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- 在牛奶吧享用午餐 - 您将尝试传统的波兰餐(pierogi和蜜饯)
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- 思潼李0 条分享Great!非常好的旅行,导游非常耐心,根据我们的要求参观了不同的景点,并帮我们拍了好看的照片!这次旅游让我们更好的了解了华沙的过去与现在,很有意义。推荐大家来体验!黄色的车真的很可爱。还有伏特加可以喝哈哈哈!推荐!撰写日期:2024年1月4日
- X7470YTsusans0 条分享犹太人区,华沙我对马丁印象深刻。他知道华沙犹太人区的历史,包括起义和其他方面的历史。我一个人旅行的话不可能知道这么多。马丁非常热情,而且知识渊博。他是一个非常好的年轻人。我强烈推荐他作为你的向导。撰写日期:2019年6月28日
- turtonfamily0 条分享在共产主义时代波兰菲亚特的私人旅游我们四口之家今天早上和西蒙一起进行了4小时的旅行。这正是我们想要的:信息丰富,适合我们的个人兴趣,以我们自己的节奏,友好、非正式。费用与任何其他任何一次旅行非常相似,但它比一个更大的旅游团好得多。我们都强烈推荐这次旅行和西蒙,我是通过Viator网站预订的。虽然汽车很挤,但它很舒服,让我们保持温暖!撰写日期:2018年12月28日
- JadeC18184950 条分享令人愉快,有趣,内容丰富!这是我们第一次来华沙,这是观赏这座城市并了解其历史的绝佳方式。我们的导游Aleksander,非常出色且知识渊博,对波兰历史的解释是从国家获得独立之前说起的。我们游览了国家公园,看了苏联和波兰的建筑,一个共产主义街区的公寓和壁画,政府大楼,文化和技术博物馆以及旧城区。我们的车非常的酷,从80年代开始,中途来一小杯伏特加(可选的)是一个不错的小尝试。会推荐给所有第一次来华沙的人,无论你是长时间还是短期在这里!撰写日期:2018年10月10日
- F4801BVscott0 条分享对华沙的出色介绍我们乘坐复古的菲亚特汽车在华沙体验了一次精彩的旅行。我们的导游花了一些时间去了解我们独特的兴趣是什么,然后根据这些兴趣来定制我们的旅行。他对历史也有广泛的了解,以一种非常有益的方式回答了我们所有的问题。他还给我们介绍了当地最好的餐馆。强烈推荐。撰写日期:2018年9月29日
- passi0ntraveler0 条分享乘坐复古巴士游览Praga区我们提前预订了这次旅游,因为他们只在星期六进行了praga巡演并且看起来似乎已经订满!这是体验华沙其他地区特色的非常好的方式。这次旅行大概2.5小时,我们有一个很好的小型英语小组和一个大型的波兰小组(我们一起在同一辆名为cucmber的复古公共汽车上行驶)导游负责照顾我们的小组。 他经验丰富,英语说得很好。我们在这家巧克力工厂进行了第一次免费热巧克力品尝,然后便停留在soho工厂和praga区域周围!回程的公共汽车有一些问题,所以我们不得不转移到另一个黄瓜蓝色巴士,这也是很难忘的经历! 强烈推荐这次巡演,希望看到华沙的另一面!撰写日期:2018年8月25日
- olake270 条分享2018年6月,很棒的华沙共产主义旅行我和我的阿姨只在华沙待了一天半。如果你来短途旅行,我推荐此次旅行。我们想要了解更多有关于共产主义时期的波兰的信息。导游Monica真的很棒。她接了我们,带我们在华沙周围四处转转,给我们讲述了她的祖国的历史。而且一开始,她送了我们一杯波兰伏特加和一袋传统曲奇饼干!都很美味。在此次旅行中,我们并没有被交通工具所限(交通工具是共产主义时期的一辆轿车)。我们四处散了散步,Monica帮我们拍了照片,然后邮件发给了我们。这些照片是我们此次旅行的很棒的纪念品。感谢Monica,此次体验很不错,很难忘。撰写日期:2018年6月26日
- JimmyJames790 条分享强烈推荐我在华沙逗留一天,想尽量多看看。这是我体验过的最棒的市区观光之旅。Marcin超赞,对我们参观的景点非常了解,带我游览了各个我想体验的景点。强烈推荐。撰写日期:2017年11月29日
- Boiywlad0 条分享护送城市观光。在去摩尔多瓦的途中,在华沙停留了一夜,并利用这家公司进行了一次快速的城市之旅。导游开共产主义时代的一辆波兰菲亚特汽车出发,带我们去参观了3 - 4个城市,包括华沙起义纪念馆和旧城。导游信息丰富,很了解他的主题,是一个很好的主持人。撰写日期:2017年11月10日
- scottsed0 条分享非常推荐犹太华沙之旅,喜欢菲亚特Artur是这次华沙犹太历史遗址之旅的优秀导游。他在文化宫接的我,开了一辆很酷的苏维埃时期的菲亚特,我们参观了犹太区墙遗迹,犹太英雄纪念碑,和中转站(从前犹太人被派往死难营的火车站),犹太教堂,和前犹太人区的其他地方。Artur对波兰犹太人的困境和每个遗址都有深刻的历史知识。整个体验很有启发!撰写日期:2017年9月30日
- sjbieda0 条分享华沙犹太传统旅游我们一行五人在8月5日或6日和Maciej(Martin)参加这个旅行,他很棒。他对犹太历史的了解是一流的。我们见到他和他的另一个司机时间有点晚了,他们很理解。他为我们拍了照片,并在几天内提供给我们观看。如果有可能的话,我会推荐这趟旅游还有他。他对工作的热情值得尊敬。撰写日期:2017年8月24日
- chaz00040 条分享华沙的犹太遗址观光4个小时的旧公寓观光立刻从我们的酒店开始。我们的导游马尔钦知识非常渊博,了解犹太区和我们的所有观光区,还和我们分享故事和历史。他甚至在旅途中买来了一些咖啡和甜甜圈。犹太墓园让人很激动,很值得关注。雅努什·科扎克和孩子们的雕像让我们看得非常心痛。很快天就黑了,也起风了,落下了倾盆大雨。撰写日期:2017年7月10日
- teresagr90 条分享有趣和吸引人的路线非常有趣,吸引人! 我们花了大约3个小时的车程了解华沙的其他秘密,一点也不令人失望! 我们的导游非常有趣和热情,并有很多的耐心,直到我们熟悉了驾驶汽车! 非常推荐!La ruta fue很意思!帕萨莫斯·阿勒德里奥·德·3·霍拉斯! El guía fue 非常的有趣和有耐心的玩把戏。 推荐!撰写日期:2017年5月30日
- MSiddiqui0 条分享华沙舒适之旅这个旅程完成是因为别人的推荐。它非常的私人化。向导非常欢迎我们,他无所不知而且对我们的小孩子特别的有爱。其实要让大人和小孩子们一起参与到旅途中非常不容易。最重要的事,开着菲亚特兜风非常的有趣。我们中午时候停下来一小会儿去吃了午餐,这件事很容易解决。我们很快就被送到了我们吃午餐的馆子,而且他还安排了备选的地方。这个向导非常的见多识广,非常细心和尊重我们,不提敏感的话题。撰写日期:2017年4月19日
- martynd810860 条分享参观华沙的好方法这场旅行我们花的每一分钱都是物有所值的!我们的导游拉法尔特别棒,他十分博学又幽默,对于游客成千上万的问题他总能给出一个答案!车也十分特别又舒适,带我们参观了几乎整个城市。如果我们选择自由行,我们将对这里古怪离奇的历史一无所知。撰写日期:2017年3月4日
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46 条点评
Timothy R
加利福尼亚埃尔卡洪5 条分享
2024年7月 • 夫妻情侣
We had a wonderful and somber time visiting Majdanek. Our tour guide, Marcin, was fantastic. He was prompt in picking us up at our meeting point, and from there he provided a day of great conversations and a wealth of knowledge on both the history of the camps and Poland in general.
I felt that we had a much better and more in-depth experience at Majdanek than if we had visited it by ourselves. We also had a very nice visit to Lublin, where Marcin did a great job highlighting some of the city's features. We got to enjoy some very tasty pierogis and ice-cold Perla beers.
I would absolutely recommend this tour to anyone!
I felt that we had a much better and more in-depth experience at Majdanek than if we had visited it by ourselves. We also had a very nice visit to Lublin, where Marcin did a great job highlighting some of the city's features. We got to enjoy some very tasty pierogis and ice-cold Perla beers.
I would absolutely recommend this tour to anyone!
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德克萨斯州达拉斯6 条分享
2024年5月 • 独自旅游
I did a day tour with tour guide, Marcin Hilgier. He was wonderful!!!!!! I had a great time spending the day going on the, " Majdanek Concentration Camp & Lublin Full Day Private Tour from Warsaw."
He got me to the places and back safely and it was enjoyable having lunch with him. Thank you for making my trip so memorable. I really love Poland!!!
- Alice
Dallas, Texas, United States
He got me to the places and back safely and it was enjoyable having lunch with him. Thank you for making my trip so memorable. I really love Poland!!!
- Alice
Dallas, Texas, United States
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Dave B
伊利诺伊州芝加哥92 条分享
Great day trip with a lot of history. Our guide Marcin was very knowledgeable and provided a great overview of Majdanek and the town of Lublin. He answered all of our questions and gave us some great insight into a variety of topics.
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Steven J
2 条分享
2023年10月 • 家庭
We recently had the opportunity to go on a private tour of Majdanek and Lublin with Marcin Hilgier. We found Marcin to be extremely knowledgeable, professional, and personable. He was compassionate and understanding while touring Majdanek and presented the history of the camp and what happened there in a special and touching manner. Going to Lublin and learning about the city was an ideal way to end the tour. It was all a memorable experience!
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İda M.
土耳其伊斯坦布尔10 条分享
Majdanek Concentration Camp & Lublin Full Day Private Tour from Warsaw was a very special tour. Our guide Marcin, who accompanied us on the tour, is really very good in this regard. One of the most important criteria for me about the guide is that its English is understandable. Marcin was the perfect guide for me in this respect. I understood everything he said word for word. We also benefited greatly from his knowledge. We learned and shared a lot about the camps, Poland and daily matters. He is a very good communicator. I highly recommend both the tour and Marcin.
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Lake Oswego, OR21 条分享
2023年9月 • 夫妻情侣
Our tour guide was excellent. Marcin's knowledge and dedication to the difficult history of Poland, Majdanek and neighboring Lublin was extensive. We gained a new understanding of Poland as a country and all that they have been through with the information Marcin provided. Visiting a Concentration Camp is difficult, but we felt paying respect for the millions of lives lost was something we wanted to do in our lifetime.
We are so impressed and how far and fast Poland has come. Such a friendly group of people with a well-developed infrastructure, we recommend understanding Poland, it's history, politics and development with the assistance of Marcin. Without a doubt, this was the highlight of our trip to the EU this September.
We are so impressed and how far and fast Poland has come. Such a friendly group of people with a well-developed infrastructure, we recommend understanding Poland, it's history, politics and development with the assistance of Marcin. Without a doubt, this was the highlight of our trip to the EU this September.
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Enrique M
墨西哥普埃布拉11 条分享
It was a really interesting experience. MARCIN was a very nice and helpful guide. He picked us up at the door of our hotel and he has a really extensive knowledge about history, WWII above all. Most people were in a tour group but I definitely recommend it to be private. 10/10!
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David K
6 条分享
An incredibly worthwhile experience for my family. Marcin was a phenomenal guide. From the moment he greeted us, he was open to discussing not only his vast knowledge of the places we visited, but also, to discussing life in general growing up in Poland. It was a wonderful opportunity to really learn from a local. He dealt with the difficult subject matter of this particular tour to Majdanek and Lublin with tremendous insight and sensitivity. We could not have hoped for a better guide.
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Hummelstown, PA64 条分享
Marcin was our guide for this tour. His driving was excellent and his company was even better. We talked about so many things on our way to Lublin. He answered all our questions about life in Poland and we talked about so many different things. The tour of the concentration camp was well done and he gave us time at the end to explore on our own. It was very informative and he was very respectful of the atrocities committed at this camp and others like it.
The tour of Lublin was lovely. It's a nice small town and we learned a lot. Marcin took us to a very quaint local restaurant for a delicious lunch. We sat and chatted like old friends.
We were dropped off at our hotel at the end of the day and we said goodbye to Marcin. It was an amazing experience and my husband and I would highly recommend this tour!
The tour of Lublin was lovely. It's a nice small town and we learned a lot. Marcin took us to a very quaint local restaurant for a delicious lunch. We sat and chatted like old friends.
We were dropped off at our hotel at the end of the day and we said goodbye to Marcin. It was an amazing experience and my husband and I would highly recommend this tour!
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3 条分享
We thoroughly enjoyed our day with Marcin. He provided historical as well as present day context for our visit to Madjanek. The information provided throughout our time in Lublin enhanced the walk through the city and made the visit more meaningful. We enjoyed the dumplings for lunch and conversation about life in Poland. Overall an engaging day that felt like it went by quickly.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
bonjour es que l on peut avoir un guide ou un casque audio pour ecouter en francais merci
We have 3 persons and we lived in Hilton Warsaw. We planned to buy this package tour on 2019/05/26. I wonder if the schedule can be bring earlier at 8:00am.
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