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在 1 小时多瑙河夜间巡游途中欣赏灯光照耀的布达佩斯精华景点,途中您将有机会拍摄灯光下的城市著名地标照片。乘坐带玻璃罩的游船,沿联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录的河岸漂流,就着赠送的饮品(酒精饮料或非酒精饮料)欣赏美景。精华景点包括:链桥、布达城堡区、匈牙利议会大厦等,船载多语版本记录片和语音指南对这些景点均有介绍。
年龄限制:0-99,每个团体最多 120 人
用时: 1 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
语音导览:德语, 挪威文, 俄文, 瑞典语, 韩文, 葡萄牙语, 英语, 意大利语, 法语, 西班牙语, 阿拉伯文, 中文, 日语, 丹麦文, 荷兰语
- 乘坐带玻璃罩的轮船,沿联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录的河岸巡游
- 在水上拍摄布达佩斯著名建筑照片,一览无余
- 含一杯香槟、葡萄酒、啤酒或无醇饮料
- 封闭式船只意味着航游不受天气条件限制
- 观光巡航—河上巡游
- 啤酒、起泡酒、白葡萄酒、红酒
- 静止和苏打水,可乐,零可乐,生姜,雪碧,橙汁,苹果汁......
未包含内容- 食物
- 在预定的出发时间之前,前往布达佩斯中央码头(预订后可查看具体位置),搭乘带玻璃罩的游船,在多瑙河上巡游一小时。您可以在封闭式船舱中就座—完全不受天气限制—乘船出发,沿联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录的河岸巡游。 在南向之旅中,可收听录音讲解(提供 30 种语言版本),观看多瑙河历史的记录影片。饮一杯葡萄酒、香槟、啤酒或不含酒精的饮料(免费赠送),欣赏皇家宫殿内、布达城堡区、国会大厦、链桥和玛格丽特岛的美景。沿途中,可拍摄著名地标照片,夜间有灯光照耀。 旅程结束时返回码头。
- 出发地点:
- Legenda City Cruises, Budapest, kikötő, es, Jane Haining rkp. 7, 1052 Hungary
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 无障碍通道
- 婴儿车可入内
- 允许携带服务型动物
- 靠近公共交通
- 婴儿必须坐在成人腿上
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:35015P1- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 儿童必须由成人陪同
- 我们与多种类型的船只合作
- 上层露天甲板空间有限
- 轮椅通道 - 并非所有船只均可供轮椅通行,请联系旅行社了解更多信息
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 120 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:35015P1
- Budapest, kikötő, es, Jane Haining rkp. 7, 1052 Hungary
- 途经Danube RiverBuda CastleErzsebet BridgeGellert HillLiberty Bridge (Szabadsag hid)Budapest University of Technology and EconomicsBalnaSzechenyi LanchidMatthias ChurchHungarian Parliament BuildingMargaret Bridge
- swissami190 条分享夜航我们晚上8点15分乘船游览了一个小时,度过了一个美好但不太热的夜晚。我们在多瑙河上游弋,用耳机听着解说,享受免费的饮料,还有很多拍照的机会。正好适合我们。撰写日期:2019年8月9日
- trickydisc00 条分享在多瑙河邊上完美的2個半小時我們通過酒店預訂了這個,是前臺的建議。我們受到了很友好的歡迎,然後很快的就被安排到了外面的座位,有很好的景色。我們有很多免費的飲料可以選擇,就在桌子上。我們開始就點了四道菜,對我們來説沒什麽問題。食物在上菜的時候看起來很美味和熱騰,擺放得也很漂亮,當然也很美味。你可以點額外的飲料不過需要付費,不是很貴。關於多瑙河沿岸歷史建築的不錯的行程。行程在白天開始,然後天黑結束,所以你可以看到陽光在建造物上閃耀的時候。到夜晚,在一個煙火表演后就結束了,不過我想這個不包含在行程内。撰写日期:2019年7月3日
- oldBH0 条分享不错的乘船之旅带岛上停留不错的船之旅,有不同语言的有趣的解说。出去的路上您可以选择啤酒、起泡葡萄酒或果汁饮料,回来可以选择柠檬水。我们在玛格丽特岛停了几个小时,租了一辆萨里四轮双座自行车。有很多吃饭的地方,也可以步行。撰写日期:2019年5月7日
- F1851JEmarcot0 条分享欣赏“布达佩斯”多瑙河夜景的好选择!这家公司提供“布达佩斯”多瑙河日间和夜间纯观光船航班,还有每天晚上一班设有烛光晚餐的观光船服务。我们在网络上预订了设有晚餐的观光船班次,晚上7:45分出发至晚上10:15分回到码头,全程2个半小时感觉不错! 每人收费21900福林(约70欧罗),包括欢迎饮品,前菜,餐汤,主菜,甜品及观光船费用,若点额外的饮品食品当然是会另外收费的。 “布达佩斯”多瑙河两旁的夜景确是很迷人吸引,一边细意欣赏一边享用美食感觉美好,船上还有现场“爵士乐”伴奏令到环境更和谐轻松!服务员都很友善有礼态度良好!2个半小时轻轻松松转眼便过去!一个欣赏“布达佩斯”多瑙河夜景不错的选择!值得推荐!撰写日期:2019年4月28日
- mdfl870 条分享很不错的有讲叙历史的晚间巡游我和我的妻子在多瑙河上进行了一个小时的晚间巡游,度过了愉快的时光。 有一部用多种语言讲述过去布达佩斯的建筑和历史的叙述电影。还有免费的啤酒或葡萄酒。我们唯一的愿望是船上有一个露天甲板。价格合理。撰写日期:2019年4月27日
- 936sophiap0 条分享漂亮的景色我们住的旅馆推荐了它们,我们去的那天阴沉沉的,还下着雨。我们确实得到了一杯赠送的饮料,但后来我们想再买一杯,但我们却被告知他们并不收现金,这很遗憾,因为我们在船上的时间本来可以再喝一杯的。尽管它很有趣,也有一些很棒的景色,但当我们经过风景名胜时,耳机并没有实时给出景点的信息。他们告诉我们他们要把乘客送到玛格丽特岛(Margaret island),但是没有人愿意下船,我们不确定他们为什么要靠岸。总的来说不错,不过晚上去也许会更好。撰写日期:2019年4月13日
- Daphfang0 条分享觉得有点贵,但还是很不错网路查是评价最好的,餐前会上香槟或是其他酒类可以自选,服务员会来问你,整体而言还不错,面包可以免费再续,前菜建议点鹅肝酱那道,可以配面包吃,朋友觉得这家的鹅肝酱很好吃,还有点鸭胸跟牛肉都好吃,甜点大推布朗尼,这间布朗尼真的超好吃,不会过甜,热热软软吃真的很幸福,不过汤点了网路推的南瓜汤不是很喜欢,不是平常喝到的那种南瓜浓汤,他们加了一种香料油,浮在上面一层,不是很喜欢那个味道,除此之外,游船的风景不用说,布达佩斯夜景真的很美!撰写日期:2019年2月26日
- TeresaMSoares0 条分享出色这次游船太棒了。这艘船非常舒适宽敞。美味的饮料非常棒,导览音频是最棒的,音频中有一个女人扮演Pest和一个男人扮演Buda讲解着这座城市的历史。不要错过这个游船。很容易就能找到。我是在网上买的票(记得拿上导览)撰写日期:2019年2月9日
- P R0 条分享欣赏布达佩斯夜景的好方法在布达佩斯有很多观光船和游轮可供选择。我们本来预订了另外一艘船,旅程长了一倍(2个小时),而且价格贵得多(不是晚宴游轮)。我们很高兴导游为我们推荐了Legenda。这是一艘很漂亮的轮船,载着很多人,工作人员很友好,还提供香槟、啤酒或葡萄酒(他们也供应果汁)。你可以收看视频了解丰富的信息,或者可以像我们一样,想去外面看看不受窗户阻挡的风景,你可以去顶层甲板(虽然很冷,但是照片很美,非常值得!)我强烈推荐!撰写日期:2019年1月6日
- HappyCamper9170 条分享确实很像一本图画书!晚上体验多瑙河是我们的布达佩斯之旅的亮点之一。风景美得令人窒息。Legenda的员工很热情,而导游耳机给我们提供了适当的信息量。免费的饮料也是一个不错的额外福利撰写日期:2018年8月27日
- Nazli M0 条分享这是游览布达佩斯的好方法我和丈夫只是想要一次一个小时的廉价巡航,我们找到了这里。没有花里胡哨的东西,没有酒精和咖啡,只有一杯很棒的冷饮,不错的电子讲解器和有遮荫棚的船(但在夏天时仍然需要一顶帽子)。这比其他竞争者便宜得多。很划算。我在船上拍了很多很棒的照片。这是很不错的方式去游览游览布达佩斯和玛吉特岛。撰写日期:2018年8月9日
- Alena T0 条分享迷人的我们选择了晚餐,这真的不错很浪漫。包括香槟酒(真的很喜欢)。景色真是太棒了!小船做了三个来回(足够吃晚饭和享受这个夜晚)。总之:一定要在盛夏之夜乘坐。撰写日期:2018年7月19日
- Fred R0 条分享夜间船游当你来到布达佩斯,那你可千万记得去体验下夜间船游,而且搭乘这艘船观光是个欣赏城市在夜间灯火通明时的美景的好方式。撰写日期:2018年6月25日
- JackonFrodo0 条分享很棒的巡游本周和朋友们一起乘坐晚9.30的游轮巡游,我们所有人都很开心!服务很棒,语音导览很全面,整个旅程不太长也不太短。物超所值,推荐!撰写日期:2018年6月21日
- Michael F0 条分享船上的烛光晚餐我和另一半在游览船上吃了四道菜。一切都很美好。我们在游览船最顶上一张很大的桌子边用餐,这里可以看到没被破坏的风景。员工们都非常乐于助人,竭尽所能让我们的经历美好难忘。在这里,你可以以一个非常合理的价格得到你想要的份量大小正好的主餐。我们一定要推荐这里。我们在这里度过了旅程中最美好的夜晚!!撰写日期:2018年6月5日
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1,581 条点评
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Maite G
西班牙马德里3 条分享
Decepcionante, había estado en 2012, y lo más espectacular del crucero es ver el parlamento iluminado, pero sólo estaba un poco el segundo piso. La iluminación de Buda, muy bonita
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Patricia K
2 条分享
2024年10月 • 夫妻情侣
Professional and well run tour. Left on time and very orderly. Audio was kind of lame but they had blankets and free champagne which made it wonderful. River was beautiful at night!!!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Aika M
英国伦敦7 条分享
2024年10月 • 夫妻情侣
На мой взгляд ночью не стоит покупать, так как всю красоту города не разглядеть. По дороге я видела и за 15 евро, то есть дешевле ….
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
意大利罗马86 条分享
Vedere budapest dal Danubio e vederla poi di notte tutta illuminata è semplicemente spettacolare.
Consiglio di fare questa esperienza assolutamente ma di sera.
Consiglio di fare questa esperienza assolutamente ma di sera.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Yannick H
7 条分享
It was awesome and beautiful. Make sure to arrive early so you can sit on the open part on top of the boat. Highly recommend.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Dmitriy T
加拿大多伦多6 条分享
Great views from the boat of night Budapest and informative audio guide. Recommend to take to get overall city view impression.
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Mae B
2 条分享
2024年9月 • 家庭
Great activity to spend a nice evening in Budapest. Stunning views of many illuminated monuments, stars in the eyes guaranteed. Audio guide available in several languages. The excursion was maintained despite a light rain, no worries, we had a covered and glazed boat to stay dry! A little extra for the drinks offered that are brought to us during the walk.
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新泽西Forked River1 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
Overall a great trip…but…wanting to get a good seat we arrived at 5:30 for the 6:30 cruse. We were directed on to a holding barge to await boarding. The exit door to the cruse ships was closed and there are no windows. This barge is glass Inclosed and as more passengers arrived it got unbearable hot. Problem could have been solved by opening the sliding door to the ships. Boarding could still have been controlled since the boarding ramps were chained off. Once onboard we were given our free welcoming drink. Future customers should consider that they do not allow you to purchase an additional beverage. I think other cruise ships do.
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Pamela K
6 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
Spectacular ! Beautiful to see the city and bridges lit up . A must do when in Budapest !! These do sell out so buy tickets ahead of time .
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
greg c
澳大利亚凯恩斯2 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
Having traveled on a gate1 river cruise from Basel to Amsterdam in 2017 and having had a great and enjoyable journey we decided to again to go with Gate 1 on a cruise on Monarch Queen from Budapest to Regensburg. This was to occur in September 2024.
We boarded the Monarch Queen, found our cabin, moved our gear into drawers, etc and proceeded to the lounge to begin meeting our fellow travelers.
We were somewhat dismayed when it was told to us that due to flooding it was possible that we would have to leave the boat and travel on coaches for the remainder of our journey.
So we spent the night on the boat in Budapest. The service, food and entertainment on the boat were all of a high standard.
The next day we were informed that the river had been closed and we had 2 options, we could continue by coach or option 2 was to take a credit for the cruise to use at a later date. There were to be no refunds available.
Of the 150+ passengers approximately 60 took the credit and were to return to their homes while the remainder were to go forward by coach.
We were on the Monarch Queen for a second night then boarded the coaches to continue the tour.
The tour director and other staff were all excellent during the trip, as were the the local tour guides provided.
We have no complaint about being put on the coaches for the trip although of course we were greatly disappointed that our expected luxury and leisurely cruise down the Danube had turned into a lot of road travel and living out of luggage.
The hotels we stayed at were reasonable.
For all but one days lunch we were each give 20 Euros which was fine. The big disappointment was the poor quality of the dinner and lunch meals provided to us. I think that Gate 1 cut corners and costs in this regard.
Although we had an enjoyable trip with Gate 1 on the Rhine in 2017, I think that our 2024 trip will most likely put us off river cruising for the future.
We boarded the Monarch Queen, found our cabin, moved our gear into drawers, etc and proceeded to the lounge to begin meeting our fellow travelers.
We were somewhat dismayed when it was told to us that due to flooding it was possible that we would have to leave the boat and travel on coaches for the remainder of our journey.
So we spent the night on the boat in Budapest. The service, food and entertainment on the boat were all of a high standard.
The next day we were informed that the river had been closed and we had 2 options, we could continue by coach or option 2 was to take a credit for the cruise to use at a later date. There were to be no refunds available.
Of the 150+ passengers approximately 60 took the credit and were to return to their homes while the remainder were to go forward by coach.
We were on the Monarch Queen for a second night then boarded the coaches to continue the tour.
The tour director and other staff were all excellent during the trip, as were the the local tour guides provided.
We have no complaint about being put on the coaches for the trip although of course we were greatly disappointed that our expected luxury and leisurely cruise down the Danube had turned into a lot of road travel and living out of luggage.
The hotels we stayed at were reasonable.
For all but one days lunch we were each give 20 Euros which was fine. The big disappointment was the poor quality of the dinner and lunch meals provided to us. I think that Gate 1 cut corners and costs in this regard.
Although we had an enjoyable trip with Gate 1 on the Rhine in 2017, I think that our 2024 trip will most likely put us off river cruising for the future.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Buongiorno! Io ho in programma di fare la crociera la sera di Natale, ore 21. Ho letto però che alle 22 spengono le luci della città. Consigliate quindi di farla prima? Ore 19:15? Grazie in anticipo!
Hello, if you select the 19 euro/ adult, with drinks, does it have unlimited drinks from the list of “what’s included” or just one? Thank youu:)
Just one. But I think you'll be so busy snapping pictures you won't even miss the additional drinks!
There is a free drink and a bar open to buy more drinks in case you need them. I didn’t see anybody buying additional drinks, though
I have reserved Danube Sightseeing Cruise for 2 persons.
Unfortunately, we coudln't make it on time. Can we use the same ticket at different time, or we have to re-buy them?
I think you have to use it within 24hrs of activating/using your ‘all round ticket’.
Maybe check with a hotel reception or a member of staff. Sorry I can’t help more.
Hi, we bought this ticket a few hours and I put in my email and phone number to receive the tickets and my reciept, I haven’t received either. Who can u speak to with getting the address of the boat. And my tickets. My visa has been charged
I assume you checked your spam folder. I don’t have a phone number nor my tickets anymore.
Call your cc holder and complain to them, get a refund.
Our trip was crap
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