个团体最多 7 人
用时: 15分钟
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 15分钟直升机飞行
- 耳机清晰听指南
- 现场直播评论
未包含内容- DVD(可购买)
- 食物和饮料
- 酒店接送
- 出发地点:
- Albert Park, Albert Park, Port Phillip, Greater Melbourne, Victoria
接送服务详情- 地点名称 12使徒直升机场 地点地址 12使徒 大洋路 维多利亚王子城 路线 从墨尔本经大洋路旅行 从墨尔本经大洋路(Great Ocean Road)大约需要5个小时的车程。我们位于第十二使徒信息中心/停车场。停下来享受令人叹为观止的直升机观光飞行,然后继续走下那壮丽的12使徒木板路,而无需再次上车。 从墨尔本经内拉经内陆路线旅行 从墨尔本经Princes Hwy(从墨尔本到12位使徒的最快路线)–大约3个小时的车程。在Colac处大约10公里处左转,在Simpson-Timboon处关闭。沿辛普森(Simpson)的路标行驶,然后到达普林斯敦(Princetown)。到达大洋路后,右转驶向坎贝尔港(Port Campbell),我们位于12个使徒信息中心/停车场,距西部2公里。 从瓦南布尔经大洋路旅行 大约50分钟车程。从瓦南布尔(Warrnambool)出发,沿公主高速公路(Princess Hwy)到达东部,直到阿兰福德(Allanford),然后右转到大洋路(Great Ocean Road),继续经过彼得伯勒(Peterborough)和坎贝尔港(Port Campbell)。我们在12使徒信息中心/停车场经过坎贝尔港7公里。
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:35952P1
- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 每次预订至少需要3人
- 由于飞机的重量/平衡,重量超过130公斤的乘客将无法飞行
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 7 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:35952P1
- franktschan0 条分享值得一试坐上直升机,感觉很安全。速度适中,更好的当然是可以在高空观看大自然的景观。一边是奇形的岩石,一边是一望无际的大海,绝对是眼睛的最佳享受。撰写日期:2019年9月22日
- Kylie R0 条分享令人难以置信的风景我们进行了25分钟的岛屿湾飞行之旅。物有所值,你不会后悔的!景色绝对美丽壮观,你将看到与一个完全不同与瞭望台视角的景色,你可以在没有被游客包围的情况下欣赏美景。这是一次最佳的体验。撰写日期:2019年8月13日
- tabhauser0 条分享如果你没有坐7个乘客座位的直升机,也没有坐在中间两个位置的话,坐直升机还是不错的我们选了一个15分钟飞行旅程的项目。我太太就困在了中间两个位置之一。当直升机朝西飞行的时候,她从右边窗户根本看不到任何东西,因为她旁边两个座位的乘客所戴的耳机刚好挡住了窗口。她前面有三个座位,所以她也不能从前面看到任何东西。当直升机回程朝东飞行的时候,我靠后去拍照了,这样她才能看到。我被告知他们是一个按需起飞的服务。如果有选择和可以等待的话,我宁愿选坐一架小一点的直升机。飞行很顺畅,解说很好。贴士:坐在左边窗口旁边,这样当直升机转弯的时候你可以看到整个海岸。撰写日期:2019年4月30日
- Bwluvinlife0 条分享能去就去吧!直升机在哪都很贵,这里当然也是一样的。。。但是给你带来的视野和体验绝对让你觉得物有所值!所以,如果没有超出预算太多,那就带上你的相机和手机,准备好捕捉明星片般的风景吧!他们有全世界最好的直升机……如果你足够幸运可以搭载那架空客8型客机,那真的是妙不可言!尽情的享受吧!撰写日期:2019年3月13日
- mjsbs0 条分享很棒的海景在这趟旅程中我们看到了十二门徒石和海岸的美丽景色。这位年轻的女飞行员/导游知识渊博,提供了很多有用的信息。我会把它推荐给所有人,因为它给观赏海岸、壮丽的悬崖和美丽的海水颜色带来了更广阔的视角。为了享受最美的景色,确保你选择在一个阳光明媚的好天气来飞行。这项业务运行良好因为年轻的工作人员必须在大约十分钟内处理来自不同游客的大约五种不同语言。总的来说,这是一次很好的经历,你只需要去做就对了。撰写日期:2019年2月5日
- Jules H0 条分享太惊奇的我们一天中的第一次飞行,很高兴我们去了。非常繁忙,我们只想要一架小型直升机,以便我们都能拍照。这里准备措施都很好,给我们安全问题的建议,飞行员(尼古拉斯)很博学,给我们介绍所有的十二门徒和周围的景观。这次旅行是非常值得的,还有一个有飞行画面记录的小USB。我会向每个人推荐这个。撰写日期:2018年10月4日
- girlnextdoor900 条分享适合与伴侣一起参观的地儿,很浪漫景色壮观,但是没有十二门徒,只有八个。人挺多的。沿路会有鸭子欢迎着你们。这趟行程中蛮喜欢这个景点的!如果可以,就去看看吧!撰写日期:2018年8月11日
- 416wynnew0 条分享Incredible view来到大洋路当然得去看十二门徒,带了两个孩子,答应带他们坐直升机。所以合并行程变成坐直升机越十二门徒。 今天是复活节假期,景点很多游客,350个车位停满咗,说明有过千人在此。然而好彩的是外国游客唔算多,所以冇乜点等就到我哋。除咗太阳眼镜,手机同相机,其他嘢唔可以带上机。每个人要磅重。一架飞机坐7个人,两个细路坚持要坐前排。于是我们被安排在后座。往返15分钟,风景如画。我哋仲俾咗45元澳币买咗video。撰写日期:2018年4月1日
- sm050600 条分享很壮观!坐直升机是观赏澳大利亚海岸和十二门徒景区的最佳方式。这里的工作人员非常专业和乐于助人,飞行员给我们提供了很多信息,让我们感到很安全。来到这个地区你一定要试试参与这个活动哦。我们预订了直升飞机,这个景点游客很多。这个活动很昂贵,但值得花这笔钱。撰写日期:2018年2月20日
- Sorro630 条分享一生一次美妙的体验和看到海岸线的最佳的方式。没有喧嚣的游客占据着所有景点在陆地的瞭望台。绝对是一生一次的经历,可以从愿望清单中划掉了。飞行员知识丰富,经验丰富,非常友好。只想看到大洋路的海岸线。撰写日期:2018年1月6日
- Roger D0 条分享服务好的让人惊奇我极力推荐十二门徒直升机的航程。这是我们第二次访问这里,但是是我们的第一次飞行,我们看到了远远超过地面上能看到的景色。我们和其他澳大利亚的直升机公司一起飞行,而十二门徒直升机拥有最好的设备,并且效率极高。25分钟的飞行完成了所有主要的功能。服务的唯一缺点是他们非常忙碌,没有时间享受亲密的体验。撰写日期:2017年10月28日
- Lindy P0 条分享真是太棒了我决定和这些人一起去大洋路和周围的地方兜风,那真是太棒了。工作人员非常友好和专业。飞行本身(我做了整整60分钟的旅行)非常令人激动。这值得我再去一次。很喜欢这。撰写日期:2017年10月6日
- DestinationsJourney0 条分享很棒的体验多么奇妙的经历。那天早上我们就直奔机场。我们没有事先订票,但当场付款,进入了当天的第一架直升机。如果你晚些时候到达,可能需要提前预定,因为我们回来时线路很长。直升机看上去一尘不染。飞行员和地勤人员的态度很专业而且友好。这给你很大的信心,如果你在直升机起飞之前赶到紧张。他们会帮你穿救生衣、安全带和佩戴耳机。当你飞的时候,飞行员正在做一个连续阵形,你会咤异于看到12架直升飞机。事后你可以购买到一张飞行记录。撰写日期:2017年8月17日
- Sequia0 条分享花费很值得去过12个门徒很多次了,第一次我从这个角度看到他们,是有点贵,15分钟的旅行145美元,但是我们选择了25分钟的旅行,去了彼得伯勒和岛屿湾,价格是235美元。我建议你从这一侧观看风景,如此多的海岸形状,从公路和观景区域看不到这样的风景。我现在对他们有了全新的认识。我们比预订的时间晚到了,但是有3架直升机一直在运行,我给他们打电话时,他们说没有关系。在柜台和现场的工作人员非常友好。花费45美元,你可以得到一个USB,里面有你的飞行视频。撰写日期:2017年7月14日
- hui ching h0 条分享空中俯瞰的震撼第一次坐直升机,虽然是短短的15分钟飞行,但从空中俯瞰12 Apostles的壮丽景色,真的叫人叹为观止,太值得的。这是一个很棒的飞行体验。撰写日期:2017年7月11日
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92 条点评
Samantha F
澳大利亚艾尔利滩35 条分享
2023年3月 • 好友
On a road trip on the Great Ocean, we saw a lot of helicopters flying above us. We started wondering if we could go on a flight. On the 12 Apostles car park we saw they take off from here. We had a talk with the lovely staff of the 12 Apostles helicopter team. We ended up choosing the 16mn flight to London Bridge, for 165$/p. What a wonderful idea! It was our 1st helicopter flight and it was gorgeous. Our pilot commented all the views so we knew exactly what we were seeing. Thank you for this experience!
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Gary B
俄亥俄West Chester328 条分享
2022年10月 • 夫妻情侣
This was one of the top ten highlights of our recent 77 day vacation to Fiji, Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Moorea and Bora Bora. Although short and expensive it was worth every dollar it cost, honestly it was reasonable compared to similar helicopter and float plane flights we have done in the past and did on this trip. They filmed the flight so we were able to purchase it and they put the chip in a little helicopter which was cute. The flight itself was great, the weather was perfect, we never felt unsafe. There was good narrative through the headphones as well. There are not really 12 Apostles, I think there are 8 left of the 10 originally named, but as a pastor I loved the name. Each protruding rock was different and individually and collectively they were quite photogenic. Between us we probably took over 100 pictures. By flying out and coming back we got some great pictures on our real cameras and our phones as well. The people could not have been nicer. It was a capacity flight but we did not feel overly crowded. I would without a doubt recommend this experience to all who go down the Great Ocean Road.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Green Dragonfly Girl
澳大利亚墨尔本172 条分享
This was an unbelievable experience that I will always remember! The scenery was incredible and I really enjoyed the beautiful view. The staff were really friendly and helpful and added to a great adventure. Thank you for a truly memorable experience. I would thoroughly recommend this company. And make sure you get the video of the flight to remember it by, Added bonus that the USB was a little helicopter too. cute!
Thank you!
Thank you!
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Rocky 423
澳大利亚Loch194 条分享
2020年8月 • 夫妻情侣
We did the Bay of Islands Helicopter trip which started from the 12 Apostles and went past the Loch Ard Gourge, Sparks Gully, Port Campbell, Peterborough, The Arch, London Bridge, the Grotto, and all the way to the Bay of Islands. It is such a different experience seeing it all from the air. It was awesome and would recommend this to everyone. It’s a must do.. $145 pp on a 2 seater chopper for a 15 minute flight doing just the 12 Apostles however we chose the the Bay of Islands flight for $235 pp on a 2 seater chopper for 25 minutes.. they also have a 4 seater chopper and 6 seater... they are great with the COVID requirements...
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
印度新德里1,571 条分享
15 mins helicopter ride over one of the most beautiful natural creations, The Twelve Apostles is totally worth it. It's amazing to see the Apostles from the sky and the team is very well trained and manages things very well.
no bags allowed and you'll have to leave at the reception with no lockers. you can trust the staff for sure. but would suggest to keep valuable stuff in the pockets. Ideally they should have a locker facility if they do not allow bags.
no bags allowed and you'll have to leave at the reception with no lockers. you can trust the staff for sure. but would suggest to keep valuable stuff in the pockets. Ideally they should have a locker facility if they do not allow bags.
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54 条分享
They put me in the middle of the back seat where you can't see anything at all. It was the kindness of the person at the window to take photos for me, otherwise all I could see were the pilot's controls, and the back of the head of the person in front of me. It was frustrating and I would recommend you either wait until you can assure that you'll sit in the front of by a window.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Fiona C
澳大利亚墨尔本133 条分享
This is an amazing coastline, and like many places - seeing it from the air makes you appreciate it in another way altogether. The flight was just great, pilot very cheerful - and we went down along the coastline. The colour of the water is amazing with all its different blues, and those striking cliffs into farmland is beautiful. If you've got the money - do this flight. If you don't, start saving.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
175 条分享
2019年6月 • 好友
The 15 minute helicopter ride was definitely worth the price. Great panoramic views of the 12 apostles and the Melbourne coastline. Not only that, the staff and pilot were very friendly and willing to answer any questions we had. Was a bit letdown by the quality of the footage from their helicopter cameras, but it is only a minor letdown from what was a great experience.
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Review Wala
印度加尔各答(亦写作“Calcutta”)4,390 条分享
2019年6月 • 夫妻情侣
The first stop of our great ocean road tour had much to walk and we so wanted to see it like the movies. We paid and took the helicopter ride which would show us all of it from above. Moreover it was cold and raining so we thought this to be our best bet to enjoy the whole scene from a helicopter. The helicopter costed us 145 AUD each. Amazing service who took our time constraints seriously and started the second helicopter service quickly.
The full cliff or say edge or say the shore line or say the area of the 12 apostles was amazing. Have never seen such a beauty. You would know by my pictures and videos how wonderful these things are. Now you know why millions come to visit them even if they have to travel so much.
Those are grand things and the very sight of them makes you wonder of Nature's might and grandeur. Once in your lifetime you should visit them. They are wonders of nature and we are blessed to have seen them in this lifetime.
Moreover seeing them from above was a lifetime experience in itself. It was mesmerizing and so very wonderful. What a view it was. A sight to behold. Can never forget this amazing experience.
The full cliff or say edge or say the shore line or say the area of the 12 apostles was amazing. Have never seen such a beauty. You would know by my pictures and videos how wonderful these things are. Now you know why millions come to visit them even if they have to travel so much.
Those are grand things and the very sight of them makes you wonder of Nature's might and grandeur. Once in your lifetime you should visit them. They are wonders of nature and we are blessed to have seen them in this lifetime.
Moreover seeing them from above was a lifetime experience in itself. It was mesmerizing and so very wonderful. What a view it was. A sight to behold. Can never forget this amazing experience.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Mel B
澳大利亚Warwick75 条分享
2019年6月 • 夫妻情侣
We took a trip to see the Bay of Islands today, which is the mid range priced flight over the 12 apostles areas of the Great Ocean Road. What a magical experience! Our pilot was terrific, her commentary was good, the views were superb, and we got to see this incredible coast in its entirety from a bird’s eye view. Lucky for us we had the helicopter to ourselves so we could see out of every window. It was our experienced pilot’s first flight and we were so pleased we were the chosen customers to join her in this. We spent the $45 to buy the recording of our flight because we want to relive it and share it with others. Thanks for a totally professional operation 12 apostles helicopters. We even talked a few customers in to going on a flight afterwards in the car park, based on our experience.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。