供应商/业主为:Pr1mo Tours
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从布莱德出发,乘坐这款广受欢迎的原创自助4小时电动自行车之旅,探索温特加峡谷。 骑着优质舒适的斯科特瑞士制造的电动自行车穿过绿色,非常丘陵的风景线,根据您的兴趣定制您的旅游行程。 有了eBike,您无需流汗就能放大山丘! 它也将为您节省大量的时间。 你会下车的电动自行车,走进峡谷,所以有远足参与。
年龄限制:6-70,每个团体最多 10 人
用时: 4 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
书面指南:中文, 英语
- 优质制造的瑞士斯科特电动自行车(要求最低高度为 150 厘米)
- 锁
- Vintgar 峡谷门票
- 头盔
未包含内容- 指南
- 出发地点:
- pr1motours.com, Clear Kayak Bled , Black Hole Kayaking , Vintgar Gorge eBike Trip , Triglav National Park Tour, eBike Rent, Ljubljanska cesta 20, 4260 Bled, Slovenia我们将在我们的办公室开会,为您提供有关Vintgar Gorge eBike Trip™的所有说明和装备。
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:15264P5- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 不建议孕妇参加
- 不推荐背部不适的旅行者参加
- 无心脏问题或其他重大疾病
- 旅行者应该具备正常的身体素质
- 您将下电动自行车并走进峡谷,因此需要徒步旅行
- 要求至少 150 厘米的高度。必须在预订时告知乘客身高。
- 4 月预订注意事项:请记住,峡谷在 4 月的某个时候正式开放,确切的开放日期每年都会有所不同,并且可能会有所变化。如果它仍然关闭,我们将通知所有人,并为您提供一个好的选择或全额退款。
- 成人价格适用于所有客人
- 不建议有背部问题、心脏病或其他严重疾病的参与者参加
- 我们的办公室没有停车位。
- 建议具备良好的地图阅读能力
- 行程当天如遇恶劣天气,恕不退费
- 徒步旅行的难度很大,在峡谷中步行和徒步旅行需要 2 - 3 小时。
- 如果您迟到领取电动自行车且无法按时到达 Vintgar Gorge,请注意我们将不予退款。
- 我们没有供儿童或宠物使用的儿童座椅或拖车
- 前往 Vintgar Gorge 的 4 小时自助电动自行车之旅时间为上午 9 点至下午 1 点或下午 3 点至下午 7 点。
- 不建议 150 厘米以下的人使用
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 10 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:15264P5
- Kerjian03190 条分享亲切的服务人员,有趣的旅游活动,在短短一天时间内让我们看遍精华的布莱德湖我跟朋友一起前往办公室了解行程,遇到Wendy亲切解说,后来我们选了Triglav National Park Tour。大约九个小时行程中,我们导游Primo很专业的解说,适时的在行程中的峡谷、或瀑布景点,提供导览。并且事前提供email讲解行前准备事项,我真心的觉得,如果你在Lake Bled的时间不够,那么可以选择这个行程,经典景点都能一次看到。撰写日期:2020年2月9日
- BeckyCHIN12340 条分享载着孩子骑车游湖可以很轻松简单。电动脚踏车有儿童座椅,非常细心提供安全帽。载着小孩骑车享受布莱德湖一点都不费力。中英文服务,市区环境介绍,客制化的行程介绍,餐厅推荐..等等,完全适合亲子自由行。之后更加码了Julian Alps experience.撰写日期:2019年5月28日
- 育霖 鄭0 条分享南法之旅我和友人都有多次跟团和自助的经验,这是我们第一次参加“客制化-超迷你团”之旅,这是一次非常特别、会让我们一直回味的难忘经验。 因为是“客制化”,我们除了造访了浓浓南法风情的都市(普罗旺斯、马赛、亚维农等),也一窥Airbus制作的浩大工程,睡在星光灿烂骏马相伴的古老庄园,在座落于波光粼粼碧草连天的葡萄酒庄品酒、在微风与暖阳下野餐。 这是一个可以满足喜欢美景、艺术、历史,美酒(食)、科技,以及“短暂体验南法当地人生活方式”的精彩旅程。 当然,没有Wendy和Primo的精心安排,这一切是不可能发生的!撰写日期:2018年8月4日
- 好 禮0 条分享非常深刻的体验,在别的国家从未体验过第一次玩到这种地底探险, 这是我跑遍全世界23个国家没有玩过的体验, 一开始先搭上矿工的过山车, 伸手不见五指感觉非常的刺激, 接着来到地底泛舟, 不禁感叹大自然的鬼斧神工真的是很震撼, 里面冰凉的温度, 跳下水游泳狂呼吸的刺激感, 以及在六百米深的地底你不知道会往什么样的洞穴前进, 会发生什么样的事情, 我们一路人就像电影魔戒一般的要去打怪取宝, 离开之后还带我们去非常多当地著名的景点, 我来自台湾, 感觉这一趟14天的欧洲行就是这一个旅程最让我感觉最好玩, 而且老板跟老板娘都非常的亲切待人, 让我这趟旅程添加了很多美好的回忆谢谢你们撰写日期:2018年5月3日
- YJYJ2JJ0 条分享BledBled,Slovenia 有幸在TripAdvisor上找到了该地区Top 1的户外旅行社pr1motours 在这认识了Primo,与其说他是这家活动社的创办者,不如说他是一个生活者,善于发现远离尘嚣的良辰美景,滑翔伞,独木舟,小飞机,千米山泉品尝之旅,发现松露之旅,地下洞穴自行车之旅,任何一项活动都是一种难得的体验,跟primo相处的这几天,感觉他更像是一个朋友,轻松愉快。大概也是因为他事业刚刚起步和季节的原因,近两天没有太多人与我们同行,primo也完全成为了我们的私人向导,带着我们在斯洛文尼亚意大利奥地利边界四处游荡,另外他的老婆是台湾姐姐,人也挺热心 Paragliding ↱ 面朝雪山, 春暖花开。"We never risk" 山峰上三小时的苦苦等待,终于迎来了完美的西风,我想我不会忘记我双脚离地的那一刻,偌大的天空只有我一人,和环绕四周的雪山, 1000 Spring route ↱品尝千米山泉,品尝了去年被斯洛文尼亚电视台评为Top1的山泉,也品尝了穿梭于于阿尔卑斯山脉之间的p6铁锈味山泉,人烟罕迹,只有我们三两人,与自然 Black Hole Kayaking ↱地下六百米的矿洞,漆黑伸手不见五指,乘着上个世纪修建的小火车,直通地底。该洞穴二战时被德军使用,经过一次爆破,便开始有水流流淌,日复一日,便形成我们泛舟的地下湖泊。第一次泛舟进入黑不溜秋的洞穴,内心只有震撼。洞里没有通电设备,只有我们头上的电灯帽用以照明。洞里恒温10度左右,水温八度,我试着跳下去游泳,扑腾了两下,冻得头皮发麻,对不起,打扰了,听网上说冬泳会引发猝死来着。 路在浆下,天高海阔,鸟飞鱼游。这样的洞穴划船体验,是其他地方哪儿都找不到的 越小越精致,在这样的一个小镇,这么多美的人和事,这大概才是度假了撰写日期:2018年4月7日
- Cassandge0 条分享一定要尝试这个每个人都应该参加一下pr1mo旅行作为人生的一次冒险。我确信他们给你的每个体验都是令人惊叹的!我在矿山道进行了独木舟旅行。这完全是一次筋疲力尽的旅行,但经历却是独一无二的。经验必须是独一无二的,因为它是如此独特。如果你有幽闭恐怖症,那就不要尝试;如果没有,一定不要错过。此次雨天冒险太好玩啦,我们的导游蒂娜(Tina)也很棒。此外,在冒险结束时,一定要买传统的食物在矿山享受,而且有机会喝到大杯饮料!一切都很赞。撰写日期:2017年10月12日
- Ali b0 条分享电动自行车...用一种放松的方式去看所有....我和我的伙伴上周租了一天的自行车。我们在英国网上预订,所有的问题和建议都是通过电子邮件回复告知的。和我们联系的的两名员工都很友好,从我们住的酒店他们的办公室很容易找到。多年来没有骑自行车,我们很快就骑着自行车在湖上骑车,欣赏美景。我们参观了Straza luge,把自行车锁在入口处。我们在那里搭了缆车,乘坐雪橇。下午晚些时候,我们在悬崖底部的露天酒吧喝了一杯酒后参观了城堡,我们在那里发现了自行车架,安全地锁上了自行车。很值得每人花20欧元租用!撰写日期:2017年9月2日
- Cherry L0 条分享Croatia & Slovenia 8 days客制化安排行程,可以更贴近国家的风俗民情与美食,更重要是会安排许多私人景点,与一般跟团行程会去的地方不同,随行司机与导游相当尽责解说,每天都有意外的惊喜,行程也会依客人所需适时调整,非常满意,好开心呀!期待下一次的旅行.撰写日期:2017年5月12日
- chiian180 条分享Black Hole Experience这个行程适合各个年龄层的人来玩,坐矿坑车进去之后,在早期的矿坑下探险,可以体验当时的人是如何开发,和在里面生活,尤其是划独木舟,但不累,因为通道比较小可以用手推矿坑壁,就会自动往前划,很多时候都可以聆听在这地下800公尺的宁静,下次我还会再去~~~~~ 这个地方一定要有人带,刚好我们这次参加one day tour所以很庆幸有人边开车边讲解,还带我们去私房景点,真的是美翻了~~Pr1moTour赞!!撰写日期:2016年8月23日
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45 条点评
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Katie K
卡罗莱纳州夏洛特78 条分享
Great experience! Directions were super clear and you can take as long as you want on the hike and at the gorge. We loved it. Beautiful views and great exercise
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Nuria N
西班牙马德里263 条分享
2024年8月 • 家庭
It is a beautiful experience but it must be borne in mind that the time available forces you to go at a certain pace.
First you do a bicycle ride, then you leave in the parking lot and from there you do the walking tour through the gorge. The first part is very relaxed and the scenery impressive but then you have to return through the forest and it is uphill. You reach the parking lot and turn by bike.
The bikes are very simple and have gears. The initial explanations of the tour were great and gave us a map. They were very kind.
First you do a bicycle ride, then you leave in the parking lot and from there you do the walking tour through the gorge. The first part is very relaxed and the scenery impressive but then you have to return through the forest and it is uphill. You reach the parking lot and turn by bike.
The bikes are very simple and have gears. The initial explanations of the tour were great and gave us a map. They were very kind.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
giuseppe d
意大利那不勒斯53 条分享
2024年8月 • 家庭
Impressive visit is easily reached from Ljubljana, less than an hour by car, worth buying tickets online, you can leave your car at the parking lots at a fixed cost of 5 euros and then reach the entrance by the gorge with buses, included in the price of the entrance ticket. Bring your parking ticket so you know where you left your car, to catch the bus back. The strictly walking ascent takes about thirty minutes with quite a bit of climbing, but it is worth it.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
英国Sevenoaks District78 条分享
What a brilliant morning!
None of us had ever used e-bikes before, so this was a new experience for us. My 11 year old was quite nervous, but he and his 13 year old brother are reasonably confident on their bikes at home.
Instructions provided for both the tour and the use of the bikes were perfect - I’d read that exiting the gorge can be confusing, and I was glad to have clear instructions to help us choose which route was best for us.
The bikes were fantastic - we cruised up a 14% incline without breaking a sweat! Saw some other families on normal bikes looking much less chilled!
Arrival at and departure from the gorge by bike is great - it can be an absolute zoo with coaches, buses and cars everywhere. We could just cruise in, lock our bikes, and walk the short distance to the entrance.
The gorge is a wonderful experience - so beautiful and lovely and cool in the morning! We managed to touch the water before entry and it is icy.
The hike back from the end of the gorge was definitely the lowlight for our 11 year old, but it’s a lovely walk through the forest.
I’d highly recommend this tour as a great way to see the gorge - it really was a top highlight of our holiday. Thanks so much to Pr1mo Tours!
None of us had ever used e-bikes before, so this was a new experience for us. My 11 year old was quite nervous, but he and his 13 year old brother are reasonably confident on their bikes at home.
Instructions provided for both the tour and the use of the bikes were perfect - I’d read that exiting the gorge can be confusing, and I was glad to have clear instructions to help us choose which route was best for us.
The bikes were fantastic - we cruised up a 14% incline without breaking a sweat! Saw some other families on normal bikes looking much less chilled!
Arrival at and departure from the gorge by bike is great - it can be an absolute zoo with coaches, buses and cars everywhere. We could just cruise in, lock our bikes, and walk the short distance to the entrance.
The gorge is a wonderful experience - so beautiful and lovely and cool in the morning! We managed to touch the water before entry and it is icy.
The hike back from the end of the gorge was definitely the lowlight for our 11 year old, but it’s a lovely walk through the forest.
I’d highly recommend this tour as a great way to see the gorge - it really was a top highlight of our holiday. Thanks so much to Pr1mo Tours!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Alexandre G
7 条分享
2024年7月 • 家庭
Great time with the family. Very nice welcome. Electrical assistance is 1 super solution especially for 1 climb on the way.
On site the Vintgar Gorges are just sublime and offer 1 fresh parenthe with pools and super wooden pontoon paths.
On site the Vintgar Gorges are just sublime and offer 1 fresh parenthe with pools and super wooden pontoon paths.
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印第安那卡梅尔39 条分享
Great instructions on how to use the bike and get to the gorge. Definitely helped to take pictures of the places we were supposed to turn. We aren’t avid bikers and got a little nervous when cars would pass us, but no wrecks and would do this again if ever in Bled.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Much appreciated!
Primo, Wendy & rest of the pr1motours.com
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
比利时乌登堡101 条分享
The ebikes and bicycle rental company are very good and nothing to complain about. Beautiful well maintained ebikes. Nice helmets, a good lock, friendly staff.
Nice to go to the gorge that way. Up to this point I would give 5 stars.
But then came that gap...beautiful? Of course. But such a shame that there are so many people. You walk exactly in procession from start to finish. Not pleasant and certainly not when you are constantly standing still because everyone wants a selfie in that same place. So not recommended. Better to just walk around the gorge where you will anyway reach the end of the gorge and have a nice view.
Nice to go to the gorge that way. Up to this point I would give 5 stars.
But then came that gap...beautiful? Of course. But such a shame that there are so many people. You walk exactly in procession from start to finish. Not pleasant and certainly not when you are constantly standing still because everyone wants a selfie in that same place. So not recommended. Better to just walk around the gorge where you will anyway reach the end of the gorge and have a nice view.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Great to see that you were happy with our service, e-bikes and the rest of our gear. We always try to do our best, so we thank you for that.
When it comes to the Vintgar Gorge itself being too crowded, this is something that it’s out of our reach I’m afraid. We can not control the crowds in the gorge unfortunately. You came in August, so in the peak summer season, when it’s the most crowded. For that reason we always suggest coming either in spring or autumn.
If you’ve been satisfied with our part and not so much with the gorge, perhaps you might consider posting this review on the Vintgar gorge official listing instead, thank you.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Caroline H
英国伦敦72 条分享
So easy to collect the bikes and follow the route to Vintgar - these guys have it nailed and so couldn’t fault the trip. The cycle route is about 4km to the gauge so not far at all. The walk around the gauge takes about 1.5 hours so if you are complete in reasonable time you will still have time to do a lap of lake bled too!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you!
Primo, Wendy & rest of the pr1motours.com
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Peder Diness J
西班牙马洛卡岛12 条分享
Skøn tur på elcykel ud til grotterne. Ruten derud krævede at vi kiggede på kortet nogle gange😊. Vandreturen på broerne i kløften var fantastisk smuk.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Much appreciated!
Primo, Wendy & rest of the pr1motours.com
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Chloe L
威斯康星密尔沃基2 条分享
Excellent bike trip with stunning views. Highly recommend taking this half day tour. The e-bikes were easy to use and in great condition.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you so much!
Primo, Wendy & rest of the pr1motours.com
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Salve, ho una bimba di due anni vorrai sapere se ce il seggiolino da bici? Grazie
I can see that toddlers can go on the trip as says about the seats but what about other children? My daughter is 7. Thanks
Hello Shelby,
We require that everyone is at least 150 cm in height in order to use the eBike safely, otherwise we have some kids seats available, but only up to 25 kg in weight. Please request the kids seat at the time of the booking if needed and we will set it up, if on disposal at the time.
Primo from pr1mo tours
意大利Borgo Valsugana
Salve vorrei sapere se è possibile visitare a piedi e non in bici.e quanto si paga biglietto
Il tragitto è lungo? Grazie a chi mi risponderà.
Visita in giornata con amici
Gostaria de saber se o passeio na Garganta de Vintgar só abre efectivamente dia 19?
I am planning to book this tour on Monday Sep 17.
What are the available times that we can take the bikes? Can we go over the woodeb bridges with the bikes? Is this suitable for two persons?
Se è aperta o chiusa e se è possibile visitare le gole a piedi domani 19 giugno
Hey there,
Do please send us an direct email for further info.
Sunshine S
We have just booked and have noticed there is a 9am or 3pm departure time, how do we specify that we would like the 9am departure??
Hey Sunnyrothe,
Under which name & date did you book, so we can check for you?
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