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年龄限制:10-88,每个团体最多 10 人
用时: 3 小时 30 分
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- 司机/导游
- 当地导游
- 瓶装水
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- 篮
- 雨披
- 电动自行车
未包含内容- 食品和饮料
- 入场/门票 - 布拉格
- 入场/门票 - 圣尼古拉教堂(Chram svateho Mikulase)
- 入场/门票 - 鲁道夫音乐厅
- 入场/门票 - 卡夫卡博物馆
- 出发地点:
- Vlašská 349/15, 118 00 Praha 1-Malá Strana, Czechia地址:我喜欢Ebike办公室 Vlašská15,Praguea 1,11800。我们的办公室位于美国大使馆和德国大使馆之间。
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 提供婴儿座椅
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- 婴儿必须坐在成人腿上
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- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 10 人
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- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:26242P3
- Vlašská 349/15, 118 00 Praha 1-Malá Strana, Czechia地址:我喜欢Ebike办公室 Vlašská15,Praguea 1,11800。我们的办公室位于美国大使馆和德国大使馆之间。
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- 6途经Dvořákovo nábřeží
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- larsolea20160 条分享很棒的布拉格电动车之旅我们在网上搜城里的跟团游时偶然发现了这个地方,果然没让我们失望!非常友好的员工,车辆也很棒,导游Patrick很好,学识渊博。我们的体验很棒,向所有人推荐。我们喜欢这家公司!来找Patrick吧!撰写日期:2019年9月30日
- LantzMill0 条分享与Patrik一起进行的激动人心的电动自行车之旅这是一个游览布拉格的好方法!我们第一次参加激动人心的电动自行车骑行,而布拉格则是进行这个活动的绝佳地方。这次观光之旅是我们此次旅行的亮点之一,我们看到了令人惊艳的美景,并进行了锻炼,收获了很多知识和乐趣!没有比这更好的体验了。强烈推荐!撰写日期:2019年9月30日
- Edward M0 条分享与帕特里克一起参加布拉格电动自行车之旅我们愉快地沿着多瑙河骑行,一路欣赏到了城市中步行不易到达的地方。帕特里克是一个知识很丰富的向导,他使这次旅行成为一次伟大的经历。这里的自行车也棒极了。撰写日期:2019年9月28日
- mitthjarta0 条分享我爱电动自行车!!!今天,我和我妹妹随同我们的导游Patrik进行了4个小时的私人旅行。太精彩了!!这是我迄今为止旅行途中的高光时刻。Patrik详细介绍了如何操作电动自行车。非常感谢这个第一次使用的用户。我从一开始骑自行车就很自在。我们的行经路线是穿过非常美丽的使馆区,到达Sparta Praha体育场,再到城堡,再到河边,约翰列侬墙……我们都参观了这一切。Patrik一直在向我们讲述我们所看到的历史。信息相当丰富,引人入胜。我向所有来布拉格旅行的人们推荐这家公司,并且给我们的向导Patrik满分10分!!撰写日期:2019年9月22日
- jillypa13000 条分享20周年和凯特(Kate)在布拉格骑自行车真是太棒了。我们不仅看到了令人叹为观止的景色,凯特(Kate)还是一位迷人的主持人,她对城市非常了解。如果你对新鲜空气和娱乐感兴趣,强烈推荐这次旅行!撰写日期:2019年9月15日
- V5986PQvickiw0 条分享游览布拉格主要景点的好方法以一种特别的方式了解布拉格,真的很棒。骑电动车浏览这个城市真的是一个很棒的方法,包括可以毫不费力地去很多山丘。Jan是一个很棒的导游。强烈推荐你第一天以这种方法来快速适应这座城市以及它所有重要的地标和历史。在中欧没有看到有犹太血统的犹太区,有点失望。我的祖父母就是来自这里,但在在纳粹占领和战争之前他们去了美国。但是,我们在布拉格的时候是旅游旺季,有这么多游客,骑车真的是一大挑战,十分感激。撰写日期:2019年9月3日
- philrohleder0 条分享镇上最好的我喜欢埃比克,这是我们访问布拉格的亮点。凯特是我们的导游,她风度翩翩,学识渊博,给了我们留下很深的印象。这里的自行车非常棒,很容易学,这是在短时间游览到更多地方的最好的方式。撰写日期:2019年8月26日
- FellowTraveler6650460 条分享Val S(人名)把这里作为你在布拉格的第一站吧!我们的导游,Gary,带着我们这组人(年龄16岁到57岁)走过他居住的这座城市,Gary幽默,知识丰富,很有魅力。他让我们体验了超美的风景和一些独到的见解,如果没有Gary,我们将错过这些。甚至可以在险峻的山路上轻松的开电动自行车。这是我们在布拉格最喜欢的活动。撰写日期:2019年7月15日
- dihurst10 条分享我很喜欢来这边观光旅游我们来到布拉格的这个景点旅游,我非常喜欢跟着我们的导游乔治一起出游,非常喜欢这一次的eBike之旅。乔治向我们分享了很多历史信息,在这个城市的观光旅游体验非常棒。撰写日期:2019年5月16日
- Extraordinary8223870 条分享和Ales的美妙时光我一般不会出去旅游度假,但这是我朋友推荐的。我们很高兴花了一天时间来参观。我的妻子的平衡能力很差,骑自行车技术一般般。我们很幸运有Ales做我们的向导。他真的是那一天的亮点。这是我们在布拉格最愉快的时光。撰写日期:2019年4月25日
- markthetraveller20190 条分享非常棒的电动自行车之旅我们在50岁生日庆祝的长周末的第一天,绕着布拉格进行了一次美好的旅途。我们的导游,Albert,非常棒,对于我们停下来休息的每一个地方都很清楚,知识渊博,熟知布拉格的历史文化。非常喜欢这里,我们一定会再来布拉格参观并且再来一次电动自行车之旅。撰写日期:2019年3月16日
- shundrieka j0 条分享布拉格周末之旅我们的经历很棒。我们预订了和三个伙计一起的电动自行车之旅。我们的导游Gary非常棒。我过来的时候没有对天气做好准备,他给我提供了一件暖和的夹克(没有额外收费),帮我很好地保暖。我们只能在布拉格待很短的时间,Gary确保我们看到了所有的地方!我绝对很建议预订这个行程并要求Gary作为你们的导游!哈哈,他才是最重要的!撰写日期:2019年1月20日
- Roam684046132250 条分享这是你第一次了解布拉格的最好方法这是我第一次来布拉格,我们在那里的第一个小时就预订了eBike之旅。这是了解这座城市的最好方法。我们的导游Gary先生做得很好,他给我们完整地介绍了这座城市(这对我们在布拉格的几天很有帮助)。他介绍了自己对这座城市和旅行中的经历和看法,这让我们对这座城市有了更多的了解,他还向我们推荐了接下来几天应该去的餐馆。他让这次旅行变得非常个性化,并为我们量身制订了行程。多亏了Gary先生推荐的素食餐馆,在接下来的几天里,我们吃了一些很棒的午餐、晚餐和甜点。撰写日期:2018年11月6日
- Guide8195380 条分享游览布拉格的好方法这个电动自行车之旅是游览布拉格的非常棒的一个途径。我们在布拉格的第一天就花了一天时间游览,真是一个明智的选择。电动自行车意味着你能去更远,上坡更简单。Patrick-我们超级棒,也很博学的向导,带我们去了很多很棒的地方,最终还延长了我们的行程,这样我们不需要很匆忙,能看到很多我们想要看的,我们希望下一站去布达佩斯能做一次同样的行程。撰写日期:2018年10月7日
- Lourdes O0 条分享布拉格自行车之旅Patrick给我们带来了很棒的旅程。他对于这个城市、城市的历史以及欧洲的政治格局非常了解,这让行程变得非常有趣。他把捷克历史上现在和过去的事件联系到了一起,还对共和国生活的文化方面作出了评价。Patrick风度翩翩,非常友好。我们非常享受这次旅行,并且强烈推荐有孩子(十几岁)的家庭参加。撰写日期:2018年8月22日
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606 条点评
Julie W
加利福尼亚圣拉蒙62 条分享
2024年2月 • 夫妻情侣
Once we figured out how to use the E-bikes- we had a great day! The learning was on us- not the teaching on the tour guide! We scooted around town and got to see so many places that would have been harder to see otherwise. It can be a little strenuous so be prepared for that.
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Greg M
越南会安2 条分享
2025年1月 • 夫妻情侣
Excellent experience, even in the cold winter weather. We had a small group with just 3 people in total which made it feel like a personal tour. Superb views from all around the city giving you a good sense of Prague from above. The e-bikes are easy to use and help you get uphill without too much struggle. Gary was a great guide, very friendly, knowledgable and well equipped with extra gloves and clothing if you’re cold. He made some recommendations about places to eat and drink, including the monastery brewery and bistro - a fantastic place to enjoy unique drinks with tasty, traditional Czech food. Would recommend if you’re on your own, in a couple or a larger group!
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Andy A
德克萨斯州Keller210 条分享
2024年4月 • 夫妻情侣
The views and sites we biked past were perfect. Our guide was extremely informative on the history of Prague. Definitely recommend.
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Shaikhah A
23 条分享
2024年12月 • 家庭
Honestly a great activity to start out our trip in Prague! Louba was a great guide, very informative and knowledgeable. The E-bikes were also very easy to get the hang of. Overall a very fun 3 and a half hours!
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Bo B.
加利福尼亚科罗纳多15 条分享
2024年11月 • 夫妻情侣
Our e-bike tour was hands-down one of the highlights of our trip! Thanks to Gary, we explored the most breathtaking and picturesque sites imaginable, all while learning so much about the area’s history, culture, and hidden gems. His depth of knowledge and engaging storytelling made the journey as enriching as it was beautiful.
Gary went above and beyond to ensure our comfort and enjoyment. A standout moment was when he thoughtfully provided gloves for my cold hands, showing just how attentive and caring he was throughout the tour. It’s clear that Gary genuinely loves what he does, and his passion and enthusiasm were infectious, making the experience all the more special.
The e-bikes made it easy to cover more ground than we ever could have on foot, allowing us to soak in stunning views and charming spots we’d have otherwise missed. From start to finish, Gary took impeccable care of us, ensuring we felt safe, informed, and completely immersed in the experience.
We couldn’t have asked for a better guide or a more enjoyable day. If you’re considering an e-bike tour, do yourself a favor and book it with Gary—you’ll be so glad you did!
Gary went above and beyond to ensure our comfort and enjoyment. A standout moment was when he thoughtfully provided gloves for my cold hands, showing just how attentive and caring he was throughout the tour. It’s clear that Gary genuinely loves what he does, and his passion and enthusiasm were infectious, making the experience all the more special.
The e-bikes made it easy to cover more ground than we ever could have on foot, allowing us to soak in stunning views and charming spots we’d have otherwise missed. From start to finish, Gary took impeccable care of us, ensuring we felt safe, informed, and completely immersed in the experience.
We couldn’t have asked for a better guide or a more enjoyable day. If you’re considering an e-bike tour, do yourself a favor and book it with Gary—you’ll be so glad you did!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Judy R
Minneapolis21 条分享
2024年11月 • 夫妻情侣
Awesome way to see Prague. This was our first day in Prague and this was a great way to start our day. Don’t remember the name of our tour guide, but he was very good. Took us all over the city and explained the sites really well. The e-bikes themselves worked great. I’ve had knee replacements and they were easy to ride up on the hills and all over. Would definitely recommend!
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纽约州纽约市3 条分享
Excellent tour and our guide Gary had so many story’s and history to share along the way! Highly recommend for great views and interesting information.
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Lauren K
8 条分享
2024年10月 • 好友
We had an amazing tour with Gary! Our group of 7 did a walking tour the day before, so Gary catered the tour for us to make sure we saw new sites. The views were incredible. We took Gary’s recommendation the next day and had lunch in the monastery - an amazing experience that we wouldn’t have had without his advice. Thanks for a great day!
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Jan N
1 条分享
Pablo was an amazing guide, very knowledgeable and informative. Wonderful e-bike tour all over Prague. Highly recommend!!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
14 条分享
We truly enjoyed our E-bike tour of Prague with Gary! He was so informative and took the time to stop and explain so many amazing facts about Prague. I started off a little unsure on the bike and Gary was very supportive and always helpful with tips to ensure our safety. After the first 20 minutes I felt so comfortable and rode like a pro! Thank you Gary for an unforgettable tour - we have fallen in love with Prague!
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I believe 1000 and 1400 but you should check the bike rental website for up to date times.
I would say no to 7, due to the ability to master an e-bike. It's quite steep hills both up and down. And I think there were only bikes for taller people. Even 9 could be challenging. I would say for 12 yearsand older.
Bonjour, le tour est-il exclusivement en anglais?
this particular tour was in english. not sure if the offer tour in french
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