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- 布拉格砖块博物馆门票
- 入场/门票 - Museum of Bricks
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未包含内容- 食品和饮料
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- Leonardo R0 条分享博物馆如果你喜欢乐高玩具,那么这家乐高博物馆就非常适合你。你可以看到玩具的演变历史,从50年代到现在。博物馆很小,一个小时之内就能参观完所有。撰写日期:2019年8月7日
- heathersartwork0 条分享白天凉爽的休息该博物馆由许多乐高套件的样例组成。用乐高创作的查理大桥令人印象深刻。他们有一个房间里装满了各种各样的乐高积木,我们花了一个小时用于建造和创造,战胜炎热。物有所值。我们一家4口花费了25美元。撰写日期:2019年7月21日
- PavlaPavla0 条分享乐高模型展这里并不是真正的博物馆,而是一个展示乐高模型收藏品的展厅。大多数的模型你可以在商店里买到(乐高博物馆是乐高商店的一部分)。不过,这里有一些模型确实令人倍感惊艳,过目难忘:大型的查尔斯夜桥,国家博物馆,国家剧院,还有可爱的卡通人物小鼹鼠。楼上还有一个星球大战乐高模型展览。这一部分千万不能错过,因为它非常有趣。此外,乐高博物馆有一个小游戏室,你可以免费使用那里的洗手间。撰写日期:2019年7月1日
- ehlanah0 条分享很适合乐高迷这是一个较小的博物馆,几乎你能想到的乐高集合这里都有。来这里逛逛打发一小时还挺有趣的,而且对于乐高迷和小朋友来说是很棒的地方。不过,考虑到这个展览的规模,价格还是偏贵了。肯定应该卖得更便宜一点啊。撰写日期:2019年5月23日
- irish_pete_2220 条分享乐高迷的天堂如果你喜爱乐高,怀旧,或星球大战,那么这个地方非常适合你!这里充满了藏品,您会感到充满了童年回忆并且展品还包括壮丽的布拉格著名地标。那里甚至还有一个房间,墙上挂着乐高地图,你可以在上面动手搭建。我们奇思妙想把我们的名字缩写用醒目的颜色添加在正中间!很高兴看到年轻人和老年人(拥有年轻的心)都在那里留下了自己的印记。最后,还有一个商店,里面的乐高包很难在其他地方找到,这可能是收藏家的珍爱!我们最后买了几套《星球大战》的乐高包,这是我们以前在乐高专卖店里从未见过的!撰写日期:2019年4月26日
- hammersfan20170 条分享花一个小时来参观也不错我们团队里的人年龄大小都不一样,最小的是19岁。我们去的那天天气是多云,所以很适合来室内参观。这不是一个非常大的地方,但有很多东西值得一看。The Charles beige令人印象深刻。下次我要带我儿子去。这些收藏品的尺寸适中,可以仅仅观赏它们,也可以把它们买下来。工作人员懂得很多,也很友好。撰写日期:2019年4月12日
- Wellstravelabroad0 条分享乐高,乐高,无穷无尽的乐高对孩子们来说,这是一个很棒的地方,我们7岁的孩子喜欢这种互动和设置。它真的给你乐高和布拉格的感觉。所有的展品都是适应小孩的身高的,和他们的套装放在一起。非常好,最后是一个商店。撰写日期:2019年3月6日
- lauraaaaw80 条分享乐高迷的天堂!如果你有小孩的话,那我觉得你一定得来这!当然还有很多像我们这样的大人也会来参观。成人票价每张250捷克克朗。最大的亮点是那些世界闻名的建筑,比如伦敦塔桥,印度泰姬陵。对星战粉来说,这里有一整层星战主题的积木,让你难以忘怀!虽然隔着玻璃拍照有点困难,但那天只是看就能大饱眼福了!撰写日期:2019年2月28日
- hwa20150 条分享这个地方绝对能吸引乐高迷(及其家人)这里的价格很合理(指的是票价,并没有去商店看价格),有很多历史的和现代的模型,环境很不错,而且一点也不小(可能空间上会有点小,但数量上绝对不少)。撰写日期:2019年2月4日
- BillBailey940 条分享相当令人失望作为乐高的忠实粉丝,我们怀着很高的期望和希望,,参观了乐高博物馆。然而,我们一进到里面,就意识到这里并不像我们期望得那样振奋人心。这里的门票即使打折也花费不少。你会下一些楼梯,那里有一些可以互动来玩儿的小位子,但没有你期望在这里看到的。总之,我们在那里最多待了二十到三十分钟。如果你是乐高模型的老粉丝,那么这里并不是最糟糕的地方。但是如果你想要看到壮丽的历史建筑物和奇幻建筑物(也就是像霍格沃茨城堡一样),那么我强烈推荐去主街上的哈姆雷思玩具中心。因为他们有很棒的展览,但是价格跟这里差不多。撰写日期:2019年1月13日
- MilaK3650 条分享乐高博物馆很棒的博物馆。有许多由乐高积木组成的人物和建筑(有些是由成千上万的积木组成),有几个不同主题的房间,还有一个房间供孩子们玩乐高。还有一个房间专门提供给星球大战,最好不要错过!撰写日期:2018年12月14日
- Dundun01010 条分享所有乐高粉丝的必到之地那些参观过乐高乐园和其他乐高景点的人肯定会发现,这个地方不符合这些标准,但如果你喜欢怀旧,有空余时间,有青少年或小孩,这个地方会非常适合你。这些展品包括布拉格的著名地标,以及用乐高积木搭建的整个世界,从乐高的第一代到乐高科技系列和星球大战的各种乐高玩具套装,还有一个你可以用乐高积木搭建任何东西的游戏区。撰写日期:2018年10月7日
- casmikan0 条分享Viva Karl IV!总算有不用带着小朋友就能进的lego博了,虽然捷克国博没修好看看乐高版的也不错,至于里面的彩蛋嘛……………嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻撰写日期:2018年10月3日
- LevynLeenen0 条分享很混乱,看起来很便宜这里本来可以做得更好。房间,灯光,收藏品等等放在一起让这里看起来很廉价。在这里找不到多少激情。看起来它是在80年代建立的,而且从来没有更新过。撰写日期:2018年8月16日
- Benamard0 条分享昂贵的商店底层对孩子们来说很有趣。他们花了一个小时参观展览,玩积木。商店物品很昂贵,但里面是各种各样的模型。这里允许孩子们单独去底层,这样大人就可以在隔壁的咖啡馆休息了。撰写日期:2018年8月7日
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99 条点评
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英国莱顿巴扎德21 条分享
It's not a museum. This is a Lego shop with some built sets and about 3 cool Lego structures.
You can get 98% of the value by looking at the pictures on front of a Lego box
We were in and out within 5 minutes, politely asked for a refund. The manager was incredibly rude to us too.
Really cannot recommend. Maybe if you're a Lego super fan. Also, not over 1000m^2 of Lego, nor is it the largest Lego collection in the world. False advertising through and through
You can get 98% of the value by looking at the pictures on front of a Lego box
We were in and out within 5 minutes, politely asked for a refund. The manager was incredibly rude to us too.
Really cannot recommend. Maybe if you're a Lego super fan. Also, not over 1000m^2 of Lego, nor is it the largest Lego collection in the world. False advertising through and through
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Alberto R
6 条分享
2024年12月 • 家庭
It's worth it if you really like Legos. People who have written negative reviews have the same interest in Lego as I do in Vietnamese manicure. DO NOT HEED those resentful, stingy and ignorant opinions that are also said only by stingy people who only know how to complain about prices. Go play dumb to the river and hang it in tik-tok
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Manuel H
18 条分享
The museum is a dream place for Lego lovers.
It's just been beautiful, it's an exhibition from Lego Duplo to technology/Star Wars or architecture.
Much is written about the history of Lego as well as the building of the brand.
The museum on the whole is rather narrow and with many adjoining rooms, which makes it very uncomfortable and difficult to walk with larger crowds.
Each room has its own story or other types of Lego, in one is the complete Harry Potter series, in the other everything from A to Z with Star Wars.
Everything from the smallest models to human-sized models is included.
In the end you get out when selling what was made very smart because you can then take something small or even large with you ^^
It's just been beautiful, it's an exhibition from Lego Duplo to technology/Star Wars or architecture.
Much is written about the history of Lego as well as the building of the brand.
The museum on the whole is rather narrow and with many adjoining rooms, which makes it very uncomfortable and difficult to walk with larger crowds.
Each room has its own story or other types of Lego, in one is the complete Harry Potter series, in the other everything from A to Z with Star Wars.
Everything from the smallest models to human-sized models is included.
In the end you get out when selling what was made very smart because you can then take something small or even large with you ^^
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Dorian et Romane
法国雷恩59 条分享
Bad value for money for this “museum” because it is more like a Lego exhibition, which still costs 12€... The visit lasts about fifteen minutes if you take a little time. The universes offered are nice but not exceptional either, and the shop part is really small.
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sara a
5 条分享
It doesn’t worth it , too narrow to enjoy with kids .
Overrated place
It’s true that they have a very big collection of Lego but really it’s too narrow a lot of stairs we couldn’t enjoy it small rooms.
Even toilet I couldn’t take my kids inside because it was only for 1 person and my kid still need help with it !! Tickets for 4 “ 2 adult , 2 kids “ was about 800 CZk
Overrated place
It’s true that they have a very big collection of Lego but really it’s too narrow a lot of stairs we couldn’t enjoy it small rooms.
Even toilet I couldn’t take my kids inside because it was only for 1 person and my kid still need help with it !! Tickets for 4 “ 2 adult , 2 kids “ was about 800 CZk
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52 条分享
Great way to use your an hour. This was one of the go city adventures. Did a great quizz in there too
the stars wars part was the best bit
the stars wars part was the best bit
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7 条分享
we were a little confused at first because we thought we had walked into a kids play zone (lol) but we carried on and the museum part was actually really cool! i don’t quit understand the play zone at the front but nevertheless we enjoyed it!
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Bolton, Greater Manchester229 条分享
2024年9月 • 家庭
A Guinness world record holding collection of Lego sets and MOCS which was just amazing. So much to see and be in awe of and the added bonus of a Lego shop at the end. Well worth a visit for Lego fans.
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Guglielmo S
意大利巴勒莫481 条分享
2024年8月 • 家庭
Practically this is the huge private collection of a guy who for this reason has also entered the Guinness Book of Records... ..accessible admission price and well-exposed collection. Fun little treasure hunt to do in search of some characters. Pretty play points for children. Very hot, though, if you go there in the middle of summer as we did.
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法国Bischheim59 条分享
Very nice collection, well presented.
A museum to do where young adults will find their way for 2 good hours.
Only downside: the course is cramped and, as there are many people, we are a little on each other.
A museum to do where young adults will find their way for 2 good hours.
Only downside: the course is cramped and, as there are many people, we are a little on each other.
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